20 - Common Conversion Factors PDF
20 - Common Conversion Factors PDF
20 - Common Conversion Factors PDF
Conversion Factors
Introduction minute by using two conversion factors:
Since flow calculations generally require the manipula- 4500 feet3 7.481 gallons hour
tion of data with a number of different units, it is usually Q = x x
hour 1 foot 60 minutes
easier to calculate complex equations by reducing the
number of different factors required; although, it must Q = 561 gallons/minute
be remembered that the units used must be consistent
within any given equation. As shown, the common unit (feet) can be cancelled out
and the same length is now converted to inches. Simple
This section of the Sizing & Selection manual is de- examples of conversion factors includes:
signed to list those conversion factors commonly used
in flow calculations and valve sizing. It also presents a 1.8 degree (Rankine)*
slightly different approach to converting one system of 1 degree (Kelvin)
units to another.
1000 grams
Using Conversion Factors 1 kilogram
If an object has a length of 1 foot or 12 inches, it will have Complicated conversion factors can contain more than
the same physical size no matter what the units. It just two simple units. For example:
could then be written as:
778 foot-poundsf
length = 12 inches, or
length = 1 foot
32.174 foot-poundsm
The numerical values are different, but the actual physi-
cal length remains the same. By dividing one set of units 1 pound-second2
into the other, the conversion factor can be described as:
A relatively small number of conversion factors are
12 inches needed because combining two or more factors gener-
= 1.0
ates a more complicated factor.
1 foot
When working with units, a good rule to follow is that
In other words, a conversion factor is always equal
units should always accompany numbers, but they
to 1, although any different combination of units can
need not accompany algebraic terms. For example,
be used. Therefore, a conversion factor can be used in
force can be calculated by pressure multiplied by the
any equation to change the quantity; for example, a 4
area or:
foot long pipe may be multiplied by 12 inches per foot
without changing its length: F=PxA
12 inches In the above case, algebraic values are given, making
4 feet x = 48 inches
1 foot it unnecessary to use units for the pressure or the area.
However, if the pressure is 8.5 bars with an area of 2.07
To convert the answer to a common unit such as square-inches, units must be included in the equation:
pounds, a conversion factor must be used.
F = 8.5 bars x 2.07 inches2
14.5 pounds
f = 8.5 bars x 2.07 inches2 x * These simple unit conversion factors do not work when there is a zero
inches2 x bars shift, such as degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius or a gauge pressure to
absolute pressure.
Cancelling out the common units, we get the force of:
The following table provides factors arranged alpha-
f = 225 pounds betically according to the first unit involved in each
As a second example, take a flow rate of 4500 cubic feet conversion factor. All factors have numerical value
per hour. This flow can be converted into gallons per greater than 1.0.
NOTE: All gallons are U.S. standard unless otherwise noted. All calories are in kilogram-calories.