10 - Chapter 2
10 - Chapter 2
10 - Chapter 2
In India, specific studies on brand choice for consumable non-durable goods have
received little attention from researchers. So, while reviewing the literature, interest is
entirely focused on studies conducted in India and abroad dealing not only with product
under study and/or other consumer non-durables, but to generate some understanding of
analogous nature.
In this chapter, research work done in the past regarding awareness, purchasing
behaviour, brand preference for FMCG products, factors influencing brand preferences and
alternative purchase plans have been reviewed and presented under the following sub-
Srivastava and Kumar (2013) analysed that FMCG sector is a vital contributor to
India‘s Gross Domestic Product. It has been contributing to the demand of lower and middle-
income groups in India. Over 73% of FMCG products are sold to middle class households in
which over 52% is in rural India. Rural marketing has become the hottest marketing arena for
most of the FMCG companies. The rural India market is huge and the opportunities are
unlimited. After saturation and cutthroat competition in urban areas, now many FMCG
companies are moving towards the rural market and are making new strategies for targeting
the rural consumer. The Indian FMCG companies are now busy in formulating new
competitive strategies for this untapped potential market. Therefore, a comparative study is
made on growth, opportunity, and challenges of FMCG companies in rural market. One of
the most attractive reasons for companies to tap rural consumers is that an individual‘s
income is rising in rural areas and purchasing power of lower and middle income groups is
also rising and they are eager to spend money to improve their lifestyle. This research paper
provides detailed analysis about the contribution of FMCG industry in growth of Indian rural
market and aims to discuss about customer attitude towards better purchasing decision for
FMCG products in rural market with growing awareness and brand consciousness among
people across various socio-economic classes in rural market.
Nandagopal and Chinnaiyan (2003) studied that the level of awareness among rural
consumers about the brands of soft drinks was high, which was indicated by the purchase of
soft drinks by "Brand Name". The major source of brand awareness was word of mouth
followed by advertisements, family members, relatives and friends.
Yee and Young (2001) aimed to create awareness of high fat content of pies, and
thus studied consumer and producer awareness about nutrition labeling on packaging. For
this, seven leading pie brands were analyzed for fat content and were arranged from 7.10 to
19.20 percent fat. Potato topped and cottage pies had the lowest fat content (7.10 -9.20% fat).
Most pies did not have nutritional labeling on packaging. Over half of the consumers
(52.00%) who responded to the survey (42.00% response rate) were aware of the campaign.
The study was successful at raising consumer awareness about the high fat content of pies
and influencing the food environment with a greater availability of lower fat pies. It is
possible to produce acceptable lower fat pies; food companies should be encouraged to make
small changes to the fat content of food products like pies. Potato topped pies are lower in fat
and are widely available. Regular pie eaters could be encouraged to select these as a lower fat
Beverland (2001) studied the level of brand awareness within the New Zealand
market for ZESPRI kiwi fruit; the effectiveness of their branding strategy was studied. The
implications of the findings for agribusiness in general using the data collected from surveys
of kiwi fruit consumers (n=106) outside three major super market chains in Auckland, New
Zealand suggested that the level of brand awareness for ZESPRI is low among consumers. It
is indicated that brand awareness could be increased through a relationship- making
programme involving targeted marketing campaigns and strong supply chain management.
Brown et al. (2000) reported that the need for effective nutritional education for
young consumers has become increasingly apparent. Given their general food habits, their
behaviour (particularly during adolescence) was analyzed. The interaction between young
consumers' food preferences and their nutritional awareness behaviour within three
environments (home, school and social interaction) appears to be somewhat overshadowed
by young consumers while developing an independence trait, particularly, during the
adolescent years. The authors suggested that food preferences are often for a 'fast food' type
and consequently the food habits of many young consumers may fuel the consumption of
poorly nutritionally balanced meals. While young consumers were aware of healthy eating,
but their food preference behaviour did not always appear to reflect such knowledge,
particularly within the school and social environments.
Aggarwal (2014) suggested that Consumer behaviour research is the scientific study
of the processes consumers use to select, secure, use and dispose of products and services
that satisfy their needs. Firms can satisfy those needs only to the extent they understand their
customers. The main objective of this paper is to study the demographic differences in
consumers‘ buying behaviour of persons living in Madhya Pradesh and when they buy
FMCG products. To attain this objective a survey was developed and administered across
some part of Madhya Pradesh. The findings confirm the factors influencing consumer buying
behaviour for tooth paste brands available in the market.
Sulekha and Kiran (2013) concluded that in India more than 72% population lives in
villages and FMCG companies are famous for selling their products to the middleclass
households; it implies that rural India is a profitable and potential market for FMCG
producers. Rural consumers‘ incomes are rising and now they are more willing to buy
products which improve their lifestyle. Producers of FMCG have to craft unique marketing
strategies exclusively for rural consumers. In this process they need to understand the rural
consumer buying behaviour which may differ geographically. The present study focuses on
understanding the rural consumer buying behaviour for FMCG in Haryana. The study
emphasizes on the factors which influence the purchasing pattern of rural consumers. The
study was conducted in four districts of Haryana namely Panipat, Jind, Kuruksetra and
Yuvarani (2013) analysed that liberalization of the Indian economy had far reaching
consequences, which led to the free entry of global brands in Indian markets. Earlier
companies focused their marketing efforts towards the urban markets targeting the educated
consumer. However with the saturation of markets in the urban sector, many companies
focused their attention towards the fast growing rural sector. Since the buying behaviour of
rural consumers has become the hot topic for discussion because rural India, in recent days,
is enthusiastically consuming everything from shampoo to motor cycles and this ―rural
predilection‖ is being considered as one of the significant topics for market analysis. The
study focuses mainly on the rural consumer behaviour towards selected FMCG products, but
with the prevailing trend it is necessary to focus on the essence and emergence of vibrant
rural marketing efforts of FMCG companies. Thus, with more number of companies entering
into the rural market, with a variety of products, it is must for companies to study the rural
consumer behaviour over FMCG products. This study will highlight the rural consumer
behaviour before purchase, at the time of purchase and post- purchase. The commodities
chosen for the research are shampoo, bathing soap, toothpaste, biscuits and mosquito
coil/liquid. The commodities selected for the research has been done on the basis of products
available for respective industries: hair care; skin care; oral care; food and beverages; and
mosquito repellants.
Tauseef, 2011 attempted to find the variables/factors that affect customer impulsive
buying behaviour in FMCG sector considering retail market in India. The impact of various
impulse buying factors like sales and promotions, placement of products, window
merchandising, effective price strategy etc., on customer buying behaviour have been
analyzed. A hypothetical model was created in this paper, which had been taken into
consideration for our research work on impulse buying behaviour of consumers. The study is
based on the primary data collected from Shopping malls, Handlooms and marts from the
area of JODHPUR with the help of structured questionnaire on Likert scale. Data analysis
has been done using SPSS software. The statistical analysis method employed in this study
was Factor Analysis. After the thorough analysis of the available data it was found that since
income of each individual is increasing and more and more people are moving towards
western culture in dressing sense, in eating etc., so the purchasing power of people has really
gone up and thus the impulsive buying of commodities is on a high trend mainly due to
pricing strategies of retail players and full festival offers throughout the year.
Garga,Ghuman, and Dogra, 2009 done the one study among the 300 rural
consumers in 3 districts of Punjab found that, rural consumers prefer to buy the goods in
small packets at lower price. They want the more products at reasonable price, in other words
value for money. He also explains the importance of promotional tools in rural areas. He
suggested that FMCG companies must enter and tap the rural market in phase manner.
Prell et al. (2002) conducted a study to examine the factors influencing adolescents'
fish consumption in school. Fish consumption was assessed by observation on 4 occasions.
Attitudes towards the fish, friends' behaviour and perceived control were important
predictors of the intention to eat fish and barriers for fish consumption were a negative
attitude towards both smell and accompaniments and fear of finding bones. But the eaters of
fish were more satisfied with the taste, texture and appearance of the fish and rated safety
significantly higher than those who resisted. They also thought to a greater extent that the
fish was healthy if prepared with care. The results suggested that, it is important to alter
dishes so that they appeal to children and to pay attention to the whole meal,
accompaniments included. Finally it was recommended to convey the pupils that the fish
served would be healthy if prepared with care.
Srinivasan (2000) depicted that, consumer with higher educational level consumed
more processed products. The quantities of processed fruit and vegetable products were
consumed more in high income group. The tolerance limit of price increase identified was
less than 5 percent, any price change above this limit, would result in discontinuance of the
use of the processed product. Consumers preferred processed products because of
convenience of ready-to-eat form.
Sayulu and Reddy (1998) carried out a study on a socio-economic influence of rural
consumer behaviour. They concluded that the frequency of purchase of commodities by rural
consumers was highly influenced by the type and nature of the products. Products like
groceries (40.35%) and others which included vegetables, milk etc. (48.25%) purchased on
daily basis and 33.33 percent and 42.98 percent of them purchased these products on weekly
basis. Cash purchase was highest in case of products like groceries (44.74%) followed by
credit purchase with 38.60 percent and 21.06 percent respectively. Price of the goods was
considered to be the most important factor by more than 88.00 per cent of the respondents
followed by easy availability (66.66%) and use by neighbours (54.00%). A more direct
influence on everyday buying behaviour is in one‘s family procreation, i.e. one‘s spouse and
children. Wife plays the dominant role in purchasing the toiletries goods in rural sector. Rural
consumers as compared to urban consumers considered price of the goods to be the most
important factor followed by easy availability and use by neighbour. It can be concluded that
rural consumers are apathetic to their problems as consumers owing to higher levels of
illiteracy ignorance and low purchasing power.
the information from television regarding the products availability and this was followed by
neighbours (71.00%) and newspapers (69.50%). Consumers preferred retail market for the
purchase of groceries (65.00%), milk and milk products (100.00%), vegetables (100.00%),
fruits (100.00%) and snacks (75.00%) and they adopted cash payment. Majority (75.00%) of
the consumers preferred quality for the purchase of food.
Dhillon et al. (1995), concluded while studying the purchase behaviour in Ludhiana,
rural and urban respondents ranked nearby market (mean score of 1.47 for rural and 2.10 for
urban) and main market (mean score of 0.88 for rural and 1.38 for urban) as their first and
second preference of order respectively for the purchase of food items. The prime factor
indicated by the rural respondents for buying their food items was appearance with mean
score of 4.01 , followed by price, quality and place of buying to which they ranked second,
third and fourth with mean scores of 3.81, 3.45 and 2.96 respectively. But urban respondents
visualized these factors little differently and ranked quality, appearance, place of buying and
expiry date as first, second, third and fourth ranks with mean score of 4.69, 4.01, 3.20 and
3.05 respectively.
Joshi (1993) exhibited the study in Dharwad on food purchasing habits and consumer
awareness among rural and urban housewives indicated that majority of the urban
respondents purchased the groceries like cereals (52.00%), pulses (64.00%), oils (73.00%),
spices (72.00%) and sugar (69.00%) on monthly basis. While perishables like fruits
(48.00%), eggs (41.00%) and meat (46.00%) were purchased once in a week and milk
(48.00%) was purchased daily. Rural respondents purchased cereals (70.00%), pulses
(71.00%), oils (71.00%), spices (71.00%), sugar (71.00%) and fruits (73.00%) once in week
and milk (78.00%) daily. Regarding place of purchase 83.00 percent of urban and 99.00
percent of rural respondents purchased all the groceries like sugar, rice, and wheat from fair
price shops. Both rural and urban respondents purchased groceries (99.00% each),
perishables (89.00% and 99.00% respectively), ready to use foods (97.00% and 87.00%
respectively) and commercially available foods (96.00% and 6.00% respectively) from retail
shops. Price, quality and weight of the products were the important factors considered by
both rural and urban respondents while purchasing of food items.
Rees (1992), in his study revealed that factors influencing the consumer's choice of
food were flavour, texture, appearance, advertising, a reduction in traditional cooking,
fragmentation of family means and an increase in 'snacking' etc. Demographic and household
role changes and the introduction of microwave ovens had produced changes in eating habits.
Vigorous sale of chilled and other prepared food was related to the large numbers of working
wives and single people, who require value convenience. Development in retailing with
concentration of 80.00 percent of food sales in supermarkets was also considered to be
important. Consumers were responding to messages about safety and healthy eating. They
were concerned about the way in which food was produced and want safe, 'natural', high
quality food at an appropriate price.
Grover (1991) investigated the preference to obtain information about the store for
purchasing toothpaste from personal sources was quite limited in all social class, the amount
of interpersonal search about the store to be patronized for purchasing toothpaste generally
declined. However, the buyers in the lower uppers social class did not engage in any
interpersonal search. In both the lower lowers and upper lowers social class, among various
personal sources of information about the store, neighbours followed by friends was the most
significant source of information. In the lower middle social class also, friends and
neighbours were the major sources of information, though friends were consulted more often
than the neighbours. In the upper middle social class, unlike other social classes, spouse was
an important provider of information about the store. In the upper uppers social class, friends
were the only provider of information about the store.
Jorin (1987) examined changes in spending power and buying habits of Swiss
consumers since the beginning of the 20th century and in the more recent past. Current trends
include greater emphasis on health and safety of foodstuffs and less attention to price,
increased demand for low calorie light products and increased demand for organically grown
food. For young people, more concern with enjoyment and less for health, with more meals
eaten from home and generally an increased demand for convenience foods. The prospects
for high quality branded products were seen to be good.
dinner and 22.00 percent for lunch. About 30.00 percent of the respondents did not consume
fish on festival days, as those days were considered auspicious, while the rest had no
notations and consumed fish, irrespective of festivals.
Singh (1983) analysed the consumer‘s store loyalty and their preferences. It was
revealed that among the reasons for their store selection, nearness of the store, reputation of
the store and acquaintance with the store owner, are the factors that play an important role in
store selection. It was also concluded that the existence of store loyalty was found more
among educated families. It was quite possible that some more distinguishing characteristics
could be identified by studying the loyalty behaviour of people who were not educated and
comparisons could be made between the loyalty behaviour of educated versus uneducated
Vinson, Scott and Lamont (1977) measured the role of personal values in marketing
and consumer behaviour. It has been conducted that values are centrally held cognitive
elements which stimulate motivation for behavioural response. It has been generally accepted
in consumer behaviour research that product attributes represent the basic elements ordering
an individual attitude towards products and services. Hence, an individual‘s attributes are
ultimately based upon his values, and changing values could have a profound impact upon
these attitudes and upon behaviour as well.
Gaber and Granger (1966) indicated that a consumer acquires greater experience in
buying a product, he may rely less on price information and suggested that price was not of
sufficient importance to be the primary determinant of brand choice.
Wells and Losciuto (1966) exhibited the direct observation of purchasing behaviour
at the time of purchasing the products. It was found that plenty of shopping behaviour takes
place without fixed intention to buy specific brands. Attitudes measures can never be more
than rough indicates of purchases. Urban shoppers show somewhat greater concern with
price than rural shoppers, but many in both groups pay no attention at all on prices marked on
packages. Price consciousness seems to be slightly more characteristic of women than of
men. It was also concluded that women do more of the family shopping than men and when
they try to purchase the product, husbands accompanying wives almost always influence
purchase decisions.
Woods (1960) asserted that were ego involvement with the product is high, product
image is important to the consumer. He identified various types of consumers and the
importance of the symbolic content of the product to the purchase. He concluded that there
are two sets of factors which determine the choices: Personality of purchases and Character
of product. There are thus two sets of variables. (i) consumer variables; the differences
among consumers in their habits cognitive structure and motives which cause them to behave
differently in purchase situation, (ii) differences among products in demand character which
cause consumers to be more ego involved with some products than with others.
Narang (2006) opined that, a buyer does not stick to one brand in case of food
purchasing. They should be able to recall different brand names when they go for purchase.
Repetitive advertising can be used to promote brand recall. The product should be associated
with style and trend, so that it appeals to the youth and the brand name should be developed
as a fashion statement. Promotional schemes such as discounts and free offers with purchase
were suggested to increase rates.
Kim-Hyunah et al. (2005) analysed the relationship among brand equity factors
(brand awareness, brand image, brand preference and brand loyalty) and suggested a strategy
for brand management in contract food service management companies. He concluded that
brand awareness has positive effect on brand image and brand preference and recommended
that the contract food service companies should focus on improving brand awareness as a
brand strategy. In addition, brand preference and brand image had significant positive affects
on brand loyalty. Thus, the companies should strive to strengthen brand loyalty through
building brand preference and brand image. Brand loyalty promoted more customer visits,
which was directly related to profitability of contract food service management companies,
the authors concluded.
Kamenidou (2002) presented the findings on the purchasing and consumption
behaviour of Greek households towards three processed peach products: canned peaches in
syrups, juices and peach jams. The results revealed that 47.50 percent of the households
purchased canned peaches in syrup, 67.40 percent purchased peach juice and 42.60 percent
purchased peach jam. Reasons for such purchases were satisfactory taste and qualities and
household's perception that they were healthy products. The results also indicated that the
consumption quantities were considered low, while households usually purchased the same
brand name, meaning that there was a tendency for brand loyalty.
Veena (1996) studied brand switching and brand loyalty of processed fruit and
vegetable products in Karnataka state by using Markov Chain analysis. The result of the
study revealed that Maggi, Sil and Kissan were having market retention of 74.20, 55.78 and
48.74 percent, respectively for jam products. The equilibrium shares determined in order to
predict future market position among the different brand showed that in long run shares of
Kissan, Rex. Other brands were likely to decline, mainly on account of increased market
shares of Gala, Sil and Maggi.
Ratneshwar (1990) conducted a survey on consumer self image and product brand. It
is clearly reveals from the study that preferred brands tend to be congruent with the
consumer‘s self image. It is also indicate its implications for the marketing man. It must be
recognized that the reasons people usually give for using a specific brand are inclined to be
either strongly rationalized or related to the product‘s most obvious purposes. A reputable
brand persists as a stable image through time. The personality dimension, and more
specifically the self -concept factor in personality, are likely to be crucial factor in the
consumer‘s behaviour. Thus, the task of marketing man then is to first decide on the segment
of the population in which he wishes to make a particular brand preferred and next to
determine the kind of brand which would be most congruent with the way the potential
consumers in the segment think about themselves.
Dass and Reddy (1990) concluded that the educational level of smokers significantly
influences the formation of brand loyalty of cigarettes. Less educated smokers mostly from
their brand loyalty on the basis of price, quality and easy availability of cigarettes, whereas,
the educated smokers also consider company image, filter, packaging, influence of friends
and fire holding capacity of cigarettes to form their brand loyalty. It also found that the
income level of smokers considerably influences their smoking habits. By and large, smokers
with a monthly income of below Rs. 8,000 smoke cheaper brands but with higher intensity,
whereas, smokers with a monthly income of Rs. 8,000 or more smoke costlier brands but
with low intensity. It revealed that the occupation of a person does not influence his cigarette
smoking habits and there is a high degree of brand switching by the smokers an account of
change in income, change in price, irregular supply of their brand availability of a cheaper
brand with equivalent factors of satisfaction and change in their own taste.
Hoyer and Brown (1990) analysed the effects of brand awareness on choice for a
common, repeat purchase product. This study concluded that brand awareness had important
effects on consumer choice. In particular, it had shown that brand awareness was a prevalent
choice tactic among in experienced consumers facing a new decision task. It also suggests
that those who were aware of one brand in a choice set tend to product trials and other were,
who aware of one brand in a choice set tent to choose the known brand even when it was
lower in quality then other brands they had had the opportunity to sample. Advertising
targeted at increasing brand awareness may be effective in increasing choice probabilities.
Further, it reveals that the effect of awareness on choice may persist beyond the consumer‘s
first choice from a product category.
Simonson, Huber and Payne (1988) conducted that the prior knowledge about
various brands is used by consumers. While arriving at a choice, initially the consumer
concentrates on the most attractive brands and later on, information about less attractive
alternatives is related by him.
Kumar et al. (1987) observed the factors influencing the buying decision making of
200 respondents for various food products. Country of origin and brand of the products was
cross- tabulated against age, gender and income. Results revealed that the considered factors
were independent of age, education and income. The brand image seemed to be more
important than the origin of the product, since the consumers were attracted by the brands.
Gluckman (1986) studied the factors influencing consumption and preference for
wine. The explicit factors identified were, the familiarity with brand name, the price of wine,
quality or the mouth feel of the liquid, taste with regard to its sweetness or dryness and the
suitability for all tastes. Some of the implicit factors identified through extensive questioning
were colour and appearance. Most of the consumers seemed to prefer white wine to red.
Consumers preferred French or German made wines to Spanish or Yugoslavian wines.
reference to 'gender attention'. The FMCG sector consists of four product categories such as
Household Care; Personal Care; Food and Beverages; and Tobacco each with its own hosts
of products that have relatively quick turnover and low costs. Every consumer is purchasing
a particular product due to the influence of many factors. The influencing factors differ from
one consumer to another and from product to product also. Similarly the brands which
hitherto occupied a place in the minds of the consumers have started to disappear due to
various sales promotion techniques and the quality brands from FMCG have slowly started to
attract the rural consumers. Though there is a different ways and means to exhaust and to
distribute abundantly produced Personal Care FMCGs products in markets, but the
consumers in the market are influenced generously by responding to selling habits of retailers
both in urban and rural market. In markets the consumers usually purchase what is available
at the retail outlet. Therefore the producers of personal care FMCGs should progressively
strengthen their distribution reach in the market. At the same time, there are some challenges
such as poor distribution system, fragmented rural market and heterogeneity of population
which the retailers ought to meet for satisfying the needs of consumers.
Mahalingam and Nandha Kumar (2012) concluded that the consumer behaviour
plays an important role in marketing. This is influenced by various factors. In the changing
global scenario we find that consumers needs and wants to buy a product also changes with
it. In this study titled "A Study on Consumer Behaviour towards Selected Fast Moving
Consumer Goods in Coimbatore City" the researcher has assessed the socio-economic profile
,shopping pattern of consumers and found out the factors influencing the consumer to
purchase the selected FMCG products. The primary data required for the study was collected
through questionnaire which was distributed to 400 samples chosen from Coimbatore city
.The tools used for analysis are percentage analysis, garrett ranking and chi-square. From this
study it was found that most of the consumers are influenced by brand and quality in
purchase of FMCG products. There by the researcher has suggested improving the quality in
FMCG product through product development and external monitoring.
Ullah, Shafayet, Prince and Rozario (2012) depicted that Fast Moving Consumer
Goods (FMCG) sector is one of the largest sectors in the economy of Bangladesh. In the last
few years, the FMCG industry in Bangladesh has experienced a dramatic growth; both
qualitative and quantitative improvements have taken place in the consumer durables
segment. FMCG in marketing means convenient and low involvement products like, salt,
flours, pens, chocolates, etc. In recent years, the FMCG industry worldwide has experienced
a difficult market condition. In some categories, formerly popular brands have either been
deleted or squeezed between the category leaders and low-cost competitors. The study has
identified eight primary factors that influence consumers' purchase decision of FMCG
products in Bangladesh. These factors are sales promotion, unavailability of brand, time
constraint, in-store TVC, variety-seeking behaviour, product features, end of aisle display
and product convenience. This study recommends focusing on three important factors, i.e.,
sales promotion, time constraints and unavailability of brand to smoothen the progress of the
FMCG industry in Bangladesh. The FMCG industry will find better development
opportunities, if the findings of this study are used as an input in its strategic decision
Bhagat (2012) concluded that today, companies focus on consumer to reach success
in the global competitive environment. In new marketing approaches, focus on consumer
activities take place of focused on product/service activities. The companies analyse
consumer qualifications and form their marketing strategies based on them. The consumers
are affected from some individual and environmental factors, such as motivation, personality,
perception, learning, values, beliefs, attitudes, life style, personal influence, reference group,
family influence, social class and culture in their buying decision process. The aim of this
study is to focus on affecting factors on the consumer buying behaviour in teenager consumer
market, because teenager consumers are one of the important market segments of companies.
Md., Venkat and Khan (2012) revealed with more than six hundred thousand
villages and more than 70% of the population, rural India has become a massive consumer
goods market. FMCG has emerged as a major product category in rural consumption.
Companies marketing FMCG to rural consumers cannot merely extend their general
marketing strategies to rural markets. Instead, they need to devise rural specific strategies. In
this process, they need to understand crucial issues relating to rural consumer behaviour and
more specifically relating to different geographic regions of the country. This paper focuses
on understanding factors that affect the rural purchase of FMCG in South India. Empirical
study was conducted in 8 districts of South India to identify the key influencing variables.
Factor analysis was used to form 24 key variables into five groups (influencing factors).
Influence of retailers‘ recommendations has emerged as the most significant variable in the
trust factor. According to the study, rural consumers in South India consider that usage of
FMCG contributes to their lifestyle.
Kumar and Madhavi, (2006) conducted a study on Rural Marketing for FMCG. The
most preferred brands of toothpaste, shampoo and toilet soap in rural areas were identified on
the basis of gender interpretation. The study revealed that quality is the first factor that
influences rural customers followed by price, colour and taste. Among brand preference
Colgate plays a vital role among female respondents whereas male respondents mostly use
Pepsodent. Almost half of the respondents do not use shampoo because they are using
conservative products only and among the users 60 percent of them use Clinic Plus. No
significant relationship between gender and the use of shampoo was found. Majority of the
respondents using soaps preferred Hamam as their brand of toilet soap.
Vincent (2006) elicited that quality was an important factor that draws consumer
towards branded products. Branded products were accepted as good quality products. People
do not mind paying extra for branded products, as they get value for money. Media is a key
constituent in promoting and influencing brand. A child's insistence affects family's buying
behaviour. Children are highly aware and conscious of branded items. Although unbranded
products sometimes give same satisfaction as branded products, customers would still prefer
to purchase a branded product.
Ramasamy et al. (2005) studied consumer behaviour towards instant food products
in Madurai, the second largest city in Tamil Nadu and observed that consumers do build
opinion about a brand on the basis of which various product features play an important role
in decision making process. A large number of respondents (78.00%) laid emphasis on
quality and 76.00 percent on price which was an important factor, while 64.00 percent of the
respondents attached importance to the image of the manufacturer and 50.00 percent
considered packaging as an important factor and an equal percentage (50.00%) felt longer
shelf life influenced them.
Sanjaya, Gaur and Waheed (2002) conducted a study on buying behaviour for
branded fine rice in Chennai and Coimbatore city. The study reported that, the decision for
purchasing branded fine rice was mostly made by the wives of the family and it is also
indicated that retailers were ranked as the prime source of information and the family
members as the next important source of information about the branded fine rice. The
monthly purchases were the most preferred frequency of purchases, which might be due to
the fact that most of the respondents were of monthly salaried class and they would have
planned their purchase accordingly along with other provision items. The quality and the
image of the brand were ranked as the major factors for brand preference in the purchase of
branded fine rice. Rice mandy formed the major source of purchase for Chennai (73.00%)
and Coimbatore (70.00%) households. Quality and image of the brand were ranked as first
and second factors influencing brand preference in both Chennai and Coimbatore cities.
Ashalatha (1998) studied the factors influencing the performance of BAMUL milk
for a sample of 100 respondents. The study revealed that the factors such as door delivery,
clean packing, quality, hygienic preparation, time saving and reliability, good value for
money, freshness and desired flavour were important in the order in influencing the decision
of buyers for BAMUL milk.
Sadar and Dhawale (1997) examined a study to analyse how slogans influence the
buying behaviour. It was concluded that consumers were found to be greatly influenced by
the slogans in case of consumer non- durable goods but in case of consumer durable goods,
consumer‘s main emphasis is on quality, availability and price. The respondents also had a
feeling that a good slogan had establish a high degree of association between the market
share and the popularity of the slogans in case of non-durables in comparison to durable
Shergill and Kaur (1993) found that the socio-economic background of consumers
influences their buying behaviour. The high-income group respondents were more quality
conscious, although for most of the consumers, price is the main consideration. A major role
in the preventing brand switching is played by the loyalty of the consumer towards a
particular brand. Moreover, the buying decisions were influenced by the media, particularly
TV advertising.
Lee (1991) conducted a study of the influence of shopper type and mood on impulse
purchasing behaviour. It found that earlier studies had focused on the non-personal aspects of
this consumer behaviour, but this study has shifted their attention to the psychological
content of consumer under the impulse purchasing situation. This study considered two
influential factors: shopper type (recreational Vs economic) and mood (positive Vs
negative). Both have shown a close relationship with impulse purchasing behaviour. It
revealed that comparing shopper type and mood, shopper type was found to be more
influential than mood on impulse purchasing behaviour. Recreational shoppers who entered
in a positive mood and economic shoppers who entered in a negative mood, they have
relatively higher impulse purchasing rates. In comparing existing mood, only recreational
shoppers who existed in a positive mood showed the higher impulse purchasing rates than
those who existed in a negative mood. Lastly it found that, interaction effect between shopper
type and mood was found marginally significant.
Majority of the users felt that the product characteristics do not match even to the extent of
fifty percent with what mentioned in the advertisement. Lastly it revealed that majority of the
users were conscious on account of advertising, followed by advice of doctors. Most of the
users opined that salesman persuasiveness and appealing package do not make people
conscious about toothpaste.
With regard to decision making, though both parents and children are more or less
equally involved, the influence in majority of the cases was the child. It also reveals that
taste, freshness and brand name, the three together would influence for decision making
process. The other factors like availability, variety and price got negligent position
group of 20-30 years have been found to be on the look-out for trying something; it will be
easier for magazine seller to persuade them.
Jones and Zufryden (1982) made an approach for assessing demographic and price
influence on brand purchase behaviour. It was found that the basic concept of the brand
choice model is that changes in the values of the explanatory variables change the collective
propensity of consumers to purchase a particular brand. From this observation he proposed
that consumers are influenced by ―purchase event feedback‖. The overall model describes a
two stage process whereby a decision is first made to buy an item from the product class, and
then a brand choice is made. In this case the significant variables fall into two categories –
demographic variables over which the manager has no control and one marketing mix
variables, price, over which there is some measure of control. In this study, a new model of
brand choice behaviour – one that incorporates variables whose values can significantly
impact on market share and demonstrated the application of this model to a certain brand in a
frequently purchased non-durable product category. The model proved to be good fitting and
provided important insights for marketing decision making and the segmentation of a target
Singh and Singh (1981) conducted a study of brand loyalty in India. It was found
that among the reasons for their brand loyalty, ‗quality of product‘, ‗habit of use‘, ‗ready and
regular availability‘ of the products are the factors that influence and strengthen their loyalty
to their brands. Commercial advertisements released through radio, television and press
media are among the major sources of information used by consumers. Retailer continues to
have an influence over the brand choice and loyalty behaviour of the consumers as store
loyalty has contributed in a big way to brand loyalty in the case of a large majority of the
Davis and Silk (1978) defined the brand choice process as the consequence of an
interaction between the attitude and the environment of the choice decision. The
environmental influences that might be relevant to the brand choice decision are the relative
attraction of competing brands, the preference of family and friends, and the buyer‘s
appraisal of the kind of social behaviour that is appropriate to the purchasing or using
Kaurshall, Raghubanshi and Sinha (1976) conducted a study on purchasing
behaviour pattern of the consumer and their brand preferences for washing soaps. It
concluded that the formation of brand loyalty is significantly influenced by the educational
level of the users of washing soaps. Lesser educated people from their brand loyalty on the
basis of price, attractive packaging and easy availability in the market, whereas their
educated counter parts i.e. users of washing soaps form their brand loyalty on the basis of
easy lather formation and convenience in handling. Keeping in view these facts the sellers
should adopt a separate marketing strategy for urban sector and rural sector. In urban sector,
there is high degree of education, whereas a very low percentage of education is found in
rural sector. Also, the firms dealing with high quality products should concentrate mainly
amongst educated class, which prefers high quality irrespective of high price of the product,
whereas the firms selling cheap product should concentrate on the illiterate class.
Lambert (1972) revealed a study on price and choice behaviour. It concluded that
persons who chose the high priced items perceived large quality variations with the product
category and saw the consequences of a poor choice as being undesirable. They were
confident that quality was related with price and saw themselves as good judge of product
quality. They thought brand choice was likely to affect other people‘s social judgments on
Jacoby, O’sen and Haddock (1971) studied the effects of three variables price,
composition difference and brand image – on the perception of brand quality. It concluded
that brand name and composition characteristics (i.e. colour, size, style and taste) were more
important determinants of quality in brand choice than price. This study underscores
relatively less importance to price as quality perception factor.
Rao (1969) concluded the inter-relationship among the various selected elements of
the consumer‘s purchase decision (store visited, brand purchased and size of purchase) and
their implications for building realistic models of buying behaviour. The findings were that
the consumer‘s probability of purchasing a brand was not only affected by his / her past
experience with the brand, but also his/her selection of the store at the time of purchase. The
store acts as an intervening variable between the consumer preference for a brand and the
execution of his preference in terms of his purchase probability. The purchase size, time
lapse between purchases, price of the purchase and advertising exposure were only few of the
important factors of purchase environment that should be brought explicitly into models of
brand choice.
Leahy (2008) suggested that this paper examines the concept of brand loyalty in Fast
Moving Consumer Good (FMCG) markets. The primary objective of the study was to
explore why loyalty develops in FMCG markets from the consumers‘ perspective. In
addition, this study explored the consumers‘ perspective on the types of bonds that exist in
FMCG markets and the role of bonds in the development of brand loyalty. The dominant
conclusion arising from this study is that brand loyalty exists in FMCG markets for both
cognitive and emotional reasons. Essentially this research determined that the development
of brand loyalty is predicated on the development of customer-brand bonds. This research
concludes that the challenge for marketers is to develop and nurture the bonds that lead to
and that can strengthen brand loyalty. The research also concludes that brand loyalty studies
in the future should focus on both cognitive and emotional reasons for brand loyalty and the
role of bonds therein. Exploring brand loyalty in this way should assist in the analysis of and
understanding of brand loyalty in FMCG markets and should consequently result in the
development of effective marketing strategies designed to build brand loyalty.
Anandan et al. (2007) studied that, majority of the respondents (54.00%) will buy
another brand if preferred brand is not available, 18.00 percent of the respondents will go to
the nearby town for buying the preferred brand. Fifteen percent of the respondents will
postpone their purchase decision. It was revealed from the study that customers cannot
postpone the decision of buying the detergents, as it was one of the essential commodities.
in the inert set of many consumers. If the appropriate information were supplied, some of
these brands might move into the evoked set thus enjoy consumer acceptance and marked
The review of related literature regarding the rural and urban consumer behaviour are
analysed from different sources. From the analysis of the review of literature, it is found that
all the studies have attempted to examine the rural and urban consumer behaviour of various
product categories with the study of only the pre-purchase behaviour or at the time of
purchase or post purchase behaviour. But no attempts have been made to study all the three
constraints jointly. Secondly, few researches have been made to take all the categories of
FMCG products; some have studied the consumer behaviour and some have taken the factors
influencing them. It will be greater importance when it is related to the comparison of buying
behaviour between rural and urban consumers. It also has been observed that plenty of
reading material is available on buying behaviour of rural consumers or urban consumers but
unfortunately very little work has been done in the area of comparative study of consumer
behaviour with referred to fast moving consumer goods in rural and urban markets. This is
the reason and logic that this topic has been selected to know and compare the consumption
pattern, the influence of factors and the behaviour of rural and urban consumers towards
branded and unbranded FMCG products.
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