Bolts Base Plate Design To Eurocode PDF
Bolts Base Plate Design To Eurocode PDF
Bolts Base Plate Design To Eurocode PDF
Check base plate and bolts supplied by Tower manufacturer
considering typical pedestal with maximum reaction loads
pile cap
Anchor bolt
EN 1993‐1‐5:2005 Grade of Base plate S275
Table 3.1 Design strength (thickness ≤ 40 mm), py = 275 N/mm2
Table 3.1 Bearing capacity of base plate, Pbs = 460 N/mm2
Grade of Bolt = 8.8
EN 1993‐1‐8:2005 Shear strength of bolts, Ps = 640 N/mm2
Table 3.1 Tension strength of bolt, Fub = 800 N/mm2
Steel Designers'
Bearing Strength of concrete (allowable), fp = 0.6 x fcK= 15 N/mm2
Manual, 6th Edition
(2003) Pb (actual) < fp (allowable) Bearing Pressure OK
Plate Thickness
Nominal gusset plates shall be provided for fixing;
3 0 m m a n c h o r b o lt
1 5 0 x 1 5 0 a n g le
Consider 1 mm strip of base plate as shown in Fig. 6
Lever arm, ℓ = 275 mm
Bearing pressure, Pb = w = 1.58 N/mm2
Maximum moment on base plate, M = wℓ2/2 = 59797.77 Nmm
Bearing Strength of concrete, fp = 0.6 x fck= 15.00 N/mm2
Using the effective area method,
Area of plate required Areq= Nult/fp = 774.9x1000/0.6xf ck 51660 mm
Compute actual bearing area as a function of outstand, c
Refer to figure A5 above,
(2c+15)(150‐15) + (2c+15)(2c+150) = 57400
4c2 + 600c ‐ 53125 = 0
solving the equation gives c = 62.5 62.5 mm
Plate thickness
Steel Designers'
Manual, 6th Edition Thickness of base required, tp = c(3w/py)0.5 were w=fp 25.28 mm
Provide 40 mm thick base plate 40 mm
Bolt Design for Shear;
Check 8No. 30 mm Ø Anchor bolts 30 mm
Shear force to be resisted, Fh = 51.3 kN
EN 1993‐1‐1:2005 Shear capacity of bolts, P = PsAb
Bolt Data Ps = shear strength per bolt
Steel Designers'
Manual, 6th Edition For Grade 8.8 bolts, Ps = 640 N/mm2
n = no. of bolts = 8 No.
Effective Diameter (Excluding 3mm for shank) = Db = 27 mm
Ab = Effective Area of bolts = πDb²/4 = 572.6 mm2
Total shear capacity of bolts, n*P = 2931.7 kN
Provide 8No. 30 mm bolts
Bolt Design for Tension;
Minimum tensile strength, fyk = 800 N/mm2
Ft = 774.9 kN
Ft per bolt = 96.9
Effective Area of bolts, As = πDb²/4 = 572.6 mm2
Actual bolt tensile load, T = Ab*ft = 55.46 kN
EN 1993‐1‐8:2005 Allowable tensile load, Ft,Rd = K2*Fub AS / ym2
Table 3.4 Effective Area of bolts, As = πDb²/4 = 572.6 mm2
Table 3.1 Fub= Bolt tensile strenght = 800 N/mm2
Table 3.4 K2 = 0.9
Table 2.1 Ym2 = partial factor of safety = 1.25
Allowable bolt tensile stress, Ft,Rd= 330 kN
Steel Design Guide, John
Minimum embedment length, Lm = 17d> 100mm = 510 mm
T Dewolf. (2003)
Adopt Bolt length, L = 900.00 mm
Provide a Total Bolt Length of 900 mm
Consider tension load on base due to load reversal
Max. Tension = Max. Compression
Tensile force, Ft = Nult = 774.90 kN
Table 34 Tension carried by each bolt = Ft/8 = 96.86 kN
EN 1993‐1‐1:2005 Tension capacity of bolts, Pt = 0.8FubAt = 366.46 kN
Bolt Data Total tensile capacity = n*Pt = 2932 kN
Check combined shear and tension;
EN 1993‐1‐1:2005 Combined shear and tension;
Fh/Ps + Ft/Pt ≤ 1.4
Ps = shear strenght of bolt = 2931.70 N/mm2
Pt = Tensile capacity of bolt = 2931.71 kN
Ft = Tensile Force force to be resisted = 774.90 kN
Fh= shear force to be resisted= 51.30 kN
Fh/Ps + Ft/Pt ≤ 1.4 0.28 OK