Control of Hand Prostheses: A Literature Review: August 2013
Control of Hand Prostheses: A Literature Review: August 2013
Control of Hand Prostheses: A Literature Review: August 2013
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For many years, a prosthetic hand could either be
functional or cosmetically appealing, but not both. Body-
powered hooks, for example, did not mimic the size or shape of Figure 1. EIGHT CANONICAL HAND POSTURES
the human hand but were functionally capable, unlike passive RERODUCED FROM [14]
prostheses. In the early days of myoelectric hand design,
amputees would often choose a body-powered hook over a 2.1 Sensory Feedback in Myoelectric Prostheses
more realistic looking myoelectic hand because it significantly The primary disadvantage of EMG control is the lack of
lacked functionality. Several major factors contributed to the sensory feedback provided [15, 16]. When operating a
functional shortcomings of the early myoelectric hands. First, myoelectric prosthetic hand, the user is forced to visually judge
myoelectric hands provided a severely limited number of whether an object will slip or break within a grasp [17,
DOFs. Initial designs of myoelectric hands had only one DOF 18].Various methods of providing feedback have been
and performed a simple opening and closing motion. These employed to improve the hand’s grasp. One of the earliest
hands operated on a switch; later, proportional control of the methods was to use electrocutaneous stimulation for feedback.
opening and closing became available. Prior and Lyman [19] developed a 4 degree of freedom (DOF)
Several factors delayed progress toward creating a multi prosthetic arm with electrocutaneous sensory feedback to help
DOF hand. The main impeding factor was a lack of technology control grasp force and opening. Using pulse width modulation
advanced enough to allow for more than one DOF. One (PWM), they improved patients’ ability to duplicate a pinch
common requirement for the creation of a hand prosthesis is force but encountered problems with signal interference. A
that it must be roughly the same size and weight as the human study by Paciga et al. [20] reveals that signal interference with
hand. Ideally, all components would be contained inside the the prosthesis control system will inevitably occur, but
palm. The size of the motors, sensors, and additional electrical electrocutaneous feedback is still a viable option if the
components would exceed size and weight restrictions if more feedback system is placed at least 60 mm away from the pick-
than one DOF were allowed. Currently, there are prosthetic up electrodes. Additionally, this type of feedback can cause the
hands controlled with EMG capable of moving with up to 20 user to feel slight pain. In a similar study, electrocutaneous
DOFs and a thumb with 4 DOFs. The trade off is a large feedback was used in conjunction with pressure sensors to
increase in the number of motors required (in this case, 11) and, provide feedback for control. The inclusion of sensory
consequently, the weight of the prosthesis [3]. feedback received positive responses from test subjects and
There are five grasps that were initially identified as the resulted in ten times less grasping error than was present with
most important to the functional capabilities of a prosthetic no sensory feedback. Shannon [21] used strain gauges to
hand: pinch grasp (used to hold small objects), lateral grasp provide sensory feedback. The gauges provoked an electrical
(used to hold a key), hook grasp (used for carrying items such stimulus (a series of pulses); as pinch force increased, the pulse