Ept436 Goals
Ept436 Goals
Ept436 Goals
Assessment Task 1
Professional Goals
Goal 3: Professional Engagement I will ask and work with my Written evidence and
To be more engaged with ST to find out ways in which feedback from my ST that I
parents/carers during the time of I can be involved with have interacted with
my placement to gain an engaging with parents and parents/carer will be
understanding of different carers during my time. If collected.
processes and reasoning for there are opportunities that
I will be able to demonstrate
contacting parents. arise for me to meet this
appropriate and effective
standard I will implement
communication strategies
steps in order to undertake
STANDARD 7 - Engage professionally and develop respectable
the opportunity
with colleagues, parents/carers and relationships with
the community (7.3 - Engage with Employ appropriate and parents/carers when
the parents/ carers) respectful professional discussing confidential or
communication with school sensitive information.
Rationale: From reflection on my
staff, visitors, parents and
two past placements, I haven’t had
a great deal of opportunity to
engage with parents/carers. I would
like to be able to undertaken this
opportunity while on placement to
understand the processes involved
when contacting parents.