Contemporaryandoptimal Medicalmanagementof Peripheralarterialdisease
Contemporaryandoptimal Medicalmanagementof Peripheralarterialdisease
Contemporaryandoptimal Medicalmanagementof Peripheralarterialdisease
M edic a l M an ag emen t o f
Peripheral Arterial Disease
Matthew C. Tattersall, DO, Heather M. Johnson, MD,
Peter J. Mason, MD, MPH*
Peripheral arterial disease Claudication Cardiovascular disease risk
Supervised exercise therapy Optimal medical therapy
Atherosclerotic lower extremity peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a highly prevalent con-
dition associated with a significant increase in risk of all-cause mortality and cardiovascu-
lar morbidity and mortality.
PAD is underdiagnosed and undertreated.
Treatment is focused on 2 primary objectives: (1) lowering cardiovascular risk and cardio-
vascular disease (CVD) event rates and (2) improvement in symptoms and quality of life.
Contemporary multidisciplinary and intersociety guidelines exist to optimal medical
Substantial evidence supports the implementation of tobacco cessation counseling and
pharmacotherapy to help achieve tobacco abstinence, antiplatelet therapy, HMG-CoA
reductase inhibitors (statins) therapy and antihypertensive therapy in patients with PAD
for the purpose of lowering cardiovascular event rates and improving survival.
For patients with claudication, supervised exercise therapy and cilostazol improve mea-
sures of walking performance and quality of life.
PAD refers to the stenosis, occlusion, or aneurysmal change of upper extremity and/or
lower extremity arteries.1,2 Although the term, PAD, can be used to categorize a vari-
ety of disease entities and presentations, the acute and chronic conditions associated
with atherosclerosis are the most common. The focus of this review is on the epide-
miology, risk factors, and medical management of nonacute atherosclerotic lower ex-
tremity PAD.
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762 Tattersall et al
PAD affects more than 8 million adults in the United States alone.3 PAD is a disease
of aging, with an increase in disease prevalence from 10% in individuals aged 65 to
more than 30% in octogenarians.4,5 Concomitant PAD is highly prevalent in individ-
uals with new or established cerebrovascular or coronary artery disease, with prev-
alence rates greater than 30%.6,7 Many studies have demonstrated equal prevalence
among genders but there is a well-described ethnic disparity, with PAD afflicting
non-Hispanic African Americans and Mexican Americans at a higher rate than
non-Hispanic whites.4 Even after controlling for traditional risk factors, PAD preva-
lence is 2-fold higher in non-Hispanic African Americans compared with non-
Hispanic whites.4,8
PAD is associated with significant morbidity and mortality, with more than 14,000
US deaths attributable to PAD in 2011.3 Studies have indicated that regardless of
symptom status, the presence of PAD or a low ankle-brachial index (ABI) (<0.9) is
associated with a more than 2-fold increase in total mortality, cardiovascular mortality,
and coronary events.9–11
PAD is an under-recognized condition. The classical clinical presentation of PAD is
lower extremity claudication. Historically, claudication has been defined using the
Rose questionnaire12:
Pain involving 1 or both calves
Provoked by exertion
Not present at rest
Prompts patient to stop exertion
Must abate within 10 minutes of rest
No abatement in leg pain during continued exertion
Less than 10% of patients afflicted with PAD, however, present with typical claudi-
cation symptoms.5 A majority of patients with PAD are either asymptomatic or present
with atypical leg pain and a minority of patients present with acute or limb threatening
Asymptomatic approximately 40%
Atypical leg pain approximately 50%
Typical claudication less than approximately 10%
Critical limb ischemia approximately 1%–3%
Acute limb ischemia less than 1%
Recent analyses have indicated that the diagnosis of PAD is missed in 85% to 90%
of patients when relying only on clinical history or a screening questionnaire.13
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Peripheral Arterial Disease 763
Box 1
Causes of peripheral arterial disease
Arterial thromboembolism
Degenerative diseases
Marfan syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Dysplastic disease
Fibromuscular dysplasia
Large: giant cell arteritis
Medium: polyarteritis nodosa
Small: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus
Buerger disease
Inherited thrombophilias
Entrapment syndromes
Given the frequency of asymptomatic and atypical presentations of PAD, with the low
sensitivity of disease detection by history alone, accurate diagnosis hinges on effec-
tive screening of patients at risk for PAD. Patients considered at high risk for PAD and
who should be considered for screening include1,16
People under age 50 with diabetes and 1 additional atherosclerotic risk factor
People aged 50 and older with diabetes and/or smoking history
Anyone greater than 65 years of age
Those with known vascular disease in other arterial systems (coronary, carotid,
and renal)
Those with reduced or abnormal pulses on physical examination
Those with symptoms concerning for PAD
The ABI is a simple, inexpensive, and noninvasive test that provides clinicians with
information regarding PAD diagnosis and severity. The ABI is considered by some
the fifth vital sign and is performed by measuring the ratio between the highest ankle
(dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial arteries) systolic blood pressure and the highest
arm (brachial) systolic blood pressure. Typically, systolic blood pressures are 8% to
15% higher in the lower extremities, which results in an ABI greater than 1.0.17 ABI
values between 1.0 and 1.4 are normal, and greater than or equal to 1.4 indicate
noncompressible vessels. Mild, moderate, and severe arterial insufficiency is present
when ABI values are between 0.7 and 0.9, 0.4 and 0.7, and less than 0.4, respectively.
Recent guidelines and publications have recommended the inclusion of the borderline
reduced category (0.9–1.0) to reflect the importance of both subclinical disease and the
limitations of the resting ABI.16,18
The ABI has excellent test characteristics, with a reported sensitivity and specificity,
compared with angiography, of greater than 90%.19,20 When the resting ABI is normal or
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764 Tattersall et al
borderline reduced, a postexercise ABI can be used to aid diagnosis, help distinguish
between claudication and pseudoclaudication, and provide an assessment of func-
tional status.1 Beyond the ABI, other modalities are helpful in the diagnosis of PAD
and include pulse volume recording, continuous wave Doppler ultrasound, duplex ultra-
sound, magnetic resonance angiography, CT angiography, and contrast angiography.
The risk factors for atherosclerotic PAD are similar to the risk factors that promote
atherosclerotic changes in other arterial vascular beds, with differences in the magni-
tude of risk conferred by each risk factor on PAD development.
Smoking is the most powerful risk factor for the development of PAD. Observational
studies demonstrate that smoking is a more potent risk factor for the development
of PAD than for the development of coronary artery disease.21 The mechanism of ef-
fect is not entirely understood because tobacco’s impact on the development of PAD
is only partially explained by its pathophysiologic modification of traditional cardiovas-
cular risk factors.22 Smoking has deleterious effects on endothelial function, alters
vascular tone, and promotes inflammation and erythrocytosis, which alter the rheo-
logic properties of blood.23 Smoking confers a 2-fold to 6-fold increased risk of devel-
oping PAD and there is a dose-dependent effect with smoking and risk of incident
PAD.21 Smokers with PAD also experience worse disease-specific outcomes, with
higher rates of critical limb ischemia and amputation, higher procedural complications,
and increased bypass graft failure.24,25 Smoking cessation improves overall survival
and this effect becomes apparent 1 year after cessation.26 Secondhand smoke expo-
sure is also important and a dose-dependent relationship between exposure to
secondhand smoke and risk of PAD has been demonstrated.27
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a potent risk factor for the development of PAD. Studies have
demonstrated that DM confers at least a 2-fold increased risk of PAD.1,4 There also
seems to be a continuous increase in PAD risk based on glycemic control. One
meta-analysis found that for every 1% increase in hemoglobin (Hgb) A1c, there was
a 30% increase in risk of incident PAD.28 Patients with DM are at particularly high
risk for presenting with late PAD manifestations, including neuropathy, impaired micro-
circulation, altered skin integrity, and impaired immune response, which all contribute
to the development of ischemic complications. Patients with diabetes and PAD have
higher mortality rates at younger ages and are 5 times more likely to undergo amputa-
tion compared with nondiabetics.29 As opposed to smokers, who have a higher asso-
ciation of PAD development in the arterial vessels above the knee, patients with
DM have a higher association of PAD development below the knee.29,30 In addition
to the metabolic effects of DM with other CVD risk factors (eg, hypertension and dysli-
pidemia), DM promotes development of atherosclerosis through at least 2 mecha-
nisms: (1) hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and free fatty acid production–impaired
nitric oxide signaling and endothelial dysfunction and (2) hyperglycemia oxidative
stress and platelet aggregation, which alters the rheologic properties of blood.30
Elevated blood pressure is a significant risk factor for the development of PAD. In the
Framingham Heart Study, there was an increase in the development of intermittent
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Peripheral Arterial Disease 765
claudication by 2-fold in men and 4-fold in women with hypertension.31 The coexis-
tence of hypertension and PAD is common, with more than 50% of those with PAD
having concomitant hypertension.32 Both conditions are associated with an increased
risk of cardiovascular events and death. In the Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly
(SHEP) Trial, men and women with systolic hypertension and ankle arm indices less
than or equal to 0.9 had significantly increased risk of both total and CVD mortality
(odds ratio [OR] 2.8–3.3).33
An increased risk of PAD has been associated with dyslipidemia in several
studies.5,34,35 Analogous to coronary atherosclerosis, there have been many studies
highlighting the relationship between PAD and low high-density lipoprotein, elevated
total cholesterol, and elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C).1 There is
a continuous relationship between lipid abnormalities and risk of PAD, with a 10% in-
crease in incident PAD for each 10-mg/dL increase in total cholesterol.5
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766 Tattersall et al
Tobacco Cessation
Smoking cessation provides the cornerstone in efforts to decrease risk of all-cause
and cardiovascular mortality. Smoking cessation reduces the rate of PAD progression
and the incidence of vascular complications (amputation and limb ischemia) and may
help reduce claudication severity. Tobacco cessation, however, is not easily accom-
plished and counseling by a health care professional as well as pharmacologic assis-
tance is often required and is of proved benefit.
Counseling on the importance of tobacco cessation is both mandatory and effec-
tive. Even brief counseling has proved influential; unfortunately, less than 50% of pa-
tients are offered assistance with tobacco cessation in primary care.13 Vascular
specialists are uniquely positioned to have an impact on tobacco use and have a re-
sponsibility in this regard. Intensive counseling and structured programs are most
effective, with 1-year quit rates approaching 20%.42 In a recent study of patients
with PAD, 6-month quit rates were significantly higher among those who received
intensive counseling compared with brief point-of-care counseling (21.3% vs 6.8%,
P 5 .023). Intensive counseling consisted of 6 counseling sessions over 5 months in
which education, cognitive-behavioral counseling, identification of quit dates, and so-
cial support were all delineated.43
Multimodality interventions that include pharmacotherapy are the most effective,
with cessation rates approaching 44%,44 and there are 3 medications with proved
benefit in achieving tobacco cessation:
1. Nicotine replacement therapy
2. Bupropion
3. Varenicline (Chantix)
Nicotine replacement has an important role in assisting patients with tobacco
cessation. A Cochrane review of 150 tobacco cessation trials found that use of nico-
tine replacement was associated with a significant 50% to 70% increase in the rate of
maintaining abstinence from tobacco compared with placebo at 6 months.45,46 The
method of nicotine replacement (chewing gum, transdermal patches, nasal spray, in-
halers, and tablets) did not alter efficacy.45,46
Another key pharmacologic agent to aid tobacco cessation is the antidepressant,
bupropion. Bupropion is a unique aminoketone antidepressant agent that has a
weak inhibitory effect on norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake. The exact mecha-
nism of action in smoking cessation, however, remains somewhat unclear.47
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial comparing bupropion therapy with or
without nicotine replacement, bupropion produced a statistically significant increase
in the rate of abstinence at 12 months (30.3% in the bupropion group vs 15.6% in
the placebo, P<.001). Although the combination of bupropion and nicotine replace-
ment yielded the highest abstinence rates (35.5%), the difference between quit rates
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Peripheral Arterial Disease 767
with bupropion alone or in combination with nicotine replacement was not statistically
Varenicline (Chantix) is an a4b2–nicotinic acetylcholine receptor partial agonist and,
compared with available alternatives, has demonstrated superior rates of smoking
cessation. By stimulating dopamine release in the brain and inhibiting nicotine binding
to the nicotine receptor, varenicline helps reduce withdrawal symptoms and nicotine
cravings and decreases the reinforcement and reward associated with tobacco use.
Compared with placebo, varenicline has demonstrated superior short-term and
long-term quit rates.49 In 1 randomized, placebo-controlled trial comparing varenicline
with bupropion, varenicline produced the highest rates of abstinence at 1 year after
Smoking cessation is perhaps the most important modifiable risk factor in the battle
against PAD development and progression and the recently updated ACCF/AHA PAD
treatment guidelines provide the following class I recommendations16:
Any current or former smoker should be asked about tobacco status at every
Patients who smoke should be assisted with a counseling and a cessation plan
that includes referral to smoking cessation and/or pharmacologic aid.
Unless clinically contraindicated, patients who smoke should be offered 1 or
more of the following pharmacotherapeutic agents: nicotine replacement, bupro-
pion, and varenicline.
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768 Tattersall et al
Table 1
Glycemic control and macrovascular endpoints
Primary Macrovascular
Study Population Endpoints Intervention Outcomes
PROactive51 Type 2 DM ACS, nonfatal MI, Pioglitazone vs Nonsignificant 10%
endovascular/surgical placebo reduction in
revascularization on macrovascular
leg arteries, or events
VADT52 Type 2 DM MI, stroke, CVD death, 1.5% Reduction No significant
CHF, PVD surgery, in HgbA1c benefit in
inoperable CAD, or intensive glycemic
amputation control on
UKPDS survivor Type 2 DM Death from MI, stroke, FPG <108 mg/dL w10-y Follow-up of
cohort53 or PVD original trial:
intensive glycemic
control reduced
MI but not PAD
UKPDS54 Type 2 DM Death from MI, stroke, FPG <108 mg/dL Nonsignificant
or PVD reduction in PAD
RR 0.65 (95% CI,
ACCORD55 Type 2 DM Nonfatal MI, nonfatal HgbA1c <6.0% Increased mortality
stroke, or CVD death in intensive
glycemic control
ADVANCE56 Type 2 DM Composite of HgbA1c <6.5% No significant effect
macrovascular and on macrovascular
microvascular events events; reduction
in combined
macrovascular and
Abbreviations: ACCORD, action to control cardiovascular risk in diabetes; ACS, acute coronary syn-
drome; ADVANCE, action in diabetes and vascular disease. Preterax and Diamicron Modified
Release Controlled Evaluation; CAD, coronary artery disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; FPG,
fasting plasma glucose; MI, myocardial infarction; PROactive, PROspective pioglitAzone clinincal
trial in macroVascular events; PVD, peripheral vascular disease; RR, relative risk; UKPDS, united
kingdom prospective diabetes study; VADT, veterans affairs diabetes trial.
greater than or equal to 90 mm Hg.57 Blood pressure modification in patients with PAD
has 2 goals:
First, to reduce sequelae of PAD, such as amputation
Second, to reduce cardiovascular events, such as myocardial infarction, stroke,
and cardiovascular death
In adult patients with type 2 DM in the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes
Study Group 36 study, the risk of both microvascular and macrovascular complica-
tions of DM were reduced with tight blood pressure control.58 In this study, all-cause
mortality and DM complications were reduced by 12% for each 10–mm Hg reduction
in systolic blood pressure. Furthermore, the risk of lower extremity amputation or
death from PAD was reduced by 16% for each 10–mm Hg decrease in systolic blood
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Peripheral Arterial Disease 769
Table 2
Guideline-recommended medical interventions for reducing cardiovascular risk and
improving symptoms in patients with PAD
pressure. These results were seen despite adjustment for potential confounders,
such as age at diagnosis of DM, ethnic group, smoking status, presence of albumin-
uria, HgBA1c, high-density lipoprotein and LDL-C, and triglycerides.58
Blood pressure control in patients with PAD is further supported by the results of the
Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation study, where the use of ramipril compared to
placebo resulted in a 20% relative risk reduction in the composite end point of
myocardial infarction, stroke, or vascular death.1,59 The current ACCF/AHA PAD treat-
ment guidelines recommend
Antihypertensive medication to achieve a goal of <140/90 mm Hg in nondiabetics
and <130/80 mm Hg in patients with diabetes and/or chronic kidney disease
(class I, level of evidence A)1,16
Current PAD specific treatment guidelines recommend the use of angiotensin
converting enzyme inhibitors (class IIa, level of evidence B)1,16
Although of historic concern, there are few data to support the relationship between
b-blocker therapy and worsened symptoms of claudication.60 b-Blocker therapy is
indicated in patients with coronary atherosclerosis and has been demonstrated to
reduce the risk of myocardial infarction and death.61
Lipid Lowering
The use of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) is associated with significant ben-
efits in primary and secondary prevention of CVD. Although the magnitude of this
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770 Tattersall et al
effect is well documented for coronary artery disease, less is known for PAD. The
Heart Protection Study enrolled high-risk subjects, randomizing them to simvastatin
40 mg daily versus placebo. At study completion, simvastatin resulted in a significant
reduction in mean LDL-C (88.9 mg/dL vs 127.6 mg/dL with placebo), all-cause mor-
tality, and cardiovascular events.62 A subgroup analysis of PAD patients within the
Heart Protection Study demonstrated a 22% relative risk reduction in the rate of first
major vascular event, and this observation was noted regardless of the initial base-
line LDL-C.62,63
Although the overall risk reduction conferred by HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors is
large, this medication class remains grossly underused among patients with
PAD.64,65 The treatment gap is not only present in patients with mild PAD. Data
from the Bypass versus Angioplasty in severe Ischaemia of the Leg trial demonstrated
that only 33% of patients with severe PAD were on statin therapy.66
The Adult Treatment Panel III guidelines consider PAD a CVD risk equivalent and
recommend the following LDL-C treatment goals in patients with PAD:
Low-density lipoprotein value <100 mg/dL (class I, level of evidence B)
Low-density lipoprotein value <70 mg/dL if at increased risk of ischemic events
(class IIA, level of evidence B) or with evidence of multisystem vascular disease.1,67
Antiplatelet Therapies
Aspirin therapy
Aspirin therapy in patients with PAD has long been a mainstay of best medical therapy.
Early studies, such as the meta-analysis performed by Antithrombotic Trialists’
Collaboration, demonstrated a significant benefit of daily aspirin use in high-risk
vascular patients, with an overall reduction in cardiovascular events (stroke, myocar-
dial infarction, and vascular-related death). In an analysis of a subgroup of patients
with PAD (N 5 9214), there was a significant 23% proportional reduction in major
vascular events.68
More contemporary trials have called into question the benefit of aspirin use in pri-
mary CVD prevention, specifically among patients with asymptomatic PAD. The
Aspirin for Asymptomatic Atherosclerosis trial was a randomized, double-blinded, pla-
cebo-controlled trial that evaluated the role of aspirin in prevention of cardiovascular
events in asymptomatic patients with low ABI who were free of baseline CVD. No sta-
tistically significant reduction in major cardiovascular events was demonstrated with
the use of 100 mg of aspirin daily versus placebo.69 Two recent trials evaluating the
role of aspirin in patients with diabetes and asymptomatic PAD have failed to demon-
strate a significant benefit in cardiovascular event reduction.70,71 Finally, a recent
meta-analysis looking at aspirin use in the prevention of cardiovascular events in pa-
tients with PAD demonstrated a nonsignificant reduction in cardiovascular events.72
In contrast to the findings discussed previously, the Critical Leg Ischaemia Preven-
tion Study enrolled symptomatic and asymptomatic patients with PAD and random-
ized them to aspirin or placebo. This study found a reduction in the incidence of
vascular events in the aspirin group by 26%; however, this study was terminated early
because it did not meet the prespecified enrollment.73
Clopidogrel, ticlopidine, and prasugrel are thienopyridine class agents that reduce
platelet aggregation through inhibition of the platelet surface P2Y12 receptor.74 Clopi-
dogrel is the most commonly used thienopyridine antiplatelet agent and is the focus of
this discussion. Clopidogrel has recently become available in generic formulation and
has the most abundant efficacy and safety data.
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Peripheral Arterial Disease 771
In one of the early clopidogrel trials, Clopidogrel versus Aspirin in Patients at Risk of
Ischaemic Events (CAPRIE), clopidogrel was compared with 325 mg of aspirin therapy
in more than 19,000 high-vascular-risk patients. Clopidogrel was associated with a
significant reduction in the combined endpoint (ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction,
or and vascular death) compared with aspirin (5.32% vs 5.83%, P 5 .04).75 Within the
subgroup of patients with PAD (N 5 6452), there was a 24% relative risk reduction in
cardiovascular events.75 Given the positive results of the CAPRIE study, there was
clinical equipoise to evaluate the impact of dual antiplatelet therapy with both aspirin
and clopidogrel in high-cardiovascular-risk patients. In the Clopidogrel and Aspirin
versus Aspirin Alone for the Prevention of Atherothrombotic Events trial performed
by the CHARISMA investigators, dual antiplatelet therapy with both clopidogrel and
low-dose aspirin versus low-dose aspirin alone was evaluated in 15,603 high-
cardiovascular-risk patients.76 Overall, the dual antiplatelet strategy did not reduce
the primary endpoint, which was a composite endpoint of myocardial infarction,
stroke, or cardiovascular death.76
The current ACCF/AHA PAD treatment guidelines provide the following recommen-
dations for antiplatelet therapy:
Aspirin or clopidogrel therapy for patients with symptomatic PAD (class I, level of
evidence A). Clopidogrel is recommended as an alternative to aspirin (class IB).
Aspirin or clopidogrel therapy for patients with asymptomatic PAD (class IIA,
level of evidence C).
Dual antiplatelet therapy (eg, aspirin and clopidogrel) for patients with symptom-
atic PAD at high cardiovascular risk and low bleeding risk (class IIB).16
Warfarin has no role in the prevention of cardiovascular events in patients with PAD;
low-dose aspirin (eg, 81 mg daily) is preferred to maintain cardiovascular benefit and
minimize toxicity, and all aspirin formulations are considered equally effective.
Cilostazol is a phosphodiesterase III inhibitor that increases cyclic adenosine mono-
phosphate levels. The increase in cyclic adenosine monophosphate levels is associ-
ated with arterial vasodilatation, decreased platelet aggregation, reduced vascular
smooth muscle proliferation, increased nitric oxide signaling, increase high-density
lipoprotein levels, and decreases in triglyceride levels.77,78 Cilostazol has been
demonstrated in multiple randomized trials to improve walking distance in patients
with intermittent claudication and it may also reduce rates of restenosis and revascu-
larization. A meta-analysis of 7 randomized controlled trials that included more than
1500 patients with moderate to severe PAD demonstrated significant improvement
in walking distance with use of cilostazol.79 In another analysis of 9 randomized
controlled trials, the use of cilostazol (100 mg twice daily) was associated with a
50% improvement in maximal walking distance from baseline.80 The use of cilostazol
has a proved long-term safety profile but is contraindicated in patients with reduced
left ventricular systolic function and has limitations with respect to its side-effect pro-
file and patient compliance.81,82
Current ACCF/AHA PAD treatment guidelines recommend
Cilostazol (class IA) to improve claudication symptoms and increase walking dis-
tance in patients with lower extremity PAD and intermittent claudication1,16
Exercise Therapy
Patients with symptomatic and asymptomatic PAD have reduced functional capacity
and quality of life and faster rates of mobility loss compared with patients without
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Peripheral Arterial Disease 773
approach toward the second objective is initiation of supervised exercise therapy and
cilostazol and pursuit of revascularization when medical therapy has failed.
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