Prepared By: Shalini Ois Einstein Campus

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TOPIC: Socialism in Europe and Russian Revolution.
ISSUE DATE: 27/10/17 DUE DATE: 30/10/17

Answer the following question:

1. What is the difference between the ‘liberal’ and the democrats?
2. How 19th century was a time of profound changes?
3. State the name of international body formed to coordinate socialist efforts
throughout Europe.
4. How did the Socialists succeed in influencing legislation prior to 1914?

Long Questions
1. Emergence of the Soviet Union as a great power after
World War I was considered a danger by many countries.
Give reasons.
2. What were the two stages of the Russian Revolution?
3. What factors contributed to industrialization in Russia in
the last quarter of the 19th century?
4. Briefly explain the term 'Bloody Sunday'.
5. What were the factors behind Bolshevik success in the Civil
6. Comment on the global influence of the Russian Revolution.
7. What were the social, economic and political conditions in
Russia before 1905?
8. How did Russia's participation in the World War cause the fall
of the Tsar?

Prepared by: Shalini OIS; Einstein Campus

Locate and colour coding of the powers in World war -1 with reference to the map given

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