Criminology & Penology (Opt.)

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Course material on Criminology and Penology

Unit I: Introduction of Criminology

 Definition, Nature, Scope and Importance of Criminology

 Relation with other social sciences
 The concept of crime (Sin, tort and crime) and characteristic of criminal law
 Whether criminology is a science?
 criminology and public policy

Unit II: Schools of Criminology

 Pre classical school (Demonology)

 Classical school (Ideas of Bentham and Beccaria)
 Neo-classical
 Positivist school
Morphological theories – Cesare Lombroso, Enrico Ferri,
Rafael Garafalo.

Unit III: Identification of the causes of crime – theories

 Mental disorder and criminality

 Sociological Theories (Sellin, Differential Association Theory – EH Sutherland )
 Psychopathic approach
 Biological approach

Unit IV: Factor Responsible for Causation of Crime,

 Environment, home and community influences,

 Urban and rural crimes
 The ghetto, broken homes, effect of TV, Video, Press, Narcotics and Alcohol
 Wars and Communal riots-their causes and demoralizing effects,

Unit V: Introduction to penal system

 Theory of punishments
 Modes of punishment
 Capital punishment
Unit VI : Police and Prison system

A: Police

 Role and function of police

 National Police Commission (recommendations)
 Malimath committee report

B: Prison system

 History of Prisons
 Aims, objectives and conditions of prison
 Types of prisons
 Prison work, Education, Prison reform (schools and reformations)
 Rights of prisoners (contribution of the Supreme Court)

Unit VI I : Re-socialization Process

 Probation and Parole

 Definitions, Nature of probation and parole,
 Duties of Probation Officers,
 Difference between Parole and Probation,
 Authority for granting Parole,
 Supervisor of Parole
 Problems of the released offender,
 Attitude of the community towards released offender

Suggested Reading

Maguire Mike, Morgan Rod and Reiner Robert, 2007. The Oxford Handbook of Criminology,
Oxford University Press.

E.H.Sutherland, 1968, Principles of Criminology (6th Edition), Times of India Press, Bombay.

Siegal Larry J, 2007, Criminology, Wordsworth Thomson Learning, New Delhi.

Ahuja Ram, 2000, Criminology, Rawat Publication, New Delhi.

Paranjape NV, 2001, Criminology and Penology, 2nd edition, Central Law Publication,
Allahabad, U.P.
Williams Katherine S, 2004, Criminology, Oxford University Press

Reid Sue Titus, 2006, Crime and Criminology, Mc Graw Hill Publishers.

Brien, Martin O, 2008, Criminology, Routledge Publishers.

Schrnalleger J Frank, 1999, Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction, 2nd edition,

Prentice Hall, New Delhi.

Crime in India published by National Crime Record Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs, Delhi.

Ghosh Murari, 1979, Black Money: The case of India, Subarna Rekha, Calcutta.

Paranjapa NV, 2001, Criminology and Penology 2nd edition, Central Law Publication

Padhy, Prafullah, 2006, Organized Crime, Isha Books, Delhi.

Viano, C Emilio, 2000, Global Organized Crime, Ashgate Publications.

Narang A.S and Srivastava, Pramila, 2001, Terrorism : The Global perspective Kaniska
Publishors, Delhi.

Laws relating to prevention of Terrorism, Universal Law Pub. Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Kathuria, R.P, 2007, Law of Crimes and Criminology, Vinod Publishing House, Delhi.

Vibhuti K.I. 2008, PSA Pillai’s Criminal Law 10th Edition, Lexis Nexis, Butter Worth

Acharya N.K., 2007, Landmark Judgment of Supreme Court 1950-2006, Asia Law House,

All India Reporter Published by Al India Reporer Pvt. Ltd, Nagpur.

Criminal Law Journal Published by All India Reporter Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur..

Commonwealth Secretariat, 2002, Crime and Social Justice, London.

Mehrajud-din Mir. 1984, Crime and Criminal Justice System in India, Deep and Deep
Publications, New Delhi.

Justice Malimath Committee on Criminal Justice Reforms, Universal Law Publication 2003. K.
Padmanabhaiah Committee Police Reforms, 2001.

Misra, K.K., 1887, Police Administration in Ancient India, K.K. Publications.

Srivastava Aparrna, 1999, Policing in the 21st Century, Indian Institute of Police Administration.
Guharoy Jay Tilak, 1999 Role of Police in Changing Society APH Publications.

Sharma, P.D., 1985, Police and Criminal Justice Administration in India. Uppal Publishing
House in Delhi.

Gupta, Anand Swarup, 2007, Crime and Police in India, Sahitya Bhavan, Agra.

Banerjee,D, 2005, Central Police Organizations Part I and Part II, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

Chaturvedi J.C, 2006, Penology and Correctional Administration, Isha Books Delhi.

Indian Police Journal Published by the Bureau o Police Research and Development.

Police Practice and Research. An international journal published by Routledge.

Reports of National Police Commission.

Snarr, Richard W, 1996, Introduction to Corrections, 1996, Brown and Beneheriark.

Abadpusky Howard J, 1994, Probation and Parole, Simon & Sehguster Com, New Jersey.

Singh Mehendra P, 1987, Crime Redemption of Criminals: Probation of Offenders, Deep &
Deep Publications, Delhi.

Chaturvedi JC, 2006, Penology and Correctional Administration Asha Books, Delhi.

The Prison Journal ; An International forum on Incarceration and Alternative sanction,

(Official publication of the Penneysylvania Prison Society) by Sage Publications.

Oughton, Frederick, 1971, Fraud and White collar crime, Eleck Bock Ltd., Lal Bhure, 2003,

Money Laundering: An insight into the dark world of Financial Frauds, Siddharth Publications.

The Regulation and prevention of Economic Crime internationally, Kogan Pagr Ltd.

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