DevOps Complete Course Content V3.0

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Introduction about DevOps

DevOps is a culture, movement or practice  Overview of DevOps Pipeline

that emphasizes the collaboration and  Introduction to DevOps
communication of both Software Developers
 Overview of DevOps Pipelines
and other information-technology (IT)
 Version Source Control
Professionals while automating the process of
 Configuration Management
software delivery and infrastructure changes.
 Continuous Integration
It aims at establishing a culture and  Continuous Deployment
environment where building, testing, and
releasing software can happen rapidly,  Over of Public Cloud-AWS
frequently, and more reliably.  Introduction
 Public vs. Private Cloud Platforms
DevOps promotes a set of processes and  Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)
methods for thinking about communication
 Platform as a Service (PAAS)
and collaboration between Development, QA,
 Global Infrastructure
and IT operations. Because DevOps is a
 Virtualization
cultural shift and collaboration between 

development, operations and testing, there is  Introduction

no single DevOps tool, rather a set or  What is Virtualization
“DevOps tool chain” consisting of multiple  Basics of Virtualization
tools.  Basics of Networking
 Network and Host
Generally, DevOps tools fit into one or more
 IPv4 and IPv6
of these categories, which is reflective of the
 Classes in IPv4
software development and delivery process:
 IP addressing,
Code – Code development and review,  Deriving Network and Host
continuous integration tools  Subnetting/Subnet Mask
Build – Version control tools, code merging,  Private IP addresses series
build status  NAT addressing/NAT Gateway
Test – Test and results determine 

 Public Cloud-AWS
Package – Artifact repository, application pre-  EC2 101
deployment staging  EBS
Release – Change management, release  Instance /Emphermal Volumes
approvals, release automation  Create a custom AMI
Configure – Infrastructure configuration and
management, Infra as Code tools  Create Public and Private AMI
Monitor – Applications performance  KeyPair
monitoring, end user experience  How to use Putty and Putty Gen
 Private Sub-Windows 2012 R2,
Devops Course Content  Connectivity from Pub to Private
 Introduction to DevOps  Creation of Snapshots
 What is DevOps  Manual/Automated Snapshots
 Why DevOps  Load Balancers and Health Checks
 Business/IT perspective  Version Control--GIT
 Developer/Tester perspective  What is Version Control System?
 Problem That DevOps Solves  Git
 GITHUB  Automated Test Executions in
 GITHUB Desktop Jenkins
 Installation  Visualizing Test Results
 Configuration  Cleaning up past builds
 Basic Commands  Jenkins Dashboard
 Branches  CI and CD using AWS Code Deploy
 Repositories and Code Pipeline
 Version Control-AWS CODE COMMIT  Introduction to AWS CodeDeploy
 What is Code Commit  Components to AWS CodeDeploy
 Installation  AppSpec File Configuration
 Configuration  Deployment Using CodeDeploy
 Basic Commands  What is CodePipeline
 Branches/Repositories  Use cases of CodePipline
 Build Management-MAVEN  Continuous Delivery using
 Automated Build Process CodePipeLine
 Maven  Provisioning Management Tool-
 Introduction -VAGRANT
 Maven Structure  Introduction
 Maven Dependencies  What is Vagrant?
 Maven Repositories  Setting up Vagrant
 Maven Plugins  Virtual Box Installation
 Integrated Maven Build  Vagrant Installation
 Build Management-CODEBUILD  Vagrant without Virtual Box
 Introduction to Build Tools  Using Vagrant/Vagrant Machine
 Basics of AWS CodeBuild  Vagrant Files
 Components of AWS CodeBuild  Boxes
 Using CodeBuild in your projects  Running Vagrant Machines
 SSH to Vagrant Machine
 Continuous Integration -Jenkins-I  Vagrant Boxes
 What is Jenkins  Basic Box Management
 Installation  Creating Boxes from existing
 Configuring Jenkins environment
 What is node  Configuration Management Tool-
 Configuring node Chef
 Setting up a node  What is Chef?
 Jobs  Chef Server
 Plugins  Chef Workstation
 Description  Chef-Repo
 Creating Application Builds  Chef-Client
 Anatomy of Build  Server and Nodes
 Cloning the sample Project  What is Cookbook
 Creating the Jenkins job and  What is Knife?
Configuring a Git Repo  Roles
 Compiling in Jenkins  Creating Web/DB
 Browsing the workspace in Jenkins  Extending Chef
 App Packaging in Jenkins  Knife plugins
 Deploying Nodes in Production
 Unattended Node Bootstrapping  Hiera
 Adding Local Chef-Repo to Github  Puppet Management
 Data-Bags  Common Console Tasks
 Configuration Management Tool-  Provisioning Management Tool-
 What does AWS Chef Automate?  Introduction to Terraform
 Uses cases of Chef Automate  Use Cases
 AWS Chef Automate Concepts  Terraform Vs Chef Vs Puppet
 Launching AWS Chef Automate  Install Terraform
 Configuration Management Tool--  Using Terraform
AWS OPS WORKS  Launching infra using Terraform
 What is AWS OPSWORKS?  Creating and Destroying Infra
 Uses cases of AWS OPSWorks  AWS DEVOPS TOOLS-ElasticBean
 AWS OPSWorks Concepts Stalk
 Launching AWS OPSWorks  Introduction to Elastic Beanstalk
 Configuration Management Tool-  Use Cases
ANSIBLE  Using Elastic Beanstalk
 Introduction to Ansible  Envoirment Provising
 Installing Ensile  Sample Application provisioning
 Testing with First Ansible  Containerization-DOCKER
 Ansible Configuration Basics  What is Docker
 Working with python based  Installing Docker on Windows,
systems Linux
 Plays & Playbooks’ basics  Docker Pull,Build,Run
 Basic Play book  Working with images
 Advance Playbook usage  Container Life cycle
 Roles  Dockerfile
 Introduction to Roles  Pushing App to GitHub
 Role Basics  Configuring Test Builds
 Creating Role  Performing test Builds
 Ansible Galaxy  Pushing App to Production
 Monitoring
 Configuration Management Tool-
 Nagios
 Installation of Nagios
 Introduction to puppet
 Configuring Nagios
 Nodes
 Monitoring with Nagios
 Puppet Components
 Triggering Alerts
 Installing the puppet master
learning puppet master layout  Elasticsearch + logstash + Kibana
 Installing the puppet Enterprise  Installation of ELK stack
layout  Configuring the ELK Stack
 Puppet.conf  Monitoring
 Facter
 Defining & testing our first class
 Puppet DSL
 Adding Ubuntu Node & testing
 Files & Resource Defaults

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