Parul Synopsis Report
Parul Synopsis Report
Parul Synopsis Report
Faculty mentor:-
Submitted by:-
Parul Agarwal
PGDM 18-20
Personal care sector is a necessary part of the nation’s economy with tremendous potential.
Personal care segments are the largest segment in the country. As the purchasing power and
disposable income of the consumer is increasing. People see the quality of the product as the
most important factor when purchasing cosmetics.
Consumer buying behaviour depends upon the certain criteria according to which consumer
makes buying decisions which are attitude, preference, intention, and decision regarding
consumer behaviour in the market. In today’s social milieu, where a lot of importance is placed
on look and appearances, are considered very important. The consumer behaviour is becoming
more volatile. The role of group like family, friends, society, work group and their influence also
comes under the purview of consumer behaviour, which also cast a dominant influence on
buying behaviour. This coupled with the economic growth has included complexity in purchase
decision made while purchasing cosmetic products. The markets have become buyer’s market
today. All marketers are focusing on understanding the customer which is a key to success in the
highly competitive Indian market. India has a population of 1.2 billion, and is the ninth largest
economy in the world by nominal GDP, according to a report by the International Monetary fund
for 2012, facts that now show India as a dominant global presence rather than a nascent nation.
The same can also be said of India’s cosmetics and toiletries market.
3. “Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Cosmetic Products”
Author: Shahjahan M
In today's world, the customer’s demand and the power of the retailers is tremendously growing
due to competitive environment and changing business. It is vital to have a sustainable
relationship with customers for the survival and success of producers. Nowadays in the market a
tremendous growth is experienced by the beauty products and has become one of the leading
industries in the world. In Indian scenario too, the consumption and use of cosmetic products
have increased rapidly. In our country, annually 15-20% of the cosmetics market is reportedly
growing. Compared to other beauty products, demand for skin whitening is driving the trend. As
consumer’s awareness about their appearance and beauty results in the increasing demand of
cosmetic and beauty products in the market. Manufacturers are likely to be aggressive to identify
consumers’ needs and requirements across all categories in cosmetics. Customers purchase
products based on their preferences, needs and buying power.
Primary Data: -Survey on the consumers buying behaviour towards cosmetic products.
Secondary Data: - Study reports and articles from internet and newspaper articles.
Methodology - The research design adopted for the study is descriptive in nature. To
collect the primary data a well-structured questionnaire was floated amongst the people who are
residing in Ghaziabad, Bangalore and Jhansi. For measuring the basic information regarding the
use of cosmetic products multiple questions have been asked in the questionnaire. And in the
survey 5 point likert scale will be used.
Sampling Unit: College going Students and the people residing in Delhi NCR
Sampling Method: On the basis of convenience sampling which is the part of simple
random sampling method.
Bhatt, K., & Sankhla, P. (2017). A study on Consumer Buying Behaviour towards
Cosmetic Products. Volume 4 issue 1.
Bagram, M. M. M., & Khan, S. (2012). Attaining customer loyalty! The role of consumer
attitude and consumer behaviour. International review of management and business
research, 1(1), 1.
Prof. Nilesh Anute, Anand Deshmukh, Amol Khandagale Online published on 22 June
2018 (Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Cosmetic Products)