Postdoctoral Fellows' Manual
Postdoctoral Fellows' Manual
Postdoctoral Fellows' Manual
Fellows’ Manual
If you are new to the campus, you will find the following information to be very helpful in
getting settled in. The manual includes everything from a checklist for essentials such as Photo
IDs and email addresses to guides to on and off campus housing, dining, and recreation. Even if
you have been on campus for years, you should find this manual to be a handy resource for on
and off campus living.
Robert Dooling, Ph.D. Barbara Ferguson
Assoc. VP for Research Fellowships Coordinator
BSOS-Psychology The Graduate School
2123D Biology-Psychology Building 2131 Lee Building
University of Maryland, University of Maryland,
College Park, MD 20742 College Park, MD 20742
Phone: +1 301 405 5925 Phone: +1 301 405-0371
Email: Email:
Table of Contents
Checklist ....................................................................................................................................................7
Safety ............................................................................................................................................... 17
Health............................................................................................................................................... 18
Weather ........................................................................................................................................... 19
Getting Settled.........................................................................................................................................20
Finding Housing............................................................................................................................... 20
Libraries ............................................................................................................................................ 24
Parking ............................................................................................................................................. 28
Metro................................................................................................................................................ 29
ZIPCARS............................................................................................................................................ 29
Marc ................................................................................................................................................. 30
Recreation ...............................................................................................................................................31
Local Malls....................................................................................................................................... 33
Resources ................................................................................................................................................38
General Support............................................................................................................................. 38
Postdoc Resources......................................................................................................................... 41
Glossary of Acronyms.............................................................................................................................43
Campus Map...........................................................................................................................................44
Your Fellow Appointment
For the purposes of classification institutionally, the University of Maryland embraces a definition
of postdoctoral scholar utilizing the same general characteristics of the definition published
jointly by the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health in January 2007,
as follows: "[A postdoctoral scholar is] an individual who has received a doctoral degree (or
equivalent) and is engaged in a temporary and defined period of mentored advanced training
to enhance the professional skills and research independence needed to pursue his or her
chosen career path."
Postdoctoral researchers and scholars are a critical part of the University of Maryland academic
community, bringing valuable expertise, national prestige, and additional research funding into
the University. A postdoctoral appointment is a temporary one designed to give individuals an
opportunity to conduct research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. The time spent as a
postdoctoral appointee is in preparation for a career progression in academe, industry,
government, or the nonprofit sector. For many, especially those in the physical and life sciences,
postdoctoral work is a critical step in securing future employment. The University of Maryland
welcomes qualified researchers with postdoctoral fellowships in all disciplines to College Park,
and hopes that the relationships formed and research done during their tenure here will be most
helpful in their professional development.
Has been awarded a doctoral degree (or equivalent) within the past five years
Will pursue a full-time program of advanced training and research under the direction of
a faculty member with an appointment in an academic department or organized
research unit
May not have had more than five years of postdoctoral experience, including at other
The University of Maryland recognizes two types of postdoctoral appointments. The appointment
process and the benefits vary by the type of appointment held.
Postdoctoral Fellows receive stipends, rather than a salary, funded by either institutional or
individual research fellowships for independent research and training. With few exceptions, such
funding is not permitted to pay compensation for services, nor can the postdoctoral scholar be
required to perform services to receive the grant. Therefore, they cannot be classified as
employees. Such stipends may be charged to training grants, fellowships or various University
funds. The appointments of such individuals will show as a “0%” Full-Time Employee in the PHR
System, with a “special purpose funding indicator” indicating a stipend to be paid through the
Financial Aid System. Because of the nature of these appointments, postdoctoral appointees
should note that changing the type of appointment held (e.g. changing from employee-trainee
to postdoctoral fellow), or changing from one type of funding to another may result in a change
or loss of certain benefits.
All postdoctoral fellows should register with the Graduate School as soon as possible after taking
up residence at the University; this will ensure that all paperwork for salary and campus privileges
can be completed in a timely fashion.
To register with the Graduate School, please contact: Ms. Barbara Ferguson
Email: BAF @ UMD.EDU
Phone: 301 405-0371
Employee Related Items:
Human Resources:
□ Select retirement plan by first day of employment. (If plan is not selected, employee will
default to State Employees'/Teachers' Alternate Pension System.)
□ Employee Data Collection Form (Useful when entering employee information into PHR.)
□ Employee Health Benefits & Retirement Information & Forms
□ New Employee's Orientation (Please visit Training at Maryland to register.)
□ PRD Training (Performance Review & Development - Please visit Training at Maryland to
□ Holiday Schedule
□ Academic Calendar
□ Faculty Leave Reporting
□ Employee Designee Information
□ W-4 (Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate)
□ I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification)
□ Online Earnings Statement
□ Application for Social Security Card
□ Citizen Status Form
□ Affidavit of Compliance (Temporary I.D. Number Assigned)
□ W-8 (Non-Resident Fellows)
□ W-9 (Resident Aliens or PR)
□ Direct Deposit
Tax Treaty/Representative Letter (Contact Joan Hoffman in Payroll Services)
□ USMO & UMCP Policies
□ Sexual Harassment Policy
□ Conflict of Interest/ Conflict of Commitment
□ Collection, Use & Protection of ID Numbers
□ Faculty Affairs
□ Guide for New Faculty: Sponsored Research at UM
□ BPM (Send email to Melissa Diehl in the Budget Office)
□ ELF-Budget Amendment
□ FRS Web (Financial Resource System)
□ ELF-JV & Payroll Transfer
Human Resources/Payroll:
□ PHR System Home Page
□ PHR Security (Set up through the employee's PHR appointment)
□ IRPA Profiles
Academic/Student Information:
□ ARS (Academic Resource System)
□ MEGS (MD Electronic Graduate System)
□ SIS (Student Information System)
□ UMEG (University of Maryland Electronic Grading)
□ WebCT (Web-based course management tool)
□ SAR (Students Accounts Receivable - Send email to John Trangsrud.)
□ Accounts Payable Signature Card (Requires a paper form.)
□ General Stores Authorization Form
□ Pro Web Access
□ Misc. Procurement Forms
□ ELF-Small Procurement Order & Master Contract
□ Purchasing Card
□ ORAA-Coeus System Access (Send email to
□ Business Services/Forms
□ Travel Services/Forms
□ Copier System
□ Metered Postage Management System
□ NTS Billing Mgmt System
□ Facilities Management Request for Services
Benefits Information
Benefits for postdoctoral scholars vary depending on the postdoc’s employment classification.
To determine your classification, contact your department administrator.
Postdocs who are University employees and postdocs whose stipends are issued on University
paychecks qualify for certain benefits as long as they work more than half time. Postdocs who
do not receive their income through payroll or their stipend through the Financial Aid System are
largely ineligible for benefits.
All benefits-eligible individuals must sign up for benefits within the first sixty days of employment. It
is the responsibility of the individual to ensure that he/she is enrolled in any benefit plans before
the 60-day enrollment period ends.
Medical Insurance 2 PPO options Additional salary provided to Stipend supplement provided
purchase State or other by University to enroll in
3 POS options medical insurance. BlueChoice HMO plan (or
other plan). Ability to select
3 EPO options copay amount and monthly
plan cost.
Prescription Drug Insurance Administered by Catalyst Rx. Additional salary provided to Included in medical
Covers cost of approved purchase State or other insurance. Ability to choose
prescription drugs, subject to prescription drug insurance. copay and deductible
nominal copayments. amounts.
Dental Insurance United Concordia DHMO and Additional salary provided to Add to medical insurance for
DPPO purchase State or other $10 - $30 per month and
dental insurance. choose a participating dentist
from extensive Provider
– CareFirst’s vision
Mental Health/Substance Included in medical Included in State medical Not included in medical
Abuse Plan insurance. insurance. insurance.
Medical Flexible Spending Eligible to set aside up to Not eligible. Not eligible.
Account $3,000 of salary per year on a
pre-tax basis to pay for
medical expenses.
Dependent Care Flexible Eligible to set aside up to Not eligible. Not eligible.
Spending Account $5,000 of salary per year on a
pre-tax basis to pay for
eligible expenses associated
with the care of dependent
child or adult.
Life Insurance State sponsored coverage Additional salary provided to Stipend supplement to
with MetLife and/or University purchase State or other life purchase life insurance.
sponsored coverage with insurance.
UNUM. Coverage available
for dependents.
Personal Accidental Death/ State sponsored coverage Additional salary provided to Stipend supplement to
Dismemberment Insurance with MetLife. Provides purchase State or other purchase other PA&D.
(PA&D) benefits in the event of PA&D.
accidental death or
Long Term Care Eligible to purchase for self Not eligible. Not included in medical
and family members at insurance.
employee’s expense.
Long Term Disability State sponsored coverage Additional salary provided to Stipend supplement to
Insurance with MetLife and/or University purchase State or other life purchase life insurance.
sponsored coverage with insurance.
UNUM. Coverage available
for dependents.
Paid Time Off Granted annual, sick and Granted annual, sick and Not eligible.
personal leave as well as personal leave as well as
holidays. holidays.
Worker's Compensation Accident leave granted for up Accident leave granted for up Accident leave granted for up
to 30 days for work-related to 30 days for work-related to 30 days for work-related
incidents causing injury. incidents causing injury. incidents causing injury.
Retirement Plan Eligible to participate in the Additional salary provided to Not eligible.
Maryland State Teachers’ invest in Supplemental
Alternate Contributory Retirement Annuity Plan.
Pension System or Optional
Retirement Program.
Supplemental Retirement Eligible to make tax-deferred Eligible to make tax-deferred Eligible to make tax-deferred
Annuity Plan contributions to choice of contributions to choice of contributions to choice of
three vendors. three vendors. three vendors.
Faculty Staff Assistance Assessments, referrals and Assessments, referrals and Assessments, referrals and
Program short-term counseling for short-term counseling for short-term counseling for
issues such as job difficulty, issues such as job difficulty, issues such as job difficulty,
family problems, emotional family problems, emotional family problems, emotional
distress. distress. distress.
Tuition Remission Eligible to take courses at any Eligible to take courses at any Not eligible.
USM institution. USM institution.
Training and Development Eligible to take courses Eligible to take courses Eligible to take courses
Opportunities through UM Classroom through UM Classroom through UM Classroom
Training or E- Training or E- Training or E-
learning:SkillSoft Web-based learning:SkillSoft Web-based learning:SkillSoft Web-based
Training. There are Training. There are Training. There are
departmental fees for some of departmental fees for some of departmental fees for some of
these courses. these courses. these courses.
Transportation Metrocheck, Shuttle UM and Metrocheck, Shuttle UM and Metrocheck, Shuttle UM and
carpooling options. carpooling options. carpooling options.
Credit Union Access to Credit Union. See Access to Credit Union. See Access to Credit Union. See
Health and Fitness Facilities Free access to Fitness Center Free access to Fitness Center Free access to Fitness Center
located in School of Public located in School of Public located in School of Public
Health North Gym. Health North Gym. Health North Gym.
Miscellaneous Discounts Access to travel agencies. Access to travel agencies. Access to travel agencies.
Discounts for computers, Discounts for computers, Discounts for computers,
software, books and apparel. software, books and apparel. software, books and apparel.
FICA FICA taxes will be paid by the FICA taxes will be paid by the FICA taxes will be paid by the
individual and the University individual and the University individual and the University
and amounts paid will be and amounts paid will be and amounts paid will be
reflected on pay stubs. reflected on pay stubs. reflected on pay stubs.
Information for International Fellows
What documents do I need for my J-1 immigration status?
I-94 Card
Form DS-2019
Log into Testudo with your directory ID and password
Review your data, confirm your U.S. address
Click Submit
Can I get authorization & a travel signature before traveling outside the U.S.?
Before you leave:
Check your passport validity
Check your visa entries and expiration date
Check your DS-2019 end date
Receive a travel signature from IES
Special exception for travel to Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean
You may return to the US in J-1/J-2 status from these areas without a valid U.S. visa if:
Your travel was for 30 days or less
Your passport, DS-2019, and I-94 are valid
You did not apply for a new U.S. visa while there
You have maintained and intend to maintain the J-1 status
You did not travel during the 30 day grace period
You are not a citizen of a country designated by the US as a state sponsor of terrorism
What is the 212(e)?
The intent of this requirement is to have the home country benefit from the J-1’s experience in
the US. You become subject to the requirement if any of the following apply:
You are funded by the US government or your home country’s government
You have or are acquiring a skill that is in short supply in your home country
You are a J-2 dependent or a J-1 who is subject to the requirement
You have been subject to the previous J-1 program and have not fulfilled the requirement nor
obtained a waiver
If you are subject to the 212(e), you must reside and be physically present for a total of two years
in your citizenship country or country of legal permanent residence before you are eligible for:
An H, L, or immigrant visa to the US
A change of status from J to any other nonimmigrant classification, except A or G
The University Postdoc Ombuds
The University is a large and complex institution; misunderstandings and conflicts can occur. The
Ombuds Offices provide confidential and informal assistance in resolving these conflicts and
promotes fair and equitable treatment within the University. The University of Maryland College
Park maintains separate Ombuds offices for staff, faculty and graduate students. Each
Ombudsperson is an impartial, independent and confidential resource. The Ombudsperson can
also help to affect positive change by providing upward feedback on patterns of problems and
complaints to appropriate senior officers.
There is no one ombudsperson assigned to help postdoctoral scholars. Rather, the offices of all
three ombudspersons are available. The postdoc seeking such assistance is advised to
determine which of the three offices is most likely to deal with the issues needing resolution. For
example, a postdoc seeking help in resolving a conflict with an academic advisor/sponsor over
issues of authorship or some other academic matter might best be served with the Graduate
School’s ombudsperson. Conflicts regarding work load or working conditions might be best
brought to the staff ombudsperson. Issues related to financial compensation, job-related
benefits or other fiscal concerns might be best discussed with the faculty ombudsperson.
Contact Info:
Roberta Coates, Staff Ombuds Officer
Phone: 301.405.0805
Emergency and Health Services
The University wants to ensure that every member of the campus community feels safe and has
access to up-to-date information and alerts. Please refer to the following list of emergency and
non-emergency contacts:
Emergency - 911
Crimes in progress or just occurred, life threatening injuries, fire/HAZMAT situations
Text Alerts
In the event of an emergency, such as a terrorist attack or severe weather incident, your
organization's emergency management personnel will send important alerts, updates and
instructions right to your cell phone or mobile device using your device's text message (SMS)
feature, and/or to your e-mail account(s). Please sign up for alerts here:
PERT Phones
"Blue light" or Public Emergency Response Telephones (PERT) provide a toll-free, direct
connection to the University of Maryland Police Department. These phones are located
throughout the College Park campus either inside or outside of residence halls, administrative
and academic buildings. You can find a map of PERT phones here: They are either yellow or encased
within a blue cylindrical column and are marked "Emergency." All exterior phones are
illuminated with a blue light, which makes them easier to find. Callers may contact the University
Police Department directly by activating these phones. An emergency dispatcher will be
notified of the caller's exact location via a computer in the University Police Headquarters. For
more information visit:
The University Health Center (UHC) is located on Campus Drive across from the Stamp Student
Union. It offers a wide variety of services , including urgent care, a walk-in clinic, x-ray and
laboratory services, a pharmacy, an allergy clinic, HIV testing, international travel clinic, physical
therapy, women’s health services, orthopedics, immunizations, health education, massage
therapy, acupuncture, substance abuse programs and counseling, and mental health services.
Over-the-counter medication can be purchased at the Health Center.
The UHC is staffed by physicians, physician assistants, and registered nurse practitioners. Hours
are: Monday - Friday: 8AM to 7PM, Saturday 11AM to 3PM, and Sunday 12NOON to 4PM.
Please note that hours may vary during semester breaks and holidays and that all of the above
hours of operation are subject to change. Call (301) 314.8180 for hours of operation.
The UM Test Alert System notifies the campus in the event of inclement weather. Please sign up
for alerts here:
Getting Settled
The University provides on-campus housing for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in
the Graduate Hills and Graduate Gardens apartment complexes; however, these cost more
than apartments off campus. The below information for on-campus housing can be found at: This site also provides information on a graduate
housing co-op and a graduate housing needs assessment. The apartment-finding sites, can also be helpful.
Avondale Overlook 2400 Queens Chapel Rd. Hyattsville, MD 20782 (301) 559-3800
Berwyn House 4800 Berwyn House Rd College Park, MD 20740 (301) 345-3388
The Chateau* 9727 Mount Pisgah Road Silver Spring, MD 20903 (888) 612-7869
Follin Guest Home 6801 Baltimore Avenue College Park, MD 20740 (301) 345-7778
Glen Oaks Apartments* 7509 Mandan Road Greenbelt, MD 20770 (301) 345-1402
Graduate Gardens 4317 Rowalt Drive, College Park, MD 20740 (301) 927-0109
Lake Side North 430 Ridge Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770 (888) 642-6106
The Lighthouse at Twin Lakes 11800 Twin Lakes Drive Beltsville, MD 20705 (866) 764-6891
Nob Hill Apartments* 9120 Piney Branch Road Silver Spring, MD 20903 (301) 434-5951
Powder Mill Village* 3625 Powder Mill Road Beltsville, MD 20705 (888) 586-8349
Presidential Towers Condos* 1836 Metzerott Rd, Adelphi, MD 20783 (301) 439-6200
Spring Hill Lake 6220 Springhill Drive, Greenbelt, MD 20770 (301) 513-0551
Seven Springs Apartments* 9348 Cherry Hill Road, College Park, MD 20740 (301) 345-8500
The Towers of Westchester Park* 6200 Westchester Park Drive, College Park, MD 20740 (301) 345-
Townley Apartments 11457 Cherry Hill Rd. Beltsville, MD 20705 (301) 937-5885
Wynfield Park Apartments 10209 Baltimore Avenue College Park, MD 20740 (866) 526-2449
*The University of Maryland Department of Transportation Services (DOTS) operates shuttle buses
that stop at these locations. A listing of the shuttle buses, routes and stops for each of these
apartment buildings can be found on the last page of the Campus Connections Booklet located
on the DOTS website at:
On Campus
AV Williams (Inside)
Building 115 – Branch Drive
College Park, MD 20742
Hours: Monday to Friday, 6pm pickup
Saturday & Sunday, NO PICKUP
Lefrak Hall (Inside)
Building 83
College Park, MD 20742
Hours: Monday to Friday, 5:30pm pickup
Saturday & Sunday, NO PICKUP
Van Munching
Building 39
College Park, MD 20742
Hours: Monday to Friday, 7pm pickup
Saturday & Sunday, NO PICKUP
Benjamin Building
Building 143
College Park, MD 20742
Hours: Monday to Friday, 6pm pickup
Saturday & Sunday, NO PICKUP
Off Campus
Other Mailing Facilities:
FedEx Kinko’s
4417 Hartwick Road
College Park, MD 20740
Hours: Monday to Sunday, Open 24 Hours
Bank of America
College Park, MD
7370 Baltimore Ave
(301) 454-8412
College Park, MD
7406 Baltimore Ave
(301) 927-4363
M&T Bank
College Park, MD
4511 Knox Rd,
(301) 277-2132
The University of Maryland maintains eight libraries. To search the catalog, use the research port,
or for other general information, please visit:
The McKeldin Library is the main university library and houses the General Collection, the East
Asia Collection and U.S. Government Information, Maps, & GIS Services. For information about
McKeldin, please visit:
The Architecture Library holds 65,000 titles in the areas of architectural history, design, and
theory; historic preservation; landscape architectural design; real estate development; and
urban studies and planning. The collections are particularly strong in the works of individual
architects and architectural firms. The Architecture Library is located in the Architecture Building.
For further information, please visit:
Art Library houses collections in the areas of art history, archaeology, decorative arts and studio
arts, including photography and graphic design. The Art Library is located in the Art and
Sociology Building. For further information, please visit:
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Library (EPSL) contains materials in physics, engineering,
mathematics, and geology. The library also maintains other significant collections in computer
science, environmental sciences, water resources, and aerospace science. EPSL is located in
the Math Building. For further information, please visit:
Hornbake Library houses Archives and Manuscripts, the Maryland Room, the Katherine Anne
Porter Room, the Library of American Broadcasting, National Public Broadcasting Archives,
National Trust for Historic Preservation Library Collection, Nonprint Media Services, and the
Gordon W. Prange Collection. For further information, please visit:
The Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library (MSPAL) houses the International Piano Archives at
Maryland and Special Collections in Performing Arts. MPSAL is the central location on the
College Park campus for music, theatre, and dance materials. MPSAL is located in the Clarice
Smith Performing Arts Center. For further information, please visit:
Shady Grove Library is located off campus and primarily supports the Universities at Shady Grove
(USG) students, faculty and staff and their academic work related research. For further
information, please visit:
The Charles E. White Memorial Chemistry Library is a collection of 80,000 volumes covering
chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology, enzymology, immunology, microbiology, and molecular
genetics. The White Memorial Chemistry library is located in the Chemistry Building. For further
information, please visit:
Other biology/science/animal science related libraries in the area include the following:
Through LOCATE: Child Care, parents can access free, one-on-one telephone counseling
support for parents and guardians seeking licensed child care in Prince George’s County.
Experienced counselors are available Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and can be
reached at 301-772-8400.
The LOCATE database contains over 1500 family child care providers and nearly 400 child care
centers, and is continually updated through a close relationship with the Office of Child Care,
Maryland’s child care licensing agency. Counselors will discuss your options with you, help you
locate helpful community resources, and provide information about choosing quality child care.
Before you hang up, you will have a list of referrals that meet your needs.
Montgomery County
The Montgomery County Child Care Resource and Referral Center is a service of the
Department of Health and Human Services and a member agency of the Maryland Child Care
Resource Network with funding provided by the Maryland Department of Human Resources.
Their mission is to work with parents, child care providers, businesses, and community members to
help promote the availability of quality child care services in the county and state. They provide
parents with child care referrals and information on evaluating quality child care. They also offer
child care providers training and support services to establish and improve their programs.
District of Columbia
The Washington Child Development Council (WCDC) operates the District of Columbia's Child
Care Information, Resource and Referral Service. The service, providing computerized data on
all licensed child care facilities located in DC, is provided free of charge to any person seeking
placement of their child or children in child care centers, family child care homes, or before and
after school programs. WCDC also has information on services for handicapped child as well. All
counseling is done over the phone, providing immediate help to the parent or guardian, and
additional information is fax and/or mail to callers. Assistance is offered to parent groups, and
various organizations and individuals across the city in developing early childcare and
education programs. Call 202-387-0002.
See also:
Arlington VA
Maryland Food Collective (The Co-op), B0203 Stamp Student Union, 301-314-8089
Shoppers Food Warehouse, 4720 Cherry Hill Rd, 301-577-2242
Giant, 3521 East-West Highway, Hyattsville Station, Hyattsville, 301-853-3700
Thomas Market (Greek, Armenian, Arabic), 2650 University Blvd., Wheaton, 301-942-0839.
Silver Spring Market (Hispanic foods), 1525 University Blvd., Wheaton, 301-439-8033.
The MVA has a full-service station in Beltsville. It is located at 11760 Baltimore Avenue (Route 1). It
is always busy and has a poor response time. The best advice is to get there before it opens and
plan to be there a while. Their hours are Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for all services
and Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to noon for Driver’s License Services only.
New MD residents must obtain a MD Driver’s License within 60 days of moving to the state. You
can find the information on getting a MD license here:
Vehicles must also be registered within 60 days and you can find information on car registration
All campus parking information can be found on the Department of Transportation Services
(DOTS) website:
Parking permit eligibility for postdoctoral scholars vary depending on the postdoc’s employment
classification. To determine your classification, contact your department administrator. You can
find more information on faculty/staff parking on the DOTS website:
Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to park in numbered lots while faculty and
staff are eligible for lettered lots. Pleas pay close attention to the signs for each lot, as the hours
and enforcement may vary. Permits for motorcycles are free, but each motorcycle must have a
university decal which can be obtained through DOTS.
There are four pay lots on campus, as well as various metered spaces. Please see the DOTS map
for their locations:
The University also operates NITE Ride, a curb-to-curb service seven nights a week from 5:30 p.m.
to 7:30 a.m., and services the immediate campus community. NITE Ride is designed to serve the
areas of campus that are not included on the evening service routes. You may also request a
ride when the evening service routes are no longer in service. Call (301) 314-NITE (6483) to
request a NITE Ride. For more information visit the NITE Ride website:
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) operates the Metrorail subway
system and the Metrobus system. The Metrorail system (Metro) consists of 83 stations and 103
miles of track that extend to suburban Maryland and northern Virginia. You can find system
maps, trip planners, information about delays, and other Metro information can be found on
their website:
Metrorail operates five lines, denoted by the colors Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, and Orange. The
College Park station ( is on the
Green Line and located at 4931 Calvert Road College Park, MD. The University of Maryland
operates a free shuttle (which does not require a university ID to board) from the stations to the
Stamp Student Union. The university also operates a shuttle to the Prince George’s Plaza (also on
the Green Line) and Silver Spring (Red Line) metro stations. Information about Metrorail fares can
be found at:
Metrobus operates an extensive bus service throughout the DC metro area. The 81-83-86, C8,
and J4 lines all stop on campus. Information on all Metrobus routes can be found at: Information about Metrobus fares can be found at:
The Department of Transportation Services has partnered with Zipcar to offer students, faculty,
and staff the benefits of a car-sharing service. If you join, you can have access to cars on
campus and nearly 700 cars parked all over the DC metro area. Members can drive Zipcars by
the hour or by the day. No need to worry about gas, insurance or maintenance. Just reserve
online, let yourself in with your Zipcard, and drive away. For further information about this
partnership, please visit:
Any member of the faculty or staff can sign up for the standard program, which offers a
discounted annual membership of only $25/year. If you are a member of the University of
Maryland faculty or staff and you are not eligible for the premiere plan, this is the program for
you. Go to and click on the appropriate link to direct you to the proper
member application.
The Motor Transportation Services Unit of the Department of Business Services allows students,
faculty, and staff to rent university vehicles for university-related travel (not for personal use).
Please see their website at: for more information and to
request vehicles.
There are three international airports located near the University of Maryland.
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA) is located in Arlington, VA. The National
Metro Station (on the Yellow Line) is located immediately outside of the airport.
Dulles International (IAD) is located in Chantilly, VA. From IAD, you can board the Washington
Flyer Shuttle ( to the West Falls Church Metro Station (on the Orange
Line). The trip costs $8 one-way.
The MARC (Maryland Area Regional Commuter) Train Service is a commuter rail system that
operates three lines of service to a variety of Maryland, Washington DC, and West Virginia. The
Camden Line services College Park. Schedules and system maps for the MARC Train cane be
found here:
In addition to the various food establishments you will find at the Stamp Student Union (Adele’s,
the food court, The Co-op, Subway etc.) and in various buildings around campus
(, below you will find a diverse list of several restaurants in
College Park you may also enjoy:
Adele’s, Stamp Student Union, 301-314-8022,
Hanami Japanese Restaurant, 8145-M Baltimore Ave, 301-982-9899,
Shen Yang Chinese Restaurant, 9905 Rhode Island Ave, 301- 441-2250
Yami Yami Bubble Tea and Rolls, 4511 College Ave, 301-209-2992
Pita Pit, 7313-G Baltimore Ave, 301-277-7482,
Mamma Lucia Pizza & Pasta, 4734 Cherry Hill Rd, 301-513-0605,
PG Plaza is close to campus (just under 3 miles away) and is accessible by taking the University
Town Center (113) shuttle bus Monday through Friday which leaves Stamp Student Union starting
at 7:00 AM and makes its last pick up from Target at 2:30 AM. The Saturday ONLY University Town
Center (1113) shuttle bus leaves from Stamp Student Union beginning at 12:00 PM and makes its
last pick up from Target at 1:55 AM.
Anchor Stores:
Olive Garden
Outback Steakhouse
Beltway Plaza is also close to campus (just under 3 miles away) and is accessible by taking the
Beltway Plaza (101) shuttle bus which has Sunday service ONLY and leaves from Stamp Student
Union beginning at 12:00 PM and making its last pick up from Beltway Plaza at 5:02 PM.
Anchor Stores:
Burlington Coat Factory
Value City
Silver Diner
William’s American Bistro
The Downtown Silver Spring Shopping District is six miles away from campus and offers a self-
contained mall called City Place as well as stand alone restaurants and retail stores, many of
which were opened as a part of a newly developed section of downtown.
Anchor Stores:
Burlington Coat Factory
Whole Foods
Eggspectation Restaurant
Red Lobster
Romano’s Macaroni Grill
Wheaton Shopping Mall is ten miles away from campus but easily accessible via the Beltway
(exit 31) or the subway by taking the red line to the Wheaton Metro Station.
Anchor Stores
Ruby Tuesday
White Flint
11301 Rockville Pike, North Bethesda, MD 20895-1021
White Flint is 14 miles away from campus but easily accessible via the Beltway (exit 34) or the
subway by taking the red line to the White Flint Metro station which is just a few blocks away.
Anchor Stores
Lord & Taylor
P.F. Chang’s
The Cheesecake Factory
This old theater is an historic landmark and plays mainly independent films.
Located on the North end of University of Maryland, College Park campus, The Clarice Smith
Performing Arts Center is a state of the art facility and community of artists and students where
great work happens both on and off stage. The Center presents approximately 1,000 events
each year spanning all performing arts disciplines including performances, workshops, lectures
and dialogues featuring visiting artists from around the world, as well as students and faculty
from the university's academic departments of music, dance and theatre.
The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center facilitates learning, exploration and growth with six
intimate performance spaces, three academic departments, a performing arts library and many
rehearsal and classrooms under one roof. The intimate physical dimensions of its classrooms,
studios, and performance spaces enable audiences to experience detail, encouraging
engagement that provokes exploration and learning. For tickets and more information about
upcoming events and performances please call 301-405-ARTS (2787) or visit the website at
The Department of Campus Recreation Services (CRS) was established to provide varied
programs and services that contribute to the health and well being of the University of Maryland
community. CRS has everything needed to stay fit, including state-of-the-art facilities and
programs. Try a fitness class, learn to swim, get motivated with a personal training session, take a
swim at the indoor pool, or grab some friends and try out the climbing wall. Fellows can work out
at CRC, Ritchie Coliseum, or the Health and Human Performance (HHP) building. There are
weight rooms, fitness centers, gymnasiums, martial arts rooms, pools, saunas, locker rooms, and
much more. Go to to find hours of operation, facility amenities, schedule of
events, and more. The CRS member services number is 301-405-PLAY.
In order to use campus recreation facilities - the Eppley Recreation Center (ERC), the Outdoor
Aquatic Center (OAC), or Ritchie Coliseum - you must have a CRS membership. You may
purchase a semester membership or annual membership. A photo ID and appropriate
membership or ID card must be presented to purchase a membership. Payment is due at the
time of purchase, and cash, check, or credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX) are
accepted. For all staff and faculty members, CRS memberships are also available through
payroll deduction. Please visit for more
information about membership rates.
Outside: Outdoor Aquatic Center, Outdoor Recreation Center and Adventure Complex
Inside: Track, Fitness Room, Weight Room, Martial Arts Room, Table Tennis Facility, Aerobics
Room, Gyms, Racquetball & Squash Courts, Instructional & Deep Water Pools, Saunas,
Locker/Shower Facilities
Reckford Armory
Inside: Gymnasium that accommodates indoor intramural activities, informal walking, running,
badminton, basketball and volleyball.
Ritchie Coliseum
Inside: Gymnasium, Fitness Room, Weight Room, Martial Arts Room and Locker/Shower Facilities.
Cole Fieldhouse
Inside: Artificial Turf Playing Surface which will accommodate recreational activities including
indoor soccer and field hockey.
Regulatory Issues
Campus and federal requirements very clearly stipulate that any research project involving
human subjects or animals must be approved by the appropriate campus committee PRIOR to
the initiation of the research. The campus committee that governs the use of animals for
teaching and research purposes is the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).
Approval by the campus committee is also a stipulation for grant applications to USDA, NIH, NSF,
and other granting agencies that require at the time of grant submission or at the time the grant
is funded that any projects involving humans or animals be approved by the appropriate
campus committee. Further, NO vertebrate animals may be used under campus auspices
without prior approval of the IACUC. Examples of animal activities requiring IACUC approval
include the following:
2. Animal research conducted in the field by UM faculty, graduate students, or staff under the
auspices of the campus.
4. Animal research conducted at another institution as part of a joint contract with a UM faculty
Compliance with IACUC and its regulations is MANDATORY. Therefore, it is imperative that the
postdoctoral fellow discusses both department and university requirements and
policies/procedures with their research advisor well in advance of proposed animal-related
projects or course requirements for animal use in order to obtain the appropriate approvals.
All postdoctoral fellows who plan to conduct research with animals are required to attend the
program prior to planning their animal research. The program is a one-day lecture offered in the
fall and spring semesters (or when needed) by the Director of Laboratory Animal Care. Prior to
submitting an Animal Use Protocol Form for review by the campus IACUC, the fellow should visit
with the Director of Laboratory Animal Care to make sure all forms are filled out correctly and
that all information is up-to-date.
For more information concerning the Animal Care and Use Program, call 301-405-4921 or visit the
website at The necessary forms, guidelines and
regulations, and dates when the IACUC meets to review proposals are given here. Note the
submission deadlines for each month’s review of proposals and make sure to submit the
proposal before this date.
Postdoctoral fellows, upon arriving in their departments, may need to take part in either seminars
or online training courses offered by the Department of Environmental Safety (DES) for work in
the laboratory. Not all the training courses are required, so consult with your advisor or laboratory
technician to find out what types of laboratory hazards will be encountered and how to work
safely in the lab environment. Prior to working in the lab, the technician should have new fellows
read and sign the Laboratory Safety Checklist sheet, which affirms that they have been made
aware of and fully recognize the lab hazards, where to get help, how to dispose of various
materials appropriately, and who to contact in the case of an emergency. Further information
can be obtained by going online to the DES website at You can find
dates when seminars are held, online training courses, and forms. It is recommended that you
first read the information for Laboratory Workers on the DES website prior to undertaking any
procedures in the lab. The site also contains information and training videos documenting
handling and disposal procedures for radioactive materials and biological wastes (bacteria,
viruses, etc.). If students are in doubt about any hazardous procedure or material, it is best to
consult with the lab technician, the department’s Compliance Officer, or the website prior to
proceeding further. Always be SAFE and SURE!
While institutionally the University of Maryland does not require the development of a formal
plan, postdocs and faculty are encouraged to consider designing a mutually beneficial course
of action that will enhance the postdoc's training. Postdocs and faculty strongly encouraged to
set up individual development plans (IDPs) to ensure postdocs receive the best from their
University of Maryland experience. A model definition, explanation, and approach to
developing an IDP is given below:
Individual Development Plans (IDPs) provide a planning process that identifies both professional
development needs and career objectives. Furthermore, IDPs serve as a communication tool
between individuals and their mentors. An IDP can be considered one component of a broader
mentoring program that needs to be instituted by all types of research institutions.
Help individuals identify:
o Long-term career options they wish to pursue and the necessary tools to meet these; and
o Short-term needs for improving current performance.
Postdoctoral scholars will have a process that assists in developing long-term goals. Identifying
short-term goals will give them a clearer sense of expectations and help identify milestones
along the way to achieving specific objectives. The IDP also provides a tool for communication
between the postdoc and a faculty mentor .
Step 3: Write an IDP, share with mentor and revise Review IDP and help revise
o Assess your skills, strengths and areas which need development. Formal assessment tools
can be helpful.
o Take a realistic look at your current abilities. This is a critical part of career planning. Ask
your peers, mentors, family and friends what they see as your strengths and your
development needs.
o Outline your long-term career objectives. Ask yourself:
What type of work would I like to be doing?
Where would I like to be in an organization?
What is important to me in a career?
o Identify career opportunities and select from those that interest you.
o Identify developmental needs by comparing current skills and strengths with those
needed for your career choice.
o Prioritize your developmental areas and discuss with your mentor how these should be
Step 3. Write an IDP
The IDP maps out the general path you want to take and helps match skills and strengths to your
career choices. It is a changing document, since needs and goals will almost certainly evolve
over time as a postdoctoral scholar. The aim is to build upon current strengths and skills by
identifying areas for development and providing a way to address these. The specific objectives
of a typical IDP are to:
Glossary of Acronyms
1. ARS – Academic Resource System
2. BPM – Budget Preparation and Maintenance System
3. CRC – Campus Recreation Services
4. DES – Department of Environmental Safety
5. DOTS – Department of Transportation Services
6. DW – Data Warehouse
7. ELF – Electronic Forms
8. FICA – Federal Insurance Contributions Act
9. FRS – Financial Resource System
10. FWS – Federal Work Study
11. IACUC – Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
12. IDP – Individual Development Plan
13. IES – International Education Services
14. IRPA – Institutional Research Planning and Assessment
15. MEGS – MD Electronic Graduate System
16. NPA – National Postdoctoral Association
17. NTS – Networking and Telecommunication Services
18. OIT – Office of Information Technology
19. ORAA – Office Research Administration and Advancement
20. PERT – Public Emergency Response Telephones
21. PHR – Payroll and Human Resources System
22. PRD – Performance Review and Development
23. SAR – Student Accounts Receivable
24. SIS – Student Information System
25. SSN – Social Security Number
26. UHC – University Health Center
27. UMCP – University of Maryland, College Park
28. UMDPS – University of Maryland Police Service
29. UMEG – University of Maryland Electronic Grading
30. USMO – University of System Maryland Office
31. WOW – Warehouse on the Web
Campus Map
A campus map can be found at
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