ServSpec Guardian Support

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Service Specification Sheet

July 2011 – Page 1 DeltaV Guardian Support

DeltaV Guardian Support

Service Description
Guardian is the base element for every Emerson system service support strategy. It is a collection of essential
services designed to maximize the availability, sustainability and performance of DeltaV process automation systems.
Guardian provides the following services: 

„ Software Media

„ Expert Technical Phone Support

„ Remote System Diagnosis

„ Internet Information Access

„ Guardian Software Update Delivery

„ Proactive Service Alerts and Product Update e-mail service

„ Semi-annual System Analysis Reports.

Guardian Support features a dashboard-style Internet support website with user-configurable content that is specific
to the enrolled system.

Service Level
Guardian for DeltaV provides system content-specific technical support and system management information for
Emerson price book hardware and software.

„ Software Media - Media and documentation will be provided for all new general distribution releases of DeltaV
Process Control System software, including the updated software, electronic copies of associated release notes,
instructions for loading the upgrade, and any cautions regarding implementation. Emerson’s technical support
team will address any technical questions that may be encountered regarding the new features and functions
contained in the software release. Software installation evaluation and implementation services are available at
additional cost.

„ Expert Technical Phone Support – “Regular hours” and “Emergency after-hours” (7/24) coverage.
Emerson will provide product technical phone support for Emerson Process Management products and related
Emerson supported products through the Emerson Global Service Center (GSC).

Technical assistance is provided for questions or concerns regarding how the product works and what it will do,
product issue resolution, locating technical information and providing advice that can be based on non-
application-specific product and system knowledge.
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Our Global Service Center provides English, Spanish and Mandarin languages support during normal working
hours. Expert Technical Phone Support is available during the customary work week for the caller’s country
(Monday through Friday in most countries) from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM caller’s local time. Emergency after-hours
Expert Technical Phone Support is available 7 days per week, 24 hours per day, as a service level option and at
additional cost. Additional Local Help Desk and Scheduled & Remedial On-site services are available through
one of Emerson’s local Field Service Offices or Local Business Partners on a per quote basis.

Requests for Expert Technical Phone Support can be made by any of the Customer’s employees. There is no
set limit to the number of hours of consultation available under the Guardian Support subscription. Customer
personnel requesting consultation are expected to have the basic product knowledge required to effectively
engage in issue resolution and discussions of product behavior, capability and compatibility. Emerson reserves
the right to limit service to individuals lacking such knowledge and to limit consultation where its principle intent is
to substitute for participation in appropriate product training, substitute for familiarization with and use of product
documentation or to engineer application-specific control strategies or business solutions.

Emerson Process Management maintains a formal issue escalation policy and process that is responsive to the
operational impact the issue may have on the customer’s ability to sustain plant operations. There are pre-
defined operational impact categories that allow consistent communications with management and other
departments concerning the effects of a given issue as follows:

Table 1 - Operational Impact Categories

A Safety related issue, process unavailable, or a substantial process risk. Loss of
(Critical) significant amounts of data, unpredictable data corruption.
Incorrect data produced or product will not perform a critical function.
Safety Function (SIS) did not perform as intended.
Hardware errors that compromise the Safety Function (SIS).
B Yield rate, quality or regulatory compliance in jeopardy or impaired.
Loss of small amounts of data, predictable data loss, severe usability problem,
intermittent operation. Spurious Trip
C Process up; some risk to yield rate, data, quality or regulatory compliance.
Product is usable with minimal impact on productivity
D The issue is on a system that is off-line, demonstration or training system, or
information request type of call.
E Enhancement Request

Technical Issue Resolution Process:

Emerson tracks support calls in a global Call Tracking System (CTS). This capability enables Emerson to
maintain a detailed record of each technical support call opened for each installed system. When a technical
support request is received, the Emerson Technical Specialist will open a call in Emerson’s Call Tracking System
(CTS) and compile information on the issue from the customer.

The Emerson Technical Specialist will work with the customer via phone/email using diagnostic tools,
procedures, Emerson’s Product Engineering Group, and an extensive global information database to provide the
needed help as quickly and efficiently as possible. Emerson will make appropriate efforts to diagnose the issue
by phone, remote diagnostics and to apply appropriate Emerson technology resources. The speed of issue
resolution will depend upon the operational impact of the call, availability of diagnostic information, and issue

On-site diagnostics and resolution assistance will be available through the local Emerson Field Service Office or
Emerson Local Business Partner (FSO/LBP) under a local service agreement or on a Time and Material basis.

„ Remote System Diagnosis - At the customer’s request, Emerson’s Technical Specialists can remotely log
on to the customer’s automation system to perform online troubleshooting.

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By remotely logging on to a system, the Emerson Technical Specialist is able to solve issues more quickly and
efficiently than through telephone support alone.

„ Internet Information Access - A user-configurable dashboard-style Internet support website is provided,

with content that is specific to the DeltaV system. Customers can view service information for all of their DeltaV
systems enrolled in Guardian Support globally, using the Enterprise Explorer to easily select the locations and
systems of interest.

The Guardian dashboard allows real-time visualization and management of lifecycle support requirements.
The dashboard provides access to system-specific service information, including Knowledge Base Articles,
Microsoft OS security updates, active and historical service calls, product lifecycle information, system content,
system change history, license consumption, and system health check activities with completion status , plus
access to general information like DeltaV news, Books Online and links to other service resources.

Technical support requests for non-critical system support issues may be submitted online. To assure an
immediate response all critical issues should be entered via direct telephone call to the Emerson GSC, local
Field Service Office or Authorized Emerson Representative Office. Emerson will respond to online requests by
the end of the following working day.

„ Guardian Software Update Delivery - The Guardian Software Update Delivery (GSUD) feature, available
to Guardian Support subscribers, provides an automated delivery (either on demand or scheduled) of DeltaV
hotfixes, Microsoft OS updates and Symantec Antivirus updates that are specific to the enrolled system. An
applet installed on a non-DeltaV computer communicates and pulls files from an Emerson server via the internet.

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Guardian Software Update Delivery (GSUD) Applet

With GSUD, you will receive system specific updates to manage your DeltaV control system efficiently. Information
regarding what system nodes the update needs to be applied and if a specific update requires a reboot or will cause
service disruption is also provided. In addition, the GSUD applet is necessary for the successful implementation of
the optional Patch Management service – available for a fee through Advanced Services – that allows for deployment
of the said updates to the nodes across the DeltaV network.

„ Proactive Service Alerts and Product Update e-mail service - An automated email notification system
communicates actionable DeltaV system alerts that are specifically applicable to the user’s chosen interests and
scope of systems responsibility. Automated email messages will alert Guardian users in real-time to new or
revised Knowledge Base Articles relevant to their specific system. Changes made to system content are
automatically checked against previously published articles. The Guardian website will present an executive
summary for each Knowledge Base Article applicable to the enrolled system, complete with identification of
impacted system nodes.

„ Semi-annual System Analysis Reports - Two System Analysis Reports per year will be prepared by
Emerson Technical Specialists, with recommendations on system availability and sustainability based on system
content, Knowledge Base Articles (KBAs) relevant to the system Product Life Cycle Support and service call

Service Exclusions
Guardian Support scope of delivery does not include non-standard Emerson products. Guardian will not provide
support of work related to modifications or changes made by third parties on Emerson products, nor work related to
issues resulting from handling and/or use of the products not in accordance with the designated product installation
and operation guidelines.

In cases where the customer has third party/customized product applications integrated with Emerson products,
Emerson Process Management will work with the customer to isolate technical system issues up to a point that the
issue is determined to be related to the third party/customized product applications. Third Party issue resolution will
not be the responsibility of Emerson Process Management.

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Service Availability
This service is available for all DeltaV Systems running DeltaV version 7.4 or greater.

Service Delivery
Guardian Support is delivered by Emerson’s Global Service Center and local Emerson service organizations.

Technical support services associated with Guardian Support delivery are provided via telephone, email, and remote
system diagnosis (where applicable and available). Additional customer interface and access to technical information
is provided via a dedicated Internet website and email notifications.

Roles and Responsibilities

Emerson Process Management will:
„ Provide access to phone support during the customary work week of the country in which the caller is located
(Monday through Friday in most countries) from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM caller local time, or alternately 7 days per
week, 24 hours per day, depending on the level of service chosen by the Customer.

„ Provide remote diagnostic technical assistance to facilitate issue resolution, where acceptable to Customer’s
security requirements

„ Provide media and documentation for all General Distribution Releases of DeltaV software to Customer
designated focal point

„ Provide the Customer focal point and other Customer designated staff with access to the Guardian dashboard
internet support website and automated service alert notifications

„ Provide two System Analysis Reports per year for the enrolled system

The Customer will:

„ Designate a software distribution single point of contact

„ Provide communication access, where applicable, for remote diagnostics of the DeltaV system

„ Initially register the system for support, using the DeltaV SureService Registration Utility to automatically capture
system content, and submit the output file to Emerson either through email or from a secure internet website
made available by Emerson.

„ Periodically update Emerson on DeltaV system content information by rerunning the DeltaV registration utility
and repeating the file submission process.

Service Pricing Approach

Guardian Support Service is a standard Emerson ‘price book’ service, purchased as a fixed-cost subscription,
typically in annual increments, where pricing is based on the size of the system. DeltaV system size is measured by
the licensed Device Signal Tag (DST) count of the Professional Plus workstation.

Where multiple DeltaV systems participating in Guardian Support Service are located at the same Customer site,
system sizes may be aggregated for the purpose of support pricing. Guardian Support pricing has a decreasing
incremental cost for larger System sizes, providing an incentive to aggregate System sizes. System sizes may not be
combined across physical sites for the purpose of support pricing. Guardian Support service is non-discountable.

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A new tally of participating systems and the aggregate size is performed each time the service agreement is
renewed. For multi-year agreements this review takes place at each support year anniversary date.

A combined support model is also available for DeltaV systems and AMS Device Manager packages that are located
at the same physical site. This option provides assurance that all systems at site have active support coverage, with
synchronized support expiration dates.

Ordering Information

„ DeltaV version 7.4 or higher required.

„ System information collection requires periodic customer use of an automation-assisted process using the
standard DeltaV system registration utility. This process does not require a direct Internet system connection.

„ Guardian Support is available with a choice of service windows for telephone technical support service.

„ Model Numbers are also available to order combined support for DeltaV systems and AMS Device Manager
packages that are located at the same physical site. This combined model number provides Guardian Support
for the DeltaV systems and Foundation Support for the AMS Device Manager packages.

Description Model Number

Guardian Support Service with standard hours telephone support VE9041Sxxxx*
(7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. caller’s local time)
Guardian Support Service with emergency telephone support VE9041Exxxx*
(24 hours/day, 365 days/year)
Guardian Support for both DeltaV system and AMS Device Manager package, VE9048Sxxxx*
both with standard hours telephone support
(7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. caller’s local time)
Guardian Support for both DeltaV system and AMS Device Manager package, VE9048Exxxx*
both with emergency telephone support
(24 hours/day, 365 days/year)
*Where xxxx represents the location’s aggregate DST count, up to 30,000 DSTs. Contact factory for single site
location aggregation exceeding 30,000 DSTs.

To locate a sales office near you, visit our website at: For large power, water, and wastewater applications contact Power and Water Solutions at:
Or call us at: Or call us at:
Asia Pacific: 65.777.8211 Asia Pacific: 65.777.8211
Europe, Middle East: 41.41.768.6111 Europe, Middle East, Africa: 48.22.630.2443
North America, Latin America: +1 800.833.8314 or North America, Latin America: +1 412.963.4000
+1 512.832.3774

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The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are
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