Control System (136-248) PDF
Control System (136-248) PDF
Control System (136-248) PDF
C n2 n2
( j ) T ( j )
R ( j )2 2 n ( j ) n2 2 j 2 n n2
n2 1
= 2
n2 2 j 2 1 1 j 2
n n n n
1 u j 2 u
Where, u = is the normalized frequency.
Magnitude of closed loop system, M = T j
1 u
2 2
(2 u)2
2 u
Phase of closed loop system, = T(j) = tan 1
1 u2
The magnitude and phase angle characteristics for normalized frequency u, for certain
values of are shown in figure. The frequency at which M has a peak value is known as the
resonant frequency. The peak value of the magnitude is the resonant peak M r. At this frequency
the slope of the magnitude curve is zero.
Let r be the resonant frequency and ur be the normalized resonant frequency.
The expression for resonant frequency r can be obtained by differentiating M with respect
to and equating to zero.
The Mr and the corresponding phase r can be obtained by substituting the expression for
r in the equation of M and .
It can be shown that, Mr
; ur 1 2 2 ;
2 1
1 2 2
r tan and r n 1 2
When = 0, r n 1 2 2 = n
2 1 2
Hence it is clear that as tends to zero, r approaches n and the resonant peak has a value
greater than one.
For 0< 1/ 2 , the resonant frequency always has a value less than n and the resonant
peak has a value greater than one.
For > 1/ 2 , the condition (dM/du) = 0, will not be satisfied for any real value of .
The frequency at which M has a value of 1/ 2 is of special significance and is called the
cut-off frequency c . The signal frequencies above cut-off are greatly attenuated on passing
through a system.
The normalized bandwidth, ub b
ub 1 2 2 2 4 2 4 2
From the equation of ub it is clearly that ub is a function of alone. The graph between ub
and is shown in figure.
The expression for the damped frequency of oscillation d and peak overshoot Mp of the
step response for 0 1 are
Damped frequency, d n 1 2
1 2
Peak overshoot, M P e
Comparison of the equation of Mr and M P reveals that both are function of only .
The sketch of Mr and M P for various value of are shown in figure. The sketches reveals
that a system with a given value of Mr must exhibit a corresponding value of MP if subjected to a
step input. For > 1/ 2 the resonant peak Mr does not exist and the correlation breaks down.
This is not a serious problem as for this range of , the step response oscillations are well damped
and MP is negligible.
The comparison of the equation of r and d reveals that there exists a definite correlation
between them. The sketch of r / d with respect to is shown in figure.
The magnitude and phase of closed loop system are functions of frequency, . The sketch
of magnitude and phase of closed loop system with respect to is closed loop frequency response
plot. The magnitude and phase of closed loop system for various values of frequency can be
evaluated analytically or graphically. The analytical method of determining the frequency
response involves tedious calculations. Two graphical methods are available to determine the
closed loop frequency response from open loop frequency response. They are M and N circles
and Nichols chart.
In the absence of the input, the output tends towards zero (the equilibrium state of the
system) irrespective of initial conditions.
2. What are the regions of root locations for stable, unstable and limitedly stable systems?
1. If all the roots of the characteristic equations have negative real parts, the system is stable.
2. If any roots of the characteristic equation has a positive real part or if there is a repeated root
on the jw axis, the system is unstable.
3. If the condition (i) is satisfied except for the presences of one or more non repeated roots on
the jw – axis, the system is limitedly stable.
3. Draw the regions of root – locations for stable, unstable and limitedly stable systems.
If indicates the closeness of the system to stable regions. It is an indication of the strength or
degree of stability.
6. What is the necessary condition for stability of the system in characteristic equation?
If a system output is stable for all variations of its parameter then the system is called
absolutely stable system.
If a system output is stable for a limited range of variations of its parameters then the
system is called conditionally stable system.
Principle of argument states that the corresponding contour in F(S) – plane will encircle the
Origin of F(S) – plane N – times in the anticlockwise direction.
Where N = P – Z
11. Draw the Nyquist contour for S(S a)
A linear relaxed system is said to have BIBO stability if every bounded (finite) input result in a
bounded (finite) output.
The impulse response of a system is the inverse Lap lace transform of the system transfer function.
If the roots of characteristic equation has positive real part then the impulse response of the
system is not bounded ( the impulse response will be infinite as t - . Hence the system will be
unstable. If the roots has negative real parts then the impulse response is bounded (the impulse
response becomes as t-. Hence the system will be stable.
The necessary condition for stability is that all the coefficient of the characteristic
polynomial be positive.
18. What is the relation between stability and coefficient of characteristic polynomial?
If the coefficients of characteristic polynomial are negative or zero, then same of roots lies
on right half of s-place. Hence the system is unstable. If the coefficient of characteristic
polynomial are positive and if no coefficient is zero then there is a possibility of the system to be
stable provided all the roots all the roots are lying on left half of s-plane.
The principle of argument states that left F(s) be an analytic function and if an arbitrary
closed contour in the clockwise direction is chose in the s-place so that F(s) is analytic at every
point of the contour. Then the corresponding f(s) – plane contour mapped in the F(s) plane will
encircle the origin N times in the anticlockwise direction, where N is the difference between
number of poles and zeros of F(s) that are encircled by the chose closed contour in the S-plane (i.e.)
The necessary and sufficient condition for stability is that all of elements in the first column of the
south array should be positive.
Routh criterion states that the necessary and sufficient condition for stability is that all of
the elements in the first column of the routh array be positive. If the condition is not met, the
system is unstable and the number of sign changes in the elements of the first column of routh
array corresponds to the number of roots of characteristic equation in the right half of the S-plane.
In the construction of routh array a low of all zero indicates the existence of an even
polynomial as a factor of the given characteristic equation. In an even polynomial the exponents
of S are even integers or zero only. This even polynomial factor is called auxiliary polynomial.
The coefficients of auxiliary polynomial are given by the elements of the row just above the row of
all zero.
The symmetry of roots with respect to both real and imaginary axis is called quadrantal
24. What is limitedly stable system?
For a bounded input signal, if the output has constant amplitude oscillations then the
system may be stable or unstable under same limited constants. Such a system is called limitedly
If G(S) H(S) contour in the G(S) H(S) plane corresponding to Nyquist contour in s-plane
encircles the point –1+j0 in the anti-clockwise direction as many times as the number of right half
S-plane poles of G(S) H(S). Then the closed loop system is stable.
The path taken by a root of characteristic equation when open loop gain K is varied from O to ∞ is
called root locus.
The magnitude condition states that S=Sa will be point on root locus if for that value of S
magnitude of G(S) H(S) is equal to 1 (i.e. G(S) H(S) =1)
28. How will you find the gain K at a point an root locus?
To find the root locus on real axis, choose a test point on real axis. If the total number of
poles and zeros on the real axis to the right of this test point is odd number than then the test point
lies on the root locus. If it is even then the test point does not on the root locus.
30. What are asymptotes? How will you find the angle of asymptotes?
Asymptotes are straight lines which are parallel to root locus going to infinity and meet the root
locus at infinity
Angles of asymptotes = ± 180 (2q+1); q= 0, 1, 2, ....(n-m) (n-m)
The meeting point of asymptotes with real axis is called centroid. The centroid is given by
Centroid = sum of poles - sum of zeros
At breakaway point the root locus breaks from the real axis to enter into the complex plane.
At break in point the root locus enters the real axis from the complex plane.
To find the breakaway or break-in points, form an equation for K from the characteristic
equation and differentiate the equation of K with respect to S. Then find the roots of equation dk/
ds = 0. The roots of dk/ds=0 are breakaway or break-in point provided for this value of root the
gain K should be positive and real.
33. How to find the crossing point of root locus in imaginary axis?
Method (ii) By lettings the real S= jw in the characteristic equation and separate the real and
imaginary part. These two equations are equated to zero. Solve the two equations for w and k.
The value of w gives the point where the root locus crosses. Imaginary axis and the value of K is
gain corresponding tot he crossing point.
The dominant pole is a pair of complex. Conjugate pole which decides transient response
of the system. In higher order system the dominant poles are very close to origin and all other
poles of the system are widely separated and so they have less effect on transient response of the
35. How will you fix dominant pole an root locus and find the gain K corresponding to the
dominant pole?
The dominant pole are given by roots of w quadratic factor (S2 + 2 wn s+ wn2 =0)
-2 Wn 4 2Wn2 4Wn2
S =
Wn jWn 1 2
= cos
to fix a dominant pole on root locus draw a line at an angle of cos-1 with respect to negative real
axis. The meeting point of this line with root locus will give the location of dominant pole. The
value of K corresponding to dominant pole can be obtained from magnitude condition.
The gain margin Kg is designed as the reciprocal of the magnitude of open loop transfer
function at phase cross over frequency.
Gain margin K g
G jw pc
The phase margin is that amount of additional phase lag at the gain cross over frequency
which brings the system to the verge of instability.
Where gc = G jw gc
The addition of zero to a system decreases rise time and increases the maximum perk
overshoot. So transient response of the system will be improved by adding zero to a system.
It increases order of the system by one, so which reduces steady state error, hence improver
steady state response.
42. What is the effect of adding zero to a system on root locus diagram?
43. What is the effect of adding Pole to a system on root locus plot?
Adding Pole to a system shifts the root locus plot to the right on S plane.
1. Using Routh criterion, determine the stability of the system represented by the
characteristic equation. Comment on the location of the roots of CE.
S6 1 8 20 10
S5 2(1) 12(6) 16(8) 0
S4 2(1) 12(1) 16(8) Auxiliary Equation
S3 0(4) 0(12) A= S4 + 6S2 +8
S2 (1) 3 dA/ds = 4S3+ 12S +0
S1 1/3 0
S0 8
No sign change in first column, but there is a row of zeros. So there is possibility of roots
lying on imaginary axis.
Auxiliary polynomial
S4 + 6S2 + 8 = 0
let x = S2
x 2 + 6x + 8 = 0
x = - 2, -4
S= ± x ; ± -2 ; ± -4
= + j 2 , -j2 , + j2, -j2
Auxiliary polynomial S2 +1 = 0
S2 = -1
S = ± j1
Roots of auxiliary polynomial lie on imaginary axis
Hence system is marginally stable.
S4+ 3 S3 + 3 S2 +S +k = 0
S4 1 3 k
S3 3 1
S2 8/3 3k-1/3
S2 8 3k-1
S1 8-9k+3
S1 11-9k/8
S0 3k-1
C(s) K
R(s) (S+2) (s+4) (s2+6S+25) + K
Characteristic equation
(S2 + 6S +8) (S2+ 6S + 25) + K =0
S4 + 12S3 + 69S2 + 198S + 200 + K = 0
S4 1 69 200 +K
S3 12 198
S3 1 16.5
S2 52.5 200+K
S1 666.25-K/ 52.5
S0 200+K
666.25 – K > 0
K < 666.25
200+ K >0
0< K < 666.25
When K = 666.25, row S1 is 0
So auxiliary polynomial
52.5S2 + 200 + K = 0
S2 = - 866.25/52.5
When K = 66.25, roots lie on imaginary axis. Hence system is marginally stable.
Using the Routh –Hurwitz method, determine whether the system is stable. If not stable, how
many poles are in the right half plane?
S5 1 4 3
S4 1 24 63
S3 -20 -60
S3 -1 3
S2 27 63
S2 3 7
S1 5.3
S0 7
By examining the elements of first column of the routh array, it is observed that these are
lying on the right half of the S plane.
5) Determine the range of values of K for which the unity feedback system, whose
S4+5 S3 +5 S2+4S +K
S4+5 S3 +5 S2+4S +K
S4 1 5 K
S3 5 4 0
S2 4.2 K
S1 16.8-5K/4.8
S0 K
For the system to be stable there should not be any sign change in the elements of the first
column .Hence choose the value of K such that the first column elements are positive.
When K=3.3.6 the S1 row becomes zero which indicates the possibility of roots on
imaginary axis.
6) Check the stability of the system whose open loop transfer function is,
Step: 1
Draw the Nyquist contour on S plane enclosing the entire right half of S plane
The mapping of section C1 is given by the locus G(jw) H(jw) as W is varied from 0 to ∞.The locus
is the polar plot of
G(jw) H(jw)
Type number =2
Order =4
S= lt R→
∞ R e jθ in G(s) H(S) and varying θ from +П/2 to –П/2 .Since S→R e jθ and R→
∞ G(s)
H(S) can be approximated as shown below
(1+ST) = ST
G(S) = 1/ S2 (1+0.2 S) (1+0.5S) = 1/0.1 S4
G(S) = 1/0.1 (lt R→∞ R e jθ )4 =1/∞ e j4θ
G(S) = e-j4θ
At θ =+П/2 →G(S) = e-j4 П/2 = e-j2 П
At θ =-П/2 →G(S) = e+j4 П/2 = e+j2 П
Step 3
Mapping of section C3
In section C3 W varies from -∞ to 0
The mapping of section C3 is given by the locus of G(jw) as w is varied from -∞ to 0 .This
locus is the inverse polar plot of G(jw).
Step 4
Mapping of section C4 :
S= lt R→0 R e jθ in G(s) H(S) and varying θ from -П/2 to +П/2 .Since S→R e jθ and R→
0 G(s)
H(S) can be approximated as shown below
(1+ST) = 1
G(S) = 1/ S2 (1+0.2 S) (1+0.5S) = 1/0.1 S2
Stability Analysis :
The Nyquist plot in G(s)H(s) plane does not encircle the point
(-1+j0) because the open loop transfer function has no pole on the right half s-plane .
Both the open loop and closed loop system are stable.
7. By Nyguist stability Criterion, determine the stability of closed loop system whose open loop
transfer function is given by
(s 2)
(s 1)(s 1) Comment on the Open loop and closed loop system.
(s 2)
(s 1)(s 1)
Step 1: Draw the Nyguist contour on splane enclosing the entire right half s – plane.
Step 2: Mapping of section C1 In section C1 w varies from 0 to +. The mapping of section c1 is
given by the locus of G(jw) H (jw) as w is varied from 0 to . The locus is the polarplot of g(jw)
Type number = 0
Order = 2
(s 2)
(s 1)(s 1)
2(1 0.5s)
(1 s)( 1 s)
S jw
2(1 j0.5w) 2 1 0.25w2
(1 jw)(1 jw) 1 w2 tan1 w 1 w2 180 tan1 w
2 1 0.25w
1180 tan1 0.5w
1 w 2
From above analysis, we can conclude that g(jw) H(jw) locus starts at - 180 axis at a
magnitude of -2 for w = 0 and meets the origin along -90 axis when w = .
Step 2:
Mapping of section C2
The mapping of section c2 from s – plane to G(s) H(s) plane is obtained by lefting S = 1+ R
and varying from 2 2 . Since s Rej and R , G(s) H(s) can be approximated as
shown below [i.e. (1+ ST) ST]
Step 3:
Mapping of section C3
The mapping of section C3 is given by the locus of G(jw) H(jw) as w is varies from - to 0. This
locus is the inverse polarplot of G(jw) H(jw).
Step 4:
Complete Nyguist plot
The entire Nyguist plot in G(s) H(s) – plane can be obtained by combining the mappings of
individual sections, as shown.
Stability Analysis:
anticlockwise direction one time. Also the open loop transfer function has one pole at right half S –
plane. Since the number of anticlockwise encirclement is equal to number of open loop poles on
right half S – plane, the closed loop system is stable.
8. Check the stability by Nyquist plot for the following. (Nov 2004).
G0 (s)
(S 1)(2S 1)(3S 1)
G0 (s)
(S 1)(2S 1)(3S 1)
Step 1:
Draw the Nyquist contour on S – plane enclosing the entire right half of S – plane.
Step 2:
Mapping the Section C1
In section C1, w varies from 0 to +. The mapping of section C1 is given by the lows of G0
(jw) as w is varied from 0 to . The locus is the polor plot of G0 (jw).
Type number = 0
Order = 3
G0 (s)
(1 S)(1 2S)(1 3S)
Put S jw
G0 ( jw)
(1 Sjw) 2( jw)2 (1 3jw)
(1 3jw 2w 2 )(1 3jw)
1 3jw 2w 3jw 9( jw)2 6jw 3
10 10
1 6jw 11w 6jw
2 3
1 11w 6jw(1 w 2 )
When the G0 (jw) locus crosses real axis the imaginary term is zero and the corresponding
frequency is the phase cross over frequency.
At w w PC , 6w(1 w 2 )
1 w 2 0
w2 1
w 1 1 rad / sec
At w = wPC = 1 rad / sec
10 10 10
G0 ( jw)
1 11w 2
1 11(1) 1 11
Step 3:
Let S lim Re jQ
R in G0 (S) and Varying from
2 2 . Since S RejQ and R G(s) can be approximated as show below i.e. (1+sT) = sT.
10 10 10
G0 (s)
(1 S)(1 2s)(1 3s) S(2S)(3S) 6S3
10 10
G0 (s)
lim 6R3 e j3
6 lim Re j R
0 e j3
G0 (s) 0 e j3
At G0 (s) o e j3 2
At ;G0 (s) o e o e j3 2
j3 2
In section C3, w varies from - to 0. the mapping of section C3 is given by the locus of G0
(jw) as w is varied from - to 0. This locus is the inverse polar plot of G0 (jw).
Step 5:
The entire Nyquist plot in G0 (S) plane can be obtained by combining the mapping of
individual section.
Step 6:
Stability Analysis:
The Nyquist Contour in G(s) H(s) – plane does not encircle the point (-1 +j0) because the
Open loop transfer function has no polse on the right half s – plane. ∴Both the Open loop and
closed loop system are stable.
restrictions must be placed upon the parameter K in order to ensure the system is stable?
(Apr. 2003)
S 4 6S3 116S2 6S K 0
S4 1 16 K
S3 6 6
116(1) (1)1
S3 1 1
S2 115 k 1 115
115 (k 1) 115 (k 1)
115 115
(k 1)
S0 k 1
For the system to be stable there should not be any sign change in the elements of first
Hence, choose the value of K so that the first column elements are positive from S1 row,
for the system to be stable,
115 (k 1)
115 >0
115 – (K – 1) > 0
115 – K + 1 > 0
116 – K > 0
116 > K
, Should be less than 116. From S0 row, for the system to be stable,
1 < k , 116.
10. The open loop transfer function of a unity feed back control system is given by G(S) =
.(1 2 S )
S (1 S )
. Determine the Nyquist stability locus for the system when H(s) = (1+2S). Test
the stability.
.(1 2 S )
G(s) H(s) = S (1 S )
(1 2 S )
G(s) H(s) = S (1 S )
Step : 1
Draw the Nyquist contour on S-plane enclosing the entire right half S-plane.
The Nyquist contour has four sections C1, C2, C3 & C4. The mapping of each section is
performed separately and the overall Nyquist plot is obtained by combing the individuals
Step – 2:
Mapping of Section C1
In section C1, w varies from 0 to +. The mapping of section C1 is given by the locus of
G(jw) H(jw) as w is varied from 0 to . The locus is the polarplot of G(jw) H(jw).
Type number = 2
Order = 3
Step 3 :
H Re j
Let S = R in G(s) H(s) and varying from 2 to 2 . Since S Rej and R G(s)
H(s) can be approximated as shown below. i.e. (1+ST) ST.
(1 2 S ) 2S 2
2 2
G(s) H(s) = S (1 S ) S ( S ) S
2 2 2
j 2
2 j 2
( 1 Re ) 1 R e e j 2
G(s) H(s) = R R
At = 2 G(s) H(s) = O e-j2 2 = O e-j.
At = 2 G(s) H(s) = O e +j2 2 = Oe j.
Step – 4 :
Mapping of Section C3 :
In Section C3, w varies from - to 0. The mapping of section C3 is given by the locus of
G(jw) H(jw) as w is varied from - to 0.
Step – 5 :
(1 2 S ) 1 1
2 2
G(s) H(s) = S (1 S ) S (1) S
1 1 1
j 2
2 j 2
(1 Re ) 1 R e o e j 2
G(s) H(s) = R o R o
At = 2 G(s) H(s) = e-j2 2 = e+j
At = 2 G(s) H(s) = e-j2 2 = e-j.
Step – 6:
The entire Nyquist plot in G(s) H(s) plane can be obtained by combining the mappings of
individual section.
Stability Analysis:
The Nyquist plot in G(s) H(s) plane does not encircle the point (-1 + jo) because the Open
loop transfer function has no pole on the right half S-Plane.
Both the Open Loop and closed loop systems are stable.
11. Determine the range of values of K for which the unity feedback system, whose G(s) =
S ( S S 1)( S 4) is stable and determine the frequency of sustained Oscillations.
Solution :
C (s) G (s)
Closed loop Transfer Function R( s ) 1 G ( s )
C ( s ) K / S ( S 2 S 1)( S 4) K
R( s) 1 K S ( S S 1)( S 4) K
S ( S S 1)( S 4)
Characteristic equation is
S(S2 + S + 1) (S + 4) + K = 0
(S3 + S2 + S) (S + 4) + K = 0
S4 + S3 + S2 + 4S3 4S2 + 4S + K = 0
S4 + 5S3 + 5S2 + 4S + K = 0
5(5) 4(1)
S4 1 5 K = 5
25 4 21
S3 5 4 = 5 5
21 5K 0
S2 5 K = 5
84 25 K 21
S1 21 = 5
84 25 K
S0 K = 21
For the system to be stable there should not be any sign change in the elements of first
Hence choose the value of K so that the first column elements are positive.
From S1 row, for the system to be stable,
84 -25K > 0, K should be less than 25 .
From S0 row, for the system to be stable,
K > 0.
The range of K for the system to be stable is 0 < K < 25 .
When K = 25 , the S1 row becomes zero, which indicates the possibility of roots on imaginary axis.
When K = 25 ; the coefficients of A.E. is given by
5 S2 + K = 0
21 84
5 S2 = 25
84 5 4
S2 = 25 21 = - 5
4 4
S = 5 5
w = 0.89 rad/sec.
12. Using Routh’s stability criterion, discuss the stability of the system whose characteristic
equation is S3 + 10S2 + 50S + 500 = 0. (Apr. – 2005)
Solution :-
S3 1 50
S2 10 500 A.E.
S1 0 A = 10S2 + 500
20 S
S1 20 ds
S0 500
The two with all zeros indicate the possibility of roots on imaginary axis. Hence the system
is limitedly or marginally stable. The auxiliary polynomial is
10S2 + 500 = 0
S2 = 10
S2 = –50
S = j 50
The system is limitedly or marginally stable. Two roots are lying on imaginary axis and the
remaining two roots are lying on the left half of S – Plane.
13. Explain how a Nyquist plot may be used to determine the stability of a closed loop system.
C (s) G ( s)
R( s) 1 G ( s) H ( s)
1 + G(s) H(s) = 0
K ( S Z1 ) ( S Z 2 )..........( S Z m )
G(s) H(s) = ( S P1 ) ( S P2 )........( S Pn )
Where m n
K ( S Z1 ) ( S Z 2 )..........( S Z m )
F(s) = 1+G(s) H(s) = 1+ ( S P1 ) ( S P2 )........( S Pn )
( S P1 ) ( S P2 ) ( S P3 )..........( S Pn ) K ( S Z1 )( S Z 2 ).......( S Z m )
( S P1 ) ( S P2 )........( S Pn )
( S Z 11 ) ( S Z 12 )..........( S Z 1n )
= ( S P1 ) ( S P2 )........( S Pn )
where Z11, Z12, ……….. Z1n are zeros of F(s) which are obtained by combining the
numerator and denominator polynomial of G(s) H(s).
Hence we can conclude that for the stability of closed loop system the zeros of F(s) should
not lie on the right half S-Plane.
“If the G(s)H(s) contour in the G(s) H(s) plane corresponding to Nyquist contour in the S-plane
encircles the point (-1 +jo) in the anticlockwise direction as many times as the no. of right half S-
plane poles of G(s) H(s), then the closed loop system is stable”.
There is no encirclement of -1 + jo point. This implies that the system is stable if there are no poles
of G(s) H(s) in the right half S-plane. If there are poles on right half S-plane then the system is
An anticlockwise encirclement or of -1 +jo point. In this case the system is stable if the No. of
anticlockwise encirclements is same as the No. of poles of G(s) H(s) in the right half S-plane. If it is
not equal, then the system is unstable.
There is a clockwise encirclement of the -1+jo point. In this case the system is always unstable.
14. Sketch the Nyquist plot for a system with open loop T.F.
1 0.4s s 1
(1 8s) s 1
Nyquist plot
Root locus
Step 1:- Locate the poles and zeros of G(s)H(s) on the S-plane. The root locus branch starts
from open loop Pole and terminates at open loop zero (or) infinity:
Step 2:- Determine the real axis segments lie on the root locus based on the condition the number
of open loop poles and zeros to the right of the segment should be add.
Step 3:- Determine the number of asymptotes, asymptote angles and centroid.
180o 2q 1
Asymptote angles =
Q = 0, 1, 2, 3 . . . . . (n – m)
Solving 0 equation.
Step 5:- If there is a Complex Pole then determine the angle of departure from that pole.
If there is a complex zero then determine the angle of arrival at that zero
Step 6:- Find the Points where root locus branches may cross the imaginary axis using routh
hurwitz criterion.
Step 8:- Determine the open loop gain K at desired closed loop pole location (Sd) by
Z1 = - 2 P1 = -1 + j 2
P2 = -1 + j 2
Step 2:- Determine the real axis segments lie on the root locus
Number of asymptotes = n – m = 2 – 1 = 1
No centroid
180o 2 0 1
Angle of asymptote =
= 180o
Angle of departure at P1
s 2
2s 3
S2 4s 1 0
Draw the straight at an angle from origin, which intersects roof locus at S d. Join all the poles and
zeros to Sd.
17. Write the procedure to determine open Loop Gain for a Specified Damping of the Dominant
Roots & importance of roof locus.
The dominant pole is a pair of complex conjugate pole which decides the transient response of
the system. In higher order systems the dominant poles are given by the poles which are very
close to origin, provided all other poles are lying faraway from the dominant poles. The poles
which are faraway from the origin will have less effect on the transient response of the system.
The transfer function of higher order systems can be approximated to a second order transfer
function, whose standard form of closed loop transfer function is
C(s) n2
R(s) s 2 s n2
The dominant poles (sd and sd*) are given by the roots of quadratic factor, s2 2 s n2 = 0.
cos cos1
To fix a dominant pole on root locus, drawn a line at an angle of cos -1 with respect to negative
axis. The meeting point of this line with root locus will give the location of dominant pole. The
value of K corresponding to dominant pole can be obtained from magnitude condition.
The root locus technique is an important tool in designing control systems with desired
performance of the system can be achieved by adjusting the location of its closed-loop poles in the
s-plane by varying one or more system parameters.
The root locus can be plotted in the s-plane parameter (usually gain, K) over the complete
range of values. The roots corresponding to a particular value of the system parameter can then
be located on the locus or the value of the parameter for a desired root location can be determined
from the locus.
The root locus technique is also used for stability analysis. Using root locus the range of
values of K, for a stable system can be determined. It is also easier to study the relative stability of
the system from the knowledge of location of closed loop poles. The dominant roots are used to
estimate the damping ratio and natural frequency of oscillation of the system. From and n the
time domain specifications can be calculated.
18. A unity feedback control system has an open loop transfer function G s .
s s 4s 13
There is only one pole on real axis at the origin. Hence if we choose any test point on the
negative real axis then to the right of that point the total number of real poles and zeros is one,
which is odd number. Hence the entire negative real axis will be part of root locus. The root locus
on real axis is shown as a bold line in fig.
Note: For the given transfer function one root locus branch will start at the pole at the origin and
travel through the negative real axis to meet the zero at infinity.
Since there are 3 poles, the numbers of root locus branches are three. There is no finite zero.
Hence all the three root locus branches ends at zeros at infinity. The numbers of asymptotes
required are three.
1800 2q I
Angles of asymptotes
Here n 3, and m 0.
If q 0, Angles 600
1800 x 3
If q 2, Angles 1800
1800 x 5
If q 2, Angles 3000 600
1800 x 7
If q 3, Angles 4200 600
Note: It is enough if you calculate the required number of angles. Hence it is given by first
three values of angles. The remaining values will be repetitions of the previous values.
The centroid is marked on real axis and from the centriod the angles of asymptotes are marked
using a protractor. The asymptotes are drawn as dotted lines as shown in fig.
Figure showing the asymptotes, root locus on real axis and location of poles and centroid
The characteristic equation is s(s2 + 4s + 13) + K = 0
s3 + 4s3 + 13s + K = 0
K = -s3 – 1 s2 – 1 3s
3s2 8s 13
Put 0
3s2 8s 13 0
3s 2
8s 13 0
8 82 4 x 13 x 3
1.33 j 1.6
Check for K
Also when s = - 1.33 – j 1.6 the value of K is not equal to real and positive.
Since the values of K for s 1.33 j 1.6 are not real and positive, the points are not an actual
breakaway or breakin points. The root locus has neither breakaway nor breakin point.
Let us consider the complex pole A shown in fig. Draw vectors from all other poles to the pole
A as shown in fig. Let the angles of these vectors be 1 and 2.
2 = 900
= 1800 – (1+2)
= 1800 –(123.7+900) = -33.70.
The angle of departure at complex pole A* is negative of the angle of departure at complex pole
s3 + 4s2 + 13s + K = 0
Put s = j
-j3 - 4 2 + 13 j + K = 0
Figure: Root locus sketch of, 1
s s 4s 13
On equating imaginary part to zero, we get On equating real part to zero, we get
- 3 + 13 = 0 - 42 + K = 0
- - 3 = - 13
2 = 13 K = 42
= 13
= 3.6 = 4(13) = 52.
The crossing point of root locus is j 3.6. The value of K at this crossing point is K = 52.
(This is the limiting value of K for the stability of the system).
The complete root locus sketch is shown in fig. The root locus has three branches one
branch starts at the pole at origin and through negative real axis to meet zero at infinity. The other
two root locus branches starts at complex poles (along the angle of departure), crosses the
imaginary axis at j 3.6 and travel parallel to asymptotes to meet the zeros at infinity.
19. Sketch the root locus of the system whose open loop transfer function is
G(s) . Find the value of K so that the damping ratio of the closed loop system
s s 2 s 4
is 0.5.
The poles of open loop transfer function are the roots of the equation, s(s+2) (s+4) = 0.
The poles are, s = -0, -2, -4.
There are three poles on the real axis. Choose a test point on real axis between s = 0 and s = -2.
To the right of this point the total number of real poles and zeros is one, which is an odd number.
Hence the real axis between s= 0 s = -2 will be a part of root locus.
Choose a test point on real axis between s=-2 and s=-4. To the right of this point, the total
number of real poles and zeros is two which is an even number. Hence the real axis between s = -2
and s = -4 will not be a part of root locus.
Choose a test point on real axis to the left of s = -4. To the right of this point, the total number of
real poles and zeros is three, which is an odd number. Hence the entire negative real axis from s =
-4 to - will be part of locus.
Since there are three poles the number of foot locus b ranches are three. There is no finite
zero. Hence all the three root locus branches ends at zeros at infinity. The number of asymptotes
required are three.
180(2q 1)
Angles of asymptotes
Heren 3 and m 0.
Ifq 0, Angles 600
180 x 3
If q 1, Angles 1800
180 x 5
If q 2, Angles 3000 T 600
Note: It is enough if you calculate the required number of angles. Here it is given by first three
values of angles. The remaining values will be repetitions of the previous values.
The centroid is marked on real axis and from the centriod the angles of asymptotes are marked
using a protractor. The asymptotes are drawn as dotted lines as shown in fig.
Fig. 1: Figure showing the asymptotes, root locus on real axis and location of poles, centroid and
breakway points
C s s s 2 s 4 K
R s K s s 2 s 4 K
s s 2 s 4
S3+6s2+8s+K=0 K=-s3-6s2-8s
12 122 4 3 8
s 0.845 or -3.154
Check for K
Since K is positive and real for, s=-0.845, this point is actual breakaway point.
Since K is negative for, s=-3.154, this is not a actual break way point. The break way point is
marked on the negative real axis as shown in fig.
Since there are no complex pole or zero, we need not find angle of departure of arrival.
Put s=j
The crossing point of root locus is j2.8. The value of K corresponding to this point is K =
48. (This is the limiting value of K for the stability of the system).
The complete root locus sketch is shown in figure. The root locus has three branches. One
branch starts at the pole at s = -4 and travel through negative real axis to meet the zero at infinity.
The other two root locus branches starts at s = 0 and s = -2 and travel through negative real axis,
breakaway from real axis at s = -0.845, then crosses imaginary axis at s = j2.8 and travel parallel to
asymptotes to meet the zeros at infinity.
Draw a line OP, such that the angle between line OP and negative real axis is 60 ( = 60) as
shown in figure. The meeting point of the line OP and root locus gives the dominant pole, s d.
l1.l 2 .l 3
= 1.3 1.75 35 7.96 8
Note: The length of vectors are measured to scale.
20. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by
K s 9
G(s ) . Sketch the root locus of the system.
s s 2 4s 11
The poles of open loop transfer function are the roots of the equation
S(s2 + 4s + 11) = 0
4 42 4 11
s 2 j 2.64
One pole and one zero lies on real axis. Choose a test point to the left of s=0, then to the right of
this point, the total number of poles and zeros is one which is an odd number. Hence the portion
of real axis from s=0 to s=-9 will be a part of root locus. If we choose a test point to the left of s=-9
then to the right of this point, the total number of pole and zeros is two, which is an even number.
Hence the real axis from s=-9 to - will not be a part of root locus. The root locus on real axis is
shown as a bold line in figure.
Since there are 3 poles, the numbers of root locus branches are three. One root locus branch
start at the pole at origin and travel along negative real axis to meet the zero at s=-9. The other
two root locus branches meet the zeros at infinity. The numbers of asymptotes required are two.
180(2q 1)
Angleofasymptotes = +
Here n=3 and m=1.
If q=0, Angles= 90 0
+180 3
If q=1, Angles= 270 0 90 0
+180 5
If q=2, Angles= 450 0 90 0
Note: It is enough if you calculate the required number of angles. Here it is given by first two
values of angles. The remaining values will be repetitions of the previous values.
a protractor. The asymptotes are drawn as dotted lines as dotted lines as shown.
Figure: Figures showing the asymptotes root locus on real axis and location of poles, zero and
From the location of poles and zero and from the knowledge of typical sketches of root locus, it
can be concluded that there is no possibility of breakaway or breaking points.
Let us consider the complex pole A as shown in figure. Draw vectors from all other poles and
zero to the pole A as shown in figure. Let the angles of these vectors be 1, 2 and 3.
Here 1 1800 tan1 127.10
2 90 0
3 tan1 20.7 0
Angle of departure from
=180-( 1+ 2 ) + 3
the complex pole A
The angle of departure at the complex pole A* is negative of the angle of departure at complex
pole A.
K s 9
The closed loop C s
G s
s s2 4s 11
transfer function R s 1 G s K s 9
s s2 4s 11
K s 9
s s2 4s 11 K s 9
s s2 4s 11 K s 9 0
s 3
4s2 11s Ks 9k 0
put s=j
j 4 j 11 j K j 9K 0
3 2
-j 3 4 2 j11 jK 9K 0
-j3+j11+jK=0 -42+9K=0
-j3=-j11-jK 9K=42
2=11+K put 2=11+K
Put K=8.8 9K=4(11+K)
2=11+8.8=19.8 9K=44+4K
= 19.8
4.4 5K=44 K 8.8
K s 9
Figure: Root locus sketch for, 1 G s 1
s s2 4s 11
The crossing point of root locus is j4.4. The value of K at this crossing point is K=8.8 (This
is the limiting value of K for the stability of the system).
The complete root locus sketch is shown in figure. The root locus has three branches. One
branch starts at pole at origin and travel through negative real axis to meet the zero at s=-9.
The other two root locus branches start at complex poles (along the angle of departure) crosses
the imaginary axis at j4.4 and travel parallel to asymptotes to meet the zeros at infinity.
1. Set of specifications in time domain or frequency domain such as peak overshoot, gain margin,
phase margin, settling time, steady state-error etc.,
Compensators are corrective sub systems to meet the given specification for a plant.
The compensation network inserted in the forward path is called cascade compensation.
The compensation network inserted in the feedback path of the system is called feedback
6. What are the basic types of compensators?
1.Electrical 2.Mechanical
3.Pneumatic 4.Hydraulic type of device
1.Lead networks
2.Lag networks
3.Lag-Lead Networks
The lead compensating network contributes phase lead frequency response characteristics
which appreciably improves the transient response and to a small extent the steady state
9. Which technique is the most suitable when the system is used to meet the time domain
Root Locus technique is the most suitable when the system is used to meet the time domain
It attenuates the magnitude curve and contributes more phase lag at the gain cross over
It provides increased bandwidth thus improving the time response of the system at the
same time providing additional forward path gain which will give improved steady-state error.
For system with mechanical output, suitable compensation is provided to damp out the
oscillations in the system. This is achieved by providing additional fiction in the existing system.
13. What is the simplest and most effective way of stabilizing the system is by means of rate
The feedback compensator is the simplest and most effective way of stabilizing the system is by
means of rate feedback or tachometer feedback.
A feed-forward compensator is used to meet the steady state and transient response
The damping ratio can be measured using the spirule. The spirule calibrated to measures this.
Place the disc with its center at the origin and with O index pointing along the horizontal line in
the right hand side.
Turn the arm until the damping ratio intersects with the given point. The reading on the damping
ratio scale gives the value of damping for these roots.
16. What are the factors to be considered for choosing series or shunt / feedback compensation?
The choice between series, shunt or feedback compensation depends on the following
1. Nature of signals in the system .
2. Power levels at various points.
3. Components available .
4. Designer’s choice.
5. Economic Considerations.
17. Discuss the effect of adding a pole to open loop transfer function of a system.
The addition of a pole to open loop transfer function of a system will reduce the steady
state error. The closer the pole to origin lesser will be the steady state error. Thus the steady state
18. What are the in formations that can be obtained from frequency response plots?
The low frequency region of frequency response plot provides information regarding the
steady- state performance and high frequency region provides information regarding the transient
performance of the system. The mid –frequency region provides information regarding relative
19. Discuss the effect of adding a zero to open loop transfer function of a system.
The addition of a zero to open loop transfer function of a system will improve the transient
response. The addition of zero reduces the rise time. If the zero is introduced close to origin then
the peak overshoot will be larger. If the zero is introduced far away from the origin in the half of s-
plane then the effect of zero on the transient response will be negligible.
1. The effect of disturbances, sensor noise and plant uncertainties are easy to visualize and asses in
frequency domain.
2. The experimental information can be used for design purposes.
22. What are frequency domain specification are generally used for compensation design?
30. What are the two approaches to the Control system design problem?
We select the configuration of the overall system by introducing compensators and then
choose the parameters of the compensators to meet the given specifications on performance.
For a given plant, we find an overall system that meets the given specifications and then compute
the necessary compensators.
1. Design a phase lead compensator for the system shown to satisfy the following specifications
(i) The phase margin of the system > 450 (ii) Steady state error for a unit ramp input < 1/15. (iii)
The gain crossover frequency of the system must be less than 7.5 rad/sec.
Step :1 Determine K.
Given that, steady state error, ess < 1/15 for unit ramp input
When the input is unit ramp, ess = 1/Kv = 1/15
Kv = Lt S(G(S) H (S) Kv = 15.
S 0
S(S+1) S(S+1)
Magnitude Plot:
The corner frequency is Wc1 = 1 rad / Sec. The various time of G (jw) are listed in table.
Also the table shows the slope contributed by each term and the change in slope at the corner
15/jw - -20 -
1/1+jw Wcl =1-20 -20+(-20) =-40
Choose a low frequency W1, such that Wl < Wc1 and choose a high frequency Wh such
that Wh >Wc1
= 20 log 15
jw 1
= 23.5 db 24 db
At W = Wh = 10 rad/Sec, A=[ slope from Wc1 to Wh X log Wh/Wc1]
Let the points a, b and c be the points corresponding to / frequencies Wl, Wc1 and Wh
respectively on the magnitude plot. In a semi log graph sheet choose.
Phase plot
The phase angle of G (jw) are calculated for various values of w and listed in table
Table 2
W .1 0.5 1 2 5 10
Deg -96 -117 -135 -153 -169 -174
Step –3 Determine the phase margin of uncompensated system.
Step :4 Find θm
The desired phase margin rd > 450
Let additional phase lead required, t= 50
Maximum lead angle θm = r+E = 450-13+50
= 370
= 0.2486 0.25
Now T= 1 1
= = 0.357 0.36
Wm 5.60.25
15 (1+0.365)
S(1+0.09s) (1+S)
Step – 7 :
Put S= jw in Go (S)
` Go (jw) = 15 (1+jo.36w)
jw (1+jo.09w) (1+jw)
Magnitude plot
The corner frequencies are Co4, Coc2 and Wc3
Table – 3
Term Corner freq. Slope Change in
Rad/sec db/sec slope db/sec
- -20 -
Wc1 =1 -20 -20-20=-40
Wc3=11.1 -20 -20-20= -40
Let W1 = 0.1 rad /Sec and Wh = 50 rad/sec
Let A0 = Go (jw) in db
= - 20Xlog 11.1
+ 6 = - 6 db
At W= Wn = 50 rad/sec,
Ao= [Slope from Wc3to Wn X Log Wh/log Wc3] +
gain at W Wc3
= 40Xlog 50
+ (-6)= -32 db
Phase plot:
The phase angle of G0 (jw) as a function of W is given by
Go(jw) –1 0.36w
= tan –900 –tan –1 0.09w – tan-1 w
Table – 4
W 0.1 0.5 1 2 5 10
Rad /sec
-132 -142
Let, gco = phase of G0 (jw) at new gain crossover frequency and r0 = Phase margin of
compensated system.
Now, r0 = 1800 + gco = 1800–1340 =400
Conclusion :-
The phase margin of the compensated system satisfactory. Hence the design is acceptable.
Result :
open loop transfer function of lead compensated system = Go (S) =15(1+0.365)/ S(1+0.09S)( 1+S)
2. Write the procedure for design of Log-Lead compensator Using bode plot.
The log-lead compensator is employed only when a large error constant and a large band
width are required. First design a log section and then take and design a lead section:
Step:-1 Determine the open gain K of the compensated system to satisfy the specified error
Step:-3 From the bode plot determine the gain margin of the uncompensated system.
Step :4 Choose a new phase margin Let rd= Desired phase margin Now, New phase margin rn =
Step :-5 From the bode plot, determine the new gain cross over frequency which is the frequency
corresponding to a phase margin of rn.
(S+1/T1) (1+St1)
(S+1T1) (1TST1)
Open loop transfer function of compensated system = Go (S) = X G(S) (1+S T1) (1+S T2)
The following steps may be followed to design a lag compensator using bode plot and to be
connected in series with T.F. of uncompensated system G(s).
Steps :
Choose the value of K in uncompensated system to meet the steady state error requirement.
Sketch the bode plot of uncompensated system.
Determine the phase margin of the uncompensated system from the bode plot. If the P.M. does
not satisfy the requirement then lag compensation is required.
Let, gcn = phase of G(jw) at new gain cross over frequency, wgcn.
Now n = 1800 +gcn (or) n – 180 = gcn
The new gain cross over frequency, wgcn is given by the frequency at which the phase of G(jw) is
Determine the parameter, of the compensator. The value of is given by the magnitude of G(jw)
at new gain crossover frequency, wgcn.
Find db gain (Agcn) at new Wgcn.
Now, Agcn = 20 log (or)
= 10Agcn/20
Determine the transfer-function of lag compensator. Place the zero of the compensator
arbitrarily at 1/10th of the Wgcn.
I Wgcn
ZC = T 10
T = gcn
Pole of the lag compensator, PC = T
S 1
T.F. of lag compensator GC(s) = T
1 ST
GC(s) = 1 S T
Determine the Open loop T.F. of compensated system. The lag compensator is connected in series
with the plant as shown.
Determine the actual phase margin of compensated system. Calculate the actual phase angle of the
compensated system using the compensated T.F. at new Wgcn.
The lead compensation increases the w, which improves the speed of response and also
reduces the amount of overshoot. It also improves the transient response, whereas there is a small
change in steady state accuracy.
GC (s) = S PC
Using Electrical Net work.
Eo ( s ) Ei ( s )
R2 ( R1 || C ) R2
Eo(s) = Ei(s) sc
Eo(s) = Ei(s) R1cs 1
( R cs 1) R1 R2 ( R1cs 1)
R2 1
= Ei(s) R1cs 1 = Ei(s) R1 R2 ( R1cs 1)
R1C R2 S
Eo ( s )
Ei ( s ) ( R R2 )
R1CR2 S 1
R1C R2
1 1
= R2 /( R1 R2 ) R1C
General form is
S 1
GC(s) = T
On comparing equations
Eo ( s ) T
Ei ( s ) T
T = R1C & = R1 R2
5. A unity feed back system has an Open loop transfer function Ei(s) = S (1 s )(1 0.2 s ) . Design a
suitable phase lag compensator to achieve the followings specifications : KV = 8 and phase
margin = 400 with usual notations.
Calculation of Gain, K :
given KV 8
Velocity error constant, KV = Gs
1 SG ( s ) 1 S .
Kv =
S 0 S 0 S (1 S )(1 0.2 S )
Kv = 1
G(s) = S (1 S )(1 0.2 S )
Put S = jw
G(jw) = jw(1 jw)(1 0.2 jw)
Magnitude Plot:-
Corner frequency:-
Wc1 = 1 = 1 rad/sec.
Wc2 = 0.2 = 5 rad/sec.
Table :-
Choose a low frequency wl such that wl < wc1 and choose a high frequency wn such that wn >
8 8
At w = wl, A = 20 log jw = 20 log 0.1 = 38 db.
8 8
At w = wc1, A = 20 log jw = 20 log 1 = 18 db.
w c2
Slope from w c1 to w c2 log A prev
At w = wc2, A = w c1
A = - 40 log 1 + 18 = -9.95 = -10db
Slope from w c2 to w n log A prev
At w = wn, A = w c2
= –60 log 5 – 10 = –70 db.
Phase Plot:-
deg -96.8 -122 -146.3 -175 -184.7 -192 -213.6
Step 3
Step 4
d = 40
Step : 5
From the bode plot we found that, the frequency corresponding to a phase of –135 is 0.75 rad/sec.
Step : 6
Step : 7
Step : 8
1 10(1 13.33s ) 8
Go(s) = 10 (1 133.3s ) S (1 s ) (1 0.2 s)
8(1 13.33s )
Go(s) = S (1 s ) (1 0.2 s )(1 133.3s )
Step : 9
0 = Go(jw)
gco = Go(jwgcn)
At w = wgcn ; o = gco = –90– tan-1 wgcn – tan-1 0.2wgcn + tan-1 13.3wgcn – tan-1 133.3wgcn
gco = –90– tan-1 (0.75) – tan-1 (0.2 0.75)+ tan-1 (13.3 0.75) – tan-1 (133.3 0.75)
gco = – 140.55
The actual phase margin of the compensated system satisfies the requirement. Hence the
deign is acceptable.
10(1 13.33s )
GC(s) = (1 133.3s )
8(1 13.33S )
Go(s) = S (1 S ) (1 0.2 S ) (1 133.3S )
6. A unity feed back system has an open loop transfer function G(s) = S (1 S ) . Design a
suitable phase lead compensator to achieve the following specifications: KV = 10 and phase
Step : 1
K 10
Given G(s) = S (1 S ) S (1 S )
Put S = jw
G(jw) = jw(1 jw)
Magnitude Plot:-
Choose a low frequency wl such that wl < wc and choose a high frequency wn such that wn > wc.
10 10
At w = wl = 0.1rad/sec;A =20 log jw = 20 log 0.1 = 40 db.
10 10
At w = wc =1 rad/sec; A = 20 log jw = 20 log 1 = 20 db.
Slope from w to w log n A
c n w prev
At w= wn =10rad/sec;A= c
= – 40 log 1 + 20 = –20 db.
Phase Plot:-
0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20
deg -95.7 -101.3 -116.5 -135 -153 -168.6 -174 -177
Step : 3
gc – Phase of G(jw) at gain crossover frequency (wgc) and = phase margin of
uncompensated system.
The system requires of 450, but the available phase margin is 170 and so lead compensator should
be applied to improve the phase margin.
Step : 4 Find m
m = d - + = 45 – 17 + 5 = 33
From the bode plot of uncompensated system the frequency wm corresponding to a db gain of -
5.4 db is ground from : wm = 4.2 rad/sec.
1 1
Now, T = wn 4.2 0.29
10(1 0.442 S )
Go(s) = S (1 S )(1 0.128S )
Step : 7 Draw the bode plot of compensated system to verify the design
Magnitude Plot:-
Corner frequency:-
Wc1 = 1 = 1 rad/sec
Wc2 = 0.442 = 2.26 rad/sec
Wc3 = 0.128 = 7.8 rad/sec.
Choose a low frequency wl such that wl < wc1 and choose a high frequency wn such that wn >
10 10
At w =wl =0.1rad/sec;Ao =20 log jw = 20 log 0.1 = 40 db.
10 10
At w = wc1=1rad/sec; Ao = 20 log jw = 20 log 1 = 20 db.
Slope from w c1 to w log c2 A
c2 w o prev
At w = wC2=2.28rad/sec;Ao= c1
Ao = = – 40 log 1 + 20db = 5.68 db.
Slope from w c2 to w log c3 A
c3 w o prev
At w = wC3=7.8rad/sec;Ao= c2
Ao = – 20 log 2.28 + 5.68 = –5 db.
Slope from w c3 to w log cn A o prev
cn w
At w = wn =50rad/sec;Ao= c3
Ao = – 40 log 7.8 –5 = –37 db.
Phase Plot:-
The phase margin of the compensated system is satisfactory. Hence the design is acceptable.
(1 0.442 S )
T.F. of lead compensator, GC(s) = (1 0.128S )
Open loop T.F. of compensated system,
10 (1 0.442 S )
Go(s) = S (1 S ) (1 0.128S )
Lag compensation results in a large improvement in steady state performance but results in
slower response due to reduced bandwidth. The attenuation due to the lag compensator will shift
the gain crossover frequency to a lower frequency point where the phase margin is acceptable.
Thus, the lag compensator will reduce the bandwidth of the system and will result in slower
transient response.
Lag compensator is essentially a low pass filter and so high frequency noise signals are
attenuated. If the pole introduced by the compensator is not cancelled by a zero in the system,
them by compensator increases the order of the system try one.
The input voltage is applied to the series combination of R1, R2 and C. The output voltage is
obtained across series combination of R2 & C.
E0 (s) E1(s)
R2 1 sC
R1 R2 sC
SCR 1 / SC
SC(R1 R2 ) 1 / SC
SCR2 1)
SC(R1 R2 ) 1
E0 (s)
Ei (s) 1
C R1 R2 S R1 R 2
S R 2C
S R1 R2 R 2 R 2C
R 2
1 1
Gi (s) T ; E0 (s) 1 T
1 Ei (s) 1
8. Discuss the lead compensation techniques based on the frequency – response Approach.
The primary function of the lead compensator is to reshap the frequency response curve to
provide sufficient phase lead angle to offset the excessive phase lag associated with components of
the fixed system.
Consider the system shown. Assume that the performance specifications are given in terms
of phase margin gain margin, static velocity error constants and so on.
The procedure for designing a lead compensator by the frequency response approach may
be stated as follows:
(TS 1)
Gi (s) G(s) K C G(s)
(TS 1)
(TS 1)
K G(s)
(TS 1)
(TS 1)
(TS 1)
G1(s) = K G(s) Determine gain K to satisfy the requirement on the given static error constant.
2. Using the gain K thus determined, draw a Bode diagram of Gi (jw), the gain adjusted but
uncompensated system. Evaluate the phase margin.
3. Determine the necessary phase – lead angle to be added to the system. Add an additional 5 to
12 to the phase – lead angle required, because the addition of the lead compensator shifts the gain
crossover frequency to the right and decreases the phase margin.
sin m
1 2 1
1 2 1
Determine the frequency where the magnitude of the uncompensated system G1(jw) is equal to –
20 log . Select this frequency as the new gain crossover frequency. This frequency
wm ,
corresponds to T and the maximum phase shift m occurs at this frequency.
6. Using the value of K determined in step 1 and that of determined in step 4. calculate constant
KC from
7. Check the gain margin to be sure it is satisfactory. If not, repeat the design process by modifying
the pole – zero location of the compensator until a satisfactory result is obtained.
9. Discuss the characteristics and Technique based on Frequency response Approach for Lead
(TS 1)
Gi (s) K C
(TS 1)
1 1
S , S ,
In the complex plane, a lag compensator has a zero at s = T and a pole at T The pole is
located to the right of the zero.
The valves of KC and are set equal to 1 and 10 respectively, the magnitude of the lag
compensator becomes 10 (or 20dB) at low frequencies at unity (or odB) at high frequencies. Thus,
the lag compensator is essentially a law pass filter.
The primary function of a lag compensator is to provide attenuation in the high frequency
range to give a system sufficient phase margin. The phase – lag characteristic is of no consequence
in lag compensation.
The procedure for designing lag compensator for the system shown by the frequency –
(TS 1)
GC (s) G(s) K C G(s)
(TS 1)
(TS 1)
K G(s)
(TS 1)
(TS 1)
(TS 1)
2. If the gain – adjusted but uncompensated system G1(jw) = K G(jw) does not satisfy the
specifications on the phase and gain margins, then find the frequency point where the phase angle
of the open loop transfer function is equal to - 180 plus margin is the specified phase margin plus
5 to 12. Choose this frequency as the new gain cross over frequency.
3. To prevent detrimental effects of phase lag due to the lag compensator, the pole and zero of the
lag compensator must be located substantially lower than the new gain crossover frequency.
Therefore, choose the corner frequency T (corresponding to the zero of the lag
compensator) locative to 1 decade below the new gain crossover frequency. (If the time constants
of the lag compensator do not become too large the corner frequency T may be chosen 1
decade below the new gain crossover frequency.)
Notice that we choose the compensator pole and zero sufficiently small. Thus the phase lag
occurs at the low – frequency region so that it will not affect the phase margin.
4. Determine the attenuation necessary to bring the magnitude curve down to odB at the new gain
crossover frequency. Nothing that this attenuation is – 20log determine the valve of . Them the
other corner frequency (corresponding to the pole of the lag compensator) is determined from
T .
5. Using the valve of K determined in step 1 and that of determined in step 4, calculate constant
KC from
10. Discuss the frequency response of Lag Compensator consider the general form of lag
GC (s) ST 1 T 1 ST
1 ST 1 T 1 ST
Put S = jw
1 jwT
GC ( jw)
1 jwT
Where w = 0, GC (jw) = ---- (1)
from equation (1) we can say that the lag compensator provides a dc gain of (here > 1). If the dc
gain of the compensator is not desirable then it can be eliminated by a suitable attenuation. Let us
assume that the gain is eliminated by a suitable attenuation network. Now, GC (jw) is given by
1 wT
1 jwT tan1 wT
GC ( jw) (2)
1 jwT tan1 wT
w T
The sinusoidal transfer function shown in equ (2) has two corner frequencies and they are
denoted as wc1 & wc2.
Wc1 1 T WC2 1
Here, Since, T T, Wc1 WC2
1 wT
A 20log 20log
w T
The approximate magnitude plot of lag compensator is shown. The magnitude plot of Bode
plot of GC (jw) is a straight line through O db upto WC1, then it has a slope of – 20 db / dec upto
Wc2 and after wC2 it is a straight line with a constant gain of
Let GC ( jw)
tan1 wT tan1 wT
As w 0, 0
As w , 0
As w is varied from 0 t0 , the phase angle decreases from O to a negative maximum valve of m
at w = wm, then increases from this maximum valve to 0.
The phase plot of lag compensator i shown. It can be shown that the frequency at which maximum
phase lag occurs is the geometric made of the two corner frequencies.
Frequencies of maximum phase lag,
1 1 1
w m w C1,w C2 .
From the bode plot of lag compensator; we observe that lag compensator has a dc gain unity while
it offers a high frequency gain of .
It means that the high frequency noise is attenuated in passing through the network and so
the signal to noise ratio is improved. A typical choice of = 0.
11. Write the Procedure for designing lag Compensator using bodeplot.
Step 1: - Choose the value of K in uncompensated system to meet the steady state error
Step 2: - Using that k value, draw the bode plot of the given uncompensated system.
Step 3:- Determine the phase margin of the uncompensated system from the bode plot.
It the phase margin does not satisfy the requirement, then lag compensator is required.
= d +
5o to 15o
Step 5:- Determine the new gain crossover frequency Wgen Corresponds to gen
locate gen on the bode plot and determine the corresponding frequency Wgen
To determine , find the db magnitude Agen Corresponding to wgen from the bode plot and
equate to Agen = 20 log
= 10 Agen/20
Zero of lag compensator Zc = 1 gen
T 10
12. Write the Procedure for designing lead Compensator using bode Plot.
Step 1:- Determine the desired closed loop pole Sd using the given specifications.
Sd = -wn jwn 1 2
Step 2:- Mark all the Poles and zeros of the given system and Sd on the S-plane.
Procedure:- Draw an horizontal line at Sd Parallel to negative real axis also join Sd to the origin by a
Straight line. And bisect the angle between horizontal line and Origin line. Mark /2 angle on both
sides of the bisector. And draw two straight lines through these angles. Intersection of these
straight lines with real axis give pole and zero of lead Compensator.
Horizontal Line
S 1
Gc s T
S 1
Step 7:- Verify Steady state error requirement using Compensated system.
Fourth Semester
(Regulation 2004)
(a) GH s = 1
1 1+ T2 s
1+ T s
(b) GH s = 1
s 1+ Ts
7. What are the effects of adding open loop pole to root locus and the system?
11. (a) (i) Obtain the Force – voltage analogous circuit for mechanical system shown in
figure (1)
Figure 1
(ii) Describe the features and characteristics of an armature controlled D.C.
(b) (i) Reduce the block diagram shown in figure (2) and obtain the overall
transfer function
Figure 2
(ii) For the signal flow graph shown in figure (3), obtain the value of
C s
R s
12. (a) (i) Describe the output response of type I and type II systems for ramp input.
(b) (i) If x is the input and y is the output, of the system described by a differential
d2 y dy
equation, 2
+4 + 8y = 8x , determine the undamped natural frequency, damping
dt dt
ratio, damped natural frequency time for peak overshoot, and settling time.
(ii) For a system with, GH s = calculate the generalized error co- efficients
s + 5
and the steady state error. Assume r(t) = 6 + 5t.
13. (a) (i) Draw the bode plot for the function, G s = . Determine
1+ 0.2s 1+ 0.02s
the value of K for a gain cross over frequency of 20 rad / sec.
(ii) Explain how a closed loop response is obtained from open loop response.
(b) (i) For a system with , G s H s = . Draw the polar plot.
s s + 2 s + 10
(ii) Prove that the locus of M is a circle.
14. (a) (i) For a system with, F(s) = s4 + 22 s3 + 10 s2 + s + k = 0, obtain marginal value of K,
and the frequency of oscillations at that value of K.
(ii) Explain how gain margin and phase margin are obtained using polar plot.
K s + 2
(b) (i) Construct the root locus for the function, G s H s = and discuss
s + 1
15. (a) (i) Draw the circuit diagram of a Lag compensator and obtain its transfer function.
(ii) Describe the steps involved in the design of Lag compensator.
(b) (i) Draw the circuit diagram of a Lead compensator and obtain its transfer function.
(ii) Describe the advantages and limitations of Lead compensator.
Fourth Semester
(Regulation 2004)
11. (a) (i) Draw the Signal Flow Graph and find C/R for the system shown in figure
(b) Write the differential equations and obtain the transfer function x2 (s) / F(s)
for the mechanical system shown in figure. Also draw the force – voltage
analogous circuit.
12. (a) The open loop transfer function of a system with unity feed back gain is given as
G s = 2
. Determine the damping ratio, maximum overshoot, rise time and
s + 5s + 6
peak time. Derive the used formula.
(b) Evaluate the static error constants for a unity feed back system having a forward
path transfer function G s = Estimate the steady – state errors of the
s s + 10
13. (a) Draw the Bode plot of the system whose open loop transfer function is given by
G sH s = Determine the value of K for the gain margin of
S 1+ S 1+ 0.1S 1+ 0.02S
10 dB.
(b) Sketch the polar plot for the system whose open loop transfer function is given as
G s = Determine the gain margin and phase margin.
S 1+ s
14. (a) The open loop transfer function of a unity feed back system is given by
G s = by applying the Routh criterion, discuss the stability
S + 2 S + 4 S2 + 6S + 25
of the closed loop system as a function of K. Determine the value of K which will
cause sustained oscillations in the closed – loop system. What are the corresponding
oscillation frequencies.
K S + 2
(b) Sketch the root locus of the system having G s H s =
S + 1 S + 3 + j2 S + 3 + j2
for positive value of K.
15. (a) Design a phase log compensator so the system G s H s = will have
s s + 1
phase margin of 150.
(b) A unity feed back system has an open loop transfer function
G sH s = Design a phase lag compensator to achieve the following
s 1+ s 1+ 0.2s
specifications. Velocity error constants Kv = 5 Phase margin = 450
Fourth Semester
(Regulation 2004)
1. List the advantages of closed – loop system over open – loop system.
4. Draw the response of a first order system when subjected to unit step input.
11. (a) (i) Draw the schematic diagram of two phase AC servo motor and derive its
transfer function.
(ii) Determine the transfer function of the mechanical system shown in figure.
(ii) A two phase servo motor has rated voltage applied to its reference windings.
The torque speed characteristic of the motor with 115 volts. 50 Hz applied to control
winding is shown in figure. The moment of inertia of the motor is 1 10-5 kg – m2 and friction is
negligible. Find the transfer function connecting the shaft position with the control winding
voltage vc.
12. (a) (i) Derive an expression for the time response of an under damped second order
system when subjected to unit step input.
10 1 + sK e
(ii) For a unit feedback system with G s = , determine the value of Ke
s s + 2
so that the damping ration is 0.5. Determine the value of settling time,
maximum overshoot and steady state error (for unit ramp input) with and
without Ke.
(b) (i) Derive an expression for maximum overshoot of a second order system
when subjected to unit step input.
(ii) Discuss the functioning P,I and D controllers with necessary diagrams and
state how they are used to meet the specifications for a given system.
(b) (i) Explain how closed loop frequency response is obtained from open – loop
response using Nichol’s chart.
(ii) Derive an expression for bandwidth of a second order system in terms of the
damping factor .
14. (a) (i) Using Routh criterion determine the range of values of K for stability for the
C s K
following system. =
R s s s + s + 1 s + 4 + K
(ii) Construct the root locus for a closed – loop control system with
K s + 9
G s = , H s = 1.
s s 2 + 4s + 11
Locate the closed loop poles so that the dominant closed – loop poles have a
demping ratio 0.5. Determine the corresponding value of gain K.
(b) (i) Explain how gain margin and phase margin are measured from Bode plot of a
15. (a) (i) Draw the electrical equivalent of a long compensator and obtain its transfer
(ii) Design a lead compensator for a unity feedback system with G s = , so
s s + 2
that the static velocity error constant Kv is 20 sec-1, the phase margin is at least 500
and the gain margin is at least 10 dB.
(b) (i) Draw the Bode plots of a lead network and derive an expression for the factor
in terms of m.
(ii) Consider a unity feedback system with G s = . It is desired to
s s + 1 0.5s + 1
compensate the system so that the static velocity error constant K v is 5 sec-1, the phase
margin is at least 400 and the gain margin is at least 10 dB. Use lag
P 1260
Fifth Semester
2. What are the basic elements used for modeling mechanical rotational system?
4. For the system with following transfer function, determine type and order of the system.
( s 4)
G( s)H ( s)
( s 2)( s 0.25)
11. (a) Write down the differential equations governing the mechanical rotational system
shown in the figure. Draw the torque-current electrical analogous circuit and verify
by writing node equations.
(b) The block diagram of a closed loop system is shown in figure using the block
diagram reduction technique determine the closed loop transfer function C(s)/R(s).
12. (a) Consider a unity feedback system with a closed loop transfer function
C ( s) ( Ks b)
2 . Determine the open loop transfer function G(s). Show that the
R( s) ( s as b)
steady state error with unit ramp input is given by (a-K)/b.
(b) A unity feedback control system has an open loop transfer function G(s) = 10/s(s+2).
Find the rise time, percentage overshoot, peak time and settling time for a step input
of 12 units.
13. (a) Draw the Bode plot for the given G(s) = Ke-0.2s / [S(S + 2) (S + 8)]. Find K so that the
system is stable with (i) Gain margin equal to 6db and (ii) Phase margin equal to 45.
(b) By Nyquist stability criterion determine the stability of closed loop systems, whose
open loop transfer function is given by, G(s)H(s) = (S + 2) / [(S + 1)(S-1)]. Comment
on the stability of open loop and closed loop system.
14. (a) A unity feedback system has an open loop transfer function, G(s) = K/s(1 + 2s).
Design a suitable lag compensator so that phase margin is 40 and the steady state
error for ramp input is less than or equal to 0.2.
(b) Explain about the following controllers.
(i) P controller
(ii) PI controller.
(iii) PID controller.
15. (a) Describe the Stepper Motor with its types and mention some of its application.
(b) Explain the following Tachogenerator and derive its transfer function.
(i) AC Tachogenerator.
(ii) DC Tachogenerator.
J 3270
Fourth Semester
1. With necessary equations give the basic elements of a linear mechanical system.
3. Write the equation in Laplace for an test signal analogous to a shock and a signal with linear
variation of time.
4. What are the advantages of signal flow graphs with reference to the block diagram?
5. Define bandwidth.
7. Sketch the time response plot under (a) Roots lying on the imaginary axis (b) Roots lying in
R.H.S. plane.
8. Define minimum phase and minimum phase.
11. (a) (i) Derive the transfer function of an armature controlled DC motor.
(ii) Discuss in detail the constructional details of a synchros.
(b) (i) Write the differential equations for the given mechanical system and draw an
analogous electrical circuit based on force-voltage analogy.
(ii) Draw a signal flow graph and evaluate the closed-loop transfer function of a
system for the given block diagram.
12. (a) (i) Derive an expression for the output response of a second order system.
(ii) Derive an expression for peak time and rise time.
(b) A unity feedback system is characterized by the open-loop transfer function G(S)=
. Determine the steady state error for unit step, unit ramp and
s(1 0.5s)(1 0.2 s)
unit acceleration input. Also, determine the damping ratio and natural frequency of
the dominant roots.
13. (a) Sketch the Bode plot (magnitude and phase angle plot) of the given transfer function.
Also determine the gain cross-over frequency.
75(1 0.2 s)
G( s) 2
s( s 16 s 100)
(b) (i) For the given system, determine the value of K and to satisfy the following
frequency domain specifications : mr 1.04, w r 11.55 rad/sec.
(ii) For the values of K and , calculate the settling time and bandwidth of the
15. (a) Discuss in detail the design procedure for a lead compensator network.
(b) Design a lag compensator for a system with open loop transfer function of
G j ( s) .
s( s 1)( s 4)
The system is to be compensated to meet the following specifications:
Damping ratios 0.4 settling time ts = 10 sec. Velocity error constant
Kv 5 sec 1 , ts for 5 % tolerance band. The specification in frequency domain
are : S 43 , wb 1.02 rad/sec; K V 5 sec 1 .
Fourth Semester
Part – A
1. List out the advantages of closed loop control system.
10. What type of compensator suitable for high frequency noisy environment?
Part – B
11. (a) (i) Discuss the mathematical modeling of fundamental components of mechanical
translational system.
(ii) Obtain the mathematical model of the mechanical system shown in figure below.
C s
(b) (i) Using block diagram reduction technique, find
R s
12. (a) (i) Discuss the unit step response of second order system.
(ii) Obtain the unit step response and unit impulse response of the following system
C s 10
R s s 2 s 10
(b) (i) Write short notes on Dynamic error coefficients.
(ii) For a unity feedback second order system, the open loop transfer function is
G s . Calculate the generalized error coefficients and find error
s s 2 2n
13. (a) (i) Explain the frequency domain specifications of a typical system.
200 s 10
(ii) Draw the Bode plot of the open loop transfer function G s
s s 5 s 20
(b) (i) What is the effect on polar plot if a pole at origin is added to the transfer function?
Explain. Draw the polar plot of a first order system.
(ii) For the following system, sketch the polar plot G s H s
s s 6 s 9
14. (a) For each of the characteristic equation of feedback control system given, determine the
range of K for stability. Determine the value of K so that the system is marginally stable
and the frequency of sustained oscillations.
(i) s4 + 25 s3 + 15 s2 + 20 s + K = 0
(ii) s4 + K s3 + s2 + s + 1 = 0
(iii) s3 + 3Ks2 + (K+2)s+4 = 0
(iv) s4 + Ks3 + 5 s2 + 10 s + 10 K = 0
(b) (i) Write short notes on Root locus construction.
(ii) Sketch the Nyquist plot for the open loop transfer function G s H s
s s 1