Kinematics of Scotch-Yoke
Kinematics of Scotch-Yoke
Kinematics of Scotch-Yoke
For the plaining machines, mechanisms were needed in which forward linear motion was slower than
the reverse linear motion.
A shaft driven by a crank
That connects slider and crank.
Part of mechanism that slides in tube, with driving gear.
The Scotch yoke is a reciprocating motion mechanism, converting the linear motion of a slider
into rotational motion, or vice versa. The piston or other reciprocating part is directly coupled to a
sliding yoke with a slot that engages a pin on the rotating part. The location of the piston versus time is
a sine wave of constant amplitude, and constant frequency given a constant rotational speed.
The mechanism consists of an arm attached to a rotating disc that moves at a controlled uniform
speed. Unlike the crank, the arm of the mechanism runs at a different rate than the disc. By having the
disc run at a different rate than the attached arm, productivity increases because the amount of time
needed for a cut is reduced. The design of this mechanism specializes in vector calculus and the physical
aspects of kinematics (study of motion without the effects of forces) and dynamics (study of forces that
affect motion).
Mechanism is a system of rigid elements (linkages) arranged and connected to transmit motion in
a predetermined fashion.
The Whitworth quick return motion also has a slotted link and sliding block as shown in
figure. This mechanism is used on planing machine, which is quite large and on slotting machine
which are small. With the slotting machines a single point tool is fixed to the front of the slider and is
used for cutting fine grooves and key-ways. With planing machines the slider is the worktable on
which the workpiece is secured. This moves with slow forward and quick return motion beneath a
stationary single point cutting tool.[1]
The driving gear which contains the sliding block rotates at a constant speed. The sliding block
causes the slotted link to rotate but because it has a different centre of rotation, its speed is not constant.
As we can be seen from figure 2 above, the angle through which the driving gear and slotted link rotate
on the forward stroke is greater than the angle through which they rotate on the return stroke. This
imparts the slow forward and quick return motion to the slider
− Whitworth Quick-Return Mechanism is a device where reciprocating motion in forward stroke is
slower than the return Stroke
− Can be used for operating the tool of a shaping machine etc. in which the return is made more
rapidly than the cutting stroke so as to reduce the idling time.
Velocity can be calculated by taking the ratio of average displacement over rotation of the crank at each
Acceleration can also be calculated by taking the ratio of velocity over rotation of the crank at each
point. a=
1. Rotate the crank 20o and note down the displacement.
2. Keep repeating the previous step with the increment of 20o in crankshaft rotation up to 360o
3. Record the results in the table.
4. Draw the graphs of displacement, velocity and acceleration with the obtained values.
Sr. # Rotation Displacement Displacement Displacement
θ S1 S2 Savg
1. 0o 0 0 0
2. 20o 1.5 1.5 1.5
3. 40o 7 7 7
4. 60o 16 15.5 15.75
5. 80o 27.5 27.5 27.5
6. 100o 39.5 39.5 39.5
7. 120 50.5 51 50.75
8. 140 60 60 60
9. 160o 66.5 66.5 66.5
10. 180o 69.5 69.5 69.5
11. 200o 68 68 68
12. 220o 62.5 62.5 62.5
13. 240o 53.5 53.5 53.5
14. 260o 41.5 41.5 41.5
15. 280o 28.5 29 28.75
16. 300o 17.5 18 17.75
17. 320o 8.5 8.5 8.5
18. 340o 2 2.5 2.25
19. 360o 0 0 0
Sr. # Rotation Displacement Velocity Acceleration
θ Savg v a
1. 0 0 0 0
2. 20o 2.75 0.075 0.00375
3. 40o 2 0.275 0.01
4. 60o 6 0.4375 0.008125
5. 80o 18.5 0.5875 0.0075
6. 100 33 0.6 0.000625
7. 120o 39.75 0.5625 -0.00188
8. 140o 41.25 0.4625 -0.005
9. 160o 41 0.325 -0.00688
10. 180o 39.75 0.15 -0.00875
11. 200o 37 -0.075 -0.01125
12. 220o 34 -0.275 -0.01
13. 240o 30.25 -0.45 -0.00875
14. 260o 26.5 -0.6 -0.0075
15. 280o 22 -0.6375 -0.00188
16. 300o 18 -0.55 0.004375
17. 320o 13 -0.4625 0.004375
18. 340o 9 -0.3125 0.0075
19. 360 5.5 -0.1125 0.01
Displacement-time graph
Velocity-time Graph
Acceleration-time Graph
Displacement Curve
Velocity Curve
This graph shows that the velocity of mechanism that moves on linear scale w.r.t time. This
graph shows that velocity changes equal in equal interval of time. That forms a sinusoidal
Acceleration Graph
Acceleration-time graph, velocity-time graph & Displacement-time graph is obtained by the values got
from scotch York mechanism.
The difference between Xcel and software is that in Xcel we use distance but in software we use
displacement for plot the graph.
Difference occurs due to friction between various parts of machine that’s why we can’t obtained
sinusoidal graph.
− The values of table and graph may vary due to parallax error.
− Due to defection in S-θ graph there are difference in the v-θ graph.
By scotch yok mechanism we can determine graphical relationship between the linear
displacement of the sliding block and angular displacement of input cranck. This mechanism
mostly used in high pressure oil and gas pipeline to control valve action. It has also be used in
internal combustion engine like hot air engines and steam engines. By this mechanism we can
saw the motion of various part of machine where pressure directly related with power and
exhausting system.
While driving the mechanism eye should be set on the scale of scotch yoke apparatus.
Perform the experiment with your partner by this reading has more chances of
Take reading be carefully with mutual understanding with your partner.
While experiment move the scotch yoke mechanism with normal speed.
1. "Science Links Japan | Effect of Piston Speed around Top Dead Centre on
Thermal Efficiency". 2009-03-18. Retrieved 2011-12-06.