Trumpet Call 2018 October 21

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Our Mission: To love Jesus Christ and to share His Love

Our Vision: To be a Christian community where Christ is transforming lives
East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church Volume IV Issue 42 October 21, 2018

Pastor’s Corner
This is a big challenge, but one that I embrace as the father of two millennial young women! I am
always looking around for successful models of ministries done with younger people, and was
pleased to see recently that our own Annual Conference recognizes this as a challenge for all of our
churches and has recruited the efforts of a highly successful millennial pastor from Atlanta to come
and share her learnings and experiences with us.

On Saturday, November 10, from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm, Hopewell United Methodist Church in
Downingtown (Scott’s home church!) will offer the 2018 Faith Sharing Event, which will feature the
Rev. Jasmine Smothers (pictured) who recently became lead pastor of one of Atlanta’s largest
United Methodist churches, Atlanta First UMC. Jasmine is offering, “Sharing Faith with New
People and Younger People in Today’s Context.” Because I don’t believe in coincidences but
rather the leading of the Holy Spirit, this workshop seems tailor-made for all who heard Scott’s
challenge to us on October 14, and an event which needs representation and participation from
our church.

I will be attending and driving one of our church vans, and I invite all who would like to attend, no
matter what your ministry position (or even if you have no ministry position at all) in the church. To
register for the event, please go to For more information, go to our
Conference website,, and search for “Faith Sharing” to take you to the
information. I hope not to drive the van all alone that day, but be joined by others seeking to learn more and find ways to
apply our knowledge to our own context!
Blessings, Pastor Jim

Library News
Enrich your Christian Spirit with a book from the Library -
Resource Room. Angels, marriage, Christian living, Discipleship
teens and evangelism are just a few of the topics
available. On October 28th Drop-in Study
browse the free book table
“All the Places to Go. . How Will You Know?”
and take a book with you.
Please, take some time to by John Ortberg
get reacquainted with the Sept 30—Nov 4th Room #10
Library before you go.
Dollar Challenge
Greetings Everyone from the Communications Team! Dollar Challenge is shoebox
We would like to thank everyone who entered a submission for the size toys and crafts for
new East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church Logo Contest.
Operation Christmas Child
Wow, you all had some great ideas. We have narrowed down the
submissions and will be submitting three Logo ideas to the Shoeboxes. All donations
congregation for a vote. Voting will take
place on October 21 at both services, so
be sure to be here. We value your input!
Thank you all, so much, for participating.
We are excited to see which logo you think
best represents ESUMC!!!

Nickey Baxter, Communications Team.

"Join us next Sunday, October 28th, in the Fellowship Hall

immediately after the 10:45 Worship Service to learn more
Care Package Ministry
about ESUMC's NEW Native American Ministry!!!
Take an hour to share a light meal (Native American inspired
“Attention Church Members” Chili and Fry Bread) with co-Leaders Maria Ragonese and
The Care Package Ministry meeting dates Nancy Carlson as they share and discuss issues that Native
have been pushed back 1 week, making our Americans commonly face in our society, in our community,
new donation deadline SUN., OCT 21st, and and in our Churches today. Maria and Nancy will also share
our “package packing” meeting on SUN., how CoNam, through transformative acts of repentance and
OCT 28th in Oberholtzer Hall!!! Please healing ministers with the United Methodist Conference to
empower and uplift Native Americans across the country!
update your calendars and continue to
Delwin Fiddler, Jr., who recently participated in our Native
donate the following supplies for our mailing: American Ministry Sunday in April, will also share his
3x5 Cards Peppermint Gum Post-Its perspective in a brief Q & A session lead by Pastor Jim.
Inky Gel Pens Tabs by Post-It Please consider coming, and becoming part of this unique
ministry and signing up two serve on Celebration Sunday
Ground Caffeinated Coffee (single serve packets) (prev. known as commitment Sunday).
Powdered Energy Drink Mixes (single serve, no liquids) This is truly an opportunity to live our Mission and Vision! Let
For questions, reach out to Sue Mertz us share the love of Jesus and help transform lives through outreach, evangelism and Christian love!”
A Sign Up Sheet will be in Oberholtzer Hall for food countl

Mission Moment — October 2018

Building Missions in Cambodia, Ukraine, and Pakistan

The giving you designate toward “missions” goes to support 11 different ESUMC mission
families or agencies both home and abroad. All of them are working as the “hands and feet”
of Jesus in all corners of the globe. Chris & Kelly Kulp are one of the families we support at
100 Fold Studio. They are currently working on a building project for Pakistan and on 2
YWAM facilities in Cambodia and Ukraine. These facilities will be used to train local
Christians so that they can go back into their countries and spread the gospel message. In
Cambodia, they have already completed building 3 multi-story dormitories, but these are
completely full and construction will begin on 3 more in the coming year. Cambodia, Ukraine and Pakistan

Please continue praying for our missionary families and giving to our “missions fund”. If you don’t currently designate money toward
missions, please consider doing so. You will be blessing so many as a result.

"Hey there Older Kids (55+)! Join us for last two events of the
year! Watch for Christmas Luncheon details at later time!

Thanksgiving Luncheon
Monroe Area County Vocational Technical School (Vo Tech)
THURSDAY, November 15th, 12pm
$10/person (to be collected at the door). Please RSVP to Karen Dudley by
11/7/2018 at: (570) 424-9896. Note RSVP is on a first come basis—Dining Room
capacity is 50 people. Transportation assistance is available for the those in
need. Please contact Larry Gerberich at: (570) 234-5351. See Menu Insert .
Register at:
“30 THINGS I’VE LEARNED IN 30 YEARS” - David Burke
Anyone who works with teens and youth groups is invited to listen as David
In person with Briana Ragonese between services shares relevant “stuff that works” to impact youth and communities. This
in Fellowship Hall one hour training will be followed by a 30 minute Q&A.

 Greets participants as they come to

the shelter offering prayer, a warm
Welcome Ambassador beverage or a light snack (prayer is
Cold Weather Shelter Ministry the only thing you need to provide).

Overnight Volunteer Sunday through Thursday nights

 The Cold Weather Shelter Program will open at the from 9:30 pm to 6:00 am
Wesleyan church on November 4th. Local churches,
Weekend Overnight Friday, Saturday nights from 9:30
representing different denominations, have stepped Volunteer pm to 7:00 am
up to provide a warm, safe respite from the cold for
fellow community members who happen to be Snow Emergency In event of forecasted storm, which
would impact regular volunteers,
homeless. ESUMC will be covering the 2nd week in Volunteer you could be on site given short
each month, through March. We are asking for notice
members who wish to volunteer to contact Ana Price
Snack Provider Provide snack on given date. List of
at 570-460-8423. This is a very important service for
acceptable snacks provided.
our community, and ESUMC is taking the lead in
purchasing cots for each participant. If you wish to Cot Sponsor Consider purchasing a cot for use in
sponsor a cot for the shelter, they are $55. Please the shelter

reference “COT” on the memo line of your check. Prayer Warrior Keep participants and volunteers in
supported in prayer.
(570) 421-3280
Hours: 9am to 1pm
Monday thru Friday

Jim Todd
Sunday May 5, 2019 — both services Ext. 1014
Annual cantata of music + drama, with focus on “Prayer.”
Church Administrator
Jill Teaford
Ext. 1015

Administrative Assistant
Kathy Ravago
Ext. 1010

Director of Spiritual Life &

Congregational Care
Bethany Mills
Ext. 1023
ESUMC has openings for Nursery Care Workers.
Director of Student Ministries
We are looking for reliable workers who enjoy caring for and working with children Scott Kuhnle
from birth through age 5. It is of high importance for the worker to provide a safe,
secure, fun and nurturing environment for all children. The worker will be responsible Ext. 1013
for providing age appropriate care including bottle feeding, changing diapers,
preparing/distributing approved snacks, escorting children to the bathroom, Director of Children & Family
maintaining a safe environment, positively and joyously interacting with children Ministries
through games, songs, toys, stories, crafts, play and prayer. The worker will be Erica Dorsch
responsible for cleaning up the Nursery after it has been used, including cleaning
surfaces and disinfecting toys. Ext. 1017
The hours are Sundays 8am-12pm. There are opportunities to work other church Director of Traditional Music/
events as your schedule permits. The position pays $9.00 per hour. Organist
Pauline Fox
Qualifications – 18 years or older, and experience working with children. A child
hood related degree is preferred, but not required. Infant/Child CPR/First Aid is
preferred but training can be made available. A satisfactory completion of PA State Director of Contemporary
and Federal back ground checks is required. Music
Doug Malefyt

Director of Choir
Joe Dorsch

Director of Bells
Chris Perfetti

Financial Secretary
Recovery Meetings Community Room Michael Corey
of Office Building Basement
There will be our annual church hike to the Ext. 1012
Appalachian Trail at Camp Mohican, near NA: Mon — Sat, 12:00 to 1:30 PM
Blairstown, NJ on Oct 21. We will meet in Just for Today; Wed, 6:00 to 7:30 PM Technology Support
the church parking lot at 12:30 p.m. and New Beginnings (Women) Michael Corey
leave at 12:45. The hike is about 3 miles, AA: Thurs & Sat, 8:00 to 9:00 PM.
rated moderate , first a walk up to a Keep It Simple Ext. 1012
ridge, then a ridge walk, then down. Wear Saturday, 5:30 to6:30 PM. Sunday, 4:30 Audio/Visual Technician
good hiking shoes, bring waterand a to 6:30 PM Serenity House Charles Rajnai
sandwich, and enjoy a beautiful hike.

Maintenance Sunday
East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church Bob Lee Sexton
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83 S. Courtland St. Ext. 1018
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Monroe Area County Vocational Technical School (Vo-Tech) presents their
Thanksgiving Luncheon Menu for Thursday, November 15, at noon

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