Conveying Advancded L Preparation Skills Skills
Conveying Advancded L Preparation Skills Skills
Conveying Advancded L Preparation Skills Skills
The Impact of Electrode Slurry Preparation Skills
Alexander Kraytsberg and Yair Ein-Eli*
Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 1600655 © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim (1 of 23) 1600655
foil for the anodes and an aluminum foil for the cathodes). The
1600655 (2 of 23) © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 1600655
Table 1. Some commercially available materials for LIB – electrodes; source, brand names and sizes.
Material Brand Size (D50) Available from
Anode AM, Graphite RGPT100 18–21 μm Targray,
Anode AM, Carbon TIMREX® KS 6 3.4 μm Timcal,
Anode AM, Li4Ti5O12 NANOMYTE(R) Clusters, 1.5–3 μm NEI Corporation,
Primary particles, 50–90 nm
Cathode AM, LiMn2O4 NANOMYTE BE30 Clusters, 6–7 μm
Primary particles, 30–50 nm
Cathode AM, LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 NANOMYTE SP-10 Clusters, 5–7 μm
Primary particles, 50–70 nm
Cathode AM, LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 NANOMYTE BE 45 Clusters, 11–13 μm
Primary particles, 50–70 nm
Cathode AM, Li(NiMnCo)O2 PLB-H5 8.0–12.0 μm Limyi Gelon Lib Co.,
Cathode AM, LiCoO2 X10N ≈12 μm L&F Material Co., Ltd,
Cathode AM, Ni-Mg – Co oxide 8–13 μm BASF
LiFePO4 ≈2 μm MTI Co.,
CB additive VULCAN XC-72 ≈50 nm Cabot Co.,
CB additive UF-G5 ≈6 μm Showa Denko K.K,
CB additive HS100 ≈48 nm DENKI KAGAKU KOGYO K.K.,
Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 1600655 © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim (3 of 23) 1600655
Figure 2. a) A degraded slot-die coated Li(Ni) 1(Mn) 3 (Co) 1 O 2 cathode performance caused by the presence of the large powder agglomerates in the
2 10 5
laminate. b) A degraded slot-die coated Li(Ni) 1(Mn) 3 (Co) 1 O 2 cathode performance caused by the presence of the pinhole-type defects in the laminate.
2 10 5
Reproduced and modified with permission from the US Goverment.[46] c) The electrode defects (stripes) occurring once the slurry solid substance
concentration is excessively large. Reproduced with permission from Elsevier, 2016.[50] d) pinhole-type defects. Reproduced and modified with permis-
sion from In Core Systems.[47]
for getting an even dry electrode active material layer. In any The electrode structure resulting from a poorly mixed AM/
case, it is clear that the slurry should contain solid issues, CA/binder slurry is shown in Figure 1(b) – AM and CA par-
which are fairly smaller than electrode thickness. It was dem- ticles are agglomerated and the binder is forming a relatively
onstrated that powder agglomerates should be substantially large globules; in this case, a substantial part of AM is not
smaller than the slurry coating thickness, otherwise the per- hooked up and/or accessible for Li+, and a substantial part of
formance of the electrode is compromised (Figure 2a). The CA and the binder are not working as they should. Therefore,
presence of large particle agglomerates also results in the ap- electrodes with such a morphology cannot provide a good per-
pearance of slot-die coating defects (Figure 2b).[50] formance (see, e.g.,[56]).
The bottom line is that slurry should be evenly mixed
It worth noting that besides the fisico-chemical slurry without AM/CA separation to maintain the electrode active
parameters (viscosity, granulonetric parameters of the solid layer patters shown in Figure 1(a). The drying is also important
fraction, etc.), such extensive processing parameter, as electrode for preparing a performing electrode,[1,6] and an inappropriate
laminate thick ness also plays a significant role. It was reported drying mode may result in disadvantageous electrode active
that electrode laminates with higher thickness are more prone layer morphology. However, poorly mixed slurry always results
to the thickness inhomogeneity and also to the appearance of in meagre electrode active layer morphology.
pinhole-type defects[51] (Figure 2d). The production of a well-prepared slurry of fine powders is
usually a strenuous, difficult and lengthy process; small parti-
(v). CA should form conductive pathways in the LIB electrodes, cles (micro-sized particles and particularly nanosized particles)
which suggests that CA needs to be uniformly distributed all tend to form inhomogeneous structured slurries with hier-
over the slurry volume (macro-mixing) and also against AM archical cluster sets on preparation (i.e., such slurries consist
particles (micro-mixing). It should be taken in the consid- of agglomerates, which in turn consist of aggregates, as it is
eration, though, that CA distribution depends not solely on explained below). Slurries having particles of different kinds
the mixing efforts, but also on the CA nature[52]; some types particularly tend to segregate (i.e., if the slurry contains particles
of carbon black particles may stabilize the slurry against having different sizes and/or densities and/or shapes).[52,57–61]
segregation effects (sedimentation or agglomeration)[53] as- This aspect is especially important in the case of LIB-elec-
sisting also the uniformity of AM/CA/binder slurry.[8,54,55] trode precursor slurries, since AM and CA particles often
These circumstances imply that an optimal slurry prepara- differ in size, shape and density significantly (usually CA par-
tion approach depends not only on the sizes of the AM and ticles are smaller), which may result in CA separation and
CA components but also on the particular properties of CA. agglomeration.[62]
1600655 (4 of 23) © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 1600655
3. Basics of Micro- and Nano-Powder Slurry (b). Reducing the size of AM/CA aggregates to the utmost pos-
Morphology sible degree
(c). Providing the most favorable mutual arrangement of AM,
Upon dispersion, powder usually forms the slurry, which is CA and a binder suppressing their separation and agglom-
comprised of particle clusters suspended inside the solvent; eration.
these clusters have two-level structure, as shown in Figure 3. (d). Preserving the most favorable structure and composition of
This structure consists of larger agglomerates suspended in the the AM, CA and binder preventing the material degradation
solvent, which, in turn, comprised of smaller aggregates made in the course of mixing
of primary particles.[63–65] The agglomerates are the assemblies
of aggregates, which are consolidated into the agglomerates The outlined objectives are to be attained by application of
by weak Van der Waals forces, whereas the aggregates are the the adequate mixing procedure (i.e., the adequate sequences
assemblies of the primary particles consolidated into aggregates of mixing steps and/or implementation of suitable surfactants;
by stronger (often electrostatic) bonds. The agglomerates are the surfactant usage is discussed in details below), by the
also often referred to as “soft agglomerates” in the literature, and implementation of the appropriate mixing equipment and the
the aggregates are often referred to as “hard agglomerates”.[66] employment of a proper slurry solvent. It worth to be noted that
Theoretical considerations illustrating the formation of this generally, LIB-electrode related slurries are non-equilibrium
two-level slurry structure are reported. Namely, it was demon- entities, and the slurry parameters degrade in time after the
strated that upon cluster forming by assembling the prime par- end of the treatment, and AM/CA and binder often revert to
ticles, the initial dense packing begins to adopt defects (dislo- the agglomerated state as time passes[55,70–73]; the stability of
cations, voids, etc.), and these defects compromise the cluster the slurry may be enhanced by binder modification (e.g., by
strength. Finally, the particle cluster strength declines down to implementation of PVDF – binder with a high molecular chain
the extent that further cluster build-up results in a separation length[53]).
of the cluster (now it may be named agglomerate) into distinct
parts. These parts are strongly interconnected inside (now it
4. Mixing Approaches and Mixing Equipment
may be named aggregates) and weakly connected with the
neighboring aggregates.[53] The process of slurry preparation by dispersing particle clus-
The market-available AM powder typically comprises of the ters (agglomerates and aggregates) is similar to the process
particles of 2–10 μm in size, which are often agglomerated in of solid grains comminution because similar types of stresses
globules of 50–90 μm[67] in size, as shown in Table 1. During should be harnessed in these both cases; smaller stress inten-
slurry preparation these powders are dispersed down to the sities are often needed to be applied for particle clusters dis-
smaller sizes, as this is important from the electrochemical persing since intra-agglomerate Van-der-Waals forces, and even
points, as discussed in Section 2 (i)–(ii) as well as from the tech- more powerful intra-aggregate forces, are weaker than inter-
nological point. crystallite and intra – crystallite forces inside grains of solid
The goals of the viable LIB-slurry preparation procedure are: materials. This circumstance suggests that the processes and
equipment, which are used for solid material comminution,
(a). Dispersing the AM/CA agglomerates are also adequate for slurry preparation. Indeed, the employing
Figure 3. Hierarchical agglomerate/aggregate structure of a slurry. a) Schematics of the structure. Reproduced and modified with permission.[68]
b) SEM images the silica clusters from practical slurry, mean primary particle size ≈650 nm, after spray drying; an agglomerate (upper image) consists of
aggregates, the detailed agglomerate structure is presented in the lower image. Reproduced and modified with permission.[69] Copyright 2016, Elsevier.
Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 1600655 © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim (5 of 23) 1600655
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for LIB-electrode production.[83–86] The operation of a good slurry[104–106]; this suggests the existence of a critical size below
number of the lab-scale slurry preparation equipment is also which the cluster comminution rate becomes insignificant.[103]
based on these two mixing methods, or on the combination of This balance explains the fact that hydrodynamics-based pro-
these mixing methods; it is worth noting that a popular manual cessing provides the slurries with the agglomerates not smaller
mortar-and-pestle mixing procedure is actually a combination than ∼100 nm (under the reasonable treatment time and specific
of these two mixing processes.[87] energy input) in the most of the reported studies,[17,102,107–109]
and thus this type of processing allows complete dispersing of
the powder (down to the primary particles) only if the primary
4.1. Hydrodynamic Shear Mixing – Based Slurry Preparation particles are not smaller than ∼100 nm.[110] This conclusion is
supported by comparison of several specific versions of hydro-
This type of mixing treatment is often conducted by such hydro- dynamic shear mixers, and also by a theoretical modeling of
dynamic shear-based mixers as low energy magnetic stirrers/ the processes inside such mixers.[74,111] The preparation of the
dissolvers,[56,88,89] rotary drum mixers,[90] high energy homog- slurry with the median cluster diameters down to 40 nm–60 nm
enizers and Rushton turbines,[5,53,73,90] static stirrers,[85] etc. The is also possible by implementing motionless Ramond super-
detailed explanation of the basics of such hydrodynamic shear mixer[112]; a surfactant addition also is also useful for shifting
mixers may be found in.[91] Slurry preparation takes place by the the balance between cluster association and dissociation toward
action of the hydrodynamic-based forces; the forces are controlled smaller cluster sizes thus enhancing the slurry fineness.
by the flow shear rate, cluster cross-sectional area and the dynamic Finally, whatever the mixing thoroughness is, a slurry
viscosity of the fluid. The slurry preparation process comprised of commonly comprises of re-arranged clusters (aggregates or
two (reciprocally related) sub-processes, i.e., the clusters break-up two-level agglomerate/aggregate issues); for LIB-electrode
and the suspended clusters re-association; the suspended clusters morphology, the important point is that the rebuild slurry
undergo restructuring in the course of this re-assembling.[75,92,93] agglomerates are more dense than the precursor AM/CA-
Cluster brake-up is a complex process, which combines clusters, and thus have lower porosity.[92,96,113–115] It was dem-
three parallel paths – erosion, rupture and shattering, as illu onstrated, though, that the final LIB-electrode performance
strated in Figure 7.[94–102] It depends on the particularities of strongly depends on the porosity of AM/CA clusters, so the
particle – particle interaction, slurry solvent – particle interac- delicate compromise between mixing intensity (high mixing
tion, and the applied shear force, which path prevails; the shear intensity is beneficial for AM/CA dispersing) and preserving
force, in turn, depends on a combination of the solvent viscosity the optimal internal structure of the AM/CA clusters inside
and velocity. Erosion commonly takes place under a low energy the slurry is to be maintained.[65,116–123] The other issue is that
input; small fragments are gradually shearing off from larger the binder molecules often degrade under a very high intensity
agglomerates in the course of erosion. Rupture, is related to flow conditions[124–128]; this effect may compromise the starting
high energy input; the clusters are separated into few parts of binder properties. This circumstance ground is also to be taken
comparable sizes in the course of rupture; this process starts into consideration determining the optimal mixing intensity.
sharply if a threshold stress is surpassed. Shuttering is the spe- Commercially available cathode materials, anode materials
cial variant of the rupture wherein the cluster simultaneously and conductive additives present considerably broad spec-
separates into a substantial amount of smaller fragments. The trum of powders of various sizes. Conductive CB powders
agglomerate re-association depends on the parameters of par- are usually small (within a nanometric scale), while the sizes
ticle – particle interaction, solvent – particle interaction and on of graphite and carbon AM are often in the range of several
the slurry solid fraction ratio.[103] micrometers (mcm). Other anode AM powder materials (for
The balance between re-association and partition rates example, Li4Ti5O12) often comprises of a primary particle
is often governing the equilibrium size of the clusters in the clusters of a several micrometers in size whereas, the primary
Figure 7. a) Schematics of rotor-stator mixer and b) particle size distribution on mixing; fumed silica powder with average primary particles size 12 nm
(Aerosil R816) dispersed in water. Reproduced and modified with permission.[102] Copyright 2016, Taylor & Francis.
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particles are of several tenth of nanometers in size. Some of morphology. In fact, this slurry preparation technique may not
the cathode AM powders also comprise of micrometer-size be recommended if the particular morphology of AM and CA
particles, but some of these powders actually also comprise particles is suggested to be essential for electrode performance.
of primary particle agglomerates, and the primary particles
are several tenth of nanometers in size; some examples of the
commercially available AM’s and CB’s are presented in Bottom 4.3. Ultrasonic Mixing – Based Slurry Preparation
line is that a hydrodynamic shear – based mixing is well-spread
technique, and it is a convenient method of slurry preparation, Currently, it is accepted that ultrasound has a mixing action
but it usually can provide mixing only on the sub-micrometer at the micro-scale because of transient acoustic cavitation; the
scale. Namely, even if the precursor AM and CA powders are cavitation takes place at considerably high ultrasound intensi-
made of fine primary particles down to several nanometers is ties (regarding water, it takes place at ultrasonic powers over
size, the slurry consist of the intermixed AM and CA particle 1 W/cm2 at normal ambient conditions). The microbubbles
clusters, usually no less than 100 nm in size; further increasing are forming and growing thru the low-pressure half periods
of the flow intensity may result in a binder degradation. Thus, of the sound wave; the bubble growth rate increases rapidly
the decision whether or not the hydrodynamic shear – based on reaching some critical bubble size, and then bubbles force-
mixing is an appropriate slurry preparation technique, depends fully collapse for a very short time during the high-pressure
on the particular AM and CA powder fineness and binder half period of the sound wave creating shock waves. Such fast
properties. bubble collapse is nearly adiabatic, so the substantial local
pressure and temperature growth with large gradients are
4.2. Ball-Mill Mixing – Based Slurry Preparation Another process that takes place into the working volume
of the ultrasonic mixer is the macro-scale liquid flow. It occurs
The different versions of ball-milling mixing are the accepted because the concentration of the cavitation bubbles decreases
methods of slurry preparation[74,129]; this method is also in outward the emitter along its axis, and the bubbles diffuse
a common use for LIB-electrode slurry preparation.[5,130–139] toward areas with low babble concentration drugging of the
As in the case of hydrodynamic-based milling, the dispersing liquid; the liquid flow rate may be as high as 2 m/s. This liquid
ability of the ball-milling process (i.e., the final fineness of flow is often sufficient for providing a fair stirring inside the
the solid clusters in the slurry) is determined by the balance working volume of small ultrasonic mixers securing uniform
of cluster breaking down rate and the rate of fine cluster asso- dispersing of the slurry all over device working volume without
ciation.[140,141] This balance depends on the nature of the dis- installing additional stirring equipment.[160]
persing powder[142] and also may be shifted toward cluster The relatively low ultrasound frequencies (down to 20 kHz)
dispersing by a surfactant addition (the detailed consideration are advantageous for slurry preparation[160,161]; generally the
of the surfactant action is presented below). ultrasonic mixing offers the same mixing quality as the hydro-
In the course of ball milling, though, the powder particles are dynamic–based mixing but under substantially lower energy
involved in the substantial surface and volume modification; input conditions[162] (see Figure 6). However, the specific
these modifications may go as far as to mechanochemical advantages of ultrasonic mixer implementation depend on
transformation of the material (e.g., carbon nanotubes may be the particular dispersing material.[163] The dispersion proce-
a subject of scission, and their aspect ratio and structure may dures, which combine ultrasound and ball-milling,[164] and also
change substantially[143–145]), and such processes may take place surfactant-assisted ultrasonic mixing[165,166] may be particularly
even under prolonged low-energy ball milling[146]). Also, reac- advantageous.
tions between particles, between powder and dispersing media The characteristic feature of the ultrasonic mixing is the
(solvent and/or binder),[147–149] and even between dispersing possibility of the preparation of well-dispersed slurries with
material and the mill vial material[150] may take place; ball colli- low solvent content[163,167]; besides, the preparation of highly
sions and local liquid high-shear turbulence may also result in concentrated slurries may be even more energy-efficient than
the binder molecules scission.[151,152] preparation of diluted slurries.[166] Regarding LIB-electrode
All these mechanochemical modifications must be thor- slurries, the ability to obtain slurries with high AM/CA and
oughly watched and considered in the course of the slurry ball binder contents is advantageous because the settling of the
milling; it was reported that ball milling – related AM/CA mod- solid fraction of the slurry can create uneven distribution of
ification may be beneficial for LIB-electrode performance, but the electrode component (AM/CA/binder) and inhomogeneous
may also impair the properties of the starting CA/AM.[117,153–157] pore distribution across the electrode thickness in the course
Besides, ball-milling action often has a complex and ambivalent of the electrode drying. Slurry solids settle to the bottom of the
character, which depend on the specific ball-milling and mate- slurry layer concentrating in the vicinity of the current collector;
rial parameters[158]; e.g., ball milling treatment may impair the this is the electrode area, which is less accessible for Li+ ions.
low current rate performance enhancing the high current rate Thus, this electrode inhomogeneity aggravates the local Li+-ions
performance.[159] shortage depriving AM in this area from absorbing Li+-ions.[168]
The conclusion is that the ball-milling provides finely inter- The higher is the slurry concentration, the shorter is the slurry
mixed slurry with smaller AM and CA clusters if compared drying time,[56] and the smaller are the unwanted AM con-
with hydrodynamic shear – based mixing; at the same time, centration changes.[88,169–171] Long drying time also effects in
the ball-milling tends to compromise the AM and CA particles binder distribution inhomogeneity, so that the binder runs low
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near the current collector,[171,172] which compromises the adhe- tackle powder agglomeration and thus provide better AM/CA
sion of the active electrode mass to the current collector. intermixing and slurry homogeneity in two ways.
Bottom line, shortening the drying time improves the adhe-
sion. Besides increasing the slurry solid fraction, slurry drying 1. The partition of the powder clusters is controlling by the
may be accelerated by elevating of the drying temperature and contact angle at border between particle surface and slurry
also by drying under vacuum.[173] Although from the indus- solvent (αwet). The αwet actually depends on the interaction of
trial perspective, such drying process modifications are not the particle material and the solvent; specifically, the smaller
rewarding. Moreover, there are indications that whereas the is the αwet, the higher is the affinity of the solvent for the solid
elevation of the drying temperature is beneficial for the active surface, and the finer the powder may be dispersed.[189] Sur-
layer adhesion toward current collector in the case of in-oven factants reduce the αwet diminishing the difference between
drying,[173] the high temperature hot-plate (or hot roll) drying the energy of particle attraction inside the cluster and the en-
results in a decrease in the active layer adhesion toward current ergy of particle-solvent interaction (ΔGpartition) thus facilitat-
collector.[174] ing cluster partition.[65,190–193] It worth to be noted that this
Appropriate consideration must be given to possible chem- thermodynamic condition doesn’t rule out the existence of
ical actions of intensive ultrasound in the course of ultrasonic the activation energy for the powder partition, so the disper-
treatment. This is particularly important in the case of water- sion of the powder may generally depend on the mixing en-
based slurries because of the vast generation of highly reactive ergy intensity even if the surfactant reduces the contact angle
free radicals, such as H·, OH·, O· and HO2· under the ultra- to zero.
sonic irradiation conditions.[175] Within the subject of LIB-elec- 2. The ultimate cluster sizes, AM/CA distribution, slurry ho-
trode ultrasonic slurry dispersing, the important points are the mogeneity and the morphology of clusters in slurry, is also
binder polymer chain scission and the binder grafting on the controlling by the process of the particle association; this
AM and CA particles under the action of ultrasound. Popular association is caused by the attraction of the colliding clus-
LIB-electrode binders such as methyl cellulose, poly acrylic acid ters.[104–106,194,195] Surfactant adsorption results in modifi-
and polyvinyl alcohol[176–180] are prone to the ultrasonic-induced cation of the inter-cluster interaction; specifically, charged
de-polymerization, whereas the length of chain of polymeric (anionic/cationic) surfactants hinders cluster merging (i.e.,
binder is an important parameter, which controls the electrode provides slurry stabilization) by electrostatic force, and non-
quality.[181,182] Binder chemisorption and grafting, which take ionic and polymeric-type surfactants provide steric hindrance
place in the course of ultrasonic treatment of AM/CA slur- of cluster merging.[192,196–198]
ries,[183] play an ambiguous role in LIB-electrode performance;
the processes may increase the electrode integrity, which is The AM/CA intermixing improvements and thus the ulti-
advantageous (this is particularly useful if AM undergoes mate enhancement of electrode performance were reported
volume changes during the electrochemical lithiation), but may by many researches[17,18,199–202] in the case of surfactant addi-
also degrade CA/AM contacts and thus compromise the elec- tion into the slurry. A modification of the surfactant-assistance
trode conductivity.[184,185] Ultrasonic treatment is a promising mixing (substrate induced coagulation, SIC) was reported
method of LIB-electrode slurry preparation, and such mixing in[16,19,203–205]; SIC assisted the even distribution of small CA
was employed for LIB-electrode slurry preparation.[12,117,186–188] particles over substantially larger AM by adding a surfactant to
The method is in the opening stage of development, though, the AM suspension strictly in the amount of the AM absorp-
and the accurate comparison of ultrasonic slurry dispersion tion capacity. The surfactant (gelatin or polyvinyl alcohol) has
method and other dispersion methods for LIB-electrode slurry a strong affinity to CA, and so CA evenly distributes over AM
preparation is not still available. surface being added to the suspension; this results in improve-
Summing up, whereas ultrasonic mixing is less common ments of the fabricated electrode performance.
technique of slurry preparation than hydrodynamic shear – A similar approach may be implemented if the AM-nanopar-
based mixing and ball-milling, it has advantage of fine par- ticles are substantially smaller then CA. A high aspect ratio CA
ticle clusters disintegration and also offers the opportunity (carbon nanotubes, CNT’s) were mixed with binder solution
of the slurry preparation with a very low solvent content but (polyacrylic acid, PAA), and the CNT’s turn to be enclosed with
enough low viscosity (such slurries are advantageous for the the binder molecules. Subsequently, nano-AM particles were
further preparation processing). Also, the binder adhesion added to the PAA-enclosed CNT’s suspension, and the AM par-
toward AM and CA surfaces may be improved under the ticles turns to be evenly pasted across CA surface (the process
ultrasound action in the course of mixing. At the same time, was named polymer-assisted assembly).[206] Figure 8a illustrates
the application of the high intensity ultrasound may result in the process, and Figure 8(b) demonstrates the excellence of the
degradation of some polymeric molecules so this technique resulting electrode.
may not be a good choice for slurries with certain particular As outlined above, LIB-electrode slurries contain not only
binders. solid fractions (AM/CA), solvent and (sometimes) surfactant
but also a dissolved polymer (binder). Importantly, the binder
has a sounding impact onto the AM/CA dispersion process.
5. Dispersant and Surfactant Influence First, the binder often interacts with AM/CA surfaces[207,208]
providing steric and/or electrostatic protection against sec-
Surfactants have a substantial impact on the partition of powder ondary AM/CA merging and agglomeration; this feature
clusters in the course of slurry preparation. A surfactant may depends on the binder and AM/CA-surface properties. The
Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 1600655 © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim (9 of 23) 1600655
Figure 8. a) Schematics of the of CNTs/AM composite electrode preparation by polymer-assisted assembly. b) The specific capacity vs cycle number
graph, red squares and circles show data for CNTs/PAA/Fe3O4 electrode prepared by polymer assisted assembly, and data for commonly prepared
reference Fe3O4/PVDF/CB electrode are marked with black squares and circles. Reproduced and modified with permission.[206] Copyright 2016, J. Wiley
& Sons.
binder may diminish αwet assisting the wetting of AM/CA sur- cellulose/cellulose derivatives, alginates, etc.[16,217,225–229]. It was
faces by the slurry solution,[139,209–213] and thus, the dissolved reported that many of these binders provide protection against
binders may serve as surfactants.[214] The binder solution with AM/CA agglomeration, and are assisting AM/CA powder dis-
low αwet also assists the formation of highly conductive binder/ persion by diminishing αwet[16,19,139,211,216,228–232]; some widely
CA bridges between adjacent AM particles on drying due to the employed water-soluble binders may even serve as dispersing
capillary effect of the CA/binder slurry; these bridges improve aids in wet ultrafine grinding of industrial minerals.[233] The
the inter-AM conductivity increasing the electrode performance binder – assisted penetration of solvent inside the powder clus-
and cycle life.[215] Second, the elastic properties of the binder ters (infiltration) also has a sounding impact on the cluster dis-
solutions have a substantial influence on the mixing process, solution. The infiltration may act in two opposite directions: it
particularly in case of hydrodynamic shear stress driven mixing may densify the clusters increasing cluster resistance toward
processes.[100] Third, the binder polymer chains may interact dispersion, and may favor the reduction of overall cluster cohe-
forming interconnected net and thus facilitating particle sion, thereby enhancing dispersion depending on the binder
agglomerate fusion and slurry flocculation.[70] The bottom line solution viscosity and particularities of the binder interaction
is that the binder modifies AM/CA surface interaction with the with AM/CA surfaces.[97,234,235] Binder solutions don’t always
slurry solvent; this may support AM/CA particles association or, demonstrate adequate dispersing ability toward employed
on the contrary, may assist fine dispersion of AM/CA powders AM’s, though. In many cases, the application of surfactants/
depending on the particularities of this modification.[216] dispersants improves dispersity and homogeneity of AM/CA
Nowadays, there is a tendency for implementation of water- slurries.[46,135,195,200,237–241] However, the implementation of sur-
based slurry solvents in LIB-production; indeed, water-based factants may hit snags. The first issue is that the surfactant per-
solvents are cheaper, non-flammable and more environmentally sists on the AM/CA surfaces after slurry drying and thus it may
safe than organic solvents.[195,217–221] The change-over to the compromise electrode conductivity[202,237,238,240]; in this relation
aqueous slurries requires the implementation of water-soluble the employment of fugitive surfactants (such as ethanol[242]),
binders; besides, pooling away from the most common PVDF which fade out in course of electrode drying, may be advanta-
binder (which needs a non-aqueous solvent) may be advanta- geous. The second issue is that many anionic/cationic sur-
geous by itself, because this binder and its solvent (NMP) are factants/dispersants used in water-based slurries may induce
a subject of safety concerns.[222,223] It was also reported that the corrosion of aluminum current collectors.[200]
the electrodes being prepared with the water-based slurry In conclusion, a surfactant implementation may substan-
have more uniform binder distribution (and hence better per- tially improve slurry homogeneity and enhance AM and CA
formance) than electrodes prepared with the non-aqueous intermixing being combined with the above slurry preparation
slurry.[171] Furthermore, water-soluble binders are preferable for techniques. At the same time, the choice of the surfactant is to
high-capacity Si-based anodes.[182,224] be done with care; it should be kept in mind that the surfactant
The specific feature of aqueous solvents is that many AM and leftovers may compromise the electrode performance.
CA materials have low affinity to water; this provision is particu-
larly related to silicone powder and CA’s, such as graphite. The 6. The Sequence of Multicomponent Slurry
solution of this problem often facilitates by the fact that most
Preparation Steps Matters
of frequently employed water-soluble binders are active at the
surfaces of the common AM’s and CA’s; this is related to such It was reported that the performance of the electrodes, which
binders as poly acrylates, gelatin, chitosan/chitosan derivatives, are prepared of the same AM, CA and binders, markedly
1600655 (10 of 23) © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 1600655
Figure 9. The effect of the mixing sequence of LIB-electrode slurry. a) Cathode, AM – LiCoO2 (≈10 μm), CA – carbon black (≈35 nm), binder – PVDF
(Mw = 7 × 104), AM : CB : binder = 95:2.5:2.5 wt. ratio, solvent – NMP, 65 wt. % of solids. Reproduced and modified with permission.[244] b) anode,
AM – 88.8 wt. % graphite, CB – 3.2 wt. % acetylene black, binder – 8 wt. % PVDF, solvent – NMP. Reproduced and modified with permission.[248]
c) cathode, AM –LiNi0,80Co0,15Al0,05O2/Li(Li-Mn-Al)2O4 mix, 2/1 w. ratio, 92 w.%, CB – 4 w.%, binder PVDF – 4 w.%. Reproduced and modified with
permission.[116] Copyright 2016, Elsevier.
depends on the mixing sequence of the electrode slurry (i.e., the different AM’s, different binders and different solvents), the
different orders of adding AM, CB and a binder in the course optimal mixing process would be different.
of slurry mixing-preparation); the effect is confirmed for dif- The potentiality of the variation of sequence of slurry prepa-
ferent slurries (for various cathode slurries and anode slurries ration steps were demonstrated in the work of Zheng et. al.[248]
with a variety of AM’s, CB’s and binders).[5,116,132,243–247] Some Slurry components were graphite powder (AM), CB and PVDF,
examples of such influence are presented in Figure 9. The while NMP was used as slurry solvent. Two different sequences
numerical modeling demonstrates the advantages of multistage of slurry preparation steps were employed: first sequence
mixing if one starts the process with the less viscous solvent comprised of dispersing AM and CB in NMP followed by dis-
(the binder is added at the second and third steps for two- and solving binder in the prepared AM/CB/NMP slurry; the other
multi-step processes, respectively) with a gradual addition sequence comprised of dispersing of CB into a pre-prepared
of the solid slurry components (see Figure 10a).[4] Figure 10b PVDF/NMP solution followed by dispersing the AM powder
demonstrates that for AM particle of each shape and size, one- into the CB/PVDF/NMP slurry (Figure 9b). The authors related
step mixing provides electrodes with a lower conductivity than the apparent difference in cycle life of the anodes prepared with
two- and multi-step mixing procedures. At the same time, all these two types of slurries to the difference in the mechanical
two- and multi-step mixing procedures produce electrodes with properties of these electrode laminates, which originates from
similar conductivities. the variance between the morphology of these laminates. This
The most distinguished feature is that both conductivities assumption was supported with the observation that electrodes
and binder distribution depend on AM shape and size in the prepared from both slurries had similar conductivity, but sub-
same or even at a greater extent than these parameters depend stantially different Young modulus, and the Young modulus of
on the process variations. This means that the implementation the electrode, which was prepared in the second method, was
of multi-step 2 increases the conductivity (1.35 times) of the substantially lower (the electrode laminate being less rigid).
electrode made of small polyhedral AM particles, if compared Since the viscosity of PVDF/NMP solution was substantially
with a one-step production. At the same time, the electrode’s higher than the viscosity of NMP solution, it is problematic for
conductivity is increased (in 1.30 times) if polyhedral AM’s are the viscous PVDF/NMP to penetrate inside AM clusters and
changed for cuboid AM’s, preserving the preparation process spreading over all AM’s surface upon AM addition (though, it
(see Figure 10b). These circumstance suggest that the shape may be suggested that the surface inside CB cluster also was
of AM particles are to be taken into considerations for a cor- not adequately accessible for binder).
rect comparison of the results emerging from the different This assumption is in agreement with the provisions that
works discussing the influence of slurry mixing processing in the course of powder dispersing by rotating impeller that
sequence. The alteration in the sequence of slurry preparation the larger is the shear rate the smaller are the final size of the
steps results in a modification of the prepared electrode mor- clusters of the dispersing powder; G, the global shear rate is
phology, which in turn, affects the electrode performance; such expressed in Equation (1):
alteration may be used as a powerful tool for electrode perfor-
mance improvements. Electrode laminate morphology modifi- ωT
G= (1)
cation may comprise in a variation of AM vs CB distribution, µV
in a variation of AM/CB vs binder distribution, in a variation
of the electrode laminate pore structure, and in some combina- where, T stands for the impeller torque, ω stands for the
tions, all of these parameters. In this regard, it worth to note angular velocity of the impeller, μ stands for the dynamic vis-
that the binder solubility and the interaction of the binder and cosity, and V stands for the volume of the aggregation space.
surface of the dispersing powder (expectably) plays a pivotal Thus, the lower is the viscosity the larger is the shear rate.[92]
part in the distribution of the slurry components.[249] Thus, it This means that if the viscosity of the solvent is high, it is dif-
is suggested that for different slurries (i.e., for different CB’s, ficult to take apart AM particles and properly coat their surface
Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 1600655 © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim (11 of 23) 1600655
Figure 10. a) Mixing sequences and suggested AM particles shapes. b) Parameters of ultimate electrode prepared from the different processed slur-
ries – the binder distribution homogeneity index (binder distributed more homogeneous into electrodes if the index is lower) and conductive interfacial
area of the electrode (the parameter, which is proportional to the electrode conductivity). Reproduced and modified with permission.[4] Copyright 2016,
ACS Publications.
with a binder integrating all AM into a laminate upon drying. – electrode laminates (NMP was used as slurry solvent). Again,
As a result, PVDF molecules contacted mostly to the external two different sequences of preparation steps were compared:
AM particle surface and upon drying, the polymer chains were first sequence comprised of dispersing a dry-premixed AM/CB
not stretched along all AM surface. Therefore, the binder is powder in PVDF/NMP solution, while the second comprised of
not entrenched inside the pores and is being mostly tangled dispersing the same AM/CB mix in a thicker PVDF/NMP solu-
all together outside the AM particles, thus having a limited tion (PVDF + 2 of the total NMP volume), followed by a diluting
free space available for absorbing the mechanical stretching of the resulting slurry with the rest NMP (in three steps, 1 of
and stresses accompanied the AM lithiation/de-lithiation pro- the total NMP volume in each step). The second method deliv-
cesses; consequently, the electrode laminate had demonstrated ered cathodes with better performance (see Figure 9a). The
substantial rigidity. Contrary to this, the powder agglomerates authors related the effect to the attaining of more homogeneous
were smaller in the course of dispersing the AM/CB in a low CB distribution by dispersing AM/CB powder in a thicker
viscous NMP first, and then the binder freely spread all over PVDF solution first, which resulted in the increase of the elec-
AM powder surface upon PVDF addition; the binder molecule trode conductivity. Similar effect (better electrode laminate per-
segments penetrate inside AM pores entrenching there. Thus, formance if slurry preparation starts with thicker solvent, i.e.,
binder molecules have more contacts with AM particles, set- if the binder was added from the very beginning) was reported
tling in a more ordered fashion, leaving extra free space for in the preparation of other slurry with oxide AM, sp., Li1.2V3O8/
absorbing stretch/stress load on the AM upon consecutive lithi- CB/PMMA/[ethyl acetate+ ethylene carbonate] slurry.[250]
ation/de-lithiation cycling. This explanation correlates well with It may be concluded that the change in the sequences of the
the work of Cho et al.,[70] reporting that the PVDF molecules preparation steps may have different effect depending on the
formed relatively large and separated clews right after slurry nature of the components:
preparation; these polymer molecules were finely dissolved and
it was reported that the binder spread all along the slurry after • In the case of graphite/CB/PVDF slurry,[248] better binder struc-
allowing the slurry to rest for seven days (see Figure 11). It may ture took place if dispersing in a thinner solvent is using first.
be suggested that PVDF distribution is a slow process, and the • In the cases of [Li1.2V3O8 or LiCoO2]/CB/[PVDF or PMMA]
polymer actually fails to spread evenly across all powder surface slurries, better CB distribution took place, if the starting sol-
in the course of mixing and soon after. vent is thicker.[244]
Other AM component was employed in the work of Lee
et al.[244]; the authors investigated the influence of the sequence In both cases, the performance improvements are suggested
of slurry preparation steps on the property of LiCoO2/CB/PVDF to take place because of different morphology changes. In one
1600655 (12 of 23) © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 1600655
Figure 11. Energy dispersive spectroscopy mapping of fluorine distribution into the freeze-dried LiCoO2/CB/PVDF slurry samples, a) as prepared,
b) after a 7-day rest; the slurry was prepared by a dry blending of AM and CB powders followed by PVDF addition and dispersing in NMP. Reproduced
and modified with permission.[70] Copyright 2016, Royal Society of Chemistry.
case, the enhancement of the electrode conductivity (because of blending of the precursor powder can be taught. First, this is
better AM/CB intermixing) is assumed to be the cause of the a dry blending of AM/CB/binder mix; the distinguished fea-
improvement; the effect, expectably, is the most pronounced ture of this approach is that the affinity of the PVDF powder
for higher current rates, as it is demonstrated in Figure 9a. to CB is substantially higher than PVDF affinity to AM, and
In the other case, the morphology modification was linked to thus actually CB/PVDF composite appears first, and then the
the improvement of mechanical properties of the electrode, AM particles turn to be de-agglomerated and separated with
whereas no significant change in the electrode conductivity conductive binder-CB composite (see Figure 12a).[254] It may be
was reported. It may be suggested that both types of electrode suggested that upon further powder dispersing, the slurry in
laminate properties alteration, which are caused by variation some way preserves the structure presented in Figure 12a (i.e.,
of sequence of the preparation steps, as well as the resulting the de-agglomerated AM separated with CB/binder composite),
electrode performance modifications, depend on the particu- and the morphology persists upon drying. This impels higher
larities of AM CB binder solvent interactions in the conductivity and better performance to the electrode lami-
slurry. These aspects may depend not only on the AM, CB and nate. Such assumption may be helpful in understanding that
binder themselves, but also on the particular AM/CB/binder a careful dispersing of the dry AM/CB/binder mix, gives elec-
combination.[208] trode laminates with better performance than high energetic
Currently, a preliminary dry blending of slurry components dispersing (see Figure 12b), which may disrupt the delicate dry
(AM/CB, AM/binder and AM/CB/binder), before dispersing mix configuration.
these precursors into a solvent (or binder solution) is gaining The second option is a dry blending of AM/CB (without poly-
momentum. A dry blending process, followed by a solvent meric binder) followed by a dispersing of the resulting precursor
(or binder solution) addition and premixed powder dispersing mix into a binder solution. The advantageous performance of
often has a positive influence on the ultimate electrode perfor- electrode laminates prepared in this way is related to an inti-
mance, which was reported in many studies.[54,90,116,251–253] Two mate AM and CB intermixing, which increases the electronic
avenues of electrode material modification by preliminary dry connectivity of AM particles. However, the AM/CB contact
Figure 12. Electrode laminates with AM/CB/binder dry pre-blended precursor; a) the morphology before dispersing in a solvent. Reproduced and
modified with permission.[254] Copyright 2016, Nature Publishing Group. b) the performance of the electrode with AM/CB/binder dry pre-blended pre-
cursor prepared with differently dispersed slurries. AM is LiMn2O4/LiNi0,80Co0,15Al0,05O2 mix, CB is super P-Li, binder is PVDF, slurry solvent is NMP.
Reproduced and modified with permission.[116] Copyright 2016, Elsevier.
Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 1600655 © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim (13 of 23) 1600655
Figure 13. a) Schematics of AM and CA dry mixing; AM stands for Li[Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3]O2 with mean particle size 8.9 μm, CA stands for carbon black with
mean particle size 35 nm, binder – PVDF, blender – Nobilta.[259] Reproduced and modified with permission 2016, Elsevier.[54] b) TEM of the Si/Al2O3
nano-particles ball-milled with carbon black. Indeed, ball-milling with CB may result in a thin carbon coating of a treated material. Reproduced and
modified with permission.[262] Copyright 2016, Elsevier.
modification may have a complicated character. It was reported to[264]), but the ultimate cathode performance of the electrode
that in the course of an intensive blending of AM/CB mix, AM laminate prepared with the more conductive AM/CB powder
particles are covered with a thin carbon layer,[54,255] similar to a mixed on highly intensive Nobita blender is noticeably lower
carbon coating, resulting from a chemical type carbon plating; than the performance of the electrode laminate prepared with
the morphology of such mix is exemplified in Figure 13. Gen- the less conductive AM/CB powder treated on low intensity
erally, such plating substantially improves the cathode perfor- rotary drum blender (Figure 15). One more aspect is that a
mance (most of the cathode AM have a low conductivity).[255–258] dry pre-treatment helps to gain a better CA distribution and
It was found, though, that in case of inadequate amount of CB, electrode performance enhancements only if the employed
the conductivity of the ultimate electrode laminate may be sub- blending process fits the properties of the specific AM’s/CA’s;
stantially low, because of the development of a layered structure otherwise, the preliminary dry blending may even compromise
AM/[CB layer]/[binder layer], schematically shown in Figure 13; the ultimate electrode performance.[265]
importantly, an additional CB improves the
laminate conductivity.
The improvement in the electrode lami-
nate performance upon dry mixing is sug-
gested to be related with the increase of
the AM – connectivity, due to a better AM/
CA intermixing,[260] which provides an even
distribution of smaller CA particles around
larger AM particles.[54,261–263] This improve-
ment of connectivity is related to the blending
procedure mode, but this relation has a com-
plicated character. Whereas, an effect of a
low energy blending frequently is insignifi-
cant (e.g., intensive ball-milling blender was
reported to be substantially more effective
than manual mortar-and-pestle mixing[263]),
the extra-intensive blending often also has a
negative influence on the electrode laminate
performance;[252] this fact was explained by
CB aggregation in the slurry prepared from
the raw AM/CB powder, and AM aggregation
in the slurry prepared from an “over-blended”
AM/CB powder (see Figure 14).
Worth noting, the increase in the AM/
BC powder conductivity is not a warranty
of improved performance of the ultimate Figure 14. Morphology and performance of the cathodes prepared from AM/CB mix without
electrode; a high-energy powder blender a dry blending, AM/CB dry blended at moderate conditions (ball-milled at 200 rpm) and inten-
sively blended AM/CB powder (ball-milled at 600 rpm); AM – LiCoO , CB – acetylene black
(Nobilta[259]) delivered AM/CA powder mix (average particle size 48 nm), binder and solvent for ultimate slurry2 preparation are PVDF
with a substantially better conductivity than a and NMP respectively. Reproduced and modified with permission.[252] Copyright 2016, The
low energy rotary drum type blender (similar Electrochemical Society.
1600655 (14 of 23) © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 1600655
Figure 15. Power test performance of the pouch cells with electrodes prepared from differently processed AM/CB powders and (b) powder conductivity
of the corresponding dry AM/CB cathode powders processed with the rotary drum mixer, the Nobilta and the Eirich intensive mixers, and the planetary
mixer (PMH10); cathode materials: AM – LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2, binder PVDF CB – Super P-Li; anode materials: AM – MCMB, binder PVDF, CB – Super
P-Li and TIMREX SFG6L mix. Reproduced and modified with permission.[90] Copyright 2016, The Electrochemical Society.
Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 1600655 © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim (15 of 23) 1600655
favor CNT – bundling.[320] These circumstances suggest that the First, graphene is often used as the platform for AM/graphene
choice of surfactants for CNT dispersing needs a special care. composite preparation.[341–344] In this case, AM and graphene
Generally, best fit surfactants hold molecules having relatively intimate intermixing takes place before the slurry formation
short, flat and rigid chains and possessing distinct hydrophilic stage. Second, graphene may be also employed in the same way
and hydrophobic ends.[321] as common conductive additives are using, i.e., as a component
Another way to facilitate CNT dispersing is the CNT surface of AM/CCM/binder slurry.[345,346]
modification; the modification may consist a covalent attach- Regarding LIB-cathodes, most of the studies were focused on
ment of different groups and/or molecules to the sides and/ AM/(graphene composite) systems providing AM and graphene
or to the ends of CNT’s.[322] It may also consist a reductive properly arranged morphologically before slurry preparation
treatment, which imparts negative charge to the treated CNT’s step.[341,342,347–349] Graphene was also employed as the cathode
(turning them into “nanotubides”).[323] Such nanotubides are conductive additive[350–352] being added at the slurry preparation
surrounded with cations and thus mimic polyelectrolytes. stage. The above development poses an issue of graphene and
These approaches impart high dispersibility to CNT/CNF. At graphene-based nano-composite slurry preparation; re-stacking
the same time, the CNT-modifying molecules may hinder the of the graphene platelets in the course of slurry preparation may
Li+ and electron transfer into ultimate LIB-electrodes,[324] and take place and this process is damaging for the electrode perfor-
may enhance electrolyte decomposition (leading to overall LIB mance.[353,354] Similarly to CNT’s, graphene may be properly dis-
degradation).[325] These instances suggest careful choice of the persed into the common NMP/PVDF solvent-binder combina-
specific type of CNT – modification. tion by ultrasound or by high shear hydrodynamic mixing[355,356];
It worth noting, though, that all of the above matter is mostly this approach is frequently used in the art.[273,333,349,357–359] The
related to the CNTs, whereas CNF’s are usually used as the plat- dispersing of graphene and/or graphene-based materials into
form for AM/CNF composite material formation so that AM and water-based slurry is a more challenging task; it is often car-
CNF intimate mixing takes place before the slurry preparation rying out employing surfactants[360,361] and/or graphene platelet
stage; moreover, often AM/CNF – composite based LIB-electrodes surface modifications.[362–364]
may be prepared without binder and thus the slurry fabrication
stage may be bypassed. This is particularly the case for LIB-anodes
(CNF often serve as CA and also as anode AM).[326–328] 8. The Relation Between Slurry Properties and
Technological Manufacturing Process Aspects
7.2. Graphene Industrial electrode production involves the coating of the cur-
rent collector foil with a wet slurry layer of the predetermined
Graphene is a 2D – carbon material; it was employed as LIB- thickness followed by drying. Slot die high speed coaters are
anode active material and also as a conductive additive for the equipment of choice for such processing.[48] As shown in
LIB-cathodes.[270,329–333] Anodes were often prepared solely Figure 16, the resulting electrode should have an even thick-
from graphene and a binder[334,335] or from graphene, a binder ness and should be free of coating defects; the coating process
and 3D nano-sized carbon additives.[281,336–340] The reason for should be highly productive (i.e., the coating speed should
3D-carbon admixing is that graphene being a planar issue with be high). To this end, the hydrodynamic parameters of the
relatively large sizes impedes Li+ ion transport to some extent; applying LIB-electrode slurry (which is generally behaving as
this steric effect may be tackled by introducing 3D nano-sized non-Newtonian liquid)[53] should comply with some conditions
carbon black and 1D CNT’s, which serves as spacers between for obtaining an even and defect free coatings onto the sub-
graphene platelets offering Li+-diffusion pathways.[331] strate foil.
The other type of graphene-based LIB-anodes are the anodes, First, the slurry should have properties, which provide
in which graphene is combined with other anode materials. an option of small wet layer thickness variations leveling
Figure 16. a) The coating stability window for slot-die coating machine. Reproduced and modified with permission from Marcel Dekker Inc.[366]
b) barring-type coating defects. Reproduced with permission.[50] Copyright 2016, Elsevier.
1600655 (16 of 23) © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 1600655
(such variations appear as the result of unavoidable disturbances processing materials (solvents and dispersing aids). Despite
of the slot coating flow[365]), and the leveling should be fast enough of the great body of works in the literature, extensively being
for keeping pace with the coating rate; a low slurry viscosity favors reviewed here, a detailed understanding of the relation between
fast leveling.[366] Second, with a reference to Figure 13a, the the mixing process parameters (type of mixing, transferring
coating process is stable and results in a defect-free coating only energy, dispersing aids, etc.), the resulting slurry properties
if the capillary number values (capillary number, Ca = (μV)/σ, is a and the ultimate electrode structure is not gained up to now,
combination of the slurry viscosity μ, slurry surface tension σ and and it is clear that the ambitious task of the preparation of the
substrate speed V) are all located inside the stability area, below slurry with a fully adequate properties cannot be solved without
the border line, as shown in Figure 16a.[367] Since the substrate an extensive research in the field of different mixing and dis-
speed V, determines the coater productivity, the slurry viscosity is persing techniques in application to LIB-electrode slurries.
to be as low as possible, as the expression for Ca hints. The reviewed bulk of literature implies that whereas slurry
Bottom line, the production considerations are in favor of requirements seem considerably straightforward (AM, CA and
the slurries with low viscosities; it stands to reason though, that a binder are to be intimately and evenly intermixed, and slurry
the means of slurry viscosity control should not compromise viscosity is to be low), it worth to focus on a careful choice
the ultimate LIB-electrode performance. Even such extensive of the best mixing process for each specific electrode slurry
slurry parameter, as slurry solid fraction content (slurry vis- (taking into consideration properties of the particular AM, CA
cosity, expectably, depends on solid fraction content[233]) should and the specific binder) rather than a search for “the best way
be used with caution for viscosity adjustment since the elec- of slurry preparation”, in general. This conclusion is based on
trode performance may substantially depend on the solid frac- the works reporting that often the processes, which deliver an
tion content in the electrode slurry,[88] seemingly because of the excellent intermixing of some systems, may be less efficient
AM/CA separation in the course of drying. in the case of some other systems (the mixing procedure may
Another approach to adjust the slurry viscosity is to employ damage some AM and CA components, may damage binder,
surfactants; this method should also be used with care, though. surfactant leftovers may compromise performance, etc.).
On one hand, the optimal concentration of surfactant often The fundamental and basic knowledge of the complex mul-
exists, and the addition of an extra surfactant may decrease the ticomponent slurry preparation processes is also applicable in
viscosity[233]; on the other hand, an optimal value of surfactant other technological fields, where such slurries are used, such
content may be also related to the electrode performance, i.e., the as composite material preparation, or medicine/pharmacy,
extra amount of surfactant may decrease the slurry viscosity, but offering great opportunities in designing and preparation of
in doing so, it may compromise the electrode performance.[199] new products.
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