Jurnal Intesive Care
Jurnal Intesive Care
Jurnal Intesive Care
Lecture 1
Toshinori OGATA1
*1 This article is a translation of the presentation published in the Report of the JMA-PhRMA Joint Symposium held in Tokyo, Japan, on No-
vember 18, 2015.
1 Deputy Director-General for Disaster Management Bureau, Cabinet Office, Tokyo, Japan.
【版面】W:156.633mm(片段 74.083mm) H:220.133mm 【本文】★行 ★ Q ★ H
【図】●図番号・タイトル:11.3Q/14.1H Helvetica LT Std Bold 集合写真等のスナップ写真は 10Q/12.7H ●図説の幅 片段:固定 全段:図幅 ●タイトル 1
行のとき左右センター 折り返しがあるとき:タイトルの先頭合わせ 図の下の文献:図の下、囲み罫内へ 9.2Q/10H 右揃え
【表】●表番号・タイトル:11.3Q 14.1H Helvetica LT Std Bold ●タイトFig. 1
ル 1 行のとき左右センター 折り返しがあるとき:タイトルの先頭合わせ ●表説の幅:表幅
●表中:基本は 11.3Q 13.4H Helvetica LT Std Roman ●脚注:10Q 12.7H Helvetica LT Std Roman ● 1 頁に収まらないとき 9.2Q または 10Q に Q
下げ可(9.2Q のときの上下つき文字は JMAJ:の 5.5Q の文字スタイル使用)
【統一事項】●図表とタイトルのアキ 2.25 mm
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
large-scale earthquakes. It specifically suggests first aid, fire fighting, etc.; medical; supplies; and
that the possibility of a Nankai Trough Earth- fuel.
quake (with a magnitude of 8 or 9) and a Tokyo By incorporating lessons learned in the Great
Inland Earthquake within the next 30 years is East Japan Earthquake, its main feature is that
greater than 70%. The council is presently the Extreme Disaster Management Headquar-
reviewing the estimation of damage based on ters will grasp a whole picture of the damage
the Great East Japan Earthquake while promot- and action can be taken immediately without
ing countermeasures. waiting for receiving requests for assistance from
After reviewing the damage estimation, the affected areas. Wide-area support units such
it was assumed that a tsunami generated by as the police, firefighter and Self-Defense Forces
the Nankai Trough Earthquake and fires that are planned to be dispatched with a concentra-
broke out in the Tokyo Inland Earthquake would tion on key support accepting prefectures where
cause a high proportion of deaths. In particular, great damages are expected.
a tsunami from the Nankai Trough Earthquake For life saving, a timeline with target activi-
is expected to affect massive areas, causing enor- ties is set up for the five afore-mentioned catego-
mous damage. ries while keeping in mind the initial 72-hour
In March 2015, based on the estimation of maximum period for rescue, coordinating each
these damages, the specific Emergency Manage- activity according to the elapsed time from when
ment Plan for a Nankai Trough Earthquake was the disaster struck.
newly established (Fig. 3). This plan is made up Regarding medical care, JMATs (Japan Med-
of five categories in response to large-scale disas- ical Association Teams) and DMATs (Disaster
ters: emergency transportation routes; rescue, Medical Assistance Teams) are dispatched over
a broad area during the initial 72 hours and the plan is to quickly build a backup system for
requested to provide assistance to the disaster treatment by transporting critical patients out of
base hospitals in the affected areas. In addition, the disaster areas from air transport centers.
Designated Remarks
Emergency and Perinatal Medical Care Team Leader, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Tokyo, Japan (hakuno-haruhiko@mhlw.