Dream Venture Project - 2

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Dream Venture- Project Proposal


1) Project Information

Team name Tech Unicorns

Project Name Project - Baas 101

2) Contact details of the main contact person of the team

NOTE: Attach resume of main contact person

Name Therese Jayawardena

Designation Student - University of Colombo School of Computing

Address No.103/11E, Royal Park, Mt. Calvary road, Ja Ela.

Phone number 0711545351

Email theresejayawardena2@gmail.com

3) Details of members

NOTE: If possible attach resumes of all listed below

Name Designation and Contact email

Organization number

Jinadi Yasiruka Student - 0715883767 jinyyash@gmail.com

University of
Colombo School
of Computing
Dilshani Student - 0773706235 mddilshanimesha@gmail.com
Karunarathne University of
Colombo School
of Computing

4) Strengths of key members who contribute to your success (​Include all team members​)

Name Responsibility Email Contact no

Therese Conducting the theresejayawardena2@g 0711545351

Jayawardena research and mail.com
Conducting the
feasibility study.

Jinadi Yasiruka Doing research and jinyyash@gmail.com 0715883767

studying about the
requirements of the
system and the
implementation of
the system. Initiating
the idea of the
business model.

Dilshani Developing the mddilshanimesha@gmail. 0773706235

Karunarathne business model for com
the system and doin
the SWOT analysis.
Coping for the
designing phase of
the idea.

What is the problem you’re trying to solve? (no more than 50 words)

What is the problem you’re trying to solve? ​(no more than 50 words)

The difficulty of finding skilled workers in all parts of the country. Skilled workers
such as carpenters, electricians and painters are hard to reach for immediate
requirements. The workers are unable to reach the clients. Many workers are unable to
fulfill their financial needs as they can’t find much work.

Project intended area/domain ​(please select most appropriate)

Agriculture Data analysis

Education Telecommunication

Health Mobile application development

Business ● e-commerce/m-commerce

Smart grid and Transportation


● Other ​(please specify)

Construction Industry
What are the key benefits of your solution?

We propose a mobile app to bridge this gap between the workers and clients. Based on
improving the financial growth sector regarding these industries.The increasing digital
literacy rate of Sri Lanka enables us to propose this smartphone based solution.
According to Computer Literacy Statistics (2017) document published by Department of
Census and Statistics, urban areas have a digital literacy rate of 54.5% while rural areas
have a digital literacy of 36.4%. And more than 55% of the devices used to connect to
the Internet are smartphones. This ubiquity of smartphones makes a smartphone based
solution viable.
When the client needs a worker he / she will be able to find the workers who is
located near to their location. Based on their availability our client can select a worker.
Ratings, reviews, completed projects related to the worker will be shown in his profile.
The client will be able to select a suitable worker considering those.On the other hand
the worker will be able to see clients’ details, location, ratings and reviews from the past
workers who have rendered them services. Considering those the worker can accept or
decline the clients’ request. When a client has a requirement and more than one worker
is willing to render the service through the system the workers can bid for the relevant
project. So that the client can select the best offer to fulfill their requirement.
Who will benefit from your solution? ​(please specify the industry/vertical)

The skilled workers who are related to the construction field and the people who seek
their services are benefited from our idea.

What is really different/smart/unique about your solution?

Construction industry is related to everyone's’ day today life. But in Sri Lanka there isn’t
an efficient method to bridge the gap between the workers and the clients. When we
asked skilled workers from different parts of the country how they found jobs, more than
70% of them said that they find jobs through contacts and by recommendations of past
clients. Only 7% of them used agencies to find jobs. Most of the clients use a similar
word-of-mouth method to find skilled workers. When they want to find a skilled worker,
they ask their friends who in turn contact their friends to find a worker. Although this
process usually ends successfully, it takes a long time to find a worker. Most of the
clients who found workers this way also found that skill of the worker were not in par with
the recommendation. So there isn’t an efficient method to connect the skilled workers
and the clients. This is where our idea comes in action. The workers can bid and go for
the best deals, which is a function that is not provided by any mobile application in Sri
Lanka yet.
What are objectives you will achieve through your solution?

● A convenient and efficient method to replace the existing word-of-mouth process.

This will replace the this time consuming word-of-mouth method with an
efficient and convenient one. On a higher level this app will act as a digital directory of
workers for clients. The clients will be able to find workers based on several factors such
as location, experience and ratings. This app will also serve as a platform for workers to
showcase their talents.

● Make it easy for an average person to find a worker who fits their needs and
make it easy for workers to find a project that fits their needs.

Another benefit of this system is that any worker with a smartphone will
be able to find work. This means that workers need not wait until some person
recommends them to a project owner. The mobile app will also allow the client and the
worker to make sure that their interests are aligned before initiating a conversation about
the project and it saves time.

● Giving an opportunity for workers to bid and find projects

A bidding system will be added so that the workers can bid for a project
and they can come up with a good offer for the clients. Which also adds a value to the
service they render to the clients and through this quality of the services will be
Why would customers select you over your competitors

The customers will select us over others because there isn’t a system to locate and to
connect to a skilled worker in Sri Lanka yet. There are some applications which act as a
digital directory of workers. but they do not help the customer to find workers for
immediate requirements and the workers also can find projects through our system.
They can also bid and go for the best deals, which is a function that is not provided by
any mobile application in Sri Lanka yet.

SWOT analysis​(this should be based on your concept/product/solution)

Strengths​which will help your innovation Weakness​that would act as barriers

● Less technology facilities in rural

● Situations where we couldn’t find areas of the country.
workers and was looking for ● Workers’ computer literacy level.
workers so uneasily. ● Workers’ financial capability of
● Situations where the expected using mobile phones.
quality of the work was not shown.
● Situations where the services
charges were not fair for both
workers or clients
Opportunities ​brought out by your Threats ​which you will have to face

● Developing the mobile application.

● People to find workers at any time ● Promoting the idea to the
without disturbing others. audience.
● Workers to find work which are up
to their service charges and
● Clients to find workers with best

What development tools/platforms/technologies are being used?


Spring boot
React Native
How will you make money? ​(Different streams which will bring you an income)

Membership charge

Select from a range of membership plans to determine the payments you do for
our service. People can work on the site as either an employer or freelancer as a free
member, or gain gain additional benefits as a paid member. By upgrading to a paid plan.
Free membership is only valid for 30 days. You can cancel the membership plan

Service charge

We will be charging 14% of the agreed payment by the client to the worker as a service
charge. 10% of that will be charged by the worker and 4% will be charged by the client.
Because the both parties were able to connect and fulfill their requirements in our
To increase the quality of the bids and to make a better platform for more worthy
deals from the clients aspect we will be charging a fee from the client. Which is optional.
The client can make a choice to go for more quality bids and increase the benefits they
gain from the deal.
The amount of work/activities that have been undertaken to date ( ​i​f you have
already initiated the idea​)

We have already completed the problem definition, Scope identification and the
Feasibility study as you can see in the above Gantt chart.
How long will it take you to complete?

Milestone Time

Survey 5th May 2018 (Completed)

Prototype release 20th June 2018

Beta release 30th July 2018

Final product 30th August 2018



Who will be your customers?

Age groups 18 to up

Level of Technical We will be implementing a user friendly and a simple

competency system that can be easily handled by the
stakeholders. We have done a research to prove that
our stakeholders hold the convenient technical literacy

Income level Any income level

Other This application is mainly aimed for skilled workers

related to the construction field and people who are
seeking their services.
What channels will you use to reach your target audience?

Social media such as facebook, instagram, twitter and etc. We will be using video
sessions to boost the curiosity of the audience. We are hoping to give a one month free
trial for our members so they can use the system and gain its benefits.

How will you create awareness? ​(no more than 100 wards)

We will be using social media to create awareness about our application because social
media is widely used by everyone in present Sri Lanka. We are hoping to meet more
skilled workers related to the construction field and do research about their ideas about
such a system which we are already doing. We have already started to gather
information related to this system using workers in the construction field and to build up
their awareness. Through that we are hoping to increase their awareness.

In addition to the above information sought in the proposal, the applicants are encourage to
provide any other details that would enable the evaluation panel to get a better understanding of
the proposal.

I certify that the information provided in the proposal above are true, complete and correct to the
best of my knowledge.

Authorized signatory

Name: Therese Jayawardena

Designation: Student
Organization: University of Colombo School of Computing.

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