DevOps Complete Course Content V3.0
DevOps Complete Course Content V3.0
DevOps Complete Course Content V3.0
Public Cloud-AWS
Package – Artifact repository, application pre- EC2 101
deployment staging EBS
Release – Change management, release Instance /Emphermal Volumes
approvals, release automation Create a custom AMI
Configure – Infrastructure configuration and
management, Infra as Code tools Create Public and Private AMI
Monitor – Applications performance KeyPair
monitoring, end user experience How to use Putty and Putty Gen
Private Sub-Windows 2012 R2,
Devops Course Content Connectivity from Pub to Private
Introduction to DevOps Creation of Snapshots
What is DevOps Manual/Automated Snapshots
Why DevOps Load Balancers and Health Checks
Business/IT perspective Version Control--GIT
Developer/Tester perspective What is Version Control System?
Problem That DevOps Solves Git
GITHUB Automated Test Executions in
GITHUB Desktop Jenkins
Installation Visualizing Test Results
Configuration Cleaning up past builds
Basic Commands Jenkins Dashboard
Branches CI and CD using AWS Code Deploy
Repositories and Code Pipeline
Version Control-AWS CODE COMMIT Introduction to AWS CodeDeploy
What is Code Commit Components to AWS CodeDeploy
Installation AppSpec File Configuration
Configuration Deployment Using CodeDeploy
Basic Commands What is CodePipeline
Branches/Repositories Use cases of CodePipline
Build Management-MAVEN Continuous Delivery using
Automated Build Process CodePipeLine
Maven Provisioning Management Tool-
Introduction -VAGRANT
Maven Structure Introduction
Maven Dependencies What is Vagrant?
Maven Repositories Setting up Vagrant
Maven Plugins Virtual Box Installation
Integrated Maven Build Vagrant Installation
Build Management-CODEBUILD Vagrant without Virtual Box
Introduction to Build Tools Using Vagrant/Vagrant Machine
Basics of AWS CodeBuild Vagrant Files
Components of AWS CodeBuild Boxes
Using CodeBuild in your projects Running Vagrant Machines
SSH to Vagrant Machine
Continuous Integration -Jenkins-I Vagrant Boxes
What is Jenkins Basic Box Management
Installation Creating Boxes from existing
Configuring Jenkins environment
What is node Configuration Management Tool-
Configuring node Chef
Setting up a node What is Chef?
Jobs Chef Server
Plugins Chef Workstation
Description Chef-Repo
Creating Application Builds Chef-Client
Anatomy of Build Server and Nodes
Cloning the sample Project What is Cookbook
Creating the Jenkins job and What is Knife?
Configuring a Git Repo Roles
Compiling in Jenkins Creating Web/DB
Browsing the workspace in Jenkins Extending Chef
App Packaging in Jenkins Knife plugins
Deploying Nodes in Production
Unattended Node Bootstrapping Hiera
Adding Local Chef-Repo to Github Puppet Management
Data-Bags Common Console Tasks
Configuration Management Tool- Provisioning Management Tool-
What does AWS Chef Automate? Introduction to Terraform
Uses cases of Chef Automate Use Cases
AWS Chef Automate Concepts Terraform Vs Chef Vs Puppet
Launching AWS Chef Automate Install Terraform
Configuration Management Tool-- Using Terraform
AWS OPS WORKS Launching infra using Terraform
What is AWS OPSWORKS? Creating and Destroying Infra
Uses cases of AWS OPSWorks AWS DEVOPS TOOLS-ElasticBean
AWS OPSWorks Concepts Stalk
Launching AWS OPSWorks Introduction to Elastic Beanstalk
Configuration Management Tool- Use Cases
ANSIBLE Using Elastic Beanstalk
Introduction to Ansible Envoirment Provising
Installing Ensile Sample Application provisioning
Testing with First Ansible Containerization-DOCKER
Ansible Configuration Basics What is Docker
Working with python based Installing Docker on Windows,
systems Linux
Plays & Playbooks’ basics Docker Pull,Build,Run
Basic Play book Working with images
Advance Playbook usage Container Life cycle
Roles Dockerfile
Introduction to Roles Pushing App to GitHub
Role Basics Configuring Test Builds
Creating Role Performing test Builds
Ansible Galaxy Pushing App to Production
Configuration Management Tool-
Installation of Nagios
Introduction to puppet
Configuring Nagios
Monitoring with Nagios
Puppet Components
Triggering Alerts
Installing the puppet master
learning puppet master layout Elasticsearch + logstash + Kibana
Installing the puppet Enterprise Installation of ELK stack
layout Configuring the ELK Stack
Puppet.conf Monitoring
Defining & testing our first class
Puppet DSL
Adding Ubuntu Node & testing
Files & Resource Defaults