Section 5. Atherosclerotic Peripheral Vascular Disease and Aortic Aneurysm

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Atherosclerotic Peripheral Vascular Disease
The peripheral arteries include those branches of the aorta
supplying the upper and lower extremities and the abdominal
viscera. Most peripheral arterial occlusive disease is due to athero-
sclerosis, although other conditions such as fibromuscular dysplasia,
muscular entrapment, cystic adventitial degeneration, and arteritis
may cause obstruction of the peripheral arteries. Symptomatic
atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease (ASPVD) occurs most
often in the vessels of the lower extremities. The anatomic location
of such disease is usually classified according to the major arterial
segments involved, including aortoiliac, femoro-popliteal, and tibio-
peroneal artery occlusive disease. Occlusive lesions of the origins of
visceral arteries commonly involve the renal arteries and the
mesenteric arteries, including the celiac and superior and inferior
mesenteric arteries.
With many asymptomatic patients, peripheral arterial occlusive
disease can be detected on physical examination. Symptomatic
patients are usually classified according to the severity of presenting
complaints; for example, patients may be classified as suffering
intermittent claudication (leg pain brought on by exercise and
relieved by rest), ischemic rest pain, or, the most severe complaint,
tissue necrosis, including gangrene or ischemic ulceration. Patients
with renal artery occlusive disease may present with severe and
uncontrollable hypertension, although such patients may respond to
medical treatment for hypertension. Patients with arterial occlusive
disease of the mesenteric arteries may present with acute ischemia
of the intestine, due to thrombosis or embolization, or with more
chronic symptoms of pain aggravated by eating and weight loss.
The diagnosis of peripheral arterial occlusive disease can usually
be made from the history and physical examination, including the
evaluation of peripheral arterial pulsations and detection of arterial
bruits. However, more accurate and objective diagnosis of peripheral
arterial occlusive disease is possible with noninvasive diagnostic
techniques, particularly Doppler ultrasound or plethysmography.
Arteriography is reserved for patients with symptoms sufficient to
make them candidates for surgery, and is not usually required for
the diagnosis of peripheral arterial occlusive disease.
The majority of patients with peripheral arterial disease may be
candidates for medical therapy such as exercise regimens and
reduction of known risk factors through cessation of smoking,
control of diabetes mellitus, dietary measures to control hyperlipide
mia and obesity, and medical management of hypertension. Inten-
sive foot hygiene and avoidance of trauma are additional important
medical measures for patients with lower extremity ASPVD. The

newly developed treatment of balloon dilatation (percutaneous
transluminal angioplasty) may be used to restore pulsatile flow for
severely symptomatic patients. Surgical therapy is required in only
about 10 percent of the patients with advanced arterial occlusive
disease. One surgical approach is arterial reconstruction, usually
involving endarterectomy or bypass with vein or prosthetic grafts of
diseased segments. Sympathectomy is infrequently used, but it may
be helpful in patients with cutaneous ischemia, for whom restoration
of pulsatile flow is not possible. Amputation of limbs with advanced
arterial occlusive disease that cannot be remedied by surgical
reconstruction remains in use, but it is required by only about 5
percent of all patients presenting with peripheral arterial occlusive

Risk Factors for Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease

The most powerful risk factor predisposing to atherosclerotic
peripheral arterial occlusive disease is cigarette smoking (47); in fact,
the rarity of peripheral arterial occlusive disease in patients who
have never smoked was noted by Eastcott as early as 1962 (23). The
epidemiologic evidence linking cigarette smoking to atherosclerotic
peripheral arterial occlusive disease is discussed in detail below.
Several studies have suggested hyperlipoproteinemia as a risk
factor contributing to atherosclerotic peripheral arterial occlusive
disease. The type of hyperlipoproteinemia and the degree of associa-
tion with peripheral vascular disease appear to be different, how-
ever, from the hyperlipoproteinemia associated with coronary artery
disease. Zelis et al. (92) reported that patients with Type III
hyperlipoproteinemia are particularly susceptible to the develop
ment of peripheral vascular disease, and they noted objective
improvement in the peripheral circulation with medical treatment
of this disorder. Greenhalgh et al. (30) reported that fasting serum
lipid concentrations were abnormally high in 44 percent of a
consecutive series of 116 patients with proven peripheral vascular
disease. In 39 percent of the patients the serum triglyceride level was
raised, and in 15 percent the serum cholesterol level was increased.
Ballantyne and Laurie (5) evaluated 353 consecutive patients with
peripheral vascular disease and showed a predominance of Type IV
hyperlipoproteinemia in males, but a predominance of Type IIa
hyperlipoproteinemia in females. Patients with peripheral vascular
disease and Type IIa or Type Ilb hyperlipoproteinemia were more
likely to have associated coronary artery disease. Eighty-four
percent of the patients were cigarette smokers, with the majority
smoking more than 10 cigarettes daily. There was no relationship
between cigarette consumption and the occurrence of hyperlipopro
teinemia. However, Farid et al. (25) found that in 122 patients with
angiographically proved peripheral arterial occlusive disease, heavy
smoking seemed to be associated with an unexpectedly high propor-
tion of an abnormal lipid pattern: 43 percent of the males exhibited
Type IV hyperlipoproteinemia. Lawrie et al. (51) surveyed 4,477
healthy males and females in the west of Scotland and found a high
prevalence of hyperlipoproteinemia of Type II and Type IV. Hyperli-
poproteinemia occurred more frequently in survivors of myocardial
infarction, but also occurred, though to a lesser extent, in patients
with peripheral vascular disease.
Olsson and Eklund (57) evaluated 160 men and 123 women with
digit plethysmoraphy and found that most atherogenic lipoprotein
abnormalities associated with disease of the lower extremities
involved the relatively triglyceride-rich part of the low density
lipoprotein (LDL) fraction and the relatively cholesterol-rich part of
the very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) fraction. These authors
found a deleterious influence of smoking even in the preclinical
stage of peripheral vascular disease. Davignon et al. (18) evaluated
114 French Canadian patients with angiographically proved periph-
eral vascular disease. The severity of atherosclerosis correlated
positively with plasma triglyceride concentration, but cigarette
smoking was the risk factor most frequently found in patients with
peripheral vascular disease. In contrast, Erikson et al. (24) did not
find a positive correlation between arteriographic changes in 30
patients with intermittent claudication and serum concentrations of
lipids and lipoproteins. Trayner et al. (80) compared 32 patients with
peripheral vascular disease to control subjects. The vascular disease
study group had a significantly higher incidence of hypertriglycerid-
emia, more marked for the males, and had lower levels of high
density lipoproteins (HDL) than did the control subjects. The study
group also had a twofold higher prevalence of cigarette smoking
than control subjects. Control patients who smoked also had lower
levels of HDL than those who did not smoke. Phillips et al. (61) also
established a relationship between an increase of VLDL triglyceride
and cigarette smoking, while HDL cholesterol decreased with
cigarette smoking.
Hypertension is associated not only with coronary and cerebrovas-
cular disease, but also with peripheral arterial occlusive disease (46).
Larson et al. (50) established an interaction of hypertension and
hypercholesterolemia in an experimental study of mongrel dogs,
suggesting that the combination of these two risk factors produces
alterations in lipid composition in the canine aorta that appears to
be geometric rather than arithmetic in nature. However, Stehbens
(74) claimed that epidemiologic studies are less conclusive than
experimental studies in establishing the relationship of risk factors
in atherosclerosis. He postulated that local hemodynamics associated
with hemodynamic stress, rather than the level cf lipid intake, is the
principal factor governing the accumulation of lipid in the vessel
It is clear that multiple risk factors have been associated with
atherosclerosis not only in the coronary and cerebrovascular arterial
beds but also in the peripheral circulation. Ftosen et al. (6.5)evaluated
the association of risk factors in 109 patients with peripheral arterial
occlusive disease. The arterial disease was established by clinical and
arteriographic examination and classified into three anatomic
groups-aortoiliac, combined aortoiliac and femoropopliteal, and
femoropopliteal disease. Type IV hyperlipoproteinemia and glucose
intolerance were significantly more common in patients with
isolated femoropopliteal disease. Cigarette smoking was the most
prominent risk factor in all groups, occurring in 90 percent of
patients with aortoiliac or combined disease and in 75 percent of
patients with femoropopliteal artery disease. The onset of clinical
symptoms occurred at an average of 8 to 10 years earlier in smokers
than in nonsmokers. Heyden et al. (35) established that smoking and
coffee drinking interact in affecting LDL and total cholesterol, but
coffee drinking alone did not appear to affect blood lipids. Criqui et
al. (16) reviewed the relationship between cigarette smoking and
HDL cholesterol in 2,663 men and 2,553 women aged 20 to 69 years
in 10 North American populations of the Lipid Research Clinics
Program Prevalence Study. Cigarette smoking was associated with
substantially lower levels of HDL cholesterol; this association was
dose related. Hulley et al. (37) found the same association in a
longitudinal study of 301 high-risk males 35 to 57 years of age. After
1 years intervention on diet, hypertension treatment, and smoking
counseling, both smoking frequency and serum thiocyanate were
significantly and independently associated with the changing plasma
HDL-cholesterol concentration. A relationship linking cigarette
smoking and abnormal lipoprotein metabolism comes from the
report of Topping et al. (78), which found that patients with both
Type III hyperlipoproteinemia and cigarette smoking suffer abnor-
malities of liver metabolism of cholesterol-rich remnants. Such
impaired hepatic metabolism may result in hyperlipoproteinemia
and subsequent peripheral vascular disease.

Sllmmary of Epidemiologic Studies

Because peripheral arterial occlusive disease does not pose as
severe a mortality threat as coronary artery disease does, there have
been fewer major epidemiologic studies of peripheral vascular
disease. However, the underlying pathologic lesion, atherosclerosis,
remains the same in the two conditions, and there is increasing
evidence of an association between peripheral vascular disease and
similar lesions in the coronary or cerebrovascular beds. Both clinical
and angiographic correlates of peripheral arterial disease with
concomitant coronary artery disease were suggested by the reports of
Friedman et al. (281, Kuebler et al. (49), Silvestre et al. (72), and
Hertzer et al. (34). These reports not only suggest a clinical
relationship between peripheral and coronary artery occlusive
disease, but also indicate that the perioperative and long-term risks
of treatment for peripheral vascular disease are strongly influenced
by the presence of concomitant coronary artery disease.
Several publications have extensively reviewed the evidence
associating cigarette smoking with peripheral arterial occlusive
disease (81, 82, 83). Early studies by Juergens et al. (44), Begg (7),
Schwartz et al. (71), and Widmer et al. (87) documented a much
higher prevalence of cigarette smoking (usually exceeding 90 per-
cent) in patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease, when
compared with control patients without vascular disease. Data from
the Framingham study (4s) suggest that cigarette smoking is one of
the major risk factors in the development of intermittent claudica-
tion (Table 1). Over a X-year period of followup, a higher total
incidence and a higher annual incidence of intermittent claudication
were noted in smokers as compared with nonsmokers. This differ-
ence was statistically significant for all age groups of both sexes.
Using multivariate analysis to control for other risk factors, this
relationship of smoking to intermittent claudication became stron-
Many other investigators have noted a high prevalence of ciga-
rette smoking in patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease.
Tomatis et al. (77) found that 98 percent of patients with aortoiliac
disease and 91 percent of patients with femoropopliteal disease were
cigarette smokers. Astrup et al. (3) found a significant correlation
between the frequency of severe intermittent claudication and the
consumption of more than 15 cigarettes a day in nondiabetic patients
with peripheral vascular disease. A significant difference between
heavy smokers and other smokers was not found, however, for the
development of gangrene. Further, the development of claudication
did not vary with the number of years of smoking or the total
number of cigarettes consumed in a lifetime. Weinroth and Herz-
stein (84) noted a 50 percent greater incidence of peripheral arterial
occlusive disease in diabetics who smoked than in those who did not,
Juergens et al. (44) followed 520 patients with nondiabetic peripheral
arterial occlusive disease, approximately 50 percent of whom contin-
ued to smoke despite medical advice to quit. Of those who continued
to smoke, approximately 10 percent eventually required amputation,
but no amputations were necessary in patients who successfully
stopped smoking.
Horowitz et al. (36) reported that age was a significant factor in the
prevalence of arterial disease, with nearly half of the cases occurring
in patients over the age of 70. A higher percentage of patients with

TABLE L-Average annual incidence (over 16 years) of
intermittent claudication according to cigarette
habit at examination

Men Women

Age at examination Rate per 10,coO Rate per 10,OQO

and cigarettes Subjects Subjects
smoked per day at risk Actual Smoothed at risk Actual Smoothed*

MY- 6290 16 15.9 7933 4 3.8

None 2342 6 9.8 4514 3 2.4
Under 20 903 17 13.4 1876 0 4.0
20 1466 30 16.3 1090 9 6.5
over 20 1523 16 24.9 422 12 10.6

55-64 years 4484 51 51.3 5959 19 19.3

None 2170 28 27.6 4276 19 17.5
Under 20 743 61 43.6 1030 19 21.6
20 a79 40 66.7 434 0 26.7
Over 20 670 in 107.9 197 76 33.1

65-74 years 1326 57 56.6 1924 31 31.2

None 190 44 55.2 1541 19 23.6
Under 20 254 98 51.3 266 94 45.3
20 167 90 59.5 I9 0 66.5
over20 111 0 61.7 29 172 164.2

Numhen of subjecta at rislr according to cigar&em smoked do not add to tot& shown because same subjecta
The amwthed rates an based on the mean of the individual probabilities of development of intermittent
ckudication in ti 2 yeam following examioa tion. where individual probability h calculated awarding to cigar&e
we at examination using the values of the parameten atiited in Wing the logistic function to the oavmnee of
intermittent claudication in the sex-age group.
NOTE: The trend is aigniticantly Merent from zao at the 0.05 level for women 65 to 74 yearn of age and at the
0.01 level for men 65 to 64.
SOURCE lbumel and Shurtleff (481.

arterial disease smoked than did patients without arterial disease. A

higher percentage of males than of females had peripheral arterial
occlusive disease. De Backer et al. (21) likewise noted an increase in
intermittent claudication with increasing age, but also found a
significant correlation of serum cholesterol, systolic blood pressure,
blood glucose, and cigarette smoking in patients with intermittent
Future epidemiologic studies of peripheral vascular disease must
take into account the merits and limitations of the clinical diagnosis
of peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Horowitz et al. (36) suggest
that the judgment of trained paramedical personnel compares
favorably with that of physicians in screening large numbers of
patients for peripheral vascular disease.
De Backer et al. (21) emphasized the importance of using ankle
systolic blood pressure measurement with Doppler ultrasound to
objectively screen patients for peripheral arterial occlusive disease.
Such useful techniques have been emphasized by Marinelli et al. (54)
in a large epidemiologic study of vascular disease in patients with
diabetes mellitus.
In addition to clinical studies, several autopsy surveys have
reported an association between smoking and peripheral atheroscle-
rosis (59, 60, 66, 67, 75, 89). Such studies have supported a direct
association between smoking and the formation of abdominal aortic
fatty streaks, as well as their subsequent conversion to raised lesions.
Most reports of peripheral vascular disease emphasize the predom-
inant occurrence of this disorder in males (88). However, diabetes
mellitus may predispose females to peripheral arterial occlusive
disease in a frequency similar to that of males. Broome et al. (12)
reported on 15 women with aortoiliac occlusive disease, all of whom
were cigarette smokers (mean, 20 cigarettes a day), and none of
whom had diabetes mellitus. The temporal trend toward increased
smoking by women may significantly increase their risk of peripher-
al arterial occlusive disease. The Framingham heart study (47) found
that the incidence of peripheral vascular disease was increased
among smokers and that cigarette smoking was as strong an
independent risk factor in women as in men. Heavy smokers had a
threefold increase in the incidence of peripheral arterial occlusive
disease. Weiss (86) evaluated 245 women with peripheral arterial
occlusive disease. The risk in ex-smokers who had not smoked for 5
years or more was nearly normal, with a risk ratio of 1.06. Patients
who had not smoked for 1 to 5 years had a risk ratio of 1.70. Patients
who continued to smoke, but smoked less than one pack a day, had a
risk ratio of 11.53, and those who smoked more than a pack a day
had a risk ratio of 15.56. The risk for arterial occlusive disease was
particularly associated with the proximal aortoiliac segment and
was less associated with distal or femoral-popliteal artery disease.
This study described both a dose-response effect and a benefit
following cessation of smoking.
There have been few studies of the association of visceral arterial
occlusive disease and cigarette smoking. Mackay et al. (53) reported
on the correlation of smoking and renal artery stenosis. They found
that smoking was nearly twice as common in patients with nonma-
lignant hypertension associated with renal artery stenosis as in
those patients with hypertension of comparable severity without
renal artery disease. Previous studies documented that a higher
proportion of smokers was noted in patients with malignant
hypertension (IO, 39). Cigarette smoking was present in 20 of 22
patients with malignant hypertension and associated renal artery
stenosis (53).
Cigarette smoking appears to be the only form of tobacco
consumption associated with an increased risk of developing periph-
era1 arterial occlusive disease. Smith (73) reported that no cases of
intermittent claudication were found in patients who used only
smokeless tobacco (snuff, chewing tobacco), provided that patients
with a history of diabetes mellitus, heavy ethanol intake, or dietary
problems were excluded.
Frishman (29) reviewed the effects of involuntary smoking on the
cardiovascular system. Although levels of carbon monoxide common-
ly found in cigarette-smoke-filled environments have been demon-
strated to decrease exercise tolerance in patients with existing
angina pectoris and intermittent claudication, studies are not
available to document the role that passive smoking might play in
the etiology of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (69).

Clinical Investigations in Humans

In several studies, the effect of cigarette smoking or the constitu-
ents of cigarette smoke on the human peripheral vascular system
has been investigated. Cryer et al. (17) studied the effects of cigarette
smoking, sham smoking, and smoking with adrenergic blockade in
10 subjects. There was a significant increase in the mean plasma
norepinephrine and epinephrine levels associated with smoking. The
smoking-related increase in pulse rate, blood pressure, blood glycer-
ol, and blood lactate-pyruvate ratio was prevented by adrenergic
blockade. These findings were attributed to local norepinephrine
release from adrenergic axon terminals within tissues rather than to
increments in circulating catecholamines. In experiments comparing
cigarettes of varying nicotine content, the subjective recognition of
different cigarette brands may influence the results of clinical
experiments. Ossip et al. (58) have suggested that nicotine extraction
filters be used to minimize the within-subject differences due to the
recognition of cigarette brand. The influence of the type of beta
blocker used in therapy of patients who are cigarette smokers was
investigated by Trap-Jensen et al. (79). These authors found that the
use of a nonselective beta blocker, propranolol, during smoking
caused a marked rise in diastolic and mean blood pressure and
forearm vascular resistance, due to the blockade of adrenaline-
induced vasodilatation, which is mediated by beta-2 receptors in the
resistance vessels. Selective beta-l blockade with atenolol attenuated
the systolic blood pressure and the tachycardiac responses induced
by cigarette smoking.
Several studies have suggested an association between cigarette
smoking and the level of circulating hemoglobin. Castleden et al. (14)
evaluated 61 male nondiabetic smokers with peripheral artery
disease and compared them with age-matched nondiabetic male
smokers and nonsmokers admitted for routine inquinal herniorrha-
phy. They found a significant association between smoking and
hemoglobin levels and a highly significant correlation between
smoking and peripheral vascular disease. In addition, the carboxy-
hemoglobin generated by smoking was associated with increased
platelet adhesiveness, decreased fibrinolytic activity, and increased
plasma fibrinogen. Yamori et al. (91) suggested that the hematocrit
was increased in proportion to the number of cigarettes smoked and
that this may be a mechanism for increased mortality rate from
cardiovascular diseases in smokers.
Other hematologic effects of cigarette smoke have been observed
in blood platelets and with fibrinolysis. Davis and Davis (19) studied
18 volunteers to assess the effect of cigarette smoking on platelet
aggregation. The smoking of two unfiltered tobacco cigarettes during
a 2Cminut.e period resulted in a significant increase in the platelet
aggregate ratio. During this time, the mean plasma nonesterified
fatty acid concentration remained unchanged. These same authors
(20) subsequently reported that the increase in the platelet aggregate
ratio resulting from smoking two unfiltered cigarettes could be
prevented with pretreatment with one aspirin tablet. Janxon and
Nilsson (43) evaluated the fibrinolytic activity in vein walls among
71 randomly selected heavy smokers and 41 nonsmokers from a
population of men born in 1914 residing in Malmo, Sweden. After 12
hours abstention from tobacco, the smokers were found to have the
same fibrinolytic activity as nonsmokers. Smoking six cigarettes
during 3 hours increased the fibrinolytic activity in the blood,
presumably hecause of the combined effects of nicotine and carbon
Several studies of the effects of smoking on the peripheral
circulation have involved noninvasive measurement of limb blood
flow using plethysmographic techniques. Janzon (40) used a water-
filled plethysmograph to study 71 randomly selected heavy smokers
and 41 nonsmokers from the study group of men born in 1914 and
residing in MalmS, Sweden. The smokers were found to have lower
systolic and diastolic arm blood pressure and lower systolic blood
pressure in the big toe with greater pressure gradients from the arm
to the big toe compared with nonsmokers. During reactive hyper-
emia, smokers had decreased blood flow and increased peripheral
vascular resistance. This same author (42) studied the acute effect of
smoking on heart rate, blood pressure, and calf blood flow in 20
randomly selected 59-year-old male heavy smokers (more than 15 g
of tobacco per day). After smoking two cigarettes, there was a
significant increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Blood flow and
resistance to blood flow in the calf did not change at rest, but during
reactive hyperemia, the resistance to blood flow decreased and calf
blood flow increased, an effect attributable to the peripheral
vascular effects of nicotine. Janzon (41) evaluated 51 randomly
selected 59-year-old heavy smokers for changes in peripheral vascu-
lar function after smoking cessation of 8 to 9 weeks. He noted an

increase in blood flow during reactive hyperemia in patients who
stopped smoking and a decrease in blood flow in patients who
continued to smoke. Isacsson (38) performed venous occlusion
plethysmography on the calf of 809 randomly selected 55-year-old
men residing in Malmij, Sweden. Sixty-two percent of the total
population examined were cigarette smokers. A history of intermit-
tent claudication was present in 20 subjects, but arterial insufficien-
cy could be clinically demonstrated in only 6 of the 20. Ilio-femoral
occlusive disease was found in another eight patients. These patients
had a higher prevalence of systolic hypertension, hypercholesterol-
emia, hypertriglyceridemia, and lipoprotein abnormalities. The
amount of smoking was inversely related to the magnitude of the
arterial flow capacity in the legs and directly related to the presence
of occlusive arterial disease. More ex-smokers had high blood flow
capacity than had a low flow capacity. The arterial flow capacity in
the legs was reduced in direct proportion to the tobacco consumption
per day. Coffman (15) used plethysmographic and isotope methods to
document cutaneous vasoconstriction, increased skeletal muscle
blood flow, and decreased venous distensibility in human subjects
after tobacco smoking or nicotine injection.
Recent studies have employed Doppler ultrasound to document
changes in blood velocity and transit time following cigarette
smoking. Sarin et al. (68) noted a reduction in mean digital artery
blood flow velocity of 42 plus or minus 6 percent following the
smoking of a single cigarette in 10 male volunteers. Lusby et al. (52)
evaluated the effects of cigarette smoking on hemodynamics in the
large and small vessels of patients with peripheral arterial occlusive
disease. Using Doppler probes, large vessel response to smoking was
evaluated by measurement of pulse transit time delay. Patients with
occlusive arterial disease had significant shortening in transit time
delay, suggesting a stiffening in the main vessels in response to
smoking. Such changes were not seen in control patients without
peripheral arterial occlusive disease. A digit pulse volume recorder
was used to measure the amplitude of digit pulsation, a measure of
small vessel hemodynamics. The digit pulse amplitudes decreased
significantly in response to both low and high nicotine cigarettes,
and patients tended to self-titrate their nicotine intake. Due to this
maintenance of nicotine level, the study failed to demonstrate a
benefit on small vessel hemodynamics accompanying a switch from
high to low nicotine cigarettes.
Recent studies suggest that tobacco allergy may play a role in the
development of the cardiovascular effects of cigarette smoking.
Becker and Dubin (6) reported that approximately one-third of
healthy smoking and nonsmoking volunteers exhibited immediate
cutaneous hypersensitivity to a glycoprotein antigen purified from
cured tobacco leaves and found in cigarette smoke. Denburg et al.

(22) skin-tested 164 peripheral vascular disease patients with puri-
fied tobacco glycoprotein. The authors also performed basophil
degranulation tests to assess in vitro reactivity to tobacco glycopro-
tein. Immediate skin-test hypersensitivity to tobacco glycoprotein
was found in 11 percent of patients with angiographically demon-
strable peripheral vascular disease; a control group of normal
patients was not skin tested. The basophil degranulation test was
positive in 60 percent of smokers compared with 24 percent of
nonsmokers (p < 0.01). Forty-three percent of skin-test-negative and
91 percent of skin-test-positive patients with peripheral vascular
disease had a positive basophil degranulation test. Only 3 percent of
patients with negative basophil degranulation tests had a positive
skin test. The percent of patients with positive skin tests increased in
proportion to the severity of angiographic peripheral vascular
disease. What role tobacco hypersensitivity may play in the develop
ment of peripheral atherosclerosis remains to be elucidated.
A final area of clinical epidemiologic study is the relationship of
maternal smoking to the fetal cardiovascular system. Asmussen (2)
studied the umbilical artery, umbilical vein, and vessels of the
placental villi of newborn children in relation to the maternal
smoking history. His studies documented that severe damage to
vessel walls is associated with maternal tobacco smoking during
pregnancy. These fetal vascular changes may lead to vascular lesions
later in life.

Experimental Studies in Animals

In several experimental animal studies, the relationship between
cigarette smoking and atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease
has been investigated. Birnstingl et al. (9) evaluated the effect of
short-term exposure to carbon monoxide on platelet adhesion in
rabbits. In rabbits exposed on several occasions to an atmosphere
containing 400 parts per million carbon monoxide for 6 to 14 hours,
there was a highly significant increase in platelet stickiness immedi-
ately after exposure to carbon monoxide, followed the next day by a
significant fall to levels below the preexposure value.
Richardson (62) evaluated the effects of nicotine and tobacco
smoke on capillary blood flow in the rat. Red blood cell velocity in
single capillaries within the mesenteric tissue of anesthetized rats
was evaluated immediately before and after either intravenous
injection of nicotine or inhalation of tobacco smoke. Blood velocity
changes associated with tobacco exposure were considered to be
passive consequences of changes in systemic arterial blood pressure.
This study did not evaluate differential effects on various vascular
beds of cigarette smoke or nicotine.
Fisher et al. (27) evaluated the effect of exposure of cholesterol-fed
rabbits to the smoke of one cigarette daily over an ll- to 19month

period. The study failed to demonstrate quantitative or qualitative
differences in atherosclerosis in the aorta or coronary or visceral
arteries or significant changes in serum lipids. Rooyse et al. (II)
administered nicotine in the drinking water of New Zealand white
rabbits during a 25-week period. Fasting serum levels of glucose,
triglyceride, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol were elevated in
the nicotine-treated rabbits compared with the controls. However,
there was no significant difference between nicotine-treated and
control animals in leukocyte, erythrocyte, and platelet counts or in
hematocrit or hemoglobin. Endothelial cells from the aortic arch of
nicotine-treated animals showed extensive changes, including in-
creased cytoplasmic silver deposition, increased formation of micro-
villi, and numerous focal areas of ruffled endothelium (projections
from the cell surfaces).
Marshall et al. (55) evaluated the effects in minipigs of exposure to
cigarette smoke or varying concentrations of carbon monoxide for l-
to X-hour periods. Cigarette smoke and short carbon monoxide
exposure resulted in adherence of platelets to the endothelium. After
longer exposures, microscopic thrombi were found in the vessel
walls. Underlying degeneration in the endothelial cells developed
upon exposure to carbon monoxide.
Recent investigations have involved the training of subhuman
primates to smoke cigarettes in order to assess the effect on the
peripheral circulation and hematologic factors. Schwartz et al. (70)
have summarized data on experiments in baboons taught to smoke
cigarettes. Rogers et al. (63) reported on 36 young adult male
baboons who were fed an atherogenic diet. Twenty-eight baboons
were randomly assigned to smoke 43 cigarettes daily, and 18 baboons
were taught to puff air under equivalent experimental conditions.
The cigarette-smoking baboons demonstrated significantly higher
carbon monoxide and thiocyanate concentrations in blood and
cotinine concentrations in the urine than did the nonsmoking
baboons. There were no significant differences found in serum total
cholesterol, VLDL, and LDL cholesterol or triglyceride concentra-
tions in the smokers compared with the controls. Smoking baboons
had significantly higher fasting glucose concentrations and lympho-
cyte counts. Platelet counts, platelet aggregation, food and water
intake, and body weight were not significantly different in the two
groups. Such experimental models may provide a valuable method to
assess the long-term effects of smoking on the peripheral vascular
system of primates.

Intervention Studies
There is considerable indirect evidence that cessation of smoking
may significantly influence the effect of medical or surgical therapy
on peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Unfortunately, the tendency

of some patients with peripheral arteral occlusive disease to con-
tinue smoking often defeats the purpose of medical intervention.
Thiruvengadam et al. (76) evaluated the effect of diseases at different
organ sites upon the smoking habit of chronic smokers. A significant
reduction or cessation of smoking was observed in subjects with
cardiovascular, pulmonary, neoplastic, or gastointestinal disease,
diabetes mellitus, or cirrhosis of the liver. Medical advice played a
role in the reduction for only 19 percent of the subjects. Other
reasons for reduction or cessation of smoking were socioeconomic
factors, aggravation of disease, or belief in a possible relationship
between smoking and the disease. Only subjects with psychiatric
illnesses and peripheral vascular diseases showed no significant
reduction in the smoking habit in comparison with the controls. Of
89 subjects with peripheral vascular disease, 12 increased their
smoking with the advent of disease. Feinleib and Williams (26)
emphasized that peripheral vascular disease risk is elevated only in
cigarette smokers and not in cigar or pipe smokers. Smokers who
quit gradually approach the lower risk of nonsmokers. Birkenstock
et al. (8) reported on the role of cessation of smoking on the medical
therapy of 390 patients with peripheral vascular disease who were
either ineligible or unfit to undergo operative treatment. Conserva-
tive management included foot hygiene, walking exercise, cessation
of smoking, a low cholesterol diet, and vitamin E therapy. Of 277
patients who smoked, 164 were able to stop smoking. Eighty-five
percent of patients who stopped smoking showed improvement in
symptoms of peripheral vascular disease on the medical regimen, in
comparison with only 20 percent who improved among those who
continued to smoke. The degree of improvement was greater in ex-
smokers than in nonsmokers. No patient with diabetes mellitus who
continued to smoke improved under medical management.
Cessation of smoking appears to play an important role in the
long-term success of reconstructive arterial surgery. Wray et al. (901
recorded a significantly higher rate of late arterial occlusion in
patients who had undergone aortofemoral bypass and who persisted
in smoking when compared with patients who stopped smoking
postoperatively. In 30 patients who continued to smoke, 9 late
occlusions occurred, but no occlusions developed in 16 patients who
ceased smoking postoperatively. Myers et al. (5s) reported a retro-
spective study of 217 patients undergoing aortofemoral (135) or
femoropopliteal (107) vascular reconstruction. Patients who stopped
smoking or smoked no more than five cigarettes daily after their
operation had late patency rates of approximately 90 percent for
aortofemoral reconstruction and 80 percent for femoropopliteal vein
grafts. Patients who continued to smoke more than five cigarettes
daily had a late complication rate approximately three times greater
after aortofemoral reconstruction and four times greater after
femoropopliteal vein grafting, compared with examokers. The late
patency rate was approximately inversely proportional to the
number of cigarettes smoked per day after the operation. The
incidence of late complications was not correlated with the number
of cigarettes smoked prior to operation. Burgess et al. (13) noted that
among patients whose below-knee amputation failed to heal, six of
seven (85 percent) were cigarette smokers, whereas among those
whose distal amputations healed, only half were smokers.

Aortic Aneurysm
Nature of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Abdominal aortic aneurysm refers to the dilatation or expansion
of the aortic wall due to degenerative or inflammatory destruction of
the components of the wall. The vast majority of abdominal aortic
aneurysms are due to atherosclerosis, although other conditions,
including infection, trauma, dissection, or inherited metabolic dis-
ease (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) may be causes. The dilatation may
involve only a portion of the arterial wall (saccular aneurysm), but
most often involves generalized fusiform enlargement of the artery.
Most abdominal aortic aneurysms are located distal to the renal
arteries and proximal to the aortic bifurcation. Abdominal aortic
aneurysms may coexist with aneurysmal changes in the iliac,
femoral, or popliteal arteries. Less commonly, an aneurysm may
involve the entire aorta, including the suprarenal and descending
thoracic aorta (thoracoabdominal aneurysm).
Most abdominal aortic aneurysms are asymptomatic and are
discovered incidentally during a physical examination or on X-ray
examination of the spine or abdominal organs. Symptoms, such as
back pain or shock, are usually associated with the complication of
rupture and constitute the main threat of abdominal aneurysm. Less
commonly, distal embolization may lead to acute or chronic periph-
eral arterial occlusive disease. Although palpation of aortic enlarge-
ment is the best clinical indicator of abdominal aneurysm, abdomi-
nal B-mode ultrasonography is the most accurate noninvasive
method to estimate the exact size of the aneurysm. Arteriography is
seldom used before an operation unless there is associated occlusive
peripheral vascular disease or a suspicion of renovascular hyperten-
sion; this is because the arteriogram may often not depict the true
size of the aneurysm owing to the mural thrombus contained within
the aneurysm. Surgical repair with a prosthetic graft is recommend-
ed for all abdominal aortic aneurysms more than 5 cm in diameter
unless associated diseases make the operative risk greater than that
of the prognosis of the aneurysm. The risk of rupture increases
exponentially with the diameter of the aneurysm.

TABLE S.-Mortality ratios and deaths (n in parentheses) from nonsyphilitic aortic aneurysm related
to smoking, prospective studies, United States

Number and
Author type of Data Followup Number
and year population collection years of deaths Cigarettes per day pipes Cigars Comments

Hammond 187,783 white Questionnaire

and Horn males in 9 and followup 1.5 68 NS 1.00 (25) (expected)
1958 states, !50-69 of death SM 2.72 (66) (p<O.o05)
(32, 33) years of age certiticate
>39 . . . . . 7.26 (17)
Kahn U.S. male Questionnaire 8.5 491 NS ._................ 1.00 (58) NS-1.00 (58) NS-1.00 (56)
1966 veterans, and followup Current cigarettes 5.24 (234) SM-1.13 (8) SM-2.06 (24)
(45) 2,265,674 of death l-9 cigarettes/day. 2.12 (13)
person-years certificate 10-20 . . . . . 5.53 (124)
2139 ..t.. 5.95 (76)
Hammond & 358,534 males, Questionnaire 6 337 NS .................. 1.00 Data apply
Garfinkel 445,875 females, and followup I-9.. ................ 2.62 only to males,
1969 40-79 years of of death lo-19 ............... 3.85 M-69 years
(31) age at entry certificate 20-39 ............... 4.54 of age
>40.. ............... 8.00
Weir and 68,153 Questionnaire 5-8 51 NS .................. 1.00 SM includes
Dunn California and followup All .................. 2.64 ex+mokers;
1970 male workers, of death f10.. ............... 2.44 NS includes
(85) 35-64 years of certificate 220 ................ 2.88 pipe and
age at entry 230.. ............... 2.54 cigar smokers

Unless otherwise specified, disparities between the total number of deal he and the individual categories are due to the exclusion of occasional, miscellaneous, or former smokenr.
NS = nonsmokers; SM = smokers.
Summary of Epidemiologic Data
Several large epidemiologic studies have suggested an elevated
incidence of death from ruptured abdominal aneurysm in smokers
compared with nonsmokers (31,32,33,45,85) (Table 2). Anderson et
al. (I) analyzed 344 autopsies for causes of death and relationship to
smoking history. The male to female ratio was 1.9:l.Q with a
smoking incidence of more than double that of the general popula-
tion. The overall longevity of men was less than that of women.
There was an inverse relationship between smoking and longevity.
Five diseases that accounted for 39 percent of the deaths of smokers
were bronchogenic carcinoma, peptic ulcer, aortic aneurysm, acute
myocardial infarction, and centrilobular emphysema. The 15 rup
tured abdominal aortic aneurysms were in 13 male and 2 female
smoking patients.
Auerbach and Garfinkel (4) evaluated atherosclerosis and aneu-
rysm of the aorta relative to smoking habits and age. In 1,412 aortas
collected at autopsy from 1965 to 1970 from male patients, there was
a direct relationship between the extent of atherosclerotic lesions
and both smoking habit and age. The aortic lesions were graded for
formation of plaques, ulceration, and calcification. The complexity of
the plaques increased with the number of cigarettes smoked and was
greater in ex-cigarette smokers and pipe or cigar smokers than in
nonsmokers. More extensive alterations were found in the abdomi-
nal aorta than in the thoracic aorta. Aneurysms were found eight
times more frequently among those smoking one to two packs of
cigarettes per day than among nonsmokers. Black subjects showed
about one-half the number of aneurysms and fewer extensive
atherosclerotic lesions than did white subjects. At ages over 65 years,
abdominal aortic aneurysms were found in 11 percent of all men and
in 16 percent of the heavy smokers.
Rogot and Murray (f%) evaluated the smoking relationship to
causes of death among U.S. veterans. Over a X-year period, there
was a significant reduction in mortality rate with the number of
years of smoking cessation. Aortic aneurysm, along with bronchitis
and emphysema and lung cancer, were among the diseases in which
substantial excess risk remained even after 20 years cessation of
cigarette smoking.

1. Cigarette smoking is the most powerful risk factor predisposing
to atherosclerotic peripheral arterial disease.
2. Smoking cessation plays an important role in the medical and
surgical management of atherosclerotic peripheral vascular

3. Death from rupture of an atherosclerotic abdominal aneurysm
is more common in cigarette smokers than in nonsmokers.

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