Semester - Viii: Ee 1801 High Voltage Engineering
Semester - Viii: Ee 1801 High Voltage Engineering
Semester - Viii: Ee 1801 High Voltage Engineering
Breakdown in Gases
Mechanism of breakdown in gases, various related ionization processes, Townsend’s and
Steamer theories, Paschen’s law, Breakdown in Non-uniform fields; Effect of wave shape
of impressed voltage on the breakdown strength, Breakdown of sphere gape and rod gap;
Impulse Generator
Specifications of an impulse voltage wave, standard impulse, reasons for adopting the
particular shape, Analysis and control of simple circuit of impulse generator; Multi-stage
impulse generator (Marks circuit) circuit working, earthing and tripping; Techniques to
observe wave front on C. R. O.
The objectives of the course is an exploration of human vales which go into making a
‘good’ human being, a ‘good’ human society and a ‘good’ life. The context is the work
life and the personal life of modern Indian professionals. The course has been taught for
two years as an elective course to B. Tech. Part – III students of IT-BHU.
Physiological system of the body: brief description of neuronal, cardiovascular and respiratory
systems; their, mechanical and chemical activities.
Electrodes, sensors and transducers: Bioelectric signals, electrodes for biophysical sensing;
surface electrodes; microelectrodes; review of transducers and other sensors for bio – medical
The Heart System and measurements: The Heart; electro conduction system of the heart; the
heart as a potential source; The ECG waveform; the standard lead system; The ECG
Preamplifier; ECG machines.
The Human Respiratory system and its measurement: Internal (cellular) and external (lung)
respiration; organs of respiration; mechanics of breathing; parameters of respiration; regulation
of respiration; unbalanced and diseased states; environmental threats to the respiratory system;
respiratory system measurements; respiratory transducers and instruments; spirometers;
Historical perspective, VLSI Design methodologies, VLSI Design flow, Design Hierarchy,
Design Style, CAS Technology, Fabrication of MOSFET, Fabrication Processes, NMOS
Fabrication, CMOS n-well process, Layout Design rules, stick diagrams, full custom Mask
layout Design, MOS Transistor, Review of structure and operation of MOSFET (n-MOS
enhancement type), CMOS, MOSFET V-I Characteristics, MOSFET scaling and small geometry
effects, MOSFET capacitances, Modeling of MOS Transistors, Basic concept, the SPICE level –
1 models, the level 2 and level 3 model equations.
MOS Inverters:
Combinational MOS logic circuits, CMOS logic circuits, state style, complex logic circuits. Pass
transistor logic, sequential logic circuit – introduction, SR latch, clocked latch and flip-flop
circuits, and CMOS D latch edge triggered flip-flop.
System Design method, design strategies, concept of FPGA, standard cell based design, design
capture tools, hardware definition languages such as VHDL and packages, Xlinx (introduction)
1. EE 1803-P Project – II (0 – 0 – 12)