Bulgarian National Geometry
Bulgarian National Geometry
Bulgarian National Geometry
58 A, Chehov Str.
1113 Sofia,Bulgaria
E-mail: savagroz@banmatpc.math.bas.bg
participation. Moreover, they are used to select the
national teams for both the International and Balkan
Mathematical Olympiads.
This article examines the geometric problems from
these three competitions. The following features are
discovered: the proportion between synthetic and
analytic character is changing through the years and
the analytic one is leading at present; the genre
variety decreases gradually and the problem
formulation becomes more classical on account of it;
problem difficulty increases gradually; aspiration
appears to approach the ideas of the International
Mathematical Olympiad . To prove this idea about 35
problems are discussed by dividing them into two
groups. The first one contains 18 problems from the
80-ies, which accent synthetic character, genre variety
and some comparable easiness of the solutions. The
second group contains 17 problems from the 90-ies
with the accent of analytic character, classical
sounding and comparable difficulty of the solutions.
Examples are given using the idea of Ivan Ganchev to
present problems in systems which turns out to be
quite useful in simplifying solutions and developing
skills in problems solving.
reason. It turns out that each stage of development of the Bulgarian
mathematical contests heavily influences their style and mathematical contents.
Some reasons for and consequences of this state of matters are briefly
touched upon below. Our emphasis is on the most recent editions of the
contests which display some new trends of development.
Examples are given following Ivan Ganchev's idea to present problems in
systems. This approach turns out to be quite useful in simplifying solutions and
developing problem solving skills.
The Bulgarian national olympiad went through substantial changes during the
years of its existence. Mass participation was the main objective in the 1950ies
and 1960ies. The style of problems proposed was basically the one present at
the university entrance exams. This started changing in the late 1960ies and the
early 1970ies.
A co-founder of the International Mathematical Olympiad, Bulgaria was lacking
the traditions of participating countries like Hungary and the former Soviet
Union, for instance. So a number of renowned mathematicians was concerned
with establishing a different kind of mathematical culture in the overall
approach to high-school students. Without changing the olympiad structure,
more and more extracurricular elements were being introduced into the
unwritten syllabus of the olympiad.
The general state educational policy was also changing at that time. Studying
mathematics was intensified in the regular schools, and specialized
mathematical schools were opened in all regional centers (1971-75).
Mathematical teachers of high ability created their own schools and circles of
talented students. The main incentive was a good performance at the olympiad,
but new forms of extracurricular activity came into being as well. The authority
of the Central Olympiad Committee increased considerably.
The results became visible already around 1976, when the Bulgarian team
came out fourth at the international olympiad. However, the entire system of
extracurricular activities reached maturity a little later-and the stable
performance of the national IMO team in 1981-1989 is merely one of the many
indications. We mention only the International Olympiad in Prague, 1984,
where Bulgaria achieved the second highest combined score among all
The work on running high-school mathematical activities was a well-
coordinated effort of the Ministry of Education and the Union of Bulgarian
Mathematicians, assisted by the Mathematical Department of the Sofia
University and the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences. The social prestige of the olympiad movement was
surprisingly high. The centralized higher education in Bulgaria honored
unconditionally the achievements of the IMO contestants, allowing them to
become university students without taking the (quite competitive) entrance
exams. A new factor was the Balkan Olympiad which started out in 1984. The
successes of the young Bulgarian mathematicians at the time in question were
due to a carefully developed orderly system, the opportunities for a broader
selection because of the numerous participants, to the enthusiasm of teachers in
many regional centers.
We pass on to the mathematical contents of the olympiad between 1981 and
1989. More exactly, let us take a closer look at its final rounds, the third and the
fourth. For one thing, the goal of encouraging mass participation was still
present as a codition sine qua non. On the other hand, the final rounds had to
complete a major part of the IMO selection in an evironment where the top
contestants' preliminary preparation greatly exceeded the one of a regular
participant. The typical result was a contest paper of difficulty comparable to
that of an IMO paper, but also reflecting the curriculum of the Bulgarian school.
For instance, solid geometry is practically missing at the international olympiad
but well represented at Bulgarian contests in the eighties.
The following list of problem statements may seem excessive but it reflects
important features of the whole period.
A sphere with center O is inscribed in a quadrangular pyramid ABCDM ,
with base ABCD . The point O lies on the altitude MH of the pyramid. Each
of the planes, ( ACM ) , ( BDM ) and ( ABO ) divides the lateral surface of the
pyramid into two parts of equal area. The areas of the plane sections of the
pyramid with the planes ( ACM ) and ( ABO ) are in ratio ( 2 + 2 ) : 4 . Find
the angle between the planes ( ACM ) and ( ABO ) and the dihedral angle of the
pyramid with edge AB .
a) Prove that there exists a positive integer n such that for each triangle
T Î D at least two among the triangles T , f (T ) ,
f 2 (T ) = f ( f (T )),..., f n (T ) = f ( f n -1 (T )) are congruent.
b) Determine the least value of n such that a) holds true.
Problem 12 (National Olympiad, fourth round, 1988)
Each point of the (three-dimensional) space is colored either red or white. Prove
that there exists a tetrahedron whose vertices and centroid are of the same color.
well-known that this locus is a circle
k with diameter on the line PC
(the Apollonius circle of the line
segment PC ), and Q is an endpoint
of this diameter. Denote the other
endpoint by R . Since QR divides the
chord AB of k into two equal parts and is not perpendicular to AB (because
AC ¹ BC , AB is a diameter of k , too. Therefore ÐAQB = 90 . Now a standard
computation yields the value of ÐAPB. We have
= g + 2( ÐAPB - ÐAQB) = g + 2ÐAPB - 180 ,
so ÐAPB = 180 - g.
The proofs above are representative. Many classical geometry problems from
the 1980ies do admit of analytic solutions. However, the very intention of the
proposers and the jury was to promote synthetic methods in the spirit of the
ancient Greek tradition. It was unlikely for a problem proposal to make a
contest paper unless a synthetic proof was available in advance. Computational
solutions were of course developed by some contestants. But such solutions
were mostly regarded as an expression of poor geometrical thinking and not
encouraged too much. As a rule, the proofs known to the jury were short and
not particularly hard. Once a contestant reached a key idea, he or she was able
to prepare a neat writeup in a limited amount of time.
Summing up, some major features of the geometry problems from the 1980ies
were the following:
Bulgaria was hit by a severe overall crisis in the early 1990ies. The orderly
system of extracurricular mathematical activities, which seemed to be
established once and for all, suffered many blows and finally collapsed. In
particular, the Ministry of Education gradually resigned from its obligations to
mathematical contests at all levels. Financing was extremely scarce, if available
at all. A multitude of dubious educational reforms decreased the intensity and
the level of teaching high-school mathematics to a critical degree. The
priviledges of the olympiad winners to enter the universities without entrance
exams were abolished.
The Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians was the institution to go on with the
mathematical olympiads despite the extremal conditions. Without state funding
and by many other reasons, it was already an achievement to save the major
contests. However, preserving the entire movement with the same goals and
structure as before was a fiction. Mass participation was unthinkable not only
by trivial financial considerations. Most regional centers with established
traditions had ceased to exist. Neither regular students nor their teachers had
incentives and motivation to continue what had been started some two decades
before. The base for selecting the national team was thus drasctically reduced to
the two major mathematical schools in the capital Sofia.
The limited task of preserving Bulgaria's positions at the international level
was probably the only reasonable choice in that environment.
Once the Union took over all the responsibility with respect to the olympiad,
certain changes in the spirit of the competitions occurred. The main goal was
already selecting a strong national team. This circumstance influenced in
particular the geometry on the national contests. Here are examples of geometry
problems from this period.
AA1 G = A2 , BB1 G = B2 , and let A1 A3 , B1B3 be bisectors in the triangle
A1B1C1 ( A3 Î B1C1, B3 Î A1C1 ) . Prove that:
BC = a , CA = b, AB = c, a + b + c = 2 p . If ha , hb , hc are the altitudes through
A, B, C , respectively, and d is the diameter of the incircle of ABC , prove
a) d a + p( p - a ) d = ha ;
b) d a + db + d c + p ³ ha + hb + hc .
We present two solutions of Problem 17 now, a synthetic and a computational
Note that even after these key steps one may very well get stuck here. To move
on, we have to realize that ratios of line segments are likely to help rather than
angle computations. More exactly, a repeated application of Menelaus's theorem
yields the conclusion. Consider DDMN and the line AB first, then DDMN
again and the line CE . By Menelaus's theorem,
. . = . . = 1.
Now, taking the equalities AN = BN , BM = CM and AD = CD into account,
we infer that CD CN = PD PN . Hence CP is the bisector of ÐDCN , as
The problem is by far not among the hardest ones posed on Bulgarian
competitions. Still, a solution like above demands ingenuity and may be a
matter of chance. On the other hand, a straightforward computational proof
takes no inventiveness at all.
ÐAED = u , ÐCDE = v .Then
ÐADC = p - 2a, ÐDCE = p + a - b - u - v
Apply the law of sines for DADE and
DCDE first. In view of AD = CD , we
sin u AD CD sin v
= = = .
sin(a + b) DE DE sin(b - a + u + v)
Next, we have ÐBCE = a + b - u - v . Since BM = CM , the law of sines for
DBME and DCME gives
sin u BM CM sin v
= = = .
sin(a + b) ME ME sin(a + b - u - v)
sin(a + b) sin u sin(a + b)
= = ,
sin(b - a + u + v) sin v sin(a + b - u - v)
and it follows that sin(b - a + u + v) = sin(a + b - u - v) . This can be rewritten
as cos b sin(u + v - a) = 0 . Since b is acute, we easily conclude that
u+v= a.
c d
® ®
a standard (but somewhat tedious) task to express EF and MN as linear
® ®
combinations of i and j .Note first that EA = lcj and EB = ldi . Since F
lies on both AC and BD , there are numbers x and y such that
® ® ®
EF = x EA+ (1 - x) EC = (1 - x)ci + xlcj ,
® ® ®
EF = y EB + (1 - y) ED = yldi + (1 - l)dj .
Equating the coefficients of i and j and eliminating y yields ld - c .
(l2 - 1)c
® l
EF = [(lc - d )i + (ld - c) j ].
l2 - 1
On the other hand,
® 1 æ® ® ö
1 æ® ® ® ®ö
MN = çç AD + BC ÷÷ = çç ED - EA+ EC - EB ÷÷
2è ø 2è ø
= [(c - ld )i + (d - lc) j ] .
1 2
It is clear now that the ratio of MN 2 and EF 2 equals the ratio of and l ,
4 l2 - 1
that is,
2 2
MN 2 1æ 1ö 1 æ AB CD ö
= çl - ÷ = ç - ÷ .
EF 2 4 è lø 4 è CD AB ø
The claim follows.
Standard as they appear to be, these two third-round problems were solved by
very few contestants. They are examples of seemingly standard configurations,
rich in connections and well-known properties but objectively hard to be
handled synthetically. We presented a synthetic proof of Problem 17 above, and
should add that Problem 22 admits of such a proof as well (far and away harder
to devise).However, it is exactly searching for a synthetic approach and
estimating the difficulty arising that confirms a general claim.The effort to
argue synthetically is neither proportional to the theoretical significance of the
question nor reasonable in the conditions of a time constraint.
The majority of the problems 15-28 are similar.
Not only is their average difficulty higher than the one of Problems 1-15. Their
spirit is different. It was a conscious, continuous effort to impose such a spirit.
There is no pursuit of diversity any more, although no topic is ever permanently
closed. A brief look at the problem statements says enough: these are
exclusively questions in classical geometry, and questions intentionally
difficult. Writing down a solution alone may take quite a while, the exposition
is prone to computational errors of any kinds. Consequently, it happens that no
contestant solves a certain geometry problem sometimes-and the hardest
problem on a contest in Bulgaria is almost never a geometry one.
The resemblance with most IMO style geometry proposals is fairly evident,
which was the intention of the proposers and the leaders of the national team.
Purely geometric proofs are neither prohibited nor impossible to find in
principle. Only the time is long gone when the geometry IMO problems were
the hardest challenge for the Bulgarian participants, on which they could afford
spending a long time during the contest. Arguing synthetically is welcome, if
the insight comes quickly. On the other hand, being on the safe side becomes
increasingly more important. By safe we mean being able to carry out
reasonable amounts of standard computations to get the solution to a geometry
problem as fast as possible. Because the real challenges to decide the IMO golds
are still to be handled, and these are rarely geometrical questions.
The key characteristics of the Bulgarian geometry problems in the 1990ies are
therefore the following:
The period of the late 1990ies was a relatively stable one for the olympiad
movement. With a lot of effort, the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians
managed to establish a strict organization of all major initiatives, for proper
selection and coaching the national team. New and encouraging signs can be
observed. Exchange of valuable experience started with Russian and Chinese
colleagues as well as with co-workers from the Balkan countries. This includes
inviting teams from abroad to Bulgarian contests, exchanging visits, and so on.
Forms for early selection of talented young mathematical minds play an
increasingly important role. Such are the Junior Balkan Olympiad and the
annual junior contest in Hong Kong. The latter is regarded by many as
something of a junior IMO despite the differences in the format. Bulgaria is an
active participant in both of these since their beginning.
The Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians resumes publishing appropriate
books and materials for extracurricular mathematical work. Slowly and with
great difficulty, several regional mathematical centers outside Sofia gradually
revive their previous activity. Some universities agreed to accept IMO
participants without entrance exams again, as before. Finding sources of
funding is a constant major concern. Though randomly, foundations would
provide the means for certain indispensable needs like travel expenses. Private
and corporate sponsorship is modest but present.
Unfortunately, the Ministry of Education remains impassive to the mathematical
This is a brief outline of the atmosphere in which yet another tendency was
conceived. To justify our observations, we continue with several more geometry
So, let the circumcircle of DACG
touch AB . We use the standard
notation for the elements of DABC .
By the power-of-a-point theorem and
the well-known median formula,
c2 1 1
= MA2 = MG. MC = mc2 = (2a 2 + 2b 2 - c 2 ),
4 3 12
yielding a 2 + b 2 = 2c 2 . The median formula again gives m =
b, mb =
3 .
2 2
2[B1CG ] b1 sin g 1
sin ÐCB1G = =
B1C . B1G a1 3
b1 æ a 12 + b12 ö
= 1- ç ÷ = 1 14 x - x 2 - 1 = f ( x).
ç ÷
a1 3 è 4a 1b1 ø 4 3
Since x < 1 7 , it follows that f ( x) < f (1 7) = 1 7 . Therefore
1 2
sin ÐCAG + sin ÐCBG < 1 + sin ÐCB1G < 1 + < .
7 3
x 2 + y 2 = n, z 2 + t 2 = nb12 , ( x - z) 2 + ( y - t ) 2 = nc12 .
It appears that a little more work based on the above equalities will yield the
desired contradiction. However, one more geometric consideration is needed.
Namely, we proved so far that the three side lengths are
a = n , b = nb1 , c = nc1 . Then 1 + b1 > c1 and 1 + c1 > b1 by the triangle
inequality, implying b1 = c1 . This last observation proves critical indeed, since
one can write x 2 + y 2 = n, z 2 + t 2 = nd 2 , ( x - z) 2 + ( y - t ) 2 = nd 2 for some d .
These yield n = x 2 + y 2 = 2( xz + yt ) . Now the well-known Lagrange's
( x 2 + y 2 )( z 2 + t 2 ) = ( xz + yt ) 2 + ( xt - yz) 2
4 AC 2 . AB. AD[cos a cos b - cos( a + b)] = 4 AC 2 . AB. AD sin a sin b
is an integer congruent to 2 modulo 3.
On the other hand, cos a and cos b are clearly rational. Moreover, if
cos a = , cos b = , with a , b, c, d integers and ( a , b) = (c, d ) = 1 , then none
a c
b d
of a , b, c, d is a multiple of 3. Then, once the number
2 2 (b 2 - a 2 )(d 2 - c 2 )
4 AC . AB. AD sin a sin b = 4 AC . AB. AD
is an integer not divisible by 3 , the same holds for the number
(b 2 - a 2 )(d 2 - c 2 ) . But a 2 º b 2 º c 2 º d 2 º 1 (mod 3) , implying that
(b 2 - a 2 )(d 2 - c 2 ) is a multiple of 3. The contradiction proves the claim for
n = 4.
One may ask here: Why are the last five problems considered separately. Do
the observations in Section 2 not apply to them? True, their difficulty is
definitely high, probably too high from a certain point of view. But being
simply ``hard" is not the point.
With most questions in Section 2, computations are quite long and yet
reasonable. The major difficulty is translating the information into a certain
analytic language (trigonometry, vector algebra, complex numbers, standard
coordinate geometry, etc.) Once the translation is done, the rest is a matter of
time and patience. A reasonable amount of effort suffices.
The story is different about Problem 29, for instance. Not having the crucial
hint stated in a), one is probably destined to face more technical trouble than he
or she could possibly take during a contest. It is not the mechanical translation
that matters, nor the subsequent manipulations. Essential geometrical thinking
precedes the computations, thinking hard to be replaced by other means. In this
case, the key idea is a purely geometric observation: The angle subtended by a
fixed line segment AB on one side of a given angle at a variable point C on
the other side of this angle is a maximum if and only if the circumcircle of
DABC is tangent to the second side (at the point C ). Much technical work is
still to come, but work manageable, guided by a proper understanding of the
The last Problem 33 is also remarkable. It takes little to express the sides of
the triangle known to be equilateral by hypothesis, and to equate the expressions
obtained. However, by doing this we only end up with equalities promising no
more than hard work without any perspective. And indeed, the few solutions
found by contestants rested on a preliminary geometric observation again. It is a
well-known classical fact (Napoleon's theorem):
If equilateral triangles are constructed externally on the sides of a given
triangle then their centers are the vertices of an equilateral triangle.
These five examples are not unique, and we believe that a certain new trend
has come into being. This is posing geometry problems not simply hard but also
natural and hence not isolated from the vast mathematical reality. With them, it
is never clear a priori what additional consideration will be needed-be it a
geometric observation, a combinatorial reasoning, a divisibility consideration,
or a combination of all these. We are flattered to think that such a trend brings
the olympiad movement closer to genuine mathematical work in the proper