Baron Manual
Baron Manual
Baron Manual
June 5, 2015
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1 Licensing and software requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Model requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1 Allowable nonlinear functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Variable and expression bounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4 BARON input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.1 Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.2 Input grammar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.3 The options section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.4 The problem data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.5 Error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.6 Sample input file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.7 Other ways to access BARON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5 BARON output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.1 BARON screen output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.2 Termination messages, model and solver statuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5.3 BARON solution output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6 Some BARON features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.1 No starting point is required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6.2 Finding a few of the best or all feasible solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6.3 Using BARON as a multi-start heuristic solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6.4 Systematic treatment of unbounded problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.5 Systematic treatment of infeasible problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.6 Handling of complementarity constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6.7 Parallel capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2 BARON user manual v. 15.6.5
1 Introduction
The Branch-And-Reduce Optimization Navigator (BARON) is a computational system for the
global solution of algebraic nonlinear programs (NLPs) and mixed-integer nonlinear programs
While traditional NLP and MINLP algorithms are guaranteed to provide global optima only
under certain convexity assumptions, BARON implements deterministic global optimization al-
gorithms of the branch-and-bound type that are guaranteed to provide global optima under fairly
general assumptions. These assumptions include the existence of finite lower and upper bounds
on nonlinear expressions in the NLP or MINLP to be solved.
BARON implements algorithms of the branch-and-bound type, enhanced with a variety of con-
straint propagation and duality techniques for reducing ranges of variables in the course of the
Parts of the BARON software were created at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
and Carnegie Mellon University.
The demo version of BARON is freely available from The Optimization Firm and can be down-
loaded from This code can handle problems with up to 10
variables, 10 constraints, and 50 nonlinear operations. In order to use BARON for larger prob-
lems, users will need to have a valid BARON license. The Optimization Firm provides licenses
that permit users to use BARON directly on any Windows or Linux platform as well as under
MATLAB and YALMIP. In addition, BARON distributors AIMMS, AMPL and GAMS provide
licenses for using BARON under their modeling systems.
BARON user manual v. 15.6.5 3
The software includes the Coin solvers CLP/CBC, FilterSD, and IPOPT for solving BARON’s
linear/integer programming (LP/MIP) and nonlinear programming (NLP) subproblems. In ad-
dition, BARON can utilize IBM’s ILOG CPLEX for solving LP/MIP subproblems if CPLEX is
installed on the user’s computer as a dynamic library. Additional licensed LP/MIP and NLP
solvers are available under the AIMMS, AMPL and GAMS versions of BARON and may expe-
dite convergence. Current valid LP/MIP subsolvers for BARON are CLP/CBC, CPLEX, and
XPRESS. Current valid NLP subsolvers are CONOPT, FilterSD, IPOPT, MINOS, and SNOPT.
2 Model requirements
BARON addresses the problem of finding global solutions to general nonlinear and mixed-integer
nonlinear programs:
min f (x)
s.t. g(x) ≤ 0
where f : X → R, g : X → Rm , and X ⊂ Rn . The set X may include integer restrictions and the
constraints may include complementarity relationships. The types of functions f and g currently
handled by BARON are discussed below.
In addition to multiplication and division, BARON can handle nonlinear functions that in-
volve exp(x), ln(x), xα for real α, and β x for real β. AIMMS/BARON, AMPL/BARON and
GAMS/BARON automatically handle |x| and xy , where x and y are variables; otherwise, suitable
transformations discussed below can be used. Currently, there is no support for other functions,
including the trigonometric functions sin(x), cos(x), etc.
Nonlinear expressions in the mathematical program to be solved must be bounded below and/or
above. It is important that finite lower and upper bounds be provided by the user on as many
problem variables as possible. However, providing finite bounds on variables alone may not
suffice to guarantee finite bounds on nonlinear expressions arising in the model. For example,
consider the term 1/x for x ∈ [0, 1], which has finite variable bounds, but is unbounded. It is
important to provide bounds for problem variables that guarantee that the problem functions
are finitely-valued in the domain of interest. If the user model does not include variable bounds
that guarantee that all nonlinear expressions are finitely-valued, BARON will attempt to infer
appropriate bounds from problem constraints. If this step fails, global optimality of the solutions
provided may not be guaranteed.
4 BARON user manual v. 15.6.5
3 Installation
If you intend to use BARON under GAMS, AIMMS, AMPL, or YALMIP, the BARON software
already comes installed with your modeling system. If you intend to access the stand-alone
version of BARON, entirely on its own or via MATLAB, place the BARON executable and
license in your PATH. Simply placing them under your MATLAB PATH may not suffice. In
order to use BARON under MATLAB, follow the additional installation instructions that come
with the MATLAB/BARON interface.
4 BARON input
There are various ways for passing an optimization problem to BARON:
• Indirectly, using one of the available BARON interfaces under AIMMS, AMPL, GAMS,
4.1 Usage
BARON provides a high-level modeling language capable of reading a mixed-integer nonlinear
optimization model in a relatively simple format. Input is provided in the form of a text file. Even
though not required, it is strongly recommended that all BARON input files have the extension
.bar. Let the input file be called and let the name of the BARON executable be
baron. Then, issuing the command
baron test
• Variable names can be in lower or upper case. The parser is case sensitive, i.e., X1 and x1
are two different variables.
• Variable names should be no longer than 15 characters.
• Variable names must start with a letter.
• With the exception of underscores ( ), non-alphanumeric characters such as hyphens (-)
are not permitted in variable names.
• Any text between // and the end of a line is ignored (i.e., it is treated as a comment).
• The signs “+”, “-”, “*” and “/” have their usual meaning of arithmetic operations.
• “ˆ” is the power/exponentiation operator where, if the base is a negative constant, the
exponent must be an integer. Note that the order of operations may be different in different
computing environments:
– xˆyˆz = (xˆy)ˆz in GAMS, MATLAB, and Excel
– xˆyˆz = xˆ(yˆz) in Fortran, AMPL, BARON, Mathematica.
• The exponential function is denoted as exp().
• The natural logarithm is available as log() as well as ln(). To enter log10 () in the model,
use the transformation log10 (x) = log10 (e) ∗ log(x) = 0.4342944819032518 ∗ log(x).
• BARON does not allow xy , where x and y are both variables. It is permissible to have
either x or y as a variable in this case but not both. The following reformulation can be
used around this: xy = exp(y ∗ log(x)). This reformulation is done automatically when
BARON is used under AIMMS, AMPL, GAMS or MATLAB.
• BARON does not allow the use of absolute values |x| in the model file. However, this func-
tion can be modeled equivalently as |x| = (x2 )0.5 . This reformulation is done automatically
when BARON is used under AIMMS, AMPL, GAMS, or MATLAB.
• Parentheses (“(” and “)”) can be used in any meaningful combination with operations in
mathematical expressions.
The input file is divided into two sections: the options and the problem data sections.
<optname1>: <optvalue1>;
<optname2>: <optvalue2>;
<optname3>: <optvalue3>;
6 BARON user manual v. 15.6.5
The names and corresponding values of the BARON options are described in detail in Section 7.
Options not specified here take their default values. Instead of OPTIONS, the word OPTION can
also be used.
• Variable declaration: All variables used in the problem have to be declared before they
are used in equations. Variables can be declared as binary, integer, positive or free using the
respectively. In these keywords, VARIABLE or VAR may be used instead of VARIABLES and
the underscore may be replaced by a space. All discrete (binary and integer) variables
should be declared before any continuous variables. A sample declaration is as follows:
• Variable bounds (optional): Lower and upper bounds on previously declared variables
can be declared using the keywords LOWER BOUNDS and UPPER BOUNDS, respectively. The
word BOUND can be used instead of BOUNDS. A sample bounds declaration follows:
x7: 10;
x5: -300;
x4: 100;
• Branching priorities (optional): Branching priorities can be provided using the keyword
BRANCHING PRIORITIES. The default values of these parameters are set to 1. Variable vio-
lations are multiplied by the user-provided priorities before a branching variable is selected.
A sample branching priorities section follows:
x3: 10;
x5: 0; }
The effect of this input is that variable x3 will be given higher priority than all others,
while variable x5 will never be branched upon.
BARON user manual v. 15.6.5 7
The naming rules for equations are the same as those for variables, i.e., all equation names
are case-sensitive and should begin with a letter.
• Equation definition: Each equation (or inequality) declared above is written in this
section of the input file. The equation is preceded by its corresponding identifier. The
bounds on the equations can be specified using the symbols == (equal to), <= (less than
or equal to) and >= (greater than or equal to). Both <= and >= can be used in the same
equation. A sample equation definition is shown below.
Any variables must appear only on one side of the relational operator. That is, the “left-
hand side” and the “right-hand side” should be pure numbers or expressions involving
constants but no variables.
• Objective function: BARON optimizes a given objective function. This can be declared
using the OBJ and the minimize or maximize keywords. A sample objective definition is
shown below:
• Starting point (optional): A starting point can be optionally specified using the keyword
STARTING POINT as follows:
x1: 50;
x4: 100;
x7: 300;
8 BARON user manual v. 15.6.5
// This is a gear train design problem taken from the GAMS test library
// A compound gear train is to be designed to achieve a specific
// gear ratio between the driver and driven shafts. The objective
// of the gear train design is to find the number of teeth of the
// four gears and to obtain a required gear ratio of 1/6.931.
// The problem originated from:
// Deb, K, and Goyal, M, Optimizing Engineering Designs Using a
// Combined Genetic Search. In Back, T, Ed, Proceedings of the
// Seventh International Conference on Genetic Algorithms. 1997,
// pp. 521-528.
i1: 12;
i2: 12;
i3: 12;
i4: 12;
i1: 60;
i2: 60;
i3: 60;
i4: 60;
e2: - i3 + i4 >= 0;
e3: i1 - i2 >= 0;
BARON user manual v. 15.6.5 9
i1: 24;
i2: 24;
i3: 24;
i4: 24;
5 BARON output
BARON version 15.6.5. Built: LNX-64 Fri Jun 5 09:12:41 EDT 2015
Cleaning up
All done
The solver first tests feasibility of the user-supplied starting point. This point is found to be feasi-
ble with an objective function value of 36.176761. BARON subsequently performs a randomized
local search procedure, which, in this case, does not improve the incumbent. Execution then
proceeds with branch-and-bound, with information printed every 1,000,000 branch-and-bound
iterations and every 30 seconds. Additionally, information is printed at the end of the root node,
whenever the value of the incumbent is improved by at least 10−5 , and at the end of the search.
During branch-and-bound search, a star (*) in the first position of a line indicates that a better
feasible solution was found that improves the value of previous best known solution by at least
10−5 . The log fields include the iteration number, number of open branch-and-bound nodes, the
time taken thus far, the lower bound, and the upper bound for the problem. The log output
fields are summarized below:
BARON user manual v. 15.6.5 11
Field Description
Iteration The number of the current iteration. A plus (+) following the iteration num-
ber denotes reporting while solving a probing (as opposed to a relaxation)
subproblem of the corresponding node.
Open Nodes Number of open nodes in branch-and-reduce tree.
Time Current computational time in seconds. CPU time is reported for single-
threaded jobs and wall clock time is reported for multi-threaded jobs.
Lower Bound Current lower bound on the model.
Upper Bound Current upper bound on the model.
Once the branch-and-reduce tree is searched, the best solution is isolated and a corresponding
dual solution is calculated. Then, the total number of branch-and-reduce iterations (number of
search tree nodes) is reported, followed by the node where the best solution was identified (a -1
indicates preprocessing as explained in the next section on termination messages).
In addition to reporting nodeopt, upon termination, BARON will issue one of the following
• *** Normal completion ***. This is the most desirable termination status. The problem
has been solved within tolerances in this case. If BARON returns a code of -3, then no
feasible solution exists.
• *** Heuristic termination ***. While global optimality is not guaranteed in this case,
BARON will terminate with this message when (a) a feasible solution has been found and
(b) the progress of lower/upper bounds satisfies the heuristic termination criterion set by
the user through BARON’s DeltaTerm option.
• *** User did not provide appropriate variable bounds ***. The user will need to
read the BARON summary file for pointers to variables and expressions with missing bounds.
The model should be modified in order to provide bounds for variables and intermediate
expressions that make it possible for BARON to construct reliable relaxations. Even though
relaxation bounds are printed on the screen to give the user a feeling for convergence, these
bounds may not be valid for the problem at hand. This message is followed by one of the
following two messages:
12 BARON user manual v. 15.6.5
• *** Infeasibility is therefore not guaranteed ***. This indicates that, be-
cause of missing bounds, no feasible solution was found but model infeasibility was
not proven.
• *** Globality is therefore not guaranteed ***. This indicates that, because
of missing bounds, a feasible solution was found but global optimality was not proven.
• *** Max. allowable nodes in memory reached ***. The user will need to increase
the physical memory of the computer or change algorithmic options, such as branching and
node selection rules, to reduce the size of the search tree and memory required for storage.
• *** Max. allowable BaR iterations reached ***. The user will need to increase the
maximum number of allowable iterations. The BARON option is MaxIter.
• *** Max. allowable time exceeded ***. The user will need to increase the maximum
of allowable time. The BARON option is MaxTime.
• *** Problem is numerically sensitive ***. BARON is designed to automatically
handle problems with numerical difficulties. However, for certain problems, the global
optimum is numerically sensitive. This occurs, for instance, when the objective function
value varies significantly over small neighborhoods of points that are strictly outside the
feasible region but are nonetheless feasible within numerical tolerances. When BARON
returns this message, the “Best possible” reported on the objective is likely correct.
• *** Search interrupted by user ***. The run was interrupted by the user (Ctrl-C).
• *** Insufficient Memory for Data structures ***. More memory is needed to set
up the problem data structures. The user will need to increase the physical memory
available on the computer in order to accommodate problems of this size.
• *** A potentially catastrophic access violation just took place. In the unlikely
event of an access violation, BARON will terminate the search and return the best known
solution. Please report problems that lead to this termination condition to Nick Sahinidis
• The results file provides the results. Each solution found by BARON is reported in this
file as soon as it is found. Variable values and dual values for variables and constraints
are printed in the order in which variables and constraints are defined in the BARON file.
At the end of this file, a termination message, such as “*** Normal Completion ***” is
printed, followed by the best solution point in two different formats, the last of which makes
use of the variable names used in the BARON file.
• The summary file contains the information that goes to the screen. In addition, it provides
information on missing bounds, if any.
BARON user manual v. 15.6.5 13
• The time file contains a single line with concise information on the solution, including a
breakdown of iterations and times (the same information is available at the bottom of the
summary file as well.)
As detailed in Section 7, the user has full control on whether any of these files will be written
or not. In addition, the user can specify the names and/or paths of these output files. The time
file should be read first after BARON’s termination in order to obtain information regarding
termination status. This file contains a single line with the following information:
• ProName.
• The number of variables in one of BARON’s core reformulations of the optimization prob-
• BARON’s solver status, which can take one of the following values:
1. If normal completion occurred, i.e., the problem was solved within tolerances.
2. If there is insufficient memory to store the number of nodes required for this search
tree (increase physical memory or change algorithmic options).
3. If the maximum allowed number of iterations was exceeded (increase maxiter).
4. If the maximum allowed time was exceeded (increase maxtime).
5. If the problem is numerically sensitive.
6. If the run was interrupted by user (Ctrl-C)
7. If there was insufficient memory to setup BARON’s data structures (increase physical
8. This return code is reserved for development purposes.
9. If the run was terminated by BARON.
10. If the run was terminated by BARON’s parser because of a syntax error in the BARON
input file.
11. If the run was terminated because of a licensing error.
12. If the heuristic termination rule was invoked by the user.
• BARON’s model status, which can take one of the following values:
2. infeasible
3. unbounded
4. intermediate feasible
5. unknown
• If model status is 4 or 5, this entry denotes the number of missing bounds from vari-
ables/expressions that make BARON unable to guarantee global optimality.
If nodeopt = −3, there will be no solution in the results file. Otherwise, the solution can be
found in the results file by starting from the end of the file, searching backward for “***” and
then reading the solution forward, one variable at a time. The variables are ordered in the way
they were defined in the VARIABLES section of the BARON file. If available, the dual solution is
also provided there. In addition, the best primal solution is provided using variable names. If
the solution process is interrupted, for instance by Ctrl-C, the primal solution will be present in
the results file but not necessarily the corresponding dual.
If BARON declares the problem as unbounded, it will report its best solution found, possibly
followed by a vertex and direction of an unbounded ray at the end of the results file.
In the case of numsol > 1, BARON returns the best numsol solutions found. These solutions
follow right after the “***” mentioned above and they are sorted in improving order; the last
solution is the best. Duals may not be returned for all these solutions. For those solutions for
which a corresponding dual was found, the dual is also printed right after the primal. There will
typically be a dual solution for the best solution found and all local minima. However, there will
be no dual for non-KKT points, something that is highly likely to happen in most applications.
When numsol = −1 (find all feasible solutions), the solutions are reported in the results file as
soon as they are found. These solutions are reported before the “***” and can be read from this
file by searching for occurrences of “found”, reading the solution reported immediately thereafter,
and repeating this process until all occurrences of “found” are identified. Again, many of these
solutions will be reported without corresponding duals. At the end of the file, i.e., following ’‘***
Succ...”, the best solution can be read, along with a corresponding dual.
γ1 x1 x3 + γ2 x2 x3 + γ3 x1 + γ4 x2 + γ5 x4 + γ6 x7 + γ7 = 0
γ8 x1 x3 + γ9 x2 x3 + γ10 x1 + γ11 x2 + γ12 x4 + γ13 = 0
γ14 x6 x8 + γ15 x1 + γ16 x2 = 0
γ17 x1 + γ18 x2 + γ19 = 0
x21 + x22 − 1 = 0
x23 + x24 − 1 = 0
x25 + x26 − 1 = 0
x27 + x28 − 1 = 0
−1 ≤ xi ≤ 1, i = 1, . . . , 8
The first four equations of this problem are bilinear while the last four are generalized cylinders.
BARON’s scheme for finding all feasible solutions works well in continuous spaces as long as the
16 BARON user manual v. 15.6.5
solutions are isolated (separated by a certain distance). The BARON option isoltol (default
value of 10−4 ) allows the user to specify the isolation tolerance to be used to discriminate among
different solutions. In order for two feasible solution vectors to be considered different, at least
one of their coordinates must differ by isoltol.
The BARON file for the robot problem is as follows:
// Filename:
// Purpose: Find all solutions of the PUMA robot problem
// L.-W. Tsai and A. P. Morgan, "Solving the kinematics of the
// most general six- and five-degree-of-freedom manipulators by
// continuation methods," ASME J. Mech. Transm. Automa. Des.,
// 107, 189-200, 1985.
numsol: 20;
VARIABLES x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8;
x1: -1;
x2: -1;
x3: -1;
x4: -1;
x5: -1;
x6: -1;
x7: -1;
x8: -1;
x1: 1;
x2: 1;
x3: 1;
x4: 1;
x5: 1;
x6: 1;
x7: 1;
x8: 1;
EQUATIONS e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7,e8,e9,e10,e11,e12,e13,e14,e15,e16;
<= 0.3571;
OBJ: minimize 0;
The above problem has 14 different solutions. Looking at the BARON results file, all these
solutions can be found after the “*** Normal Completion ***” message.
ranges. To sample the search space for local minima without range reduction, one would have
to set to 0 the range reduction options TDo, MDo, LBTTDo, and OBTTDo. On the other hand,
leaving these options to their default values increases the likelihood of finding high quality local
optima during preprocessing. If NumLoc is set to −1, local searches in preprocessing will be done
from randomly generated starting points until global optimality is proved or MaxTime seconds
have elapsed.
When this problem is solved with CompIIS equal to 1, BARON provides the following result:
The IIS consists of the lower bounds of variables x1 , x2 and x5 , along with the ≤ part of
the equality constraint e2. This suggests that constraint e2 and the entire model can be made
feasible by lowering the lower bound of any of the three variables that are part of the IIS, whereas
modifying the bounds of x3 would not make the model feasible.
BARON user manual v. 15.6.5 19
If a problem is known to be infeasible and the user desires to identify an IIS, it may be beneficial
to set BARON’s NumLoc option to zero. Doing so will deactivate BARON’s initial upper bounding
search, which involves multiple local searches. On the other hand, DoLocal should be nonzero
in order to permit local search during the solution of certain subproblems that BARON solves
while searching for an IIS.
Both problems are automatically recognized and exploited by BARON without the user having
to mark complementarities in any special way.
CplexLibName If utilized, this option must be supplied in double quotes cplex.dll
and provide the entire path to the location of the CPLEX libcplex.dylib
callable libraries on the user’s computer. If left unspecified
and LPSol is 3, BARON will utilize standard library loca-
tion facilities to locate CPLEX and use it for the solution
of LP/NLP subproblems. In the latter case, the CPLEX
libraries should be in the user’s LIBRARY PATH. When
searching for the libraries, on Windows systems, BARON
will look for cplex.dll, whereas on Linux systems it will
look for; on MAC OSX, it will look for libc-
plex.dylib. If a CPLEX library named CplexLibName is
not found, BARON will search for a library containing the
version number (currently cplex1261.dll,
or libcplex1261.dylib, depending on the platform). If
CPLEX is still not found, BARON will resort to using
CLP/CBC instead. The CplexLibName option is not ap-
plicable to BARON under AIMMS, AMPL or GAMS. As
an alternative to the CplexLibName option, users may
copy the CPLEX libraries or use symbolic links to place
the default library name on their user LIBRARY PATH.
LPAlg Specifies the LP algorithm to be used. 0
0: automatic selection of LP algorithm
1: primal simplex
2: dual simplex
3: barrier
NLPSol Specifies the NLP solver to be used. By default, BARON -1
will select the NLP solver and may switch between dif-
ferent NLP solvers during the search, based on problem
characteristics and solver performance. Any combination
of licensed NLP solvers may be used in that case. A single
specific NLP solver can be specified by setting this option
to a value other than the default. If the specified solver
is not licensed, BARON will default to automatic solver
-1: automatic solver selection
0: Local search based on function evaluations alone
with no calls to local solvers
10: FilterSD
AllowFilterSD In case of automatic NLP solver selection, this option can 0
be used to selectively permit or disallow the use of Fil-
terSD as an NLP subsolver.
0: do not use FilterSD for local search
1: consider FilterSD for local search
26 BARON user manual v. 15.6.5
8 Bibliography
The following is a partial list of BARON-related publications that describe the algorithms im-
plemented in the software, the theory behind them, and some related applications.
1. H. S. Ryoo and N. V. Sahinidis. Global optimization of nonconvex NLPs and MINLPs with
applications in process design. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 19:551–566, 1995.
2. M. C. Dorneich and N. V. Sahinidis. Global optimization algorithms for chip layout and
compaction. Engineering Optimization, 25:131–154, 1995.
3. H. S. Ryoo and N. V. Sahinidis. A branch-and-reduce approach to global optimization.
Journal of Global Optimization, 8:107–139, 1996.
4. N. V. Sahinidis. BARON: A general purpose global optimization software package. Journal
of Global Optimization, 8:201–205, 1996.
28 BARON user manual v. 15.6.5
12. V. Ghildyal and N. V. Sahinidis. Solving global optimization problems with BARON.
In A. Migdalas, P. Pardalos, and P. Varbrand (eds.), From Local to Global Optimization.
A Workshop on the Occasion of the 70th Birthday of Professor Hoang Tuy, Linköping,
Sweden, Aug. 24-29, 1997, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, pages 205–230,
13. H. S. Ryoo and N. V. Sahinidis. Analysis of bounds for multilinear functions. Journal of
Global Optimization, 19:403–424, 2001.
15. M. Tawarmalani and N. V. Sahinidis. Convex extensions and convex envelopes of l.s.c.
functions. Mathematical Programming, 93:247–263, 2002.
19. N. V. Sahinidis, M. Tawarmalani, and M. Yu. Design of alternative refrigerants via global
optimization. AIChE Journal, 49:1761–1775, 2003.
26. N. V. Sahinidis. BARON: A general purpose global optimization software package. Journal
of Global Optimization, 8:201–205, 1996.
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30 BARON user manual v. 15.6.5
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