9 Edible
9 Edible
9 Edible
O ils and fat form an important constituent of human food. In India, the fats used as cooking
media are generally vegetable oil, vanaspati and ghee.
Vegetable oil is derived from seeds of plants. Among the oilseeds cultivated in India, from which
edible oil is obtained, are groundnut, rapeseed, mustard, sesame, safflower, sunflower, niger,
soyabean, linseed and castor. The other sources of vegetable oil are palm, cottonseed, coconut
and rice bran. Generally the two methods employed for obtaining edible oil are pressing and
solvent extraction. The crude oil thus obtained may be refined, bleached and de-odourised to
remove pigments, objectionable odours and flavours and non-triglyceride material. Oil is liquid
at room temperature and contains a large proportion of unsaturated fatty acids.
Ghee is pure clarified fat with especially developed characteristic physical structure and
flavour. Ghee is exclusively obtained from milk, cream or butter from various animal
sources by means of processes, which results in almost the total removal of moisture and
solid-non-fat contents.
In India, different varieties of edible oil are consumed, generally depending on the regional
preferences and availability.
India is one of the largest producers and consumers of edible oil in the world. Indian Vegetable
Oil Industry comprises around 1,50,000 oilseed crushing units with a total capacity of 425
lakh tonnes, 800 solvent extraction units with capacity of 345 lakh tonnes of the oil-bearing
material, about 300 refineries with capacity of 50 lakh tonnes and 205 vanaspati units with
annual capacity of 32 lakh tonnes.
The domestic availability of vegetable oil during 2002-2003 season is given in Table 1.
Domestic Availability of Vegetable Oil
During 2002 – 2003 Season
(lakh tonnes)
2002 – 2003 SEASON 2001 – 2002 SEASON
Oilseeds/ Oil Oilseed Marketable Surplus Total Oilseed Marketable Surplus Total
S.E. Oil Reco- Produc- for Crushing & Oil Produc- for crushing & Oil
very tion Oil Availability Avail- tion Oil availability Avail-
% ability ability
Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total
Groundnut 40 46.0 10.9 7.3 18.2 7.3 70.7 25.6 9.4 35.0 14.0
Soya 17 43.0 37.0 0.0 37.0 6.3 54.0 48.0 0.0 48.0 8.2
Rape/ 33 43.0 1.5 40.0 41.5 13.7 48.5 1.5 45.5 47.0 15.5
Sunflower 35 13.2 2.8 10.4 13.2 4.6 8.7 1.5 7.2 8.7 3.0
Sesame 45 6.2 1.8 2.0 3.8 1.7 7.9 3.5 2.2 5.7 2.6
Castor 42 5.1 5.1 0.0 5.1 2.1 6.0 6.0 0.0 6.0 2.5
Niger 30 0.8 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.2 1.3 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.3
Safflower 30 2.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.6 2.9 0.0 2.9 2.9 0.9
Linseed 43 2.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.9 2.4 0.0 2.4 2.4 1.0
Sub Total 161.3 59.6 63.7 123.3 37.4 202.4 87.1 69.6 156.7 48.0
Other Oilseeds
Cottonseed 11 45.9 35.4 0.0 35.4 3.9 51.4 40.4 0.0 40.4 4.4
Copra 65 6.5 6.5 0.0 6.5 4.2 8.5 8.5 0.0 8.5 5.5
Sub Total 52.4 41.9 0.0 41.9 8.1 59.9 48.9 0.0 48.9 9.9
Secondary Source
Rice Bran 15 6.0 5.5
Rapeseed Cake 9 0.8 1.1
Sunflower Cake 12 1.0 0.4
Groundnut Cake 7 0.6 0.8
Cottonseed & 7 0.5 0.5
Minor Oilseeds 0.5 0.5
Local Palm Oil 0.5 0.5
Grand Total 213.7 101.5 63.7 165.2 55.4 262.3 136.0 69.6 205.6 67.2
According to projections made by the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER),
the country’s demand for edible oil is expected to be more than double by 2015 from the levels in
The NCAER scholars have projected aggregate edible oil demand to go up as shown in
Table 2.
Edible Oil Demand
Per Capita*
Total Demand**
* In kg per annum
** In million tonnes
The projected demand growth is on account of both, increase in population as well as higher per
capita income.
To deliver the huge quantum of edible oil to the consumer in a safe and hygienic condition,
packaging provides an easy solution. Inculcating the habit of buying and selling of this
commodity in packaged form becomes a strong case.
Fatty Acid Composition of Oil and Fat
Particulars Saturated Mono- Poly-
Fatty Acids unsaturated Fatty unsaturated
(Mufa) (%) Acids (Pufa) (%) Acids (%)
Coconut 90 8 2
Palm 50 39 9
Cottonseed 28 22 50
Groundnut 20 50 30
Rice bran 18 45 37
Sesame 18 43 39
Niger 12 36 52
Safflower 10 15 75
Butter 63 33 3
Soyabean 16 24 60
Sunflower 12 21 67
Mustard/rapeseed 6 67 27
Corn Oil 16 29 55
Vanaspati 61 36 3
Ghee 64 33 3
Spoilage Factors
Oil and fat are subject to spoilage due to effect of environmental factors that can affect their
stability. These factors are mainly oxygen, moisture, heat and light.
Oxygen is the most critical factor affecting stability. The presence of oxygen leads to oxidation
and formation of hydroperoxides and peroxides and then aldehydes and ketones resulting in
off-odours due to oxidative rancidity. These reactions increase in rate and intensity in the presence
of light and heat. Each oil or fat has a different degree of susceptibility to oxidation. This depends
upon the fatty acids composition of each oil and fat. Oil containing high degree of unsaturated
fatty acids such as safflower, soya and sunflower are highly prone to oxidative rancidity whereas
oil with high degree of saturated fatty acids are less susceptible.
In unrefined oil, natural antioxidants are present and, therefore, these are less prone to rancidity
than refined oil, where the antioxidants get removed during the process of refining. Very often,
the oil manufacturers add antioxidants to refined oil in order to extend the shelf-life of the
product. In vanaspati and ghee, oxygen sensitivity is low as compared to oil.
Oxygen may gain access to the fat/oil in several ways. Atmospheric oxygen may be present in
the oil, it may also be present in the headspace of the package, or may enter the package through
the body or the seals.
Another important factor, which contributes to the deterioration of oil is moisture. Very small
amount of moisture can be detrimental. Hydrolysis of triglycerides result in formation of glycerol
and free fatty acids. Off-flavours occur due to hydrolytic rancidity.
This is more common in oil and fats with high levels of saturated fatty acids. Moisture may also
gain entry through the body or seams by permeation.
Light and heat act as initiators of oxidation reactions, which ultimately lead to degradation
and, therefore, control of these factors is also important.
Bureau of Indian Standards and Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules – 1955 (PFA), have
laid down the specifications of different edible oil and vanaspati.
The PFA also lays down specifications for ghee. The list of standards (BIS) are given in Table 4.
Indian Standards Pertaining to Edible Oil and Fat – Specifications
Number Description
435 : 1973 Castor Oil (second revision)
542 : 1968 Coconut Oil (second revision)
543 : 1968 Cottonseed Oil (second revision)
546 : 1975 Mustard Oil (second revision)
547 : 1968 Sesame Oil (second revision)
548 (Pt 1) : 1964 Methods of sampling and test for oil and fat:
Part 1. Methods of sampling
Physical and chemical tests (revised)
548 (Pt 2) : 1976 Methods and chemical test for oil and fats:
Part 2. Purity test (third revision)
548 (Pt 3) : 1976 Methods of sampling and test for oil and fat:
Part 3. Analysis by gas liquid chromatography
1780 : 1961 Vegetable Oil
3448 : 1984 Rice Bran Oil ( second revision )
3490 : 1965 Nigerseed Oil
3491 : 1965 Safflower Oil
4055 : 1977 Maize (com) Oil
4276 : 1977 Soyabean Oil (first revision)
4277 : 1975 Sunflower Oil (first revision)
8323 : 1977 Palm Oil
8361 : 1977 Palmolein
10633 : 1986 Vanaspati (first revision)
10634 : 1986 Bakery shortening (first revision)
11068 : 1984 Criteria for edibility of oil and fats
11069 : 1984 Refined, bleached, hydrogenated and deodorized and winterized
(RBHWD) soyabean oil
11476 : 1985 Glossary of terms relating to oil and fats
12457 : 1988 Margarine
The above standards specify requirements of each oil/grade of oil with respect to characteristics
such as:
• Moisture and insoluble impurities
• Colour
• Refractive Index
• Specific Gravity
• Saponification value
• Iodine value
• Acid value
• Unsaponifiable matter
• Flash Point
The most significant and critical parameters considered for assessing the storing quality of
edible oil are:
• Percentage moisture content
• Percentage free fatty acid
• Peroxide value
• Change in colour/odour
The BIS and PFA standards, specify only the upper values for the critical spoilage factors, and
nowhere mention of lower values (which should be the base/initial value) are made. It is very
important for the industry to decide on lower or base value. This is of significance as the shelf-
life factor is inter-related to the product quality when ready to pack.
Lower the initial value of critical parameters More economical would be packaging
Higher the initial value of critical parameters Higher the specification of the
packaging material and, therefore,
higher the packaging cost
Distribution Pattern
The general distribution pattern followed for these products is shown in the distribution chart
given below:
Distribution Chart
The above distribution pattern indicates that the product passes through a number of hands
before it reaches the consumer and therefore it would be ideal to pack the oil at the
manufacturer’s end itself. This would result in a safe and wholesome product to the consumer.
Due to adulteration of oil, deaths have been reported in Spain, Phillipines and India.
Consequently, the governments in these countries have taken a step forward to encourage use
of inexpensive safe and hygienic plastics packaging for edible oil. Plastic packaging provides
safe hygienically packed oil at competitive cost to consumers.
It is extremely important that, whatever the packaging material used, it should be food grade
and non-toxic. The product package compatibility is the starting point and shelf-life follows
• Tamper evident and therefore chances of mixing or adulteration minimised
• Quality is guaranteed
• No need for consumer to carry own container
• Convenience in storage and use by the consumer
• No wastage due to spillage at retail shops/containers
• Brand identification can be established
Packaged oil, vanaspati and ghee are well accepted and the quantity in packed form is growing
The array and availability of packaging materials, sizes and shapes of package construction
are unlimited. In the present day, consumer is willing to try and use new materials. Modern
packaging technology provides many opportunities to maintain product protection while
reducing the cost.
The main requirements for a packaging system for edible oil, vanaspati and ghee should be:
• Non – toxic and compatible
• Protect against environmental factors
• Machineable
• Leak-proof and transport-worthy
• Easy to store, use and handle
• Printable
Package Types
Tinplate Containers
Tinplate containers are widely used for packaging of edible
oil. They ensure a long shelf-life and are sturdy. They are
also suitable for high filling and packaging operations.
However, the disadvantages of using a tinplate container
are its high cost and uncertainty about availability.
Of late, tinplate containers of 1 kg, 2 kg and 5 kg capacities are being replaced by plastic containers
for edible oil and vanaspati, but are still in use for ghee packaging.
It is most unfortunate that reuse of tinplate containers is prevalent even though banned under
GSR 575 (E) dated 4/8/95. 15kg tinplate containers used for packaging of edible oil, use not
only seconds but also printed sheets, where inks could cause a major health hazard.
Glass Bottles
Though glass bottles provide excellent protection and can also be used for high-speed operation,
they are not commonly used for edible oil packaging because of their fragility and high tare
HDPE Jerry Cans for Edible Oils Plastic Container for 15 kg Edible Oil
properties. PET bottles are also accepted internationally for edible oil packaging. IS: 12887
– 1989 gives specifications for PET bottles for edible oil packaging.
more economical would be the packaging medium. If the oil properties at the point of packing
are nearer the upper limits, higher is the packaging media specification requirement to
achieve the given shelf-life period. Similarly, longer the shelf-life needed, higher would be
the material specification. The task becomes more difficult when the above two factors play
concurrently. Consequently, the cost of packaging also goes up. Thus, the primary factors
that should be fixed are the shelf-life period, market conditions and initial values of critical
parameters of edible oil. The upper limits of various edible oil, vanaspati and ghee in respect
of critical factors as per the relevant standards are given in Table 5.
Critical Factors: Upper Limits
for Refined Edibls Oil/Ghee/Vanaspati as per BIS
Currently, flexible packaging for edible oil and vanaspati is being used only for 1kg and less
quantity. The common materials for producing composite film structures depend on the
performance desired and include:
• High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
• High Molecular High Density Polyethylene (HM-HDPE)
• Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
• Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE C4/C8)
• Nylon 6 (PA-6)
• Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Copolymer (EVA)
• Ethylene Acrylic Acid Copolymer (EAA)
• Polyester (PET)
Generally HDPE blends with LD/LLD provide low MVTR in the co-extruded film and also
avoids excessive stiffness in the film which may result in failure during drop test.
For low OTR, either Nylon-6 or Polyester or other like polymers can be used depending on the
structure and shelf-life required.
Critical Polymers
• PRIMACOR* (Registered trade mark of Dow Chemical Co., USA) Ethylene Acrylic Acid
Copolymer (EAA)
In general, the performance of ethylene acrylic acid copolymers improves with increased
percentage of acid copolymers and its characteristics can be summarised as follows:
• Seal integrity:
• Excellent sealing through oil contamination
• Minimum seal strength deterioration over the period of shelf-life
• Withstands longer transportation
• Ease of processing
• Insensitivity to moisture under normal conditions
• Low sealing temperature
• Excellent Hot tack
LLDPE with octene copolymer provides superior performance with regard to tensile
strength, toughness, impact strength, stress crack resistance and tear resistance, excellent
hot tack and sealing through contamination etc.
• Metallocene Polyethylene
As compared to polyethylene resins made by using standard catalyst, the metallocene
technology claims to offer better strength characteristics, better oxygen and moisture barrier
characteristics, high clarity and greater toughness.
• Ionomer (Surlyn)
The ionomers are tough, transparent, having high tensile strength, low softening point, good
abrasion resistance and good oil resistance. The most important properties of film are:
• Heat sealability and hot tack strength
• Excellent optical properties
• Resistance to oil and co-extrusion with nylon with excellent adhesion.
Nylon-6 based multi-layer film has unique combination of properties such as:
• High barrier
• Aroma retention
• Puncture resistance
• High burst strength
• Tie Layer
In a 5 layer structure, the tie layer is being used for bonding two different polymers such as
Nylon-6 and PE. Primacor can also be used as bonding layer since it offers good adhesion
to both Nylon-6 and PE. As Nylon-6 is sensitive to moisture and picks up moisture during
processing and weakens bond strength, grafted copolymers are being used as tie layer in 5
layer structures, to overcome this.
• Polyester
PET is being used for lamination with co-extruded film, which enhances properties such
• Excellent printing
• Aroma retention
• Excellent burst strength in the pouch
A shift to flexibles stands to offer many advantages, primarily in terms of cost to the consumer
and overall economy. One should, however, not lose sight of the critical needs a flexible medium
and pouch should satisfy. The other important aspect relates to secondary and tertiary
packaging, as unlike the rigid tinplate or plastic containers, the pouch does not offer any
contribution in the performance of the total system.
A Closer Look
The distribution of edible oil and vanaspati – common essential commodity for the masses,
assumes greater significance as the days progress. The growing health and hygiene problems
due to adulteration and increasing per capita consumption has increased the demand for safe
delivery of the product to the consumer. What is, therefore needed, is packaging at its most
economical level.
Moreover, flexible pouches can be recycled and reproduced for other non-food packaging
applications or as building materials etc.
Number Description
IS : 10325 – 1989 Square tins – 15kg/litre for ghee, vanaspati, edible oil and bakery
shortenings – specifications
IS : 10339 – 1988 Specification for ghee, vanaspati and edible oil tins
IS : 10840 – 1994 Blow moulded HDPE containers for packing of vanaspati – specification
IS : 12887 – 1989 Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Bottles for Packaging of edible oil –
IS : 12883 – 1994 Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) bottles for edible oil specification
IS : 14129 – 1994 Flexible packaging materials for the packing of vanaspati in 10kg and
15kg packs – specification
IS : 11352 – 1994 Flexible packaging materials for the packing of vanaspati in 100g, 200g,
500g, 1kg, 2kg and 5kg packs – specification
IS : 12724 – 1989 Flexible packaging materials for packaging of refined edible oil –
specification (Under Revision)
On account of being essential commodities, the edible oil, vanaspati and ghee are subjected to
the following regulatory legislations:
• Prevention of Food Adulteration Act
• Directorate of Vegetable Oil Products
• Bureau of Indian Standards
• Directorate of Agricultural Marketing and Inspection
• Food & Drug Administration & Rationing Offices of State Governments in Essential
Commodities Act
• Ministry of Civil Supplies
• Package Commodities, Weights and Measures Act
• Occasional interstate transport restrictions imposed by State Government
Studies Conducted at IIP
Refined Groundnut Oil in Flexible Plastic Pouches
Shelf-life studies of refined groundnut oil was carried out in co-extruded films of three
compositions at accelerated conditions of 38°C ±1°C, 90% ± 2% R.H. and at standard
conditions of 27°C ± 2°C, 65% ± 2% R.H.
During the exposure period, samples were drawn at regular intervals of time to assess the
keeping quality of oil. The observations/tests were carried out with respect to:
• Percentage moisture content
• Percentage free fatty acid (as oleic acid)
• Peroxide value
• Colour/clarity
• Odour
The shelf-life obtained in the three materials at both the sets of storage conditions is given
in Table 7.
Shelf-life of Refined Groundnut Oil in Co-extruded Flexible Plastic Pouches
Shelf-life of RBD Palmolein in Flexible Pouches
Samples 1,2,4,5 and 6 are clear films, sample 3 is metallised and sample 7 is yellow
* Accelerated Condition of 38°C ± 1°C, 90% ± 2% RH.
** Standard condition of 27°C ± 2°C, 65% ± 2% RH.
The family of edible oil, vanaspati and ghee is indeed a large one of a different product mix. The
variations also make them differ in behavioural pattern to climatic and market environs, though
rancidification is the major quality degradation parameter. The consumption pattern of these
products is also linked to the demography and age old culture of the people settled in different
regions of the country. However, the range finds market outlets in the major cities, where the
population is heterogeneous in character.
Thus, the proportionate quantity wise consumption is also staggered. The regional based oil
and fats require a lower chain of network whereas the metros and popular brands require a
relatively longer chain of network. The family practices and joint family has an influence on
the mode of buying in institutional type packs.
Over the years, the purchase of these products in loose form is the practice. This could be
attributed to many reasons, a major factor being a very high percentage of consumers belong
to daily wage earning group. The other interesting argument is that many outlets have their
own crushing units and therefore the oil sold is fresh.
A high percentage probably over 52% is moved in institutional and higher bulks. Loose sale has
been predominant with less attention paid to the associated problems depriving the consumers
the real value in terms of quality and quantity. The consequent effect on health and hygiene is
often overlooked. The use of reconditioned and reprocessed packaging media add to the evil.
With the gradually increasing per capita consumption and growing consumer awareness as
well as increased capability to pay, the marketing of oil and fats is set to take a turn of change.
The concept that the product in a pack gives more assurance and psychological advantage
overrides that little extra cost. A package thus becomes the vehicle to ensure quality and quantity
and the brand assumes relevance and significance.
The availability of variety of packaging media has lightened the marketing efforts providing a
choice of selection to suit product range, market size, distribution pattern, display features,
socio-cultural perceptions, etc. The country has witnessed the introduction of a large number of
brands and surely many more will follow. A product of this nature for daily needs, demands a
priority in terms of availability and safety.
A cross section of retail packs of the type of co-extruded and laminated structures, HDPE
bottles, stretch blow moulded containers, bag-in-box systems and the aseptic tetra packs
speak volumes for the industry and consumer realisation. With the pattern set in the right
direction, it has now to take off. The processing centre has a key role to play, and as a beginning,
should shift to retail packs at their plants itself and move towards consumer value based products
with the technology back-up of a good quality product.
1. Modern Food Packaging, Packaging of Edible Oil, Vanaspati and Ghee – An overview by
M.C. Dordi
2. SAARC Oil & Fats Today, Aug 2000, Cover Story
3. SAARC Oil & Fats Today, Sep 2000, Cover Story
4. SAARC Oil & Fats Today, Apr ’03, Seminar Report on Rabi Oilseed Crops
5. Packaging India, Dec ’97, Regulatory Mechanism in the Packaging of Oil & Fats with Reference
to Tinplate by K. K. Mangal, M. Kuruvilla, The Tinplate Co. of India
6. Packaging India, Feb–Mar ’03, Consumer Packaging of Dairy Products by G.K. Goyal, I.P.