Lesson Plan: Bedroom, Bathroom, Attic, Garage

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Școala Gimnazială Stornești

Sat Stornești, comuna Sinești, jud. Iași

Telefon / fax – 0232 325111


School: Scoala Gimnaziala Stornesti

Name: Ailoaiei Elena Cristina
Date: -
Grade: Secundary ADȘ Modulul 1
Level: Beginners
Number of students:
Text Book: Limba englezã, Modulul 1, Ghidul elevului,
Lesson: Welcome to our home
Content: Vocabulary: words related to houses (living room, dining room, kitchen, study room,
bedroom, bathroom, attic, garage)
Grammar: There is/There are and Present Simple
Communication: talk about rooms
Type of lesson: Mixed lesson
Methods and techniques:
a) main method: Communicative Approach
b) elements of: Audio-Lingual and Audio-Visual approach, The Total Physical Response
c) techniques: presentation, conversation, matching, gap-filling, multiple choice
Skills developed: listening, speaking, writing, reading
a) cognitive: At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
 recognise the rooms of a house;
 use the vocabulary in sentences;
 state a sentence when pictures are shown;
 use the structures there is/there are
 use Present Simple
b) affective:
 making the Ss confident in the ability to use the language;
 creating interest in the topic;
 using English while playing
Materials: textbook, blackboard, video projector, handouts
Time: 50 minutes
- the Ss remember the structures there is/there are
Școala Gimnazială Stornești
Sat Stornești, comuna Sinești, jud. Iași
Telefon / fax – 0232 325111

Stage of the lesson T's activity Ss' activity Interaction Skill Time Aims
1. Warm-up a) T greets the Ss; - to create a pleasant atmosphere
b) T checks attendance. Ss answer T - Ss S 3' - to check attendance
2. Checking T asks the Ss to read homework. Ss read T - Ss R/W 5' - to check understanding of
homework previously taught material
3. Feedback and T offers feedback Ss listen T - Ss L 1' - to let Ss know how well they
evaluation performed
4. Checking Teacher asks Ss to give Ss answer T - Ss L To check if they are familiar with
previous lesson examples of sentences in the Ss - T S Present Simple
Present Simple ( S1 gives an ex.
of an affirmative sentence, S2
asks a question) 5’
5. Feedback and T offers feedback Ss listen T – Ss L 1’
6. Introducing new Ss are introduced to the topic of Ss listen. T – Ss L - to make Ss aware of the items
material the new lesson. T writes the title they will learn
Lead-in of the lesson on the blackboard. W 1’
(The objectives of the lesson
will be presented at the
beginning of the lesson.) T – Ss L

Presentation T presents the Ss the parts of a Ss listen

house using Power Point slides. Lockstep - to become aware of the new
T shows the Ss pictures with vocabulary
rooms of a house and tells the
Ss: Ss listen T – Ss L
Școala Gimnazială Stornești
Sat Stornești, comuna Sinești, jud. Iași
Telefon / fax – 0232 325111

This is a living room. Ss answer Ss – T

T asks the Ss questions about S
the picture: - to check pronunciation and
What is this? L understanding
T practices the new items of
language orally in drills. T – Ss S 7’
Ss listen Ss - T
Practice T shows pictures with different Ss answer W
rooms and asks the Ss questions
about the pictures. Ss - T S
What is this? - to check previously taught
T – Ss vocabulary
T asks the Ss to open their Ss answer Ss – T S
books and look at exercise 1 on
page 19. T reads the first 8’
question and helps S to find the T – Ss
answer as an example. T Ss - T S
explains the Ss to do the same - to check understanding of the new
with the other questions.. Ss listen T - Ss L vocabulary and knowledge

T gives the Ss handouts with

exercises related to the lesson.
T asks the Ss to complete the T – Ss W
sentences with the right part of
the house from exercise A. S
T checks answers. Ss write
T asks the Ss to turn the page
and choose the right word for 3’
each picture from exercise B. Lockstep L
T checks answers.
Ss listen T – Ss
Școala Gimnazială Stornești
Sat Stornești, comuna Sinești, jud. Iași
Telefon / fax – 0232 325111

T tells the Ss they are going to W

play the mime. One S has to Ss write
come in front of the classroom, Ss – T S
choose a card from the teacher’s Ss answer
desk and mime the action so that T - Ss L
the other Ss can guess it. Ss listen
I read in the study room. Ss – T S
Ss answer

Ss listen T - Ss L - to use English while playing

Ss play

7. Feedback and T offers feedback Ss listen T - Ss L 1' - to let Ss know how well they
evaluation performed
8. Homework T gives Ss their homework, Ss listen and write T - Ss L/W 2'-3' - to let Ss know what their future
exercises 3 and 4 page 19, work is
where they have to choose the
right word to finish a sentence,
to draw the plan of their house
and to write sentences
describing the house using the
structures there is/ there are.
Școala Gimnazială Stornești
Sat Stornești, comuna Sinești, jud. Iași
Telefon / fax – 0232 325111

Name _____________________________________ Date ____________________________


A. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

bathroom, dining room, study room, living room, kitchen, bedroom

This is a ___________________.

You can watch T.V. here.

This is a _____________________.
You can wash your face
clean your teeth here.
have a shower

This is a ____________________.
You can sleep here.

This is a ______________________.
You can cook here.

This is a _______________________.
You can eat breakfast
lunch here.
This is a _______________________.
You can do your homework
read books here.
study English.
Școala Gimnazială Stornești
Sat Stornești, comuna Sinești, jud. Iași
Telefon / fax – 0232 325111


B. Choose the correct answer:

I am sleeping in the ________________________.

a) bedroom b) dining room c) bathroom

He is cleaning his teeth in the __________________.

a) garage b) study room c) bathroom

Tom is eating breakfast in the __________________.

a) bathroom b) dining room c) attic

Sarah is helping her mother in the _________________.

a) kitchen b) living room c) bedroom

He is watching T.V. in the _______________________.

a) garage b) study room c) living room

She is doing her homework in the __________________.

a) bedroom b) study room c) kitchen

Father is fixing the car in the _____________________.

a) bathroom b) garage c) study room

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