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DLC Single Axis Control Card for Firmware

Versions DA and DG
User Manual

About this Documentation DLC-A and DLC-G

Title DLC Single Axis Control Card for Firmware Versions DA and DG

Type of Documentation User Manual

Document Typecode DOK-CONTRL-DLC*A+DLC*G-AW03-AE-P • 12/99

Internal File Reference • DLC-A/DLC-G User Manual

• 120-0400-B324-03/AE
• Part No. 286834

Purpose of Documentation This documentation is written for both operating personnel and the
machine builder. It explains how to interface, install, set up and operate
the Indramat DLC Positioning Control with DA or DG software.

Record of Revisions Description Release Notes

Initial Release 6/94 Rev. A
Updated/added Parameters 7/95 Rev. B
Updated Commands
Updated/added Status Codes
Updated/rearranged Error Codes
Added Alphabetical and Numerical
Tables of Error Codes. Deleted
Appendix C, DLC Program
Commands/Format. Deleted Appendix
D, Parameter Input Sheets
Combine DLC-A (Pub. # 68000) and 12/99 Rev. C
DLC-G (Pub. # 68006) Manuals
Parameter additions and changes

Copyright  1999 Mannesmann Rexroth Indramat

Copying this document, giving it to others and the use or communication of
the contents thereof without express authority, are forbidden. Offenders are
liable for the payment of damages. All rights are reserved in the event of the
grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design (DIN 34-1).

Validity All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation
and the availability of the product.

Published by Mannesmann Rexroth Indramat GmbH

INDRAMAT Hoffman Estates • 5150 Prairie Stone Parkway • Hoffman
Estates, IL 60192 • USA
Phone: 847-645-3600 • Fax: 847-645-6201
Dept. ESV (HK).

DLC-A and DLC-G Table of Contents I

Table of Contents
1 General Description ............................................................................................ 1-1
1.1 DLC Configuration.............................................................................................................................. 1-4
1.2 About This Manual ............................................................................................................................. 1-5
Hardware and Software Support........................................................................................................ 1-5
How To Use This Manual ................................................................................................................... 1-5
1.3 System Features ................................................................................................................................ 1-7
Superior Performance ........................................................................................................................ 1-7
Easy to Operate ................................................................................................................................. 1-7
Parameter-Adaptable to Multiple Machines ....................................................................................... 1-7
Fully Self-Diagnostic........................................................................................................................... 1-7
Programming Structure ...................................................................................................................... 1-7
Programmable Acceleration Rate ...................................................................................................... 1-8
Programmable I/O .............................................................................................................................. 1-8
Control/Machine System I/O Interconnection..................................................................................... 1-8
Homing ............................................................................................................................................... 1-8
Registration ........................................................................................................................................ 1-8
RS-232/485 Serial Interface............................................................................................................... 1-8
CTA Remote Keypad/Display............................................................................................................. 1-8
Optional IDS Module .......................................................................................................................... 1-9
Optional Station Operator Terminal (SOT) and Screen Manager...................................................... 1-9
MotionManagerTM (Option) ............................................................................................................. 1-10
Optional CTA 10 User Interface ....................................................................................................... 1-10
1.4 Standard Configuration Of DKS With DLC Control Card/DEA 4 Input/Output Card........................ 1-11
Standard Configuration Of DKS With DLC Control Card/DEA 4 Input/Output Card And Optional
DEF 1 Incremental Encoder Interface Card........................................................................................ 1-13
1.5 Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 1-14
Physical Specifications--Operating Environment ............................................................................. 1-14
Control Specifications....................................................................................................................... 1-14
I/O Interface...................................................................................................................................... 1-14
Options ............................................................................................................................................. 1-15

2 Controls and Indicators ...................................................................................... 2-1

2.1 CTA Keypad and Display ................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Data Entry Keys ................................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.3 CTA Display Screens ......................................................................................................................... 2-4
Scrolling Through Display Screens .................................................................................................... 2-4
Parameter Mode Display Screens ..................................................................................................... 2-8
Drive Diagnostic/DLC Status/DLC Hardware/Software Version Display Screens ............................. 2-8
Tool Correction Data Screen (DLC-G only) ...................................................................................... 2-9
System/Auxiliary I/O Status Screens .............................................................................................. 2-10

II Table of Contents DLC-A and DLC-G

Counter Screen ................................................................................................................................ 2-13

Axis Information Screen ................................................................................................................... 2-14
Mode/Tasks Screens........................................................................................................................ 2-15
Edit Screen....................................................................................................................................... 2-16

3 Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections ........................................... 3-1

3.1 Signal Definitions................................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Interface Descriptions......................................................................................................................... 3-1
Operating Mode Selection.................................................................................................................. 3-5
Safety Interlocks................................................................................................................................. 3-6
Normal Operation Signals .................................................................................................................. 3-7
Axis Homing ....................................................................................................................................... 3-8
Manual Mode Operations ................................................................................................................. 3-11
Fault/Diagnostic Monitoring.............................................................................................................. 3-12
Feed Monitoring / Program Interruption ........................................................................................... 3-13
Special Functions ............................................................................................................................. 3-14
3.3 DEA 4 Input Signal Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 3-15
Parameter Mode Select.................................................................................................................... 3-15
Automatic Mode Select .................................................................................................................... 3-15
Emergency Stop ....................................................................................................................... 3-16
Cycle Start........................................................................................................................................ 3-16
Cycle Stop .................................................................................................................................. 3-17
Jog Forward ..................................................................................................................................... 3-17
Jog Reverse ..................................................................................................................................... 3-18
Clear (External) ................................................................................................................................ 3-18
Auxiliary Inputs 1 Through 7............................................................................................................. 3-18
3.4 DEA 4 Output Signal Descriptions ................................................................................................... 3-19

System Fault Indicator............................................................................................................... 3-19

Manual Mode Indicator..................................................................................................................... 3-19
Automatic Mode Indicator................................................................................................................. 3-20
Parameter Mode Indicator................................................................................................................ 3-20
Automatic Cycle Running Indicator .................................................................................................. 3-20
Auxiliary Outputs 1 Through 11........................................................................................................ 3-20

4 Parameters ........................................................................................................... 4-1

4.1 Description of Parameter Sets ........................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Parameter List .................................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.3 Entering the Parameters .................................................................................................................... 4-3
Displaying of Decimals ....................................................................................................................... 4-4
Auxiliary Inputs/Outputs ..................................................................................................................... 4-4
Unit of Measurement .......................................................................................................................... 4-5
4.4 Linear or Rotary Operation................................................................................................................. 4-5
4.5 Parameter Descriptions...................................................................................................................... 4-6
Parameter A100 - Maximum Velocity................................................................................................. 4-7
Parameter A101 - Jog Velocity........................................................................................................... 4-8
Parameter A102 - Acceleration Rate ................................................................................................. 4-9
Parameter A103 - Position Gain (KV Factor) ................................................................................... 4-10

DLC-A and DLC-G Table of Contents III

Parameter A104 - Encoder Resolution ............................................................................................ 4-11

Parameter A105 - Free..................................................................................................................... 4-12
Parameter A106 - Position Tolerance .............................................................................................. 4-13
Parameter A107 - Position Pre-Signal ............................................................................................. 4-14
Parameter A108 - Feed Constant .................................................................................................... 4-15
Parameter A109 - Direction of Operation......................................................................................... 4-16
Parameter A110 - Homing Setup ..................................................................................................... 4-17
Parameter A111 - Homing Offset..................................................................................................... 4-18
Parameter A112 - Homing Acknowledgements ............................................................................... 4-19
Parameter A113 - Travel Limit, Minimum Value .............................................................................. 4-20
Parameter A114 - Travel Limit, Maximum Value ............................................................................. 4-21
Parameter A115 - Special Functions (Disable Following Error, Velocity Achieved/Master
Encoder Averaging/Velocity Feed Forward) .................................................................................... 4-22
Parameter A116 - Rotary Axis Gear Ratio ....................................................................................... 4-23
Parameter A117 - Second Acceleration Rate .................................................................................. 4-24
Parameter A118 - Brake Release (as of software version DA1-04VRS and DG1-03T03A) ........... 4-25
Parameter A119 - Free..................................................................................................................... 4-26
Parameter A120 - Feed Angle Monitoring, Feed Interrupt............................................................... 4-27
Parameter A121 - Maximum Motor Speed....................................................................................... 4-28
Parameter A122 - Monitor Window .................................................................................................. 4-29
Parameter A123 - Follow Axis / Measuring Wheel Mode (Requires DEF Card) ..................................... 4-31
Parameter A124 - Free..................................................................................................................... 4-33
Parameter A125 - Jerk Constant (as of software version DA1-04VRS) .......................................... 4-34
Parameter A126 - Position Window (as of software version DA1-04VRS)...................................... 4-35
Parameter B000 - Enable Axis 2 (DG software only)...................................................................... 4-36
Parameter B001 - System Inputs (DG software only)..................................................................... 4-37
Parameter B001 - Serial Jog Enable (DA software only)................................................................. 4-38
Parameter B002 - User I/O (As of software version DA1-04V07/DG1-04V07)................................ 4-39
Parameter B003 - Serial Interface.................................................................................................... 4-40
Parameter B004 - Serial Interface.................................................................................................... 4-41
Parameter B005 - Memory Display .................................................................................................. 4-42
Parameter B006 - Start Task 2 & 3 .................................................................................................. 4-43
Parameter B007 - Display Language / Decimal Place / Keypad Lockout........................................ 4-44
Parameter B008 - M Function Inputs and Outputs (DLC-G only) .................................................... 4-46
Parameter B009 - M Function Timer (DLC-G only) ......................................................................... 4-47
Parameter B010 - Free..................................................................................................................... 4-48
Parameter B011 - Manual Vector..................................................................................................... 4-49
Parameter B012 - Program Interrupt Vector, Jump on Event .......................................................... 4-50
Parameter B013 - Velocity Override (as of software version DLC1.1-DA1-04V00)......................... 4-51
Parameter B014 - Restart Vector (as of software version DA1.1-03.03/DG01.1-03.03) ................. 4-52
Parameter B015 - Cycle Time (as of software version DA01.1-03V05 / DG01.1-03V05) ............... 4-53
Parameter B016 - External Encoder 1: Encoder Selection (as of software version DA01.1-01.2) ........ 4-54
Parameter B017 - External Encoder 1: Pulses/Revolution (as of software version DA01.1-01.2)......... 4-55
Parameter B018 - External Encoder 1: Feed Constant (as of software version DA01.1-01.2) ....... 4-56
Parameter B019 - Offset Dimension External Encoder 1 ................................................................ 4-57
Parameter B020 - External Encoder 2: Encoder Selection (as of software version DA01.1-01.2) ........ 4-58
Parameter B021 - External Encoder 2: Pulses/Revolution (as of software version DA01.1-01.2)......... 4-59
Parameter B022 - External Encoder 2: Feed Constant (as of software version DA01.1-01.2) ....... 4-60
Parameter B023 - Offset Dimension External Encoder 2 ................................................................ 4-61
Parameter C000 - Analog Output: Channel 1 (as of software version DA01.1-01.6) ...................... 4-62

IV Table of Contents DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter C001 - Analog Output: Channel 2 (as of software version DA01.1-01.6) ...................... 4-63
Parameter C002 - Overload Factor (as of software version DA01.1-01.6)...................................... 4-64
Parameter C003 - Position Data Scaling at Analog Outputs AK1 and AK2 (as of software
version DA01.1-01.6) ....................................................................................................................... 4-65
Parameter C004 - Velocity Data Scaling at Analog Outputs AK1 and AK2 (as of software
version DA01.1-01.6) ....................................................................................................................... 4-66
Parameter C005 - Velocity Loop Monitoring (as of software version DA01.1-01.6) ........................ 4-67
Parameter C006 - Position Velocity Window (as of software version DA01.1-01.6) ....................... 4-68
Parameter C007 - Absolute Encoder - Reference Position (as of software version DA01.1-01.6) ....... 4-69
Parameter C008 - Error Reaction (as of software version DA01.1-01.6) ........................................ 4-70
Parameter C009 - Current Loop Proportional Gain (as of software version DA01.1-01.6) ............. 4-71
Parameter C010 - Velocity Loop Proportional Gain (as of software version DA01.1-01.6)............. 4-72
Parameter C011 - Velocity Loop Integral Reaction Time (as of software version DA01.1-01.6)........ 4-73
Parameter C012 - Smoothing Time Constant (as of software version DA01.1-01.6) ...................... 4-74
Parameter C013 - External Brake Release...................................................................................... 4-75
Parameter C100 - Set Standard Drive Tuning Parameters Via CTA (as of software version
DA01.1-01.6) .................................................................................................................................... 4-76
Parameter C101 - Set Absolute Position (as of software version DA1-04 / DG1-04V04) ............... 4-77
4.6 M Functions...................................................................................................................................... 4-78
General Description.......................................................................................................................... 4-78
M = = Selection of an M Function..................................................................................................... 4-79
M Function Table Set-Up ................................................................................................................. 4-80
4.7 Parameter Data Sheets.................................................................................................................... 4-81
A Parameter Input Sheet.................................................................................................................. 4-81
B Parameter Input Sheet.................................................................................................................. 4-82
C Parameter Input Sheet.................................................................................................................. 4-83

5 Programming ....................................................................................................... 5-1

5.1 Positioning.......................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Auxiliary Inputs/Outputs ..................................................................................................................... 5-2
Programming Inputs/Outputs ............................................................................................................. 5-2
Inputs/Outputs Signal Definition......................................................................................................... 5-2
5.3 Multi-Tasking ...................................................................................................................................... 5-4
5.4 Start of the Program ........................................................................................................................... 5-4
5.5 End of the Program ............................................................................................................................ 5-4
5.6 Programming Mode............................................................................................................................ 5-4
5.7 General Format .................................................................................................................................. 5-5
5.8 Command Summary .......................................................................................................................... 5-5
Positioning Commands ...................................................................................................................... 5-6
Position Support Commands ............................................................................................................. 5-7
Branch Commands............................................................................................................................. 5-8
Jump Commands ............................................................................................................................... 5-8
Auxiliary Functions ............................................................................................................................. 5-9
Counter Commands ........................................................................................................................... 5-9
Timer Commands............................................................................................................................... 5-9
Other Commands ............................................................................................................................... 5-9
5.9 Command Descriptions .................................................................................................................... 5-10
ACC Acceleration Change ............................................................................................................... 5-11
AEA Auxiliary Output ON/OFF......................................................................................................... 5-12

DLC-A and DLC-G Table of Contents V

AKN Acknowledge Single Input ....................................................................................................... 5-13

AKP Acknowledge Parallel Input ..................................................................................................... 5-14
APE Activate Parallel Outputs ......................................................................................................... 5-15
APJ Activate Parallel Output, then Jump ......................................................................................... 5-16
ATS Acknowledge Output Status .................................................................................................... 5-18
BAC Branch And Count ................................................................................................................... 5-19
BCA Branch Conditional on Acknowledgment (Output-Dependent) ............................................... 5-21
BCB Binary Conditional Branch (Inputs).......................................................................................... 5-22
BCD Binary Coded Decimal Conditional Branch (Inputs) ................................................................ 5-23
BCE Branch Conditional on Single Input ......................................................................................... 5-24
BIC Branch Conditional On Binary Inputs ...................................................................................... 5-25
BIO Branch Input/Output Compare................................................................................................. 5-26
BMB Branch on Multiple Binary Outputs .......................................................................................... 5-27
BPA Branch on Parallel Acknowledgments (Outputs)..................................................................... 5-28
BPE Branch on Parallel Inputs ........................................................................................................ 5-29
BPT Branch on Position Test .......................................................................................................... 5-30
BZP Branch If the Target Position Exceeds the Position Limit Value ............................................. 5-31
CID Change Instruction Data.......................................................................................................... 5-32
CIO Copy Input/Output to Output..................................................................................................... 5-33
CLA Clear Absolute Position ........................................................................................................... 5-34
CLC Clear Counter .......................................................................................................................... 5-35
COC Cam Output Control................................................................................................................. 5-36
CON Continuous Operation.............................................................................................................. 5-38
COU Count ....................................................................................................................................... 5-39
CPL Clear Position Lag ................................................................................................................... 5-40
CST Change Subroutine Stack........................................................................................................ 5-41
D== Tool Correction Memory Selection........................................................................................... 5-42
FAK Factor All Motions .................................................................................................................... 5-43
FUN Functions ................................................................................................................................. 5-44
F== Feedrate................................................................................................................................... 5-45
G01 Linear Feed.............................................................................................................................. 5-46
G04 Dwell Time ............................................................................................................................... 5-47
G40 Tool Correction Deactivated .................................................................................................... 5-48
G43 Tool Correction - Added .......................................................................................................... 5-49
G44 Tool Correction - Subtracted ................................................................................................... 5-50
G60 Exact Stop ............................................................................................................................... 5-51
G61 Velocity Rate Optimization ...................................................................................................... 5-52
G74 Reference Axis ........................................................................................................................ 5-53
G90 Absolute Dimensions ............................................................................................................... 5-54
G91 Incremental Dimensions .......................................................................................................... 5-55
HOM Home Axis 1 ............................................................................................................................ 5-56
JMP Jump Unconditional ................................................................................................................. 5-57
JSR Jump to Subroutine ................................................................................................................. 5-58
JST Jump and Stop......................................................................................................................... 5-59
JTK Jump in Task ........................................................................................................................... 5-60
KDI Copy Position Difference ......................................................................................................... 5-61
MOM Torque Reduction .................................................................................................................... 5-62
M== Selection of an M function........................................................................................................ 5-64
NOP No Operation (Blank Block) ..................................................................................................... 5-65

VI Table of Contents DLC-A and DLC-G

PBK Positioning Interrupt................................................................................................................. 5-66

PFA Absolute Position Feed To Positive Stop ................................................................................ 5-67
PFI Incremental Position Feed To Positive Stop ........................................................................... 5-68
POA Position Absolute ..................................................................................................................... 5-69
POI Position Incremental ................................................................................................................ 5-70
POM Position On Memory (Requires IDS Setup)............................................................................. 5-71
PSA Position Absolute (With In-Position Signal) ............................................................................. 5-72
PSI Position Incremental (With In-Position Signal) ........................................................................ 5-73
PSM Position On Memory (with In-Position Signal) (Requires IDS Setup)...................................... 5-74
PST Position Test ............................................................................................................................ 5-75
REF Referencing (Detect Registration Mark Input) ......................................................................... 5-76
REP Conditional Jump if Search Distance is Exceeded, Referenced to REF Command ............... 5-77
RMI Registration Mark Interrupt ...................................................................................................... 5-79
RSV Restart Vector.......................................................................................................................... 5-82
RTS Return from Subroutine ........................................................................................................... 5-83
SAC Set Absolute Counter .............................................................................................................. 5-84
SIN Sine Oscillation ........................................................................................................................ 5-85
SO1 Scanning of Inputs and Modifying a Position/Velocity (Special Option #1) .................................. 5-86
STH Send to Host ............................................................................................................................ 5-89
STO Send Information To Outputs .................................................................................................. 5-90
VCA Velocity Change Absolute ....................................................................................................... 5-92
VCC Velocity Change Command..................................................................................................... 5-93
VEO Velocity Override Command.................................................................................................... 5-94
WAI Wait (Time Delay) .................................................................................................................... 5-96
WRI Write in Absolute Position (Teach Command) ........................................................................ 5-97
5.10 Tool Correction................................................................................................................................. 5-99
D==, G40, G43, G44 ........................................................................................................................ 5-99
Input................................................................................................................................................ 5-100
Selecting a Correction Memory...................................................................................................... 5-101
D== ................................................................................................................................................. 5-101
Activating Tool Correction .............................................................................................................. 5-102
Deactivating Tool Correction .......................................................................................................... 5-103
External Tool Correction................................................................................................................. 5-103

6 Installation/Start-Up ............................................................................................ 6-1

6.1 Mounting Cabinet ............................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Power ................................................................................................................................................. 6-3
6.3 Cable Routing..................................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.4 Hardware Installation.......................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.5 Electrical Installation........................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.6 DLC/DEA 4.1 Connectors .................................................................................................................. 6-4
6.7 Pre-Operation Start Up Tests............................................................................................................. 6-4
6.8 Connections ....................................................................................................................................... 6-4
6.9 DEA 4.1 Input Connections................................................................................................................ 6-5
6.10 DEA 4.1 Output Connections ............................................................................................................. 6-6
6.11 Power-Up ........................................................................................................................................... 6-6
6.12 Digital AC Servo Amplifier Parameter Entry....................................................................................... 6-6
Changing The Display Language....................................................................................................... 6-6

DLC-A and DLC-G Table of Contents VII

Main Menu.......................................................................................................................................... 6-7

Setting the Amplifier’s Parameters to Operate with the DLC Control Card .......................................... 6-7
Analog Outputs................................................................................................................................... 6-7
Bipolar Velocity Limit Value................................................................................................................ 6-8
Overload Factor.................................................................................................................................. 6-8
Position Data Scaling at the Analog Output (Degrees/10V) .............................................................. 6-8
Velocity Data Scaling At The Analog Output (RPM/10V)................................................................... 6-8
6.13 Parameter Entry ................................................................................................................................. 6-9
6.14 Program Entry .................................................................................................................................. 6-10
6.15 Axis Jogging in Manual Mode .......................................................................................................... 6-10
6.16 Automatic Mode Operation .............................................................................................................. 6-11

7 Serial Interface..................................................................................................... 7-1

7.1 Connector Wiring (DB-9) .................................................................................................................... 7-1
Signal Level Requirements ................................................................................................................ 7-2
Serial Cable Configurations ............................................................................................................... 7-2
7.2 Data Format ....................................................................................................................................... 7-3
Word Length....................................................................................................................................... 7-3
Parity Check ....................................................................................................................................... 7-3
Baud Rate .......................................................................................................................................... 7-4
Interface Mode ................................................................................................................................... 7-4
7.3 DLC Control String Protocol............................................................................................................... 7-4
First (1) Control String Character (Transmission Type) ..................................................................... 7-4
Second (2) Control String Character (DLC Unit # Identifier).............................................................. 7-5
Third (3) Control String Character (Information Type) ....................................................................... 7-5
Other Important Control Characters................................................................................................... 7-5
7.4 Information Characters....................................................................................................................... 7-6
7.5 CHECKSUM Calculations .................................................................................................................. 7-6
7.6 Sending Information to the DLC......................................................................................................... 7-7
Sending Program Blocks to the DLC ................................................................................................. 7-7
Sending Parameters to the DLC ........................................................................................................ 7-8
7.7 Alphabetical Listing of Commands..................................................................................................... 7-9
7.8 Information Request ......................................................................................................................... 7-11
Requesting a Program Block from the DLC ..................................................................................... 7-11
Requesting a Parameter from the DLC............................................................................................ 7-11
Requesting System Status from the DLC ........................................................................................ 7-12
Status 51 = User Inputs (Hexadecimal) ........................................................................................... 7-19
Status 52 = User Outputs (Hexadecimal) ........................................................................................ 7-19
Status 53 = System Fault ................................................................................................................. 7-19

8 Diagnostics And Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 8-1

8.1 Digital AC Servo Drive Normal Operating Diagnostics ...................................................................... 8-1
8.2 DLC System Error Code And System Error Messages ..................................................................... 8-2
8.3 Serial Communication Errors ............................................................................................................. 8-9
8.4 G-Code Programming Errors ........................................................................................................... 8-12

VIII Table of Contents DLC-A and DLC-G

A Programming Notes ............................................................................................A-1

A.1 Axis Homing for the DLC....................................................................................................................A-1
Normal Homing ..................................................................................................................................A-1
Homing Without Using the Homing Routine.......................................................................................A-2
Homing to a Switch ............................................................................................................................A-2
Homing to the Marker Pulse...............................................................................................................A-3
Homing Routine at Start of User Program .........................................................................................A-3

B DLC Display Screen Map ....................................................................................B-1

C Drawings and Schematics ..................................................................................C-1

C.1 DKS/DLC-A/MDD Interconnection (Sheets 1 – 10) .......................................................................... C-2
C.2 RS 232 Data Interface Interconnection ........................................................................................... C-12
C.3 SOT – DLC RS485 Interconnection ................................................................................................ C-13
C.4 Timing Diagram for DLC with DKS, DDS or DDC........................................................................... C-14

D Installation Drawings ..........................................................................................D-1

D.1 DKS 1.1 Dimensions ......................................................................................................................... D-2
D.2 CTA Keyboard and Cabinet Cutout Dimensions............................................................................... D-3
D.3 CTA 04 Keyboard and Cabinet Cutout Dimensions.......................................................................... D-4
D.4 IDS and Cabinet Cutout Dimensions ................................................................................................ D-5
D.5 CTA 10 Keyboard and Cabinet Cutout Dimensions.......................................................................... D-6
D.6 CTA/DLC Interconnection ................................................................................................................. D-7

E DLC Type Code Descriptions ............................................................................. E-1

E.1 DLC Hardware Type Code Description..............................................................................................E-1
E.2 Software Type Code Description .......................................................................................................E-1
E.3 IDS Hardware Type Code Description ...............................................................................................E-1
E.4 IDS Software Type Code Description ................................................................................................E-2
E.5 SOT Hardware Type Codes...............................................................................................................E-2
E.6 SOT Software Type Codes ................................................................................................................E-2

I Index ...................................................................................................................... I-1

DLC-A and DLC-G General Description 1-1

1 General Description
The DLC is a single-axis positioning control card which plugs into the
Indramat Digital AC Servo Drives, such as the DKS (Digital Compact
Drive) or DDS (Digital Drive) products. The DKS is a self-contained power
supply and digital drive. The DDS is a digital drive which operates with the
TVD (AC Power Supply). The DLC requires a DEA 4 Input/Output card or
available I/O network cards to provide the system inputs and outputs to
operate the Digital AC Servo System. The DLC plugs into the U1 slot and
the I/O card plugs into the U2 slot of the Indramat Digital Drive Modules.
The DLC/DEA 4 used with an Indramat Digital Drive Module becomes a
multi-tasking, user programmable unit which provides precise motion
control. The DLC controls an Indramat maintenance-free MDD Digital AC
Servo Motor to drive a ballscrew or some other positioning device. This is
a closed-loop feedback system which provides precise control of speed
and position at all times. The DLC Digital AC Servo System is used for a
variety of positioning applications. The DLC/DEA 4 installed in the
Indramat DKS, Digital Compact Drive, is illustrated in Figure 1.1.
Typical applications include:
• Rotary tables
• Packaging machines
• Thermoforming machines
• Gantry robots
• Handling equipment
• Wood working machines

Figure 1-1: DKS Positioning Control Module

1-2 General Description DLC-A and DLC-G

The extensive program command set permits the DLC to perform even
complex processing tasks. It can do multi-tasking, operating one motion
program and two background programs simultaneously. The DLC can be
programmed both on-line, and off-line.
The DLC can be used in remote operation, where it is controlled by the
customer's line control, usually a computer or a programmable controller,
which controls operation of the whole machine. The function of the line
control is to convey commands and to receive information via I/O
connections from the DLC Digital AC Servo System.
The DLC requires an I/O card be plugged into the U2 slot of the DKS. The
DEA 4 card provides 15 inputs ( 8 system/ 7 auxiliary) and 16 outputs ( 5
system/11 auxiliary). Optional cards can increase the auxiliary inputs to
37 and the auxiliary outputs to 43. In many applications, the DLC/DEA 4
with an Indramat Digital Controller Module can provide sufficient machine
control without the use of an external line control. Other information, such
as programs, parameters, and system status can be communicated (two
way) between the DLC and a host device, such as a computer,
programmable controller or Indramat SOT, via a multi-format serial
communications port.

DLC-A and DLC-G General Description 1-3

Figure 1-2: Block Diagram

1-4 General Description DLC-A and DLC-G

1.1 DLC Configuration

The DLC Digital AC Servo System typical configuration consists of:
• DLC 1.1 control card
• DEA 4.1 Input/Output card
• Digital Drive (DKS/DDS)
• MDD Digital AC Servo Motor
Complete interconnect cable sets are also available from Indramat. The
components are chosen to best fit the required application. Figure 1-2 is a
block diagram of a typical DLC Servo System configuration. These
components are designed into a mechanical system. For example, it
could feed some type of material into another processing station, such as
a punch press, thermoforming station, packaging machine, etc.
The machine builder or user enters data into the DLC parameters to
specify the mechanical and operating characteristics of the system.
Based on this data, plus the feed length and feed rate entered by the
operator, the DLC issues positioning commands to the digital drive, a
DKS (Digital Compact Drive) or DDS (Digital Drive), which controls the
current driving the MDD AC Servo Motor, which drives the mechanical
feed mechanism.
The MDD AC Servo Motor includes a high-resolution feedback, which
provides velocity and position feedback to the digital controller, ensuring
precise, repeatable positioning of the material being fed. The final
accuracy of the feed system depends on various factors, such as type of
material, gearbox backlash and other machine mechanics.
System components are modular, thus installation and replacement of
any component of the system is fast and easy. The Indramat Digital Drive
Modules and the MDD AC Servo Motor have quick-connect cabling. The
drive and MDD Servo Motor are matched for optimum operation using a
plug-in DSM module. Thus, should a failure occur, replacement of the
digital drive is accomplished quickly without the need for electronic fine
tuning. This results in a minimum of lost production because of machine
The system is designed to ensure operating integrity and safety, using
various inputs and outputs for handshaking to assure that the feeder and
subsequent processing station or device operate in harmony. A complete
diagnostic system monitors all inputs, outputs and operating conditions
and stops the system if a fault is detected. Diagnostic messages are
displayed to aid the operator in troubleshooting problems and quickly
getting the system back into production.

DLC-A and DLC-G General Description 1-5

1.2 About This Manual

This document is written for both operating personnel and the machine
builder. It explains how to interface, install, setup and operate the
Indramat DLC Positioning Control with DA or DG software.

Hardware and Software Support

This manual describes the DLC 1.1 hardware, used with:
• DA software versions DA 01.1-01.6 up through version DA 01.1-03.xx
• DG software versions DG 01.1-02.7 through DG 01.1-03.xx
Indramat provides assistance for any problems you may encounter with
this system. Your first source of information should be this manual. To
report a problem or request assistance, call Indramat at (847) 645-3600,
between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Central time. Ask for a Service Engineer
or call our 24 hour Service Hotline at 1-800-860-1055. You may also write
or FAX to the following:
Rexroth Indramat
Attn: Service Department
5150 Prairie Stone Parkway
Hoffman Estates, IL 60192
FAX: (847) 645-6201

How To Use This Manual

The manual is organized such that Chapters 1 and 2 describe the DLC
control and its operation. These chapters, plus Chapter 8 on diagnostics,
will be sufficient for most operating personnel. Chapters 3-8 provide
functional description, installation, setup, parameter entry, programming,
and diagnostic and troubleshooting information required by the machine
builder and setup personnel.
Chapter 1 General Description
This section describes the DLC control and the features which make it
well suited for motion control. Describes and illustrates various options.
Lists specifications.
Chapter 2 Controls & Indicators
This section describes the CTA keypad and displays interfaced with the
DLC control card
Chapter 3 Functional Description
This section describes all pre-defined, plus several user definable, input
and output signals and the various interfacing and operating modes of the
DLC. This information is necessary for interfacing the DLC to the machine
builder’s equipment, control panel design and troubleshooting.
Chapter 4 Parameters
This section describes all user-entered parameters required to adapt the
DLC to the mechanical and electrical characteristics of each application.
Chapter 5 Programming
This section describes all program commands provided in the DLC for the
user to create the executable program, as desired for the application.

1-6 General Description DLC-A and DLC-G

Chapter 6 Installation/Start-up
This section describes procedures for installing a DLC control system.
Provides an example of a DLC start-up and testing procedure.
Chapter 7 Serial Interface
This section describes the multi-format RS-232/485 port and the protocol
for two way communication between the DLC and a host device.
Chapter 8 Diagnostics & Troubleshooting
This section describes the DLC's self-diagnostic system, lists and
explains all diagnostic messages and describes troubleshooting

Appendix A DA and DG Programming Notes
This section is periodically updated with hints and examples of use for
programming commands.
Appendix B Display Map
This section shows the DLC display screens which appear on the CTA
control panel.
Appendix C Interconnect Drawings
This section contains interconnect drawings for
• RS232 Data Interface
A timing diagram for the DLC with DKS,DDS or DDC is also included.
Appendix D Installation Drawings
This section contains a DKS 1.1 dimensional outline drawing as well as
CTA and IDS cabinet cutout dimensions for remote mounting.
Appendix E DLC Type Code Descriptions
This section shows how to interpret the data plate for hardware/software
options included.

DLC-A and DLC-G General Description 1-7

1.3 System Features

Superior Performance
The system offers high precision motion control with feed resolution of
0.001 inch. Note that maximum system performance depends on the
mechanical characteristics of the user's system.

Easy to Operate
The user simply and easily operates the control system by entering a
simple user program using the optional interfaces. Operating status
messages appear on the display in the user selected language - English,
French, German, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese. Other input and display
options are described later in this section. The DLC system includes
features to make setup quick and easy, eliminating time consuming
mechanical setup or complex programming when changing parts.

Parameter-Adaptable to Multiple Machines

The machine manufacturer or the user easily adapts the DLC to the
mechanical and electrical characteristics of an application by entering
data into a set of parameters, using the DLC's optional CTA keypad and
display. These parameters define the characteristics of the machine, such
as: maximum and minimum feed lengths, jog, acceleration and
deceleration rates, units of feed measurement, RS-232/485 serial
communication characteristics, etc. This allows one single type of DLC
control to handle the mechanics of various types of different machines.
Thus, plant personnel need be familiar with only one control system.
Generally, parameters are entered once when setting up the system, then
changed only if the configuration changes or if different types of
operations are required. The factory installed DLC executive program
interprets the parameters to match the DLC Digital AC Servo System to
the machine, and translates operator-entered commands into motion
control signals, coordinating the feed motion with the parts of the other
machinery. Complicated system programming is not required.

Fully Self-Diagnostic
System protection is paramount. The DLC detects normal operating
status, operator errors, errors in the control itself and machine faults.
Both fault and normal status messages can displayed on the DLC's
optional CTA interface, in the user selected language. Thus, the operator
is informed of the current operating status of the system and is alerted to
any condition that causes a fault. This helps the operator quickly locate
and correct problems.
The DLC processor models and predicts the motion profile, and
continuously compares it with the actual response of the servo controller,
thereby detecting irregularities in drive conditions, such as drive runaway
or excess position lag conditions. Parameters allow the user to set the
magnitude of certain variations, as required for the application, before an
error is considered a fault condition.

Programming Structure
The basic program for standard motions is user programmed. The user
prepares a program of up to 3000 lines/blocks, utilizing pre-defined
commands. These commands, represented by three letter mnemonic
codes, specify the function. The DLC, when used with the optional CTA
keypad/display, guides the user for proper entry of the necessary data for
each command/function utilized, such as, desired position, desired

1-8 General Description DLC-A and DLC-G

velocity, etc. The DLC can be programmed to run up to three separate

task simultaneously (multi-tasking). The DLC can be programmed with
several sub-routines. The user can select a different sub-routine from the
main program to run different applications. The user can customize the
operation of the DLC control for any number of particular applications.
The user can download program blocks to the DLC from a host device
(computer, PLC, etc.), while the control is in operation. Therefore, the
effective program size can be much larger than 3000 lines, if needed.

Programmable Acceleration Rate

The acceleration rate, set by parameter, can be changed (reduced) by
programming command. The rate can be changed to different levels for
subsequent moves "on the fly" in automatic mode. This is useful for
establishing proper rates for new materials or setting required rates for
different materials without changing parameter settings.

Programmable I/O
The Standard DLC requires a DEA 4 card which includes a set of 7
auxiliary inputs and 11 auxiliary outputs which can be defined by the user
for electrically controlling and acknowledging machine functions. Optional
I/O cards can increases the auxiliary I/O to 37 inputs and 43 outputs.
Additional outputs can be programmed as flags.
The Standard DLC Control is illustrated in Figure 1.5. The Extended
version, with additional I/O connections, is illustrated in Figure 1.6.

Control/Machine System I/O Interconnection

The DLC has 8 input and 5 output connections which are pre-defined.
They include connections to the machine and its control panel for mode
selection, cycle start and stop, emergency stop, mode selection
acknowledgment, etc. These connections are typically made to keep
handshake between the control and machine. For example, on a slide,
the control will not position if the ram is too close to the material, and/or
the external operation will not start until the positioning is complete. The
axis will not position if an external operation is pending.

Homing allows absolute referencing for the axis. The user can initiate
homing in the manual mode or automatic mode of operation. The DLC
offers a great deal of flexibility in customizing the homing routine to
compensate for backlash, forward-moving-only applications, homing to a
switch, or a variety of other needs.

Registration control maintains each position as close as possible to a
registration mark printed on the material. This ensures that printed
patterns are kept in alignment with the finished product. Registration
accuracy is limited to 1 millisecond input acknowledgment time.

RS-232/485 Serial Interface

A multi-format serial interface allows communication with a
programmable logic controller, a Indramat IDS or SOT, a personal
computer or other host device. All information normally entered with
optional CTA display can be communicated over the RS-232/485 Serial
Interface at rates of up to 19200 Baud.

CTA Remote Keypad/Display

The CTA is a remote keypad/display which is mounted separately from
the DLC. The DLC Digital AC Servo System is panel-mounted inside a

DLC-A and DLC-G General Description 1-9

cabinet, with the CTA separately mounted on the cabinet surface. When
using CTA 01.3-B, with backlit display, the maximum distance from the
DLC card is 30 feet. When using CTA 01.3-N, with non-backlit display, the
maximum distance from the DLC card is 90 feet.

Optional IDS Module

An optional thumbwheel switch module (IDS) with two digit, seven
segment display, illustrated in Figure 1.3, are available for the DLC. The
IDS connects to the RS-232 connector X31 of the DLC. This unit is
remotely mounted, up to a maximum of 60 feet away from the DLC. The
operator selects the required feed length and a feed rate on different sets
of thumb-wheel switches. The decimal place (resolution) for the feed
length is set by parameter. The feed rate is selected as a percentage of
the maximum feed rate set by parameter. All status and diagnostic
message codes appear on the two digit LED alphanumeric display.

Figure 1-3: Optional IDS

Optional Station Operator Terminal (SOT) and Screen Manager

The Indramat SOT is a remote mounted, operator control device for the
DLC (see Figure 1.4). It allows for the same input functions and displays the
same information as the CTA keypad/display, but provides several
additional features.
The SOT includes a backlit, liquid crystal display with 16 lines of 40
characters each. It can display much more information at a time than the
standard display on the CTA keypad/display. The SOT keypad includes
"click contact keys for entering or changing data. The SOT also has 8
outputs which can be defined by the machine builder with ScreenManager
ScreenManager software is a development tool for the SOT. This command
line editor software package runs on any DOS-based computer.
ScreenManager is used to create application specific screens for the SOT.
With ScreenManager, the operator can view or edit machine information on
the SOT screen, in easy to read, useful, information for each specific
The SOT connects to the serial communications port of the DLC and can
be mounted up to 3000 feet away, when configured for RS-485
communication. An SOT User's Guide is provided with the option.

1-10 General Description DLC-A and DLC-G

Figure 1-4: SOT - Station Operator Terminal

MotionManagerTM (Option)
The MotionManager software development tool is an efficient method of
creating and editing executable user programs for the DLC control. This
user friendly software package runs on any DOS-based computer. It
provides several benefits over programming the DLC from the CTA
keypad/display. It also includes enhanced features for creating and editing
programs that are not possible from the CTA keypad/display.
Optional CTA 10 User Interface
The CTA 10 is an optional user interface that can be used as a front end
when a system contains multiple DLC cards. The serial port of the DLC
must be configured as an RS485 station by using the CTA 4 keypad and
an IKS745 cable. For more information, refer to the CTA 10 DL-1 User

Figure 1-5: CTA 10 User Interface

DLC-A and DLC-G General Description 1-11

1.4 Standard Configuration Of DKS With DLC Control

Card/DEA 4 Input/Output Card
The DLC Control Card plugs into the U1 slot and the DEA 4 Input/Output
Card plugs into the U2 slot of the Indramat Digital AC Servo Controller.
The Indramat Digital Controller being used mounts to the panel of a
control cabinet (electrical enclosure). Installation procedures are
described in Chapter 6.

DLC Control Card

DEA 4 Input / Output Card

Figure 1-6: Standard Configuration Of DKS With DLC Control Card/DEA 4 I/O Card

The standard configuration for the DLC/DEA 4 with DKS (Digital Compact
Drive) , illustrated in Figure 1.5. The DLC with DEA 4 Input/Output card has
15 inputs and 16 outputs. The first 8 inputs are system inputs and the next 7
inputs are auxiliary inputs. The first 5 outputs are system outputs and the
next 11 outputs are auxiliary outputs. The auxiliary inputs and outputs can
be defined by the user for controlling and acknowledging machine functions.
The expanded configuration for the DLC/DEA 4/DEA 5/DEA 6 with DKS
(Digital Compact Drive), illustrated in Figure 1.6, expands the auxiliary
inputs to 37 and auxiliary outputs to 43. The functional description of the I/O
signal connections is described in Chapter 3.

1-12 General Description DLC-A and DLC-G

DLC Control Card

DEA 5 Input / Output Card (Optional)

DEA 4 Input / Output Card

DEA 6 Input / Output Card (Optional)

Figure 1-7: Expanded I/O Configuration Of DKS With DLC Control Card/DEA 4,
5, 6, I/O card

DLC-A and DLC-G General Description 1-13

Standard Configuration Of DKS With DLC Control Card/DEA 4 Input/Output

Card And Optional DEF 1 Incremental Encoder Interface Card
The DLC Control Card plugs into the U1 slot and the DEA 4 Input/Output
Card plugs into the U2 slot of the Indramat Digital Drive. The optional DEF 1
incremental encoder interface card plugs into either the U3 or U4 slot. The
DEF 1 card can be used as either a master encoder input or measuring
wheel input.

DLC Control Card

DEF 1 Incremental Encoder

Interface Card (Optional)

DEA 4 Input / Output Card

Figure 1-8: Standard Configuration of DKS with DLC Control Card/DEA 4 I/O
Card and Optional DEF 1 Incremental Encoder Interface Card

1-14 General Description DLC-A and DLC-G

1.5 Specifications
The following sections provide full specifications for the DLC Control and
Note: Performance specifications can vary, depending on the
mechanical limitations of the equipment.

Physical Specifications--Operating Environment

Cooling Convection
Allowable Ambient 41 to 113 °F
Temperature Range (5 to 45 °C)
Storage and Transport -22 to 185 °F
Temperature Range (-30 to 85 °C)
Maximum Operating Altitude 3,280 ft. (1000 meters)
at Rated Values (higher altitudes permitted with proper cooling)

Control Specifications
Position Feedback High Resolution With Single-turn or Multi-turn Absolute, Resolver
Measuring Wheel Feedback Incremental Encoder requires DEF incremental encoder interface card.
Absolute encoder (GDM only) requires a DFF interface card.
Feed Length Resolution 0.001 inches (0.01 mm)
Feed Rate Normal - 0.1 - 99.9% of Maximum Velocity
DG: Feed Rate values can be in µpm
(Operator Selectable)
Jog - 0.1 - 99.9% of Maximum Velocity
(Parameter Selectable)
Note: Maximum Feed Rate will vary, depending on the mechanical
design of the equipment.
Jogging Forward / Reverse (Manual Mode only)
Programmable Dwell Time 0.01 - 99.99 seconds in 0.01 steps
Programmable Counters Limited only by number of program lines
CTA Keypad/Display LCD (Optional Backlit Version Available,
Four (4) line, 16 Characters/Line, 20 membrane switch keys.

I/O Interface
System Inputs 8 (+24 Vdc @ 10 mA)
(pre-defined function)
Auxiliary Inputs 7 - Standard
with DEA card 37 - Expanded
(user defined and programmable)
System Outputs 5 (+24 Vdc @ up to 100 mA, Sourcing)
with DEA card (pre-defined function)
Auxiliary Outputs 11 - Standard
43 - Expanded (User defined and programmable)

CAUTION: Inputs will have a 10 mA current draw at 24 Vdc. Outputs are

thermally protected by a current limiter circuit which eliminates
requirement for added fuses. If the load on the output causes a
current draw in excess of 100 mA, the output bank of 8 outputs
shuts off. The entire bank of 8 outputs on the DEA card must
them be reset by cycling system power off and back on.

DLC-A and DLC-G General Description 1-15

CTA Remote Keypad/Display An IKS 745 cable allows remote mounting of CTA (keypad/display) to the
machine's control panel.
RS-232/485 Interface Options This standard interface allows remote operation and other data transfer
between the DLC and a optional host device, such as the IDS, SOT,
computer or programmable controller
IDS Module A remote thumbwheel switch module used for entering feed length and feed
rate for operation; displays status and fault codes via a two-digit LED.
SOT Station Operator Terminal- Used with ScreenManager to create
application specific screens for displaying diagnostics, entering feed
length, feed rate, viewing input/output status, etc.

1-16 General Description DLC-A and DLC-G

DLC-A and DLC-G Controls and Indicators 2-1

2 Controls and Indicators

This chapter contains a general description of the DLC control layout, plus
the following information:
1. Description of DLC with optional CTA keypad and display.
2. Description of the functions of the keys on the CTA keypad.
3. Description of display screens; how to scroll through different screens
and how to interpret and change data on the screens.
The CTA keypad and display module (Figure 2.1) attaches to connector
X30 on the DLC via 04-0745 shielded ribbon cable. The system
input/output connections (via DEA 4.1 I/O card) are described in Chapter
3. The connections are further described in Chapter 6 for installation.

2.1 CTA Keypad and Display

The CTA keypad / display panel consist of a keypad with pressure-
sensitive membrane type keys and a liquid crystal display (LCD) which
shows up to four lines of 16 alphanumeric characters each. The number
of lines and characters showing depends on the selected display mode
and the current operating status of the control.
The display informs the operator of the operating status of the DLC
system and displays all diagnostic messages. It is also used when
entering or editing program or parameters from the keypad.
The keypad contains all the keys required for data entry, cursor
movement, clearing fault/error messages, entering program and
parameter data, etc.
The following sections describe the keypad and display functions.
The keypad and display module must be remotely mounted. The standard
length for the IKS745 ribbon cable is 8 feet. Different lengths must be
specified when ordering this cable. The maximum cable length is 90 feet..

2-2 Controls and Indicators DLC-A and DLC-G

Liquid Crystal Display

20-Button Keypad

Figure 2-1: CTA Display/Keypad Module

2.2 Data Entry Keys

This section describes the general function of each key on the CTA
keypad. The use of these keys is further described throughout the manual
for specific functions.
CL Clear -- Use to clear the displayed hard or soft fault message, if the fault
can be cleared (cause of fault has been corrected). It also clears
parameter entry errors. (See Store key for additional uses.)
CR Carriage Return -- When changing data values, press this key before
pressing the Store key to cancel the change and leave the data as
previously stored (clear entry).
In all display screens which show a flashing cursor (allow editing data
fields), use this key to move the cursor to the first position of the data
field; press again to move to a previous data field on the display. Continue
pressing to move the cursor to home position of the display and allow
scrolling to different display screens with the arrow keys.
Store -- Press to store (save) entered data to the DLC user memory when
programming or editing program from the Edit display screen.
Pressing the CR key, changing to another block number or other display
screen, without first pressing the Store key, cancels data changes and
data returns to that previously stored.
+ & - Plus and Minus -- Use in programming (from Edit screen) to specify the
feed direction. When on the Edit screen or Counter Display screen, use
these keys to page through the block numbers (the cursor must be on the
first line). Use in parameter mode to scroll through parameters numbers
within each parameter set.
0 - 9 Numerical Keys -- Use for entering data values.

DLC-A and DLC-G Controls and Indicators 2-3

Å Æ Left and Right Arrow -- Use to move the cursor to the left or right one
position at a time. From certain display screens (ones without a cursor),
the right and left arrow keys select additional display screens (see next
È Ç Up and Down Arrows -- Use to scroll through display screens (see next
section), or to change parameter sets (see Chapter 4) in parameter
mode. Use to scroll through program commands when on the Edit screen.
With the cursor positioned next to the command mnemonic (i.e. NOP_),
press these keys to step through the program commands in alphabetical

Note: All displays illustrated in this manual use an underline

character (_ ) to represent the cursor.

2-4 Controls and Indicators DLC-A and DLC-G

2.3 CTA Display Screens

The CTA uses its liquid crystal display for several screens. The operating
mode and keyboard selections determine the resulting display.
When the DLC is in Parameter Mode, data for each parameter can be
viewed, entered or edited. While in Automatic or Manual Mode, other
display screens show the control software version, operation status
messages, faults, status of each input and output, counters, etc. The Edit
screen allows programming or editing the program data.
The following section describes procedures for scrolling through each of
these display screens. Each following section describes the function of
each screen, procedures to edit the screens data, etc.

Scrolling Through Display Screens

Refer to the "Display Map" in Figure 2.2 for a full illustration of the display
access procedure. For convenience, the same illustration is included in
Appendix C. This section describes the basic procedures for reading this
"map" and scrolling through the different displays. Each display screen is
fully described in the following sections.
To allow easier description, each row of the map is labeled A, B, C, etc. In
general, use the up or down arrow keys to scroll through the different
display screens. Use the left or right arrow keys to scroll through the
displays on each row. All rows allow wrapping from the last screen on the
row back to the first screen, and vice versa, by continuing to press the
right (or left) arrow key.

DLC-A and DLC-G Controls and Indicators 2-5




(DLC-G software only)


INPUTS (01-07)
INPUTS (08-22)
INPUTS (23-37)

OUTPUT (17-32)
OUTPUT (33-48)
OUTPUT (49-64)
DEA 5.1 I/O CARD. OUTPUT (81-96)
OUTPUT (97-99)









Figure 2-2: Map of DLC Control Panel Display Screens

Row A (Refer to the "Display Map" in Figure 2.2)

When power is applied and no errors occur, the DLC will display the Drive
Diagnostic Screen in Automatic or Manual Mode, this display shows the
drive status code and diagnostic. By pressing the right arrow key, the DLC
control status is displayed. By pressing the right arrow key again, the DLC
hardware and software screen will be displayed. This screen will show the
current version of DLC hardware along with the current DG software
version installed on the DLC control card. Use the right / left arrow keys to
scroll around to different screens.

Drive Diagnostic ⇔ System is Ready ⇔ DLC 1.1

Drive Enabled DG 01.1-XX.XX

Drive Diagnostic Screen DLC Status Screen Hardware/Software

If a servo fault is present at power ON, then the servo status message will
appear first.

2-6 Controls and Indicators DLC-A and DLC-G

Drive Diagnostic

Example Drive Diagnostic Screen

If no servo fault is present at power ON, and a DLC fault is present, then
the DLC status message will appear.

DLC Status Screen

Row B (Refer to the "Display Map" in Figure 2.2)

By pressing the down arrow key once from either the Hardware/Software
Screen or Fault Screen, the Tool Correction Screen will be displayed (Row
B). It shows the Tool Correction registers and their respective values.
Pressing the right or left arrow key causes the cursor to move through the data
field and register number field. Tool Correction data is entered at this screen.
Tool Correction

Dnn ±00010.00

Row C (Refer to the "Display Map" in Figure 2.2)

By pressing the down arrow key once from the Tool Correction Screen,
the System I/O Status Screen will be displayed (Row C). They show the
status of each system and auxiliary input and output.
Pressing the right arrow key from the System Inputs screen causes the
status of the Auxiliary Inputs to be displayed. Continue pressing the right
arrow key to see the status of the System Outputs and Auxiliary Outputs.
Use the left and right arrow keys to scroll through screens on the same line.

System Inputs ⇔ Inputs 01-07 ⇔ Inputs 23-37

.11.1... .....1. ................

System Outputs ⇔ Outputs 01-16

⇔ Outputs 97-99
1.1.. ..1.1......1.... .1.

System I/O Status Screens

Row D (Refer to the "Display Map" in Figure 2.2)

Pressing the down arrow key from any screen in the Row C, changes to
the Counter Screen on Row D. It show the status of the counter now
executing in the selected block number.

A:_0104 Counter
000003 000005

Counter Screen

DLC-A and DLC-G Controls and Indicators 2-7

Row E (Refer to the "Display Map" in Figure 2.2)

Pressing the down arrow key from the display in Row D, changes to the
Axis Information Screen in Row E. The Axis Information Screen consists
of the axis position, axis following error, and the remaining distance to be
Pressing the right arrow key causes the Speed of Axis 1 to be displayed.
This screen will display the commanded and actual speed of the axis in
revolutions per minute (RPM).
Axis 1: Iner. ⇔ Speed Axis 1:
Pos.: +00001.000
FE. : +00000.010 Com: 0500 RPM
Rem.: +00000.000 Act: 0500 RPM

Axis 1 Information Motor Speed of Axis 1

Row F (Refer to the "Display Map" in Figure 2.2)

Press the down arrow key from any display in Row E to see the Current
Program Status. If the DLC is in Manual Mode, a "M" appears on the
screen, along with the status of Task 1, 2 and 3. Use the left / right arrow
keys to toggle between this screen and the Axis 1 Enabled screen.
M: Progr.Status
⇔ Manual A1 Init.
Task 1:0091 BCE
Task 2:0366 VCC
Task 3:0901 BCE

Manual Mode Task Screen Axis Enabled Screen

When the DLC is in Automatic Mode, only the task display is available on
this row. An "A" appears on the screen (Automatic Mode), along with the
status of Task 1, 2 and 3.
A: Progr.Status
Task 1:0091 BCE
Task 2:0366 VCC
Task 3:0901 BCE

Automatic Mode Task Screen

Row G (Refer to the "Display Map" in Figure 2.2)

From any screen in Row F, press the down arrow key to display the
Program Edit screen in Row G. Notice the "E" in the upper left corner of
the screen easily identifies it as the Edit display screen.
E _0096 BCE
0200 02 1

Edit Screen

Note: From Row G, press the down arrow key to wrap to a display
screen in Row A.
From Row A, press the up arrow key to display the Edit screen
in Row G.

2-8 Controls and Indicators DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter Mode Display Screens

When the DLC is in Parameter Mode, data for each parameter can be
viewed, entered or edited.
The top line of the display indicates the title of the parameter number. The
following display shows Parameter A100 - Maximum Velocity for Axis 1.
Max Velocity


A100 - indicates parameter number

00050.000 - indicates data for parameter
When Parameter Mode is selected, the parameter display appears with a
flashing cursor on the third digit of the parameter number. Use the right /
left arrow keys to move the cursor in the field. Type over existing data to
change and press the Store key to save the change. Appendix D provides
blank parameter entry forms which show the required entry positions.
Always maintain an accurate listing of your parameter entries for
reference when troubleshooting or changing parameters for a different
There are two methods to select the different parameters numbers. The
first method is to press either the left or right arrow key until the cursor is
positioned on the parameter number and type in the desired parameter
number. The second method involves the CR key on the CTA keypad. If
the cursor is within the data field, pressing CR once will cause it to move
to the beginning of that field. Press it again to move the cursor to the
parameter number. Type in the desired parameter number. To change to
different parameter sets, press the “Blank” key located just below the
“Store” key. This will allow you to get to A1xx for Axis 1, B0xx for DLC
system parameters, C0xx for DKS Drive Tuning parameters, and the
C100 screen to reset DKS Drive to Standard Drive parameters. Refer to
Chapter 4 for specific parameter entry options and requirements.

Drive Diagnostic/DLC Status/DLC Hardware/Software Version Display

When the proper interconnection of the Indramat Digital Drive and
DLC/DEA cards is completed, by turning on to the system power, the
message “Waiting for Retrigger” will appear for 2-3 seconds, then the
drive diagnostic screen will be displayed.
Drive Diagnostic
Drive Enabled

Drive Diagnostic Screen

The DLC Status Screen displays the current operating status of the DLC
control card screen In the example below, Automatic Mode is selected
(A:) and Cycle Start has been pressed to start automatic operation.
A: Start Active

DLC Status Screen

If a hard or soft fault occurs, control function stops and a diagnostic

message appears on the display. If a fault is present at power ON, a

DLC-A and DLC-G Controls and Indicators 2-9

diagnostic status message appears first (instead of the Drive Diagnostic

See Chapter 8 for diagnostic messages and troubleshooting procedures.

Example Fault Status Display

By pressing the right arrow key, the current DLC hardware/DA software
version installed in the Indramat Digital Drive will be displayed in
Automatic or Manual Modes.
DLC 1.1

DG 01.1-XX.XX

Hardware/Software Screen

DLC-1.1 - indicates hardware type

DG01.1-XX.XX - indicates software number (XX.XX = revision
Press the left or right arrow keys to scroll through the Servo Status, DLC
Status, and DLC Hardware/Software Version screens.

Tool Correction Data Screen (DLC-G only)

The tool length correction consists of a tool correction memory with 20
selectibale Tool Correction registers, D00...D19. D00 is effective upon
entering automatic operation and is active once the program is started.
Inputting of correction values is possible on-line through the CTA
keyboard. Tool Correction register values can be entered in manual and
automatic mode. External Tool Correction data input is also possible
through parallel inputs using the SO1 command (see Chapter 5 for a
complete description of the SO1 command)
Tool Correction

Dnn ±00010.

It is possible to use the Tool Correction registers for a variable memory,

however, only one correction value can be selected and calculated per
programming command.
Each correction value memory can accept a seven-digit correction value.
The eighth digit is the sign bit (+/-).

2-10 Controls and Indicators DLC-A and DLC-G

System/Auxiliary I/O Status Screens

System/Auxiliary I/O Status screens show the status of each system and
auxiliary input and output. These displays are helpful to verify wiring
during start-up or troubleshooting. They also provide a quick summary of
system/auxiliary status during normal operation.
System Inputs
⇔ Inputs 01-07
⇔ Inputs 23-37
.11.1... .....1. ................

System Outputs ⇔
Outputs 01-16 ⇔ Outputs 97-99
1.1.. ..1.1......1.... .1.

System I/O Status Screens

The status of each of the input or output signal lines on a screen are
represented by a character in the bottom row of the display. A Low signal
(0 volts) is represented by a decimal (.). A High signal (+24 volts) is
indicated by a one (1). The system Inputs and Outputs have a fixed or
pre-defined function for the DLC. The first fifteen lines (inputs) of the DEA
4, connector X17, are for system and auxiliary inputs. The first eight are
system inputs. The next seven are user-programmable auxiliary inputs.
Two additional cards, DEA 5 and DEA 6, can be installed to expand the
DLC auxiliary inputs up to 37 Chapter 3 provides a functional description
for each of these I/O connections. Table 2.1 (following this section)
provides a legend of the Input signal function for each Input screen, and
the corresponding connector for hardware I/O connections.
The next sixteen lines (outputs) of DEA 4 connector X17, are for system
and auxiliary outputs. The first five are system outputs. The next eleven
are user-programmable auxiliary outputs. Two additional cards, DEA 5
and DEA 6, can be installed to expand the DLC auxiliary outputs up to 43.
With either the Standard or Expanded DLC, these output points above the
auxiliary connections (hardware), can be programmed as software flags.
Certain output flags are set in firmware and can be queried by the user
program. Chapter 5 defines the restrictions and use of these auxiliary
outputs as software flags. Table 2.2 (following this section) provides a
legend of the Output signal function for each Output screen, and the
corresponding connector for hardware I/O connections.

DLC-A and DLC-G Controls and Indicators 2-11

CTA Display/Position Signal Description DEA 4 Connector pin

1 Parameter Mode Select X17 1
2 Automatic Mode Select 2

4 Cycle Start 4
5 %[ENG5VQR 5

6 Jog Forward 6
7 Jog Reverse 7
8 Clear 8
9 Auxiliary Input #1 9
10 Auxiliary Input #2 10
11 Auxiliary Input #3 11
12 Auxiliary Input #4 12
13 Auxiliary Input #5 13
14 Auxiliary Input #6 14
15 Auxiliary Input #7 15
DEA 5 Auxiliary Inputs 8 - 22 (Requires DEA 5 Expanded I/O card option)
1 Auxiliary Input #8 X32- 1
through through
15 Auxiliary Input #22 15
DEA 6 Auxiliary Inputs 23 - 37 (Requires DEA 6 Expanded I/O card option)
1 Auxiliary Input #23 X33- 1
through through
15 Auxiliary Input #37 15
Table 2-1: Input Signal Display Legend

2-12 Controls and Indicators DLC-A and DLC-G

CTA Display/ Signal DEA 4 Connector

Position Description - pin #
1 5[UVGO(CWNV Indicator
X17 16

2 Manual Mode Indicator 17

3 Automatic Mode Indicator 18
4 Parameter Mode Indicator 19
5 Auto. Cycle Running 20
Auxiliary Output 1-11
1 Auxiliary Output #1 X17 21
through through
11 Auxiliary Output #11 31
Auxiliary Output 12-27 (Requires DEA 5 Expanded I/O card, see Table 5.1 in Chapter 5 for
restrictions and use as software flags)
1 user defined X32 16
through through
16 user defined 31
Auxiliary Output 28-43 (Requires DEA 6 Expanded I/O card, see Table 5.1 in Chapter
5 for restrictions and use as software flags)
1 user defined X33 16
through through
16 user defined 31

Auxiliary Output Flags 44-59 (See Table 5-1 in Chapter 5 for use as software flag)
1 user defined as software flag 44
16 user defined as software flag 99
Auxiliary Output 60-76 (See Table 5.1 in Chapter 5 for use as software flags)
1 user defined as software flag 60
16 user defined as software flag 76
Auxiliary Output 81-88, 89-94, 95-96 (See Table 5.1 for specific use and warnings)
81 user defined as software flag
88 user defined as software flag
89 - 94 function set in firmware as
89 1 indicates Manual Mode
90 1 indicates Automatic Mode
91 not currently defined/used
92 not currently defined/used
93 Warning
94 0 indicates a system Fault
95 - 96 function set in user program to
provide specific function, as
95 Monitoring Window, Axis 1
turned: OFF=1, ON=0
96 not currently defined/used
Auxiliary Output 97-99 Monitor (See Table 5.1 for specific use and warnings)
97 not currently defined/used
98 1=Axis 1 motion is interrupted
99 not currently defined/used
Figure 2-2: Output Signal Display Legend

DLC-A and DLC-G Controls and Indicators 2-13

Counter Screen
The Counter screen shows the current status of the counter now
executing in the selected block number. Any counter programmed in
blocks 0000-2999 can be monitored using this display.
M _1234 Counter
123456 456789

Counter Screen

M- indicates operating mode (M=Manual Mode selected, A=Automatic

Mode selected)
1234 - indicates block number of counter
123456 - actual number of counts
456789 - preset number of counts
Use the left or right arrow to move the cursor and enter a program block
number which contains a counter command. The second line displays the
current values of the counter. To scroll to the next or previous block with a
counter, use the + and – keys. To leave the counter display mode, use
the up or down arrow keys.
A counter can be programmed (see Chapter 5, BAC or COU command)
to execute “X” number of parts then stop, and turn ON a light, etc. Count
is maintained during shut-down, so the actual manufacturing process can
be over several days. Counters can also be used to keep track of

NOTE: The actual count will be maintained by battery backup, even when
power is turned OFF.

2-14 Controls and Indicators DLC-A and DLC-G

Axis Information Screen

The Axis Information Screen displays the current position (Pos.), current
following error (FE), and the current remaining distance (Rem for Axis 1).
By pressing the right arrow key the Commanded and Actual Speeds will
be displayed in RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) for Axis 1. The values on
these screens keep changing as they display the actual current system
information. Each display screen is further described below. See following
section for changes in displays when the Measuring Wheel option
is enabled.
Axis 1 Incr.
Pos.: +00001.000
FE. : +00000.010
Rem.: +00000.000

Axis Information

Pos. - indicates axis current position

+00001.000 -indicates direction of travel (+/-) and actual position in Input
The position values displayed can be cleared by pressing the CR key (if
the axis has not been homed).
FE - indicates the axis current following error or position deviation.
+00000.010 - difference between the commanded position and current
actual axis position in Input Units.
This value is directly proportional to the velocity command output to the
amplifier. The higher the speed, the higher the following error. This value
is zero only when the drive is in position. An excess following error (limits
set by parameter) due to binds in the system, etc. will cause a fault
Rem - indicates axis remaining distance
+00000.000 - difference between the commanded feed length and current
actual axis position in Input Units.
The value displayed here is the distance remaining before the axis
reaches the commanded target position. When move is complete and
axis is in position, this value will be zero.

Actual Speed/RPM Display Screen

Speed Axis 1:

Com.: 0500 RPM

Act.: 0500 RPM

Actual Speed Screen

Com. - Commanded speed in RPM

Act. - Actual speed in RPM

Optional Measuring Wheel Encoder Position Screen

When the Measuring Wheel option is selected, the System Information
and Actual Speed screens are expanded to include the Measuring Wheel
Encoder Position Screen. The Measuring Wheel Encoder Position screen
displays the current measuring wheel encoder position, current axis
position and the difference between them.
L MR +00059.990
1 +00059.690
Diff. -00000.300

Current Measuring Wheel Position Display

DLC-A and DLC-G Controls and Indicators 2-15

Line 1: MR - Measuring Wheel Encoder Position

Line 2: 1 - Axis Position
Line 3: Diff. - Difference Between The Measuring Wheel Encoder
Position and Axis Position

Mode/Tasks Screens
If the DLC is in Automatic Mode, an "A" appears on the screen, along with
the status of Task 1, 2 and 3. If the DLC is in Manual Mode, two screens
are available. On the first screen, a "M" appears on the screen, along with
the status of Task 1, 2 and 3. Use the left / right arrow keys to toggle
between this screen and the Axis Enabled screen. Each display screen is
further described below.

Task Screens - Manual Mode

M:Program Status
Task 1:0091 BCE
Task 2:1366 AEA
Task 3:2901 BCE

Manual Mode Task Screen

This display shows the current block number and related command
mnuemonic for each task. Task 3 runs when the DLC is in manual or
automatic mode. The information keeps changing as each block of the
program executes. Task 2 starts running at the block number set in
parameter B006, only in automatic mode. Task 1 always starts at block
0000, only in automatic mode. In manual mode, the display shows
information for tasks 1 and 2 for the program block that was executing or
next to execute during automatic mode cycling (or starting block).

Axis Enabled Screen - Manual Mode

Manual A1 Init.

Axis Enabled Screen

A1 - indicated the axis is "ready" to operate

Init. - indicates axis has been homed

Task Display - Automatic

A:Program Status
Task 1:0091 BCE
Task 2:1366 AEA
Task 3:2901 BCE

Automatic Mode Task Display

This display shows the current block number and related command
mnuemonic for each task. Task 3 runs when the DLC is in manual or
automatic mode. Task 2 starts running at the block number set in
parameter B006, only in automatic mode. Task 1 always starts at block
0000, only in automatic mode.
During automatic operation (after Cycle Start), the information keeps
changing as each block of program executes. If %[ENG5VQR signal goes
low (switch is pressed), the drive immediately stops and the display
shows information for the program block that was executing or just about
to execute.

2-16 Controls and Indicators DLC-A and DLC-G

Edit Screen
Use the Program Edit screen to enter the complete executable program.
Also use this screen to edit or review an existing program.
E _0096 BCE
0200 02 1

Edit Screen

E - indicates edit screen

0096 - block number, 0000-2999 is user selectable for edit and review -
automatically increments to next higher number during programming
BCE - command mneumonic
0200 02 1 - data for the block command
When first scrolling to this screen, a flashing cursor appears in the home
position (first digit of the block number). As with other display screens
which include a cursor, press the left or right arrow keys to move the
cursor within the screen. Also, press the CR key to move the cursor to the
home position. Press CR again to position the cursor to the first position
of the previous field. Continue pressing the CR key until the cursor is in
home position or over the left digit of the block number, before using the
up/down arrow keys to scroll to different display screens.
To select different program blocks of information to display (for review or
edit), press the right/left arrow keys to position the cursor over the first
digit of the block number and type over the existing block number.
Command and data for this selected block will then appear. To scroll
through the block numbers, press the CR key to locate the cursor in the
top line, then use the + or - key to scroll through the blocks. The
block number will increase or decrease accordingly and display the
respective data for each block.
To enter program, start at block "0000" for task 1. Note that task 2 and
task 3 programs start at the block number assigned by the user in
parameter B006. If block "0000" is not displayed, press the CR key until
the cursor is positioned on the first digit of the block number. Type the
number "0000" to display that block number.
To enter or change a program command for each block, first press the
right arrow key until the cursor moves to the right of the three digit
program command mnemonic (i.e. NOP_). Press the up or down arrow
keys to increment or decrement through the commands alphabetically.
When the desired command appears on the screen, press the right arrow
key. The cursor moves to the beginning of the second line where the data
fields appear specifically for the selected command. If this block was not
previously programmed with this same command, asterisks (*) appear in
the digit positions where data must be entered. After entering and
verifying the program block, press the Store key to save the programmed
block to memory. The next program block number automatically appears,
waiting to be programmed. Continue this process until all lines of user
program are done. Note that the program can be edited or added to at a
later time.
When changing data from the Edit screen, pressing the CR key before
pressing the Store key, will cancel the change and leave the data as
previously stored (saved). The display remains at the same block number
and the cursor moves to the first position of the previous field. Changing
to another block number, display screen, etc. without first pressing the
Store key also causes loss of a change to a block's data.
Chapter 5 provides the information on commands required for creating
the user executable program.

DLC-A and DLC-G Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections 3-1

3 Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections

The DLC motion control system is designed to function harmoniously
within the machine builder's equipment design. The DEA 4 Input/Output
card which plugs into the U2 slot of Indramat's Digital Drives. The DEA 4
provides several input / output signals to handshake between the DLC
control and the machine builder's equipment. This chapter describes the
functional operation of the interfacing inputs and outputs of the DEA 4
with DLC control card.
The first sections of this chapter describe the various interface functions
in terms of the inputs / outputs involved with each. This includes the pre-
defined I/O connections of the DLC/DEA 4, as well as certain functions
which the user can select through parameter or programming, using
auxiliary I/O connections. Certain auxiliary output functions are set in
firmware, as described in Chapter 5 for user programming.
This first section is followed by an individual description of each pre-
defined I/O signal, including name, pin assignments, and functional
description. The designer utilizes these signals as necessary to
implement the DLC for the application, including the design of the system
control panel.

3.1 Signal Definitions

The states of the input and output signals described in this manual are:
• High = +24 Vdc
• Low = 0 Vdc
A signal line is described as "active high" when its associated action is
initiated by a high (+24 Vdc) signal level. It is described as "active low"
when its function is initiated by a low signal (0 volts). Active low signals
are shown in this manual (when specifically referred to as a signal) with a
bar (line) over the signal name, as an example, 'OGTIGPE[5VQR . This
signal must be high during normal operation. If it goes low, the DLC
initiates the actions required for an emergency stop function.

3.2 Interface Descriptions

The DLC input and output signals provide handshaking to/from the
machine builder's equipment. Certain I/O signals should be considered as
functional groups of signals, working in concert.
These functions include:
• Operating Mode Selection
• Safety Interlocks
• Normal Operation Signals
• Axis Homing
• Manual Operations
• Fault/Diagnostic Circuitry
• Feed Monitoring / Program Interruption
• Special Functions
Figures 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 illustrate the DEA 4 X17 Input/Output, DEA 5 X32
Input/Output and DEA 6 X33 Input/Output connectors and each pin
The following sections describe each group of interface functions, first
listing the I/O signals involved (and section where each signal is
individually described), then describing the general function of the signals.

3-2 Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections DLC-A and DLC-G

Figure 3-1: DEA 4 X17 Input/Output Connector and Pin Designations

DLC-A and DLC-G Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections 3-3

Figure 3-2: DEA 5 X32 Input/Output Connector and Pin Designations

3-4 Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections DLC-A and DLC-G


Figure 3-3: DEA 6 X33 Input/Output Connector and Pin Designations

DLC-A and DLC-G Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections 3-5

Operating Mode Selection

Parameter Mode Select (3.3)
Automatic Mode Select (3.3)

Manual Mode Indicator (3.4)
Auto Mode Indicator (3.4)
Parameter Mode Indicator (3.4)
The DLC will always be in one of three operating modes:
• Parameter Mode - Allows entry/verification of the parameters
required to adapt the control for the specific requirements of the
• Automatic Mode - Runs the user written executable program for
automatic cycle operation (Task 1 and 2 run after a Cycle Start input).
• Manual Mode - Default mode when neither of the above are
selected. In this mode, the jog inputs are used to position the axis
forward or reverse, through the system.
Parameter and Automatic Modes are selected by bringing the appropriate
signal line high (+24 Vdc). A fault is diagnosed and an "Invalid Mode
Selection" error message is issued if Parameter Mode is selected while
Automatic Mode is selected.
The suggested interface design is to wire the Parameter Mode signal to a
key-switch, where a key is required to enter Parameter Mode and/or
mount the switch inside the cabinet. This helps to prevent unauthorized
parameter changes. Wire the Automatic Mode input signal to a two-
position selector switch, where Manual Mode is selected when the switch
is set to an open contact position.
The DLC has outputs to verify or acknowledge the currently selected
mode. These are typically wired to indicator lights on the user's control
panel or to a PLC.

3-6 Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections DLC-A and DLC-G

Safety Interlocks
• 'OGTIGPE[5VQR (3.3)
'OGTIGPE[5VQR -- The 'OGTIGPE[5VQR input must remain high for
the DLC to operate. The system incorporates an Emergency Stop (E-
Stop) chain. This is a circuit connected in series to both the DLC and the
user's machine. Should any sensor in the E-stop chain open, all
operations immediately stop. Note that the time taken to stop depends on
the wiring method used, and inertia of the load connected to the servo
motor on the machine. Note that task 3 of the user program continues to
run during an 'OGTIGPE[5VQR fault condition. When 'OGTIGPE[5VQR
is reset and a “CLEAR” signal is issued, task 3 starts at the beginning
block and continues to run.
Elements connected in the E-stop chain commonly include the
'OGTIGPE[5VQR switch on the user's control panel; E-stop switch(es)
on the machine; switches on lubrication or coolant pumps; and various
safety interlock switches on guards and doors.
• 5[UVGO(CWNV Indicator (3.4)
There are several categories of faults, as described in Chapter 8. In
general, once a fault is detected, an error message is displayed on the
CTA display, the 5[UVGO(CWNV Indicator output turns OFF and all axes
are immediately decelerated to a stop.
The fault recovery procedure is to first troubleshoot and remedy the
problem. Then, press the Clear key on the DLC control panel (or external
Clear input on user control panel, see section 3.2.6) to clear the DLC fault
status and diagnostic message on the display.

DLC-A and DLC-G Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections 3-7

Normal Operation Signals

Cycle Start (3.3)
%[ENG5VQR (3.3)
The automatic execution of the user program begins when the Cycle Start
line goes high (momentary) with the DLC in Automatic Mode. Once the
automatic cycle begins, it is normally stopped by actuating the
%[ENG5VQR input (signal goes low). The system will also stop if an error
is detected or if the DLC is switched to Manual Mode.

Axis Nearing Position (Pre Signal) (A107)
Axis In-Position (A106)
An auxiliary output (Position Pre-signal) can be assigned in parameter
A107 to turn ON when the axis position is at a specified distance (in input
units) from the target position of the commanded feed. Use this pre-signal
when there is a need to anticipate the end of a feed, so another process
can be initiated ahead of time. An example use would be to turn on a
heater for bag sealing or plastic thermal forming operations. See Chapter
4 for further information on this parameter function.
An auxiliary output (Axis In-Position) can be assigned in parameter A106
to turn ON when the axis position is within the position threshold specified
in this parameter. This position threshold does not affect the accuracy of
the feed. It tells the program when to read the next program block (see
PSI, PSA in Chapter 5). This output can be used to turn ON a light or
buzzer on the user's control panel, or as a flag in the program to start a
sub-routine program operation, etc. See Chapter 4 for further information
on this parameter function.

3-8 Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections DLC-A and DLC-G

Axis Homing
Initiate Homing in Manual Mode (A112)
Home Switch (A112)

Home Established Indicator (A112)
For absolute referencing for the axis , it is necessary to establish a correct
measurement reference with the help of a homing routine. To initiate
homing during manual operation, use auxiliary input signal (as defined in
parameter A112); during automatic operation, by use of the "HOM" or
G74 command.
Auxiliary inputs (Initiate Homing) can be assigned for axis 1 in parameter
A112 to initiate the homing process in Manual Mode by a push-button
switch or from a PLC output. Home position is set by a Home Switch.
(Assign an auxiliary input for the home switch in parameter A112.)
Homing in Automatic Mode is accomplished through use of the HOM or
G74 command. After reading in this command, the next command should
be an ATS command to monitor the Home Established auxiliary output
(as set in parameter A112) to prevent reading any Absolute Position
commands (POA, PSA) until the home procedure is finished.
Homing Procedure--Refer to Figure 3.4
1) The axis moves towards the home switch, at the velocity set in
parameter A110, unless the axis is already on the switch.
2) After the home switch closes, the axis decelerates to a stop on the
marker pulse.

NOTE: For any amount of travel that exists in the minus direction of
the home switch point, the home switch must remain closed.
The home switch dog must be at least as long as the reverse
travel distance from the home switch to the reading of the
marker pulse.

Pulse Home


Figure 3-4: Axis Homing Routine

The zero pulse appears once in each motor revolution. The function of the
Home Limit switch is to indicate the specific motor revolution in which the
zero pulse is used.

DLC-A and DLC-G Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections 3-9

In the homing procedure, regardless of the beginning position, the slide

must stop on the Home Limit switch, closing it. The next zero pulse after
the closing of the Home Limit switch indicates the reference position.
In many cases, some position other than home, such as the center line of
the machine, is used as the reference position for machining. All
programmed distances are then specified in reference to this point. This
is established by entering the distance from home to the new reference
location as the Reference Position (Homing Offset) in parameter A111.
When the control is homed, this value will be loaded into the position
counter, and all moves will be made in reference to this position.

Placement of the Homing Switch

As described above, the reference position of the AC servo drive is
determined after it has moved onto the switch.
The reference position can be set in steps of one motor revolution each,
by using the position the switch is in when it is activated. By monitoring
the switching point of the homing switch and the marker pulse, a DLC
diagnostic check eliminates the danger that these two are so close to
each other that the switching tolerance limits will result in uncertainty
about the motor revolution to be evaluated. If the switching point of the
homing switch is closer than 1/16 of a motor revolution, with respect to
the marker pulse, the control unit will not complete the homing process,
and will change over to fault indication. The display will show: "Marker
Pulse 1?.” The homing switch should be relocated by 1/3 of the feed

3-10 Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections DLC-A and DLC-G

Activating the Homing Switch

Activating the homing switch must be done in such a way that the switch
closes upon backing up, i.e. upon the movement away from the work
piece. The dog cam for activating the homing switch must be long enough
so that the activation is not canceled by a continuing reverse movement
up to the minus travel limit of the axis. This is required to indicate to the
control unit in which direction the slide must be moved in order to
approach the reference position.
Since the interrelationship between the direction of rotation of a servo
motor and the movement away from, and toward, the work piece depends
on the particular design of the machine, the homing direction must be
also set correctly in the parameters.
If there is no marker pulse within one revolution of the motor's feedback,
homing sequence is halted, and a fault is displayed. The display will show:
"No Marker Pulse 1.”

Interruption of the Homing Routine

If, while in manual operation, there is a stop, an interruption, feed angle
monitoring, or a switch of operating modes, the homing cycle is
interrupted and must be restarted. After an interruption or stop occurs
while in automatic operation, the homing cycle is restarted immediately by
activating the Cycle Start input and initiating a HOM or G74 command in
the program. After a fault or a change of operating modes during the
homing cycle, the DLC must be re-initiated (switch to Auto Mode, press
Cycle Start).

Over-Travel Switches
It is recommended that you install forward and reverse over-travel
switches on applications that have limited axis travel, such as a slide or a
ballscrew driven axis. The switches should be wired to the %[ENG5VQR
input of the DLC. You must reserve distance beyond the limit switches to
allow for the axis to decelerate to a stop.

DLC-A and DLC-G Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections 3-11

Manual Mode Operations

• Jog Forward (3.3)
• Jog Reverse (3.3)
• Initiate Manual Vector Program (B011)
The Jog inputs allow the axis to jog in the forward or reverse direction.
Parameter A101 specifies the axis jog feed rate for Axis 1. It usually is set
to approximately 10% of the maximum feed rate. It can never be more
than the maximum feed rate.
In Manual Mode, the axis can be jogged forward or reverse. The Jog
inputs are not functional in Parameter or Automatic Modes. A high on the
Jog Forward input causes the axis to feed forward at the velocity set in
parameter A101. The feed continues as long as the Jog Forward remains
high. The Jog Reverse operates similarly, jogging the axis in the reverse
In order to make use of the software travel limits when in Manual Mode,
the axis must be homed first. It is recommended to prevent jogging by
interlocking with the Home Established output (A112), until the axis home
position is established.
An auxiliary input, Initiate Manual Vector Program, can be assigned in
parameter B011 and used to initiate a user program to run in Manual
Mode. This program must not contain any feed instructions and should
not be located in the main program. Select by parameter to start this
program by an external input (push-button switch) or automatically when
mode is changed from Automatic to Manual. The program is aborted if
switched out of Manual Mode. The manual vector is not accepted while
jogging or homing in Manual Mode (see last section). Jogging or homing
is not possible while the manual vector program is running. The manual
vector program must end with an RTS command.
An example use of the Manual Vector program is to use the APE
command to set the states of auxiliary outputs. This command is
programmed to set a bank/group of ten outputs individually to ON, OFF or
Don't Care states. This allows setting outputs for a "shut-down" mode, or
as default before starting automatic operation. See Chapter 4 for
additional information on parameters and Chapter 5 for programming

• Manual mode indicator
Refer to Section (3.2) Operating Mode Selection (Manual Mode Indicator

3-12 Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections DLC-A and DLC-G

Fault/Diagnostic Monitoring
• Clear (External) (3.3)
The fault recovery procedure is to first troubleshoot and remedy the
problem. Then, press the Clear key on the CTA control panel (or external
Clear input on user control panel) to clear the DLC fault status and
diagnostic message on the display.

5[UVGO(CWNV Indicator (3.4)
The DLC includes extensive diagnostic monitoring circuitry, detecting
normal operating status, operator errors, errors in the control itself and
machine faults.
There are several categories of faults, as described in Chapter 8. In
general, once a fault is detected, an error message is displayed on the
CTA display, the 5[UVGO(CWNV Indicator output turns off and the axis
will decelerated to a stop. If the system is operating properly, the
5[UVGO(CWNV Indicator output will be on.

DLC-A and DLC-G Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections 3-13

Feed Monitoring / Program Interruption

• Interrupt Vector Program (B012)
• Feed Angle Monitoring (A120)
An auxiliary input, Interrupt Vector/Program, can be assigned in
parameter B012 to interrupt the user program at any time and start an
Interrupt Vector sub-routine program (Automatic Mode Task 1 only).
When this input goes high, the current program sequence will be
interrupted immediately or after the current subroutine program is finished
(option set in parameter). The program sequence will then continue at the
start program block number assigned in the parameter for the Interrupt
Vector program. See Chapter 4 for further information on this parameter
An auxiliary input, Feed Angle Monitoring, can be assigned in parameter
A120 to prevent the program from executing any position commands. The
DLC will process all program blocks not containing any position
commands. If there is no signal at the assigned input, the program
continues to execute until it processes to a block containing a position
command. The DLC will stop in this block until there is a signal at the
input. If the input signal turns OFF during a feed, the feed will be stopped
and an error message will be displayed.
An auxiliary input, (GGF+PVGTTWRV ( (GGF*QNF ) can be assigned in
parameter A120 to prevent the program from executing any position
commands. The DLC will process all program blocks not containing any
feed lengths. If the input is low, the program continues to execute until it
processes to a block containing a feed length. The DLC will stop in this
block until the assigned input goes high. If the input goes low during
positioning, the positioning will be stopped. Positioning will automatically
resume as soon as the signal goes high.
An example of use for this signal is in conjunction with a material loop.
Material is fed from an uncoiler into a looping pit, with an optical sensor in
the pit tied to the (GGF+PVGTTWRV line. If the material pulls too tight, the
signal goes low and the cycle is interrupted. As soon as an adequate
amount of material is fed into the looping pit, the signal returns high and
the cycle immediately resumes. See Chapter 4 for further information on
this parameter function.

WARNING: If the automatic cycle is interrupted by a low on the

(GGF+PVGTTWRV line, all motion is suspended. Once this
signal is restored high, the cycle will immediately resume.
The work area should not be entered if the motion has
stopped as a result of this signal.

3-14 Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections DLC-A and DLC-G

Special Functions
• Detect Registration Mark
• Enable Measuring Wheel Operation and Dual Encoder Option
An auxiliary input, Detect Registration Mark, can be assigned in the REF
command to cause the DLC to search for a registration mark on the
material. To provide this input signal, use a sensor which detects a
printed mark or stamp on each piece of material. A high signal must be
present on this input when a reference mark is present under the sensor.
The accuracy and duration of this signal is essential to the proper
operation of position correction, especially if the mark needs to be
detected at high speeds. The DLC can detect a registration input signal in
1 millisecond. Refer to the REF program command in Chapter 5 for
additional information on using this feature.
For External Encoder operation, an optional encoder input card must be
installed in the Indramat Digital Drive Product. Also, the external encoder
option must be enable in parameters A123, B016 through B022. These
parameters enable the external encoder function and establish the feed
constant and the number impulses of the encoder. They also allow
assigning an auxiliary input for selecting either the external encoder or
motor high resolution feedback. During external encoder operation, the
measurement of lengths is from the external encoder, rather than the
motor's high resolution feedback.
The Dual Encoder Option in parameter A123 allows quicker response
with external encoder operation. When selected, the position loop is
closed using motor high resolution feedback and the external encoder
provides adjustments to the length during feeding. When this option is not
selected, the Position Loop is closed using the external encoder. Lack of
stiffness in the mechanical components between the motor and the
external encoder can require using a lower gain, which decreases the
response time.
During manual operation, the position feedback always comes from the
motor's high resolution feedback. During automatic operation, there is a
choice between continuous external encoder operation and using an
auxiliary input signal to select external encoder operation.
Error messages are:
a) Excess Pos. Lag
b) Drive Runaway
c) External Enc. Error

• Achieved Programmed Velocity
The Achieved Programmed Velocity Output is an auxiliary output which
can be assigned to turn on when the commanded velocity is equal to the
actual velocity. This auxiliary output is programmed in the Special
Function parameter A115.

DLC-A and DLC-G Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections 3-15

3.3 DEA 4 Input Signal Descriptions

This section describes the system/auxiliary inputs to the DEA 4 I/O card for
the DLC control system. The Input and Output signal lines of the DEA 4 I/O
card are optically isolated from the internal bus structure to minimize
electrical noise interference. If an I/O network option card is used for I/O,
see machine builders I/O documentation for a complete listing of I/O used.
The connectors and pin numbers of these signals are described in the
following sections and shown in Figures 3.1 DEA 4 (connector X17).

Parameter Mode Select

DEA 4 Connector - X17, pin 1
Function - (Input) Selects Parameter Mode
+24 Vdc = Parameter Mode selected.
0 Vdc = Parameter Mode is not selected
- another mode is selected or the
system has defaulted to the
Manual Mode.
The Parameter Mode Select will override any other mode selection input.
If properly wired, selecting Parameter Mode while Automatic Mode is
already selected, does not cause an error. When Parameter Mode is
deselected, the DLC returns to the previously selected mode - Automatic
or Manual (default when no other modes are selected).

NOTE: Task 3 stops in Parameter Mode.

Automatic Mode Select

DEA 4 Connector - X17, pin 2
Function - (Input) Selects Automatic Mode
+24 Vdc = Automatic Mode selected.
0 Vdc = Automatic Mode is not selected -
another mode is selected or the
system has defaulted to the
Manual Mode.
If this signal line is high at the same time the Parameter Mode is selected
(input high), the DLC issues the "Invalid Mode Selection" diagnostic error

NOTE: Task 3 will be running in both Manual and Automatic Mode.

3-16 Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections DLC-A and DLC-G

Emergency Stop
DEA 4 Connector - X17, pin 3
Function - (Input) Commands the servo
system to stop immediately
+24 Vdc = Allows the DLC to operate
0 Vdc = The servo system is
commanded immediately to zero
velocity. Drive reaches zero
speed in the minimum time
possible - given the inertia and
maximum torque available. The
DLC issues an "Emergency
Stop" diagnostic message.

WARNING: This signal must be used to ensure safety.

WARNING: The E-Stop signal should go through the Zks input on the
DKS drive (X9, pin 1 & 2) in series with this DLC input.

Conditions which warrant pressing the E-Stop include:

1. Any condition posing an immediate danger to personnel.
2. A jam in the machinery or any other condition that poses an
immediate harm to the system equipment.

NOTE: The Task 3 program will continue to operate during an E-Stop

condition. When the E-Stop condition no longer exists and the
clear input is issued, Task 3 will jump to the first block in Task
3 and then run.

Cycle Start
DEA 4 Connector - X17, pin 4
Function - (Input) Starts automatic cycle
+24 Vdc = (momentary) Starts the
execution of the programs in
Task 1 and 2, when Automatic
Mode is selected.
0 Vdc = Has no effect on the system
operation. Once initiated, only a
system failure (fault or error), the
presence of the
%[ENG5VQR (or user defined
(GGF+PVGTTWRV ) will halt the
automatic cycle.
This input is typically wired to a normally open push-button switch on the
user control panel.

NOTE: Task 3 will be running in both Manual and Automatic Mode.

DLC-A and DLC-G Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections 3-17

Cycle Stop
DEA 4 Connector - X17, pin 5
Function - (Input) Used to stop the
automatic cycle
+24 Vdc = (Continuous) Allows Automatic
Mode operation.
0 Vdc = (Momentary) Stops the
execution of the program in Task
1 and 2 in Automatic Mode.
This input is typically wired to a normally closed push-button switch on the
user control panel.
When this input goes low during the execution of a program in Task 1 and
2, the program will stop in the block it is currently executing. When a cycle
start is re-applied, the program will continue from where it stopped. If a
position command is executing and a cycle stop is applied, the axis will
immediately decelerate to a stop. The deceleration rate is the same as
the acceleration rate.
NOTE: The axis cannot be jogged when this input is low.

Jog Forward
DEA 4 Connector - X17, pin 6, for Axis 1
Function - (Input) Jogs the axis in the
forward direction
+24 Vdc = In Manual Mode, the axis feeds
forward at the velocity set in
Parameters A101. The axis will
feed forward as long as the high
signal is present (switch held
0 Vdc = In Manual Mode, the axis stops
feeding forward when a low
signal is present (switch is
This input is typically wired to a normally open push-button switch on the
user control panel.
Jog Forward is not functional when the DLC is in the Parameter or
Automatic Mode.

3-18 Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections DLC-A and DLC-G

Jog Reverse
DEA 4 Connector - X17, pin 7, for Axis 1.
Function - (Input) Jogs the axis in the
reverse direction
+24 Vdc = In Manual Mode, the axis feeds
in the reverse direction at the
velocity set in Parameters A101.
The axis will feed in reverse as
long as the high signal is present
(switch held closed).
0 Vdc = In Manual Mode, the axis stops
feeding reverse when a low
signal is present (switch is
This input is typically wired to a normally open push-button switch on the
user control panel.
Jog Reverse is not functional when the DLC is in the Parameter or
Automatic Mode.

Clear (External)
DEA 4 Connector - X17, pin 8
Function - (Input) Clears the Hard or Soft
Fault status of the DLC
+24 Vdc = (momentary)- Clears the Soft
Fault status of the DLC, or
Clears the Hard Fault status and
re-initializes the DLC.
0 Vdc = Has no effect.
Once a fault occurs, the DLC displays a diagnostic message (refer to
Chapter 8). The operator must then physically correct the problem. Next,
the operator can press the Clear key on the CTA keypad or the Clear
pushbutton on the user's control panel, to clear the diagnostic message.
This signal is typically wired to a normally open push-button switch on the
user control panel.

Auxiliary Inputs 1 Through 7

DEA 4 Connector - X17, pins 9 through 15
Function - (Input) Defined by the machine
builder in the DLC parameters
and program.
+24 Vdc = Auxiliary input is on (high).
0 Vdc = Auxiliary input is off (low).
The DEA 4 auxiliary inputs 1 through 7 are defined by the machine builder
in the DLC parameters and/or program.

DLC-A and DLC-G Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections 3-19

3.4 DEA 4 Output Signal Descriptions

This section describes the system/auxiliary outputs from the DEA 4 I/O
card for the DLC control system. The Input and Output signal lines of the
DEA 4 I/O card are optically isolated from the internal bus structure to
minimize electrical noise interference.
The connectors and pin numbers of these signals are described in the
following sections and shown in Figures 3.1 DEA 4 (connector X17).

NOTE: The current draw on any of these outputs should not exceed
75 milliamps or the entire bank of 8 outputs will shut off.

System Fault Indicator

DEA 4 Connector - X17, pin 16
Function - (Output) Indicates a fault has
+24 Vdc = The system is functioning
0 Vdc = The DLC has detected a fault.
This output is typically wired to an indicator light (ON when no fault is
present) on the user control panel, or the signal is relayed to a buzzer
when 0 Vdc occurs.

NOTE: Any Hard or Soft Faults will turn this output OFF. See
Chapter 8 for a description of faults.
WARNING: This output is a semiconductor that should not be relied upon
in the event of an emergency condition. If this signal is used, it
should be in conjunction with the Emergency Stop chain.

Manual Mode Indicator

DEA 4 Connector - X17, pin 17
Function - (Output) Indicates that Manual
Mode is selected.
+24 Vdc = No other modes are selected.
The DLC defaults to Manual
0 Vdc = Another mode is selected or an
error has occurred.
This output signal is typically wired to an indicator light on the user control
panel or to a PLC.

3-20 Functional Description of DEA 4 I/O Connections DLC-A and DLC-G

Automatic Mode Indicator

DEA 4 Connector - X17, pin 18
Function - (Output) Indicates that Automatic
Mode is selected
+24 Vdc = Automatic Mode is selected.
0 Vdc = Another mode is currently
selected, or normal conditions
that allow Automatic Mode
operation are not satisfactory, or
a fault is preventing entry into
Automatic Mode.
This output signal is typically wired to an indicator light on the user control
panel or to a PLC.

Parameter Mode Indicator

DEA 4 Connector - X17, pin 19
Function - (Output) Indicates that
Parameter Mode is selected.
+24 Vdc = Parameter Mode is selected.
This overrides any other mode
0 Vdc = Parameter Mode is not selected.
This output signal is typically wired to an indicator light on the user control
panel or to a PLC.

Automatic Cycle Running Indicator

DEA 4 Connector - X17, pin 20
Function - (Output) Indicates that Automatic
Mode is selected and cycle start
has been pressed.
+24 Vdc = Automatic Mode is selected and
the cycle start has been pressed
to start the user program in Task
1 and 2.
0 Vdc = Automatic Mode is not selected.
Automatic Mode is selected and cycle start has not been pressed. An
error has occurred, preventing the operation of the automatic cycle.
This output signal is typically wired to an indicator light on the user control
panel or to a PLC.

Auxiliary Outputs 1 Through 11

DEA 4 Connector - X17, pins 21 through 31
Function - (Output) Defined by the machine
builder in the DLC parameters
and program.
+24 Vdc = Auxiliary output is on (high).
0 Vdc = Auxiliary output is off (low).
The DEA 4 auxiliary outputs 1 through 11 are defined by the machine
builder in the DLC parameters and/or program.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-1

4 Parameters
This chapter describes the user-entered parameters required for the DLC
to perform the motion control operation. The user adapts the DLC to his
machine and the mechanical characteristics of the application by entering
values for various parameters. These parameters permit a standard
control system to conform to different but similar applications. It also
assures that all application parameters are written with a uniform data
format. The user must enter parameter values into the DLC memory prior
to the operation and programming of the DLC control.

Note: All values for parameters must be known before an application

program can be written. If a function is programmed or
attempted which would exceed the bounds established by the
parameters, the control will halt and a diagnostic error will be

4.1 Description of Parameter Sets

The DLC includes the following sets of parameters.
Parameter Set A (Axis Parameters):
This axis parameter set (A100 through A125) includes the axis operating
values for Automatic and Manual Mode operation. These parameters
allow the user to configure the DLC for the motor and drive package that
the DLC is controlling. They also allow the user to set the various factors
of the motion profile, as required for the material and application. These
include the resolution of the feed, acceleration rate, feed rate in different
modes, etc.
Parameter Set B (System Parameters):
This system parameter set establishes the operating arrangement of the
DLC. It allows the user to configure the DLC for various options such as
the language that shows on the display (English, German, Spanish
French, Italian, or Portuguese); selecting control interface options, such
as the IDS or SOT; selecting and configuring other optional features like
synchronization, measuring wheel operation, multi-tasking, etc.
Parameter Set C (Drive Parameters):
This parameter set allows drive tuning through the DLC. Drive parameters
can be tuned using the CTA keypad or RS232 serial interface. Default
drive parameters can be set only by using the CTA keypad. Processing
must not occur simultaneously over the CTA keypad and RS232 serial
drive interface. Drive parameters are viewed and edited in the same
manner as for A and B parameters. C parameters are administered in the
drive. With each new power-up, the C parameters are sent from the drive
to the DLC.

4-2 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

4.2 Parameter List

Table 4-1 lists all of the parameters for the DLC 01.1-A and the DLC 01.1-
G with software versions DA01.1-XX.X or DG01.1-XX.X.
Parameter Set A Parameter Set B (Continued)
A100 Max Velocity B007 Language
A101 Jog Velocity B008 M-Function: I/O (DG only)
A102 Accel Rate B009 M-Function: Timer (DG only)
A103 Position Gain B010 Free
A104 Encoder Resolution B011 Manual Vector
A105 Free B012 Interrupt Vector
A106 Position Tol B013 Override
A107 Pos Pre-signal B014 Restart Vector
A108 Feed Constant B015 Cycle Time
A109 Direction B016 External Encoder 1
A110 Homing Setup B017 External Encoder 1 Lines/Rev
A111 Homing Offset B018 External Encoder 1Feed Constant
A112 Homing Ack B019 External Encoder 1 Offset
A113 Min Travel B020 External Encoder 2
A114 Max Travel B021 External Encoder 2 Lines/Rev
A115 Special Funct. B022 External Encoder 2Feed Constant
A116 Rotary Table B023 External Encoder 2 Offset
A117 Knee Point
A118 Free
A119 Free Parameter Set C
A120 Feed Angle Monitor C000 Analog Output 1
A121 Max. Speed (RPM) C001 Analog Output 2
A122 Monitor Window C002 Overload Factor
A123 Follow Axis C003 Position Data Scaling A-Output
A124 Free C004 Velocity Data Scaling A-Output
A125 Jerk C005 Velocity Loop Monitoring
A126 Position Window C006 Position Velocity Window
C007 Absolute Encoder Reference Position
Parameter Set B C008 Error Reaction
B000 Enable Axis 2 C009 Current Loop P-Gain
B001 System Inputs (DG only) C010 Velocity Loop P-Gain
B002 User I/O (DG only) C011 Velocity Loop I-Reaction Time
B003 Serial Interface C012 Smooting Time Constant
B004 Serial Interface C013 External Brake Release
B005 Memory Display C100 Set to Standard Parameter
B006 Start Task 2 & 3 C101 Set Absolute Position
Table 4-1: Parameter List

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-3

4.3 Entering the Parameters

The DLC must be in Parameter Mode to enter or edit parameters on the
CTA keypad. The E-Stop signal must be present (+24 Vdc at DEA 4
connector X17, pin 3). The Parameter Mode is normally selected via a
keyswitch on the user control panel, to prevent unauthorized changes to
the parameter values.
Parameters are entered or changed by writing over any previous data and
pressing the Store Key. These changes are made through the CTA
keypad (or via a serial interfaced host device). A Lithium backup battery
assures this memory is retained when the DLC is powered down or if the
system experiences a power loss.
In Parameter Mode, the display shows the parameter name, number and
data value of the parameter selected, as illustrated below.
Max Velocity

When selecting Parameter Mode, the display shows the first parameter of
the A set of parameters (A100), unless a fault exists, as described later in
this section. The parameter display appears with the cursor on the first
digit of the parameter data field. Use the right / left arrow keys to move
the cursor in the field. Enter or change a parameter's data by writing over
any previous data stored. Press the Store key to save the data change.
The display automatically changes to the next parameter number in the
parameter set.
The following conditions will cause a parameter data change to revert
back to the values last saved, if performed BEFORE pressing the Store
1. Pressing the CL key (clear entry),
2. Scrolling to another parameter,
3. Exiting Parameter Mode.
Always maintain an accurate listing of your parameter entries for
reference when troubleshooting or changing parameters for a different
To select other parameters to display, first move the cursor onto the
parameter number by pressing the CR key. If the cursor is within the data
field, pressing CR once will cause it to move to the beginning of that field.
Press it again to move the cursor to the beginning of the parameter
number. The left and right arrow keys will also move the cursor within and
between fields.
To change from one parameter set to another, move the cursor to the “A,
B or C” parameter number and press the up or down arrow key. You can
also press the Blank key below the Block Store key to scroll through the
different parameter sets.
With the cursor on the parameter number, type over to enter the
parameter number desired. The display changes as the new parameter
number is entered. Pressing the + or - keys will also cause the parameter
display to change to the next higher (+) or lower (-) parameter number
within each parameter set.
Perform the following steps to change or edit the value of a parameter
from the CTA keypad; see Chapter 7 for procedures to download from a
PC or SOT via the serial interface:
1. Move the cursor (arrow keys) over the digit you want to change.
2. Enter the desired number on the CTA keypad (type over existing

4-4 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

3. Verify data changes are correct in the display.

4. Press the Store key to save the new parameter values (displayed
data) into memory. The display automatically changes to the next
5. Repeat this procedure to change each parameter required by your
application. Maintain a current list of parameter entries. Appendix E
provides work sheets which show the organization of each parameter
and provide spaces to list each entry.

Note: Should the displayed message appear in a language other

than the language desired by the user, enter the B Parameter
Set and scroll to B007. Change the display to the desired
language, as explained for parameter B007 in this chapter
(field entry of 01xxxxxx will cause a display in English).

The DLC checks the parameter values each time it is powered ON, as
well as each time parameters are read in. If there are parameters that are
incorrect or missing, an appropriate error message will be displayed.
Upon exit from the Parameter Mode, if any parameters have been
changed, internal buffers that are dependent on parameter values will be
re-calculated. During that time the display will show the message "Please
Wait!" If you have entered a value higher or lower than the limits of the
parameter, the display will show the error message "Is INVALID.” The
invalid parameter description and number will display.
Parameter A100

Max Velocity
By switching back to Parameter Mode, the invalid parameter will be
displayed. Enter correct values for the parameter (within limits).

Displaying of Decimals
This manual describes a DLC software version that has programmable
decimal positions. This version has two or three decimal places in the
commands that involve positioning. Specific decimal places allowed for
parameters and commands are listed in their specific description in
Chapters 4 and 5. The number of decimal digits (can be up to 5) depends
on the selection you set in Parameter B007. You must set this parameter
before the other ones can be derived.

Note: If the decimal precision is not programmed in B007, "Is Invalid

Language" diagnostic will appear when switched out of
Parameter Mode. When switched back to Parameter Mode,
the parameter with incorrect data is displayed.

Auxiliary Inputs/Outputs
Certain parameters require the selection of auxiliary outputs or auxiliary
inputs (Acknowledgments) to be used. The auxiliary numbers to use must
be selected by the machine builder and shown on their interconnect
drawings, where applicable. Each auxiliary output selected should be
unique; i.e. A106 and A112 should not use the same auxiliary output

WARNING: Auxiliary input and output numbers that have been dedicated
by the machine builder for a specific purpose must not be
changed. Personal injury or damage to the machine/drive
train could result from such changes.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-5

Unit of Measurement
The user specifies most parameter data in terms of input units (IU). A unit
is defined by the user, and can be feet, inches, millimeters, degrees,
radians, etc. Once the user has chosen the unit of measurement, then all
position and feed rate data must be in accordance to that unit, where it is
logically required.
For example, the input unit could be specified as inches. The maximum
feed rate in parameter A100 will be programmed in inches per second.
The acceleration parameter would then be in units of inches per second
The F== feedrate command calculates the feed rate for you using the
formula (Parameter A108 x 60). Therefore, all speeds programmed using
the F== command are always in units-per-minute (upm).
Note that positioning commands for the application program are to two or
three decimal places. If you require positioning to 0.001,” set the decimal
selection in parameter B007 to three places. In general, when using US
System (inches) measurements, set B007 for three decimal places. When
using Metric (millimeters), set B007 for two decimal places.

4.4 Linear or Rotary Operation

The DLC is capable of Linear or Rotary operation for each axis. Most
applications will utilize the linear method of programming (i.e. Ball Screw,
Belt, Slide). Some applications require the special features allowed with
rotary programming (A116 - Rotary Table).
Linear operation (programming) allows each axis minimum and
maximum software over-travel limits (effective after the axis has been
homed). Motions can be programmed in any type of Input Units (i.e.
inches, mm, degrees, etc.).
Rotary operation (programming) allows each axis the capability of 360
degrees of motion. The actual position screen (L P Screen), counts from
0 degrees to the value set in A108, resetting back to zero after each
complete revolution (360 degrees). Each axis can be programmed to
make multiple revolutions in either direction (direction is relative to the
programming of A109 - Direction of Operation). The software over-travel
limits are disabled when implementing rotary programming.

4-6 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

4.5 Parameter Descriptions

The following sections describe each parameter, as required for the DLC
to command motion. Each parameter description includes an illustration
of the CTA display and the formula required to obtain the parameter
value, where applicable.
For easy reference, this section describes each parameter in numerical
order, (A100 through A125, then B000 through B023, then C000 through
C012), as shown in Table 4-1, and each new parameter begins on a new

Note: When entering the axis parameter data (A100-A125) and

system parameter data (B000-B023), the Feed Constant
parameter A108 needs to be determined before the velocity
parameters can be entered correctly. The Feed Constant
parameter (A108) sets the Input Units for positioning the axis.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-7

Parameter A100 - Maximum Velocity

Max Velocity

Min.: 00000010 IU
Max.: 05000000 IU
This parameter defines the maximum velocity for the axis, entered in
Input Units (defined in A108). All motion commands are a percentage of
this maximum velocity. Velocity is specified in Input Units/second to two or
three decimal places. Set the decimal resolution in B007 before entering
this parameter. Motion commands programmed for 99.9% velocity results
in a travel velocity equal to the maximum velocity (100.0%). All lesser
numbers programmed, results in a travel velocity equal to the actual
percent of maximum velocity entered.
The formula for calculating the max. velocity is:
Max.RPM(A121) × FeedConstant(A108)
Max.Velocity =
Any gear ratio between the motor shaft (input shaft) and the
output shaft should be taken into consideration in the
calculation of the Feed Constant (A108). Refer to Parameter
A116 - Rotary Axis Gear Ratio.
1. When using rotary table, the max. velocity is:
Max.Velocity = Max.RPM A121 × FeedConstant  A108
÷ GearRatio(A116)

Example: Linear Maximum Velocity Calculation

Max. Motor Speed = 1500 RPM
Feed Constant = 2.441 IU's per rev.
1500Rev. 1Min. 2.441IU 1500RPM
Max.Velocity = × × × × 2.441IU = 61.025 IU
1Min. 60Sec. 1Rev. 60Sec. Sec.
The entry in A100 would be <00061.025> for the system maximum,
or a percentage of this number for your preferred maximum velocity.

Note: Always round the result down; i.e. if the result was 33.333, the
entry would be 33.332.

4-8 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter A101 - Jog Velocity

Jog Velocity

Min.: 00000010 IU
Max.: 05000000 IU
This parameter specifies the maximum velocity that the axis can be
jogged in manual mode. It is specified in input units/second, to two or
three decimal places. Set the decimal resolution in B007 before entering
this parameter.
You specify this velocity in the same manner as in A100, but define the
velocity to be used for jogging, rather than the maximum velocity.

Hint: Start at 10% of A100 entry, then increase or decrease as

required for the application.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-9

Parameter A102 - Acceleration Rate

Accel Rate

The axis accelerates and decelerates at the rate specified by this
This parameter provides a protection for the machinery as it can limit the
amount of torque produced during speed changes. The amplifier drive
system must be capable of acceleration at the rate specified here. If not,
an overshoot or an error message may occur during a speed change.
The parameter value is specified in input units /second
(units/second/second), in whole units (0 decimal places) or to one
decimal place. Set the decimal resolution in B007 before entering this
For example:
To program the machine in the force of 1G,
assuming your Input Units are programmed in inches,
1G = 32.16 feet/second
Convert to inches, (input units, inches used in this example)
32.16 x 12 = 386.0 inches/second
For an Accel/Decel rate of 1G, enter parameter data
Multiply or divide this number for a rate of 2G, 1/2 G, etc.
Use similar procedures to program in factors other than G force.

Note: Parameter A117, Knee Point, can be programmed to select a

second acceleration / deceleration rate based on velocity.

4-10 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter A103 - Position Gain (KV Factor)

Position Gain

0000 01.00
0000 - Not Used, set to 0000
01.00 - Position Gain
Minimum: 0.01
Maximum: 10.00
This is the axis position gain of the system.
The standard machining Kv Factor = 1. Entering a larger number (higher
gain) will yield a tighter system (less following error). Entering too large a
number can result in overshoot, oscillation, and/or high wear on the
system parts (bearings, chains, gears, etc.). Set this parameter for
optimum high performance (not necessarily maximum) for your system.
Input is specified to two decimal places.

Hint: A gain of 3 to 5 is typical when the motor is matched to the load


This entry sets the amount of velocity command given to the amplifier per
a given position error (deviation). The following error (deviation) while
feeding is inversely proportional to the KV selected.
Vel. Vel.
KV = or FE =
1000 × FE 1000 × KV
• Vel (velocity) is in IU/minute
• FE (following error) is in IU (input units)
• KV=Velocity (in IU/minute) per thousand IU of Following Error

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-11

Parameter A104 - Encoder Resolution


00 000000
00 = Encoder resolution; sets maximum number of allowable motor
00 = Default setting; ±65,536 motor turns
12 = 12 bit resolution; ±524,288 motor turns
13 = 13 bit resolution; ±262,144 motor turns
14 = 14 bit resolution; ±131,072 motor turns
15 = 15 bit resolution; ±65,536 motor turns
000000 = Not Used, set to 000000.

Note: This applies to single turn high resolution feedback only.

4-12 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter A105 - Free


Parameter A105, Free, is currently undefined.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-13

Parameter A106 - Position Tolerance

Position Tol

01 000.010
01 = Auxiliary output number to be turned on when position
000.010 = Position tolerance to two or three decimal places. Set the
decimal resolution in B007 before entering this parameter.
i.e.. <XX000010 = 0.010 IU>
This parameter sets the axis positional band tolerance. It is defining a
window in which the DLC will consider the axis in position. Adjusting this
tolerance does not affect the accuracy of the move. It tells the control
when to read the next command line (see PSI, PSM in chapter 5) and to
turn ON the auxiliary output.
The first two digits specify the output number that will turn ON when the
axis is in position. You can use this output to turn on a light, buzzer or as
an internal flag. If no output is needed, a "00" can be programmed or an
output that is not physically accessible (46 to 72) can be programmed.

Note: The auxiliary output number must be unique to all other

parameter selected auxiliary outputs.

The remaining digits are the switching threshold (position tolerance),

entered in input units. A typical setting is 5 thousandths of an inch. The
second half of the entry would be <000005>.
The following sketch shows an example of switching threshold:

Position Tolerance | |
(in input units) | |
at this point, program ⇒| |⇐
reads in next block | | |
| ⇒| |⇐ Position Tolerance - The Aux. Output
| | | will turn back OFF momentarily if an
| | | overshoot exceeds this amount
axis Direction ⇒ | | |
-------------------------------------------------- 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- >
| overshoot (if any) ⇒
Commanded Position

Note: A properly tuned system does not overshoot. See A102 and
A103. If overshoot occurs, the acceleration rate and/or gain
may be set too high.

4-14 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter A107 - Position Pre-Signal

Pos Presignal

14 0.2 123.4
14 - auxiliary output number to be turned on (00=not activated)
0.2 - time in 0.1 seconds (0.1 - 9.9 in 0.1 increments)
00 = output as a constant signal which stays on until next
feed or a command AEA (output ON/OFF).
123.4 - Pre-signal distance in Input Units (zero or one decimal
place) to the target position. Set the decimal resolution in
B007 before entering this parameter.
The Pre-Signal feature is used to turn ON an aux. output at a specified
distance prior to the completion of a feed command. Typically, the Pre-
Signal is used when anticipation of the end of a feed is needed, so other
processes can be initiated ahead of time. The Pre-signal applies to each
feed command: POI, PSI, POA, POM, PSA, PSM.
After the initiation of the motion, if the Current Distance to travel is less
than the Pre-signal Distance programmed in this parameter, the Pre-
Signal output is switched ON. The Pre-Signal output will be ON for either
the programmed period of time or until the next move (dependent on the
parameter settings).
Pre-Signal Distance
< --------------------------------->|
Pre-Signal Off
¦ -------------------------------------------------------------- ¦ ----------------------------------- ¦
Begin Motion Pre-Signal ON - Target Position
(For Programmed Time)

If the "Target Position" is equal to or less than the "Pre-Signal" distance,

the Pre-Signal output is switched ON at the start of the feed motion for the
specified amount of time.

¦ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¦
Begin Motion Target Position
Pre-Signal ON -
(For Programmed Time)

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-15

Parameter A108 - Feed Constant

Feed Constant

Minimum: 00001000
Maximum: 50000000
This parameter sets the feed constant, which is the ratio of slide
movement per motor revolution.
The number entered equals the distance the axis will travel per one
revolution of the encoder, to four or five decimal places. Set the decimal
resolution in B007 before entering this parameter.

Note: This parameter defines the input units used in the

Rotary Note: Enter the amount of travel for one revolution of the
table/device (one revolution of the gearbox output). The
DLC will internally calculate the motor feed constant.

4-16 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter A109 - Direction of Operation


0 1 000000
This parameter allows changing the axis direction ( +/- ) through software
in the DLC.
0 = Not used, set to 0
1 = Direction
0 = Direction of operation remains unchanged
1 = Reverse motor direction
000000 = Not used, set to all zeros.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-17

Parameter A110 - Homing Setup

Homing Setup

0 1 0 1 05 0 0
This parameter specifies the search direction and speed for the zero
reference point. See Section 3.2.5 for homing function description and
Appendix A for additional application information.
0- Not Used
1- Search direction for home switch
0= Search Forward
1= Search Reverse
0- Not Used
1- Homing type
0= No homing (disable homing function)
1= Homing using a single-turn feedback (Incremental)
2= Multi-turn absolute feedback
05 - Search velocity in % of max velocity
01-99= % of A100 in 1% increments
(5% to 10% is normal for power up homing)
00 = When multi-turn absolute feedback selected, no search
velocity is required.
0- Not Used
0- Linear/rotary operation select
0= Standard operation
1= Rotary operation, with shortest path
2= Rotary operation, follows programmed direction,
The last digit of this parameter allows using the DLC for rotary table
applications. If a single-turn absolute feedback is used with this function,
homing is required because of the absolute measuring system. The rotary
table option also must be activated by entering a gear ratio in parameter

4-18 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter A111 - Homing Offset

Homing Offset

0 0000.000
In many cases, some position other than the home position, such as the
center-line of the slide, is used as the reference position. This parameter
defines the distance (in input units), and the direction from the home
switch that you want to use as the reference position. After the homing
routine is completed, the offset distance programmed in this parameter
will be inserted as the current axis position.
The axis will not physically move to this position. To physically position the
axis to an offset position, after the homing routine is completed, use a
position command (See Chapter 5).
This parameter is specified to two or three decimal places. Set the
decimal resolution in B007 before entering this parameter.
For single-turn absolute feedback operation:
0- Offset direction
0= Forward (+)
1= Reverse (-)
0000.000 - Offset distance in input units, to 2 or 3 decimal places
For multi-turn absolute feedback operation:
0- No significance
0000.000 - Offset calculated from encoder reference point in input
units, to 2 or 3 decimal places
For rotary applications, the zero offset may not exceed the value of input
units / revolution of table. Otherwise, the error message "input error" will
appear. For instance, if degrees have been selected as input units (360° /
table revolution) and 10 has been programmed as the zero offset, the
zero point is set at 10.
Refer to section 3.2.5 for additional information on the Homing function.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-19

Parameter A112 - Homing Acknowledgements

Homing Ack

09 12 00 13
This parameter is used to identify the various I/O assigned to the Homing
Process. In Manual Mode, homing can take place by means of the
assigned auxiliary input number, or in Automatic Mode by use of the
command "HOM.”
09 - Auxiliary input number used to initiate Homing in Manual Mode
(push-button or PLC output)
00 = Manual Mode homing not used
01-37 = Selected input number to be used to initiate Homing
12 - Home Zero Reference Select (Marker Pulse or Home Switch)
00 = Homing to Marker Pulse for Single-Turn Absolute
Feedback (Homing Speed for Homing to Marker Pulse is
3% of Max. Velocity)
01-37 = Selected input number to be used for home switch input

Note: The standard DLC with the DEA 4 I/O card has a maximum of
7 auxiliary inputs that are physically accessible to the user.
With the optional DEA 5 and 6 I/O cards, the auxiliary inputs
are expanded to 37.

00 - Unassigned
13 - Auxiliary output number to be used for "Home Established" signal

Note: The standard DLC with the DEA 4 I/O card has a maximum of
11 auxiliary outputs that are physically accessible to the user.
With the optional DEA 5 and 6 I/O cards, the auxiliary outputs
are expanded to 43.

For multi-turn absolute feedback operation, A112 should be set to


Note: The auxiliary output for Homing complete/established can be

turned OFF with an AEA command (output ON/OFF). The
travel limits will remain in effect (still referenced to home).

4-20 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter A113 - Travel Limit, Minimum Value

Min Travel

This parameter specifies the travel limit value in the negative direction, in
reference to the Home Position. The limit is effective only after the axis
has been Homed.
In the Manual Mode, the corresponding Jog key is disabled when this
position has been reached. If, in the Automatic Mode, the commanded
position is smaller (more negative) than this limit value, an error message
will be displayed.
The travel limit value is measured from the reference point, Home
Position, and is not added to, or subtracted from, the offset distance.
This parameter is specified in input units to two or three decimal places.
Set the decimal resolution in B007 before entering this parameter.
For multi-turn absolute feedback operation:
A plus sign will appear for this parameter (instead of a minus sign) and
the value here will be the minimum travel allowed. The travel limit value is
measured from the zero point of the encoder and is not added to, or
subtracted from, the offset distance.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-21

Parameter A114 - Travel Limit, Maximum Value

Max Travel

This parameter specifies the travel limit value in the positive direction, in
reference to the Home Position. The limit is effective only after the axis
has been Homed.
In the Manual Mode, the corresponding Jog key is disabled when this
position has been reached. If, in the automatic mode, the commanded
position is greater than this limit value, an error message will be
The travel limit value is measured from the reference point, Home
Position, and is not added to, or subtracted from, the offset distance.
This parameter is specified in input units to two or three decimal places.
Set the decimal resolution in B007 before entering this parameter.
For multi-turn absolute feedback operation:
The travel limit value is measured from the zero point of the encoder and
is not added to, or subtracted from, the offset distance.

4-22 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter A115 - Special Functions

(Disable Following Error,
Velocity Achieved/Master Encoder Averaging/Velocity Feed Forward)
Special Function

12 34 56 7 8
12 - Aux. Input to disable following error (01-37)
34 - Aux. Output to acknowledge following error is disabled
56 - Aux. Output to indicate when the programmed velocity has been
7- Not used - Enter 0
8- Averaging of Master Encoder input pulse train for Master/Slave
Mode (See FOL command).
0 = No Averaging, No Velocity Feed Forward (1-9= Velocity
Feed Forward Mode)
1 = Average over 1 read
2 = Average over 2 reads
3 = Average over 4 reads
4 = Average over 8 reads
5 = Average over 16 reads
6 = Average over 32 reads
7 = Average over 64 reads
8 = Average over 128 reads
9 = Average over 256 reads

Note: 1 Read = 1 millisecond. Feed forward automatically adjusts for

following error between the axes, when averaging is selected.
Any remaining following error can usually be minimized by
slightly changing A121 RPM/10V (typical adjustment is less
than 2%).

If no Special Functions are used, enter <00000000>.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-23

Parameter A116 - Rotary Axis Gear Ratio

Rotary Table

1234 5678
Use this parameter for Rotary applications.
This parameter sets the gear ratio of the input motor shaft to the output.
The rotary table option is activated in the last two digits of parameter
1234 - Input motor shaft turns (gear box input-encoder)
5678 - Output turns (gear box output-table)
Step down ratio = 1234
The result per table revolution is:
Input units / Revolution of table = Feed constant x Step down
00010001 = a 1:1 ratio (1 turn input, 1 turn output)
00120001 = a 12:1 ratio (12 turns input, 1 turn output)
02300025 = a 9.2:1 ratio (230 turns input, 25 turns output)

Note: Gear down only; entry must be whole numbers. If the ratio is
decimal, simply enter the number of teeth on the input and
output gear shafts.

4-24 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter A117 - Second Acceleration Rate

Knee Point

12 00386.0
12 - Velocity change point (in % of Velocity Max - A100) - Above this
%, the second acceleration turns on - Knee point of
acceleration change.
00 = Disables this parameter
01-99= % in increments of 1%
00386.0 - Second acceleration - Input Units/second²
(units/second/second) to zero or one decimal place, above the knee point
velocity. Set the decimal resolution in B007 before entering this
The first acceleration below the knee point velocity is programmed in
parameter A102.
This function is effective in Automatic operation as well as in Manual
operation (for instance, jogging). The only limitation for the user
programming is that the command ACC (change of acceleration) is not
effective as long as this parameter is switched ON (can use one or other).

CAUTION: Since the second acceleration may be greater than the first
acceleration, the greater of the two values is to be
considered the maximum acceleration.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-25

Parameter A118 - Brake Release

(as of software version DA1-04VRS and DG1-03T03A)
Brake Release

xx yy 0000
To be functional, this parameter must be enabled in Parameter C013.
xx- Input ‘Brake release’
00- External brake release function disabled.
yy- Output ‘Brake released’
00- No output programmed.
The output is functional only if the input ‘Brake
release’ is also programmed.

4-26 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter A119 - Free


Parameter A119 Free, is currently undefined.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-27

Parameter A120 - Feed Angle Monitoring, Feed Interrupt

Feed Angle Mon

01 02 03 00
01 - Aux. input number for Feed Angle Monitoring with error display (01-37)
00 = Feed Angle Monitoring not used
02 - Aux. input number for Feed Interrupt (Feed Hold) (01-37)
00 = Feed Interrupt not used
03 - Aux. output message for Axis Stopped (01-99)
00 = Stop Axis not used
00 - Not Used

Note: There are no diagnostics for Feed Angle input missing before
a feed or when a Feed Interrupt is executed.

1. Feed Angle Monitoring (Active High)

This parameter specifies if the feed or positioning is to be monitored or
not. If "00" is input here, then the axis is not monitored. If an auxiliary
input number has been specified and if there is no signal at the specified
input, no positioning will take place. The DLC processes all blocks not
containing any position commands. As soon as the program processing
comes to a block containing a position command, the DLC will stop in this
block until there is a signal at the input. If the specified auxiliary input
signal shuts off during a positioning, the axis will be stopped and the error
message "Feed Angle Loss 1" will be displayed.
2. Feed Interrupt or Feed Hold (Active Low)
This parameter specifies whether an interruption of the programmed feed
or position command currently being process is possible or not. If "00" is
input here, there will be no monitoring for axis interruption. If an input
number is assigned, and an interrupt is present, the axis positioning
command will not be processed. The DLC will continue to process all
blocks not containing any position commands, regardless of how A120 is
set. As soon as the program processing comes to a block containing a
position command, the DLC will stop in this block until there is a signal at
the input. If a position command is currently being processed and the
interrupt is present, the axis will decelerate to a stop.

WARNING: The continuation of the axis positioning will occur

immediately as the auxiliary input, Feed Interrupt returns
high. Also, if the feed angle monitoring has been specified
for the axis, the Feed Interrupt input number must be
different (the two functions cannot use the same input

3. Axis Stop
This output becomes ‘1’ as soon as the following two conditions are met:
Command Position Value = 0
Actual Value-Per-Minute < 6 UpM
For functions that directly affect the position control circuit (e.g. following
axis, SIN command), this output does not apply.

4-28 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter A121 - Maximum Motor Speed

Max. Speed [RPM]

2000 0000
2000 - Maximum motor RPM
0000 - Unassigned set to 0000
This parameter defines the maximum RPM of the motor.
Example: A121 entry for 2000 RPM motor is:
Max. Speed [RPM]

2000 0000

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-29

Parameter A122 - Monitor Window


0 0 00 0 010
0 - Error Reports
0 = Error reports “Drive Runaway,” “Excessive Position Lag” or
“Encoder Error” active
8 = Error reports deactivated
0 - Monitor window delay in delay x 100 milliseconds (0=OFF, 1-9 =
00 - This output is set if the positional deviation is greater than the
allowable deviation. An entry of 00 = no output programmed

Note: The output that is programmed here is only set if the error
reports have been deactivated and the error occurs.
Deactivation by entering "8" in the first screen position of this
parameter or by setting flag 95 in the program.

0 - Unassigned
010 - Allowable position deviation in percent. In the normal case a
value of 10-20% is input here.
Entry range: 001-100
Output: Position error > Maximum allowable deviation.
The DLC1 continuously monitors position control. To do this, the DLC
uses a mathematical model to recognize an error immediately. “Drive
Runaway” occurs if the current position of the encoder exceeds the target
position of the model. “Excessive Position Lag” occur if the current
position of the encoder is less than the position expected by the model.
The maximum allowable deviation between the actual position and the
position calculated in the model is specified in % in parameter A122.
Program the maximum permissible deviation (in percentage) between the
actual position and the position calculated by the model, in this parameter.
For the monitoring to function properly, program a value in this parameter
greater than the percentage of deviation that results under normal
operation. Otherwise, nuisance faults will occur.
Calculate the maximum positional deviation:
Max. speed (IU/sec) 60
Position Deviation in IU = ×
Position Gain (KV) 1000
RPM (as in A121) × VK (as in A108)
Max. ± Position Deviation in IU =
Kv factor (as in A103) × 1000

4-30 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

max. RPM (A121) = 2000 RPM
IU VK (A108) = 0.39 in
Kv (A103) = 1
Monitoring (A122) = 20%
2000 × 0.39 in.
Max. ± Position Deviation in IU = = 0.78 in. = 100%
1 × 1000
20% corresponds to 40 mm
If A122 = 00000020, the DLC will issue an error if the actual following
error differs from the expected following error by more than 20%. Take
20% of 0.78 in: 0.20 x 0.78 = 0.16. At a positional deviation of 0.16 in.,
the controller interrupts the positioning process and reports a Excessive
Position Lag or Drive Runaway.
A Drive Runaway would occur if the error exceeded 0.78 + 0.016 = 0.796
inches. Excessive Position Lag would occur if the following error went
below 0.78 - 0.016 = 0.764 inches. When feeding at a lower speed the
following error will be lower, but the maximum deviation from the
expected following error will still be ± 0.16 inches.
Note the following:
• If you change the parameters Position Gain or Maximum Velocity, you
do not need to reprogram the Monitoring Window, because it is
entered in percentage of maximum position deviation.
• If the Monitoring Window entry, as converted, is smaller than the
Position Tolerance, the DLC is unable to correctly distinguish between
"Drive Runaway" and "Excessive Position Lag." Therefore, the
converted Monitoring Window parameter should be greater than the
Position Tolerance.
• If the programmed entry for Monitoring Window is too small, even a
normal feed will generate a "Drive Runaway" or "Excessive Position Lag.”
• The Monitoring Window value depends on your application. You
should enter the lowest percentage possible that will not cause
nuisance faults.
Possible causes for "Drive Runaway"
• The axis moved when no command value has been output.
• The maximum RPM in A121 is smaller than specified RPM, check the
DSM software module.
• A122 entry is too small (typical setting is 10%).
Possible causes for "Excessive Position Lag"
• Position command issued, but no movement detected:
• The motor cannot turn because of a mechanical bind.
• The maximum RPM in A121 is greater than specified RPM, check the
DSM software module.
• The acceleration is too great (A102, also A117 second acceleration)

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-31

Parameter A123 - Follow Axis / Measuring Wheel Mode (Requires DEF Card)
Note: This parameter’s function is changed as of software version

4 0 0 0 00 00
4 = Mode
0 = Normal Feed Axis
2 = Follow axis (only DEF card)
3 = Measuring wheel mode, Version 1 (Control with measuring
4 = Measuring wheel mode, Version 2 (Measuring encoder as
feed correction)
(only DEF card)
5 = Feed axis with external encoder (DEF card necessary)
6 = Feed axis controlled
0 = For follow axis: (only DEF card)
1 = Axis 1 follows external encoder 1 (parameters B016 to B019)
2 = Axis 1 follows external encoder 2 (parameters B020 to B023)
For measuring wheel mode: (only DEF card)
1 = Measuring wheel with external encoder 1 (Parameters B016
to B019)
2 = Measuring wheel with external encoder 2 (Parameters B020
to B023)
For feed axis with external encoder:
1 = External encoder 1 (Parameters B016 to B019)
2 = External encoder 2 (Parameters B020 to B023)
0 = Not Used
0 = Not Used
00 = For measuring wheel mode and feed axis with external encoder:
Monitoring window in percent (00 to 99) between motor encoder
and external encoder
00 = Monitoring switched OFF
00 = For measuring wheel mode:
Input “Encoder active” Input 01 to 37
00 = Encoder always active

Note: The DEF Incremental Encoder Input Card must be installed in

the Indramat Digital Drive to accept the Master Encoder /
Measuring Wheel Input.

The Follow Axis, parameter A123, is used to configure the axis to follow a
master encoder input or as a measuring wheel encoder to verify the axis
has been positioned properly.
The Following Operating Modes available are:
Normal Feed Axis
Following Mode (Axis follows Master Encoder)
Measuring Wheel Version 1

4-32 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Measuring Wheel Version 2

When parameter A123, Follow Axis, is programmed with all zeros, the
axis is a normal feed axis.
When using the Follow Axis, Measuring Wheel Version 1 or 2, the
following parameters must be programmed:
External Encoder 1 Parameter B016
External Encoder 1, Lines/Rev Parameter B017
External Encoder 1, Constant Parameter B018
External Encoder 1, Offset Parameter B019
When the Follow Axis, parameter A123, is programmed with 21000000,
the axis will follow the master encoder input in Automatic or Manual
When the Follow Axis, parameter A123, is programmed with 3100XXXX,
the Measuring Wheel Version 1 is selected. In Automatic Mode, the
Measuring Wheel Version 1 will close the position loop on the measuring
wheel encoder. Any slight difference between the load and motor position
will be compensated for during the position move.
When the Follow Axis, parameter A123, is programmed with 4100XXXX,
the Measuring Wheel Version 2 is selected. In Automatic Mode, the
Measuring Wheel Version 2 will close the position loop on the axis. The
axis position is compared to the measuring wheel encoder position and
the difference is compensated for, during the axis move. When the axis is
in the in-position tolerance window (defined in parameter A106, Position
Tolerance), no compensation for the difference will occur. Compensation
for the difference occurs when the axis is commanded out of the position
tolerance window. This allows a degree of backlash in the mechanical
system without effecting the stability of the servo. The following formula
should be used when using this option to get optimum results.
Acceleration rate
Position Tolerance =
(Gain × 16.66)3
When using the Measuring Wheel Version 1 (3100XXXX) or Version 2
(4100XXXX), the machine builder can program a percentage of deviation
and an auxiliary input to enable the measuring wheel function. The
percentage of deviation defines how much difference between the
measuring wheel encoder position and the axis position will be allowed.
When the difference becomes greater than this percentage the error
"Encoder Fault A1" will occur.

Note: If "00" is specified for the percent deviation, there will be no

comparison between the measuring wheel position and the
motor's position.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-33

Parameter A124 - Free


0000000- Not used, must be set to 0000000
Parameter A124 Free, is currently undefined.

4-34 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter A125 - Jerk Constant

(as of software version DA1-04VRS)
Jerk Constant

0000 0.000
0000- Not used
0.000- Time constant for acceleration (s)
Range: 0.000 - 1.024
0 = Constant acceleration
The ‘Time constant for acceleration’ displays the time in which the
DLC builds up the acceleration.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-35

Parameter A126 - Position Window

(as of software version DA1-04VRS)

00 123.456
00 - Output
123.456 - Position window
The DLC stores the last programmed move position. If the drive
moves from the last programmed move position by ± the value
listed in the position window, the programmed output will be
turned off.

4-36 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter B000 - Enable Axis 2 (DG software only)

Enable Axis 2

0000000= Not used, must be set to 0000000

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-37

Parameter B001 - System Inputs (DG software only)

System Inputs

8= Clear external
7= Jog reverse
6= Jog forward
5= Immediate stop
4= Start
3= E-Stop message
2= Automatic
1= Parameter
For all of the system inputs listed above:
0 = Read in system input via DEA 4.1
1 = Read in system input via serial interface
2 = Read in system input via Interbus-S board DBS2.2 (DI software
Set outputs for DEA4 - DEA6 via the serial interface (or DBS2.1).
Read in inputs for DEA4 - DEA6 via the serial interface (or DBS2.1).
The assignment of the inputs and outputs is accomplished via parameters
B001 and B002.

4-38 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter B001 - Serial Jog Enable (DA software only)

Serial Jog

00000000 - Enable or disable Serial Jog
00000000 = Disabled
01100000 = Enabled

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-39

Parameter B002 - User I/O

(As of software version DA1-04V07/DG1-04V07)
User I/O

00 = Not used
1 = Outputs A28 - A43 (DEA 6)
2 = Inputs E23 - E37 (DEA 6)
3 = Outputs A12 - A27 (DEA 5)
4 = Inputs E08 - E22 (DEA 5)
5 = Outputs A01 - A11 (DEA 4)
6 = Inputs E01 - E07 (DEA 4)
For all of the system inputs listed above:
0 = Read in inputs via DEA X.1
Outputs for DEA X.1 set by the DLC
1 = Read inputs via serial interface
Outputs for DEA X.1 set by serial interface
2 = Read in inputs via Interbus-S board DBS 2.2
Outputs for DEA X.1 set by Interbus-S board DBS 2.2 (DLI-
software only)
a) The system outputs for the DEA 4 can be set only via the
b) The output map inside the DLC can differ from the actual
status of the DEA 4 - DEA 6 display.

Note: If this parameter is redefined, it takes effect only after exiting and
reentering Parameter Mode, or after restarting the DLC1.

4-40 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter B003 - Serial Interface

Serial Interface

0960 0 1 8 1
The serial interface of the DLC can exchange data with peripherals in
various ways. Define the transmission method in this parameter. Chapter
7 describes the interface in more detail.
If the two parameters B003 and B004 are stored in memory correctly,
then the serial interface is ready for operation immediately. Incorrect
entries in the parameters block the serial interface.
0960 - Baud Rate
Min.= 300 Baud
Max.= 19200 Baud
0000 = Interface not operating (to host computer)
Baud Rate input examples using common rates: 1920 = 19200
0960 = 9600 Baud
0480 = 4800 Baud
0240 = 2400 Baud
0000 = Interface deactivated
0 - Interface Operating Mode
0 = Standard RS232 (full duplex)
1 = Decade switch, IDS (2400 Baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no
2 = Same as Mode 0
3 = Interface to SOT (Station Operator Terminal); RS232 or RS485
half duplex, one station only
4 = Serial bus link for SOT; RS485 half duplex, station 1 through
32 entered in parameter B004
Note: If you select the IDS option, do not enter the other values for
this parameter. The DLC will configure the interface
1 - Parity
1 = No parity
2 = Even parity
3 = Odd parity
8 - Word Length
7 = 7 Bits
8 = 8 Bits
1 - Number of Stop Bits
1 = 1 Bit
2 = 2 Bits
Example: Decade switch query with IDS unit:
B003 00001000

0000 No meaning
1 Decade switch query
000 No meaning
The interface transmission parameter for the decade switch are set as
follows: 2400 baud, 8 bit, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, no parity check.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-41

Parameter B004 - Serial Interface

Serial Interface

1 1 08 9 T 00
1 - Checksum/Hardware Handshake (RTS/CTS)
0 = Checksum ON, RTS/CTS OFF
1 = Checksum OFF, RTS/CTS OFF
2 = Checksum ON, RTS/CTS ON
3 = Checksum OFF, RTS/CTS ON
4 = Disables checksum operation.
1 - Transmission Acknowledgment - " Y CR/LF "
0 = Acknowledgment OFF
1 = Acknowledgment ON
08 - Station Number, 01-32
Used with serial bus for SOT communication (See Parameter B003:
Serial Interface - Interface Mode description)
9 - Error Code Over Serial Interface
0 = Function Disabled
1 = In case of DLC fault, automatically send an error message via
the serial interface. See Status 53 in chapter 7 for details.
T = Serial Jog Time Out
Time = T*25msec, use T = 4 or 6 for best results.
00 = Transmission Delay For RS485 Communication (In Milliseconds)
00 = No Delay
02 = 2 msec (use for CTA10 or SOT)
This parameter allows the integration of the calculation of the check sum
into the interface. The DLC will perform a bit count comparison from one
operation (processing). If a "0" is not programmed in the first bit, a check
sum is not required for communication, i.e. instead of "Checksum CR/LF,”
a "_CR/LF" is sufficient. If it is important that the data sent to the DLC is
received correctly, it is recommended that the checksum be turned ON.
The host device must be programmed to calculate and send the
checksum with each transmission to use this option.
Transmission Acknowledgment, when active, returns a "Y" "CR/LF" from
the DLC to the Host Device. This occurs after any command transmitted
to the DLC that does not require any other response from the DLC.
The Transmission Delay For RS485 Mode, in milliseconds, is used to
define a time delay for switching between the transmit and receive mode.
In RS485 mode, when the last character is received, it switches
immediately to transmit mode. This immediate switching can cause
problems with some PC-RS485 driver cards, if they are not fast enough to
switch to receive mode. The transmission delay allows the PC drivers to
switch from transmit to receive mode without communication errors.

4-42 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter B005 - Memory Display

Note: For service use only!
Memory Display

00 000000
This parameter is for use by the Indramat Service Department.
Set to 00 000000.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-43

Parameter B006 - Start Task 2 & 3

Start Task 2 & 3

1500 2000
1500 - Starting block number for second task
0001-2999 = Any Block number except 0000 or a block number
of another task
0000 = Task 2 program disabled
2000 - Starting block number for third task
0001-2999 = Any block number except 0000 or a block number of
another task
0000 = Task 3 program disabled
Task 1 always starts at block 0000.
This parameter allows running separate programs at the same time. As
soon as the DLC is switched to Manual or Automatic mode, Task 3
begins running. As soon as Cycle Start is activated, in Auto Mode, Task 1
and 2 start running. Also, the system output, Automatic Cycle Running
(Connector X17, pin 20) will turn on.

Note: Do not access the same routine by two tasks at the same
time (within 1 millisecond) or a system fault will occur. The
user program must be in place for task 3 before leaving the
parameter mode because task 3 will start running
immediately. If the task 3 program is not in place, you will
Warning: Do not use task 3 for servo commands. Task 3 continues
running in Manual Mode and during an E-Stop.

4-44 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter B007 - Display Language / Decimal Place / Keypad Lockout


01 03 0 0 45
Use this parameter to specify in which language text will display on the
CTA display and to set the number of decimal places used in positioning
commands and certain parameters. It also allows disabling any program
entry/changes from the CTA keypad.
01 - Language
00 = German
01 = English
02 = French
03 = Spanish
04 = Italian
05 = Portuguese
03 - Number of decimal places used in positioning commands and
certain parameters
02 = Metric (e. g., millimeters, XXX.YY)
03 = US System (e. g., inches, XX.YYY)
The number entered for decimal places specifies how many digits are to
the right of the decimal point for positioning commands and many
parameters. Make your selection depending on the resolution required.
See Appendix E, parameter input sheets, showing the decimal location for
each parameter, with resolution set at 2 or 3 in B007.
Parameter # affected 4 digit of B007 =2 =3
A102, A107, A117 0 1
A100, A101, A106, A111, A113, A114 2 3
A108, B018 4 5
Command affected 4 digit of B007 =2 =3
Figure 4-1: Decimal place settings

0 - Unassigned, set to 0.
0 - Enable "fault code via outputs"
0 = No fault code via outputs
1 = Fault code via outputs, 01 to 08
2 = Fault code via outputs, 09 to 16
3 = Fault code via outputs, 17 to 24
4 = Fault code via outputs, 25 to 32
5 = Fault code via outputs, 33 to 40
6 = Fault code via outputs, 41 to 48
If the function is enabled, an appropriate fault code is outputted via the
programmed output when there is a fault. The fault code consists of 2 hex
Fault code assignment:
00 to 3F - General disturbance
40 to 6F - Disturbance axis 1
For a complete list of fault codes and explanations, see chapter 8,
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-45

45 - Lock-out feature
00 = Allows program entry/storage from the CTA keypad.
45 = Inhibits storage in memory of program blocks which are
entered via the CTA keypad.
55 = Command data, but not commands, can be altered (as of
software version DA1-04VRS).

Note: Programming can still be accomplished via the RS232/485

serial interface, such as by downloading from MotionManager
program development tool. The lock-out feature prevents
accidental or unauthorized changes via the CTA keypad.

4-46 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter B008 - M Function Inputs and Outputs

(DLC-G only)
M Function: I/O

0000 - Not used, set to 0000
aa - First M function output; ascending
ee - First acknowledgment input; ascending
If no input is programmed (00), then the call-up of an M function with input
acknowledgment in the user program leads to the error message “M= =
Command MO/1.”
If no output is programmed (00), then the call-up of an M function in the
user program leads to the error message “M= = Command.”
The input and output specified in this parameter become the starting point
for the user defined M function I/O.
Example: If Aux. Output #4 is entered here as the First M-Function
output, then output #5 becomes the second M function output, etc. These
input/output designation changes remain true for the I/O sets configured
for high and low bytes in the M function parameters.
See Section 4.6 for a complete description of M-Functions and how they
are used.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-47

Parameter B009 - M Function Timer (DLC-G only)

M Function Timer

aa = Output used to signal “Timer is running”
00 = Not used, set to 00
tttt = Timer for M function. Timer is entered in seconds between 0.000
to 9.999
This timer controls the ON time for each M-Function output turned on.
See Section 4.6 for a complete description of M-Functions and how they
are used.

4-48 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter B010 - Free


0000000 - Not used, must be set to 0000000
Parameter B010 Free, is currently undefined.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-49

Parameter B011 - Manual Vector

Manual - Vector

07 1 0 2500
07 = Aux. input number to initiate Manual Vector program start with
rising signal edge
00 = Manual Vector Disabled
01-37 = Aux. Input Number
1 = 0 = Start only with aux. input number
1 = Start with either aux. input number or any time you switch
into manual mode.
0 = Not used, set to 0.
2500= Start block of Manual Vector program, Block 0000-2999.

Note: You must use the Command RTS, Return from Subroutine, to
terminate the Manual Vector program.

This function allows you to run a user program in Manual Mode. This
program must conclude with an "RTS" (the subroutine stack will not be
changed). This program must not contain any feed instructions. The
program is aborted if there is a switch over from "Manual" to "Automatic"
or to "Parameter Mode." The program is started externally by means of a
rising signal edge at one of the aux. inputs. If "00" is input for the aux.
input, the Manual Vector is disabled. When programming Parameter
B011, make sure that the start block of the Manual Vector program is not
located in the main program.

Notes: The manual vector input is not accepted during jogging or

homing (in the manual mode).
While the manual vector program is running, jogging or
homing is not possible.
It is not possible to start the manual vector program unless the
axis is enabled.

4-50 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter B012 - Program Interrupt Vector, Jump on Event


08 1 2 1650
For immediate interruption of main program (Task 1 only), start Interrupt
Vector program. Can be used as an "Emergency Return" procedure.
08 - 00 = Disables Interrupt Vector
01-37 = Aux. input number used to initiate Interrupt Vector
program on rising edge of signal
1 - 0 = Delays the function while main program is in a sub-
routine (JSR), waits for sub-routine to finish before
continuing to the Interrupt Vector program (rising edge)
1 = Means interrupt anytime, even if in a subroutine (Interrupt
Vector always active [rising edge])
2 = Same as 0, except falling edge
3 = Same as 1, except falling edge
2 - 0 = A started position command will finish before executing
the Interrupt Vector program
1 = Position command is interrupted (drive(s) braked until
stopped) and execute the Interrupt Vector program
1650-Start block of Interrupt Vector program, Block 0000-2999
The Interrupt Vector permits you to interrupt a user program externally at
any time. The program sequence will then continue at the start block
number specified for the Interrupt Vector program. No RTS command is
required at the end of the Interrupt Vector Program. There is no return
jump to the interrupted main program.

Notes: When a main program is interrupted, it cannot be resumed. It

must be started over.
Interrupt vector only interrupts Task 1. Task 2 & 3 continue to run.

The Interrupt Vector can be called up only in Automatic operation. The

"Cycle Start" and " %[ENG5VQR " remain effective.
The sub-program stack (JSR, RTS) is cleared each time the Interrupt
Vector program is called up. A call to the Interrupt Vector while a sub-
program is running, "xx0xxxxx" is stored in B012 until all sub-programs
have been processed. Only then will the program continue with the
"Interrupt Vector" program.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-51

Parameter B013 - Velocity Override

(as of software version DLC1.1-DA1-04V00)

5 0 000000
5 - Axis Velocity Override
0 = Override off
4 = Override per Interbus S-object (axis 1 only)
5 = Override binary-encoded through inputs 01-07
6 = Override gray-coded inputs 04-07
7 = Override binary coded over 15 inputs (8-22), as of software
version 04V08
0 - Override Axis 2
000000 - Unused, set to 000000
The Velocity Override parameter allows the machine builder to change
the velocity anytime. The velocity can be changed by a binary input using
auxiliary inputs 1 through 7 or by gray code inputs using auxiliary inputs 4
through 7.
Gray Code Override - The following input assignments result in the noted
speed. Note the velocity in the right column, enter the respective number
on that line for the input number (top line).

Input Number 04 05 06 07 08
Significance of Speed
Acknowledgement 1 2 3 in %
2º 2 2 2
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 2
0 1 0 0 4
0 1 1 0 6
1 1 1 0 8
1 0 1 0 10
0 0 1 0 20
0 0 1 1 30
1 0 1 1 40
1 1 1 1 50
0 1 1 1 60
0 1 0 1 70
1 1 0 1 80
1 0 0 1 90
0 0 0 1 100

Table 4-2: Input assignments

4-52 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter B014 - Restart Vector

(as of software version DA1.1-03.03/DG01.1-03.03)
Re-Start Vector

0210 2700
02 - Input ‘Begin restart’
00 = Restart function not enabled
00 - Output ‘Restart possible’
00 = No output
2700 - Starting block for the Restart Vector program (0001-2999)
0000 = No restart program set. Status will be reestablished
<>0000 = Starting block for the Restart Vector program.
Complete status reestablished at end of restart program.

Note: Use this parameter only if the system is equipped with a multi-
turn feedback.

This parameter is used to define the starting block for the Restart Vector
routine. If a program is interrupted by a power loss, system error or mode
change, the status of outputs, absolute target position and velocity are
temporarily stored in memory.
Based on the type of error and system configuration, it may be possible to
restore the status of the DLC as before the interrupt.

Note: The temporarily stored absolute target position will only be

resume if the axis is equipped with an absolute encoder.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-53

Parameter B015 - Cycle Time

(as of software version DA01.1-03V05 / DG01.1-03V05)

0 00000 00
0 - Number of program blocks per cycle time for Task 3
Default = 0 for 1st block/cycle
00000- Not used
00 - DLC Position Control Cycle Time:
00 = default
10 = 1 ms
20 = 2 ms

Note: For all other values above, the DLC automatically sets the
cycle time to the following default values:
1 axis programmed : 1 ms
2 axes programmed : 2 ms

4-54 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter B016 - External Encoder 1: Encoder Selection

(as of software version DA01.1-01.2)

Note: Requires DEF card!

External Encod. 1

1 0 1 00000
1 = System selection of hardware
1 = DEF 1.1 card
2 = DEF 2.1 card
3 = DFF card (as of software version DA01.1-01.8)
0 = Not Used
1 = Operating direction of the encoder
0 = Encoder shaft and motor shaft have same rotational direction
1 = Encoder and motor shaft have opposing rotational direction
00000 = Not Used, set to 00000

Note: The DEF card can also be used for the functions “Follow Axis”
and “Measuring Wheel Mode.” These functions are activated
in parameter A123.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-55

Parameter B017 - External Encoder 1: Pulses/Revolution

(as of software version DA01.1-01.2)

Note: Requires DEF card!

Ext.E.1 Impulse

000 05000

Note: For incremental encoder only. (Requires DEF card.)

000 = Not Used

05000 = Encoder line count (pulses per encoder revolution) (100 to
Enter “00000000” for DFF card

4-56 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter B018 - External Encoder 1: Feed Constant

(as of software version DA01.1-01.2)

Note: Requires DEF or DFF card!

Ext.E.1 Constant

Feed constant of external encoder 1 in input units.
The distance per encoder revolution.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-57

Parameter B019 - Offset Dimension External Encoder 1

Note: Requires DEF card!
Ext.E.1 Offset

00000000 - Not used, must be set to 00000000

4-58 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter B020 - External Encoder 2: Encoder Selection

(as of software version DA01.1-01.2)

Note: Requires DEF card!

External Encod. 2

1 0 0 00000
1 = System selection of hardware
1 = DEF1.1 card
2 = DEF2.1 card
0 = Not Used
0 = Operating direction of the encoder
0 = Encoder shaft and motor shaft have same rotational direction
1 = Encoder and motor shaft have opposing rotational direction
00000= Not Used, set to 00000

Note: The measuring wheel encoder can also be used for the
functions “Follow Axis,” “Measuring Wheel Mode” and
“Positioning with External Encoder.” When two external
encoders are used simultaneously the system selection in
parameters B016 and B020 must not be identical! These
functions are activated in parameter A123.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-59

Parameter B021 - External Encoder 2: Pulses/Revolution

(as of software version DA01.1-01.2)
Ext.E.2 Impulse

000 05000

Note: For incremental encoder only. (Requires DEF card)

000 = Not Used

05000 = Encoder line count (pulses per encoder revolution) (100 to

4-60 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter B022 - External Encoder 2: Feed Constant

(as of software version DA01.1-01.2)

Note: Requires DEF card!

Ext.Enc.2 VK

Feed constant of external encoder 2 in input units.
The distance per encoder revolution.
Entry range: From 000.0,1000 to 500.0,0000 in input units
Entry resolution: 4 or 5 digits after the decimal point (see parameter
(Also see parameter A108)

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-61

Parameter B023 - Offset Dimension External Encoder 2

Note: Requires DEF card!
Ext.Enc.2 Offset

00000000 - Not used, must be set to 00000000
This parameter is currently under development.

4-62 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter C000 - Analog Output: Channel 1

(as of software version DA01.1-01.6)
Analog Output 1

C000 00000002

0000000 - Not used, must be set to 0000000

2 - Output type
0 = Current command
1 = RPM command
2 = RPM actual value from feedback
3 = Position - Actual value from feedback
4 = Motor encoder: Sinusoidal feedback
5 = Motor encoder: Cosinusoidal feedback

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-63

Parameter C001 - Analog Output: Channel 2

(as of software version DA01.1-01.6)
Analog Output 2

C001 00000005

0000000 - Not used, must be set to 0000000

5 - Output type
0 = Current command
1 = RPM command
2 = RPM actual value from feedback
3 = Position - Actual value from feedback
4 = Motor encoder: Sinusoidal feedback
5 = Motor encoder: Cosinusoidal feedback
6 = DLC Output (e.g. Axis 2)

4-64 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter C002 - Overload Factor

(as of software version DA01.1-01.6)
Overload Factor

C002 00000400

00000 - Not used, must be set to 00000

400 - Overload factor in percent (000-400)

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-65

Parameter C003 - Position Data Scaling at Analog Outputs AK1 and AK2
(as of software version DA01.1-01.6)
Position Data
Scaling A-Output
C003 0000360.0

0000360.0 - Degrees/10V (0000000.1 -1474560.0)

4-66 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter C004 - Velocity Data Scaling at Analog Outputs AK1 and AK2
(as of software version DA01.1-01.6)
Velocity Data
Scaling A-Output
C004 00002000

000 - Not used, must be set to 000

02000 - Degrees/10V (00002 - 65000)

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-67

Parameter C005 - Velocity Loop Monitoring

(as of software version DA01.1-01.6)
Velocity Loop
C005 00000001

0000000 - Not used, must be set to 0000000

1 - Monitoring Circuit for Velocity Loop
0 = OFF
1 = ON

4-68 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter C006 - Position Velocity Window

(as of software version DA01.1-01.6)
Velocity window
C006 0005.0000

0005.0000 - RPM (0000.0000 - 0005.0000)

Parameter C006 is only effective in conjunction with a multiturn encoder.
When using a single-turn encoder, C006 is overwritten with 0 after the
drive is powered up again.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-69

Parameter C007 - Absolute Encoder - Reference Position

(as of software version DA01.1-01.6)
Absolute Encoder
Ref. Position
C007 0000.0000

0000.0000 - Degrees (0000.0000 - 0359.9000)

Parameter C007 is only effective in conjunction with a multiturn encoder.
When using a single-turn encoder, C007 is overwritten with 0 after the
drive is powered up again.

4-70 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter C008 - Error Reaction

(as of software version DA01.1-01.6)

If there is a drive fault during motion, this parameter determines the

drive’s error reaction to the fault.
Error Reaction

C008 00000002

0000000 - Not used, must be set to 0000000

2 - Error Reaction
0 = The drive switches itself to velocity control and defaults to
a RPM setpoint of 0.
The brake engages after maximum 400 msec. and it disengages after
another 100 msec.
DDS: Error report to the power supply (package reaction).
DDS: Error report to the internal power supply (Failure of power system
1 = Same as error reaction 0, but no error report to the power
supply (package reaction), or to the power supply.
2 = The drive disengages immediately.
If there is a brake, it engages immediately.
No error reaction (no package reaction).The drive
switches itself to velocity control and defaults to a RPM
setpoint of 0.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-71

Parameter C009 - Current Loop Proportional Gain

(as of software version DA01.1-01.6)
Current Loop
C009 000120.00

000 = Not used, must be set to 000

120.00 = Volts/Amp
Minimum = 001.00-030.00
Maximum = 015.00-300.00

4-72 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter C010 - Velocity Loop Proportional Gain

(as of software version DA01.1-01.6)
Velocity Loop
C010 00000800

000 = Not used, must be set to 000

00800 = mAsec/rad (00000 - 65000)

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-73

Parameter C011 - Velocity Loop Integral Reaction Time

(as of software version DA01.1-01.6)
Velocity Loop
I_Reaction Time
C011 0002500.0

000 = Not used, must be set to 000

2500.0 = msec (0000.1 - 6500.0)

4-74 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter C012 - Smoothing Time Constant

(as of software version DA01.1-01.6)
Smoothing Time
C012 00000600

000 = Not used, must be set to 000

00600 = µs (00250 - 65000)

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-75

Parameter C013 - External Brake Release

External Brake
C013 00000001

0000000 = Not used

1 = Enable “External Brake Release” function in the drive

4-76 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

Parameter C100 - Set Standard Drive Tuning Parameters Via CTA

(as of software version DA01.1-01.6)

From the C-Parameter group, pressing the blank key again displays the
C100 parameter. In this menu, the drive parameters can be set to their
default values.
Set Standard Drv
Params Over CTA
C100 00000000
CODE: 00005301
This menu consists of only the parameter C100.
The standard parameters are set after entering the number 00005301
and pressing the block store key.
After pressing the block store key this menu item exits to “Drive
Parameter C000.”
If the entry is made incorrectly, the menu exits to “Drive Parameters”
without setting the standard parameters, i.e. there is no control monitoring
of the entry.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-77

Parameter C101 - Set Absolute Position

(as of software version DA1-04 / DG1-04V04)
Set Absolute
C101 +00000.00

Input of the Absolute Reference Position in input units.

Currently available only if Homing Setup is programmed (Parameter
When Homing Setup is active, setting the absolute encoder reference
position via the drive parameter is problematic.
The new DLC Parameter 101 offers a significantly simpler solution by
setting the position in input units.

4-78 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

4.6 M Functions

General Description
Pre-defined M functions are available to simplify handshaking between
the DLC and the line control during program execution. Pre-defined
means that the given M function affects fixed assigned outputs that are to
be acknowledged by inputs that are also fixed.
Any inconsistency in the acknowledgments leads to the program stopping
in Task 1 and 2, as well as axis movement halting, until restoration of the
defined acknowledgment. Up to 64 predefined M functions can be used.
Outputs and acknowledgment inputs should always be sequential. M
functions are monitored during processing of the selected command or if
programmed as such, they can be permanently monitored.
Selection occurs in the running program (Task 1 or 2) in the GO1
command or by the M word as a separate command.

E 1000 G01
1 ±000010.00 mm

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-79

M = = Selection of an M Function
E 1000 M==

mm - Number (00...63) of the M function to be selected

A pre-coded M function is either set in a separate block using “M== “ or in
combination with a G01 command. If the M function is programmed in a
G01 block, it is set after the programmed position has been reached
(within the limits set by A106, Position Tolerance). If G01 is programmed
within a G61 contouring mode, the M function is set so as to allow
optimum speed.
If the M functions set are time dependent, it is important to note that their
status will change according to the M function table after the set time in
Parameter B009 has expired.
The status of the inputs and outputs, after processing the M function, are
defined in the M Function table. The table of M functions is specified in
parameters only and can be modified by the CTA keyboard or seriallly
through the RS 232/RS 485 port.

4-80 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

M Function Table Set-Up

To enter M Function data, you must be in Parameter Mode. After entering
Parameter Mode, use the up or down arrow keys until your display looks
like one of the two shown below.
The M Function table has the following format for every pre-defined M
M Functions M Functions
MHmm xxxxxxxx MLmm xxxxxxxx
High Byte Low Byte
mm - Number of the M function (00...63)
Sixteen inputs/outputs can be set with every M function.
M Functions

MLmm 8xxxxxx1

1 - 1st output/1st input

8 - 8th output/8th input
M Functions

MHmm 16xxxxx9

9 - 9th output/9th input

16- 16th output/16th input
The first user output and the first user acknowledgment input are defined
in parameter B008. Every position “x” corresponds to an input/output pair
and can assume the following significance:
x = 0 Turn output OFF with input acknowledgment
x = 1 Turn output ON with input acknowledgment
x = 2 Output unchanged with no acknowledgment
x = 3 Turn output OFF with no input acknowledgment
x = 4 Turn output ON with no input acknowledgment
x = 5 Turn output ON with no acknowledgment; set timer
x > 5 Output unchanged with no acknowledgment
x = 0/1
After calling up the M function, it waits until all acknowledgment conditions
have been satisfied. Then, stepping to the next program block and
permanent monitoring of the acknowledgments occurs. As soon as one of
the conditions is not satisfied, the program stops in Task 1 and Task 2,
axis movements are stopped, and the message “Stop Active” is
displayed. The program starts running again as soon as all
acknowledgment conditions are satisfied.
X = 5
After the time defined in parameter B009 has elapsed, all bits that have
been turned ON will be turned OFF. Since there is only one timer, a new
M function using the time function cannot be set until the timer has run
out. In this case, a timer that has not yet run out has a limiting effect on
the processing of any subsequent M Functions.

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-81

4.7 Parameter Data Sheets

A Parameter Input Sheet
A100 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A114 +_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A101 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A115 _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 _
A102 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A116 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A103 0 0 0 0 _ _ _ _ A117 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A104 _ _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 A118 _ _ _ _ 0 0 0 0
A105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A119 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A106 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A120 _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 0
A107 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A121 _ _ _ _ 0 0 0 0
A108 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A122 _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
A109 0 _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 A123 _ _ 0 0 _ _ _ _
A110 0 _ 0 _ _ _ 0 _ A124 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A111 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A125 0 0 0 0 _ _ _ _
A112 _ _ _ _ 0 0 _ _ A126 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A113 ±_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
* may be changed only with permission from the
machine/drive manufacturer

1. To get to the other parameter sets, either press the Store key or use the up
and down arrow keys.
2. To increment or decrement through the parameters in each set, use
the + or - keys.
3. To move the cursor in the data field, use the right or left arrow keys.

4-82 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

B Parameter Input Sheet

B000 _ 0 0 0 _ _ _ _ B012 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B001 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B013 _ _ 0 0 0 0 0 0
B002 0 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ B014 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B003 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B015 _ 0 0 0 0 0 _ _
B004 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B016 _ 0 _0 0 0 0 0
B005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B017 0 0 0 _ _ _ _ _
B006 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B018 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B007 _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
B019 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B008 0 0 0 0 _ _ _ _ B020 _ 0 _ 0 0 0 0 0
B009 _ _ 0 0 _ _ _ _
B021 0 0 0 _ _ _ _ _
B010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B022 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B011 _ _ _ 0 0 _ _ _
B023 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1. To get to the other parameter sets, press the Store key or use the
up and down arrow keys.
2. To increment or decrement through the parameters in each
set, use the + or - keys.
3. To move the cursor in the data field, use the right or left arrow

DLC-A and DLC-G Parameters 4-83

C Parameter Input Sheet

C000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ C008 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _
C001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ C009 0 0 0 _ _ _ _ _
C002 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ _ C010 0 0 0 _ _ _ _ _
C003 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C011 0 0 0 _ _ _ _ _
ANALOG OUTPUT C012 0 0 0 _ _ _ _ _
C004 0 0 0 _ _ _ _ _
C005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ C013 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C006 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PARAMETERS
C100 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
REFERENCE POSITION C101 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C007 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1. To get to the other parameter sets, press the Store key or use the
up and down arrow keys.
2. To increment or decrement through the parameters in each
set, use the + or - keys.

To move the cursor in the data field, use the right or left arrow keys.

4-84 Parameters DLC-A and DLC-G

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-1

5 Programming
The application program of the system is defined and entered by the user.
It can be entered directly via the CTA keypad and display, or from a remote
terminal device interfaced through the RS-232, or RS-485 port. The
application program flow is similar to a Basic program. Three letter
mnemonic commands are used. There are 3000 programming lines/blocks
available for user programming, numbered 0000 through 2999.
The Indramat MotionManager Program Development Tool provides an
efficient method of creating and editing the user program for the DLC
control. It is a software package that runs on any DOS-based computer. It
provides several benefits over programming the DLC from its control panel.
It also includes enhanced features for creating and editing program that are
not possible from the DLC control panel. Refer to Publication IA 74733 for
specific information on using this software program.
This chapter begins by describing some basic information that should be
considered before creating a program for the DLC. It then describes the
methods to enter the user program directly into the CTA keypad and
display. It further describes the programming commands and their function
in a user program.

5.1 Positioning
Two types of positioning can be selected in the system, absolute and
incremental. All positioning is done in the units of your choice and are
referred to as Input Units (IU). Input Units are the user’s desired units of
measure (i.e. inches, mm, radians, degrees, etc.).
In absolute positioning, all movements of the slide are made some
absolute distance from the machine reference point. Thus, if the slide is at
+2 inches from home, and an absolute position command to move +3
inches is executed, a one inch feed in the positive direction will result.
In incremental positioning, all movements of the slide are made in the
commanded direction to the distance specified, starting from the current
position. Thus, if a slide is at +2 inches from home, an incremental
command to move +3 inches will result in the slide being positioned +5
inches from home.

5-2 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

5.2 Auxiliary Inputs/Outputs

The DLC has a set of I/O points with a predefined use. It also includes a
set of I/O points which can be defined by the user for controlling machine
functions. They will be referred to as auxiliary inputs and auxiliary outputs
(or aux. inputs and aux. outputs). Auxiliary inputs are also known as
acknowledgments. Certain commands are provided for use to address
these inputs and outputs. The I/O Commands are described in section
Warning: Auxiliary input and output numbers that have been dedicated by
the machine builder for a specific purpose must not be
changed. Personal injury or damage to the machine/drive train
could result from such changes.

Programming Inputs/Outputs
Certain outputs are predefined in the DLC internal program and cannot be
changed by the user program. When the DLC is powered ON, it sets
certain outputs, per the internal program, to default position. Likewise,
when a fault occurs, it sets many outputs OFF. Outputs are re-established,
either through hardware or software, i.e. the Automatic Mode Indicator
turns ON after that mode is selected by input (assuming all other conditions
are met), a software flag is turned ON or OFF as the user program
executes the block containing the command.
Chapter 3 describes the functional use of each system input/output, as well
as many programming and parameter entries specifying input or output
connections. Several I/O are available for use as flags in the user program.
Certain output flags are set in firmware and can be queried by the user
program. Table 5.1 list the hardware outputs that can be used in the
program to electrically signal an external component. It also lists the output
software flags that can be used internally in the program. It defines the
output flags which are set in firmware. Refer to this table when
programming an output.

Inputs/Outputs Signal Definition

There are two states that system inputs/outputs and auxiliary
inputs/outputs could hold. The "ON" or High state, means that there is a
+24 Vdc signal present at the input/output. The "OFF" or Low state, means
that there is a O Vdc signal at the input/output. A signal line is described as
“Active High” when its associated action is initiated by a High (+24 volts)
signal level. It is described as “Active Low” when its function is initiated by a
Low signal (0 volts). An active low signal must remain in the high state to
allow normal operation. Refer to Chapter 3 for further description of I/O

DLC with DEA 4 11 Hardware Outputs 1-11

88 Software Flags 12-99
DLC with DEA 4 & DEA 5 27 Hardware Outputs 12-27
48 Software Flags 28-99
DLC with DEA 4 43 Hardware Outputs 28-43
DEA 5, & DEA 6 80 Software Flags 44-99
Table 5-1: Output Definitions

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-3

Outputs and Flags 1 to 72 are cleared (set to 0 volts) when:

• the DLC is first powered-up or if there is a loss of power
• there is a system fault (hardware or program)
Output Flags 73 to 80 are cleared (set to 0 volts) when:
• the DLC is first powered-up or there is a loss of power
• an E-Stop error occurs, or the DLC is switched to Parameter Mode
Output Flags 81 to 88 are retained in RAM (battery backed), they can only be cleared:
• if they are turned ON/OFF in the user program
• if the battery is disconnected or fails
Output Flags 89 to 94 are set in firmware and can be queried by the user program
89 “1” indicates Manual Mode
90 “1” indicates Automatic Mode
91 currently not used
92 currently not used
93 currently not used
94 “0” indicates a system fault
Output Flags 95 to 99 are set within the user program to provide specific actions;
they are cleared when the DLC is first powered up or loses
95 “x” Monitoring Window is turned
OFF =1 or ON =0 (see Warning below)
96 “x” currently not used
97 “x” currently not used
98 “1” axis 1 motion is interrupted (see Warning below)
99 “x” currently not used

Warning: If the Monitoring Window is turned OFF, the DLC will have no
way of detecting if a motor has Drive Runaway or Excessive
Position Lag.
Warning: If motion is interrupted by setting flags 98 ON, it will resume
automatically when the output is turned OFF.

5-4 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

5.3 Multi-Tasking
The DLC is capable of operating one motion program and two background
PLC programs simultaneously when multiple tasks are programmed (see
next section). This allows a single DLC to operate one motion program and
two background processes at the same time or utilize multi-tasking in a
single process.

5.4 Start of the Program

When the DLC is first powered up or an error is cleared, the program block
pointer is set to block 0000 for Task 1. If Tasks 2 and 3 are used, they will
start at their assigned starting point as user defined in parameter B006. All
programs must start at their assigned starting points; Task 1 must start at
block 0000. Blocks of numbers of programming will be followed
sequentially unless a jump or branch instruction is encountered.
If block 2999 is executed and it is not a jump command, all motions are
stopped, and an error code is displayed. Typically, the last command block
you enter will be a jump command to return to the start of the next cycle or
to return from a sub-program routine.

5.5 End of the Program

Take extreme care to control the flow of the program. This is especially
important when using multi-tasking. Most programs are designed so they
will loop back to the start of each task and wait for the proper sequence of
events before starting again. Make sure that each task will not interfere
with another task.

5.6 Programming Mode

The DLC must be in either Automatic or Manual mode to accept program
entry/edit from the front panel. It is recommended that the DLC be placed
in manual mode when editing the program, especially when this involves
changing a command, or several blocks.

Warning: Program entry in Automatic Mode, while the unit is in operation,

will be accepted as soon as the Store key is pressed. The next
time the block is scanned in the program, the updated data will
be executed. It is recommended that the DLC be placed in
Manual Mode when editing the program. Complete and verify
the program changes before returning to Automatic Mode.
Have accurate listings of the program and parameters when
editing, to reduce the possibility of errors.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-5

5.7 General Format

The general format, shown on the CTA display during program entry / edit,
is as follows:
E _0000 ABC

E = shows the display is in the program edit mode

0000 = block number displayed; command or data can be viewed
or edited.
You can select any block number 0000-2999 to display. To scroll through
the block numbers, first press the CR key to locate the cursor in the top
line (or use the left/right arrow keys). Then use the + and - keys to scroll
up or down through the block numbers. You can also type the block
number desired directly over the existing number.
ABC = 3-letter mnemonic of command programmed in displayed
To scroll through the commands, position the cursor to the right of the
displayed command three letter mnemonic. Use the up or down arrow keys
to scroll alphabetically through commands. When the desired command is
on the display, press the right arrow key to select the command and move
the cursor into the data field that appears for the specific command on the
second line.
(Data) = Most command requires entry of data specific for that
command, as described in the following sections.

5.8 Command Summary

The various commands can be classified into categories by their function,
as described in the following sections. These sections describe the general
use and differences between all the programming commands. For future
reference, you can use these sections to select the specific command
desired for the general function. Then refer to that command description in
section 5.9 for further details on how it works and requirements for its

5-6 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

Positioning Commands
There are two major types of positioning commands: Incremental -
movement from one point to the next point, or Absolute - movement in
relationship to a known home point. These can be further broken into two
different functional types of positional commands.
1. Commands that require the axis to be at the final programmed
position, as determined by the In Position Signal, before stepping to
the next block. These are identified by the letter "S" in the mnemonic
2. Commands that, after being read into the position buffer, immediately
go to the next block for further program execution. These are
identified by the letter "O" in the mnemonic (Onward).
The following is a list of the position commands:
G01 Linear Feed with M Functions
G60 Position with Exact Stop
G61 Begin Velocity Rate Optimization profile
POI Incremental position command
PSI Incremental position command with In Position Acknowledged
POA Absolute position command
PSA Absolute position command with In Position Acknowledged
POM Incremental or Absolute positioning to IDS thumbwheel switch setting
PSM Incremental or Absolute positioning to IDS with In Position
PFA Absolute position to a positive stop
PFI Incremental position to a positive stop
Position commands have the following characteristics:
• Position commands must include three components: axis, Position or
Distance, and Velocity.
• Positions are programmed directly in units of your choice: inches,
metric, degrees, etc.
• You can select either two or three decimal points of accuracy (in
parameter B007).
• The acceleration rates specified in parameter A102 will be used as
defaults, unless they are changed with the ACC command prior to the
• Select either Constant acceleration or Knee Point acceleration profile.
• Motion can be independent or simultaneous.
• Axis can be programmed for Rotary motion (rotation resetting to zero
after one revolution).

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-7

Position Support Commands

The following commands are used either in conjunction with a positioning
command or by themselves to achieve the specific result.
ACC Change acceleration/deceleration rate (0.1 to 99.9% of A102)
CLA Clear absolute position buffer (set to zero)
COC Cam Output Control
CON Constant velocity command (sets axis to a continuous speed)
CPL Clear Position Lag
D== Tool Correction Memory Selection
FAK Factor all position distances by a set ratio
FOL Axis synchronization factor (master/slave mode)
FUN Functions
F== Feedrate command for G-Code Functions
G40 Deactivate Tool Correction
G43 Add Tool Correction from commanded position
G44 Subtract Tool Correction from commanded position
G74 Reference (home) axis
G90 Begin Absolute Positioning
G91 Begin Incremental Positioning
HOM Execute a homing routine
KDI Copy a position difference to a target block
MOM Torque Reduction
PBK Position break (axis immediate stop)
PST Position test (turn output ON/OFF based on position)
REF Move at a set velocity until a registration mark is detected
REP Maximum search distance for REF command (branch if exceeded)
RMI Registration mark interrupt (high speed)
SAC Set Absolute position reference
SIN Sinusoidal oscillation
SO1 Read inputs to program a distance and velocity into memory
VCA Velocity change absolute
VCC Velocity change during a profile
VEO Velocity override (binary/gray code override)
WRI Write current position to a target block (Teach)

5-8 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

Branch Commands
These are commands for conditional program flow control, used to direct
the actions of the control based on events that can be monitored by the
BAC Branch when the item count is met (up to 99,999 counts)
BCA Output-dependent conditional branch (1 to 99)
BCB Binary inputs conditional branch (16 or 256 possible targets)
BCD BCD input conditional branch (100 possible targets)
BCE Input-dependent conditional branch (1 to 37)
BIC Branch conditional on inputs (1 to 37)
BIO Branch if Input/Output mask matches (compares 10 bits)
BMB Binary output conditional branch (compares any # of outputs)
BPA Parallel output conditional branch (compares 10 outputs)
BPE Parallel input conditional branch (compares 10 outputs)
BPT Branch on position reached (must be at position)
BZP Branch if at or past a position

Jump Commands
Very similar to branch commands except they are not conditional; i.e.,
jumping takes place immediately when the command is read. Subroutines
are also part of this category. They are common program sequences that
are used repeatedly throughout a program, returning to the calling point
when completed.
APJ Turn parallel outputs ON or OFF, then jump
CST Change subroutine stack level
JMP Unconditional jump to a block
JSR Jump to a subroutine
JST Unconditional jump to a block, then stop the program
JTK Immediately cause a jump to a block in a selected task (task interrupt)
RTS Return from subroutine

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-9

Auxiliary Functions
Refers to the monitoring of Inputs and controlling the states of Outputs.
This ability is vital for a control to be capable of acknowledging and
responding to the external environment and to control functions other than
motion. Note that branch commands and certain position support and jump
commands (PST, APJ) are also used for I/O interfacing.

Output Control Commands

AEA Turn a single output ON or OFF (1 to 88)
APE Turn a parallel group of output ON or OFF (10 outputs, group 0-9)
APJ Turn a parallel group of outputs ON or OFF, then jump (10 outputs)
CIO Copy a group of inputs or outputs to a set of outputs (10 outputs)
COC Turn 6 outputs ON or OFF based on Cam position
M== Select M-Functions
PST Position test (turn output ON/OFF based on position)
STO Send information to outputs

Input/Output Monitoring Commands

AKN Check a single input state, continue if state matches (1 to 37)
AKP Check a parallel group of inputs, continue if all match (10 inputs,
group 0-9)
ATS Check a single output state, continue if state matches (1 to 99)
M== Select M-Functions

Counter Commands
Useful for tracking progress of a process. You can use any number of
cycle/parts/batch counters within a program.
BAC Branch until the item count is met (up to 99,999 counts)
CLC Clears the counter at a block with a counter command in it (set to
COU Turn output ON at end of count (up to 999,999 counts)

Timer Commands
The DLC firmware supports the delay of the program in a wait block for a
preset time.
WAI Wait for a set time delay, then move to next block (10 ms to 99.99
G04 Dwell Time (1 ms to 9.999 sec)

Other Commands
The following commands have the indicated function. Refer to the next
section for a detailed description of every programming command.
CID Change instruction data
NOP No Operation
RSV Restart vector
STH Send to host (Communications)

5-10 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

5.9 Command Descriptions

This section describes each programming command. The first line of the
illustrated displays are as previously described, with E indicating Edit Mode,
a random block line number, the three letter mnemonic for the command
and relative data fields.
This manual principally describes hardware versions DLC 1.1 and DLC 2.1
with software version DG01.1-XX.X. The software has parameter selected
two or three decimal place precision in the commands that involve
positioning- and position-related parameters (See Parameter B007).
Each command requires specific data. All places for required data in a user
program block which contains illegal characters (a space or an undefined
character - not a number or the +/- sign) are replaced by the asterisk
character (*) in the display. This enables the user to easily recognize which
points in a command data needs be programmed. A program block has the
correct syntax when it contains no asterisk (*) characters in the display.
The following sections fully describe the use and data field entry
requirements of each command.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-11

ACC Acceleration Change

E 0001 ACC
1 750

1 - Axis 1
750 - Acceleration in percentage of the acceleration rate set in
parameter A102
Min.= 00.1%
Max.= 99.9%
One decimal place precision (i.e. 750 = 75.0%).
The ACC command allows the acceleration rate to be changed in the user
program. The desired rate is programmed as a percentage of the
acceleration entered in parameter A102.
Stepping to the next block takes place immediately after the block is read
in. If you change this rate "on the fly" it will take effect starting with the next
positioning command. A change in acceleration can only take affect if the
feed comes to a complete stop. The change will not take affect if a feed is
currently in progress.
The acceleration rate remains in effect for every positioning command until
it is changed via another ACC command. If the DLC is taken out of
Automatic Mode, the acceleration rate resets to the value programmed in
the acceleration parameter A102.

Note: You can use the ACC command or Parameter A117 (Knee
Point/Second Acceleration), but not both. When using one, the
other does not function.

0000 NOP ; No operation
0001 ACC 1 750 ; Change the acceleration rate to
75.0% of A102 (axis 1)
0002 PSI 1 +00100.000 999 ; axis 1, incremental feed, with
acknowledgment, of +100.000 IU* at
max speed
0003 WAI 00.50 ; Wait, allows for axis motion to
completely stop
0004 ACC 1 999 ; Change the acceleration back to
max. (the value set in A102)
0005 JST 0001 ; Jump and stop to block 0001
* IU= Input Units- desired unit of
measure for positioning

5-12 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

AEA Auxiliary Output ON/OFF

E 0020 AEA
07 0

07 - Auxiliary output number (01-99)

0 - Output state
0= turn output Off
1= turn output On
The AEA command is used to set the state of any single auxiliary output.
Stepping to the next block occurs immediately after this program block is
The auxiliary outputs retain their status when the DLC exits Automatic
Mode into Manual Mode.
In a fault condition or the entry to Parameter Mode, the auxiliary outputs will
automatically be set to the Off (0) state. Upon the clearing of the fault or
exiting of Parameter Mode, the auxiliary outputs remain in the Off state
until their status is changed in the user program in Automatic Mode.

Warning: The manipulation of auxiliary outputs 89 through 99 can have

unexpected results. See Table 5.1 for more information on
auxiliary outputs that serve as status markers.

0000 JMP 0020 ; Jump to block 0020
0020 AEA 07 0 ; Turn auxiliary output 07 Off
0021 POI 1 00000.550 865 ; axis 1, incremental feed of +0.550 IU at
86.5% of max velocity (A100)
0022 ATS 15 1 ; Check auxiliary output 15 until On
status (axis in position per tolerance set
in A106)
0023 AEA 07 1 ; Turn auxiliary output 07 On
0024 WAI 1.00 ; Wait 1 second
0025 JMP 0020 ; Jump to 0020 (repeat cycle)

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-13

AKN Acknowledge Single Input

E 0860 AKN
12 1

12 - Auxiliary input number (01-07)

1 - Input status
0= input status Off
1= input status On
With the AKN command, the DLC scans the status of the programmed
auxiliary input for the specified state. Stepping to the next block will not
take place until the desired status is present at the specified auxiliary input.

Note: Auxiliary input numbers 8-37 can also be used with optional
DEA 5 & DEA 6 expansion I/O card.
Note: Input 00 does not exist. AKN commands containing Input 00
result in an “Invalid Program Command” diagnostic.

0000 JMP 0860 ; Jump to block 0860
0860 AKN 02 1 ; Scan aux input 02 until status is ON
0861 PSI 1 +00010.56 500 ; axis 1 incremental feed, with
acknowledgment, of +10.56 IU at 50%
of maximum velocity (A100)
0862 AEA 11 1 ; Turn On auxiliary output 11
0863 JMP 0900 ; Unconditional Jump to block 0900
900 AKN 02 0 ; Scan aux input 02 until status is OFF
901 AEA 11 0 ; Turn OFF output 11
0902 PSI 1 -00010.56 999 ; axis 1 incremental feed reverse, with
acknowledgment, of 10.56 IU at 100%
of maximum velocity (A100)
0903 JMP 0860 ; Jump to block 0860 (repeat cycle)

5-14 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

AKP Acknowledge Parallel Input

E 0044 AKP
3 2100122011

3 - Bank number 0-9 (group of 10 inputs)

Bank X = Inputs X0-X9, i.e. Bank 2= Inputs 20-29, Bank 3=
Inputs 30-39, etc.
2100122011 - input status (each of 10) as listed below:
0 = the input will be checked for condition Off
1 = the input will be checked for condition On
2 = the input will not be checked - "Don't Care"
The AKP command is used to verify the status of a specific bank, or group,
of ten auxiliary inputs. Stepping to the next program block takes place after
all inputs have met their programmed status simultaneously.
Note: Input 00, of Bank 0, does not exist. Program this input with a
“Don’t Care” (2) status. No error diagnostic is issued if this
input is programmed with anything besides a Don't Care
Note: The standard DLC-A or DLC-G with the DEA 4 system/ auxiliary
I/O card has a maximum of 7 auxiliary inputs that are physically
accessible to the user. The DLC-A or DLC-G with the DEA 5
expansion I/O card has expanded auxiliary input capability of 22
inputs. The DLC-A or DLC-G with the DEA 5 & DEA 6
expansion I/O cards has expanded auxiliary input capability of
37 inputs.
The following is an example use of the AKP command:
The AKP command waits until all the specified aux. inputs, 10-19, have
achieved the indicated status shown by the data field "0110201222".
E 0044 AKP
1 0110201222

Bank (tens) = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
| | | | | | | | | |
Individual # (ones) = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
| | | | | | | | | |
Input Number = 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Programmed state 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 2 2 2
Inputs 10, 13 and 15 are checked for condition "OFF"
Inputs 11, 12, and 16 are checked for condition "ON"
Inputs 14, 17, 18 and 19 are not checked for a condition (Don't Care)

0000 NOP
0001 AEA 01 1 ; Turn ON output number 1
0002 AKP 1 0110201222 ; Scan inputs 10-19 until programmed
state is matched
0003 AEA 01 0 ; Turn OFF output number 1
0004 JST 0001 ; Jump to block 0001 and stop
If auxiliary inputs are not physically accessible with the current configuration of
the auxiliary inputs and anything besides a Don't Care (2) condition is
programmed, the program would hang-up because these inputs would not be

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-15

APE Activate Parallel Outputs

E 0044 APE
1 2100122011

1 - Bank number 0-9 (group of 10 aux. outputs)

Bank X => aux. outputs X0-X9, i.e.
Bank 2= aux. outputs 20-29,
Bank 3= aux. outputs 30-39, etc.
2100122011 aux. output status (each of 10) as defined below:
0 = the aux. output will be reset to an OFF condition
1 = the aux. output will be set to an ON condition
2 = the aux. output will not be changed
The APE command sets the state of any programmed bank, or group, of
ten aux. outputs. The desired bank of aux. outputs to be manipulated is
first selected. The next ten digits set the status of each individual aux.
output in the bank. Stepping to the next block takes place immediately after
the APE command is read. The standard DLC has aux. output numbers 1-
11. You can use aux. outputs number 12 through 88 as flags (bit memory).

Warning: The manipulation of aux. outputs 89 through 99 can have

unexpected results. Refer to Table 5.1 for more information.
Note: Auxiliary Output 00, of Bank 0, does not exist. Program this aux.
output with a “Don’t Change" (2) status. No error diagnostic
occurs if this output is programmed with anything besides a
Don't Change condition.
Note: The standard DLC-A or DLC-G with the DEA 4 system /
auxiliary I/O card has a maximum of 11 auxiliary outputs that
are physically accessible to the user. The DLC-A or
DLC-G with the DEA 5 expansion I/O card has expanded
auxiliary output capability of 27 outputs. The DLC-A or DLC-G
with the DEA 5 & DEA 6 expansion I/O cards has expanded
auxiliary output capability of 43 outputs.

The following is an example of the APE command:

The aux. outputs in Bank 1, aux. outputs 10-19, will be programmed to the
states designated in the data field "2100122011" respectively.
E 0044 APE
1 2100122011

Bank = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
| | | | | | | | | |
Individual # = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
| | | | | | | | | |
Aux. Output Number = 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Programmed State 2 1 0 0 1 2 2 0 1 1
Aux. Outputs 12, 13 and 17 are programmed for an "OFF" state.
Aux. Outputs 11, 14, 18, and 19 are programmed for an "ON" state.
Aux. Outputs 10, 15 and 16 are programmed with a Don't Change
condition. This causes the output to remain in its previous state.

5-16 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

APJ Activate Parallel Output, then Jump

E 0304 APJ
1 2100221011

1000 - Target block (0000-2999)

1 - Bank number 0-9 (group of 10 aux. outputs)
Bank X => aux. outputs X0-X9,
i.e. Bank 2= aux. outputs 20-29, Bank 3= aux. outputs 30-39, etc.
2100122011 aux. output status (each of 10) as listed below:
0 = the output will be reset to an Off condition
1 = the output will be set to an On condition
2 = the output will not be changed
This command can be used to simultaneously set the condition 10 auxiliary
outputs of the DLC.
The jump to the target block takes place after all 10 auxiliary outputs meet
the programmed condition.

Notes: 1. Output 00, of Bank 0, does not exist. Program this aux.
output with a “Don’t Change" (2) status. No error
diagnostic occurs if this output is programmed with
anything besides a Don't Change condition.
2. The standard DLC-A or DLC-G with the DEA 4 system/
auxiliary I/O card has a maximum of 11 auxiliary outputs
that are physically accessible to the user. The DLC-A or
DLC-G with the DEA 5 expansion I/O card has expanded
auxiliary output capability of 27 outputs. The DLC-A or
DLC-G with the DEA 5 & DEA 6 expansion I/O cards has
expanded auxiliary output capability of 43 outputs.
Warnings: 1. If the Monitoring Window is turned OFF by setting flag 95
to ON, the DLC will have no way of detecting if a motor
has Drive Runaway or Drive Stalled.
2. If motion is interrupted by setting flag 98 to ON, it will
resume automatically when the output is turned OFF.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-17

The following is an example of the APJ command:

The aux. outputs in Bank 2, outputs 20-29, will be programmed to the
states designated in the data field "2100122011" respectively. The program
then jumps to the desired block designated by the data "1000" in the
E 0044 APJ
2 2100122011

1000 - After the designated bank of aux. outputs have been

programmed, the program jumps to this block.

Bank 2 = 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
| | | | | | | | | |
Individual # = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
| | | | | | | | | |
Aux. Output Number = 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Programmed state 2 1 0 0 1 2 2 0 1 1
Outputs 22, 23 and 27 are programmed for an "OFF" state.
Outputs 21, 24, 28, and 29 are programmed for an "ON" state.
Outputs 20, 25 and 26 are programmed with a Don't Change condition.
This causes the output not to change state.

The aux. outputs shown, 20-29, only serve as flags if a DLC-A or DLC-G
with DEA 4 is being programmed. If the DLC-A or DLC-G with DEA 4, 5,
and 6 is being programmed, the aux. outputs up to 43 are accessible.

5-18 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

ATS Acknowledge Output Status

E 0050 ATS
05 1

05 - Auxiliary output number scanned (01-99)

1 - Auxiliary output status
0= output status Off
1= output status On
The ATS command scans the status of the programmed auxiliary output.
Stepping to the next block does not take place until the desired status is
present at the specified auxiliary output. This command is used to perform
handshaking with a parameter specified output or with an output whose
state is changed by another task number.
All auxiliary outputs can be monitored and used in the execution of an ATS
command. Auxiliary outputs 73 through 99 function differently than other
aux. outputs. See Table 5.1 for more information.
The following example shows how the ATS command is used to test axis
position. The program can be held up until the moving axis is in position by
monitoring the "In Position" output programmed in Parameter A106 for
each axis.

The "In Position" output programmed for the axis is number 15 (Aux. output
15 is Off while the axis is in motion until it is "In Position" at which time it
will come On).
0000 JMP 0500 ;Jump to Block 0500.
0500 POI 1 +00100.15 39.5 ;Incremental position command, axis 1,
+100.15 IU at 39.5% of max. feed rate.
0501 ATS 15 1 ;Poll status of aux. 15 for an On status
(axis has reached position).
0502 AEA 02 1 ;Turn On aux. output 02.
0503 JST 0000 ;Jump and Stop at Block 0000.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-19

BAC Branch And Count

E 0060 BAC
1500 +0000 00500

1500 - Target Block (0000-2999)

+0000 - Offset Value
00500 - Preset Count
Each time this block is executed, the Actual Count increments by one.
Program branching to the Target Block occurs until the Actual Count
equals the Preset Count. Then, the Actual Count is set to zero and
stepping to the next program block number takes place. See Counter
Display screen example below.
Information about the Offset Value:
+1234 - Add Offset Number of items to Actual Number of items
-1234 - Subtract Offset Number of items from Actual Number of
00000 - Reset Actual Number of items to zero
+0000 - Actual Number of items unchanged
-0000 - Actual Number of items unchanged
This is an example of the Counter Display screen (See Chapter 2 for
procedures to scroll through displays and view the Counter Display
______ Program block number of BAC command
A: 1500 Counter
000056 000500
| |
| |
| |
| |_ Preset Counter Value
|_ Actual Count

5-20 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

Immediately after this block is stored in memory, the Offset Value entered
is summed with the Actual Count and becomes the New Actual Count.
Then, the Offset Value in the BAC program block display is set to "+0000."
This ensures that the Actual Number of items is only affected once (for
instance, if Store is pressed again, the actual count will not be changed).
The jump to the Target Block continues to be executed until the
programmed Preset Count has been reached. After that, the DLC steps to
the next block and the Actual Counter is set to zero. The Actual Count can
also be set to zero by using the program command "CLC".

Assume the Preset Count desired is normally 100. At this time, the Actual
Count is 50. However, you desire only 20 more pieces, 70 total. Program
the BAC block as follows:
The Offset Number data field should be programmed with a "+0030".
E 0600 BAC
1500 +0030 00100

When you press the Store key, the Actual Count is set to 80 (when viewing
the Counter Display screen). Therefore, the Preset Count is reached after
20 counts, resulting in 70 total parts. All times after that, the counter starts
at 000000, resulting in 100 increments.
The same holds true if a negative number is entered in the Offset Number
data field of the BAC program block. Using the same example as above, if
an Offset Number of <-0030> was entered, the Actual Count starts at 20.
Therefore, 80 increments are encountered before the 100 Preset Count is
achieved. Thereafter, the Actual Count begins at 000000.
If a negative Offset Number entered is greater than the Actual Count, the
Actual Count will be set to zero. The Actual Count cannot be set to a
negative value (set to do less than zero increments).
An example use for this command would be when you need to make up for
bad parts. Let's say you had a jam, reached the end of the roll of material,
or for some other reason you have five defective parts. Now instead of 100
parts, you need 105 parts to make your production quota. There are two
things that can be done to the program block containing the BAC
command. The Preset Count can be changed from 100 to 105 parts or <-
0005> can be entered as an Offset Value to yield five extra parts (by
decrementing the Actual Count by five parts). If the Preset Count is
modified, a new Preset Count may need to be entered for proper quantity
of parts per quota.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-21

BCA Branch Conditional on Acknowledgment (Output-Dependent)

E 0700 BCA
0345 22 0

0345 - Target block (0000-2999)

22 - Auxiliary output number (01-99)
0 - Jump condition
0= jump if aux. output is Off
1= jump if aux. output is On
A jump is executed if the programmed output meets the preselected
condition (0/Off or 1/On). If the condition is not met at the programmed
output, the program steps to the next block, instead of branching to the
target block.

Assume that the following conditions exist: a part requires a constant
absolute positioning by the axis to +8.125 inches. Then, the program
needs to jump to one of two places, depending on the status of output 20,
the axis will move to a certain position. In this example, output 20 is turned
ON in another part of the program. To run this program, the axes must be
0000 JMP 0053 ; Jumps to block 0053
0053 PSA 1 +8.125 999 ; axis 1, absolute positioning to +8.125 in.
at max. feed rate.
0054 BCA 0100 20 1 ; Jump to block 100, if output 20 is ON
(ON in this example)
0055 BCA 0200 20 0 ; Jump to block 200 if aux. output 20 is
0056 JMP 0054 ; Program execution could progress to
here, if output 20 turns ON after block
0054 executes, scan output 20 again
0100 PSA 1 +5.25 75.5 ; axis 1 absolute position to +5.25 in. at
75.5% max. feed rate
0101 JST 0053 ; Jump to beginning of cycle at block 0053
and stop
0200 PSA 1 +0.000 500 ; axis 1 absolute position to 0.0 IU at 50%
0202 JST 0000 ; Jump to beginning of cycle and stop

5-22 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

BCB Binary Conditional Branch (Inputs)

E 0800 BCB
1000 12 1

1000 - Block Offset (0000-2999)

12 - Length of jump
1 - Auxiliary input bank selection (can be 1, 2, or 3)
(This determines the location of the Binary inputs)
The BCB command executes a jump which has been defined by means of
the Binary Inputs at the aux. inputs 1 to 8, relative to input bank selection.
The target block is calculated as follows:
Target Block = Offset + (Binary Input Value x Length of Jump)
The Binary Input Value should be converted to a decimal value to calculate
the target block.
The Binary input location can be selected from the following:
Input Bank Selection 1 - use auxiliary inputs 1-4
Aux. Input: 4 3 2 1
3 2 1
Binary Significance: 2 2 2 20
Decimal Significance: 8 4 2 1
Input Bank Selection 2 - use auxiliary inputs 5-8
Aux. Input: 8 7 6 5
3 2 1
Binary Significance: 2 2 2 20
Decimal Significance: 8 4 2 1

With input bank selection 1 or 2, a total of 15 targets is possible.

Input Bank Selection 3 - use auxiliary inputs 1-8
Aux Input: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Binary Significance: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20
Decimal Significance: 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
With input bank selection 3, a total of 256 targets is possible.

Note: There is no "Invalid Program Command" diagnostic if this

command is programmed to exceed block 2999. That is because
the destination block is dependent on the value determined from
aux. inputs (relative to the Binary Input Value selected). However,
an "Invalid Block #" diagnostic is issued when the BCB command
is executed and the destination block exceeds program block

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-23

BCD Binary Coded Decimal Conditional Branch (Inputs)

E 0900 BCD
0100 12

0100 - Block Offset (0000-2999)

12 - Length of jump
The BCD command executes a jump which has been defined by means of
BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) inputs at the auxiliary inputs 1 to 8.
The target block is calculated as follows:
Target Block = Offset + (BCD Input Value x Length of Jump)
The BCD Input Value should be converted to a decimal value to calculate
the target block.

If a parallel input is not sensed in the BCD format, this will result in "BCD
Input Error" diagnostic.
Aux. Inputs: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
BCD Significance: 80 40 20 10 8 4 2 1
Aux. Inputs: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
BCD Input: 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
Decimal Equivalent: 50 + 3
Target Block: 0100 + (53 x 12) = 736
In the example above, a jump to block 736 takes place.
Aux. Inputs: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
BCD Input: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Decimal Equivalent: 10 + 1
Target Block: 0100 + (11 x 12) = 232
If BCD input(decimal equivalent) = 00 - jump to block 0100
01 - jump to block 0112; offset of 100 + (1 x 12)
66 - jump to block 0892; offset of 100 + (66 x 12)

Note: There is no "Invalid Program Command" diagnostic if this

command is programmed to exceed block 2999. That is
because the destination block is dependent on the value
determined from aux. inputs (relative to the BCD value
selected). However, an "Invalid Block #" diagnostic is issued
when the BCD command is executed and the destination block
exceeds program block 2999.

5-24 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

BCE Branch Conditional on Single Input

E 0100 BCE
0234 01 0

0234 - Target block (0000-2999)

01 - Auxiliary input number (01-07)

Note: Auxiliary input numbers 08-37 can also be used with optional
DEA 5 & DEA 6 expansion I/O card.

0- Condition:
0 = jump if input is OFF/low
1 = jump if input is ON/high
A conditional jump to the target block will be executed if the auxiliary input
meets the preselected condition (0 or 1). If the condition is not met at the
programmed input, stepping to the next block takes place.
One use of this command is to allow selecting different routine programs to
run for making different parts, by turning ON a different switch on the
control panel. In the following example, the main program runs, then
branches and executes the routine program indicated by the first input that
is high (ON). The last block of the routine can jump back to the first block
of the main program for continuous operation. It can jump back to the
beginning of the main program (block 0000), and branch to the respective
block for the input that is high.

0000 NOP
0001 BCE 0600 01 1 ; Branch to block 0600 if input 01 is high
0002 BCE 0700 02 1 ; Branch to block 0700 if input 02 is high
0003 BCE 0800 03 1 ; Branch to block 0800 if input 03 is high
0004 BCE 0900 04 1 ; Branch to block 0900 if input 04 is high
0005 JMP 0000 ; Jump to beginning of cycle at block 0000
(scan inputs 1-4 again)

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-25

BIC Branch Conditional On Binary Inputs

E 0801 BIC
0300 20 15 3 0

0300 Block Offset (0000-2999)

20 Length Of Jump
15 Starting Auxiliary Input Number (01 - 37)
3 Number of (Consecutive) Auxiliary Inputs Required (1-8)
0 Mode
0 = Binary Mode
1-9 = Future Options
The BIC command executes a jump which has been defined by the binary
state of the selected number of inputs required multiplied by the length of
jump, added to the target block. Binary mode is the only conversion mode
allowed with the BIC command. The user selects the starting auxiliary input
number and the number of consecutive binary inputs required.
The target block is calculated as follows:
Target Block = Block Offset + (Binary Input Value x Length Of Jump)

E 0000 BIC
0300 10 05 4 0

Aux. Inputs: 8 7 6 5
Binary Input: 1 0 0 1
Decimal Significance: 8 4 2 1
Decimal Equivalent = 9
Target Block = 0300 + (9 x 10) = 390

5-26 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

BIO Branch Input/Output Compare

E 0801 BIO
2 1111222222

0321 - Target Block (0000-2999)

2 - Bank number 0-9 (group of 10 aux. inputs/outputs)
Bank X => aux. I/O X0-X9, i.e. Bank 2= aux. I/O 20-
29, Bank 3= aux. I/O 30-39, etc.
1111222222 aux. inputs/outputs states for comparison. States are
defined below:
0 = I/O compared for OFF condition
1 = I/O compared for ON condition
2 = I/O not compared - Don't Care
This command is used to check the aux. inputs identified with "1" for the
level input "1" if the aux. outputs of the same number have been set to "1".
The jump to the target block takes place when the condition is met.
The inputs in the BIO data marked with "0" or "2" will not be checked. The
only comparison that will cause a jump is if each respective BIO data = "1",
output = "1" and input = "1".

E 0801 BIO
1 1110000000

Inputs and outputs from 10 to 13 will be compared

BIO Data 10="1" 11="1" 12="1" 13="0" 14="0"
Outputs 10="1" 11="1" 12="1" 13="0" 14="1"
Inputs 10="1" 11="1" 12="0" 13="1" 14="1"
Condition met met not met not checked not checked
Since the condition is not being met at one point (input 12), the jump will
not be executed. Stepping to the next program block takes place instead.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-27

BMB Branch on Multiple Binary Outputs

E 0120 BMB
1234 45 67 8

1234 - Block Offset (0000-2999), used to calculate Target Block

45 - Length of Jump
67 - Starting Output Number (01-99)
8 - Number of Outputs (consecutive) Being Used
This command will cause a jump to be executed which is determined by
means of the output assignment as defined in the command.

E 1200 BMB
0100 02 05 8

Outputs: 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05
Significance: 128 64 32 16 08 04 02 01
Output value: 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
Output value = 51
The target block is calculated as follows:
Block offset + ( output value x length of jump )
0100 + ( 51 x 02 )
Target block = 0202

5-28 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

BPA Branch on Parallel Acknowledgments (Outputs)

E 0130 BPA
1 1111000022

0234 - Target Block Number (0000-2999)

1 - Bank number 0-9 (group of 10 aux. outputs)
1111000022 - Output State (each of 10) as listed below:
0= the output will be checked for condition Off
1= the output will be checked for condition On
2= the output will not be checked - Don't Care
This command represents an expansion of the command BCA. It can be
used to check if a condition is being met at 10 auxiliary outputs. The
condition can be specified separately for each output.
The jump to the target block takes place only if all 10 aux. outputs meet
their programmed condition. If not, stepping to the next block takes place.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-29

BPE Branch on Parallel Inputs

E 1500 BPE
6 1111000022

0345 - Target Block

3 - Bank number 0-3 (group of 10 aux. inputs)
1111000022 - Input State (each of 10) as listed below:
0= the input will be checked for condition OFF
1= the input will be checked for condition ON
2= the input will not be checked - Don't Care
This command represents an expansion of the command "BCE". It can be
used to check simultaneously if a condition is being met at 10 auxiliary
inputs. The condition can be specified separately for each input.
The jump to the target block takes place only if all 10 inputs meet the
programmed condition. If not, stepping to the next block takes place.

5-30 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

BPT Branch on Position Test

E 0060 BPT
1 +12345.678

0456 - Target Block

1 - Axis 1
+12345.678 - Absolute Position (2 or 3 decimal places, as set in B007)
This command can be used to check the absolute position of the axis. If
the axis is in position (+/- switching tolerance set in A106), the jump to the
target block will take place. If not, stepping to the next block takes place.

Note: The BPT command only functions after the axis has been
homed. Prior to this, the block is scanned only and no execution
takes place.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-31

BZP Branch If the Target Position Exceeds the Position Limit Value
E 1550 BZP
1 +12345.678

0678 - Target Block

1 - Axis 1
+12345.678 - Position Limit Value (to 2 or 3 decimal places, as set in
You can use this command to check that a commanded positions does not
exceed the position limit value set by this command.
At the execution of this block, the jump to the target block takes place if the
actual position, or the target position, of the axis, is equal to or greater
than, the programmed position limit value.
If the actual position, or the target position, is less than the programmed
position limit value, the program steps to the next block, instead of jumping
to the branch block number.

Note: The BZP command only functions after the axis has been
homed. Prior to this, the block is scanned only and no execution
takes place.

5-32 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

CID Change Instruction Data

E 0034 CID
1 0 +0000001

1234 - Target block in which the information is to be changed (0000-2999)

1- Info position:
1= The first modifiable variable value in the target block is processed
(e.g., the length in POI command)
2= The second modifiable variable value in the target block is
processed (e.g., the velocity in POI command)
0- Operation value added or subtracted
0= Add or subtract operation value (depending on sign of change
1= Same as 0, but the result of the operation must be positive,
otherwise the operation will not be carried out
2= Same as 0, but the result of the operation must be negative,
otherwise the operation will not be carried out.
3= Overwrite information with the prefix in the target block
+- '+'= the change value is added to target value
'-' = the change value is subtracted from the target value
0000001 - The information in the target block (specified by the entry for
'type of information') is changed by this amount. The position of the
decimal is not considered!
This command changes the data in another block. Stepping to the next
block takes place when the data changes in the target block have been
completed or when, due to restrictions, no change can be carried out. If the
target block includes no valid command, stepping to the next block will take
place without any changes in the target block. For CON and FOL,
designation of the information type has no significance.

1. It is only possible to process one CID, KDI or WRI command at a
given time. The commands waiting in other tasks will be delayed until
completion of the first instruction.
2. At present, the use of the CID command is limited to the CON, FOL,
POI, PSI, POA and PSA commands. All others commands will be
bypassed with no change.

Info Position
Command 1 2
CON speed in % Speed in %
FOL Follow factor Follow factor
POI, PSI, POA, PSA Length Speed in %
The information is transmitted to the target statement in right-justified
format. In each case, the following command is called once: CID 1234 1 0

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-33

CIO Copy Input/Output to Output

E 0160 CIO
1 03 75 9

1 - 0 = Copy source Auxiliary Inputs

1 = Copy source Auxiliary Outputs
2 = Copy source System Inputs
3 = Copy source System Outputs
03 - First Input/Output Number looked at (Copy Source, 01 to 99)
75 - First Output Number to Copy to (Copy Target / Destination, 01 to 99)
9 - Quantity of I/O to be Copied (1-9)
This command can be used to copy the status of several inputs or outputs
to other outputs.

Warning: The manipulation of aux. outputs 89 through 99 can have

unexpected results. Refer to Table 5.1 for more information.

Five inputs are copied to five outputs;
E 0160 CIO
0 01 23 5

Results of this command can be monitored using the input/output status

Status of the inputs are displayed as:
DLC Inputs 1-7

----- Status of inputs 1-5 is 1.1.1 = 10101

Status of the outputs before the command is executed:

DLC Outputs12-27

----- Status of outputs 23-27 is 01110

Status of the outputs after the command is executed:
DLC Outputs12-27

----- Status of outputs 23-27 is now 10101

5-34 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

CLA Clear Absolute Position

E 1700 CLA

1 - Axis 1

The record of absolute position is cleared for the selected axis using this

Multi-turn absolute encoders:

• Parameter A110=xxx2xxxx
The instantaneous position is reset to zero with the “CLA” command.
An off set dimension from parameter A111 is not considered. This
results in the current evaluated position becoming=zero.

Incremental encoder systems:

• Parameter A110=xxx1xxxx
The instantaneous position is reset to zero using the “CLA” command.
An off set dimension from parameter A111 is considered. This results
in the current evaluated position thereby becoming=offset from
parameter A11.
• If parameter A110=xxx0xxxx, the fault report “Illegal Command” is
generated when this command is called.
• The default delay time for indexing to the next statement is 1

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-35

CLC Clear Counter

E 0037 CLC

0123 - Counter block number (0000-2999)

Use this command to clear (set to zero) the actual value of the counter at
the indicated block number. If the indicated block does not contain the
count command "COU" or "BAC", this block is only scanned.
The default delay time for indexing to the next statement is 1 millisecond.

5-36 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

COC Cam Output Control

E 0020 COC
1 05 110022 +090

1 - Axis 1
05 - Number of the first of six aux. outputs to be set
110022 - Status of the 6 aux. outputs starting with the first:
0= resets output to Off
1= sets output to On
2= output remains unchanged
+090 - Test position of axis in Input Units to zero or one decimal place
(can be + or -)
• If B007 is set for 2 decimal places (B007= xx02xxxx), the test
position has no decimals (i.e. 360= 360).
• If B007 is set for 3 decimal places (B007= xx03xxxx), the test
position has one decimal (i.e. 360= 36.0).

The COC command sets a bank of six aux. outputs relative to the axis
position in degrees. The DLC waits for the programmed axis to reach the
test position before setting the six aux. outputs to the desired states. The
first of six consecutive aux. outputs to be changed is entered in the
program block. The DLC then advances to the next program block.
Due to the scan time, the delay of setting the output states compared to the
axis position takes 1 millisecond. Therefore, the actual position of the axis
when the outputs are set can vary with the present velocity of the axis. The
formula used to calculate the accuracy of the outputs is:

Speed in EGE/sec. x 1 msec

If the axis has been homed, all test positions are taken in reference to the
current absolute position. If the axis has not been homed, the test position
is taken in reference to the last incremental feed.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-37

Set up A116 for Rotary Table, A108 for 360 degree feed constant and the
system implements an incremental encoder for position feedback.
0000 CLA 1 ;Sets actual position counter for axis 1
to zero (initializes axis).
0001 APE 0 2000000222 ;Sets all cam outputs (aux. outputs) 1
through 6 to the Off state.
0002 CON 1 1 +001 00 ;Sets axis 1 into continuous motion at
0.1% of max. velocity.
0003 COC 1 00 221122 +365 ;Waits until the 5-degree or 365
degree position has been reached and
then turns On cam outputs (aux.
outputs) 3 and 4.
0004 COC 1 01 022222 +040 ;Waits until the 40-degree position has
been reached, and then turns output 1
0005 COC 1 01 220222 +150 ;Waits until the 150-degree position
has been reached, and then turns
output 3 Off
0006 COC 1 01 222022 +180 ;Waits until the 180-degree position
has been reached, and then turns
output 4 Off.
0007 COC 1 01 212222 +305 ;Waits until the 305-degree position
has been reached, and then turns
output 2 On.
0008 COC 1 01 202222 +335 ;Waits until the 335-degree position
has been reached, and then turns
output 2 Off.
0009 COC 1 01 122222 +352 ;Waits until the 352-degree position
has been reached, and then turns
output 1 On.
0010 JMP 0003 ;Jump to block 0003.

5-38 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

CON Continuous Operation

E 1900 CON
1 1 +345 01

1 - Axis 1
1 - Start/stop continuous operation (0=stop, 1=start)
+345 - Speed in % to 1 decimal place
+/- direction (relative to Direction of Operation Parameter A109)
01 - Output (auxiliary function) to turn ON when CON velocity is
00 = no output

Warning: Subsequent commands relating to the axis programmed here

may be affected by the continuous operation. If the axis has
limited travel (i.e. ballscrew), safeguards should be taken to
assure the axis will be stopped before travel limit is exceeded.

An output can be programmed which is set to "1" once the continuous

operating velocity has been reached. The axis position commands should
not be used while continuous operation is on. This command will not be
executed for an axis with an absolute value encoder.
The following example could be used on a web application to run speeds
to keep a loop storage accumulator filled:
0000 JMP 0100 ; Jumps to block 0100
0100 CON 1 1 +750 00 ; Feed at initial Fill Speed (75%)
0101 BCE 0110 02 1 ; Branch to 0110 if first loop light (input 02) is
covered/input high (normal running),
0102 BCE 0120 03 1 ; Branch to 0120 if second loop light (input
03) is covered/input high (loop full)
0103 JMP 0101 ; Scan inputs 02 and 03 again (continue fill
0110 CON 1 1 +500 02 ; Change speed to 50%, turn ON "loop
normal" output
0111 BCE 0100 02 0 ; Branch if accumulator storage is low
0112 BCE 0120 03 1 ; Branch if accumulator is full
0113 JMP 0111 ; Scan again for low/full conditions (inputs 02
and 03)
0120 CON 1 0 +000 00 ; Stop feeding, accumulator is full
0121 AEA 03 1 ; Turn ON "storage full" output
0122 AKN 03 0 ; Wait for additional material to be removed
to uncover loop full sensor
0123 AEA 03 0 ; Turn OFF "storage full" output
0124 JMP 0110 ; Resume at normal running speed (block

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-39

COU Count
E 2000 COU
+12345 12 123456

+12345 - Offset number of items

12 - Signal (aux.) output number (01-88)

123456 - Preset number of counts

Once this block has been read, the actual item number is increased by 1.
Once the preset number of counts has been reached, the programmed
output is switched on. The actual value is subsequently cleared. The item
counter can be also set to zero by using the command 'CLC.' Any number
of item counters can be programmed.

For an example of how to offset the actual count, refer to the example for
the BAC command.

This is an example of the Counter Display screen (See section 2.3.5 for
information how to view the Counter Display screen).

_______ Program Block Number of COU command

A: 2000 Counter
000056 000500

| |
| |
| |
| |____ Preset Counter Value
|_______ Actual Count

5-40 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

CPL Clear Position Lag

This command is used to clear the following error, after a move to a
positive stop routine has been completed.
E 0201 CST
1 4

The lag error of the selected axis is zeroed once.

The program moves the next block immediately following this command.

CAUTION: This command directly affects the position control loop. Any lag
error that is build up will be deleted.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-41

CST Change Subroutine Stack

E 0201 CST
1 4

1 - Changes subroutine level (0-2)

0= changes subroutine level in Task 1 and Task 2.
1= changes subroutine level in Task 1 only.
2= changes subroutine level in Task 2 only.
4 - Set subroutine stack to this level
0= sets stack to zero (See Note below.)
1-9= change subroutine stack level from one to nine levels
The starting block for Task 2 is set up in "Parameter B006 - Start Task 2 &
3". Task 1 programming does not need to be set up in parameters.
The CST command is used to change to different subroutine stack levels.
It is used in conjunction with JSR and RTS. Task 1 and Task 2 have a
maximum number of nine stack levels that can be changed in a single CST
command. The CST command can be used in subroutines to allow for
more functions when program space is limited.
After using a CST command to correct a stack, the next RTS command will
jump the program beyond undesirable subroutines to a selected level.

Note: If the stack is set to zero, an RTS command cannot be used as this
becomes the programs main level. If an RTS command is used
after setting the stack to zero, the error "RTS Nesting" will occur.

The following example shows the program flow and the CST command
(Subroutine level 3, block, "E0309 CST 1 1", is used to change the
subroutine stack level to level 1, in Task 1).

Figure 5-1: Program Flow, CST Command

5-42 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

D== Tool Correction Memory Selection

E 1000 D==

nn - Number of the correction memory selected (00...19)

An activated tool correction is effective for all feed commands (G01, POA,

Registers D01-D19 can contain values up to seven digits. The eight digit is
designated as the sign digit, either + or -.

Register D00 deactivates Tool Correction and unselects any active

register. After a D==00 block, in order to activate Tool Correction, you must
re-select a Tool Correction register using the D== command.

See Entering Tool Corrections Section at the end of Chapter 5.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-43

FAK Factor All Motions

E 0210 FAK
1 1.999999

Global position correction (factor all feeds)

1 - Axis 1
1.999999 - Multiplication Factor - 0.000000 to 1.999999
This programmable factor is used to multiply the feed length or position in
feed commands. The feed rate is not changed.
At the start of Automatic operating mode, the factor = 1.0000 until it is
changed by the command FAK. The factor remains in effect until a new
value is read with the command FAK during program execution.

E 000 PSI
1 +00010.000 200

= Position Axis 1 = 10.0 inches at 20% feedrate

E 001 WAI

= Wait 1.00 seconds

E 002 FAK
1 0.500000

= Multiply position by 0.5

E 003 PSI
1 +00010.000 200

= Position Axis 1 = 5.0 inches (0.5 x 10.0) at 20% feedrate

E 004 JST

= Jump to block 0000 and stop program.

A new value for the factor has no effect on the positioning currently being
executed. The FAK factor takes affect on the next position command.

5-44 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

FUN Functions
E 1234 FUN
0 0 1 1000

0 - Unassigned, set to 0
0 - Unassigned, set to 0
1 - Feed length measurement, measuring wheel (0 = off, 1 = on)
1 - Feed length measurement, axis 1 (0 = off, 1 = on)
0 - Unassigned, set to 0
0 - Unassigned, set to 0
0 - Unassigned, set to 0
Significance of the inputs:
0 = Temporarily store measured value and then clear
1 = Clear the measurement value (start new measurement). A
temporarily stored value is retained.
2 = No change
Status 46 is used to request the temporarily stored measurements via the
serial interface.

The feed length traversed by the axis is to be determined after 10 events.
0000 NOP
0001 AKN 01 1
0002 FUN 0 0 0 1000
0003 AKN 01 0
0004 AKN 01 1
0005 BAC 0007 +0000 0009
0006 JMP 0009
0007 BCE 0005 01 0
0008 JMP 0007
0009 AKN 01 1
0010 FUN 0 0 0 0000

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-45

F== Feedrate
E 1000 F==

010000.00 - Feedrate in units/min (to 2 or 3 decimal places, depending

on setting in B007)

Range of values: 0...Fmax (Fmax = Parameter A100 x 60)

If Fmax is exceeded, this command leads to the error message “F==


The “F== “ instruction is valid for all feed commands (including PSA, POM,
When an “F== “ feedrate is programmed, the % of Vmax feedrate active in
the program blocks up to that point is then ignored. This “F== “ feedrate
remains effective in memory until it is overwritten by a new “F== “ value, or
until it is canceled by the command: “F== 000000.00”.

After processing a command having the contents “F==000000.00”, the

previous feedrate (in % of Vmax) is reactivated and becomes valid for all
subsequent programming blocks. Once this occurs, it is no longer possible
to use the G01 command.

5-46 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

G01 Linear Feed

E 1000 G01
1 ±000010.00 mm

1 - Axis (always 1!)

±000010.00 - Process path; absolute or incremental.

mm - Number of the M function (00...63) that is to be called up

after reaching the target position. If no M function is used, 99 must be
entered as the M function to be output. If 99>mm>63, the error message
“ERROR M== Command” will be displayed.

This command causes a linear position feed at the previously specified

feedrate. If the feedrate has not been previously defined with the “F== “
command, when G01 is called up, the error message “G01 without “F== “

There is a parameter table available for the definition of the 64 pre-defined

M function. Output of one of the M functions corresponding to this table can
be programmed in the command G01. The M function programmed in a
G01 block is set after the programmed position has been reached (within
the limits set by A106, Position Tolerance). If G01 is programmed within a
G61 contouring mode, the M function is set so as to allow optimum speed.
Please see Section 4.6 of Chapter 4 for further information on M-Functions
and their use.

With the G01 command, program block execution continues immediately

after achieving the programmed position (within the position window A106).

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-47

G04 Dwell Time

E 1000 G04

tt.tt - Wait time in seconds

This command causes a delay in further execution of the program. It

corresponds to the WAI command.

Program block execution is delayed by the programmed dwell time.

5-48 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

G40 Tool Correction Deactivated

E 1000 G40

This command disables Tool Correction within the process path in the
programmed feed command.

G40 is effective upon entering automatic operation.

The register selected, remains selected, even after deactivating the Tool
Correction with G40. If a G43 or G44 command is issued after a G40 is
issued, the last selected Tool Correction register prior to the G40
command will be used as the selected value.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-49

G43 Tool Correction - Added

E 1000 G43

Adds the contents of the active Tool Correction register to the programmed
destination. The sign of the value in the Tool Correction register is
considered in this computation.

If the value in the register is +1, this command will add +1 to the
programmed destination. If the value is -1, this command will add -1 to the
programmed destination.

5-50 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

G44 Tool Correction - Subtracted

E 1000 G44

Subtracts the contents of the active Tool Correction register to the

programmed destination. The sign of the value in the Tool Correction
register is considered in this computation.

If the value in the register is +1, this command will subtract +1 to the
programmed destination. If the value is -1, this command will subtract -1 to
the programmed destination (which means it will add 1 to the programmed

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-51

G60 Exact Stop

E 1000 G60

If this command is invoked prior to a G01 command, all subsequent G01

commands are processed with exact stop (i.e., with Lag finishing). This
means the execution of the next program block does not begin until the
programmed position has been reached (within the position window
parameter A106).

G60 is the default mode and is automatically active after restarting the

5-52 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

G61 Velocity Rate Optimization

E 1000 G61

This instruction enables processing of a velocity rate optimization profile

using G01 and F== instructions. This profile may be up to a maximum of
20 blocks long and begins with the G61 command and ends with the G60

This optimization prevents the axis from stopping between G01 positioning
commands (without Lag finishing), even when the feed rate or program
distance is changed. Within this profile, there may not be any programming
commands that would prevent program execution from continuing
immediately with the next block, (e.g., dwell time, program jumps, branch
jumps, etc.). No change in direction of motion is possible within the profile.
All positioning commands must be programmed only in absolute or only in
incremental positioning. Any active Tool Correction is observed.

If a G60 programming command is encountered, the Velocity Optimization

ends. If there is no G60 instruction after 20 blocks from the first G01
command, the error message “No G60” is displayed.

Program Example:
N0000 G91 ;Set incremental positioning
N0001 G61 ;Velocity rate optimization turned on
N0002 F== 010000.00 ;Set F = 10 m/min
N0003 G01 1 +000200.00 01 ;Move 200 mm and set M01
N0004 F== 005000.00 ;Change F = 5 m/min
N0005 G01 1 +000100.00 99 ;Move 100 mm. No M Function.
N0006 F== 002000.00 ;Change F = 2 m/min.
N0007 AEA 01 1 ;Set output 01 high
N0008 G01 1 +000050.00 02 ;Move 50 mm and set M02.
N0009 G60 ;Velocity rate optimization turned off.
N0010 G04 01.00 ;1 second dwell time
N0011 JMP 0000 ;Repeat cycle

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-53

G74 Reference Axis

E 1000 G74

a - Axis (always 1)

This command corresponds to the HOM command. All criteria and limits
that apply to the HOM command also apply to the G74 command.

For further information, see the description for the HOM command.

5-54 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

G90 Absolute Dimensions

E 1000 G90

This command causes all subsequent process commands having a G

code to be interpreted as absolute process commands.

G90 is the default and is effective upon entering automatic operation and
after a program restart.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-55

G91 Incremental Dimensions

E 1000 G91

This command causes all subsequent process commands having a G

code to be interpreted as incremental process commands.

Once selected, G91 is effective for all subsequent blocks until it is

unselected by a G90 command or until the program is restarted.

5-56 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

HOM Home Axis 1

E 0230 HOM

1 - Axis 1

Homing proceeds according to how parameters A110 - A114 have been

programmed. Stepping to the next block takes place immediately after the
block has been read in. Programming measures must be taken (ATS,
AKN) to prevent absolute positioning commands (POA, PSA, etc.) from
being encountered, before the homing sequence is completed, or an error
message will be issued. An ATS command programmed to monitor the
"Home Established" output (Parameter A112) will prevent stepping to the
next block until the homing sequence is finished.
If the HOM command is used for the axis with an absolute value encoder, it
will result in an error message.

Note: There are alternatives to Homing an axis, other than using this
predefined routine. They are described in Appendix A,
Programming Notes.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-57

JMP Jump Unconditional

E 2500 JMP

1234 - Target block

When this command is encountered in a given task, the program will

immediately jump to the specified target block.

There are several other commands that also provide an unconditional

jump, but provide added features in the same block. They can be useful
when program space is limited. Refer to section 5.8, Command Summary,
for alternatives.

5-58 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

JSR Jump to Subroutine

E 0250 JSR

1567 - Start block of the subroutine

Subroutines can be called up at any time. The maximum permissible

number of nested subroutines is 127.

A subroutine must end with the command "RTS" (program jumps back to
the block following the JSR command). If an RTS command is not
programmed at the end of a subroutine, the programmed lines following
the end of the subroutine will be executed. This can result in unexpected
axis movement, "Invalid Program Command" diagnostic, etc.

Note: Additional program flow control is possible by using the Change

Subroutine Stack command (CST) with the JSR/RTS
commands for advanced programming.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-59

JST Jump and Stop

E 2600 JST

1678 - Target Block Number

This command causes the program to jump directly to the target block and
stop in that block. The DLC will issue a software %[ENG5VQR and stop the
program, waiting in the target block for a new start impulse at system input
"Cycle Start". The start impulse will cause the DLC to continue processing
the program beginning with the target block.

A JST command executed in Task 1 will cause the program running in

Task 2 to halt in its current block until a "Cycle Start" command is issued to
restart the program.

5-60 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

JTK Jump in Task

E 1345 JTK
1000 1

1000 - Target block

1 - 1= Task 1
2= Task 2

The JTK command is used for initiating an Unconditional Jump within a

selected task. This command terminates the current program sequence for
the selected task and then causes it to jump to the target block. If the task
is currently executing a move profile, the motion is completed before the
task can be interrupted. If necessary, a PBK command can be used before
the JTK to terminate the motion thereby providing an immediate interrupt.
The JTK command permits the use of many specific interrupt routines
trapped by numerous events.

Note: If only one (input dependent) interrupt routine is needed, it is

recommended to use the interrupt vector parameter B012.

In most applications, the JTK command will be issued from one of the
other tasks, typically Task 3. If used correctly, the JTK command can
provide many of the functions available in B012 (Interrupt Vector) with the
additional flexibility to use any event or series of events: position, count,
one or more inputs or outputs to cause an interrupt to Task 1 or 2.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-61

KDI Copy Position Difference

E 0500 KDI
2000 1000 1

2000 - Target block for the stored position difference

1000 - Compare position block number

1 - 0= Actual position minus the compared position

1= Compared position minus the actual position

The Compared Position is the difference between the Actual Absolute

Position and an Absolute Position at a specific program block (i.e. block
1000, as shown above).

The KDI command will copy the position difference between the actual
absolute position and the absolute position at a specific block number
(Compare position block number). The position difference is then stored in
the target block. The amount of time to process the KDI command can be
up to 100 ms. The program will advance to the next block after the position
difference is stored in the target block. The actual position is either
subtracted from the compared position or the compared position is
subtracted from the actual position.

In order for the KDI command to function properly, the following conditions
must be met:

1. Axis 1 must be homed. If the axis is not homed when the KDI
command is encountered in the program, then the error message
"Axis 1 Not Homed" is displayed.

2. The compare position block number must contain an absolute

position command (POA; PSA). If the program block is not an
absolute position command, then the error message "Invalid Prog
Cmd" will occur.

3. The target block must contain an incremental position command

(POI; PSI). If the target block is not an incremental position
command, then the position difference is lost permanently.

4. The WRI command cannot be processed while using the KDI


5. The KDI command can only be used in one task at a time.

5-62 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

MOM Torque Reduction

E 1345 MOM
1 020 040 01 123

1 - Axis 1
020 - Percentage Of Maximum Torque Until Positive Stop Is Reached
Minimum Percentage = 000
Maximum Percentage = 400
040 - Percentage Of Maximum Torque At Positive Stop
Minimum Percentage = 000
Maximum Percentage = 100
01 - Aux. Input for Torque Reduction
00 = No input needed, reduce torque on execution of MOM
01-07 = Reduce torque any time input is high after one
execution of MOM command.
123 - Percentage Of Maximum Torque
Minimum Percentage = 000
Maximum Percentage = 400
Note: If the percentage of maximum torque values, entered in the
MOM command, are greater than the maximum percentage
allowed, the value entered will be interpreted as 100 percent.

The MOM command is used to limit the torque to the motor, when a positive
stop is reached, or when MOM command is executed. The MOM command
requires a PFI (Incremental Position To Positive Stop) or PFA (Absolute
Position To Positive Stop) command to assist in positioning to a positive stop.
The MOM command will determine the maximum torque allowed while
positioning to the positive stop and the maximum torque allowed when the
positive stop is reached. When the positive stop is reached, the programmed
torque is applied until another position command (POI, POA, .etc) is executed.
Stepping to the next block takes place immediately after the MOM
command is read in the program.
The percentage of maximum torques are valid for all PFA or PFI
commands until a new MOM command redefines the percentages. The
MOM command can be executed from another task.
When executing the MOM command from another task, the new
percentages are valid immediately, even during the execution the PFA or
PFI command in a separate task.
A typical application consists of programming the MOM command for the
percentages of torque required and then commanding the axis to position,
by using the PFI or PFA command. The commanded position must be
greater than or equal to the positive stop position. The axis will travel to the
programmed position, at percentage of maximum torque until positive stop
is reached. The program flow will remain on the PFA or PFI program block
until the positive stop is reached or the until the programmed distance, in
the PFA or PFI command is completed.
If the programmed distance in the PFA or PFI command is completed before
the positive stop is reached, the next program block will be executed. The
next program block can be a jump (JMP) command to an error routine to tell
the machine operator that the positive stop was not reached.
When the positive stop is reached, the percentage of maximum torque at
positive stop will be enabled and the program flow will jump over the block
immediately after the PFA or PFI command and the program will continue.
It is also possible to overwrite the torque limit while driving.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-63

The default delay time for indexing to the next statement is 1 millisecond.
When using the MOM command, drive errors can occur at low torque
limiting (“Excessive Position Lag”, “Drive Runaway”, drive error 78.
“(“Excessive Position Lag” and “Drive Runaway” can be switched
OFF in parameter A122. Rotational speed controller monitoring can
be switched OFF using the PC program “DDS2PC.EXE” to prevent
drive error 78.
Requirements For Recognizing a Positive Stop Condition:
1) Twenty milliseconds deceleration after reading the PFI command.
2) The positive stop is recognized when:
a) Four times the following error (position lag) is reached.
b) Axis movement is less than 1/1024 of a motor revolution per

Note: If the positive stop is not reached, the maximum torque of the
axis and the overload factor of the drive are active.
Warning: When the MOM command is used and while positioning to a
positive stop or positioned at the positive stop, the overload
factor in the drive is internally set to 400 percent. The MOM
command is the only limit for the percentage of maximum


0 +200 +300
Figure 5-2: Positive Stop, MOM Command

000 JMP 0100

0100 MOM 1 020 030 ;Torque Reduction Before Stop = 20%
At Stop = 30%
0101 POA 1 +00250.000 300 ;Position Axis to 250 inches at 30%
max vel.
0102 VCA 1 +00200.000 100 ;Velocity Change to 10% max. vel. at
200 inches
0103 PFI 1 +00310.000 100 ;Position to positive stop= +310 inches
at 10% max
0104 JMP 0200 ;Jump to block 0200, Positive Stop
Error Routine
0105 BCE 0120 02 1 ;Jump to block 0120, Input 2 is on,
Return Home
0106 JMP 0105 ;Jump to block 0105, Wait for Input 2
to turn on
0120 PSA 1 +00000.000 999 ;Position axis to +0 position (Home) at
99.9 % max.
0121 JST 0100 ;Jump and stop at block 0100, wait for
cycle start
0200 AEA 07 1 ;Turn on auxiliary output #7, Positive
Stop Error
0201 PSA 1 +00000.000 999 ;Position axis to +0 position (Home) at
99.9 % max.
0202 JST 0100 ;Jump and stop at block 0100, wait for
cycle start

5-64 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

M== Selection of an M function

E 1000 M==

mm - Number (00...63) of the M function to be selected

A pre-coded M function can also be set in a separate block using “M==“.

If the M functions set are time dependent, it is important to note that their
status will change according to the M function table after the set time in
Parameter B009 has expired.

The status of the inputs and outputs, after processing the M function, are
defined in the M Function table found in Section 4.6 of Chapter 4. The table
of M functions is specified in parameters only and can be modified by the
CTA keyboard or serially through the RS 232/RS 485 port.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-65

NOP No Operation (Blank Block)

E 0021 NOP

This is the command to describe a blank block. During processing in the

automatic mode, this blank block is scanned only: processing continues
with the next block.

NOP's can be used to reserve program block space for future program
change and expansion. Also use NOP's in the program where you may
want to add commands "on the fly" to modify production.

NOP's may also be used as a program delay for each block. Note that the
smallest delay programmable in the WAI command is 10 milliseconds. The
NOP command allows for smaller increments of delay.

The default delay time for each NOP block is 1 millisecond.

5-66 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

PBK Positioning Interrupt

E 0055 PBK

1 - Axis 1
The PBK command stops the execution of the current motion profile. The
axis is braked to a controlled stop. The axis will decelerate using the
current programmed acceleration/deceleration rate. The remaining
distance to be traveled is ignored. If continuous operation with CON was
ON, it is switched OFF. After reading the PBK command, the program
jumps to the next block.

This command could be used in another task to control the actions of the axis.

Note: The KDI command could be used for storing the approximate
remaining distance, otherwise the information is permanently lost.

0000 CON 1 1 +999 00
0001 WAI 02.00
0002 PBK 1
0003 POI 1 +000050.00 100

After reading in the PBK command, the axis then drives the braking path
from V=99.9% to V=0 plus 50 EGE units. However, a flowing transition
from V=99.9% to V=10% [actually] results.

Figure 5-1: PBK Flowing Transition

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-67

PFA Absolute Position Feed To Positive Stop

E 1346 PFA
1 +00020.000 999

1 - Axis 1
+00020.000 - Absolute position feed to a positive stop in input units (to 2
or 3 decimal places, depending on the setting in B007)
999 - feed rate in % (00.1-99.9) of the maximum velocity set in
parameter (A100).
The PFA command is used in conjunction with the MOM command. The
PFA command will absolute position the axis to a positive stop and the
MOM command will determine the percentage of maximum torque during
the move to the positive stop and the maximum torque at the positive stop.
When using the PFA command, the positive stop must be within the software
overtravel limits, set in parameters A113 and A114. The absolute position,
programmed in the PFA command, must be greater than or equal to the
exact distance to the positive stop, otherwise the positive stop cannot be
reached. The programmed absolute position can be greater than the
software overtravel limits. Only one PFA command can be active at one time.
The program flow continues immediately after one or both of the following
• If positive stop is not reached, the next block in the program is
executed. The next block is typically a unconditional jump (JMP)
command to a error routine to notify the operator that the positive stop
was not reached.
• If the positive is reached, the program flow will jump over the block
immediately after the PFA command.
Refer to the MOM command in Chapter 5 for more information and an
example of how the PFA command will operate.

Notes: 1. The axis must be homed prior to the execution of this

2. If the positive stop is not reached, the maximum torque of
the axis and the overload factor of the drive are active.
Warning: When the MOM command is used and while positioning to a
positive stop or positioned at the positive stop, the overload
factor in the drive is internally set to 400 percent. The MOM
command is the only limit for the percentage of maximum

5-68 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

PFI Incremental Position Feed To Positive Stop

E 1347 PFI
1 +00020.000 999

1 - Axis 1
+00020.000 - Incremental position feed to a positive stop in input units
(to 2 or 3 decimal places, depending on the setting in
999 - feed rate in % (00.1-99.9) of the maximum velocity set in
parameter (A100).
The PFI command is used in conjunction with the MOM command. The
PFI command will incremental position the axis to a positive stop and the
MOM command will determine the percentage of maximum torque during
the move to the positive stop and the maximum torque at the positive stop.
When using the PFI command, the positive stop must be within the
software overtravel limits, set in parameters A113 and A114. The
incremental position, programmed in the PFI command, must be greater
than or equal to the exact distance to the positive stop, otherwise the
positive stop cannot be reached. The programmed incremental position
can be greater than the software overtravel limits. Only one PFI command
can be active at one time.
The program flow continues immediately after one or both of the following
• If positive stop is not reached, the next block in the program is
executed. The next block is typically a unconditional jump (JMP)
command to a error routine to notify the operator that the positive stop
was not reached.
• If the positive is reached, the program flow will jump over the block
immediately after the PFI command.
Refer to the MOM command in Chapter 5 for more information and an
example of how the PFI command will operate.

Note: If the positive stop is not reached, the maximum torque of the
axis and the overload factor of the drive are active.
Warning: When the MOM command is used and while positioning to a
positive stop or positioned at the positive stop, the overload
factor in the drive is internally set to 400 percent. The MOM
command is the only limit for the percentage of maximum

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-69

POA Position Absolute

E 2800 POA
1 +12345.678 999

1 - Axis 1

+12345.678 - Plus or minus absolute target position in input units (to 2 or

3 decimal places, depending on the setting in B007)

999 - feed rate in % (00.1-99.9) of the maximum velocity set in

parameter (A100).

The axis must be homed (G74, HOM or CLA) prior to execution of this
command. Otherwise, an error message will be issued. Stepping to the
next block takes place immediately after the absolute position has been
read into the position buffer. Since this command does not wait for the axis
to be in position before jumping to the next block, the program command
following this command will be executed. This allows other functions to be
executed while the axis is moving toward the end position.

If multiple POA commands are in sequence, the resulting move will, in

most cases, continue and stop at the last POA Target Position issued.

An ATS command programmed in a subsequent block to monitor the

Position Tolerance Output (Parameter A106) or the Position pre-signal
(Parameter A107) is useful in controlling when to step to the next block.

5-70 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

POI Position Incremental

E 0290 POI
1 +12345.678 999

1 - Axis 1

+ - Incremental position direction (+ or -)

Note: If a character other than "+" is entered for this digit the
direction will be minus.

12345.678 - Incremental target position in input units (to 2 or 3 decimal

places, depending on setting in B007)

999 - Feed rate in % (00.1 - 99.9) of the maximum velocity set in

parameter (A100).

500 would be 50.0% of the maximum velocity.

Stepping to the next block takes place immediately after the position block
has been read in.

Since this command does not wait for the axis to be in position before
jumping to the next block, the program command following this command
will be executed. This allows the other functions to be executed while the
axis is moving toward the end position.

If multiple POI commands are in sequence, the resulting move will be the
sum of all incremental position commands.

The ATS command programmed to monitor the Position Tolerance Output

(Parameter A106) or the Position pre-signal (Parameter A107) is useful in
controlling when to step to the next block.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-71

POM Position On Memory (Requires IDS Setup)

E 300 POM
1 0 0

1 - Axis 1

0 - Mode
0= Position incremental
1= Position in absolute dimensions

1 - Position direction
0= Positive
1= Negative

The POM command is an incremental or absolute positioning command.

The programmed feed length and velocity are stored in a single memory
location by an Indramat IDS decade switch option. Note that the axis can
be controlled by the POM command, but given a single memory location,
only one value can be stored at one time.

Stepping to the next block takes place immediately after the POM
command is read into the program. This allows other functions to be
executed while the axis is moving toward the end position.

The ATS command programmed to monitor the Position Tolerance Output

(Parameter A106) or the Position pre-signal (Parameter A107) is useful in
controlling when to step to the next block.

When using the IDS decade switch, enable this option in Parameter B003.
If the decade switch option is not enabled, this block is scanned and no
positioning takes place.

5-72 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

PSA Position Absolute (With In-Position Signal)

E 0310 PSA
1 +12345.678 999

1 - Axis 1

+12345.678 - Plus (+) or minus (-) absolute target position in input units
(to 2 or 3 decimal places, depending on the setting in

999 - Feed rate as % (00.1 - 99.9) of the maximum velocity set

in parameter (A100).

Note: The axis must be homed prior to execution of this

command. Otherwise, an error message will be issued.

Stepping to the next block takes place only after the positioning has been
completed. Parameter A106 (Position Tolerance) is used to set the position
tolerance for stepping to the next block.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-73

PSI Position Incremental (With In-Position Signal)

E 1420 PSI
1 +12345.678 999

1 - Axis 1

+ - Incremental position direction, plus (+) or minus (-)

Note: If a character other than "+" is entered for this position, the
direction will be negative.

12345.678 - Incremental target position in input units (to 2 or 3 decimal

places, depending on setting in B007)

999 - feed rate as % (00.1 - 99.9) of the maximum velocity set in

parameter (A100)

Stepping to the next block takes place only after the positioning has been
completed. Parameter A106 (Position Tolerance) is used to set the position
tolerance for stepping to the next block.

5-74 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

PSM Position On Memory (with In-Position Signal) (Requires IDS Setup)

E 330 PSM
1 0 1

1 - Axis 1

0 - Mode
0= Position incremental
1= Position in absolute dimensions

1 - Position direction
0= Positive
1= Negative

The PSM command is an incremental or absolute positioning command

with position acknowledgment. The programmed position distance and
velocity are stored in a single memory location by an Indramat IDS decade
switch option. Note that the axis can be controlled by the PSM command,
but given a single memory location, only one value can be stored at one

Stepping to the next block takes place after positioning is complete. The "In
Position" aux. output is programmed in Parameter A106 - Position

When using the IDS decade switch option, enable this option in Parameter
B003. If the decade switch option is not enabled, this block is scanned and
no positioning takes place.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-75

PST Position Test

E 340 PST
1 05 +12345.678

1 - Axis 1

05 - Auxiliary output number

+12345.678 - Test position value (to 2 or 3 decimal places, depending

on setting in B007)

This command is used to check for a position and control an output based
on current position status. At the execution of this block, the designated
auxiliary output is turned ON if the actual position of the axis is less than
the test position value.

If the actual position is equal to or greater than the test position value, the
auxiliary output is turned OFF. Stepping to the next block takes place
immediately after the block has been read in. Please note that the position
is only tested once during the execution of the PST block. A program loop
must be created to test for a position repeatedly.

Note: PST only functions after the axis has been homed. Prior to this,
the block is scanned only and no execution takes place.

5-76 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

REF Referencing (Detect Registration Mark Input)

E 0350 REF
1 0 123 01

1 - Axis 1

0 - Direction
0= forward
1= reverse

123 - Search speed in % (00.1 - 99.9) of the maximum velocity

set in parameter (A100).

01 - Registration auxiliary input number (Recognition in approx.

1 msec.)

It is possible at any time to search for a registration (reference) mark. The

axis direction, search speed (velocity) and registration input number can be
freely selected. After the start of the block, the axis moves at the specified
search speed until a positive edge occurs at the specified aux. input.
Stepping to the next block takes place only after the reference marker has
been found (unless the next block is a REP command, see page on REP

When the registration mark is found, the axis decelerates and travels in
reverse to the position the registration mark was detected at. If it is desired
that the axis does not back up in this manner, the REF (or REF/REP) can
be followed by a PSI command. The PSI position command would be set
to the distance it takes to decelerate the axis from the search speed.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-77

REP Conditional Jump if Search Distance is Exceeded, Referenced to

REF Command
E 0030 REP
1000 1 123456.78

1000 - Target block number (0000-2999), if search path


1 - Axis 1

123456.78 - Maximum search path for REF command (to 2 or 3

decimal places, depending on setting in B007)

The REP command is a supplement to the REF command. It is used to

limit the maximum search distance while looking for the registration input. If
the maximum search distance entered here is exceeded without finding a
registration input, a jump is executed to the target block. At the same time
the drive is braked to a stop.

The REP command must follow immediately after the REF command. A
REP command that stands alone leads to the error report “Illegal
Command” during program execution.

At the start of the REF/REP commands, the axis moves at the search
speed until either the registration mark is detected, or the search length
has passed.

If the registration mark is not detected, the axis will decelerate to a stop
after the search length occurs. The actual length traveled will be the search
length plus the distance it takes to decelerate the axis to a stop. A jump is
executed to the target block at the end of the search length, as the axis
starts decelerating.

If the registration mark is detected, the axis is decelerated (as described

for the REF command) and stepping to the next block takes place.

The target block should be the start of a recovery routine written to restore
operation from a missed mark. It will need to be customized for each

5-78 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

The following command combinations are permitted:

1. Reference position travel, without driving to an offset dimension

and without search distance limiting,
0020 REF 1 0 050 05

2. Reference position travel, driving to an offset dimension without

search distance limiting,
0000 REF 1 0 50 10
0001 PSI 1 +000200.00 100

3. Reference position travel is programmed in the REF command.

Limiting to max. 500 mm is programmed in the REP command.
0030 REF 1 0 100 12
0031 REP 0900 1 000500

4. Reference position travel with search distance limiting and offset

0055 REF 1 1 222 11
0056 REP 0900 1
0057 POI 1 +000123.00 99

Reference position travel is programmed in the REF command.

Limiting to max. 900 mm is programmed in the REP command.
An offset dimension of 123 mm is programmed in the POI command.

The REP command and the feed (POI or PSI possible) are processed in
the same controller cycle as the REF command.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-79

RMI Registration Mark Interrupt

E 0300 RMI
0 01

This command can be used to initiate additional processing, independently

of the positioning program. The additional registration mark processing is
inititated after the recognition of an input pulse, and after an offset has
been traversed. The startup signal edge of the pulse is evaluated. The
positioning program is interrupted for this registration mark processing and
subsequently continued.

0 - Mode

0= Wait for pulse at the registration mark input

(stepping to the next block takes place after
recognition of the pulse and traversing the offset.)
1= Terminate registration mark processing continue
program. (stepping to the next block takes place

01 - Registration mark input

00 = No registration mark selected

01-16 = Standard auxiliary input (recognition in approx. 1

The registration mark program has to be programmed in Task 2. An offset

can be programmed in the form of an incremental position command (POI,
PSI, POM, or PSM). The incremental position command has to follow the
RMI command directly.

5-80 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

Example of application:

Perforated sheet metal should be cut according to the location of the

perforations, which are stamped into the flat sheet metal on the stamping
table. The material is then fed through the pass rolling mill. A hole serves
as a reference signal for recognition of the registration mark. Since an
unknown change of length occurs during profiling, the same feed program
cannot be used for the cutting process because the possibility that the
perforation will drift to the edge cannot be excluded. Because of this
reason, cutting is done depending on the reference hole.

The reference hole can be detected by means of a light barrier, initiator, or

similar device.

• Cannot be used simultaneously with a REF command
• Will be ignored in the case of re-start
• The RMI works correctly only with feeds and offset feeds in positive
direction (e.g., PSI 1 +....)
• In Task 2, (RMI program) there should be no other feed except for the
• After the RMI command (RMI 0 XX) has been called up, masking a
hole is no longer possible
• Recognition of an additional registration mark prior to the command
'RMI 1 XX' is not possible

The velocity that can be changed by means of the offset feed is returned to
its old value when the program resumes. The interruption, feed monitoring
and override functions may be used.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-81

Sample program:

Task1: PSI 1 +000050.00 999

JSR stamp1
PSI 1 +000025.00 999
JSR stamp2
JMP task1

Stamp1: AEA 01 1 ;stamping with stamp 1

WAI 00.20
AEA 01.00

Stamp2: AEA 02 1 ;stamping with stamp 2

WAI 00.20
AEA 02 0

Task2: RMI 0 01 ;wait for registration mark

;pulse and traversing of offset
PSI 1 +000015.50 500 ;offset distance from position of
registration mark

JSR tool
RMI 1 01
JMP task2

Tool: AEA 03 1 ;cutter on

WAI 00.25 ;waiting time
AEA 03 0 ;cutter off
WAI 00.20 ;waiting time

5-82 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

RSV Restart Vector

E 0700 RSV
1 000 10000

1 - Restore status as before interrupt, except outputs

000 - Not used, set to 000

1 - Outputs status
0= Restore status of outputs as before interrupt
1= Do not restore outputs

0000 - Not used, set to 0000

The Restart Vector is used to recover from a power loss, System Error or
change in mode from Auto to Manual. When any of these events occur, the
status at the time (velocity, absolute target position, outputs, etc.) are
temporarily stored and can be recovered with this command. Use this
command only if the system has an absolute encoder.

Note: The temporarily stored absolute target position will only be

resumed if the axis is equipped with an absolute encoder.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-83

RTS Return from Subroutine

E 0370 RTS

The RTS command is used to return from a subroutine which has been
called by using the JSR command. The program is continued at the point
where the subroutine had been called which is the next block after the JSR

If in multiple subroutines, the RTS command will take the program back
only to the level of the current subroutine stack.

Note: Additional program flow control is possible by using the Change

Subroutine Stack command (CST) with the JSR/RTS
commands for advanced programming.

5-84 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

SAC Set Absolute Counter

E 0300 SAC
1 0 +12345.678

1 - Axis 1

0 - 0= Absolute offset (offset change)

1= Set absolute position with respect to the command
2= Set absolute position, with respect to the actual

+12345.678 - Absolute position or offset, plus (+) or minus (-)

This command is used to set or change the value of the absolute position
counter. The axis must be homed before this command can be used.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-85

SIN Sine Oscillation

E 0380 SIN
1 10 12.345 999

1 - Axis 1

10 - Auxiliary input which enables SIN function

12.345 - Amplitude in Input Units (to 2 or 3 decimal places,

depending on setting in B007)

999 - Frequency of oscillation in Hertz (0.01 to 9.99)

This function will start up with 0 degrees when the enable input is switched
On. When the enable input is switched Off, the function ends at 360
degrees. After this, stepping to the next block will take place. The axis must
be homed, or an error will occur when this command is read.

5-86 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

SO1 Scanning of Inputs and Modifying a Position/Velocity

(Special Option #1)
E 1000 SO1
0 1 ee 0010

0 - 0 = Read decade switch values

1 = Convert input values into a position and store this in the
position section of the POI, PSI, POA, PSA, VCC, PST,
2 = Convert input values into a velocity and store this in the velocity
section of the POI, PSI, POA, PSA, VCC commands
3 = Convert into a length and write to the tool correction memory
defined under “data target” replacing the information
contained in this memory.
4 = Convert into a length and write to the tool correction memory
defined under “data target”, adding to the information
contained in the selected memory.
5 = Convert into a length and write to the tool correction memory
defined under “data target”, subtracting from the information
contained in the selected memory.
In modes 3 through 5 a maximum of 7 digits are evaluated (the 8th digit
from the right is the mathematical operation).
1 - Decimal Position: To 2 or 3 decimal places, depending on setting
in B007.
For 3 decimal places For 2 decimal places
-3 -2
1= 10 1= 10
-2 -1
2= 10 2= 10
-1 0
3= 10 3= 10
0 1
4= 10 4= 10
1 2
5= 10 5= 10
2 3
6= 10 6= 10
3 4
7= 10 7= 10
4 5
8= 10 8= 10
9= Sign (+ / -) 9= Sign (+ / -)
ee - Starting input number for inputted data, with the BCD value:
ee= 10
ee+1= 11
ee+2= 12
ee+3= 13
0010 - Data target
In mode 1...2: Program block (0000 to 2999)
In mode 3...5: Number of the correction memory (01 to 19)
The SO1 command is used to read in length information via decade
switches or from a programmable logic controller (PLC).

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-87

The information entered is cleared after a fault, Emergency Stop, when

powering up the DLC and when entering Parameter Mode.
“Malfunction S01 Command” occurs if;
1) The Tool Correction register number is not between 01...19.
2) The amount of the correction value to be stored exceeds the value
99999.99 or 9999.999
In the following example, aux. input 04 is the least significant digit. Enter 04
for the ee entry. Input 05 is 04+1 (ee+1). Input 07 is the most significant
digit (ee+3). The DLC must read in all decimal places, one after the other.
A SO1 command is required for each decimal place. The resulting
information is converted to position and velocity and stored in one of the
following position commands (POI, PSI, POA, PSA, VCC) programmed in
the target block.
Additional Examples:
A) Hardware Connect for an external decade switch array (4 decades).

Figure 5-2: Decade Switch Array

The inputs are switched using the APE command.

The inputs are read using the SO1 command.
At the beginning of statement 0300 is POI 1 +123456.78 999.

5-88 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

B) Programming
0900 APE 0 0100022222 -Select 4th decade
0901 WAI 00.02 -Wait until level at inputs is stable
0902 SOI 0 2 05 0000 -Read in value of 4th decade

0903 APE 0 0010022222 -Select 3rd decade

0904 WAI 00.02 -Wait until level at inputs is stable
0905 SOI 0 3 05 0000 -Read in value of 3rd decade

0906 APE 0 0001022222 -Select 2nd decade

0907 WAI 00.02 -Wait until level at inputs is stable
0908 SOI 0 4 05 0000 -Read in value of 2nd decade

0909 APE 0 0000102222 -Select 1st decade

0910 WAI 00.02 -Wait until level at inputs is stable
0911 SOI 0 5 05 0000 -Read in value of 1st decade

0912 SOI 1 0 00 0300 -Convert information and send to target


0913 JMP 0900 -Start new read-in cycle

After calling the program the statement 0300 contains:

0300 POI +000368.50 999

It is useful to create a program with SO1 commands in Task 3.

1. It is useful to program this type of decade switch query in task 3.
2. All numbers which are not read in (pseudo-nibbles) are assumed to be 0.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-89

STH Send to Host

E 0390 STH
0 0019

0 - Type of information
00 = Status 00, 02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 19, 47, 48, 49, 50,
51, 52, 53
1= Counter status of preset and actual number of pieces. The
block number of the counter must be entered in the status code
0002 - Code for Status, options as below:
0000 = Actual position of each axis 0041 = Registration Position (REF)
0002 = Current program block 0043 = Measuring Wheel
0003 = Actual position as a 0046 = Length Counter
hexadecimal value
0005 = Software version 0047 = Actual RPM, MW
x006 = Current input state 0048 = Actual Motor RPM
x007 = Current output state 0050 = System I/O (Hexadecimal)
0008 = Current Block (Task 1, 2, 3) 0051 = Aux. Inputs (Hexadecimal)
0009 = Measuring Wheel 0052 = Aux. Outputs (Hexadecimal)
0010 = Following Error 0053 = DLC System Error
0018 = Servo Diagnostic
0019 = DLC Hardware / Software

Note: In x06 and x07, x = Input/output bank number, 0-9

Program-controlled data output via the serial interface (see Chapter 7).
Stepping to the next block takes place immediately after the block has
been read in. Serial interface must have been activated through
parameters B003 and B004. Otherwise, stepping to the next block takes
place without having an output transmitted.

Examples of STH entry:

Status `03' actual position of axis 1 and 2 in Hexadecimal, is transmitted to
Host device via the serial interface.
Status of counter located in block 1000. The desired and actual number of
pieces, is transmitted to Host device via the serial interface.

5-90 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

STO Send Information To Outputs

E 0002 STO
101 1 3 0000 05

1 - Axis number or general data

0 = Counter Status
1 = Axis 1 Position
0 - Not used, set to 0
1 - Information Type
1 = Absolute Position
2 = Counter Status Of The BAC or COU Commands
1 - Mode
0 = Store Information (position or counter)
1 = Output Stored Information Via Outputs In BCD Format
3 - Decimal Position
Decimal Significance
1 1st digit starting from the right
2 2nd digit starting from the right
3 3th digit starting from the right
4 4th digit starting from the right
5 5th digit starting from the right
6 6th digit starting from the right
7 7th digit starting from the right
8 8th digit starting from the right
9 9th digit is prefix; + = 0
For the prefix, 24V is output for minus, and 0V is output for plus.
0000 - For Counter Status Information Type Only - Counter Command
Block Number
10 - Starting Output Number XX, with the BCD value (see illustration):
XX = 10 corresponding value 1=2
XX+1 = 11 corresponding value 2=2
XX+2 = 12 corresponding value 4=2
XX+3 = 13 corresponding value 8=2

The STO command is used to output either axis position or counter status
information via four auxiliary outputs in BCD format. Only one type of
information can be stored internally at one time, either absolute position or
counter status. The user specifies the type of information, number of
decimal places, counter block (if counter status is selected), and the
starting output number. The three outputs after the starting output number
will be used to output the information. The user program must be written to
store the absolute position or counter status and then output them in the
proper order.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-91

STO Command Example:

For this example, the absolute position for the axis is equal to +598.00
inches. The auxiliary outputs 04 through 07 are used for the BCD value.

0900 AKN 02 0 ; Toggle input #2 to begin the program

0901 AKN 02 1
0902 STO 1 1 0 0 0000 00 ;Store actual position
0903 JSR 0925 ;Jump to subroutine at program block 0925
0904 STO 1 1 1 9 0000 04 ;Output the direction of the sign
0903 JSR 0925 ;Jump to subroutine at program block 0925
0906 STO 1 1 1 3 0000 04 ;Output third digit
;( XX+3=1, XX+2=0, XX+1=0, XX=0) = 8
0907 JSR 0925 ;Jump to subroutine at program block 0925
0908 STO 1 1 1 4 0000 04 ;Output fourth digit
;( XX+3=1, XX+2=0, XX+1=0, XX=1) = 9
0909 JSR 0925 ;Jump to subroutine at program block 0925
0910 STO 1 1 1 5 0000 04 ;Output fifth digit
;( XX+3=0, XX+2=1, XX+0 =0, XX=1) = 5
0911 JSR 0925 ;Jump to subroutine at program block 0925
0912 STO 1 1 1 6 0000 04 ;Output sixth digit
;( XX+3=0, XX+2=0, XX+0 =0, XX=0) = 0
0913 JMP 0900 ;Jump to program block 0900 and start a new read in the
0925 AKN 01 0 ;Toggle input #1 to output the next digit
0926 AKN 01 1
0927 RTS ;Return from subroutine

5-92 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

VCA Velocity Change Absolute

E 0410 VCA
1 +12345.678 999

1 - Axis 1
+12345.678 - Absolute position to be reached before the velocity change
(to 2 or 3 decimal places, depending on the setting in
999 - Speed in % (00.1 - 99.9) of the maximum velocity set in
parameter (A100)
The VCA command is used to alter the current rate of velocity at some
point along a path. Multiple VCA commands can be used to create a "step"
effect in the velocity profile. Stepping to the next block takes place when
the absolute position has been reached.
This function is designed to work in conjunction with the position
commands POA, POI, and POM.

0000 POA 1 +00100.000 999 ;Position axis to +100 inches at 99.9 % max.
0001 VCA 1 +00050.000 250 ;Velocity change at +50 inches to 25.0% max.
0002 VCA 1 +00075.000 500 ;Velocity change at +75 inches to 50.0% max.
0003 VCA 1 +00090.000 100 ;Velocity change at +90 inches to 10.0% max.
0004 ATS 15 1 ;Acknowledge axis is in-position (A106)
0005 WAI 01 . 00 ;Dwell for 1 second
0006 JST 0000 ;Jump and stop at program block 0000

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-93

VCC Velocity Change Command

E 0411 VCC
1 12345.678 999

1 - Axis 1
12345.678 - Path to be traversed before the velocity change (to 2 or 3
decimal places, depending on the setting in B007)
999 - Speed in % (00.1 - 99.9) of the maximum velocity set in
parameter (A100)
The VCC command is used to alter the current rate of velocity at some
point along a path. Multiple VCC commands can be used to create a "step"
effect in the velocity profile. Stepping to the next block takes place after the
path specified in the VCC command has been traversed.
This function is designed to work in conjunction with the position
commands POA, POI, and POM.

Note: If the path specified here is longer than the previous position
command, the DLC will step to the next block after the axis
reaches the position tolerance (see Parameter A106).

0000 POI 1 +00100.000 999 ;Move axis +100 inches at 99.9% max.
0001 VCC 1 00050.000 250 ;Velocity Change after 50 inches to 25.0% max.
0002 VCC 1 00020.000 500 ;Velocity Change after 20 more inches to 50.0% max.
0003 VCC 1 00010.000 100 ;Velocity Change after 10 more inches to 10.0% max.
0004 ATS 15 1 ;Acknowledge the axis is in-position (A106)
0005 WAI 01 . 00 ;Dwell for 1 second
0006 JST 0000 ;Jump and stop at program block 0000

5-94 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

VEO Velocity Override Command

E 0035 VEO
1 2 3 456 7

1 - Axis 1
2 - Override input selection
0 = switched OFF or override in accordance with
Parameter B013
2 = Override via Binary value at Inputs #1-7, Significance =
input 1:20, input 7:27
3 = Override via value in Gray Code in inputs #4-7 (as in
4 = Programmed Override (requires entry in 456-override
velocity factor)
5 = Override via measuring wheel encoder 1 pulse
3 - Override update
0 = Read the Override input value every program cycle
1 = Reads Override value only once (each time the
command is executed)
456 - Override velocity factor
Velocity factor to 3 decimal places (.001-.999). This factor
is significant only if '4' is selected in the second digit.
Subsequent feeds are reduced by this factor.
999 = 99.9%
050 = 5.0%
7 - Function
0 = Override as factor - Override input value represents a
factor to determine the resulting velocity. All subsequent
feeds will be scaled.
1 = Override as limiting - Override input value represents a
limiting factor. Position commands that have a lower
velocity than this are not affected.
Activation of an override function using the VEO command has precedence
over any activation in parameter B013.
The Binary or Gray scale might be used in conjunction with a PLC.
The limiting sector is typically a internal software switch in the user program.
Programmed override is a means of scaling or limiting the velocity of the
subsequent process after the command is read and will remain in effect
until it is changed.
The Override via measuring wheel encoder 1 pulse frequency can be
activated only if the axis in parameter A123 is configured as a “Normal
Feed Axis”. The measuring encoder 1 must be configured correctly in
parameters B016 through B019. Otherwise, indexing to the next statement
is executed. The feed constant and number of lines per revolution are
calculated so the maximum axis velocity is equal to the measuring wheel
velocity. This velocity can be adjusted by using the Follow command (FOL).
If the axis achieves a velocity greater than 1.25 times the axis maximum
velocity, the error message "Override A1" will be displayed
The VEO command is used to override programmed velocity for all
programmed commands.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-95

1. With the function “Override as factor” the override velocity factor is

multiplied by the programmed speed of the commands.
2. With the function “Override as limiting” the override is multiplied by the
programmed speed parameter Vmax (parameter A100). This multiplied
value is then valid as the max. speed limit.

5-96 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

WAI Wait (Time Delay)

E 0420 WAI

00.50 - Dwell time (00.01-99.99 seconds)

Examples of how a time delay is programmed:

00.01 = 10 milliseconds (the minimum dwell time programmable),
00.50 = 0.5 seconds.
The DLC waits in the program block until the specified time has elapsed. After
the time delay, the program steps to the next block. See the NOP command for
related function (when require less than 10 milliseconds dwell time).

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-97

WRI Write in Absolute Position (Teach Command)

E 0042 WRI
1234 001

1234 - Target block number (0000-2999)

00 - Command type
00 = POA command
01= PSA command
1 - Axis 1
Use this command to "write in" (teach) an absolute positioning command in
the user program. Note that an absolute positioning command requires that
the axis must be homed. Otherwise, an "Axis 1 Not Homed" error occurs.
The entered target block number specifies where to install the absolute
positioning (feed) command(s). The next entry digits specify which
absolute position command is to be programmed in the target block.
POA = Absolute positioning command, stepping to the next block occurs
immediately after it is read in.
PSA = Absolute position command, stepping to the next block occurs after
positioning is completed.
This command is used to teach or update a position into a functional
program. The axis is typically jogged into a desired position, then a
predefined teach routine is run that will teach this position into all the
appropriate blocks. The teach routine can be written as a manual vector or
as program for Task 1, 2 or 3.
If the command stored at the selected target block is not a position
command, the WRI command will write the absolute position command
over the existing command stored in the block.
The absolute position command selected by the WRI command must have
a distance to feed. This distance is taken from the Actual Position Display.
The velocity automatically inserted for doing the positioning is
always the maximum (99.9%). A preceding VEO (selection 4) or
subsequent VCC (zero feed length) can be used to reduce the written
velocity to a lower percentage.

Using the WRI command in Manual Mode

This is an example of how to "write in" absolute positions in the main
Task 3 is selected as the location for the WRI command. The Task 3
program must be loaded into the DLC before enabling parameter B006.
Task 3 is always running, even before Cycle Start is pressed.
Start Task 2&3
Parameter B006 00000150

Note: Axis must be homed.

5-98 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

Program for the WRI command.
Block #
0150 AKN 02 1 ;Aux input #2 "writes in" 1st position
0151 BCA 0150 15 0 ;Check axis is homed
0152 WRI 0015 001 ;Writes in Abs. Position at Block 0015
0153 AKN 02 0 ;Write-in complete
0154 AKN 02 1 ;Aux. Input #2 "writes in" 2nd position
0155 WRI 0019 001 ;Writes in Abs. Position at Block 0019
0156 AKN 02 0 ;Write-in complete
0157 JMP 0150 ;Jump to Block 0150

Main Program Before It "Writes In" the New Position
0000 JMP 0015
0015 PSA 1 +00000.000 500
0016 AEA 01 1
0017 WAI 00.50
0018 AEA 01 0
0019 PSA 1 +00000.000 500
0020 AEA 02 1
0021 WAI 00.50
0022 AEA 02 0
0023 JMP 0015
Procedure for Using the WRI Command in Manual Mode
1. In Manual mode, home the axis.
2. Jog the axis to the first position desired.

First position desired: L P 1A +00010.000
1. Turn Auxiliary Input #2 on and off.
2. Jog the axis to the second position desired.

Second position desired: L P 1A -00005.000
1. Turn Auxiliary Input #2 on and off.
2. Now blocks 15 should change to the first position desired. Blocks 19
should change to the second position desired.

Main Program After It "Writes In" the New Position Block Number
0015 POA 1 + 00010.000 999 ;Always writes in velocity of 99.9%.
0016 AEA 01 1 ;Use VEO or VCC to change it.
0017 WAI 00.50
0018 AEA 01 0
0019 POA 1 - 00005.000 999 ;Always writes in velocity of 99.9%.
0020 AEA 02 1 ;Use VEO or VCC to change it.
0021 WAI 00.50
0022 AEA 02 0
0023 JMP 0015

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-99

5.10 Tool Correction

D==, G40, G43, G44

Tool Override

Dnn ±00010.00

nn - Number of the Tool Correction Register to be used.

00000.00 - Tool Correction value (to 2 or 3 decimal places, dependent
on the value in parameter B003). A sign bit must be
added. Positive correction is the default.

5-100 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

The tool length correction consists of a tool correction memory with 19
selectable Tool Correction registers, D01...D19. D00 is effective upon
entering automatic operation and is active once the program is started.
Inputting of correction values is possible on-line through the CTA keyboard
or through the serial interfaces. Tool Correction register values can be
entered in manual and automatic mode. External Tool Correction data
input is also possible through parallel inputs using the SO1 command (see
Chapter 5 for a complete description of the SO1 command).

It is possible to use the Tool Correction register for a variable memory,

however, only one correction value can be selected and calculated per
programming command.

Each correction value memory can accept a seven-digit correction value.

The eighth digit is the mathematical operator (+/-).

The commands G43 and G44 enable the selected Tool Correction register.
Its value is then added or subtracted from the destination programmed
according to the mathematical operator (+/-).

Tool correction is disabled with the command G40 or by selecting the

register D00.

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-101

Selecting a Correction Memory

E 1000 D==

nn - Number of the correct memory selected (00...19)

An activated tool correction is effective for all feed commands (G01, POA,

Registers D01-D19 can contain values up to seven digits. The eight digit is
designated as the sign digit, either + or -.

Register D00 deactivates Tool Correction and unselects any active

register. After a D==00 block, in order to activate Tool Correction, you must
re-select a Tool Correction register using the D==nn command.

5-102 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

Activating Tool Correction

G43 Tool Correction - Activated
E 1000 G43

Adds the contents of the active Tool Correction register to the programmed
destination. The sign of the value in the Tool Correction register is
considered in this computation.

If the value in the register is +1, this command will add +1 to the
programmed destination. If the value is -1, this command will add -1 to the
programmed destination.

G44 Tool Correction - Subtracted

E 1000 G44

Subtracts the contents of the active Tool Correction register to the

programmed destination. The sign of the value in the Tool Correction
register is considered in this computation.

If the value in the register is +1, this command will subtract +1 to the
programmed destination. If the value is -1, this command will subtract -1 to
the programmed destination (which means it will add 1 to the programmed

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming 5-103

Deactivating Tool Correction

There are two ways to deactivate a tool correction value:
• Select Tool Correction memory 00 with a D==00 command.
• Disable the Tool Correction function with the G40 command.

G40 Tool Correction Deactivated

E 1000 G40

This command disables Tool Correction within the process path in the
programmed feed command.

G40 is effective upon entering automatic operation.

The register selected remains selected, even after deactivating the Tool
Correction with G40. If a G43 or G44 command is issued after a G40 is
issued, the last selected Tool Correction register prior to the G40
command will be used as the selected value.

External Tool Correction

Tool Correction registers can also be specified on-line using the SO1
command. The SO1 command is used to read in information via decade
switches or from a programmable controller.

5-104 Programming DLC-A and DLC-G

DLC-A and DLC-G Installation/Start-Up 6-1

6 Installation/Start-Up
This Chapter covers the installation and initial start up testing procedures
for the DLC control system. The typical DLC Control system consists of
the following components:
• DLC Control Module Card
• DEA 4.1 System/Auxiliary I/O card
• CTA Keypad & Display with remote mounting kit(Optional) and
IKS745 cable
• Power Supply
• Digital AC Servo Drive
• MDD Digital AC Servo Motor
The instructions in this chapter primarily describe the installation of the
DLC Control Module Card. The installation particulars of the other
components (such as a TVD, TVM or KDV power supply, the DDS Digital
AC Servo Drive, or DKS self-contained power supply and digital drive
module) are explained in detail in their respective manuals.
Tools required:
• A small 1/8” blade, standard screwdriver
• A multimeter (VOM)
• An appropriate wrench for 1/4” machine type bolts (used for mounting
module(s) to the cabinet.
• VT 100 terminal or PC with VT 100 terminal emulation software
• IN 391 Cable, PC to Indramat Digital AC Servo Drive

6.1 Mounting Cabinet

It is recommended the Amplifier and Power Supply be mounted in a
cabinet, side by side (see Figure 6.1). The enclosure should be sufficient
to protect the equipment from contaminants, such as water, oil, etc.
Indramat recommends a NEMA 4 or 12 enclosure or equivalent.

6-2 Installation/Start-Up DLC-A and DLC-G

DLC Control Card

DEA 4 Input / Output Car

Fig. 6-1: DKS/DLC Servo System with DEA 4 Installed

DLC-A and DLC-G Installation/Start-Up 6-3

6.2 Power
The DLC receives its power from the digital drive being used. Refer to
separate manuals (listed in Appendix B) for power requirements of the
other modules (power supply, servo drive, etc.).

6.3 Cable Routing

For higher reliability, the high resolution feedback cables must be shielded
and routed away from high voltage power sources to reduce electrical
Do not route the cables near high amperage type machines, like welding
equipment, which produce strong magnetic field interference.
Suppress inductive loads (such as solenoids and motors) that are
switched ON and OFF during DLC system operation, with R-C networks
(AC) or diodes (DC).
Correct grounding is essential for trouble free operation. The ground
connection must be made by observing strictly the branching conditions
shown in the wiring diagram.
1. Transformer - Heat Dissipation
The incoming 3-Phase power must be ground referenced. Use an
isolation transformer with a "Y" secondary if this cannot be confirmed.
Refer to TVD/TVM/KDV/DKS (or appropriate) manual for additional
If a transformer is needed for operation, exercise caution on its location.
Do not install the transformer in the same cabinet as the modules unless
a sufficient method of cooling is applied.

6.4 Hardware Installation

See Appendix D for mounting hole dimensions and location of the CTA
keypad and display module, the cut-out dimensions for the remote
keypad, keypad gasket and mounting holes and cut-out dimensions for
the optional IDS.
The mounting dimensions and cabinet cut-out data for the TVD/DDS or
DKS are located in the units respective support manuals.
The method of mounting the MDD Digital AC servomotor is dependent
upon the application. Additional information and a drawing package for
the MDD servomotor is available on request from Indramat.

6.5 Electrical Installation

There are many variations of wiring techniques used to connect the DEA
4 System/Auxiliary I/O card to the machine builder's equipment. The
Interconnect Drawings supplied with this manual (see Appendix C) show
an example of the connections to a typical machine.

6-4 Installation/Start-Up DLC-A and DLC-G

6.6 DLC/DEA 4.1 Connectors

This section describes the connectors on the DLC/DEA 4.1 plug-in cards.
Refer to Figure 1.5 in Chapter 1 for an illustration of the DLC/DEA 4.1
card and its connector locations in the DKS.

X17: DEA 4.1 System/Auxiliary Input/Output Cable (Cable 04-0123)

X30: CTA Keypad & Display
Female, 34 pin shielded ribbon cable connected to the front panel of the
DLC. The cable is an IKS 745 and its standard length is 2 meters. It
connects from the DLC to the back of the CTA. Refer to the DKS/DLC
interconnects in Appendix C for the proper orientation of the IKS 745
X31: RS-232/485 Communications Port (Interface)
Female, DB 9 connector is located on the lower front panel of the DLC. It
is used for serial communication between the DLC and a host terminal,
SOT or the IDS option. Refer to Chapter 7 for description of this multi-
functional, two-way communications port.

6.7 Pre-Operation Start Up Tests

The following sections are intended to provide the user with an example
of a DLC Digital AC Servo System start-up. They provide an example of a
single axis application that will verify proper function of the system.

WARNING: The information given in the following sections may not be

suitable for a specific application. If you use this example
for testing, do not mechanically connect the servomotor to
the actual load.

6.8 Connections
Note: Do not apply power until all connections have been made.
Refer to the drawings in Appendixes C and D for mounting and
connection information

1. Install the TVD/DDS (Power Supply/Digital AC Servo Drive or DKS

(Digital Compact Drive) per their respective support manuals.
2. Connect the MDD motor power cable and high resolution feedback
cable to the DDS or DKS per interconnect drawings in Appendix C, or
refer to the DDS or DKS support manuals.
3. Connect the optional CTA Keypad/Display to the DLC Connector X30
via IKS 745 ribbon cable. Refer to the interconnect drawings in
Appendix C.

DLC-A and DLC-G Installation/Start-Up 6-5

6.9 DEA 4.1 Input Connections

The DEA 4.1 input connections used in this example are minimized for
the sake of simplicity. Refer to the interconnect drawings in Appendix C
for any additional details. Connect the incoming side of each switch to a
external +24 Vdc source.
1. Connect a 2-position selector switch to provide a +24 Vdc signal to
Pin 2 (Automatic Mode input). The second position is not wired (0
Vdc), and is used for Manual Mode (default mode). Connect a key
switch to provide +24 Vdc to Pin 1 (Parameter Mode input).
2. Connect a Normally Closed pushbutton switch to Pin 3
( 'OGTIGPE[5VQR ) of the DEA 4.1, connector X17.
3. Connect a Normally Open momentary pushbutton to Pin 4 (Cycle
Start) of DEA 4.1, connector X17.
4. Connect a Normally Closed momentary pushbutton to Pin 5
( %[ENG5VQR ) of DEA 4.1, connector X17.
5. Connect a Normally Open momentary pushbutton to Pin 6 (Jog
Forward) of DEA 4.1, connector X17.
6. Connect a Normally Open momentary pushbutton to Pin 7 (Jog
Reverse) of DEA 4.1, connector X17.
7. Connect a Normally Open momentary pushbutton to Pin 8 (Clear) of
DEA 4.1, connector X17.
8. Connect the +24Vdc external power supply to pins 34 and 35 (0Vdc)
and pins 36 and 37 (+24Vdc) of the DEA 4.1 connector X17.










36 +24VDC
37 +24VDC
34 0VDC
0VDC 35 0VDC

Fig. 6-2: Example Input Diagram

6-6 Installation/Start-Up DLC-A and DLC-G

6.10 DEA 4.1 Output Connections

For the purpose of a sample start-up, the connections for the DEA 4.1
outputs are not necessary. The ends of the unused wires in cable 04-
0123 should be wrapped in electrical tape to prevent any damage to the
outputs. Refer to the interconnect drawings in Appendix C for properly
interfacing the DEA 4.1 system /auxiliary outputs with the machine.

6.11 Power-Up
The system can now be powered up. All voltages should be checked by a
qualified electrician to ensure proper signals and connections.
The digital drive being used has two 7 segment LEDs, H1, which displays
the current operating status of the digital controller. If all connections are
correct the H1 status will be "bb". If the diagnostic is not "bb", consult the
digital controller manual for information on how to correct the problem.
The CTA display should also display no errors. Consult Chapter 8,
Diagnostics And Troubleshooting for more information on how to correct
the problem.
The DLC Digital Servo Systems is ready for drive & system parameters to
be installed.

6.12 Digital AC Servo Amplifier Parameter Entry

The Indramat Digital AC Servo Amplifier contains an RS232 interface,
Connector X2. This interface gives you information regarding the status of
the drive and allows you to read and adjust all the amplifier’s system
parameters. The RS232 interface provides screens and menus which are
accessible via a VT 100 terminal or a PC computer with a VT100
emulator, (e.g. Procomm, Windows 3.1, etc.). The communication
settings are as follows:
Baud Rate: 9600
Parity: None
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Connect the VT 100 terminal or PC with VT 100 terminal emulation
software to the Digital AC Servo Amplifier to connector X2 via an IN 391
cable and press the <Enter> key. This will bring up the Main Menu

Note: Digital drive parameters can also be set with the CTA keypad.
If using the keypad for drive parameter entry, skip this section
and refer to Chapter 4.

Changing The Display Language

In order to change the language displayed on the screen, press the
number 3 from the Main Menu.
German Text = Press the number 1
English Text = Press the number 2
After the selection, the Main Menu screen will be displayed.

DLC-A and DLC-G Installation/Start-Up 6-7

Main Menu
The Main Menu allows you to view the following information:
• Drive Status
• Parameters
• Language Selection
• ESC = Exit Program
In order for the DLC to operate properly, the Digital Amplifier’s parameters
must coincide with the parameters programmed in the DLC. To check or
adjust the parameter currently in the amplifier, press number 2 from the
Main Menu screen.
The Drive Parametrization screen will be displayed. Consult the
amplifier’s manual for a description and the proper parameter values for
the amplifier/motor combination being used, press the letter “c” to
The Parameter Menu screen will display the following selection list,
application parameters, drive parameters, and parameter management.
When setting up an Indramat Digital Amplifier with the DLC, the
application and drive parameters must be set correctly.

Setting the Amplifier’s Parameters to Operate with the DLC Control Card
1. Press the number 6, Motor & Drive Data.
This will display the current amplifier/motor combination. Look under
the Motor Parameters and make a note of the Maximum Velocity of
Motor (RPM). Press <ESC> to return to the Parameter Menu.
2. Press the number 1, Operation Mode Scaling.
The Operation Mode allows the user to configure the following
amplifier parameters:
• Analog Outputs
• Bipolar Velocity Limit Value
• Overload Factor
• Analog Output - Position Data Scaling
• Analog Output - Velocity Data Scaling

Analog Outputs
The Indramat Digital Amplifier has two analog outputs. AK1 (Connector
X3, pin 1, referenced to OVm, pin 2) and AK2 (Connector X3, referenced
to Ovm, pin 4). These outputs can be configured to output following items:
• Velocity Command Value
• Velocity Feedback Value
• Position Feedback Value
• Motor Encoder - Sine
• Motor Encoder - Cosine
• Current Command Value
Press the up or down arrow keys to position the cursor on the proper
channel. Then press the left or right arrow keys to select the desired
output. Continue pressing until the desired output is selected.

6-8 Installation/Start-Up DLC-A and DLC-G

Bipolar Velocity Limit Value

The Bipolar Velocity Limit Value sets the motor’s maximum velocity limit
in the forward or reverse direction.
Position the cursor to the right of the Bipolar Velocity Limit Value and type
in the desired velocity in revolutions per minute (RPM).

Note: The value entered should not exceed the maximum velocity of
the motor. If an operating velocity of less than maximum is
desired, enter that value here.

Overload Factor
The Overload Factor is determined based on the desired intermittent
torque and duty cycle of the system. Consult the Indramat Digital Amplifier
Selection List for the proper Overload Factor Value.
For the purpose of testing the DLC with the Indramat Amplifier, set the
Overload Factor to 100%. Position the cursor to the right of the Overload
Factor and type 100, then hit enter.

Position Data Scaling at the Analog Output (Degrees/10V)

When the position values are selected for either of the analog outputs, the
Position Data Scaling defines a zero to ten volt linear scaling based upon
the angle of the motor’s rotor position.
For example, if 360 degrees were entered, one revolution of the motor
would provide one linear voltage ramp from 0 to 10V.
Position the cursor to the right of the Position Data Scaling and type in the
desired degrees. Typically, 360 degrees is entered.

Velocity Data Scaling At The Analog Output (RPM/10V)

When the velocity values are selected for either of the analog outputs, the
Velocity Data Scaling defines a zero to ten volts linear scaling based upon
the velocity of the motor in RPM. For example, if the Bipolar Velocity Limit
is 3000 RPM, then when the motor is operating at 1500 RPM, 5 volts will
be the output.
1. Position the cursor to the right of the Velocity Data Scaling and type in
the desired velocity per 10 Volts.
Typically the value entered here is the same value entered in the
Bipolar Velocity Limit Value.
2. Press <ESC> to return to the Parameter Menu.
The Absolute Encoder Parameters are automatically set by the
When power is applied, the amplifier reads the type of motor
connected and sets the Absolute Encoder Parameters based upon a
single or multi-turn feedback.
3. Press the number 3, error Reaction.
There are three types of Error Reaction to select. The Error Reaction
selected determines how the amplifier will react when a shutdown
error occurs. Typically 0 is selected as the Error Reaction.
4. Press <ESC> to return to Parameter Menu.
The Torque Limits are currently not available.
5. Press the number 5, Gain Parameters.
The Gain Parameters allow the user to adjust the velocity/current loop
gains of the amplifier.
6. To set the amplifier/motor combination to standard values, position the
cursor to Reset To Standard Parameters and press the <Enter> key.

DLC-A and DLC-G Installation/Start-Up 6-9

7. The following question will be displayed: Are You sure? Yes - > Y,
8. Press the <Y> key on your computer to reset to standard
parameters. Press any other key to prevent resetting to standard

Note: You must be in parameter mode, RF disabled, to reset to

standard parameters.

9. Press <ESC> to return to the Parameter Menu.

The amplifier's parameters entry has been completed. The parameter
management section allows the user to save and load the parameters
to and from diskette. Consult the Indramat Digital Amplifier Manual for
more information.
The next step is to configure the DLC Control Card to operate with the
parameters entered in the digital amplifier.

6.13 Parameter Entry

The parameters given here are the minimum required to operate the
digital drive with the DLC control card. For this example, the following
descriptions assume an input unit (IU) = 1 inch. Turn the keyswitch to
Parameter Mode to enable parameter entry. Enter the following
parameters (refer to Chapter 4 for parameter entry procedures or for
further description of each parameter, if necessary).
B007 Language
01 03 0 0 00 (English display, resolution to 3 places)
A100 Max Velocity
See example entries on the following page or refer to Chapter 4,
Parameters for more information.
A101 Jog Velocity
00005.000 (5.0 in/sec)
A102 Acceleration
0000025.0 (25.0 in/sec²)
A103 Position Gain
0000 01.00 (1.0 in/min/mil of Following Error)
A106 Position Tolerance
01 000.050 (Output 01, position tol.= 0.050 in)
A108 Feed Constant
001.00000 (1.0 in/motor rev)
A109 Direction
0 0 000000 (Direction of operation is unchanged)
A110 Homing Setup
0 0 0 2 00 0 0 (Required for MDD High Resolution Multi-turn Feedback)
A121 Maximum Motor Speed
Enter maximum motor RPM here.
A122 Monitor Window
0 0 00 0 010 (10% window)
Following are three examples for A100 and A121 input. Refer to
Parameter A100 description to calculate the Max Velocity.
Maximum Motor A121 Entry A100 Entry
1500 rpm 1500 0000 00025.000 (25 in/sec)
2000 rpm 2000 0000 00033.333 (33.333 in/sec)
3000 rpm 3000 0000 00050.000 (50 in/sec)

6-10 Installation/Start-Up DLC-A and DLC-G

6.14 Program Entry

This is a sample program for operating the DLC in an automatic mode.
Enter the program as shown.
Block 0000 E 0000 PSI
1 +00100.000 200

Block 0001 E 0001 WAI


Block 0002 E 0002 PSI

1 -00100.000 200

Block 0003 E 0003 WAI


Block 0004 E 0004 JST


Block 0000 - will command the axis to rotate in the plus direction 100 input units, at
20% of the maximum velocity. Since the feed constant equals 1, the
motor should turn 100 revolutions.
Block 0001 - will cause a 1 second delay once the axis has reached position.
Block 0002 - will cause the axis to rotate in the minus direction 100 input units, at 20%
of the maximum velocity.
Block 0003 - will cause a 1 second delay once the axis has reached position.
Block 0004 - will jump back to block 0000 and stop. See the following sections for
testing procedures.

6.15 Axis Jogging in Manual Mode

With "bb" displayed on the digital drive and no errors displayed on the CTA,
press the Drive On pushbutton. The H1 status should display "AF" and torque
should be applied to the MDD servomotor. If problems exist, consult the digital
drive manual or Chapter 8 of this manual, to correct the problems.
To verify proper motor hook-up, and control of the motor, jog the axis in Manual
Mode. Turn the selector switches to the OFF position so that neither the
Automatic nor the Parameter Mode inputs are high (defaults to Manual Mode).
1. Press the Forward Jog pushbutton (connected to X17, Pin 6). The
axis should jog in the forward direction, until the button is released.
2. Press the Reverse Jog pushbutton (connected to X17, Pin 7). The
axis should jog in the reverse direction, until the button is released.
3. Should either the forward or reverse motor movement fail to react,
check all cable connections and verify the DLC is in Manual Mode.

Note: If the CTA displays any errors, refer to Chapter 8, Diagnostics.

DLC-A and DLC-G Installation/Start-Up 6-11

6.16 Automatic Mode Operation

To run the sample program and check Automatic Mode operation:
1. Turn the selector switch to Automatic Mode (wired to connector X17,
Pin 2).
2. Press the Cycle Start pushbutton (connected to X17, Pin 4)

Note: The DLC will execute the sample program and stop after one
cycle. Change block 0004 to JMP 0000 to run the cycle

3. Press the Cycle Stop pushbutton to stop operation. Press Cycle Start
to restart the program.

Note: %[ENG5VQR will cause an immediate stop without error.

'OGTIGPE[5VQR will cause an immediate stop also, but will
cause a fault to be displayed. De-actuate the E-stop switch
and press the CL (clear) key on the CTA keypad to clear the
fault, to allow restarting the operation.

6-12 Installation/Start-Up DLC-A and DLC-G

DLC-A and DLC-G Serial Interface 7-1

7 Serial Interface
The DLC Control Card includes a multi-format RS-232/485 port for two-
way communication of programs, parameters and system status between
the DLC and a host device. The interface protocol is designed to easily
transmit and receive data to and from the DLC. This chapter describes
the protocol and other communication requirements.
The host device must strictly adhere to the communications format as
described in this chapter to achieve proper communication, or one of
several "RS Format Errors" will be returned through the port (or indicated
on the control status display, see Figure 2.2 for a map of displays)
indicating that the information was not properly formatted or understood.
User programs (Block information) can be downloaded to the DLC when it
is in any mode of operation (Auto, Manual, or Parameter). The same is
true for system status. System parameters can be downloaded to the
DLC, only when it is in Parameter Mode. If attempted in any other mode,
the host receives a "Invalid Mode" error message through the port.
Parameters can be read from the DLC in any mode.
The optional Indramat program assembler software (MotionManager)
allows you to write and edit user programs and parameter list on any DOS
based computer. You can download these into the DLC control through
the serial interface. You can also upload the information from the DLC
and make a print out of your program and parameter files.
The optional Indramat SOT (Station Operator Terminal) is a remote
mounted, operator control device for the DLC. It is used to communicate
program and parameter information between the DLC and SOT. The
software in the SOT includes Help screens to assist the operator in using
the SOT and for entering information correctly. The Indramat command line
editor (Screen Manager), is used to write information and prompt lines for
the operator that will appear on the SOT display (16 lines, 40 characters
each). Contact Indramat for additional information on these options.

7.1 Connector Wiring (DB-9)

The serial interface connector (standard DB 9), is the X31 connector,
located on the front of the DLC Control Card.
Refer to Figure 7.1 for a pin-out diagram of the multi-function port (X31
connector). It shows the pin numbers and definitions of signal connections
for each type of communication.

Fig. 7-1: DLC X31 Connector

7-2 Serial Interface DLC-A and DLC-G

Signal Level Requirements

Figure 7.2 illustrates the signal level requirements for the different
communications (RS232/485) for the DLC Control Card. To minimize
signal degradation over long cable runs, the serial device driver should
provide the following levels:
• RS-232 ± 15 Vdc (50 ft maximum run)
• RS-422 ± 5 Vdc (1000 ft maximum run)
• RS-485 ± 5 Vdc (3000 ft maximum run)
The length of the transition for each word "T" is set in the serial interface
parameter B003. The current hardware version is capable of 300 to
19200 baud.

Fig. 7-2: Signal Level Requirements

Serial Cable Configurations

For RS-232 serial communications, you should note that the connector on
the serial card in your computer can vary in configuration. Figure 7.3
illustrates two common serial connections for interfacing from the RS-232
port of a computer to the DLC.
9 pin D 25 pin D 9 pin D 9 pin D

TD 3 > -------------------- > 3 TD 3> -------------------- > 2

RD 2< -------------------- < 2 RD 2< -------------------- < 3
Grnd 5< ------------------ > 7 Grnd 5< ------------------ > 5

7 <------ 7 < -----

| 9 pin to 25 pin | 9 pin to 9 pin
8 < D connector 8 < D connector
Fig. 7-3: RS-232 Serial Cable Configurations

DLC-A and DLC-G Serial Interface 7-3

The DLC requires only three lines of the standard 9-pin connector for RS-
232 communication. Pin 3 is for Transmitted Data, pin 2 for Received
Data, and pin 5 is the Data Signal Ground. Typically, pin 1 connects the
cable shield to ground on one end only. The transmit data connection
from one device connects to the receive data of the other device, and vice
versa. Signal ground connection must be common on both devices. Pins
7 and 8 are jumped on the DLC side only. Consult the manufacturers
information for the serial card in your computer for its specific pin
configuration. Indramat can supply a standard serial cable (cable # 05-
0046) to connect from 9 pin PC to 9 pin DLC card. You may prefer to buy
the required connectors and wire the cable in-house. Note that most serial
cards do not provide a signal strong enough to go through a cable longer
than about 50 feet. When possible, use a shielded cable no more than
25-50 feet long. Only connect the pins shown in this figure. Wires
connected on any pins other than the ones shown may cause
communications errors.

7.2 Data Format

To achieve proper communications, configure the communication
parameters (B003 and B004) to match between your computer and the
DLC. Figure 7.4 illustrates the data format. Following sections describe
each parameter for data communication. Section 7.5 further describes the
Checksum options of parameter B004.

Fig. 7-4: Data Format

Word Length
The word length is set in parameter B003 (see Chapter 4 for entry
• 7 = 7 bit word length
• 8 = 8 bit word length

Parity Check
The parity type is set in parameter B003 (see Chapter 4 for entry
• 1 = no parity
• 2 = even parity
• 3 = odd parity

7-4 Serial Interface DLC-A and DLC-G

Baud Rate
The baud rate is set in parameter B003 (see Chapter 4 for entry
You may choose any baud rate from among the following values:
Parameter Entry Baud Rate
0030 0300
0060 0600
0120 1200
0240 2400
0320 3200
0480 4800
0640 6400
0960 9600
1920 19200

Interface Mode
The interface mode is set in parameter B003 (see Chapter 4 for entry
You may choose from among the following:
0 Standard RS232 (Full Duplex)
1 IDS, decade switch option
2 Same as Mode 0
3 Serial port for SOT (Station Operator Terminal);
RS-232 half duplex, one station ONLY
4 Serial bus for SOT; RS-485, half duplex, station 1 through 32
entered in parameter B004

7.3 DLC Control String Protocol

The following sections describe each control character requirements for
proper protocol.

First (1) Control String Character (Transmission Type)

All data transmissions to the DLC must start with one of the following
control characters to identify what type of transmission is to follow:
? Hexadecimal 3F
The DLC interprets this character (received via the RxD channel)
as a "Request for Information" - when followed by the proper
requesting codes, the DLC will transmit the desired data via the
TxD channel.
# Hexadecimal 23
This character signifies a block of "Information to be Stored" into
memory. The data that follows will be read into the proper
memory location.
! Hexadecimal 21
This character signifies a "System Parameter" or "Control
Command" is to follow.

DLC-A and DLC-G Serial Interface 7-5

Second (2) Control String Character (DLC Unit # Identifier)

This character is only present if communicating in the RS-485 mode. It is
used to identify the DLC unit # to receive the current message. If
communicating in RS-232 mode, this character will be a space (Hex 20).
Space RS-232 Mode
1 DLC#1 RS-485 Mode H DLC#17 RS-485 Mode
2 DLC#2 RS-485 Mode I DLC#18 RS-485 Mode
3 DLC#3 RS-485 Mode J DLC#19 RS-485 Mode
4 DLC#4 RS-485 Mode K DLC#20 RS-485 Mode
5 DLC#5 RS-485 Mode L DLC#21 RS-485 Mode
6 DLC#6 RS-485 Mode M DLC#22 RS-485 Mode
7 DLC#7 RS-485 Mode N DLC#23 RS-485 Mode
8 DLC#8 RS-485 Mode O DLC#24 RS-485 Mode
9 DLC#9 RS-485 Mode P DLC#25 RS-485 Mode
A DLC#10 RS-485 Mode Q DLC#26 RS-485 Mode
B DLC#11 RS-485 Mode R DLC#27 RS-485 Mode
C DLC#12 RS-485 Mode S DLC#28 RS-485 Mode
D DLC#13 RS-485 Mode T DLC#29 RS-485 Mode
E DLC#14 RS-485 Mode U DLC#30 RS-485 Mode
F DLC#15 RS-485 Mode V DLC#31 RS-485 Mode
G DLC#16 RS-485 Mode W DLC#32 RS-485 Mode

Third (3) Control String Character (Information Type)

This character is used to identify the type of information to be sent.
N Hexadecimal 4E
Identifier for a program block. The information which follows this
character will be stored as a program block (0000-2999).
K Hexadecimal 4B
Identifier for a system parameter. The information which follows
this character will be stored as a parameter.
X Hexadecimal 58
Identifier for DLC status. The status type requested will be sent
back to the host device.

Other Important Control Characters

The following are additional control characters required for proper
$ Hexadecimal 24
Identifier for check sum. The two characters following this
character represent the check sum of the information transmitted.
This check sum must be transmitted along with every
CR Hexadecimal OD
LF Hexadecimal OA
These two characters, CR (Carriage Return) and LF (Line Feed) form the
end of every transmission.
X-ON Hexadecimal 11
X-OFF Hexadecimal 13

7-6 Serial Interface DLC-A and DLC-G

Serial transmission can be controlled using handshaking.

• If the DLC is sending data via the TxD channel and receives the "X-
OFF" signal (Hexadecimal 13/ASCII DC3) via the RxD channel, the
DLC will interrupt the transmission until the "X-ON" signal
(Hexadecimal 11/ASCII DC1) is received again via the RxD channel.
• If the DLC is receiving data via the RxD channel, and an interruption
of the data transmission becomes necessary, the DLC will send the
"X-OFF" signal (Hexadecimal 13/ASCII DC3) via the TxD channel.
When the transmission can be resumed, the DLC will send the "X-ON"
signal (Hexadecimal 11/ASCII DC1) via the TxD channel.

7.4 Information Characters

All information characters are coded in hexadecimal. The following
characters are used for exchange of information:
0 Hexadecimal 30
through through
9 Hexadecimal 39
A Hexadecimal 41
through through
Z Hexadecimal 5A
Used as command codes for the DLC, depending on programming,
A - Z must be uppercase.
_ (space) Hexadecimal 20
For creating the desired format, the space-character is used.

Note: This chapter indicates a space with the underline character.

+ Hexadecimal 2B
- Hexadecimal 2D
The operational sign must be transmitted for position command blocks
. Hexadecimal 2E
, Hexadecimal 2C
Used in data fields, depends on Language selected if responds with
period (.) or comma (,). The DLC treats both the same.

7.5 CHECKSUM Calculations

If checksum is enabled in parameter B004, the following example shows
how it would be calculated. After all characters are added together, the
High-byte is added to the Low-byte, then the compliment of the two is
taken. This number should immediately follow the "$" character.

DLC-A and DLC-G Serial Interface 7-7

Fig. 7-5: CHECKSUM Example Calculation

7.6 Sending Information to the DLC

The DLC is capable of receiving new program block and parameter data
from a host device, using the set of protocols described in the following
sections. They use the key characters defined in sections 7.3 to 7.5, and
a set data field to transfer the required information.
To get an acceptable transmission, it is very important that all characters,
including all spaces, are used in the exact described format when sending
to the DLC. If there is any type of discrepancy, the DLC will respond with
an error message describing the type of format error that was found, and
the current data will not be changed.

Sending Program Blocks to the DLC

A program block sent to the DLC must follow this format:
The following describes each part of the command string:
#_N Send program block to DLC
bbbb Block Number (0000-2999)
ccc Command Mnemonic
dd-->dd Data, 16 characters in the proper format for a given
$ End of block (check sum may follow)
hh Check sum (if enabled in parameter 42)
CrLf Carriage Return, Line Feed

7-8 Serial Interface DLC-A and DLC-G

Note: All transmitted data fields must be comprised of 16 characters.

Send trailing spaces to fill the data block.

The following provides example of command strings for program

blocks with different size data fields. Note the information as it appears on
the DLC display, then the format required to send the information, filling
all 16 characters positions of the data field.

Display Screens
E 0100 AEA
07 0

E 0101 PSI
1 +02345.678 999

Serial Data To Transmit

(same information that can be entered from the CTA keypad on the Edit
display screens above)
| |
| |
| Data Field |
| |
| |
Refer to Chapter 5 for description of each command and its data field
Table 7.1 illustrates the serial data string arrangement for each command
and its data field.

Sending Parameters to the DLC

Parameters sent to the DLC must follow this format:
! _ K _ y y x x _ d d d d d d d d _ $ h h CR LF

The following describes each part of the command string:

!_K Send parameter to DLC
yy Parameter Set
xx Parameter Number
dd-->dd Data, 8 characters in the proper format for a given parameter
$ End of block (check sum may follow)
hh Check sum (if enabled in parameter B004)
CrLf Carriage Return, Line Feed

DLC-A and DLC-G Serial Interface 7-9

Parameter Set Code (yy=) Parameter Number (xx=)

General parameter B0 00 to 15
Axis 1 parameter A1 00 to 25
Drive Parameter C0 00 to 12
M-Function MH or ML 00 to 63
Tool Corrections DO 01 to 19

Note: The DLC must be in Parameter Mode before sending

parameter information or an error will be issued.

7.7 Alphabetical Listing of Commands

ACC _ 1 _ _ 9 9 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Acceleration Change
AEA _ 0 7 _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auxiliary Output ON/OFF
AKN _ 0 7 _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Acknowledge Single Input
AKP _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 Parallel Acknowledgment Input
APE _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 Parallel Outputs ON/OFF
APJ _ 1 2 3 _ 4 _ 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 Set Parallel Outputs, then Jump
ATS _ 0 7 _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Output State Monitor
BAC _ 3 4 5 _ _ + 1 2 3 4 _ 1 2 3 4 5 Branch And Count
BCA _ 3 4 5 _ _ 0 7 _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ Output-Dependent Conditional Branch
BCB _ 3 4 5 _ 2 0 _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Binary Input Conditional Branch
BCD _ 3 4 5 _ 2 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BCD-Dependent Conditional Branch
BCE _ 3 4 5 _ _ 0 7 _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ Input-Dependent Conditional Branch
BIC _ 1 2 3 4 _ 2 0 _ _ 1 5 _ 3 _ 0 _ Branch Input/Output Compare
BIO _ 3 4 5 _ 1 _ 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 Branch Input/Output Compare
BMB _ 1 0 0 _ 1 0 _ 0 4 _ 8 _ _ _ _ _ Binary Output-Dependent Conditional Branch
BPA _ 3 4 5 _ 1 _ 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 Branch on Parallel Outputs
BPE _ 3 4 5 _ 1 _ 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 Branch on Parallel Inputs
BPT _ 3 4 5 _ 2 _ + 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 Branch If Position Has Been Reached
BZP _ 3 4 5 _ 2 _ + 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 Branch if Target Position Exceeds Position Limit
CID _ 3 4 5 _ 1 _ 0 _ + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Change Instruction Data
CIO _ 0 _ 0 1 _ 2 3 _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Copy Input/Output to Output
CLA _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Clear axis (Absolute Encoder Value)
CLC _ 3 4 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Clear Counter
COC _ 1 _ 0 7 _ 0 0 1 1 2 2 _ + 3 6 0 Cam Output Control
CON _ 1 _ _ 0 _ + 9 9 9 _ 0 7 _ _ _ _ Continuous Operation (ON/OFF)
COU _ + 1 2 3 4 5 _ 1 2 _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Count
CPL _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Clear Position Lag
CST _ 1 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Change Subroutine Stack - Pointer
D== _ 1 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tool Correction Memory Selection
FAK _ 1 _ _ 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 _ _ _ _ _ Factor All Motions (All Positions by X)
FOL _ 1 _ _ 2 _ _ 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 _ _ axis Synchronization (on/off)
FUN _ _ 2 _ 2 _ 1 _ 2 2 2 2 _ _ _ _ _ Functions

7-10 Serial Interface DLC-A and DLC-G

F== _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feedrate command for G-Code Functions

G01 _ 1 _ + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 _ 9 9 _ _ Linear Feed with M Functions
G04 _ 1 2 3 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dwell Time
G40 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Deactivate Tool Correction
G43 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Add Tool Correction to Command Position
G44 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Substract Tool Correction to Command
G60 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Position with Exact Stop
G61 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Begin Velocity Rate Optimization Profile
G74 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reference (Home) Axis
G90 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Begin Absolute Positioning
G91 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Begin Incremental Positioning
HOM _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Home axis
JMP _ 3 4 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Unconditional Jump (to block)
JSR _ 3 4 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jump to Subroutine
JST _ 3 4 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jump and Stop
JTK _ 3 4 5 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jump in Task (task interrupt)
KDI _ 2 0 0 _ _ 1 0 0 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ Copy Position Difference
MOM _ 1 _ 1 2 3 _ 1 2 3 _ 1 2 _ 1 2 3 Torque Reduction
M== _ 1 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Select M-Function
NOP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Blank Block (no operation)
PBK _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Position Break
PFA _ 1 _ + 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 _ 9 9 9 Absolute Position Feed to Positive Stop
PFI _ 1 _ + 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 _ 9 9 9 Incremental Position Feed to Positive Stop
POA _ 1 _ + 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 _ 9 9 9 Position Absolute Feed
POI _ 1 _ + 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 _ 9 9 9 Position Incremental Feed
POM _ 1 _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Incremental Feed to Decade Switch Position
PSA _ 1 _ + 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 _ 9 9 9 Absolute Feed with Position Acknowledgment
PSI _ 1 _ + 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 _ 9 9 9 Incremental Feed with Position Acknowledge
PSM _ 1 _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feed to Decade Switch Pos. w/ Acknowledge
PST _ 1 _ _ 0 1 _ + 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 Position Test
REF _ 1 _ 0 _ 9 9 9 _ 1 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ Detect Registration Mark Input
REP _ 3 4 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Registration Search Limit Branch
RMI _ _ 0 _ 0 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Registration Mark Interrupt
RSV _ 1 _ 0 0 0 _ 1 0 0 0 0 0 _ _ _ _ Restart Vector
RTS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Return from Subroutine
SAC _ 1 _ 0 _ _ _ + 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 Set Absolute Counter
SIN _ 1 _ _ 0 7 _ 1 2 . 3 4 5 _ 1 2 3 Sine Oscillation
SO1 _ 1 _ 1 _ 0 7 _ 9 9 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ Scanning of Inputs and Modifying a Length
STH _ 0 _ _ 0 0 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Send to Host
STO _ 1 2 3 _ 1 _ 2 _ 1 2 3 4 _ 1 2 _ Send Information to Outputs
VCA _ 1 _ + 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 _ 9 9 9 Velocity Change Absolute
VCC _ 1 _ _ 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 _ 9 9 9 Velocity Change
VEO _ 1 _ 1 _ 1 _ 9 9 9 _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ Velocity Override Command
WAI _ 0 1 . 0 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Time Delay (Wait)
WRI _ 3 4 5 _ _ 0 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Write in Absolute Position (teach command)

DLC-A and DLC-G Serial Interface 7-11

7.8 Information Request

Program, Parameter and System Status can be requested from the DLC.
This allows a host device to discern the status of the DLC and access the
following information:
• Request Program Block
• Request Parameter
• Request Status Information
Each is fully described in the following sections.

Requesting a Program Block from the DLC

A request for a program block begins with "?_N" and ends with "CrLf" - a
checksum is not required. Request format is as follows:
? _ N b b b b _ CR LF
The following describes each part of the command string:
?_N Send program block to host
bbbb Block Number (0000-2999)
CrLf Carriage Return, Line Feed

The DLC will send the requested program block in the following format
(refer to Table 7.1 for illustration of the data format for each command ):
# _ N b b b b _ c c c _ d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d _ $ h h CR
The following describes each part of the command string:
#_N Sending program block to host
bbbb Block Number
ccc Command Mnemonic
dd-->dd Program block Data
$ End of block (check sum may follow)
hh Check sum (if enabled in parameter 42)
CrLf Carriage Return, Line Feed

Requesting a Parameter from the DLC

It is not necessary to be in Parameter Mode to request parameter data.
The computer Sends a Request in the format as follows:
? _ K _ y y x x _ CR LF

The following describes each part of the command string:

?_K Send parameter to host
yy Parameter Set
xx Parameter Number
CrLf Carriage Return, Line Feed

The DLC responds to the requested parameter in the following format:

! _ K _ y y x x _ d d d d d d d d _ $ h h CR LF

7-12 Serial Interface DLC-A and DLC-G

The following describes each part of the command string:

!_K Sending parameter to host
yy Parameter Set
xx Parameter Number
dd-->dd Parameter Data
$ End of block (check sum may follow)
hh Check sum (if enabled in parameter B004)
CrLf Carriage Return, Line Feed

Parameter Set Code (yy=) Parameter Number (xx=)

General parameter B0 00 to 15
Axis 1 parameter A1 00 to 25
Drive parameter C0 00 to 12
Tool correction value DO 01 to 19
M-Function MH or ML 00 to 63

Examples: Query: ?_K_B003 (Serial Interface)

Reply: !_K_B003_19200181

Query: ?_K_A108 (Feed Constant axis 1)

Reply: !_K_A108_00100000

Requesting System Status from the DLC

The following System Status Information can be requested from the DLC.
00 Axis 1 Current Position (Decimal)
01 Transmission Error # And Text
02 Current Program Block Operating (Task 1 Only)
03 Axis 1 Current Position (Hexidecimal)
04 Counter status
05 Software version
06 Input status
07 Output status
08 Current Program Block And Subroutine Operating(All Tasks)
09 Current Axis 1 & Measuring Wheel Encoder Position
10 Axis 1 Position Lag

14 Commanded Current at Position

18 Drive Diagnostics
19 Hardware and Software Version

46 Length Counter
47 Actual RPM, Measuring Wheel
48 Axis 1 Current Motor RPM

50 System inputs and outputs (Hex)

51 User inputs (1-88) (Hex)
52 User outputs (1-96) (Hex)
53 System Faults

Each Status Request and DLC Response is described on the following pages.

DLC-A and DLC-G Serial Interface 7-13

Status 00 = Axis 1 Current Position (Decimal)

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 0 0 _ Cr Lf

Response Format: X _ 0 0 _ e d 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 _ x x x x x x x . x x x_ $ h h Cr

e= "_" if axis has not been Homed,

"A" if axis has been Homed
d= Direction (+/-)
11111.111 = Current position of axis 1 (in decimal format, in input
xxxxx.xxx = Not Used

Status 01 = RS Transmission Error # and Text

This information is sent automatically by the DLC when there is a RS
communication format error received via the port.
This information cannot be requested.
Transmission Format: X _ 0 1 _ e e _ t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t _ _ _ _ _ $ h h Cr

e= Error Number
t= Error Text
Consult Chapter 8, Diagnostics and Troubleshooting, for more information
on the serial communication error used in the DLC Control Card.

Status 02 = Current Program Block (for Task 1 only)

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 0 2 _ Cr Lf

Response Format: X _ 0 2 _ N N N N _ n n n n _ $ h h Cr Lf

N= Current Block Number

n= Return to Main program Block number, if in a sub-routine
(JSR Stack pointer)

Status 03 = Axis Current Position (Hexadecimal Format)

Request Format: ?_X_ _ 03 _ Cr :f

Response Format x_03_z z z z z z z z___ y y y y y y y y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ h h Cr Lf

zzzzzzzz = Current position of axis 1 (in Hexadecimal format)

yyyyyyyy = Not Used

Response is in Hexadecimal. Use the following formulas to convert to

Input Units to axis 1 current position in decimal format.
For Linear: IU's = zzzzzzzz * A108
A104 x 4

For Rotary: IU's = zzzzzzzz * A108

360° (A105)

7-14 Serial Interface DLC-A and DLC-G

Status 04 = Counter Status

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 0 4 _ N N N N _ Cr Lf

Response Format: X _ 0 4 _ N N N N _ a a a a a a _ t t t t t t _ _ _ _ _ _ $ h h Cr

NNNN= Counter block number

aaaaaa= Actual count
tttttt= Target count

Status 05 = Software Version

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 0 5 _ Cr Lf

Response Format: X _ 0 5 _ _ v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v _ $ h h Cr Lf

v= Software version (as displayed on the CTA display)

Example: "___DA 01.1-03.02___"

Status 06 = Input Status

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 0 6 _ b _ Cr Lf
Response Format: X _ 0 6 _ b _ e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e _ $ h h Cr Lf

16 inputs are always represented

b= Bank number (Input range)
0= System Inputs 1-8 (DEA 4.1 card)
1= Aux. Inputs 1-7 (DEA 4.1 card)
2= Aux. Inputs 08-22 (DEA 5.1 card)
3= Aux. Inputs 23-37 (DEA 6.1 card)

e= State of each of 15 inputs in sequence, as follows:

0= OFF (0 Vdc)
1= ON (24 Vdc)

DLC-A and DLC-G Serial Interface 7-15

Status 07 = Output Status

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 0 7 _ b _ Cr Lf

Response Format: X _ 0 7 _ b _ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a _ $ h h Cr Lf

16 outputs are always represented.

b= Bank number (Output range)
0= System Outputs 1-5
1= Aux. Outputs 1-16
2= Aux. Outputs 17-32
3= Aux. Outputs 33-48
4= Aux. Outputs 49-64
5= Aux. Outputs 65-80
6= Aux. Outputs 81-96
7= Aux. Outputs 97-99

a= State of each of 16 outputs in sequence, as follows:

0= OFF (0 Vdc)
1= ON (24 Vdc)

Status 08 = Current Block (for all Tasks)

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 0 8 _ Cr Lf

Response Format: X _ 0 8 _ 1 1 0 0 _ 1 2 0 0 _ 1 3 0 0 _ 1 4 0 0 _ 1 5 0 0 _ 1 6 0
0 _ $ h h Cr

1100 = Task 1 - Current block number

1200 = Task 1 - Main program block number
1300 = Task 2 - Current block number
1400 = Task 2 - Main program block number
1500 = Task 3 - Current block number
1600 = Task 3 - Main program block number

The DLC returns the current block number of each task.

It also will return the main program block number if a given task is in a
sub-routine (first level of the JSR stack pointer).
If not in a sub-routine, the current block number is repeated for the main
program return block.
If a task has not been activated, spaces will be returned in the appropriate

7-16 Serial Interface DLC-A and DLC-G

Status 09 = Measuring Wheel / Motor Encoder (Position

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 0 9 _ Cr Lf

Response format: X _ 0 9 _ _ x ± 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 _ ± 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 _ $ h h Cr

X_09 = Status 09
_= Reserved - not used at present
x= "A" - Axis 1 has been homed
"_" - Axis 1 has not been homed
±12345.678 = First Position Axis 1 in EGE
- if Measuring Wheel activated, all MW movements are
- if MW deactivated, all motor transmitter movements are
±12345.678 = Second Position Axis 1 in EGE

Status 10 = Axis 1 Position Lag

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 1 0 _ Cr Lf

Response Format: X _ 1 0 _ d 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 _ x x x x x x . x x x _ $ h h Cr Lf

X_10 = Status 10
d= Direction (+/-)
11111.111 = Position Lag of Axis 1 (in input units)
xxxxx.xxx = Not Used

Status 14 = Command Current at Position

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 1 4 _ Cr Lf

Response Format: X _ 14e±12345.678±123.45$hh Cr Lf

X_14 = Status 14
e= “A” - Axis 1 has been homed
“-” - Axis 1 has not been homed
±12345.678 = Position of Axis 1

±123.45 = Commanded current in amps

Status 18 = Drive Diagnostics

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 1 8 _ Cr Lf

Response Format: X _ 18 123 _ t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t _ _ _ _ $ h h Cr Lf

X_18 = Status 18
123 = Drive diagnostic code
t= Drive diagnostic text

DLC-A and DLC-G Serial Interface 7-17

Status 19 = Hardware and Software Version

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 1 9 _ Cr Lf

Response Format: X _ 1 9 _ H H H H H H H H H H H H H H _ _ S S S S S S S S S S S S
S S _ _ $ h h Cr Lf

X_19 = Status 19
H= Hardware Version (example: __DLC-1.1-A__)
S= Software Version (example: __DA01.1-03.02__)

Status 46 = Length Counter

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 4 6 _ A _ Cr Lf

A = axis number (1) 0 = Measuring wheel

Note: When A = 0: If the measuring wheel option has not been set in
parameters B 009 and B 010, the error message 'M-Wheel P.'
will be sent instead of Status 46.

Response Format: X _ 4 6 _ A _ d 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 _ $ h h Cr Lf

X_46 = Status 46
A= axis number (1), measuring wheel (0)
d= Direction (+/-)
12345.678 = Length selected axis has fed between the programmed
ON and OFF of the command FUN (in input units)

Status 47 = Actual RPM, Measuring Wheel

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 4 7 _ Cr Lf

Response Format:

X _ 4 7 _ O _ d 1 2 3 4 . 5 6 _ $ h h Cr Lf

X_47 = Status 47
d= Direction (+/-)
o= Measuring Wheel axis
1234.56 = Actual RPM of the Measuring Wheel

Note: If the measuring wheel option has not been set in parameters
B 009 and B 010, the error message '10M-Wheel P. False' will
be sent instead of Status 47.

7-18 Serial Interface DLC-A and DLC-G

Status 48 = Axis Current Motor RPM

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 4 8 _ Cr Lf

Response Format: X _ 4 8 _ 1 _ d 1 2 3 4 . 5 6 _ x _ y z z z z . z z _ $ h h Cr Lf

X_48 = Status 48
1= axis number 1
d= Direction (+/-)
1234.56 = Actual RPM of axis 1
x= Not Used
y= Not Used
zzzz.zz = Not Used

Status 50 = System Inputs and Outputs Hexadecimal

Request Format: ? _ x _ _ 5 0 _ Cr Lf

Response Format: X _ 5 0 _ e e e e a a a a $ h h Cr Lf

e= Four system inputs (Hexadecimal)

a= Four system outputs (Hexadecimal)

.1 Hexadecimal Conversion Table

3 2 1 0
Weight = 2 2 2 2 e/a
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 2
0 0 1 1 3
0 1 0 0 4
0 1 0 1 5
0 1 1 0 6
0 1 1 1 7
1 0 0 0 8
1 0 0 1 9
1 0 1 0 A
1 0 1 1 B
1 1 0 0 C
1 1 0 1 D
1 1 1 0 E

DLC-A and DLC-G Serial Interface 7-19

.2 Status 50 Example:


In this example:
• System inputs 3, 5, 6, and 7 are at +24 volts.
• System outputs 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are at +24 volts.

Status 51 = User Inputs (Hexadecimal)

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 5 1 _ CR LF

Response Format: X _ 5 1 _ e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e $ H h CR LF

Input numbers (e = user input, hexadecimal code)

e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 =23
35 31 27 23 19 15 11 7 3 =22
34 30 26 22 18 14 10 6 2 =21
37 33 29 25 21 17 13 9 5 1 =20
0 is transmitted for all other inputs that do not exist in hardware.

Status 52 = User Outputs (Hexadecimal)

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 5 2 _ CR LF

Response Format: X _ 5 2 _ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a $ H h CR

Output numbers (a = user output, hexadecimal code)

a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

96 92 88 84 80 76 72 68 64 60 56 52 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 =23
95 91 87 83 79 75 71 67 63 59 55 51 47 43 39 35 31 27 23 19 15 11 7 3 =22
94 90 86 82 78 74 70 66 62 58 54 50 46 42 38 34 30 26 22 18 14 10 6 2 =21
93 89 85 81 77 73 69 65 61 57 53 49 45 41 37 33 29 25 21 17 13 9 5 1 =20

Status 53 = System Fault

Request Format: ? _ X _ _ 5 3 _ Cr Lf

Response Format: X _ 5 3_ n n _ t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t _ $ h h Cr Lf

nn= error code (hexadecimal)

t= Fault message text

Fault message texts and error codes are listed in detail in chapter 8.

7-20 Serial Interface DLC-A and DLC-G

DLC-A and DLC-G Diagnostics And Troubleshooting 8-1

8 Diagnostics And Troubleshooting

This chapter is divided into three sections. The first section, 8.1,
describes the normal operating diagnostics of the digital drive. If an error
is displayed which is not described in Section 8.1, consult the
Indramat Digital AC Servo Drive Manual for more information.
Section 8.2 describes the system error codes and messages for the DLC
Control Card and suggests possible solutions to the error conditions.
Section 8.3 describes the serial communications errors and suggests
possible solutions to the error condition.

8.1 Digital AC Servo Drive Normal Operating Diagnostics

Error Message Code #
Drive Enabled 102
Explanation of Diagnostic: The digital drive has powered up properly and the DLC Control card has
enabled the servo system. The DLC system can now be operated in
Automatic or Manual mode.

Solution: Not Required

Error Message Code #

Drive Halt 103
Explanation of Diagnostic: The DLC Control card has detected an error. The digital drive will stop
with the maximum torque available. The digital drive will then maintain
zero velocity, with torque still applied to the motor, and remain in a closed
position loop.
Solution: Check the DLC display to determine the DLC error detected. Then consult
the "Solution" section under that specific diagnostic.

Error Message Code #

Drive Ready 101
Explanation of Diagnostic: Control voltage and main power are present, (DC bus voltage is present).
Drive is ready to be enabled. If the DLC Control Card has an error, the
digital drive is typically displaying this diagnostic.
Check the DLC display to determine the error in the DLC. Then consult
the "Solution" section under the diagnostic explanation.
Solution: Not Required

Error Message Code #

Operation Ready 100
Explanation of Diagnostic: The digital drive is ready to have 3 phase power applied.
Solution: Not Required

Error Message Code #

Safety Interlock 104
Explanation of Diagnostic: This diagnostic will occur when the AS+ input is applied. This input is on
the Indramat Digital Drive, connector X3, pins 8 & 9. When the AS + input
is applied, the digital drive will immediately command the motor to zero
velocity and then disable the power section of the digital drive.
Solution: This message is a direct response to an external signal applied to the
digital drive. Check machine wiring to determine why the AS input is being
applied. Consult the manual for the specific digital drive for more
information on the use of the AS inputs.

8-2 Diagnostics And Troubleshooting DLC-A and DLC-G

8.2 DLC System Error Code And System Error Messages

When the DLC detects an error, all outputs are turned off and the error
message appears on the CTA display. After the error has been corrected,
the message must be cleared by pressing the CL key on the CTA keypad,
or by providing a +24-volt input to the external Clear input (connector X17,
pin 8).
Typically, the word "ERROR" appears on the top line of the display. The
second line displays one of the following messages:

Error Message Code #

(No diagnostic message is displayed) 00
Explanation of Diagnostic: When the DLC Control card is operating properly , with no system errors
present, requesting the Status Code 53 through an external host device
causes the DLC Control card to transmit the error code "00".
No error message will be displayed on the CTA panel, if used. If another
MMI device is used, it may display a message in response to this
Solution: Not Required

Error Message Code #

Abs. Range 45
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error occurs if the maximum number of turns of the multi-turn
absolute feedback has been exceeded.
Solution: Verify that the distance traveled does not exceed the maximum number of
turns of the absolute encoder.

Error Message Code #

Axis 1 Not Homed 48
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error occurs if the DLC program encounters an absolute position
command for the axis, but that axis has not yet been homed.
Solution: 1. Refer to Chapter 3, Section 3.2.4 for details on Homing.
2. Verify that the axis homing parameters, A110 through A114, are
correct. The axis can be homed in Manual or Automatic mode. Refer
to Chapter 4 for more information on the Homing parameters.
3. Verify that the axis position command in the DLC program is correct.
Refer to Chapter 5 for more information on positioning commands.

Error Message Code #

Axis No. False 16
Explanation of Diagnostic: Incorrect axis selected in a feed command. Must be axis #1 only.
Solution: Check program block feed command axis designation.

Error Message Code #

Battery Is Low 04
Explanation of Diagnostic: This condition occurs when the Lithium battery which retains the DLC
memory (program, parameters, counter status, tool correction values, M-
Function set-up, etc.) during power OFF, is below minimum voltage level.
A battery test is made at DLC power up. If the battery is low, the error
message is displayed. This message will also re-appear every ten
minutes as a reminder. During Normal operation in any of the three
operating modes (manual, automatic or parameter), a battery test is made
every four hours. If the battery is still low, this diagnostic will re-appear,
but no fault will be issued.

DLC-A and DLC-G Diagnostics And Troubleshooting 8-3

Solution: 1. If displayed on initial power up, reset the DLC by pressing the CL key
on the CTA panel or by bringing the External Reset input high.
2. Replace the battery within two weeks of the first appearance of this
diagnostic. To replace the battery, turn off the power to the DLC (it
gets its power from the digital drive), remove the DLC card from the
U2 slot in the drive and replace the lithium battery.
Contact the Indramat Service Department at 800-860-1055 if you have
any questions.

Error Message Code #

BCD Input 0D
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error will occur if a BCD command is encountered in the DLC
program and the auxiliary inputs are not in a BCD format.
Solution: 1. The BCD program command is programmed incorrectly. Refer to
Chapter 5 for information on the use of the BCD command.
2. Verify that auxiliary inputs 1 through 8 are in a BCD format.

Error Message Code #

Configuration 1A
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error will occur when the DLC Control card and the digital drive are
incorrectly configured. The firmware installed in the DLC Control card
does not have the capability to operate with the present configuration.
Solution: Write down the current configuration and DLC firmware installed and
contact the Indramat Service Department for more information.

Error Message Code #

Division By Zero 07
Explanation of Diagnostic: This is an internal DLC error.
Solution: 1. Check for a possible acceleration setting of zero, or an acceleration
change (ACC program command) to zero.
2. Contact the Indramat Service Department.

Explanation of Diagnostic: This error occurs when there is an initialization conflict between the DLC
Control card and the digital drive.
Solution: Write down the current configuration and DLC firmware installed and
contact the Indramat Service Department for more information.

Error Message Code #

DPR Error 1C
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error occurs when there is an initialization conflict between the DLC
Control card and the digital drive. This is an error in passing information
over the dual port RAM between the DLC Control card and the digital
Solution: Write down the current configuration and DLC firmware installed and
contact the Indramat Service Department for more information.

Error Message Code #

Drive 1 Not Ready 40
Explanation of Diagnostic: The digital drive being used did not allow the main contactor to energize ,
allowing 3 phase power to be applied.
Solution: 1. An error has occurred in the Indramat digital drive. See the specific
Indramat drive manual to determine the cause for the fault in the
2. The digital drive does not have power applied. Verify the power to the
digital drive is correctly wired and the proper inputs are applied to
bring up main power.

8-4 Diagnostics And Troubleshooting DLC-A and DLC-G

Error Message Code #

Drive Runaway A1 42
Explanation of Diagnostic: The DLC uses a mathematical model to calculate the "normal" following
error expected. This diagnostic will occur when the actual following error
exceeds the calculated following error by a percentage greater than that
which is programmed in parameter A122.
Solution: 1. The motor physically moved without being commanded to move.
2. The Monitoring Window percentage, parameter A122, is too small.
The typical setting is 10%.

Error Message Code #

Emergency Stop 03
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error occurs when the Emergency Stop input to the DLC (DEA 4,
X17, pin 3) goes low or is lost.
Solution: 1. The machine E-Stop button has been pushed.
2. The Emergency Stop circuit has been interrupted. Consult the
machine wiring diagrams to determine the cause.
3. The 04-0123 I/O cable is not connected to the DEA 4 card.
4. +24 Vdc must be applied to DEA 4, X17, pins 36 & 37. Also, the
reference (0 Vdc) must be applied to the DEA 4, X17, pins 34 & 35.

Error Message Code #

Encoder Fault 4C
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error will occur when the percentage of deviation between the
external encoder position and the axis position is exceeded. The
percentage of deviation is defined in parameter A123.
Solution: 1. The External encoder Lines/Rev and Feed Constant parameters,
B017 & B018, are incorrect. Verify that the external encoder
parameters are correct, B016 through B018.
2. Verify that the axis Feed Constant , A108, is correct.
3. The percentage defined in the Follow Axis parameter, A123, is too
4. Verify that the External encoder direction parameter, B016, is correct.
5. Slippage between the external encoder and the material or coupling.
Try a lower acceleration to reduce the slippage.
6. The external encoder is wired incorrectly.

Error Message Code #

Excess Pos Lag 1 43
Explanation of Diagnostic: The DLC uses a mathematical model to calculate the "normal" following
error expected. This diagnostic will occur when the actual following error
is greater than the calculated following error by a percentage greater than
that which is programmed in parameter A122.
Solution: 1. The axis is commanded to a position, but the axis servo system has
an excessive position lag.
2. The digital drive does not have power applied. Verify the power to the
drive is correctly wired and the proper inputs are applied to bring up
main power. See machine drawings for power u sequence
3. The Accel Rate parameters, A102 or A117, values may be too large.
The motor may be unable to accelerate at the rate specified.
4. The motor may not be able to turn due to a mechanical bind.

DLC-A and DLC-G Diagnostics And Troubleshooting 8-5

Error Message Code #

Feed Angle Loss 41
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error occurs if the Feed Angle auxiliary input, designated in
parameter A120 goes low while the axis is moving.
Refer to Chapter 4 for more information on the Feed Angle auxiliary input.
Solution: 1. Verify that the Feed Angle auxiliary input is properly connected.
2. If the Feed Angle is attached to a press that operates continuously,
either the press speed must be slowed down or the part length being
processed must be shorter.

Error Message Code #

Home Switch Pos 4B
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error occurs if the marker pulse of the axis feedback is closer than
1/16 revolution to the homing cam switch.
Solution: 1. Refer to Chapter 3, Section 3.2.4 for details.
2. Move the axis home limit switch a distance equal to or greater than
1/3 of the axis feed constant, parameter A108.

Error Message Code #

IDS Brake Error 12
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error will occur if the optional IDS board is enabled, but the DLC
does not detect the connection of the IDS board.
The IDS board is enabled in parameter B003 (Serial Interface).
Solution: 1. The cable between the IDS board and the DLC connector, X31, is not
installed properly.
2. The DLC serial communication port is defective.
3. The IDS board is defective.

Error Message Code #

IDS Checksum Error 13
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error will occur if the optional IDS board is enabled, but the DLC
does not detect the connection of the IDS board.
The IDS board is enabled in parameter B003 (Serial Interface).
Solution: 1. The cable between the IDS board and the DLC connector, X31, is not
installed properly.
2. If the IDS board is connected, then the wiring and its layout to the
decade switch should be checked. Maximum cable length is 15m.

Error Message Code #

IDS Data Too Long 15
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error will occur if the optional IDS board is enabled, but the DLC
does not detect the connection of the IDS board.
The IDS board is enabled in parameter B003 (Serial Interface).
Solution: 1. The cable between the IDS board and the DLC connector, X31, is not
installed properly.
2. The DLC serial communication port is defective.
3. The IDS board is defective.

Error Message Code #

IDS Format Error 14
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error will occur if the optional IDS board is enabled, but the DLC
does not detect the connection of the IDS board.
The IDS board is enabled in parameter B003 (Serial Interface).

8-6 Diagnostics And Troubleshooting DLC-A and DLC-G

Solution: 1. The cable between the IDS board and the DLC connector, X31, is not
installed properly.
2. If the IDS board is connected, then the wiring and its layout to the
decade switch should be checked. Maximum cable length is 15m.

Error Message Code #

Invalid Block # 0E
Explanation of Diagnostic: The program contains a combination of offset, jump distance and
BCB/BCD commands that causes the DLC program to jump to a program
block greater that 2999.
If Task 3 is being used, enter the program for Task 3 in the appropriate
program block location before enabling Task 3 in parameter B006. You
must do it this way, because once you enable Task 3 in parameter B006,
it will begin to run as soon as you leave parameter mode.
Solution: 1. The BCB, BCD and BMB program commands can result in a jump or
branch to a target block greater than 2999. This jump is caused by a
combination of an offset, jump distance, or binary input. If any of
these commands are used, refer to Chapter 5 to determine if the
program command is used properly.
2. The branch or jump command contains an asterisk (*) in the target
block. Refer to Chapter 5 to determine if the program command is
used properly.

Error Message Code #

Invalid Mode! 08
Explanation of Diagnostic: This occurs when both the Automatic and Parameter inputs are held high
at the same time.
Solution: 1. If you remove the parameter input, you must reset the DLC to continue.
2. If you remove the Automatic input, the DLC will be in Parameter
Mode, with no error resulting.

Error Message Code #

Invalid Prg Command 0A
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error occurred because the DLC program encountered an invalid
program command.
If Task 3 is being used, enter the program for Task 3 in the appropriate
program block location before enabling Task 3 in parameter B006. You
must do it this way, because once you enable Task 3 in parameter B006,
it will begin to run as soon as you leave parameter mode.
Solution: 1. The program command contains asterisks (*). Refer to Chapter 5 to
determine if the program command is being used properly.
2. The auxiliary input or output programmed in the DLC program is 0 (zero).
3. The REP command was encountered before the REF command was
executed in the DLC user program.

Error Message Code #

Explanation of Diagnostic: This message appears when the value stored in a DLC parameter
exceeds the minimum or maximum limits. This message appears on the
first line of the display. The second line displays the number of the
affected parameter. The fourth line will display the parameter name.
Solution: The parameter containing the invalid data can be displayed by switching
back into parameter mode and pressing the CL key on the CTA keypad,
or by bringing the External Clear input (DEA card, X17, pin 8) high
(+24Vdc). Consult Chapter 4 of this manual to determine the minimum
and maximum values for the parameter in which the error occurred."

DLC-A and DLC-G Diagnostics And Troubleshooting 8-7

Error Message Code #

JSR Nesting 0B
Explanation of Diagnostic: This nesting error occurs if the nesting depth of the programmed
subroutines is greater than 127.
Solution: 1. Change the DLC program so that the number of nested subroutines
does not exceed 127.
2. Check the program and if necessary, program JSR without RTS.

Error Message Code #

Max Travel Lmt 1 47
Explanation of Diagnostic: This maximum travel error occurs in Automatic mode if the value stored in
the Maximum Travel Limit parameter is exceeded. The axis commanded
position has exceeded the maximum software travel limit.
Solution: 1) Verify that the axis maximum travel limit parameter is correct.

Error Message Code #

Min Travel Lmt 1 46
Explanation of Diagnostic: This minimum travel error occurs in Automatic mode if the value stored in
the Minimum Travel Limit parameter is exceeded. The axis commanded
position has exceeded the minimum software travel limit.
Solution: Verify that the axis minimum travel limit parameter is correct.

Error Message Code #

Parameter Mode 01
Explanation of Diagnostic: When the DLC Control card is put into Parameter mode, a host control
request for Status 53 causes the DLC Control card to transmit this code.
Solution: Not Required

Error Message Code #

Parameters Lost 05
Explanation of Diagnostic: When power to the DLC is turned off and the battery does not have
sufficient power to retain its memory or is disconnected, this error occurs
when power is re-applied. It signifies that the parameters that were stored
in memory are no longer in memory.
This error may also occur it the firmware is removed or if a different DLC
firmware is installed.
Solution: 1. If this error occurs every time the DLC is powered up, replace the
backup battery.
2. Verify that every DLC parameter has valid data in it. The DLC
parameters might contain asterisks (*), indicating invalid data has
been entered. Refer to Chapter 4 for information on how to enter the
DLC parameters.

Error Message Code #

Program Lost 06
Explanation of Diagnostic: When power to the DLC is turned off and the battery does not have
sufficient power to retain its memory or is disconnected, this error occurs
when power is re-applied. It signifies that the program that was stored in
memory is no longer in memory.
This error may also occur if the firmware is removed or if different DLC
firmware is installed.
This error will also occur if you change the number of decimal places
selected in parameter B007.

8-8 Diagnostics And Troubleshooting DLC-A and DLC-G

Solution: 1. If this error occurs every time the DLC is powered up, replace the
backup battery.
2. Verify that every DLC program block has valid data in it. The DLC program
might contain asterisks (*), indicating invalid data has been entered. Refer to
Chapter 5 for information on how to enter the DLC program.
3. If you changed the number of decimal places in B007, pull up the
Program Edit screen and press the block store key 2 or 3 times to
store program blocks with the new decimal place settings. Press the
reset key to clear the error.

Error Message Code #

RTS Nesting 0C
Explanation of Diagnostic: This nexting error occurs when an RTS command is encountered in the
DLC program without a matching JSR command.
Solution: 1. Verify in the DLC program that a JSR command appears before the
RST command is encountered.
2. Refer to Chapter 5 for information on the use of JSR and RTS commands.

Error Message Code #

Software Combination 18
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error will occur if the drive software in the DSM module is
incompatible with the DLC software.
Solution: Contact Indramat Service Department.

Error Message Code #

System Fault, “IRQ0VL Interrupt 11
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error is an internal software fault in the DLC.
Solution: The DLC card could not process all requested data within the 1
millisecond time slice allowed. Contact the Indramat Service Department.

Error Message Code #

System Fault “Stack Overflow” 10
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error is an internal software fault in the DLC.
Solution: Contact the Indramat Service Department.

Error Message Code #

TC Memory Lost
Explanation of Diagnostic: When power to the DLC is turned off and the battery does not have
sufficient power to retain its memory or is disconnected, this error occurs
when power is re-applied. It signifies that the tool correction register data
that was stored in memory is no longer in memory.
This error may also occur if the firmware is removed or if different DLC
firmware is installed.
Solution: 1. If this error occurs every time the DLC is powered up, replace the
backup battery.
2. Verify that every DLC tool correction register has valid data in it. The
DLC tool correction registers might contain asterisks (*), indicating
invalid data has been entered. Refer to Chapter 5 for information on
how to enter the DLC tool correction values.

Error Message Code #

WRITE Command 0F
Explanation of Diagnostic: The WRI command tried to write into a target block which did not contain
a POA or PSA command.
Solution: Check the DLC program and refer to Chapter 5 to determine if the WRI
command is used properly.

DLC-A and DLC-G Diagnostics And Troubleshooting 8-9

8.3 Serial Communication Errors

Serial communications errors are not displayed on the CTA display, but
the serial communication error code and error message will be
transmitted from the CLM to a host device (SOT, computer, etc.).
The correct format must be used when information is transmitted to the
DLC from a host device. If the format is not correct, the DLC will transmit
an error code and message from the DLC serial communications port
(Connector X31) to the host device. The error code and message are
transmitted with the status number 01. Refer to the Serial Interface,
Chapter 7 for information on formats and how status 01 operates.
The DLC serial communication errors are as follows:
Error Message Code #
Block # Too Large 01 12
Explanation of Diagnostic: The program block number transmitted to the DLC was too large.
Solution: 1. Verify that the block number is between 0000 and 2999.
2. Refer to Chapter 7, Section 7.6.1, for the correct format.

Error Message Code #

Invalid Mode! 01 05
Explanation of Diagnostic: An attempt was made to transmit parameter information without first
selecting Parameter mode.
Solution: Verify that Parameter mode is selected before transmitting parameter
information to the DLC.

Error Message Code #

Invalid P.-Block 01 11

Explanation of Diagnostic: The parameter format transmitted to the DLC was incorrect.
Solution: 1. Verify that the parameter format is transmitted correctly to the DLC.
2. Refer to Chapter 7, Section 7.6.2, for the correct format.

Error Message Code #

Invalid Prg. Command 01 13
Explanation of Diagnostic: The program command being transmitted to the DLC is invalid. It is not
included in the list of programming commands found in Chapter 5.
Solution: 1. Verify that the program command being transmitted to the DLC is
listed in Chapter 5.
2. Verify that the command was entered correctly. See Chapter 7,
Section 7.6.1, for the proper format.

Error Message Code #

M-Wheel P. False 01 10
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error will occur when requesting Status 46, Length Counter and
Status 47, Actual RPM, MW without having a measuring wheel activated
in the DLC parameters.
Solution: Refer to Chapter 4 for more information on how to enable External
Encoder operation.

Error Message Code #

Param. # illegal 01 07
Explanation of Diagnostic: The parameter number transmitted to the DLC was too large.

8-10 Diagnostics And Troubleshooting DLC-A and DLC-G

Solution: 1. Verify that the parameter number transmitted to the DLC is between
the following:
A100 - A125 for Axis parameters
B000 - B023 for System parameters
C000 - C012 for Drive parameters
D01 - D19 for Tool Correction data
ML00 - ML63 for M-Functions, Low Byte
MH00 - MH63 for M-Functions, High Byte
2. Refer to Chapter 7, Section 7.6.2, for the proper format.

Error Message Code #

RS Block # Wrong 01 01
Explanation of Diagnostic: The program command being requested/transmitted to the DLC has an
invalid block number.
Solution: Verify that the block number is between 0000 and 2999.

Error Message Code #

RS Block Data Error 01 03
Explanation of Diagnostic: The format of the program command was transmitted incorrectly to the DLC.
Solution: 1. Verify that the program command format is transmitted correctly to the DLC.
2. Refer to Chapter 7, Serial Interface, for the correct program
command format.

Error Message Code #

RS Checksum Error 01 04
Explanation of Diagnostic: Information transmitted to the DLC with a checksum must agree with the
checksum calculated by the DLC. The checksum is used to verify that the
information transmitted is correct and complete. The checksum may be
enabled/disabled in the Serial Interface parameter, B004.
Solution: Refer to Chapter 7, Section 7.5, for more information on calculating the

Error Message Code #

RS Format Error 01 02
Explanation of Diagnostic: The information transmitted contains more characters than is allowed, or
a carriage return/line feed is not transmitted at the end of the information.
Solution: 1. Verify that the information transmitted is in the proper format with a
carriage return/line feed.
2. Refer to Chapter 7, Serial Interface, for more information on the
correct format.

Error Message Code #

RS-Par.No. False 01 06
Explanation of Diagnostic: An incorrect parameter number was transmitted to the DLC.
Solution: 1. Verify that the parameter number that was transmitted to the DLC
was formatted properly.
2. Refer to Chapter 7, Section 7.6.2, for the proper format.

Error Message Code #

RS-Status# False 01 08
Explanation of Diagnostic: An incorrect status number was transmitted to the DLC.
Solution: 1. Verify that the status number transmitted to the DLC is in the correct format.
2. Refer to Chapter 7 for the correct status numbers and format.

DLC-A and DLC-G Diagnostics And Troubleshooting 8-11

Error Message Code #

Status # Illegal 01 09
Explanation of Diagnostic: This error occurs if the status number being transmitted to the DLC is not
a valid status number.
Solution: 1. Verify that the proper status number is being transmitted to the DLC.
2. Refer to Chapter 7 for the correct status numbers and format.

8-12 Diagnostics And Troubleshooting DLC-A and DLC-G

8.4 G-Code Programming Errors

Error Message Code #
G01 without F 23
Explanation of Diagnostic: If a G01 command is called up in the DLC program before a feedrate has
been programmed using the "F==" command, this error will result. When
a G01 command is used, the desired feedrate must be programmed
using the "F==" command. Any other feedrate command (ie. VCC, VCA,
VEO, etc.) will give you this error.
Solution: 1. Program the desired feedrate using the "F==" command.
2. Verify that no other velocity change commands are programmed
between the "F==" and the "G01".
Error Message Code #
M==CommandStatus # Illegal 20
Explanation of Diagnostic: An M-Function was called for in the program, but M-Function are not
properly set up in parameter B009.
When M-Functions are set up in the DLC parameters, parameter B009
requires an input and an output number be specified as the first output
used and the first acknowledgment input used. If no input and output are
specified, such as the input or output number is 00, when you call for an
M-Function, the DLC gives you this error.
Solution: Refer to Chapter 4, Section 4.6 for a complete description of M-Functions
and how they can be used.

Error Message Code #

M==Command M0/1 21
Explanation of Diagnostic: An M-Function acknowledgment was programmed, but M-Function
acknowledgments are not properly set up in parameter B009.
When M-Functions are set up in the DLC parameters, parameter B009
requires an input number be specified as the first acknowledgment input.
If no input is specified as the starting input, such as the input number is
00, when you call for an acknowledgment in an M-Function, the DLC has
not been told what input to monitor and therefore gives you this error.
Solution: Refer to Chapter 4, Section 4.6 for a complete description of M-Functions
and how they can be used.

Error Message Code #

Malfunction S01 Command 22
Explanation of Diagnostic: The Tool Correction register number specified in the current program is
not between 01 - 19.
The amount of the correction value to be stored exceeds the value
99999.99 (for 2 decimal place systems) or 9999.999 (for systems set up
with 3 decimal places).
Solution: 1. Verify that the value being entered into the Tool Correction register
using the SO1 command is valid.
2. See Chapter 5, Section 5.10 for a complete description of Tool
Correction register use and programming.
3. See Chapter 5, Section 5.9 for a complete description of the SO1
command and its use. “Refer to Chapter 4, Section 4.6 for a complete
description of M-Functions and how they can be used.

DLC-A and DLC-G Diagnostics And Troubleshooting 8-13

Error Message Code #

No G60 24
Explanation of Diagnostic: There was no G60 command instruction after more than 20 blocks in a
G61 Velocity Rate Optimization profile.
A G61 Velocity Rate Optimization profile can cover a maximum of 20
blocks. After 20 blocks, a G60 command must be programmed.
Solution: 1. Insert a G60 block within 20 blocks of the G61 command.
2. Refer to Chapter 5 for a full description of the use of G60 and G61

CODE # Diagnostic Page #

00 (No diagnostic message is displayed) 8-3
45 Abs. Range 8-3
48 Axis 1 Not Homed 8-4
16 Axis No. False 8-4
04 Battery Is Low 8-5
0D BCD Input 8-5
01 12 Block # Too Large 8-19
1A Configuration 8-6
07 Division By Zero 8-6
1B DLC Watch-Dog 8-6
1C DPR Error 8-7
40 Drive 1 Not Ready 8-7
102 Drive Enabled 8-1
103 Drive Halt 8-1
101 Drive Ready 8-2
42 Drive Runaway A1 8-8
4C Encoder Fault 8-9
43 Excess Pos Lag 1 8-9
41 Feed Angle Loss 1 8-10
23 G01 without F== 8-24
4B Home Switch Pos 8-10
12 IDS Break Error 8-11
13 IDS Checksum Error 8-11
15 IDS Data Too Long 8-12
14 IDS Format Error 8-12
0E Invalid Block # 8-13
08 Invalid Mode! 8-13
01 05 Invalid Mode! 8-20
01 11 Invalid P.-Block 8-20
01 13 Invalid Prg Command 8-20
0A Invalid Prg Command 8-14
02 Is INVALID 8-14
0B JSR Nesting 8-15
01 10 M-Wheel P. False 8-21
20 M==Command 8-24
21 M==Command M0/1 8-25
22 Malfunction SO1 Command 8-25
47 Max Travel Lmt 1 8-15
46 Min Travel Lmt 1 8-15
24 No G60 8-26

8-14 Diagnostics And Troubleshooting DLC-A and DLC-G

CODE # Diagnostic Page #

100 Operation Ready 8-2
01 07 Param. # illegal 8-21
01 Parameter Mode 8-16
05 Parameters Lost 8-16
06 Program lost 8-17
01 01 RS Block # Wrong 8-21
01 03 RS Block Data Error 8-22
01 04 RS Checksum Error 8-22
01 02 RS Format Error 8-22
01 06 RS Par.No. False 8-23
01 08 RS Status # False 8-23
0C RTS Nesting 8-17
104 Safety Interlock 8-2
18 Software Combination 8-18
01 09 Status # Illegal 8-23
11 System Fault “IRQOVL Interrupt” 8-18
10 System Fault “Stack Overflow” 8-18
TC Memory Lost!!
0F WRITE Command 8-19
Table 8-1: DLC-A Diagnostics Sorted In Alphabetical Order

CODE # Diagnostic Page #

00 (No diagnostic message is displayed) 8-3
01 Parameter Mode 8-16
01 01 RS Block # Wrong 8-21
01 02 RS Format Error 8-22
01 03 RS Block Data Error 8-22
01 04 RS Checksum Error 8-22
01 05 Invalid Mode! 8-20
01 06 RS Par.No. False 8-23
01 07 Param. # illegal 8-21
01 08 RS Status # False 8-23
01 09 Status # Illegal 8-23
01 10 M-Wheel P. False 8-21
01 11 Invalid P.-Block 8-20
01 12 Block # Too Large 8-19
01 13 Invalid Prg Command 8-20
02 Is INVALID 8-14
04 Battery Is Low 8-5
05 Parameters Lost 8-16
06 Program lost 8-17
07 Division By Zero 8-6
08 Invalid Mode! 8-13
0A Invalid Prg Command 8-14
0B JSR Nesting 8-15
0C RTS Nesting 8-17
0D BCD Input 8-5
0E Invalid Block # 8-13
0F WRITE Command 8-19
10 System Fault “Stack Overflow” 8-18
100 Operation Ready 8-2

DLC-A and DLC-G Diagnostics And Troubleshooting 8-15

CODE # Diagnostic Page #

101 Drive Ready 8-2
102 Drive Enabled 8-1
103 Drive Halt 8-1
104 Safety Interlock 8-2
11 System Fault “IRQOVL Interrupt” 8-18
12 IDS Break Error 8-11
13 IDS Checksum Error 8-11
14 IDS Format Error 8-12
15 IDS Data Too Long 8-12
16 Axis No. False 8-4
18 Software Combination 8-18
1A Configuration 8-6
1B DLC Watch-Dog 8-6
1C DPR Error 8-7
20 M==Command 8-24
21 M==Command M0/1 8-25
22 Malfunction SO1 Command 8-25
23 G01 without F== 8-24
24 No G60 8-26
40 Drive 1 Not Ready 8-7
41 Feed Angle Loss 1 8-10
42 Drive Runaway A1 8-8
43 Excess Pos Lag 1 8-9
45 Abs. Range 8-3
46 Min Travel Lmt 1 8-15
47 Max Travel Lmt 1 8-15
48 Axis 1 Not Homed 8-4
4B Home Switch Pos 8-10
4C Encoder Fault 8-9
Table 8-2: DLC-A Diagnostics Sorted by Code #

8-16 Diagnostics And Troubleshooting DLC-A and DLC-G

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming Notes A-1

A Programming Notes
This section is periodically updated with hints and examples of use and
application of different programming commands.
Notes included in this section:
Page Description
A-1 Axis Homing for the DLC

A.1 Axis Homing for the DLC

Homing of a linear or rotary axis is required if you need to do absolute
positioning and are using an incremental position feedback device
mounted on the motor or machine. The homing process, usually a series
of back and forth moves to locate a reference point in relation to a
mechanical setup, can be accomplished through a variety of methods
when using the DLC control. This Programming Note describes several
different homing methods in detail.

Note: In some applications, for mechanical or safety reasons, the

axis cannot be homed after the process has started. For these
applications, a multi-turn absolute encoder is required.
Because an absolute device is capable of providing a known
position relative to the machine's mechanical limits at all times,
homing is not required.

Normal Homing
The DLC includes a homing routine suitable for most applications. This is
described in detail in section 3.2.4 of the DLC manual. This routine, in
conjunction with parameters and a home switch, provides a fast and easy
way for the user to implement a homing sequence. This routine is
activated by an input in manual mode or through a short series of
commands in automatic mode. This home sequence in either mode starts
with the selected axis performing the following steps.
1. The axis moves towards the home switch, at the velocity set in
parameter A110, unless the axis is already on the switch.
2. After the home switch closes, the axis decelerates to a stop on the
marker pulse.

Pulse Home


Fig. A-1: Normal Homing Example

A-2 Programming Notes DLC-A and DLC-G

Homing Without Using the Homing Routine

In certain applications, it is not possible or desirable to use the standard
homing sequence. For those instances, the user must define a homing
sequence that satisfies the application, then write a short program routine
to home the axes. With this method, the user can customize the homing
routine to compensate for backlash, forward-moving-only applications,
homing to a switch, or a variety of other needs.

Homing to a Switch
The following program sequences demonstrate several methods of
homing to a switch. The first example is used to home an axis that cannot
backup. The second example will provide a more accurate homing
relative to the home switch, because the axis backs up to the switch. The
third example is used if you must detect whether the axis is already on the
home switch and must back off the switch before homing. Note that when
customized homing routines are used, they are only executed in
automatic mode, and the ability to home in manual mode is lost.

Note: The following examples assume the parameters and I/O are
set as shown below. This can be freely modified to fit the
particular application.

Inputs Outputs
1 Home switch, axis 1 (A112) 21 axis 1 Homed (A112)
23 axis 1 In Position (A106)
Example 1: Illustrates the simplicity of creating a routine to home both axes in
sequence (axis 1 first, then axis 2). This routine is very useful for an
application in which the axis should not back up while homing, such as a
rotary table, conveyor or continuous web.
The program starts with blocks 0000, used to detect if either axis has been
previously homed. If not, the homing routines at blocks 0800 will be
executed as required. The homing program starts by branching to the CON
command, which causes the program to wait until the home switch input is
activated. The PBK command causes the axis to ramp to a stop at the
current acceleration rate. The distance traveled past the switch is a function
of both the selected velocity and the acceleration rate. The ATS command
waits for the axis to be fully stopped (in position) before the CLA command
is executed. The CLA command sets the axis position buffer to zero and
sets the Homed flag high. This completes the homing process.

0000 BCA 0800 21 0 ;Branch if axis 1 has not been homed

0001 NOP -- Start of Program --

0800 CON 1 1 -050 00 ;Sets axis 1 in (-) direction at 5% max. velocity

0801 AKN 1 1 ;Waits for axis 1 home switch to close
0802 PBK 1 ;Stops axis 1 motion (CON off could also be used)
0803 ATS 23 1 ;Waits for axis 1 to be in position
0804 CLA 1 ;Initializes axis 1 position buffer to zero
0805 JMP 0000

Example 2: Illustrates the use of the REF command, which causes the axis to back
up to the point where the home switch was first closed before setting the
position buffer to zero. Otherwise, it will function similar to example 1.

0800 REF 1 1 050 01 ;Sets axis 1 in REV direction, at 5% max. velocity

;waits for home switch to close, then ramps to stop
;and reverses to the point the switch first closed.
0801 ATS 23 1 ;Waits for axis 1 to be in position
0802 CLA 1 ;Initializes axis 1 position buffer to zero
0803 NOP
0804 JMP 0000

DLC-A and DLC-G Programming Notes A-3

Example 3: Illustrates a routine that is very useful for applications in which the axis
should not back up past the home switch. The program starts with blocks
0000, used to detect if either axis has been previously homed. If not, the
homing routines at blocks 0800 will be executed as required. The homing
program starts by branching to a BCE command that will branch to block
805 (core homing program) if the switch is not closed. If the home switch
was closed, the program will drop down to the next three steps,
comprised of a CON command which will cause the axis to move off the
switch at a set velocity, an AKN command which causes the program to
wait until the home switch input is opened, and the PBK which causes the
axis to ramp to a stop.
The REF command starts the core homing program, used to locate the
home switch. The axis moves toward the home switch at a set velocity
until the switch is closed. After this, the axis ramps to a stop and then
moves in the reverse direction, stopping at the point where the switch was
first closed. The ATS command waits for the axis to be fully stopped (in
position) before the CLA command is executed. The CLA command set
the axis position buffer to zero and sets the Homed Flag high. This
completes the homing process for a given axis.

0000 BCA 0800 21 0 ;Branch if axis 1 has not been homed

0800 BCE 0805 1 0 ;Branch if axis 1 is not on the home switch

0801 CON 1 1 +050 00 Sets axis 1 in (+) direction at 5% max. velocity
0802 AKN 1 0 Waits for axis 1 home switch to open
0803 PBK 1 Stops axis 1 motion
0804 NOP
0805 REF 1 1 050 01 ;Sets axis 1 in REV direction at 5% max. velocity, waits
for home switch to close, then ramps to a stop
and reverses to the point the switch first closed.
0806 ATS 23 1 Waits for axis 1 to be in position
0807 CLA 1 Initializes axis 1 position buffer to zero
0808 JMP 0000

Homing to the Marker Pulse

When the DLC Servo System is first powered up, it knows where the motor
pulse is located. The DLC can tell the axis to home to the marker pulse.
This is very useful for single revolution applications where the rotating
mechanisms are directly attached to the motor shaft (rotary knife, print
drum). This type of operation is enabled when the home switch input
is set to 00 in parameter A112. The homing routine can be activated by an
input in manual mode, or through a short series of commands in automatic
mode. This home sequence, in either mode, starts with the axis performing
the following steps:
1) The axis moves in the desired direction (CW, CCW) at the velocity set in
parameter A110, until the marker pulse is detected.

Homing Routine at Start of User Program

0000 BCE 005 21 1 ;Branch if axis 1 is already homed
0001 HOM 1 Home axis 1 (figure 2)
0002 ATS 21 1 Wait for axis 1 Homed output
0003 JMP 0010

0010 NOP ; -- Start of Program --


A-4 Programming Notes DLC-A and DLC-G

DLC-A and DLC-G DLC Display Screen Map B-1

B DLC Display Screen Map

This page is included for illustrative purposes only. Refer to chapter 2,
section 2.3, for description of using this map, and how to interpret the
information on the screens of the DLC control panel display.






DLC-G only


INPUTS (01-07)

INPUTS (08-22)
INPUTS (23-37)

OUTPUT (17-32)
OUTPUT (33-48)
OUTPUT (49-64)
DEA 5.1 I/O CARD. OUTPUT (81-96)
OUTPUT (97-99)









B-2 DLC Display Screen Map DLC-A and DLC-G

DLC-A and DLC-G Drawings and Schematics C-1

C Drawings and Schematics

CAUTION: The drawings in this Appendix are included for illustrative

purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Check
with Indramat to be sure you are working with the latest
drawings prior to installing, wiring and powering equipment.

C-2 Drawings and Schematics DLC-A and DLC-G

C.1 DKS/DLC-A/MDD Interconnection (Sheets 1 – 10)


Figure C-1: DKS/DLC-A/MDD Interconnection, Sheet 1 of 10

DLC-A and DLC-G Drawings and Schematics C-3


Figure C-2: DKS/DLC-A/MDD Interconnection, Sheet 2 of 10

C-4 Drawings and Schematics DLC-A and DLC-G


Figure C-3: DKS/DLC-A/MDD Interconnection, Sheet 3 of 10

DLC-A and DLC-G Drawings and Schematics C-5


Figure C-4: DKS/DLC-A/MDD Interconnection, Sheet 4 of 10


C-6 Drawings and Schematics DLC-A and DLC-G


Figure C-5: DKS/DLC-A/MDD Interconnection, Sheet 5 of 10

DLC-A and DLC-G Drawings and Schematics C-7


Figure C-6: DKS/DLC-A/MDD Interconnection, Sheet 6 of 10

C-8 Drawings and Schematics DLC-A and DLC-G


Figure C-7: DKS/DLC-A/MDD Interconnection, Sheet 7 of 10

DLC-A and DLC-G Drawings and Schematics C-9


Figure C-8: DKS/DLC-A/MDD Interconnection, Sheet 8 of 10

C-10 Drawings and Schematics DLC-A and DLC-G


Figure C-9: DKS/DLC-A/MDD Interconnection, Sheet 9 of 10

DLC-A and DLC-G Drawings and Schematics C-11


Figure C-10: DKS/DLC-A/MDD Interconnection, Sheet 10 of 10

C-12 Drawings and Schematics DLC-A and DLC-G

C.2 RS 232 Data Interface Interconnection

Figure C-11: RS 232 Data Interface Interconnection

DLC-A and DLC-G Drawings and Schematics C-13

C.3 SOT – DLC RS485 Interconnection


Figure C-12: SOT – DLC RS485 Interconnection with up to 32 Stations

C-14 Drawings and Schematics DLC-A and DLC-G

C.4 Timing Diagram for DLC with DKS, DDS or DDC

Figure C-13: Timing Diagram for DLC with DKS, DDS or DDC

DLC-A and DLC-G Installation Drawings D-1

D Installation Drawings

CAUTION: The drawings in this Appendix are included for illustrative

purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Check
with Indramat to be sure you are working with the latest
drawings prior to installing, wiring and powering equipment.

D-2 Installation Drawings DLC-A and DLC-G

D.1 DKS 1.1 Dimensions


Figure D-1: DKS 1.1 Dimensions

DLC-A and DLC-G Installation Drawings D-3

D.2 CTA Keyboard and Cabinet Cutout Dimensions


Figure D-2: CTA Keyboard and Cabinet Cutout Dimensions

D-4 Installation Drawings DLC-A and DLC-G

D.3 CTA 04 Keyboard and Cabinet Cutout Dimensions

Figure D-3: CTA 04 Keyboard and Cabinet Cutout Dimensions

DLC-A and DLC-G Installation Drawings D-5

D.4 IDS and Cabinet Cutout Dimensions

Figure D-4: IDS and Cabinet Cutout Dimensions

D-6 Installation Drawings DLC-A and DLC-G

D.5 CTA 10 Keyboard and Cabinet Cutout Dimensions

Figure D-5: CTA 10 Keyboard and Cabinet Cutout Dimensions

DLC-A and DLC-G Installation Drawings D-7

D.6 CTA/DLC Interconnection

Figure D-6: CTA/DLC Interconnection

D-8 Installation Drawings DLC-A and DLC-G

DLC-A and DLC-G DLC Type Code Descriptions E-1

E DLC Type Code Descriptions

E.1 DLC Hardware Type Code Description

Hardware Type Code Designation: DLC - X.X
--- ---
| |
Indramat Position Control Designation ___| |
DLC Hardware Version Number __________________|
1.1 Original Version
2.1 With I/O bus card connector

E.2 Software Type Code Description

Software Type Code Designation: D X - XX.X - 0X.X
- - ---- ----
| | | | |
Indramat Position Control Designation ______| | | | |
| | | |
Software Type ________________________________| | | |
A = Standard | | |
R = Feed to Length | | |
G = G-Code Programming | | |
| | |
Corresponding DLC Hardware Version Number _________| | |
01.1 Original Version | |
| |
Software Revision Number __________________________________| |
(Supported with Documentation) |
Software Minor Revision Number ______________________________|
(Not Supported with Documentation)

E.3 IDS Hardware Type Code Description

Hardware Type Code Designation: IDS - X . X - X
--- -- -- --
| | | |
Product Type _________________________________| | | |
| | |
Ids Hardware Version Number _______________________| | |
| |
IDS Hardware Revision Number __________________________| |
Number of Digits to the Right of _________________________|
the Decimal Point (0 to 3)
(These decade switches will be in Red as opposed to Black.)

E-2 DLC Type Code Descriptions DLC-A and DLC-G

E.4 IDS Software Type Code Description

Software Type Code Designation: IDS - X . X - X
--- -- -- --
| | | |
Product Type _________________________________| | | |
| | |
IDS Software Version Number _______________________| | |
| |
IDS Software Revision Number __________________________| |
Corresponding DLC Software Version (Letter) _______________|
Required For The IDS Software To Work

E.5 SOT Hardware Type Codes

Hardware Type Code Designation: SOT XX X X X - XX
--- -- - - - --
| | | | | |
Model Name: SOT Station Operator Terminal _____| | | | | |
| | | | |
Hardware Version ______02= 16 line display_________| | | | |
| | | |
Construction ________________________________________| | | |
E = Station Unit | | |
| | |
RAM Capacity __________________________________________| | |
2 = 512 KB | |
| |
Keyboard ________________________________________________| |
A = Standard |
R = Rollfeed |
DLC Application _____________________________________________|
CU = Standard (Programmable with ScreenManager)
CR = Rollfeed

E.6 SOT Software Type Codes

Software Type Code Designation: S C 2.00 - XX.02.X X
- - - -- -- -- - -
| | | | | | | |
Model Name: SOT Station Operator Terminal ____| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
Control Type ___________________________________| | | | | | |
C = DLC | | | | | |
| | | | | |
Hardware Version Number __________________________| | | | | |
| | | | |
Revision Number ____________________________________| | | | |
| | | |
Software Version ________________________________________| | | |
CU = Standard (Programmable with ScreenManager) | | |
CR = Rollfeed | | |
| | |
Software Revision __________________________________________| | |
| |
Revision Supported with Documentation _________________________| |

|Minor Revision (Not Supported with Documentation)_______________|

DLC-A and DLC-G Index I-1

I Index
Word Length, 7-3
DEA 4 Input Connections, 6-5
A DEA 4 Input Signal Descriptions, 3-15
DEA 4 Output Connections, 6-6
About This Manual, 1-5
DEA 4 Output Signal Descriptions, 3-19
How To Use This Manual, 1-5
DEA 4 X17 Input/Output Connector and
Support, 1-5
Pin Designations, 3-1
Automatic Mode Operation, 6-11
DEA 5 X32 Output Connector and Pin
Auxiliary Inputs/Outputs
Designations, 3-3
Inputs/Outputs Signal Definition, 5-2 DEA 6 X33 Input/Output Connector and
Programming Inputs/Outputs, 5-2 Pin Designations, 3-4
Axis Jogging in Manual Mode, 6-10 Description of Parameter Sets, 4-1
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting, 8-1
Digital AC Servo Amplifier Parameter
B Entry, 6-6
Block Diagram, 1-3 Digital AC Servo Controller Normal
Operating Diagnostics, 8-1
DKS Positioning Control Module, 1-1
C DLC Control String Protocol, 7-4
First (1) Control String Character
C005 - Velocity Loop Monitoring, 4-67 (Transmission Type), 7-4
Cable Routing, 6-3
Other Important Control Characters, 7-5
CHECKSUM Calculations, 7-6
Second (2) Control String Character
CHECKSUM Example Calculation, 5-66,
(DLC Unit # Identifier), 7-5
5-87, 7-7
Third (3) Control String Character
Command Descriptions, 5-10
Command Summary, 5-5, 5-99, 7-9 (Information Type), 7-5
DLC System Error Code And System
Auxiliary Functions, 5-9
Error Messages, 8-2
Branch Commands, 5-8
DLC X6 Connector, 7-1
Counter Commands, 5-9 DLC/DEA 4 Connectors, 6-4
Jump Commands, 5-8
Other Commands, 5-9
Position Support Commands, 5-7 E
Positioning Commands, 5-6, 5-100,
5-101, 5-102, 5-103 Electrical Installation, 6-3
Timer Commands, 5-9 End of the Program, 5-4
Connector Wiring (DB-25), 7-1 Entering the Parameters, 4-3
Serial Cable Configurations, 7-2 Auxiliary Inputs/Outputs, 4-4
Signal Level Requirements, 7-2 Displaying of Decimals, 4-4
Controls and Indicators, 2-1 Unit of Measurement, 4-5, 4-78, 4-79,
CTA Display Screens, 2-4 4-80, 4-82, 4-83
Counter Screen, 2-13 Expanded I/O Configuration Of DKS
Edit Screen, 2-16 With DLC Control Card/DEA 4, 5, 1-12
Mode/Tasks Screens, 2-15
Axis Enabled Screen - Manual F
Mode, 2-15
Task Display - Automatic, 2-15 Functional Description Of DEA 4 I/O
Task Screens - Manual Mode, 2-15 Connections, 3-1
Parameter Mode Display Screens, 2-8
Scrolling Through Display Screens, 2-4
Servo Status/DLC Status/DLC
Hardware/Software Version Display General Description, 1-1
Screens, 2-8 General Format, 5-5
System Information Screen, 2-14
Actual Speed/RPM Display
Screen, 2-14 H
Optional Measuring Wheel
Hardware Installation, 6-3
Encoder Position Screen, 2-14
System/Auxiliary I/O Status Screens,
2-9, 2-10 I
CTA Keypad and Display, 2-1
CTA10UserInterface, 1-10 Information Characters, 7-6
Information Request
Requesting a Parameter from the
D DLC, 7-11
Requesting a Program Block from the
Data Entry Keys, 2-2
DLC, 7-11
Data Format, 7-3
Requesting System Status from the
Baud Rate, 7-4
DLC, 7-12
Interface Mode, 7-4
Input Signal Descriptions
Parity Check, 7-3
Automatic Mode Select, 3-15

I-2 Index DLC-A and DLC-G

Auxiliary Inputs 1 Through 7, 3-18 B001 - System Inputs, 4-37

Clear (External), 3-18 B002 - User I/O, 4-39
Cycle Start, 3-16 B003 - Serial Interface, 4-40
Jog Forward, 3-17, 3-18 B004 - Serial Interface, 4-41
Parameter Mode Select, 3-15 B005 - Memory Display, 4-42
Installation/Start-Up, 6-1 B006 - Start Task 2 & 3, 4-43
Interface Descriptions, 3-1 B007 - Display Language / Decimal
Axis Homing, 3-8 Place / Keypad Lockout, 4-44
Fault/Diagnostic Monitoring, 3-12 B008 - M Function Inputs and
Feed Monitoring / Program Outputs, 4-46
Interruption, 3-13 B009 - M Function Timer, 4-47
Manual Operations, 3-11 B010 - Free, 4-48
Normal Operation Signals, 3-7 B011 - Manual Vector, 4-49
Operating Mode Selection, 3-5 B012 - Program Interrupt Vector,
Safety Interlocks, 3-6 Jump on Event, 4-50
Special Functions, 3-14 B013 - Velocity Override, 4-51
B014 - Restart Vector, 4-52
B015 - Cycle Time, 4-53
L B016 - External Encoder 1, 4-54
Linear or Rotary Operation, 4-5 B017 - External Encoder 1, 4-55
B018 - External Encoder 1: Feed
Constant, 4-56
M B019 - Offset Dimension External
Encoder 1, 4-57
Map of DLC Control Panel Display
B020 - External Encoder 2: Encoder
Screens, 2-5
Selection, 4-58
Mounting Cabinet, 6-1
B021 - External Encoder 2:
Pulses/Revolution, 4-59
O B022 - External Encoder 2: Feed
Constant, 4-60
Optional IDS, 1-9 B023 - Offset Dimension External
Output Signal Descriptions Encoder 2, 4-61
Automatic Cycle Running Indicator, 3-20 C000 - Analog Output: Channel 1, 4-62
Automatic Mode Indicator, 3-20 C001 - Analog Output: Channel 2, 4-63
Auxiliary Outputs 1 Through 11, 3-20 C002 - Overload Factor, 4-64
Manual Mode Indicator, 3-19 C003 - Display Language / Decimal
Parameter Mode Indicator, 3-20 Place / Keypad Lockout, 4-65
System Fault Indicator, 3-19 C004 - Velocity Data Scaling at
Analog Outputs AK1 and AK2, 4-66
P C006 - Position Velocity Window, 4-68
C007 - Absolute Encoder - Reference
Parameter Descriptions, 4-6 Position, 4-69
A100 - Maximum Velocity, 4-7 C008 - Error Reaction, 4-70
A101 - Jog Velocity, 4-8 C009 - Current Loop Proportional
A102 - Acceleration Rate, 4-9 Gain, 4-71
A103 - Position Gain, 4-10 C010 - Velocity Loop Proportional
A104 - Encoder Resolution, 4-11 Gain, 4-72
A105 - Free, 4-12 C011 - Velocity Loop Integral Reaction
A106 - Position Tolerance, 4-13 Time, 4-73
A107 - Position Pre-Signal, 4-14 C012 - Smoothing Time Constant, 4-74
A108 - Feed Constant, 4-15 C013 - External Brake Release, 4-75
A109 - Direction of Operation, 4-16 C100 - Set Standard Drive Tuning
A110 - Homing Setup, 4-17 Parameters Via CTA, 4-76
A111 - Homing Offset, 4-18 C101 - Set Absolute Position, 4-77
A112 - Homing Acknowledgements, 4-19 Parameter Entry, 6-9
A113 - Travel Limit, Minimum Value, 4-20 Parameter List, 4-2
A114 - Travel Limit, Maximum Value, 4-21 Parameters, 4-1
A115 - Special Functions, 4-22 Positioning, 5-1
A116 - Rotary Axis Gear Ratio, 4-23 Power, 6-3
A117 - Second Acceleration Rate, 4-24 Power-up, 6-6
A118 - Brake Release, 4-25 Pre-Operation Start Up Tests, 6-4
A119 - Free, 4-26 Programming, 5-1
A120 - Feed Angle Monitoring, 4-27 Programming Mode, 5-4
A121 - Maximum Motor Speed, 4-28 Programming Notes, 9-1
A122 - Monitor Window, 4-29
A123 - Follow Axis / Measuring Wheel R
Mode, 4-31
A124 - Free, 4-33 RS-232 Serial Cable Configurations, 7-2
A125 - Jerk Constant, 4-34
A126 - Position Window, 4-35
B000 - Enable Axis, 4-36
B001 - Serial Jog Enable, 4-38

DLC-A and DLC-G Index I-3

Sending Information to the DLC, 7-7
Sending Parameters to the DLC, 7-8
Sending Program Blocks to the DLC, 7-7
Serial Communication Errors, 8-9, 8-12
Serial Interface, 7-1
Signal Definitions, 3-1
Signal Level Requirements, 7-2
SOT - Station Operator Terminal, 1-10
Specifications, 1-14
Control Specifications, 1-14
Options, 1-15
Physical, 1-14
Standard Configuration Of DKS With DLC
Control Card/DEA 4 I/O ca, 1-11, 1-13
Standard Configuration Of DKS With
DLC Control Card/DEA 4 Input/, 1-11
Standard Configuration Of DKS With DLC
Control Card/DEA 4 Input/Output Card
Standard Configuration Of DKS With
DLC Control Card/DEA 4 Input/, 1-13
System Features, 1-7

Transformer - Heat Dissipation, 6-3

I-4 Index DLC-A and DLC-G

DLC-A and DLC-G Customer Service Locations

Customer Service Locations

Americas (United States, Canada, and Latin America)
USA USA INDRAMAT Service Hotlines Canada

Rexroth Corporation Rexroth Corporation USA: Basic Technologies Corporation

INDRAMAT Division INDRAMAT Division 1-800-860-1055 Burlington Division
5150 Prairie Stone Parkway 2110 Austin Avenue 3426 Mainway Drive
Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60192 Rochester Hills, Michigan 48309 Canada:
1-847-645-3600 Burlington, Ontario
Phone: 847/645-36 00 Phone: 810/853-82 90 (request Service Department) Canada L7M 1A8
Fax: 857/645-62 01 Fax: 810/853-82 90 Phone: 905/335-55 11
Latin America:
(US Phone No.) 847-645-3600 Fax: 905/335-41 84
(request Service Department)

Mexico Argentina Argentina Brazil

Motorización y Mannesmann Rexroth S.A.I.C. Nakase Mannesmann Rexroth

Diseño de Controles, S.A. de Division INDRAMAT Asesoramiento Tecnico Automação Ltda.
C.V. Acassusso 48 41/7 Diaz Velez 2929 Divisão INDRAMAT
Av. Dr. Gustavo Baz No. 288 1605 Munro (Buenos Aires) 1636 Olivos Rua Georg Rexroth, 609
Col. Parque Industrial la Ioma Argentina (Provincia de Buenos Aires) Vila Padre Anchieta
Apartado Postal No. 318 Argentina BR-09.951-250 Diadema-SP
Phone: 01/756 01 40
54060 Tlalnepantla Caixa Postal 377
01/756 02 40 Phone: 01/790 52 30
Estado de Mexico BR-09.901-970 Diadema-SP
Telex: 262 66 rexro ar
Fax: 01/756 01 36 Phone: 011/745 90 65
Phone: 5/397 86 44 011/745 90 70
Fax: 5/398 98 88 Fax: 011/745 90 50

Customer Service in the Americas

Asia, Australia, and Far East

Australia China China China

Australian Industrial Machinery Rexroth (China) Ltd. Rexroth (China) Ltd. Rexroth (China) Ltd.
Services Pty. Ltd. Shanghai Office Shanghai Parts & Service 1430 China World Trade Centre
Unit 3/45 Horne ST Room 206 Centre 1, Jianguomenwai Avenue
Campbellfield VIC 2061 Shanghai Intern. Trade Centre 199 Wu Cao Road, Hua Cao Beijing 100004
Australia 2200 Yanan Xi Lu Minhang District P.R. China
Shanghai 200335 Shanghai 201 103
Phone: 03/93 59 0228 Phone: 010/50 50 380
P.R. China P.R. China
Fax: 03/93 59 02886 Fax: 010/50 50 379
Phone: 021/627 55 333 Phone: 021/622 00 058
Fax: 021/627 55 666 Fax: 021/622 00 068

China Hong Kong India Japan

Rexroth (China) Ltd. Rexroth (China) Ltd. Mannesmann Rexroth (India) Rexroth Co., Ltd.
A-5F., 123 Lian Shan Street 19 Cheung Shun Street Ltd. INDRAMAT Division
Sha He Kou District 1st Floor, Cheung Sha Wan, INDRAMAT Division I.R. Building
Dalian 116 023 Kowloon, Hong Kong Plot. 96, Phase III Nakamachidai 4-26-44
P.R. China Peenya Industrial Area Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama 226
Phone: 741 13 51/-54 or
Bangalore - 560058 Japan
Phone: 0411/46 78 930 741 14 30
Fax: 0411/46 78 932 Telex: 3346 17 GL REX HX Phone: 045/942-72 10
Fax: 786 40 19 Phone: 80/839 21 01 Fax: 045/942-03 41
786 07 33 80/839 73 74
Telex: 845 5028 RexB
Fax: 80/839 43 45

Korea Korea

Rexroth-Seki Co Ltd. Seo Chang Corporation Ltd.

1500-12 Da-Dae-Dong Room 903, Jeail Building
Saha-Gu, Pusan, 604-050 44-35 Yoido-Dong
Korea Youngdeungpo-Ku
Seoul, Korea
Phone: 051/264 90 01
Fax: 051/264 90 10 Phone: 02/780-82 07 ~9
Fax: 02/784-54 08

Customer Service in Asia, Australia, and the Far East

Customer Service Locations DLC-A and DLC-G

Austria Austria Belgium Denmark

G.L.Rexroth Ges.m.b.H. G.L.Rexroth Ges.m.b.H. Mannesmann Rexroth N.V.-S.A. BEC Elektronik AS

Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT INDRAMAT Division Zinkvej 6
Hägelingasse 3 Randlstraße 14 Industrielaan 8 DK-8900 Randers
A-1140 Wien A-4061 Pasching B-1740 Ternat
Phone: 086/447866
Phone: 1/9852540-400 Phone: 07229/4401-36 Phone: 02/5823180 Fax: 086/447160
Fax: 1/9852540-93 Fax: 07229/4401-80 Fax: 02/5824310

England Finland France France

Mannesmann Rexroth Ltd. Rexroth Mecman OY Rexroth - Sigma S.A. Rexroth - Sigma S.A.
INDRAMAT Division Riihimiehentie 3 Division INDRAMAT Division INDRAMAT
4 Esland Place, Love Lane SF-01720 Vantaa Parc des Barbanniers 4, 91, Bd 1 Joliot Curie
Cirencester, Glos GL7 1YG Place du Village F-69634 Venissieux - Cx
Phone: 0/848511
F-92632 Gennevilliers Cedex
Phone: 01285/658671 Fax: 0/846387 Phone: 78785256
Fax: 01285/654991 Phone: 1/41475430 Fax: 78785231
Fax: 1/47946941

France Italy Italy Netherlands

Rexroth - Sigma S.A. Rexroth S.p.A. Rexroth S.p.A. Hydraudyne Hydrauliek B.V.
Division INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT Kruisbroeksestraat 1a
270, Avenue de lardenne Via G. Di Vittoria, 1 Via Borgomanero, 11 P.O. Box 32
F-31100 Toulouse I-20063 Cernusco S/N.MI I-10145 Torino NL-5280 AA Boxtel
Phone: 61499519 Phone: 02/92365-270 Phone: 011/7712230 Phone: 04116/51951
Fax: 61310041 Fax: 02/92108069 Fax: 011/7710190 Fax: 04116/51483

Spain Spain Sweden Switzerland

Rexroth S.A. Goimendi S.A. AB Rexroth Mecman Rexroth SA

Centro Industrial Santiago División Indramat INDRAMAT Division Département INDRAMAT
Obradors s/n Jolastokieta (Herrera) Varuvägen 7 Chemin de l`Ecole 6
E-08130 Santa Perpetua de Apartado 11 37 S-125 81 Stockholm CH-1036 Sullens
Mogoda (Barcelona) E-San Sebastion, 20017
Phone: 08/727 92 00 Phone: 021/731 43 77
Phone: 03/718 68 51 Phone: 043/40 01 63 Fax: 08/64 73 277 Fax: 021/731 46 78
Telex: 591 81 Telex: 361 72
Fax: 03/718 98 62 Fax: 043/39 93 95

Switzerland Russia

Rexroth AG Tschudnenko E.B.

Geeschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Arsenia 22
Gewerbestraße 3 153000 Ivanovo
CH-8500 Frauenfeld Russia
Phone: 052/720 21 00 Phone: 093/22 39 633
Fax: 052/720 21 11
Customer Service in Europe

Central Sales Region Eastern Sales Region Western Sales Region Northern Sales Region


Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 Beckerstraße 31 Hansastraße 25 Fährhausstraße 11
D-97816 Lohr am Main D-09120 Chemnitz D-40849 Ratingen D-22085 Hamburg
Phone: 09352/40-0 Phone: 0371/3555-0 Phone: 02102/4318-0 Phone: 040/227126-16
Fax: 09352/40-4885 Fax: 0371/3555-230 Fax: 02102/41315 Fax: 040/227126-15

Southern Sales Region Southwestern Sales Region INDRAMAT Service Hotline


Ridlerstraße 75 Böblinger Straße 25 Phone: 0172/660 040 6
D-80339 München D-71229 Leonberg
Phone: 089/540138-30 Phone: 07152/972-6
Phone: 0171/333 882 6
Fax: 089/540138-10 Fax: 07152/972-727

Customer Service in Germany

Printed in Germany



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