Paris Visite
Paris Visite
Paris Visite
ex. EuroDisney
1. l'Arc de Triomphe
Partie 1: la recherche Partie 2 : le journal du voyage 2. les Catacombes
Each member of the class will research a place of Imagine that you took a weeklong trip to Paris! 3. le Centre Pompidou/
interest in Paris. You will present information to Using information from the various glogs the
inform and attract the class to visit your tourist class creates, you will write a travel log about
destination. your trip to Paris. Write about: 4. les Champs-Elysées
when you arrived 5. la Cité des Sciences et de
You must include 5-8 facts about your place of where you stayed l'Industrie
interest. These facts may include some of the where you visited/what you saw 6. la Conciergerie
following: who you met 7. la Défense
John Q. Customer
description what you ate
historical information 8. la tour Eiffel
Occupation what you bought
nearby Metro station(s) 9. l'Hôtel des Invalides
Loyal Customer how you got around Paris
map/arrondisement when you left 10. le palais de l'Élysée
Since 1998
cost of entry/tickets what you liked/didn’t like 11. le cimetière du Père Lachaise
names of famous works of art 12. le Jardin de Luxembourg
nearby restaurants/stores Requirements: 13. le Louvre
famous people associated with site you must write in French, in full 14. la Madeleine
This space
activities to do be
could here sentences
15. le Musée de l’Orangerie
used for customer you must visit at least 7 different sites
Text should be in French. You do not need to travel log should be typed
16. le Musée d'Orsay
testimonial quotes,
write in full sentences – you can simply write write in the passé composé 17. le Musée Rodin
or points for of
images or write lists. You are 18. Notre-Dame de Paris
providing important information for the class about 19. l'Opéra Garnier
your place of interest. If you include some details
John Q. Customer
you think the class will not be able to understand,
20. le Panthéon
you may include an English translation in 21. Place de la Bastille
Loyal CustomerDon’t forget to include your sources! 22. Place de la Concorde
Since 1998 23. Place des Vosges/le Marais
You will use Glogster to present facts and images 24. le Quarter Latin/la Sorbonne
(even video) to describe your place. Your Glog will
be hosted my wiki:
25. le Sacré Cœur/Montmartre 26. la Sainte-Chapelle
27. la Seine: bateaux mouches/
les bouquinistes
Français 2H Mlle Stadnicki
PLACE PHOTO HERE, 28. le parc de la Villette
OTHERWISE DELETE BOX 29. le palais de Versailles
This pr o jec t was inspir ed by ht t p://av 2par is.wikispac es.c o m by D iane K r ause