Semester - Viii: Ee 1801 High Voltage Engineering

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Breakdown in Gases
Mechanism of breakdown in gases, various related ionization processes, Townsend’s and
Steamer theories, Paschen’s law, Breakdown in Non-uniform fields; Effect of wave shape
of impressed voltage on the breakdown strength, Breakdown of sphere gape and rod gap;

Breakdown in Liquid and Solids

Mechanisms of breakdown in liquids, suspended particle, suspended water, cavitations
and bubble and electronic breakdown theories; Mechanisms of breakdown in solids;
Intrinsic electro-mechanical, erosion, surface, thermal and streamer; Relation between
electric strength of solids and time, intrinsic breakdown strength;

Impulse Generator
Specifications of an impulse voltage wave, standard impulse, reasons for adopting the
particular shape, Analysis and control of simple circuit of impulse generator; Multi-stage
impulse generator (Marks circuit) circuit working, earthing and tripping; Techniques to
observe wave front on C. R. O.

Generation of High Voltage

Methods of generation of power frequency, high voltage cascade transformers and
resonance methods, Generation of high voltage DC, Voltage stabilization, Tesla coil.

Measurement of High Voltage

Potential dividers – resistive, capacitive and mixed dividers for high voltage, sphere gap,
construction, mounting, effect of nearby earthed objects, humidity and atmospheric
conditions, effect of irradiation and polarity; Electrostatic voltmeter – principles and
classification, constructional details of an absolute electrostatic voltmeter; Oscilloscopes
and their applications in high voltage measurement.

High Voltage Testing

Measurement of insulation resistance of cables; Wet and dry flashover test of insulators,
Testing of insulators in simulated polluted conditions; Testing of transformers and
rotating machines; Measurement of breakdown strength of oil; Basic techniques of non-
destructive testing of insulators; Measurement of loss angle, High Voltage Schering
bridge and partial discharge measurement techniques.

Over Voltage and Insulation Coordination

Lighting Switching and temporary over voltages, BIL, SIL, methods of insulation

Suggested Books & References:

 Bewley, L. V., “Traveling Waves on Transmission Systems”, Wiley New York, 2nd
Edition, 1963.
 Nidu, M. S. and Kamaraju, V., “High Voltage Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill,
 Wadhawa, C. L., “High Voltage Engineering” Wiley Eastern, 1994.
 Radzevig, D. K., “High Voltage Engineering” Khanna Publisher, 1992.
 “Westinghouse Transmission and Distribution Reference Book”, IBH-Oxford,

Sampling and Data Reconstruction process, Z-transforms;

Discrete linear systems; Frequency domain design of digital filters;
Quantization effects in digital filters;
Discrete Fourier transform and FFT algorithms.
High speed convolution and its applications to digital filtering; Multi-rate filtering;

Suggested Books & References:

 Rabiner, L. R. & Gold, B., “Theory and Application of Digital Signal
Processing”, Prentice Hall, 1989.
 Openheim & Schafer, “Digital Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall, 1995.
Open Electives - II

The objectives of the course is an exploration of human vales which go into making a
‘good’ human being, a ‘good’ human society and a ‘good’ life. The context is the work
life and the personal life of modern Indian professionals. The course has been taught for
two years as an elective course to B. Tech. Part – III students of IT-BHU.

1. The value-crisis in the contemporary Indian Society.

2. The nature of values: The value spectrum for a ‘good’ life.
3. The Indian system of values.
4. Material development and its values: the challenge of science and technology.
5. Psychological values: integrated personality; mental health.
6. Societal values: the modern search for a ‘good’ society; justice, democracy, rule of
law; values in the Indian constitution.
7. Aesthetic values: perception and enjoyment of beauty.
8. Moral and ethical values; nature of moral judgments; canons of ethics; ethics of
virtue; ethics of duty; ethics of responsibility.
9. Work ethics; professional ethics.
10. Spiritual values; different concepts; secular spirituality.
11. Relative and absolute values.
12. Human values: humanism and human values; human rights; human values as
freedom, creativity, love and wisdom.
13. Management by values: professional excellence; inter-personal relationships at
work place; leadership and team building; conflict resolution and stress
management; management of power.
It will be innovative course dealing with social, human and ethical implications of
engineering and technology, with special reference to the Indian situation. Its three main
components are:
 Social and Cultural history of technology,
 Social and Human critiques of technology,
 Engineering Ethics and Professional Ethics,
 The proposed course structure is as follow:
1. Science, Technology and Engineering, as knowledge and as social and
professional activities.
2. Inter-relationship of technology growth and social, economic and cultural
growth; historical perspective.
3. Ancient, medieval and modern technology / Industrial revolution and its
impact. The Indian Science and Technology.
4. Social and human critiques of technology: Mumford and Ellul.
5. Rapid technological growth and depletion of resources. Reports of the club
of Rome. Limits to growth; sustainable development.
6. Energy crisis; renewable energy resources.
7. Environmental degradation and pollution. Eco-friendly technologies.
Environmental regulations. Environmental ethics.
8. Technology and the arms race. The nuclear threat.
9. Appropriate technology movement Schumacher; later developments.
10. Technology and the developing nations. Problems of technology transfer.
Technology assessment / Impact analysis.
11. Human operator in engineering projects and industries. Problems of man
machine interaction. Impact of assembly line and automations. Human
centred technology.
12. Industrial hazards and safety. Safety regulations. Safety engineering.

Physiological system of the body: brief description of neuronal, cardiovascular and respiratory
systems; their, mechanical and chemical activities.

Electrodes, sensors and transducers: Bioelectric signals, electrodes for biophysical sensing;
surface electrodes; microelectrodes; review of transducers and other sensors for bio – medical

The Heart System and measurements: The Heart; electro conduction system of the heart; the
heart as a potential source; The ECG waveform; the standard lead system; The ECG
Preamplifier; ECG machines.

Physiological pressure and other cardiovascular measurement and devices: Physiological

pressures; blood pressure measurement; sphygmo manometers; oscillometric and ultrasonic
methods; direct methods; manometers; pressure transducers; pressure amplifier; typical
calibration methods; systolic, diastolic and mean pressure detector oirouit, pressure
differentiation (dp/dt) circuits; pacemakers; heartlung machines.

The Human Respiratory system and its measurement: Internal (cellular) and external (lung)
respiration; organs of respiration; mechanics of breathing; parameters of respiration; regulation
of respiration; unbalanced and diseased states; environmental threats to the respiratory system;
respiratory system measurements; respiratory transducers and instruments; spirometers;

Measurement of Electrical Activity in Neuromuscular System and Brain: Neuron potential;

muscle potential; electromyography (EMG); electroencephalography (EEG); EEG electrodes and
the 10-20 system; EEG amplitude and frequency bands; the EEG system – simplified block
diagram; preamplifiers and EEG system specifications; EEG diagnostic uses and sleep patterns;
visual and auditory evoked potential recordings; EEG system artifacts.

Advances In Bio – Medical Instrumentation: Computer Tomography; Magnetic Resonance

Imaging; X – ray; Nuclear medicine; Ultrasound; Lasers; Electromagnetic Interference;
Electrical safety; Bedside monitor.
Books Recommended
1. Joseph J. Carr and John M. Brown, “Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology”, 4th
ed, Singapore: Pearson Education, Inc., (2001). (ISBN 81-7808-327-2)
2. Cromwell L., Weibell F.J. and Pfeiffer E. A., Biomedical Instrumentation and measurement “,
2nd ed. Singapore: Pearson Education, Inc., (2003). (ISBN 812970028X)
3. Webster J.G. (ed.). “Encyclopedia of medical devices and Instrumentation”, Vols. 1-4, New
York: Wiley (1988).
4. Bronzino J.D. (ed.), “The Biomedical Engineering Handbook”, FL: CRC Press (1995).
5. Khandpur RS,”Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation”, TMGH, (1998), 13th Reprint.
Code – EC2827

Historical perspective, VLSI Design methodologies, VLSI Design flow, Design Hierarchy,
Design Style, CAS Technology, Fabrication of MOSFET, Fabrication Processes, NMOS
Fabrication, CMOS n-well process, Layout Design rules, stick diagrams, full custom Mask
layout Design, MOS Transistor, Review of structure and operation of MOSFET (n-MOS
enhancement type), CMOS, MOSFET V-I Characteristics, MOSFET scaling and small geometry
effects, MOSFET capacitances, Modeling of MOS Transistors, Basic concept, the SPICE level –
1 models, the level 2 and level 3 model equations.

MOS Inverters:
Combinational MOS logic circuits, CMOS logic circuits, state style, complex logic circuits. Pass
transistor logic, sequential logic circuit – introduction, SR latch, clocked latch and flip-flop
circuits, and CMOS D latch edge triggered flip-flop.
System Design method, design strategies, concept of FPGA, standard cell based design, design
capture tools, hardware definition languages such as VHDL and packages, Xlinx (introduction)
1. EE 1803-P Project – II (0 – 0 – 12)


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