Bernoulli Lab Experiment
Bernoulli Lab Experiment
Bernoulli Lab Experiment
Water engineering II
A. Rauzela (214178811)
Table of Contents
a. Objective of the experiment ....................................................................................................... 2
b. Apparatus required ..................................................................................................................... 2
c. Theory ......................................................................................................................................... 2
d. Procedure .................................................................................................................................... 3
e. Result/ Data ................................................................................................................................ 4
f. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 6
g. Reference .................................................................................................................................... 6
To investigate the validity of the Bernoulli equation when applied to the steady flow
of water in a tapered duct.
To measure the flow rates with venture meter and to demonstrate Bernoulli
The objective is to validate Bernoulli’s assumptions and theorem by experimentally
proving that the sum of the terms in the Bernoulli equation along streamline always
remain constant
b. Apparatus required
c. Theory
figure 4.1
Bernoulli’s equation states that “the sum of the kinetic energy (velocity head), the pressure
energy (static head) and potential energy( elevation head) per unit weight of the fluid at any
point remains constant” provided the flow is steady, irrotational, and frictionless and the
fluid used is incompressible. This is however, on the assumption that energy is neither
added to nor taken away by some external agency. The key approximation in the derivation
of Bernoulli’s equation is that viscous effects are negligibly small compared to inertial,
gravitational, and pressure. We can write the theorem as
d. Procedure
Keep the bypass valve open and start the pump and slowly start closing valve.
The water shall start flowing through the flow channel. The level in the manometer
tubes shall start rising
Open the valve on the bench measuring tank side and adjust the head in the
manometer tube to steady position
Measure the time taken to fill the bench measuring tank from zero to 10 litres and
Increase the differential head between the inlet and outlet head tanks by 5O mm
increments, until the water level in the centre manometer tubes drops off the scale.
Varying the discharge and repeat the procedure
e. Result/ Data
Volume Time Flow rate Height Distance Area Static velocity Dynamic Total
int0 duct of duct head head head
(m3) (s) (m3/s) (m) (m) (m2) (m) (m/s) (m) (m)
Sample Calculations
5. Total head
static head (m)
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16
ditsance into duct (m)
dynamic head (m)
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16
distance into duct (m)
In conclusion, the velocity of fluid will increase if the fluid is flowing from a wider to
narrower tube and the velocity will decrease in the opposite case regardless of the
type of flow and the pressure difference.
As the velocity for all cases increases the dynamic head values are also seem to be
increased. The velocity is dependent on the diameter of the tube also the pressure
depends on the velocity of the flow.
Looking at the graphs the static head values seem to decrease with an decrease in
distance of the duct and dynamic head values increase with increase in distance in
Increasing the flow rate leads to increasing the velocity at any point thus will cause
the pressure drop. But there are some errors occurred in the results. There might be
due to some errors occurred during the experiment.
However, the results can be improved if some precautions are taken during the
experiment for example the eyes level must be placed parallel to the scale when
manometer readings are taken. Besides that, the valve is also need to be controlled
slowly to stabilize the water level in the manometer.
Furthermore, before conducting the experiment, make sure all the bubble inside the
manometer tubes is remove completely .This is due to influence taking the reading
of manometer and it also effect the pressure inside the manometer include the
velocity flow.
g. Reference