Opd Paper33
Opd Paper33
Opd Paper33
The paper examines working of outdoor patient departments in a general hospital. There are several inpa-
tient wards and out-patient departments and hundreds of patients visited the hospital daily for treatment.
The place is chaotic and noisy, especially in the morning. The current performance is evaluated and newer
ways are identified to measure the performance of the hospital. Various alternatives are evaluated by sim-
ulating each of them. As against the commonly held view that there is a shortage of staff in the hospital, it
is actually a problem of maintaining discipline and scheduling of staff. Further, there is a need to change
the way activities are performed. The paper also suggests ways of measuring process oriented perfor-
mance of Outdoor Patients Department (OPD) and OPD registration counters.
The public health delivery in India is in very bad shape. A large part of blame is laid on the low spending
on health infrastructure. This is further aggravated by the fact that service orientation is very low in gov-
ernment hospitals. In fact, the process of measuring service quality does not exist in public hospitals.
There are several reasons for this. Firstly, there is no pressure to perform, either from customer or superi-
ors. Quite often, patients from lower income groups are the only ones who visit government hospitals.
Their expectations are so low that any service as long as it is available is acceptable. Secondly, the ad-
ministrative staff in government hospitals are not trained in management and do not understand funda-
mental principles of management in operations, finance, or human resources. The absence of the man-
agement knowledge makes it difficult for them to conceive better solutions. Thirdly, government
hospitals are yet to introduce the concept of benchmarks. In absence of benchmark and performance man-
agement systems, no comparison of services can be done within various wards and departments in a hos-
pital or between various hospitals.
The hospital in consideration is located in the state of Gujarat, India. It has a capacity of 250 beds in
inpatient wards. It caters to approximately 1200 patients on average on any given day in the outdoor pa-
tients departments (OPDs). OPD provides services to those patients who are not required to be admitted
to hospital. They are given medicines and are required to visit again as requested or required by the doc-
tor. Staff shortage in the hospital is a major concern for the employees in the hospital. Given the increase
in patient traffic, the only feasible option is to look for ways and suggest means by which the performance
of the system could be improved. In this case, we focus on OPD, as it is the section where the hospital
experiences heavy load. The motivation for this work was:
Huarng and Lee (1996) deal with the issue of overwork and overcrowding in in an out-patient department
of a local hospital in Chia-Yi in Taiwan. The study focused on the utilization of doctors and staff in the
out-patient department, the time spent in the hospital by an out-patient, and the length of the out-patient
queue. The paper explains a computer simulation model with changes in appointment system, staffing
policies and service units would affect the observed bottleneck. Hunt et al. (2008) examine the im-
portance of early treatment in medical emergencies for pediatric and cardiopulmonary cases. Based on
observational study, they report that significant delays and communication error take place and focus
should be given to avoid these while educating the medical staff. Xiao et al. (2009) examine the medical
emergencies and propose a framework to modify the workflow. They suggest that by downgrading lower
priority jobs and combining separate processes can shorten patient total waiting time in the emergency
Joshi (2008) simulated the emergency department using discrete event simulations modeling using
ARENA 10.0 software. With different arrival patters and service time durations the model helps to esti-
mate the resource requirements. Ghosh and George (2006) have developed a computer based physician
requirement model that helps to generates activity-wise and overall physician requirements. The software
helps to conduct scenario analysis by changing utilization levels.
Kumar (2011) use system simulation for finding out the optimal bed capacity according to patient
flow of emergency and routine patients. Ma and Demeulemeester (2010) discuss the issue of surgical in-
patients who are given alternative ward as there is a bed-shortage in the original ward. They use patient
misplacement as the main performance indicator of service level. Chen et al.(2010) study capacity alloca-
tion model from the perspective of revenue management by using two-class and multi-class capacity allo-
cation models.
The hospital under study is headed by a medical superintendent (MS). Patients are either given treatment
in the OPDs or admitted in wards. It is a multi-specialty hospital, commissioned in 1971 and currently has
a with a bed capacity of 250.
There are twelve OPD (including medical, obstetrics, orthopedics etc.), nine indoor wards (including
medical, surgery, gynecology etc.) and five operation theaters (including surgery, gynecology, orthope-
dics, etc.). Amongst all the sections, it was the OPD that attracted a maximum number of patients on dai-
ly basis. Figure 1 shows the process of OPD. The following sections provide details of OPDs.
Ward 1
Counter 1 Ward 2
Registration Ward 3
Patient Patient
Arrives Counter 2 Leaves
Ward 12
Counter 8
Verma and Gupta
The counters are supposed to be managed by thirteen staff members that include a supervisor. How-
ever, only eight persons are posted to manage the nine counters, of which five people works during nor-
mal hours and three people works during off-shifts on emergency counters. One staff member manages an
emergency window. Therefore, the eight registration counters are manned by the four persons. The OPD
supervisor frequently helps the subordinates in managing the windows. According to the OPD supervi-
sor, “We lack at least four clerks and a class III employee in the OPD section”.
Verma and Gupta
According to a senior officer the recess break had continued there since long. Since it is a regular
trend to have the break, there hadn’t been any actions to stop it. It was accepted as a routine practice.
For the afternoon shift, registration starts at 2.30 PM, whereas doctors arrive at 3.30 PM (in some
cases at 3.40 PM) and work up to 4.00 PM (sometimes 4.15 PM).The time taken for doctors to treat pa-
tients depends on illness. The average time taken per patient for medical OPD is 2.85 minutes, for ortho-
pedics 3.05 minutes, skin 2.65 minutes, surgery 2.95 minutes, TB 2.53 minutes, genecology 6.33 minutes
and dentist 2.6 minutes. The average time was computed by taking a sample of 50 patients for each OPD.
Verma and Gupta
The recess time, as mentioned earlier, refers to the time period of half an hour, ranging from 11.00
AM to 11.45 AM, when most of the doctors either in groups or individually take a tea break outside the
corridors of hospital. This break was taken by almost all the doctors in the hospital. This break also re-
sulted in long queues in OPDs. A senior officer said that the number of doctors in the hospital was much
less than what was required. He felt that it was quite difficult for the hospital to survive with this staff.
Many nurses had a common complaint that the doctors tend to take break from work at will; it is they
who had to work continuously without rest.
The arrival pattern of patients was observed for one week. Fifty patients were shadowed to under-
stand the time spent at each station. In the simulation, the patient arrival was simulated in the same patter-
as that observed in real situation.
The motivation for the above scenarios was that minimum change should be brought in the working
of doctors, as they were very resistive to change. Their cooperation is essential for the successful change.
We assume that the responsible persons would be able to change the process as required.
Verma and Gupta
Results from all scenarios for parameter have been tabulated together to facilitate easy comparison.
In the process, examination by doctor is considered to be a value-add-activity as patients come for this
particular requirement. Registration is considered to be non-value-add as it is required by the hospital and
is not a need of the patients.
As none of the scenarios modified any value-add or non-value-add activity, results from all the sce-
narios were the same, as presented in Table 2. It can be seen that non-value-add time and value add time
remain approximately the same in all five cases. The difference is observed in waiting times. The average
waiting time reduces significantly in the case where the registration counters are opened at 9.20 AM in-
stead of 08.30 AM.
From Table 3, it can be seen that extended registration time will have significant impact on reduction
in waiting time at registration counters. Similarly late start of registration will have impact on waiting
time at wards. Similar impact can also be seen in maximum waiting times. It is a counter-intuitive and yet
very important observation; late start of a service will improve performance of the system rather than its
early start.
The utilization of doctors in wards goes down in scenario 3,4 and 5 as the doctors work without break and
hence total time available increases. Various scenarios bring a change in the utilization at registration
counters. Introduction of token system reduced the variability at registration counters and brings its utili-
zation to similar levels at all the counters. Table 4 shows the utilization of doctors in wards and Table 5
shows utilization at registration counters.
Verma and Gupta
Verma and Gupta
The work-in-process in the system is measured in terms of number of patients present in the hospital at a
given point of time. As it can be seen in Figure 2, the peak number of patients are in existing system as
well as, token system at 218. The peak is lowest when the doctors work without taking a break and regis-
tration time is extended. While the peak increases with delay in opening of registration window, it re-
mains for very short period.
Figure 2: Number of patients in hospital under various scenarios (No. of patients vs. time).
As seen in Figure 3, the removal of break at 11.00 AM brings significant impact in peak load at
wards. Further, delay in opening of registration window also balances the load significantly. Figure 4
shows the impact of various scenarios at registration counters. Introduction of token system balances the
load at registration counters. If registration time window is expanded, it will further balance the peak
load. Delay in opening of registration window, will increase the peak load at registration counters, though
it will balance the load in wards.
The simulated data was validated by collecting actual observation. Following checks were made.
1. The number of patients arriving should be same as the real scenario and proportion of patients of each
illness type should also be same.
2. The number of doctors available should match the availability in the hospital.
3. The time taken at each station should be according to the distribution observed.
As mentioned data was collected in all the wards, and registration counters to observe real distri-
butions. Fifty patients were shadowed to check that the simulated data match with the observed data.
Verma and Gupta
Impact of
of Break
Impact of
Delay of
Verma and Gupta
Impact of
Impact of
Token and
Impact of
Token and
Time with
Late start
Verma and Gupta
Verma and Gupta
In this paper, we have measured the load on various OPDs in a hospital and identified the bottlenecks in
the system. As against the commonly held view that there is a shortage of staff in the hospital, it is actual-
ly a problem of maintaining discipline and scheduling of staff. Further, there is a need to change the way
activities are performed. We also show that by reducing unevenness in demand, we can deliver better ser-
vices. We also suggest ways of measuring process oriented performance of OPDs and OPD registration
counters. Finally, we simulate the system with existing models and other alternative models and demon-
strate the change in the behavior of the system.
Chen, C., Y. Zhu, T. Zhu, and Q. Lin. 2010. “Capacity Allocation Model and Its Application in
Community Hospital Ward Management.” Journal of Tsinghua University Science and Technology
50 (6): 961–964.
Ghosh, B., and C. George. 2006. “Computer-assisted Physician Requirement Planning.” Journal of
Health Management 8 (1): 157–166.
Huarng, F., and M. H. Lee. 1996. “Using Simulation in Out-patient Queues: a Case Study.” International
Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 9 (6): 21–25.
Hunt, E. A., A. R. Walker, D. H. Shaffner, M. R. Miller, and P. J. Pronovost. 2008. “Simulation of In-
hospital Pediatric Medical Emergencies and Cardiopulmonary Arrests: Highlighting the Importance
of the First 5 Minutes.” Pediatrics 121 (1): e34–e43.
Joshi, A. J. 2008. “Study on the Effect of Different Arrival Patterns on an Emergency Department’s
Capacity Using Discrete Event Simulation”. Kansas State University.
Kumar, S. 2011. “Modeling Hospital Surgical Delivery Process Design Using System Simulation:
Optimizing Patient Flow and Bed Capacity as an Illustration.” Technology and Health Care 19 (1):
Ma, G., and E. Demeulemeester. 2010. “Assessing the Performance of Hospital Capacity Planning
Through Simulation Analysis.” Available at SSRN 1749312.
Xiao, N., S. Dutta, R. Sharman, and H. R. Rao. 2009. “A Simulation Based Study in a Hospital
Emergency Department: Capacity and Workflow Issues.” AMCIS 2009 Proceedings. Paper 495.
SANJAY VERMA is an Associate Professor in the Computer and Information Systems Group at IIM
Ahmedabad, India. His research interests lie in Project Scheduling and Operations Management with spe-
cific focus on retail, health and infrastructure. His email address is sverma@iimahd.erent.in and website
address is http://www.iimahd.ernet.in/faculty-and-research/faculty-profile.html&user_id=90.