06 Chapter1
06 Chapter1
06 Chapter1
Queueing Theory : An
1.1 Introduction
Queue or waiting line is a social phenomena common in any modern society, when the
available facilities are not sufficient to meet the immediate needs of the customers.
That is, a queue is a particular kind of collection in which the entities in the collection
are kept in order and the principal operation on the collection are the addition of the
entities to the rear terminal position and the removal of the entities from the front
terminal position. This is equivalent to the requirement that once an element is added,
all elements that were added before have to be removed before the new element can
research, where various entities such as data,object,persons or events are stored and
held to be processed later. In these contexts, the queue performs the function of
a buffer. The units in the queue, who demand service at the service center and
wait if the service is not prompt is called customers. The mechanism arranged to
provide service to the customers at the service center is called server. That is, queue
it can only hold a limited number of customers. Most queueing models assume an
infinite queue, even though this is almost certainly not strictly true in the majority
modeling process simpler. Also, if the maximum queue size is significantly larger than
the likely number of customers at any one time, then to all intents and purposes it is
infinite in size. The amount of time which is a customer waits in the queue for service
There are three main concepts in queueing theory, which are queue (waiting line),
customer and server. The queueing theory is the probabilistic study of waiting lines.
Although it does not solve all types of waiting line problems,it provides useful and
of the particular waiting line under study. Since the predictions about the waiting
times, the no. of waiting at any time, the time for which the server/servers remain
busy etc. rely heavily on the basic concept of stochastic processes, it can very well
fic. It is interesting to note here that only after the world war II, it was realized
that the queueing theory has widespread applications in various fields, such as indus-
nication system etc. Since queueing theory is applied in different fields, also the
terms jobs and tasks are often used instead customers and service center is often
Queueing theory deals with the analysis of a queueing system.Gross and Harris (1974)
described the queueing system as customers arriving for service,waiting for service if
it is not immediate and if having waited for service, leaving the system after be-
ing served. There are several everyday examples that can be described as queueing
system, such as bank teller service, computer systems, manufacturing systems, main-
customers arrive to the system. The system may have either a limited or an unlimited
capacity for holding units. The source from which the units come may be finite or
infinite. A unit may arrive either singly or in a group (bulk arrival). The interval
between two consecutive arrival is called the inter arrival time or interval. The arrival
pattern of a system is measured in terms of the average number of arrivals per unit
time (mean arrival rate) or by the average time between successive arrivals (mean
by either the mean arrival rate or the mean inter-arrival time. On the other hand, if it
is probabilistic, then their mean values provide only measures of central tendency for
the arrival pattern, and further characterization is required in the form of the prob-
ability distribution associated with the random process. If the arrival pattern does
not change with time, then it is called a stationary arrival pattern, otherwise, it is
called non-stationary (transient). The commonly used input distributions are Poisson
Another factor to be considered regarding the arrival pattern is the reaction of the
customers in the queue. If the queue, is too long, a customer may decide not to enter
it upon arrival and in this situation he is said to have balked. On the other hand, a
customer may enter the queue, but after some time lose patience and decide to leave.
In this case, he is said to have reneged. In the event that there are more than one
queue, customers may switch from one to another, that is jockey for position. These
three situations are all examples of queues with impatient customers. If the arrival
pattern does not change with time, then it is called a stationary arrival pattern,
described by the number of services per unit time (service rate) or by the time required
to service customer (service time). Service may also be in single or in batch, further
and service is that service rate or service time are conditioned on the fact that the
system is not empty, that is, if the system is empty, the server is idle. The servers
that become idle may leave the system for a random period of time called vacation.
These vacations may be utilized to perform additional work assigned to the servers.
The service rate may depend in the number of customers waiting for service. In this
3. Queue discipline : Queue discipline refers to the rule by which customers are
selected for service when a queue is formed. One of the most important and often
practiced queue discipline is first in first out (FIFO). Some others in common usages
are last in first out (LIFO). Another queue discipline is service in random order (RSS).
In some cases, customers are given priorities up on entering the system, the ones
with higher priorities to be selected for service ahead of those with lower priorities,
regardless of their time of arrival to the system. There are two general situations
in priority discipline. In the first, which is called preemptive, a customer with the
highest priority is allowed to enter service immediately after suspending even the
service in progress to a customer with lower priority. In the non-preemptive case, the
highest priority customer goes to the head of the queue but cannot get into service
4. System capacity : In some queueing process, there is a finite upper bound to the
queue size. In this situation, a customer is forced to balk if he arrives at a time when
queue size is at its limit. This is a simple case of balking, since it is known exactly
parallel service stations which can provide identical service facilities to the customers
6. Stages of service : A service station may have several stages. That is, there may
exist a series of service stages through which each customer must progress prior to
The analysis of queueing system with fixed (deterministic) inter-arrival and service
times does not present much difficulty. We shall be concerned with models or systems
where one or both (inter-arrival and service times) are stochastic. Their analysis will
involve a stochastic description of the system and the related performance measures
as discussed below.
2. Distribution of the waiting time in the queue or system,the time that an arrival
has to wait in the queue. If Wn denote the waiting time of the nth arrival, then of
3. Distribution of the virtual waiting time W(t), the length of time an arrival has to
first two being in continuous time and the third one in discrete time. It will be seen
that some of the queueing processes that can we would come across are Markovian
and some are Semi-Markovian. From some of the non-Markovian processes that arise,
Markov chains can extracted at suitable regeneration points and Semi-Markov pro-
cesses can be constructed there from. The theory of Markov chains and Semi-Markov
process thus plays an important role in the study of queueing processes. The problem
imations etc.
various situations, as well as queue discipline, service rules strategies etc and
1.4 Notations
The widely used notation to represent a queueing process was introduced by Kendall
(1953). According to him, a queueing process is described by the notation A/B/X/Y /Z,
number of service channels, Y is the system capacity and Z is the queue discipline.
The commonly used inter-arrival time and service time distributions are
GI - General Independent
The following are the definitions of certain terms connected with a queueing process
2. System size : The number of customers waiting in the queue and the customers
in service.
3. Waiting time in the queue : The duration of time spent by a customer in the
4. Waiting time in the system : The time spent by a customer in the queue and
5. Busy period : The time interval over which a server is continuously busy.
6. Idle period : The time interval during which the server is completely free.
The analysis of queueing models give light to the behavior and performance measures
of the queueing system such as expected queue length, average system size, average
waiting time, expected busy period etc. The transient and steady state probabil-
ity distributions have been used for finding the performance measures of a queueing
does not depend on time. An equilibrium state is the stable behavior of the system
attained after being in operation for sufficiently long time. That is, steady state distri-
bution is the limiting behavior of the queueing system. Transient results are, however,
more difficult to obtain, and not many such results are found in the literature. Morse
(1955) studied the M/M/1 queue and obtained the transient state probabilities of the
number in the system at time t. The problem was studied and a complete solution
was obtained in the 1950’s by several researchers using different methods. The steady
state behavior of the queueing system were primarily investigated by Erlang (1917)
and he obtain the steady state probabilities for M/M/1/∞. The main limitation
observed in the steady state distribution is that there may exist many stochastic pro-
cesses with the same stationary distribution. Whitt (1983) in the detailed study of
the queueing system GI/M/1, remarked the problem of using stationary distributions
alone for describing the stochastic behavior of a queue. Hence to see the stochastic
nature of a queue, some transient behavior of the queueing system should also be
considered along with the stationary distribution. The method of Laplace transform
can be applied to obtain the transient distribution and the steady state probability
distribution (if exists) can be obtained by using the final value theorem on Laplace
transforms. The following are some of the methods for measuring the performances
of a queueing system.
1. Embedded Markov Chain Method : This is the widely used method in queue-
ing theory introduced by Kendall (1953). Under this method, a discrete time Markov
Palm (1943). The points of regenerations may be the service completion time, the
departure time of a customer, the arrival time of a customer etc. The transition prob-
ability matrix of the extracted markov chain can be used for finding the performance
a general technique, was introduced by Cox (1955). In fact, Kendall (1953) proposed
Cox (1955) analysed the M/G/1 queueing system using this technique. The method
is based on the treatment of the couplet (N(t),X(t)). Henderson (1972) considers the
couplet (N(t),Y(t)), where Y(t) is the remaining or residual service time of the cus-
X(t) or Y(t).
ley in 1952. In this method the customer arrival times are taken as the regeneration
points and considered the waiting time of the nth customer as the object of study.
Other notable contributions and discussions on the integral equations can be seen in
Smith (1953), Prabhu (1965a), Gross and Harris (1974), Karlin and Tailor (1975),
{X(t), t ∈ T }, for each time point t ∈ T is generally known as sample path or trajec-
tory. The sample path may be defined for all t, by joining the path (t, xt ) by straight
line or the trajectory being so defined that it remains a constant except for jumps of
unit magnitude corresponding to those Xt which are equal to one. The graphical rep-
resentation of sample path shows movements of the outcome of the process or state
over time. By associating probability with the path, it is possible to estimate the
probability of events related to sample path. Thus the process related to the sample
path can be analyzed more effectively by using this technique. In queueing theory,
the sample path is a powerful method for the evaluation of the performance measures
and its relation ships. See sample path method by Stidham and Thaha (1995) for
more details.
5. The Matrix Analytic Method : Starting with the introduction of phase type
that extends and modifies the earlier transform method to multivariables and makes
it amenable for solution with the help of computers. See Neuts (1978,1981), Sengupta
(1989), and Ramaswami (1990,2001). The use of phase type distributions in the rep-
resentation of system elements and the matrix analytic method in their analysis has
significantly expanded the scope of queueing systems for which useable results can be
Queueing theory as a part of probability theory has been developed largely in the con-
the early 1920’s he developed the famous Erlang model to evaluate loss probabilities of
for calculation in finite source input situations by Engset several years later leading to
the Engset model. In 1951 G.K.Kendall published his work about embedded Markov
Chains, which is the base for the calculation of queueing systems under fairly general
input conditions. He also defined a naming convention for queueing systems which
is still used. Nearly at the same time D.V.Lindely developed an equation allowing
for results of a queueing system under fairly general input and service conditions. In
1957 J.R.Jackson started the investigation of network queues thus leading to so called
queueing network models. With the appearance of computer and computer networks,
queueing systems and queueing networks have been identified as a powerful analysis
The steady state solutions for queueing system were primarily investigated by Er-
lang (1917), where he obtained the steady state probabilities for a Markovian delay
model and a Markovian loss model. The investigation in the study of time depen-
dent solution of a queueing system began in 1930’s, however the credit for the first
transient solution goes to Bailey (1954b). He obtained time dependent solution for
equations. Morse (1955) studies M/M/1 queue and obtained the transient state prob-
abilities of the queue size at different time point. Champernowne (1956) obtained the
solution of M/M/1 queue using the method of difference equations have considered by
Conolly (1958) and Feller (1966). Pegden and Rosenshine (1982) and Hubbard et al
(1986) have studied M/M/1 queueing system with two dimensional state associated
with the number of arrivals and departures and obtained transient state solutions.
Cohen (1982) studied transient solution of the M/M/1 queue and obtained the re-
and obtained transient solution of M/M/1 queue in terms of an integral and a fi-
nite series. Abate and Whitt (1987,1988) considered M/M/1 queue and studied its
transient behavior via Laplace transforms. The method of sample path is applied by
Bacceli and Messey (1989) to obtain the performance measure of an M/M/1 queueing
system. Mohanthy and Panni (1990) have used a discrete analogue of the M/M/1
queue and discussed its transient solutions. Conolly and Languris (1993) investigated
M/M/1 queue and obtained a formula for the transient state probabilities. Sharma
and Maneshwar (1993) considered the busy period of M/M/1 queueing systems With
infinite capacity and obtained performance measures. Sharma and Sharma (1993)
obtained an expression for the waiting time of a unit in an M/M/1 queue, where the
priority of a unit decrease with time. Sharma and Tarabia (2000) obtained transient
state probabilities of the queueing model M/M/1/N. Lalith A Kulkarni and San-gi
Li (1996) considered the transient behavior of queueing systems with correlated traf-
fic. Barbot and Sericola (2002) considered an infinite capacity buffer receiving fluid
at a rate depending on the states of an M/M/1 queue. Draief and Mairesse (2005)
analyzed the service times of customers in a stable M/M/1 queue in equilibrium de-
pending on their position in a busy period. Antunes et al. (2006) studied the impact
of busy period of a M/M/1 queue of a small perturbation in the service rate. Kherani
(2006) considered an M/M/1 queue and obtained the distribution of sojourn times,
waiting time, busy period etc. Indra and Ruchi (2009) considered transient solution
cesses and have broad practical meaning. Examples of such systems may be found in
banks, telephone exchanges, hospital admission systems, seaports etc. Queueing sys-
tems with multiple channels have been studied by many researchers through various
methods. Disney (1962) analyzed two channel models with ordered entry having no
space for queue with same service rates and obtained steady state probabilities of the
waiting time distribution. Yao (1987) discussed the nature of the multi channel queue
with ordered entry. Mastsui and Fukuta (1997) obtained system size probabilities for
multi channel queue with ordered entry and heterogeneous server. Krishnamoorthi.B
C.H.Matta and M.M.El Genaidy (1998) considered on Poisson queue with three het-
erogeneous servers. The transient behavior of the multi server M/M/c queue has been
analyzed by Saaty (1960) and obtained its transient probability distribution. Jackson
and Henderson (1966) considered M/M/c queue and obtained transient probability
Templeton (1973) studied the multi server model M/M/c and derived the busy pe-
with finite input source N) as an application problem to electronic and obtained sys-
tem probability distribution. Borthakur and Chaudhary (1999) discussed the steady
state behavior of an M/M/c queueing system with a general start up time under an
N-policy. Margolious (2005) derived an integral equation for the transient probabil-
ities and expected number in the queue for the time dependent multi server Poisson
time or service time or both does not posses the Markov property is known as non-
Markovian queueung system. Hence the Markov property cannot be applied directly
for the analysis of non-Markovian queueing models. The first paper on estimating
parameters in a non-Markovian system is by Goyal and Harris (1972), who used the
transition probabilities of the imbedded Markov chain to set up the likelihood func-
tion. Since then significant progress has occurred in adapting statistical procedures
to various systems. For instance, Basawa and Prabhu (1981,1988) considered the
sequential probability ratio technique for the control of M/Ek /1 and Ek /M/1; and
Armero (1994) used Bayesian techniques for inference in Markovian queues, to iden-
tify only a few. Medhi (2002) studied more general M/G/1 queue with a second
optional channel and obtained transient solution, busy period distribution and the
steady state Pollaczek-Khinchin formula. Kella et al.(2005) studied some time de-
A queueing system in which the arrivals or service or both occur in groups is known as
arrive singly at a service facility. However, this assumption is violated in many real-
world queueing situations. Letters arriving at a post office, ships arriving at a port in
convoy, people going to a theater, restaurant, and so on, are some of the examples of
queueing situations in which customers do not arrive singly but in bulk or in groups.
Also, the size of an arriving group may be a random variable or a fixed number.
Mathematically and also from practical point of view, the cases when the size of an
arriving group is a random variable, are more common, and also more difficult to
The study of bulk arrival queue may be said to have begun with Erlang’s solution of
the M/Ek /1 queue (Brockmeyer et al.1948). The Major contributions on bulk arrival
queues are made by many researchers. Sharada (1973) obtained the solution for a
queueing problem with batch arrivals and correlated departures. Indra and Sharada
(2004) obtained explicitly the probabilities of system with latest arrival run having
maximum effective length one. Madan et al.(2004) studied a single server queue with
batch arrivals and two types of heterogeneous service with different general service
calculate the waiting time distribution for the G/G/1 queueing system with batch
arrivals queueing system with Erlangian service time. Indra and Vijay (2010) analyzed
a two dimensional bulk arrival queueing model with exhaustive and non-exhaustive
service policy.
We now turn to queueing situations in which arrivals occur singly, but service is
in bulk. Bulk service queues have potential applications in loading and unloading
of cargoes at a sea port, in traffic signal systems, in computer networks where jobs
halls and so on. Bailey (1954) introduced the concept of bulk service and the same
Sharada (1981) obtained results for a limited space correlated queueing problem
with departures in batches of variable size. Prem Chand (1988) obtained the explicit
time of a FCFS single server queueing model in which arrivals are occurring singly
and are served in batches of variable sizes. Chaudhry and Templeton (1983) gave a
comprehensive treatment of single and multiserver systems with group arrivals and
individual service or individual arrivals and batch service. In 1964 Bhat analyzed a
single server bulk queues by the technique of imbedded Markov chain. After that,
bulk arrival and bulk departure queues were studied by Gupta and Goyal (1966).
Delbrouck (1970), Gaur (1973), Boathakur and Medhi (1974), Prabhu (1987) etc.
Suzuki (2007) studied approximate analysis for bulk arrival queueing system with
bulk service and the steady state probabilities of the system by using successive
Queueing models with server vacation are useful for the systems in which a server
wants to utilize the idle time for different purposes. Application of server vacation
models can be found in manufacturing systems, designing of local area networks and
data communication system etc. Introducing vacation in the queueing models make
the model more realistic and flexible in studying real world queueing situation. Be-
cause of the wide application of vacation queueing models, considerable attention has
paid to analyze queueing system with vacation policies. Many researchers have ana-
lyzed vacation queueing problems for both Markovian and non-Markovian queueing
models. The Markovian models may be more appropriate in practice and may have
certain advantages. Kella.O (1989) considered the threshold policy in the M/G/1
queue with server vacations. Chaudhary (1995) considered M/G/1 queueing system
with vacation and setup time. Boxma and Yechaiali (1997) introduced multiple types
of feedback gated vacations for M/G/1 queue. Lee et al.(2001) gave an analysis of
The inclusion of vacation into bulk queueing models makes the model more feasible
to the practical situations. Some researchers have also paid their attention towards
this direction. Using matrix geometric method, Nadarajan and Subramaniyan (1984)
analyzed M/M (a,b) /1 queueing system with server’s vacation. Li and Zhu (1996) pro-
vided an explicit formula for the Laplace transform of the additional delay for M/G/1
queues with delayed vacations and exhaustive service discipline. Reddy and Anitha
and waiting time distribution of an arriving customer for M/M (a,b) /1 queueing system
with multiple vacations and change over time.Reddy et al.(1998) presented analysis of
a bulk queue having the assumptions of N-policy, multiple vacations and setup times.
Chaudhary (2001) obtained the expected delay in services due to vacation period for
M/M/1 queueing system under N-policy and exponential setup time. Madhu Jain
and Poonam Singh (2005) considered the state dependent bulk service queue with
finite buffer single vacation queue with accessible and non-accessible batch service.
sources, and customers, which represent users or transactions. The term network of
queues describe the situation where the input for one queue is the output from one or
more other queues. Queueing network models are widely used in diverse areas, such
as production and assembly lines, maintenance and repair operations, airport termi-
network is said to be open if customers enter from outside the network, circulate
among the service centers (or queues) for service, and depart from the network after
the service. That is, an open queueing network can receive customers from outside
the network. In the case of closed network a fixed number of customers circulated
indefinitely among the queues and no arrivals from outside of it. A network queue
is said to be mixed if some customers enter from outside the network and eventually
formulations for the analysis of queueing networks are due to Whittle (1967,1968)
and Kingman (1969), who treated them in the terminology of population processes.
Complex queueing network problems have been investigated extensively since the be-
ginning of 1970’s. Several survey papers and books summarize the major contribution
made in this area. These includes Basket (1973), Kelly (1979), Whitt (1983a,b) Dis-
ney and Kiessler (1987), Harrison and Nguyen (1990,1993) Ananthram et al.(1993)
In discrete time queueing systems both the inter-arrival and service time distributions
are discrete. During the last two decades, discrete time queueing models have been ap-
plied to model digital communication systems and packet switches. Recently interests
in the discrete time queues have increased due to their numerous applications in the
(ATM), multiplexers in the broad band integrated services digital net work (B-ISDN),
multiple access (CSMA), protocols and traffic concentrators in which the time axis is
divided in to slots. One of the reasons for this is that in discrete time queues t, the
slotted nature of telecommunication systems better than the continuous time counter-
parts, and hence they give more accurate performance measures of these systems. In
discrete time queues, the time axis is divided into fixed length time intervals referred
to as slots. Arrivals and services of customers can start or end at slot boundaries only,
so that the service time is an integer multiple of slots. These assumptions are suitable
for modeling ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) networks. Discrete time queue-
ing process are better suited than continuous time models to evaluate performance
measures such as packet loss and packet delay in computer and telecommunication
networks, because of the clock driven operation of those systems. In real life, usually
we observe limited waiting space. So the study of finite buffer queueing models is
systems. Bruneel.H. and Kim.B. considered the discrete time models for communi-
performance analysis of finite buffer discrete time queue with bulk service. Lee.Y
(2001) considered the discrete time GeoX/G/1 queue with preemptive resume prior-
ity. Lee.Y and Lee.K.S (2003) considered the discrete time GeoX/G/1 queue with
preemptive repeat different priority. Lee.Y, Kim.H and Huh.J.D (2003) considered
GeoX/G/1 queue with non preemptive priority. Goswami.V and Samanta.S.K (2009)
considered a discrete time single and batch service queue with accessibility to the
tomers for which the queue is ordered and the higher priority customers are served
first. Under this rule, customers are grouped in priority classes on the basis of some
teristics, and FCFS rule is used with in each class to provide service. Treatment of
Priority queueing systems have been considered by many researchers in different con-
text. Jaiswal (1968) has given a detailed discussion on priority queues. Scharge and
Miller (1966) considered an M/G/1 queue with priority is assigned on the basis of
shortest processing time. Miller (1981) considered M/M/1 priority queues and ob-
tained steady state probabilities. Deng and Tan (2001) considered a single server
two-queue priority system with change over times and switching threshold. Harison
(2002) considered response time in M/M/1 queue with ageing priority and obtained
Queueing systems in which arriving customers who find all servers and waiting posi-
tions, if any, occupied, may retry for service after a period of time, are called retrial
queues or queues with repeated attempts. The most obvious example is provided by a
person who desires to make a phone call. If the line is busy, then he cannot queue up
but tries again sometime later. Thus retrial queues are characterized by the following
feature: a customer arriving when all servers accessible for him are busy, leaves the
service area but after some random time repeats his demand. Retrial queues are a
type of network with re-servicing after blocking. Thus, this network contains two
nodes : the main node, where blocking is possible and a delay node for repeated
attempts. As for other networks with blocking, the investigation of such systems
presents great analytical difficulties. Neverthless, the main feature of the theory of
retrial queueing systems as an independent part of queueing theory are quite clearly
drawn. In particular, the nature of results obtained, methods of analysis and areas
of applications allow us to divide retrial queues into three large groups in a natural
way as single channel systems, multi channel fully available systems and structurally
complex systems. The standard queueing models do not take in to account the phe-
important problems. Retrial queues have been introduced to solve these deficiency.
One of the earliest papers in retrial queues was On the Influence of Repeated Calls
basic problems of telephone traffic theory and the influence of repeated calls in which
he considered the more general M/M/c retrial queue with impatient customers. In
1968, Keilson, Cozzolino and Young published the first result on M/G/1 retrial queue
using the method of supplementary variable. In 1990, Neuts and Rao suggested an
approximation with the help of the model where the retrial rate stays constant when
the number of customers in orbit exceeds some level. In 2004, Janos Roszic, Janos
Sztrik and Che-Soong Kim considered retrial queues in the performance modeling of
Queueing systems with control limit policy has many concrete applications and also
has the capability to narrate certain real life situations. There is increasing interest
in the subject of control of queueing systems. This is due to in large part to the wide
systems. There are many real life queueing situations in which jobs are served with
to process the jobs manually one by one, and when the number of jobs exceeds that
that some set up cost is needed to initiate a batch service and when a batch service is
started, no setup cost is required for the service of the successive batches and only the
service cost is required. So when a batch service is started the server may continue
to serve in batches, even when the queue size is less than the specified level but not
procedure of controlling a queueing system by control limit policy include the choice
of state dependent service rate, specification of limits to begin and stop services, suit-
able choice of vacation scheme to the servers and assigning cost structure to holding
customers in the queue and service etc. In the queueing system under N-policy the
server commences service only when the queue size reaches at least N(N ≥ 1). The
server serves the customer either one by one or in batches until the system becomes
empty or below a specified level (quorum). In each time, when the system becomes
empty or below the quorum size, the server waits until the queue size become at
least N to commence the service. If the server continue the service until the system
become empty is called N-policy with exhaustive service. The first contribution to
the analysis of a queueing system with N-policy without vacation was due to yadin
and Naor (1963). Bhom (1992) analyzed an M/G/1 queue with N-policy and de-
rived transient distribution of the queue length. T-policy is another control policy,
according to which the service facility is turned off for a fixed period of time T, after
the service completion epoch of all customers present in the system. Heyman (1968)
with control limit policies and exponential startup time is considered by Baker (1973).
In a queueing system with D-policy, after the service completion epoch of all the units
in the system, the server re-opens as and when the total accumulated work load ex-
ceed the critical level D. The queueing system under D-policy Was first studied by
Balachandran (1973). Sivazalin (1979) and Artilejo (2001,2002) have studied M/G/1
queueing system with D-policy. Lee and Beak (2005) considered queue length of the
(1993), where the server begins service if the queue size is at least N and continue to
serve even when the queue size is less than M after a service completion epoch. Motir
and Ramy Khalid (2010) considered the random walk process in a bi-level (M,N)-
policy queue with multiple vacations. A single and batch service M/M/1 queue with
bulk service queueing system under the policy (K,N,M) was considered by C.Baburaj
(2000). The single server bulk service rule introduced by Bailey (1954) is known as
the usual bulk service rule, in which the server serves the customers in batches of size
not more than b, the capacity of the server. After a service completion epoch, if he
finds not more than b waiting, then he takes all of them in a batch for service and
the server is intermittently available. Neuts (1967) introduced a bulk service system,
where the server starts service only when at least a units in the system and serves
a maximum of b units at a time. If after a service completion epoch, the queue size
is less than a, the server waits till there are a units. This bulk service rule is called
general bulk service rule (GBSR). Borthakur (1971) considered the busy period of a
bulk queueing system with a general bulk service rule. Medhi and Borthakur (1972)
considered a two server Markovian queue with a general bulk service rule. Medhi
(1975) introduced the waiting time distribution in a Poisson queue with general bulk
service rule. Baburaj and Surendranath (2005) considered an M/M/1 bulk service
queue under the policy (a, c, d), where the server begins service only when the queue
size is at least a specified level c, and serves a maximum of d units in a batch. The
server continue to serve even when the queue size is less than the specified level c,
but not less than a secondary limit a (a ≤ c ≤ d), after a service completion epoch.
In many practical situations the arriving customers are considered for service with
current batch in service,with some limitation, for example, cinema hall, elevator etc.
That is, in the general service (a, b) rule, if a batch being served does not employ its
full capacity of service, late arrivals may join the ongoing service as long as the number
in that service batch is less than a pre-defined threshold d (a ≤ d < b). The service
time of the batch is not changed by inclusion of such arriving customers in course
if the number in the service batch exceeds d, the batch becomes non-accessible for
late arriving customers and such a batch is called non-accessible batch (NAB). This
has been considered by Kleinrock (1975). It may be noted that the accessible batch
service has more economic utilizations in providing better service to the queue. For
bulk service queue with accessible and non-accessible batches. Baburaj.C and T.M
Surendranath (2006) considered an (a, c, d) policy bulk service queue with accessible
and non-accessible batches. A discrete time single and batch service queues with
finite buffer single vacation queue with accessible and non-accessible batch service
In this study we consider queueing models under different control limit policies. The
single server bulk service rule introduced by Bailey (1954) is known as the usual bulk
service rule. Neuts (1967)introduced the general bulk service rule (GBSR). Borthakur
(1971), Medhi (1975,1984,1994), Chaudhary and Templeton (1983) and many other
researchers studied similar models. Bhat (1964), Teghem (1986),Cohen (1969) etc.
have considered bulk queues with varying batch sizes. Baburaj and Surendranath
(2005) considered an M/M/1 bulk service queue under the policy (a, c, d), where the
server begins service only when the queue size is at least a specified level c, and serves
a maximum of d units in a batch. The server continue to serve even when the queue
size is less than the specified level c, but not less than a secondary limit a(a ≤ c ≤ d),
after a service completion epoch. Here we study the (a, c, d) policy queue under
Bernoulli schedule, under the customer’s choice, with single and batch service in
discrete case, with state dependent service rates and with multiple vacations. Also
the performance measures of a controllable bulk service queueing system with two
Bernoulli schedule. Here the server begins service only if the number of units in the
completion epoch, the queue size n is less than c but not less than a secondary limit
a (a ≤ c ≤ d), then with probability p, the server serves them altogether in a batch
and with probability 1 − p, the server becomes idle. The service time distribution
to be Poisson with parameter λ.The transient and steady state behavior is discussed
and obtained explicit expressions for the steady state probabilities, expected queue
length, expected busy period and expected waiting time in the queue.The optimality
problem is also discussed and obtained expressions for the optimal control limits a
and c.
An (a, c, d) policy bulk service queue with accessible batches under the customer’s
a poisson process with parameter λ. Here the server allows late arrivals to join the
ongoing service till the batch size is less than b (accessible batch) and the arriving unit
has a choice either to enter the accessible batch or to wait in the queue till the service
of the next batch begins. Here we assume that the arriving unit join the accessible
batch with probability p or with probability 1 − p he waits in the queue till the service
of the next batch begins. In this model the server continue to serve even when the
queue size n is less than c but not less than a secondary limit a (a ≤ c ≤ b ≤ d),
the model. Section 3 presents the analysis of the model. The transient and steady
state behavior of the model is studied in sections 4. Explicit expressions for the
steady state distribution, expected queue length and expected busy period are given
in sections 5,6 and 7. In section 8 the method of determining the optimal control
Chapter 4 deals with a state dependent M/M/1 single and batch service queue
under the policy (a, c, d). The arrival process is assumed to be Poisson with parameter
λ. Here the customers are served by a single server either one at a time or in batches
with different service rates depending on the number of units in the queue. In this
model if the number of units in the queue is less than a specified limit c, the server
serves the units manually according to FCFS rule and the service time distribution
serves a maximum of d units in a batch and the service time distribution is assumed
completion epoch, the number of units in the queue is less than c but not less than a
secondary limit a, the server serves them altogether in a batch and the service time
III service). When n less than a, the server begins manual service. The transient
and steady state behavior of the model is discussed and explicit expressions for the
steady state probabilities, expected queue length and busy period are obtained. The
Chapter 5 explains the steady state probabilities, expected queue length, expected
busy period and optimality problem of a state dependent M/M/1 single and batch
service queue under the policy (a, c, d) with multiple vacations. Here the customers
are served by a single server either one at a time or in batches with different service
rates depending on the number of units in the queue and the arrival process is assumed
to be Poisson with parameter λ. In this model if the number of units in the queue is
less than a specified limit c,the server serves the units manually according to FCFS
rule and the service time distribution is assumed to be exponential with parameter
II service). If after a Type II service completion epoch, the number of units in the
queue is less than c but not less than a secondary limit a, the server serves them
a vacation, when he returns, if the queue length is less than c, he leaves for another
A discrete time single and batch service queue under the policy (a, c, d) is discussed
in chapter 6. Here the customers are served by a single server. The inter-arrival
if the number of units in the queue is less than a specified limit c, the server serves
a single customer at a time and if the number of units in the queue exceeds the
specified limit c the server adopts batch service and serves a maximum of d units
in a batch. When a batch service is started, the server may continue to serve in
batches even when the queue size is less than c, but not less than a secondary limit a
(a ≤ c ≤ d), after a service completion epoch. When the queue size is less than a, the
server begins manual service. The service times are also assumed to be independent
Chapter 7 explains the transient and steady state behavior and some performance
measures of a controllable bulk service queueing system with accessible and non ac-
cessible batches. A controllable bulk service queueing system with two servers, where
the server I allows accessibility to the batches of ongoing service is considered is con-
sidered in this chapter. The arrival process is assumed to be Poisson and the service
rule is as follows: When the system size is less than or equal to the control limit b1 , the
to the batches while the service is on progress and if the system size is more than b1 ,
then both the servers (server I and server II) are busy, where server I serves b1 units
in a batch and from the remaining server II serves a maximum of (b2 − b1 ), where
b2 > b1 units in a batch according to FCFS rule with out accessibility to the batches.