Ready Mixed Concrete Operations: Recycled Water
Ready Mixed Concrete Operations: Recycled Water
Ready Mixed Concrete Operations: Recycled Water
Recycled Water
Ready Mixed
Operations By Colin Lobo
and Gary M. Mullings
feature continued
the research conducted at the hardened concrete properties. A typical cubic foot mixer, tempered with water
NRMCA Alfred H. Smith Research air-entrained portland cement concrete to a very high slump and water slurry
Laboratory to answer some questions on mix design without any admixtures was was decanted over a 150 µm (No. 100
reusing recy- cled water in concrete. selected using stock materials from the sieve). The water slurry passing the
The study was intended to simulate a research laboratory. The design mixture sieve was captured in a five-gallon
practical situation where a producer has characteristics and proportions are pro- bucket and represented the wash water
an environmental management system vided in Table 1. The experimental from the mixer. This wash water was
that includes a returned concrete variables used in Phase I of the study kept agitated using a motorized paddle
reclaimer that gener- ates recycled are listed in Table 2. Note that the to keep the solids in suspension for
water slurry. The slurry is kept agitated solids contents of the recycled water, the duration of the testing. The water
in tanks and is used in a controlled 3
slur- ry solids content varied from
at 30 and 60 lb/yd , are at levels that
manner as a portion or all of the batch about 40 percent solids by mass to
are double and four times the current
water in concrete mixtures. An about 25 per- cent toward the end of
limit for solids in ASTM C 94. This
important point to note is that the the series at nine days as it was
series was replicated three times for a
char- acteristics of the slurry in this periodically diluted to maintain a
total of 48 concrete batches.
tank will be quite variable as water is sufficient volume for the
removed and
added to it from truck wash out during tests. A portion of the recycled water
any production day. Figure 1 illustrates Table 1 – Design Proportions and was allowed to stand for about two
the variation of solids content with Characteristics of Concrete hours and clear water was siphoned
time from an actual recycled water Portland Cement 600 lb/cu.yd off the top to represent clarified
holding tank. Adding this variable Mixing Water 300 lb/cu.yd. recycled water.
product with- out control is sure to Natural Sand 1,100 lb/cu.yd.
cause batch-to- batch variations of Limestone coarse
concrete properties. It is imperative that aggregate, max. size 1 inch 1,800 lb/cu.yd.
the producer has a sys- tem in place that Air content 4 to 6%
recognizes this variabil- ity and Slump 3 to 5 inches
adjusts for it so that the
customer does not see differences in
concrete performance properties in Table 2 – Experimental variables in
sub- sequent loads of concrete. Phase I of the Study
The first phase of the study also Water • Tap water (Control)
includes a situation where a producer • Clarified recycled water
might use relatively clear water from a • Recycled water at 30 lb Figure 2 – Laboratory Set-up to Maintain Agitated
sedimentation pit after the solids have solids per cubic yard Recycled Water Slurry
settled out. The reader is advised that • Recycled water at 60 lb
the data and trends are very specific to solids per cubic yard When concrete mixtures were made,
the materials and conditions used in Age of slurry • 4 ± 1 hour samples of the recycled water slurry
this study. • 1 day were obtained and the density was mea-
• 3 days sured by determining the mass of
Procedures • 9 days water in a container of known
The first phase of the NRMCA volume. The water slurry sample was
study was to quantify the basic effects Recycled water then dried to constant mass in a
of using recycled water on fresh and A concrete mixture was mixed in a 1 microwave oven to determine the
percentage of solids by mass. At least
two samples of recycled water were
tested in this manner on each day and
the average was used to establish to quantify the sample is heated to 750ºC. A portion
the water slurry density and solids progressing degree of of the solids was dissolved in acid to
content. Solids were filtered out hydration of cement in determine the insoluble residue. Since
from the water slurry to measure these solids. Loss on cementitious materials dissolve in acid,
the loss on ignition and specific ignition is the loss in mass
gravity. This information is useful when an oven-dried
Figure 1 – Variation in Solids Content in Recycled Water. Courtesy: M.D.A. Thomas, U of New Brunswick the insoluble residue represents the fine
2 ı SPRING 2003
sand fraction, which was about 10 measured to estimate the initial setting the range of 70 to 75ºF and air con-
per- cent of the mass of the dry solids. time. A 4 x 8-inch cast cylinder was tents and slumps were at target levels
placed in an insulated 5-gallon contain- within the acceptable tolerances.
Concrete batches er. A thermocouple embedded in the
On each day, four concrete batches center of the cylinder was connected Water Demand
with the four types of mixing water list- to a data logger to obtain the rate of Figure 3 illustrates the calculated
ed in the first row of Table 2 were heat evolution of the concrete. A mixing water content for all the batches
mixed. The concrete batches were nom- correlation was established between at 30 minutes to achieve and maintain
inally 0.75 cubic foot size batches in a 1 initial set from the C 403 method and a the target five-inch slump. The chart
cubic foot revolving drum laboratory point on the heat signature curve. After indicates that the mixing water
mixer. Standard ASTM procedures some confi- dence was achieved with content for the nine control batches
were used to mix the concrete batches this correla- tion, set time was was quite similar and averaged about
and to conduct the fresh and hardened measured using the heat signature for 308 lb/yd . The chart also indicates
concrete tests. To achieve the target the batches in the third round of the effects of using clarified recycled
solids contents in the mixing water, replication. water and recy- cled water slurry to
recycled water slurry with known solids Specimens for hardened concrete incorporate 30 and 3
60 lb/ solids per
content was diluted with a calculated tests from each batch included four 4 yd . The recycled water slurry was used
quantity of tap water used. Clarified x 8-inch cylindrical specimens for at ages of four hours, one day, three
recycled water was used at 100 com- pressive strength determination at days and nine days as indicated in
percent of the added water in those seven and 28 days; one 4 x 14-inch Table 2.
respective batches. cylinder with embedded gage studs When clarified water was used, the
for drying shrinkage measurement; mixing water content was essentially
Testing one 4 x 14- inch cylinder for freeze- similar to the control batches.
Concrete mixtures were mixed to a thaw testing; and one 4 x 8-inch When recycled water slurries were
target slump of 5 inches. After the ini- cylinder for rapid chloride incorporated to achieve the target solids
tial mixing for eight minutes, slump permeability testing. content of 30 and 60 pounds, the mix-
and density were measured. Air content ing water demand to achieve and
(gravimetric) was calculated from the Results and Discussion main- tain the target slump increased.
measured density. Concrete from these The results of three replicate batches The increase is proportional to the
tests was returned to the mixer. The for the same experimental condition amount of solids and the age of the
mixer was covered to prevent evapora- were very reproducible and within typi- recycled water slurry. With four-hour
tion and the concrete was periodically cal batch-to-batch variation quantified old slur- ries, the increase in mixing
agitated and retempered with water as for procedures used at the research water was minimal, but as the slurry is
necessary to retain the target five-inch lab- oratory. The average value of aged past one day, a higher water
slump until approximately 30 minutes three replicates of each condition is demand is noticeable.
after the ingredients were batched in reported in many cases in the By monitoring the loss on ignition
the mixer. This was done to simulate a subsequent discus- sion. Detailed data and specific gravity of the slurry
30-minute delivery time of ready mixed on calculated con- crete mixture solids, it was observed that the contin-
concrete and what might typically proportions, slump, temperature, ued cement hydration with time caus-
occur in practice. It is important to air content and hardened concrete test es the solids to get finer and of a
note that the batches were adjusted to results are available and are not lower specific gravity. These finer or
achieve a similar target slump and not reported here for the sake of brevity. fluffier
to a constant water-cement ratio. Concrete temperatures were in
After the 30-minute period, the
concrete was discharged into a sample
container and the mass of discharged
concrete was determined so that precise
mixture proportions could be calculat-
Fresh concrete tests included evolution (or heat signature) of the
slump, temperature and density. Initial concrete was
setting time was measured by two
methods. The first method was in
accordance with ASTM C 403 by the
penetration resistance on a wet-sieved
mortar. On several batches, the heat
Figure 3 – Mixing Water Content for Individual Concrete
CONCRETE in focus ı 3
Recycled Water
at the University of Toronto
n 1996, ready mixed concrete produc- water cement ratio. Results from this The study included an evaluation
ers in Ontario, Canada, commis- study and several field study cases of on a wide range of concrete
sioned the University of Toronto to external slabs on grades placed in properties. Selected data are reported
conduct a study, similar to the NRMCA 1996 were reported to the Canadian here.
study, on the effects of wash water in Standards Association (CSA) in 1998 The study also measured the chem-
concrete. The important differences in (personal communication, Dr. istry of the recycled water and the
the U. of Toronto study were that M.D.A. Thomas, currently at the alkalies, chlorides and sulfates were
wash water slurries were used from University of New Brunswick). significantly below the limiting criteria
concrete production facilities and The experimental variables in this in ASTM C 94. Increased scaling was
laboratory mixtures were prepared to study were: observed when concrete slabs made
a constant with recycled water at a higher solids
Table 1: Experimental Variables content were tested by ASTM C 672,
Air entrained Non-air entrained Test Method of Concrete Surfaces
Cement content, kg/m3 (lb/cu.yd.) 375 (630) 250 (420) Exposed to Deicing Chemicals. Field
w/cm ratio 0.40 0.62 slabs have not revealed an increased
Solids from recycled water, kg/m3 (lb/cu.yd.) • 0 (control) • 0 (control) scaling. ASTM C 672 does result in a
• 10 (17) • 20 (34)
more severe exposure and indication of
• 20 (34) • 40 (67)
scaling that has not been observed in
• 40 (67) field concrete.
Figure 1.1: Slump of air entrained and non-air entrained concretes Figure 1.3: 28-day compressive strength of air entrained and non-air entrained concretes
Figure 1.2: Setting time of air entrained and non-air entrained concretes Figure 1.4: ASTM C 1202 results for air entrained and non-air entrained concretes
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feature continued from page 3
CONCRETE in focus ı 5
feature continued
Phase II
With the observation that recycled
water slurries used at four hours did not Figure 7 –
Setting time of
cause significant detrimental effects on concrete
mixing water demand and setting batches with
time, the second phase of the study recycled water
at the ASTM
was C 94 solids
6 ı SPRING 2003
Simple Procedures for
Quality Control
When Using Recycled Water
he primary criteria for question- time and this will serve as calibration
able sources of mixing water in for the density measurement if the
ASTM C 94 are for setting time hydrometer will be used during pro-
and strength. When compared to using duction.
tap water (control), the setting time
should not be accelerated by more Solids content
than one hour or retarded by more The quickest way is to dry a
than 90 minutes; and the seven-day sample of recycled water slurry in a
strength should not be less than 90 microwave oven (Figure 2.3). Use a
percent of control. Test methods glass dish with fiberglass cloth (check
referenced in ASTM C 94 are those at boat repair shop). Obtain the empty
used for cement testing – ASTM C mass of the dish and the cloth.
109 standard mortar cube, and ASTM Pour the recycled water slurry sam-
C 191 Vicat set. Equipment for these ple from the density measurement into
tests typically is not used in the glass dish and cover with the
laboratories at concrete plants and a Figure 2.2 – Density measurement of water using a fiber- glass cloth to prevent loss of
revision is being attempted to permit hydrometer solids dur- ing drying.
these tests on concrete sam- ples with
the same criteria.
While the solids content is the
The more accurate method is to
requirement in the standard, producers
determine the mass of recycled slurry
will typically measure the density (spe-
water in container of known volume
cific gravity) of recycled water slurry
(Figure 2.1). Another common proce-
and establish blending percentages of
dure is the use of a hydrometer
slurry and tap (or well) water to meet
(Figure 2.2). This is less accurate as
a target density. A water slurry at
the solids tend to settle rapidly.
50,000 ppm correlates to a density
To determine the density, use a
of about
cylindrical container with a glass or
1.03 g/mL. Figure 2.3 – Determining solids content in a
Plexiglas plate that fits over it. Calibrate microwave oven
The following are recommended
the volume of the container in accor-
tests and procedures that can be used
dance with procedures used for cali- Place the dish in a microwave oven
to determine blending percentages of
brating air or unit weight buckets, as and dry it until all the water has
recy- cled water slurry and tap water
in ASTM C 29. evapo- rated. Determine the mass of
to com- ply with a limit on solids.
Obtain the mass of the empty con- the dish until two subsequent
tainer and plate. weighings do not change by much
Take a representative sample of (0.5 g). The percent- age of solids in
recy- cled slurry water from the pit the recycled water slurry can now be
and fill it in the container. Cover the calculated. Convert percent solids to
container with the plate ensuring that ppm by multiplying by 10,000.
there are no air bubbles in the
container. Wipe the outside dry and Develop a correlation
obtain the mass. The density is the net Make these measurements on recy-
mass of water in the container divided cled water slurry on several days to
by its volume. cover the range of solids contents that
The operator might also obtain will be anticipated at a production
hydrometer readings on a separate sam- facility. Add to this data with periodic
ple of recycled water slurry at the
Figure 2.1 – Density measurement of water by mass same
CONCRETE in focus ı 7
lish a linear relationship (for slurry density and the solids content
tests on the recycled water slurry. Estab- simplicity) between the (see Figure 2.4). Based on target density
of the mixing water, one can calculate (50,000 – 2000)
the blending percent- ages. of this recycled water slurry and tap RW = –––––––––––––––– = 34%
water (assume density of 1.00 and (144,000 – 2000)
Example total dissolved solids of 2000 ppm for
Figure 2.4 illustrates a sample rela- sim- plicity), for a target solids The same equation can be used if
tionship of recycled water density and content, the following relationship can the preference is to work with water
solids content in ppm. This relation- be used: density, where the respective water den-
ship holds only for this particular con- RW x SRW + (1 – RW) x STW = TS sity replaces the solids content.
crete plant. A spreadsheet and graphing Where: Blending recycled water slurry and
software (like MS Excel) can be used to tap water is frequently done with in-
RW = Recycled slurry water
plot this relationship and obtain an
TW = Tap water = (1-RW) line water density gages and automated
SRW = Solids content of recycled adjustments. Ensure that the software is
In this example the relationship
slurry water doing these calculations accurately and
between the solids content and the
den- sity is as follows: STW = Solids content of tap water calibrate these density gages using the
Solids content, ppm = 1356495 TS = Target solids content (limit) simple procedures described here. The
(Density) – 1348016 in mixing water producer should check the density of
If the density of the slurry on a par- The percent recycled slurry water recycled water at a minimum frequency
ticular day is 1.10, using this can be calculated by rearranging the of two per day. When mixing water is
equation, the solids content is previous equation: used at a higher solids content, there
approximately 144,000 ppm. are other adjustments necessary to
(TS-STW) batch ingredients to compensate for
To determine blending percentage RW = ––––––––––
(SRW-STW) the water and solids in the recycled
water slurry and to establish more
If the target solids content is the accurate mixture proportions and
ASTM C 94 limit or 50,000 ppm, the water-cement ratio. The producer
percentage recycled water slurry to should also docu- ment strength and
blend with tap water in this example setting time data to provide to the
will be: customer on request. ■
Figure 2.4 – Correlation between density and solids content for recycled water slurry
8 ı SPRING 2003
feature continued from page 22
feature continued
cantly higher than the ASTM C 94 crete in freeze-thaw environments. cation, Newington Concrete and
limit for solids resulted in increased 7. Results of this laboratory study indi- New Rock Materials, Newington, VA
mixing water demand and accelerated cate that hydration stabilizing admix- 6. Dave Beckham, personal communica-
setting time. The effects were more tures can be used to overcome the tion, Knelson Concrete Recovery Sys-
pronounced with an increase in the negative effects of age and higher tem, British Columbia, Canada
age of the slurry past one day and an solids content in recycled mixing 7. A Novel Method Of Recycling
increase in the solids content. water. ■ Returned Concrete Using Extended
4. At the higher solids content, four- Life Admix- tures, Seiji Nakamura and
hour-old slurries had a minimal References Lawrence R. Roberts, Proceedings of
effect on the setting time and water 1. ASTM C 94, Specification for Ready Congress of the European Ready
demand of the concrete mixtures. Mixed Concrete, ASTM, West Con- Mixed Concrete Organization
Setting time and strength for these shohocken, Pennsylvania, www. (ERMCO), 1998
batches were similar to control. This
indicates that hydrated cement in the 2. Gray Water Recycling, Article in 3 Acknowledgements
slurry solids at later ages is the parts, Greg Vickers, The Concrete This research study would not have
primary reason for the negative Producer, from October 2002, Han- been possible without the planning and
effects on water demand and setting ley-Wood LLC, www.worldofcon dedication of Richard D. Gaynor, previ-
time. ously executive vice president at NRMCA
5. Mixtures that had a higher water 3. Slurry Compensation Calculations¸ per- and NAA, and the assistance of Soliman
con- tent due to the use of higher sonal communication from Rich Ben-Barka, senior lab technician at the
solids recycled slurry had an Szecsy, Lattimore Materials Corpora- AH Smith Research Lab. The financial
associated reduction in strength and tion, Dallas, Texas and technical assistance of the following
increase in drying shrinkage and 4. Use Of Slurry Water In Concrete – Field is also gratefully acknowledged: Portland
rapid chloride permeability results. & Laboratory Investigations; Implica- Cement Association; Grace Construction
6. Freeze thaw results of all concretes in tions for Standards, M. D. A. Thomas, Products; Master Builders; Holnam, Inc.
this study were acceptable, indicating personal communication and presen- (now Holcim); Transit Mix Concrete,
that when recycled water is used, tation to CSA, 1998 Colorado Springs, CO; Boral Materials;
attaining adequate air entrainment 5. Scott Hammersly, personal communi- The Aberdeen Group (now Hanley-
and strength will provide durable con- Wood) and Cadman.