Ept436 Goals

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EPT436 Transition to the Teaching Profession (AI)

Assignment Criteria and Mark Sheet

Subject Coordinator: Rachael Jefferson-Buchanan

Assessment Task 1

Professional Goals

Student Name Hannah Gubb

Student Number 11572399
Due Date 16/07/18
Date submitted 11/07/18
Assignment Grade: Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
Marker Name: Rachael Jefferson-Buchanan Date:


Criteria Satisfactory (SY) Unsatisfactory (US)

Goals for Professional Experience Goals for EPT436 link to the Goals do not adequately align
are clearly identified, with a Australian Professional Standards with the AITSL Standards or the
rationale, actions and evidence for Teachers (AITSL) and the prior learning needs of the teacher
included. learning of the teacher education education student. Goals are not
student. Goals are SMART: SMART: Specific, Measurable,
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-
Relevant, and Time-phased. There phased. A rationale for each goal
is a clear rationale given with is either not given or is minimal.
actions and evidence Actions and/or evidence are
documented. unclear/ confused.
Formal language, with correct Formal language is maintained Slippage from formal language.
spelling, grammar, punctuation throughout. Spelling, grammar There are marked problems with
and referencing. and punctuation are accurate, spelling, grammar and
demonstrating a professional punctuation that disrupt the
standard. meaning of the text.

Your name: Hannah Gubb

Goal and rationale given as to why Action Evidence

this has been chosen
I will build a good I know I will have achieved
Goal 1: Professional Knowledge
relationship with my the goal, when I have
To be able to develop lesson plans
students in order to learn completed the necessary
with differentiated content and
about them. This will outcomes for the lesson,
teaching strategies in order to
enable me to build a profile delivering an engaging and
meet the specific learning needs of
about the most inclusive class using
students with a range of abilities.
appropriate and effective differentiated strategies.
STANDARD 1 – Know students and way to develop lesson
The achievement of the goal
how they learn (1.5 - Differentiate plans to differentiate my
will be evident as the lesson
teaching to meet the specific teaching strategies and
will be delivered smoothly,
learning needs of students across content in order to
with engagement and
the full range of abilities) & demonstrate the ideal
understanding from my
STANDARD 2 – Know the content teaching suited to a range
and how to teach it (2.1- Content of abilities.
and teaching strategies of the Written evidence from my
teaching area) supervising teacher will
indicate I achieved this goal.
Rationale: From reflection and
feedback on my prior EPT329
placement, I feel I need to work on
having the ability to differentiate my
teaching strategies and alter
content in lesson plans in order for
all students to be engaged in the
content and successfully learn.

Goal 2: Professional Practice I will demonstrate a range of Improvement in student

To be able to manage and deal with behaviour management behaviour and engagement
challenging behaviours, by strategies and ask my ST to will reflect I have adopted
understanding and developing provide feedback on the appropriate strategies.
different management strategies effectiveness of these. I will
Written evidence from my
which continue to support student also ask for strategies they
ST will indicate I achieved
engagement and participation find helpful and beneficial
this goal. Personal reflection
when teaching.
on how I handled
STANDARD 4 - Create and maintain challenging behaviour
supportive and safe learning situations will help me to
environments (4.1 Support student understand effective
participation & 4.3 Manage strategies and those not
challenging behaviour) effective.
Rationale: From reflection on my
past practicums and feedback I
gained from both teachers and
students during this time, I feel that
I need to control challenging
behaviour to ensure other students
are not effected and having
consequences for students to
ensure they understand their
actions were wrong.

Goal 3: Professional Engagement I will ask and work with my Written evidence and
To be more engaged with ST to find out ways in which feedback from my ST that I
parents/carers during the time of I can be involved with have interacted with
my placement to gain an engaging with parents and parents/carer will be
understanding of different carers during my time. If collected.
processes and reasoning for there are opportunities that
I will be able to demonstrate
contacting parents. arise for me to meet this
appropriate and effective
standard I will implement
communication strategies
steps in order to undertake
STANDARD 7 - Engage professionally and develop respectable
the opportunity
with colleagues, parents/carers and relationships with
the community (7.3 - Engage with Employ appropriate and parents/carers when
the parents/ carers) respectful professional discussing confidential or
communication with school sensitive information.
Rationale: From reflection on my
staff, visitors, parents and
two past placements, I haven’t had
a great deal of opportunity to
engage with parents/carers. I would
like to be able to undertaken this
opportunity while on placement to
understand the processes involved
when contacting parents.

Teacher Education Student: Hannah Gubb Date: 11th July 2018

Supervising Teacher: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________

Subject Coordinator: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________

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