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Sizing & Selection 6

Body Forms
Mark One Mark Two

Figure 6-1: In-line Forms


In-line style bodies feature smooth, streamlined, con- eliminate weight and reduce cost. This is particularly
stant internal area passages with no pockets, permitting important when manufactured in expensive stainless or
high capacity with minimum turbulence. Cast bodies alloy steels. If necessary, this body form can also be
are designed with nearly constant wall thickness, to manufactured from barstock.

Mark One
Mark Two

Figure 6-2: Angle Forms E0148

The angle-style body form is completely interchangable extends to the outlet flange, is available for handling
with the globe-style except for the body – all other valve erosive fluids. The angle valve incorporates a self-
parts remain the same. If required for additional protec- draining design. The design also allows for smaller
tion of the body, a special Venturi seat ring, which space requirements than a globe valve.

Rev. 2/92 6-1

Mark One Mark Two


Figure 6-3: Three-way Forms

Three-way bodies are used for either combining or three-way service with the addition of a three-way
diverting services. Due to Valtek’s excellent parts inter- adaptor, upper seat ring, two gaskets, a three-way
changeability, a standard globe valve easily converts to plug, and bonnet flange bolting.

Mark Two Mark Eleven



Figure 6-4: Offset Forms

When inlet and outlet piping can be offset, this design is than the body, the offset design is completely inter-
the simplest, least expensive barstock style. A Mark changeable with the standard Valtek globe valve.
Eleven works best in self cleaning applications. Other

Mark One-X Mark One


Figure 6-5: Expanded Outlet Form Figure 6-6: Steam Jacketed Form

Expanded Outlet Steam Jacketed

The expanded outlet valve, such as a Mark One-X, Steam jackets are used to heat the fluid passing through
permits the installation of a small valve in a larger line the control valve. The steam jacketed valve body uses
without using line reducers or expanders. The valve is a standard globe-style body with oversized, blind
a standard in-line globe valve, except for the body flanges for a full jacket or standard flanges for a partial
which incorporates expanded outlets. Therefore, all jacket. The jacket usually is rated for 150 psi and comes
parts – except the body – are interchangeable with the equipped with 3/4-inch NPT supply and drain connec-
Mark One. Because line expanders and reducers are tion.
not used, field installation expenses are reduced. The
expanded outlet valve is less costly than a full-size
Mark One with the same size end connections.

male NPT threads, and are usually used in pressures
Standard globe valve bodies have a raised face hub for less than ANSI Class 600. Because of the threaded
either separable or integral flanges. Separable flanges connection, these connections are limited to non-corro-
are highly recommended because less expensive car- sive services. See Figure 6-9.
bon steel separable flanges can be specified for use on
alloy valves as a cost-saving measure. (Stainless steel Socketweld connections are usually used in high pres-
flanges may be required with a high temperature/pres- sure, high temperature fluids in sizes 2-inch and
sure service. See factory for specific limitations.) Sepa- smaller. The connection uses a bore in the body end
rable flange valves are also easier to install with the which mates with the corresponding piping. A weld is
mating piping because the flanges can be rotated to fit then applied between the body face and the pipe. See
the line flange hole pattern. To achieve better sealing Figure 6-10.
with the mating piping, the flange face is machined with For high pressure, high temperature services above 2-
groove serrations. inch, buttweld connections are used. Buttwelds are
Integral flanges can also be provided with a flat face, common to steam and water services in power plants.
RTJ (ring-type joint), or tongue and groove connections Usually, the buttweld angle machined into the body
– depending upon the user’s requirements. matches the angle machined into the piping. A full
NPT (National Pipe Threads) connections are provided penetration weld is then applied to the butt joint. The
for small valves (2-inch and smaller). They are de- material in the body and piping should be compatible to
signed with a female NPT to mate with piping using ensure proper welding. See Figure 6-11.

Table 6-I provides specification information concerning each of the end connections mentioned on page 6-3:
Table 6-I: Typical End Connections
Type Valve Pressure Standard Optional Standard Optional
Size Class Face-to- Face-to- Finish or Finish or
(inch) Face Face Preparation Preparation
Separable Flange /2 - 4 150 - 600 ANSI (a) ISA (b) 125 - 250 Ra 250 - 500 Ra
Raised face 6-8 300 - 600 ISA (b)
Integral Flange
Raised Face /2 - 6 (f) 150 - 600 ISA (b) 125 - 250 Ra 250 - 500 Ra
1-6 900 - 2500 VS (c) 125 - 250 Ra 250 - 500 Ra
8 - 24 150 - 600 ISA (g) 125 - 250 Ra 250 - 500 Ra
8 - 24 900 - 2500 ANSI (d) 125 - 250 Ra 250 - 500 Ra
Flat Face 1 - 6 (f) 150 - 600 ISA (b) 125 - 250 Ra 250 - 500 Ra
8 - 24 150 - 600 ISA (g) 125 - 250 Ra 250 - 500 Ra
RTJ 1 - 6 (f) 150 - 600 ISA (b) N/A N/A
1-6 900 - 2500 VS (c) N/A N/A
8 - 24 150 - 600 ISA (g) N/A N/A
8 - 12 900 - 2500 ANSI (d) N/A N/A
Tongue & Groove 1-6 150 - 600 ISA (b) N/A N/A
1-6 900 - 2500 VS (c) N/A N/A
8 - 24 150 - 600 ISA (g) N/A N/A
8 - 12 900 - 2500 ANSI (d) N/A N/A
Threaded /2 - 2 150 - 600 ANSI (a) NPT Straight
/2 - 2 900 - 2500 VS (c) NPT Straight
Socketweld /2 - 2 150 - 600 ANSI (a) ISA (b) ANSI B16.11
/2 - 2 900 - 2500 VS (c) ANSI B16.11
Buttweld /2 - 4 (e) 150 - 600 ANSI (a) ISA (b) ANSI B16.25 User Standard
6 - 24 150 - 600 ISA (g) ANSI B16.25 User Standard
1 - 6 (e) 900 - 2500 VS (c) ANSI B16.25 User Standard
8 - 12 900 - 2500 ANSI (d) ANSI B16.25 User Standard
(a) ANSI B16.10, Class 600 Globe Valves (e) Normally valves 2-inch and less are socketweld, not buttweld
(b) ANSI / ISA S75.03 (f) Integral flange available as an option in sizes 1/2 through 4-inch ISA or ANSI face-to-face
(c) Valtek Standard (g) ANSI / ISA S75.03 covers valve sizes 1/2 through 16-inch. Larger sizes are Valtek standard
(d) ANSI B16.10, 1986

Figure 6-7: Separable Flange Connection Figure 6-8: Integral Flange Connection

Figure 6-9: Figure 6-10:
Threaded End Connection (NPT) Socketweld End Connection

Separable Flange Material

Interchangeable separable flanges are standard for
Mark One valve bodies through 4 inch in Class 150, 300
and 600 ANSI ratings, and for 6 and 8 inch bodies in
Class 300 and 600. With separable end flanges, a
Class 600 body can be adapted for Class 150, 300, or
600 service by simply changing to the proper end
Separable flanges are usually furnished in carbon steel Figure 6-11: Buttweld End Connection
for maximum cost savings, although other alloys can be
specified if the atmospheric conditions or the tempera-
ture warrants it. End Flange Dimensions
NOTE: Carbon steel bodies, carbon steel end and Tables 6-III thru 6-VIII provide standard dimensions for
bonnet flanges should not be used when temperatures Valtek end flanges (both separable and integral) ac-
are 800 degrees Fahrenheit or greater. cording to ANSI B16.5, 1988.

Table 6-II: End Flange Material

Body Material Size Class Std. Flange Material Opt. Flange Material
Carbon Steel /2 - 4 150 - 600 Carbon Stainless
6-8 300 - 600 Steel (a) Steel (b)
Stainless Steel /2 - 4 150 - 600 Carbon Stainless
6-8 300 - 600 Steel (a) Steel (b)
Alloys /2 - 4 150 - 600 Carbon Stainless
6-8 300 - 600 Steel (a) Steel (b)(c)
(a) Carbon steel end flanges with zinc plated steel half rings can be used in most all corrosive applications since the flanges are not wetted by
the fluid.
(b) Stainless steel flanges and half-rings are usually only necessary when atmospheric conditions or temperature limitations require stainless
steel. Carbon steel will usually suffice.
(c) Optional alloys are also available.

Table 6-III: Class 150 Flange Dimensions
1 2 3 4 5 6
Nominal Outside Drilling
Pipe Diameter of Diameter of Diameter of Number Diameter
Size Flange O Bolt Circle Bolts Holes of Bolts of Bolts
1 1
/2 3.50 2.38 0.62 4 /2
3 1
/4 3.88 2.75 0.62 4 /2
1 4.25 3.12 0.62 4 /2
11 / 4 4.62 3.50 0.62 4 1
11 / 2 5.00 3.88 0.62 4 1
2 6.00 4.75 0.75 4 /8
21 / 2 7.00 5.50 0.75 4 5
3 7.50 6.00 0.75 4 /8
31 / 2 8.50 7.00 0.75 8 5
4 9.00 7.50 0.75 8 /8
5 10.00 8.50 0.88 8 /4
6 11.00 9.50 0.88 8 /4
8 13.50 11.75 0.88 8 /4
10 16.00 14.25 1.00 12 /8
12 19.00 17.00 1.00 12 /8
14 21.00 18.75 1.12 12 1
16 23.50 21.25 1.12 16 1
18 25.00 22.75 1.25 16 11 / 8
20 27.50 25.00 1.25 20 11 / 8
24 32.00 29.50 1.38 20 11 / 4

Table 6-IV: Class 300 Flange Dimensions

1 2 3 4 5 6
Nominal Outside Drilling
Pipe Diameter Diameter Diameter Number Diameter
Size of Flange of Bolt of Bolts of Bolts of Bolts
O Circle Holes
1 1
/2 3.75 2.62 0.62 4 /2
3 5
/4 4.62 3.25 0.75 4 /8
1 4.88 3.50 0.75 4 /8
11/4 5.25 3.88 0.75 4 5
11/2 6.12 4.50 0.88 4 3
2 6.50 5.00 0.75 8 /8
21/2 7.50 5.88 0.88 8 3
3 8.25 6.62 0.88 8 /4
31/2 9.00 7.25 0.88 8 3
4 10.00 7.88 0.88 8 /4
5 11.00 9.25 0.88 8 /4
6 12.50 10.62 0.88 12 /4
8 15.00 13.00 1.00 12 /8
10 17.50 15.25 1.12 16 1
12 20.50 17.75 1.25 16 11/8
14 23.00 20.25 1.25 20 11/8
16 25.50 22.50 1.38 20 11/4
18 28.00 24.75 1.38 24 11/4
20 30.50 27.00 1.38 24 11/4
24 36.00 32.00 1.62 24 11/2
(Reprinted from ANSI B16.5, 1988 with permission from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
Table 6-V: Class 600 Flange Dimensions Table 6-VII: Class 1500 Flange Dimensions
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Nominal Outside Drilling Nominal Outside Drilling
Pipe Diameter Diameter Diameter Number Diameter Pipe Diameter Diameter Diameter Number Diameter
Size of Flange of Bolt of Bolt of Bolts of Bolts Size of Flange of Bolt of Bolt of Bolts of Bolts
O Circle Holes O Circle Holes
1 1 1 3
/2 3.75 2.62 0.62 4 /2 /2 4.75 3.25 0.88 4 /4
3 5 3 3
/4 4.62 3.25 0.75 4 /8 /4 5.12 3.50 0.88 4 /4
5 7
1 4.88 3.50 0.75 4 /8 1 5.88 4.00 1.00 4 /8
1 1/ 4 5.25 3.88 0.75 4 5
/8 1 1/ 4 6.25 4.38 1.00 4 7
1 1/ 2 6.12 4.50 0.88 4 3
/4 1 1/ 2 7.00 4.88 1.12 4 1
5 7
2 6.50 5.00 0.75 8 /8 2 8.50 6.50 1.00 8 /8
2 1/ 2 7.50 5.88 0.88 8 3
/4 2 1/ 2 9.62 7.50 1.12 8 1
3 8.25 6.62 0.88 8 /4 3 10.50 8.00 1.25 8 11 /8
3 1/ 2 9.00 7.25 1.00 8 7
/8 4 12.25 9.50 1.38 8 11 /4
4 10.75 8.50 1.00 8 /8 5 14.75 11.50 1.62 8 11 /2
5 13.00 10.50 1.12 8 1 6 15.50 12.50 1.50 12 13 /8
6 14.00 11.50 1.12 12 1 8 19.00 15.50 1.75 12 15 /8
8 16.50 13.75 1.25 12 11 /8 10 23.00 19.00 2.00 12 17 /8
10 20.00 17.00 1.38 16 11 /4 12 26.50 22.50 2.12 16 2
12 22.00 19.25 1.38 20 11 /4 14 29.50 25.00 2.38 16 21 /4
14 23.75 20.75 1.50 20 13 /8 16 32.50 27.75 2.62 16 21 /2
16 27.00 23.75 1.62 20 11 /2 18 36.00 30.50 2.88 16 23 /4
18 29.25 25.75 1.75 20 15 /8 20 38.75 32.75 3.12 16 3
20 32.00 28.50 1.75 24 15 /8 24 46.00 39.00 3.62 16 31 /2
24 37.00 33.00 2.00 24 17 /8

Table 6-VI: Class 900 Flange Dimensions Table 6-VII: Class 1500 Flange Dimensions
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Nominal Outside Drilling Nominal Outside Drilling
Pipe Diameter Diameter Diameter Number Diameter Pipe Diameter Diameter Diameter Number Diameter
Size of Flange of Bolt of Bolt of Bolts of Bolts Size of Flange of Bolt of Bolt of Bolts of Bolts
O Circle Holes O Circle Holes
1 1 3
/2 /2 5.25 3.50 0.88 4 /4
3 3 3
/4 /4 5.50 3.75 0.88 4 /4
1 1 6.25 4.25 1.00 4 /8
11 /4 Use Class 1500 dimensions in these sizes 1 1/ 4 7.25 5.12 1.12 4 1
11 /2 1 1/ 2 8.00 5.75 1.25 4 11 /8
2 2 9.25 6.75 1.12 8 1
21 /2 2 1/ 2 10.50 7.75 1.25 8 11 /8
3 9.50 7.50 1.00 8 7
/8 3 12.00 9.00 1.38 8 11 /4
4 11.50 9.25 1.25 8 11/8 4 14.00 10.75 1.62 8 11 /2
5 13.75 11.00 1.38 8 11/4 5 16.50 12.75 1.88 8 13 /4
6 15.00 12.50 1.25 12 11/8 6 19.00 14.50 2.12 8 2
8 18.50 15.50 1.50 12 13/8 8 21.75 17.25 2.12 12 2
10 21.50 18.50 1.50 16 13/8 10 26.50 21.25 2.62 12 21 /2
12 24.00 21.00 1.50 20 13/8 12 30.00 24.38 2.88 12 23 /4
14 25.25 22.00 1.62 20 11/2
16 27.75 24.25 1.75 20 15/8
18 31.00 27.00 2.00 20 17/8
20 33.75 29.50 2.12 20 2
24 41.00 35.50 2.62 20 21/2

All dimensions are in inches


Separable Integral RTJ

Flange Flange Flange

Table 6-IX: Dimension F (inches) – Valve Face to Back of Flange

Valve ANSI Class

Size 150 300 600 900 1500 2500
/2 .88 .44 .94 .56 .78 .94 .81 .78 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.44 1.44
/4 .91 .50 1.16 .62 .88 1.16 .88 .88 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.44 1.44
1 .91 .56 .81 1.16 .69 .94 1.16 .94 .94 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.62 1.62
11/2 1.03 .69 .94 1.28 .81 1.06 1.28 1.12 1.12 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.06
2 1.06 .75 1.00 1.31 .88 1.19 1.44 1.25 1.31 1.75 1.81 1.75 1.81 2.25 2.31
3 1.38 .94 1.19 1.62 1.12 1.44 1.75 1.50 1.56 1.75 1.81 2.12 2.19 2.88 3.00
4 1.44 .94 1.19 1.69 1.25 1.56 2.06 1.75 1.81 2.00 2.06 2.38 2.44 3.25 3.44
6 1.00 1.25 1.82 1.44 1.75 2.79 2.12 2.19 2.44 2.50 3.50 3.62 4.50 4.75
8 1.12 1.38 2.11 1.62 1.94 3.14 2.44 2.50 2.75 2.81 3.88 4.06 5.25 5.56
10 1.19 1.44 1.88 2.19 2.75 2.81 3.00 3.06 4.50 4.69 6.75 7.19
12 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.31 2.88 2.94 3.38 3.44 5.12 5.44 7.50 7.94
14 1.38 1.63 2.12 2.44 3.00 3.06 3.62 3.81 5.50 5.88
16 1.44 1.69 2.25 2.56 3.25 3.31 3.75 3.94 6.00 6.44
18 1.56 1.81 2.38 2.69 3.50 3.56 4.25 4.50 6.62 7.06
20 1.69 1.94 2.50 2.88 3.75 3.88 4.50 4.75 7.25 7.69
24 1.88 2.12 2.75 3.19 4.25 4.38 5.75 6.12 8.25 8.81
1. Integral and RTJ flange information from ANSI B16.5.
2. Separable flanges are not available in ANSI Classes 900, 1500 or 2500, valve sizes 10-inch and larger;
or in valve sizes 6 and 8-inch in Class 150.


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