The God Ra Iconography
The God Ra Iconography
The God Ra Iconography
Supplement 42
archaeologies of cult
e s s ay s on r i t ua l a n d c u lt i n c r e t e
i n hon or of g e ra l d i n e c . g e s e l l
Tr e e Tug g i n g a n d O m p h a l o s
Hugging on Minoan Gold Rings
by John G. Younger
Bae t y l s
Several baetyls (sacred stones) are known from antiquity. A green cubical
stone is found in the east room of the central building A of temple 1 to the
Weather God at Boğazköy (ca. 1250–1200 b.c.).3 The black stone of Baal,
used in circumcision rites in Syria, was brought to Rome by Elagabalus in
218 a.d. and set up in the temple to Baal on the Palatine.4 Another black
stone, al-hajar al-aswad, possibly a meteorite, was said to have been given
to Abraham by Gabriel for the circumcision of Isaac. It was central to the
pre-Islamic cult of female divinities before being encased in the Ka’bah and
1. E.g., Kyriakidis 2000–2001. assuming its position as center of the earth (qiblah) in the Islamic world.5
2. E.g., Warren 1988, pp. 16–20;
1990a; 1990b.
For classical archaeologists, the most famous baetyl is the omphalos at
3. Bittel 1976, p. 68, plan; Bryce Delphi (Fig. 4.1). According to myth,6 Zeus had two eagles fly from the
2002, p. 242. opposite ends of the earth and he marked the place where they met, the
4. Cass. Dio 79.11.1; Herodian center of the earth, with the stone that his father Kronos had swallowed in
5.3–5. place of Zeus. This stone exists in three versions. One limestone example
5. Encyclopedia of Religion 8, 2005,
was found near the Treasury of the Boiotians. Another limestone version
pp. 5049–5050, s.v. Ka’bah (G. D.
Newby). is inscribed GAS. A Roman copy in Pentelic marble was encompassed by
6. Paus. 10.16.2; Strabo 9.3.6; Pind. a reticulated filletwork meant to be a translation in stone of the original
Pyth. 4.6. woolen fillets (ἀγρηνόν) that tied the stone to the earth.
44 john g. younger
Minoan archaeology has recovered several baetyls,7 and Minoan art has
several references to a baetyl, including some that seem to reflect the story
of the Delphi omphalos. One example occurs on a sealing, impressed by
an amygdaloid seal, that was found in the Room of the Seal Impressions
at Knossos.8 It depicts a robed male figure with a staff flanked by flowers,
two large birds facing each other below him, and, below the bird heads, a
knoblike projection from a ground line. The scene might reflect the story
of the eagles meeting over the center of the earth (the knob as omphalos)
with Zeus standing above them.
Two gold rings pair a bird with a baetyl, as if referring to the Delphi
omphalos; in these cases, however, the baetyl is embraced by a kneeling man.
A gold ring from Sellopoulo tomb 4 (Fig. 4.2; Late Minoan [LM] IIIA1
context) depicts in impression, from left to right, the wall of a building, a
pithos (with tree growing from it?), a bird flying right with an object ap-
parently dangling from its beak, a man kneeling at a baetyl while looking
up at the bird and gesturing at it with his right arm, and a tree growing
from rocks.9 Above, in the field, is a branchlike object that may represent
an asterism, perhaps a comet or a shooting star. A very similar ring comes
from Kalyvia tomb 11 (Fig. 4.3; LM IIIA2 context); from left to right, the 7. For a complete list, see Warren
1990a, pp. 202–203; also La Rosa 2000,
scene depicts a pithos, a bird flying right with a wavy line of dots above, a
man kneeling at a baetyl, and a woman tugging at a tree that grows from 8. CMS II.8, no. 257.
a building.10 9. Popham, Catling, and Catling
The gold ring from Archanes tholos A (Fig. 4.4; LM IIIA1 context) 1974, p. 223, no. J8, fig. 14:d.
depicts a similar scene.11 In this example, from left to right, a man, clothed 10. CMS II.3, no. 114. A woman
also pulls at a tree on a lentoid seal,
in just a codpiece and belt, pulls at a tree that grows from a building, perhaps
CMS XII, no. 264.
a shrine; a woman stands frontal, her right arm down and left arm bent 11. Sakellarakis and Sarpouna-
up as if to about to touch her forehead; another man, dressed like the first, Sakellarakis 1997, vol. 2, pp. 654–660,
kneels at a baetyl. The figures are all positioned on a masonry dado. In figs. 722–724.
tree tugging and omphalos hugging 45
the field between the kneeling man and woman are an eye, a colonettelike
object, a butterfly, and a dragonfly. Above the man at the baetyl is an object
that looks similar to the object possibly dangling from the bird’s beak on
the Sellopoulo ring.
Several of these elements appear on other rings. For instance, on a ring
impression from Kato Zakros (LM IB, possibly LM IA), a woman kneels
at a baetyl while a large dragonfly flies above her.12 On the Ashmolean ring
(AM 1919.56) a woman kneels at two baetyls.13 The Vapheio ring does not
depict a baetyl, but it does include, from left to right, a tree growing from a
pithos, a nude man pulling at a tree, a woman standing, and a figure-eight
shield in profile topped with a Sacred Knot.14 The ring from Hogarth’s
house A at Knossos (LM IB) depicts, from left to right, a tree growing
from a pithos, a woman, and a large wall behind which a tree grows.15 In
general, trees growing from shrines or other buildings are quite common
on rings and even some seal stones.16
of tufa that had been shaped (the pickmarks are obvious; H. 47 cm, Diam.
ca. 50 cm).19 The kerb, too, was noteworthy, for within it was found car-
bon and ash, and underlying it at some depth was the earliest floor of the
The scenes on the rings mentioned above can be mapped onto the
Phylakopi court. Even though some two and a half centuries separate the
court from the rings, the court nonetheless contains all the features de-
picted on the rings in one small space and in a religious complex. We can
imagine that visitors would walk toward the court and the entrances to
the two shrines along the paved walkway from the east. In the ceremony,
a woman would stand on the pavement while a man or woman would pull
at the tree that grew, perhaps, in a pithos set within the kerb next to the
city wall and gave shade to the bench. A man (cf. Fig. 4.8) or a woman
would embrace the omphalos hoping for a sign of favor from the divinity
(possibly a passing bird, dragonfly, or butterfly).
The identity of the divinity at Phylakopi is impossible to discern; Ren-
frew points to evidence favoring both a female and a male deity, perhaps
each with their own shrine.20 Might the omphalos and the tree each refer
19. Renfrew 1985, p. 102.
20. Renfrew 1985, pp. 433, 437– to one divinity? If so, we might find the tree more feminine, being natural,
438. and the baetyl more masculine, being shaped and placed.21 I leave further
21. Ortner 1972. speculation to others.
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