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You will use the concept of Interoperability and ensure all the components (processes, IT
infrastructure) are integrated and interoperable. At first, you will consolidate the interoperability
requirements as per the ADM Phase E. Then you will consolidate the Implementation Factor
Assessment and Deduction matrix, and Consolidated Gaps, Solutions, and Dependencies matrix.
Next, you will identify and remove all interoperability conflicts. Finally, you will revise the
Statement of Architecture Work and present it to sponsors for approval.
You will use the steps outlined in the ADM Phase G - Implementation Governance to ensure
that the e-governance projects are implemented in the right manner. At first, you will define an
Architecture Contract for each project to ensure their conformance with the architecture
specifications. Then, you will establish proper governance functions, and oversee that the
projects are executed through smaller work packages. Finally, you will report any compliance
deviation to Architecture Board.
You will use the Capability-based planning technique which ensures that projects are focused
on business outcomes. At first, you will ensure that e-governance projects are business-led and
business-driven (in this case by NeGA), and are delivered as business capabilities by using the
Capability-based planning technique. Next, you will break up the capabilities into smaller and
manageable capability increments that focus on three dimensions: People, Process, and Material.
The capability increments should be broken up in a way that they are able to deliver realistic and
quantifiable business outcomes. Finally, you will define Critical Success Factors (CSFs) to
measure the success of capability increments implementation.
You will use the Business Transformation Readiness Assessment technique to assess NeGA's
readiness to undergo a change. At first, you will identify a series of readiness factors, assess their
risks and come up with a mitigation strategy for the risks. Next, you will document the findings
into a Capability Assessment, and incorporate them in the Implementation and Migration Plan.
Finally, the Implementation and Migration Plan will be delivered through Transition

Correct Option:C

Infocom Ltd. is a Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics company providing analytics
services and solutions to financial clients in the US and abroad. It is a company with more than
thousand employees and an annual turnover of $500 million. Infocom Ltd. has established the
TOGAF Standard based Enterprise Architecture function that is managed by another local IT
vendor.Infocom Ltd. has decided to upgrade its infrastructure and data centre due to the
growing impact of Big Data and clients' requests for Big Data services. Infocom feels that its
infrastructure is not adequate to fulfill these needs. Big Data entails huge volumes of data of
multiple types, such as voice, text, videos and social data. Hence the infrastructure and
computing power needs a transformation.Infocom has executed the TOGAF Standard iteration
for this transformation program. It has completed the ADM phases A-D, and defined the target
business and IT capabilities. It has also identified building blocks to address these capabilities.
The infrastructure transformation project is awarded to another vendor for implementation. All
the crucial artefacts from the architecture iteration have been handed over to this vendor. You
are the Lead Architect of the vendor company. Your immediate task is to analyse the artefacts
and formulate an Implementation and Migration Strategy. You are also required to identify
opportunities and solutions for implementation. Which of the following TOGAF Standard
approaches best describes how to define an Implementation and Migration Strategy and
identify opportunities and solutions?

You will start with Architecture Context Iteration. Then, you will conduct Architecture
Definition Iteration with the Target First approach. You will then define the Target Business
Architecture, Information Systems Architecture, and Technology Architecture. Next, you will
define the Baseline Business Architecture, Information Systems Architecture, and Technology
Architecture. Afterwards, you will conduct a gap analysis between baseline and target
architecture. Based on the gap analysis findings, you will define opportunities, solutions, and
migration plans. Finally, you will carry out Transition Planning Iteration, based on which you
will define and agree on improvement opportunities.
At First, you will confirm the project scope and identify a team for the transformation
project. Then, you will perform architecture governance compliance reviews to ensure that the
original Architecture Vision is realized. Next, you will carry out the deployment projects and
the baseline architectures simultaneously. Finally, you will publish the architectures in the
Architecture Repository and communicate the same to all stakeholders.
At first, you will review the inputs and architectural artifacts provided to you. Then, you will
determine and confirm key corporate change attributes, and identify business constraints for
implementation. Next, you will review and consolidate Gap Analysis results from Phases B to D,
review IT requirements from a functional perspective, and consolidate and reconcile
interoperability requirements. Afterwards, you will refine and validate dependencies, and
confirm transformation readiness and risks. Next, you will define a high-level Implementation
and Migration Strategy. Then, you will group major work packages, and identify transition
architectures. Finally, you will create the project portfolio and charters, and update the Transition
At first, you will confirm the management framework interactions for the Implementation
and Migration Plan, and assign a business value for each project. Next, you will plan the
resource requirements and project timings. Then, you will prioritize the migration projects
through a cost/benefit assessment and risk validation. You will also confirm Transition
Architecture increments/phases and update the Architecture Definition Document. Finally, you
will generate the Implementation and Migration Plan, and submit it for management's approval.

Correct Option:C

Option C is the right approach for identifying opportunities and solutions and defining an initial
Implementation and Migration Strategy. The other options are not recommended the TOGAF
Standard approaches.

Professional Training Institute (PTI) is a privately owned provider of professional training and
certification courses for professionals working in private and public sectors. The Institute has
tie-ups with various organisations and is a preferred first-choice vendor for their training
needs. PTI's unique selling proposition lies in the fact that it is professionally managed, has
well qualified and experienced staff, and provides academic rigour. The institute also sources
faculties from abroad to conduct some of the specialised training programs.PTI is self-
sufficient in its infrastructure to provide the training with the latest technologies. It has
implemented various systems such as Training Modules, Library Management System,
Document Management System, Portal for students, faculty and administrators. Six months
ago, PTI had initiated an Enterprise Architecture assessment program to identify a roadmap for
improvements. The architecture engagement conducted baseline and target definition on
Business, Data, Application, and Technology Architecture. The engagement also identified
gaps and recommended an enhancement roadmap for all the systems identified above. The
roadmap recommended setting up a KIOSK for quick information access, implementing
Enterprise Management System, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning. It
further recommended to complete these improvements in a 3-year time span.The CEO, while
appreciating the results of the Enterprise Architecture assessment, is concerned that three years
is a long period for completing the projects. He is concerned that any business disruption
during the implementation period will result in losing the competitive advantage and reputation
that PTI has built over the years. You are the Lead Architect in PTI. The CEO has asked you to
come up with a plan on how you would plan and prioritise the migration and enhancement
projects. Which of the following TOGAF Standard approaches would you use to address the
CEO's concerns?

At first, you will translate the architecture roadmap provided to you into Transition
Architecture increments. Then, you will review the timeline for each project, and identify the
business value to be delivered. Next, you will consolidate the deliverables by project increment
for each Transition Architecture. You will then update theArchitecture Definition Document,
assign project objectives, and align projects and their deliverables with the enterprise architecture
At first, you will use the technique provided in Phase F: Migration Planning to prioritize the
migration projects using a cost/benefit analysis. You will then prioritize the projects by assigning
business value delivered by the projects against the cost of delivering them. Next, you will
determine the net benefit of all the SBBs delivered by the projects, and then verify that the risks
are effectively mitigated and factored in. Based on this, you will create a prioritized list of
projects. You will also review the risks documented in the Gaps, Solutions, and Dependencies
Report and ensure that the risks for the project artifacts are mitigated as well. Next, you will
discover all the costs related to the projects and compare them against the expected business
value. You will then get it reviewed by the stakeholders (especially the risk assessment) to
understand the residual risk associated with the prioritization and the projected funding line.
Finally, you will update the priorities list documenting the agreed priorities.
At first, you will create the Architecture Definition Increments Table to plan the Transition
Architectures and their specified times. Then, you will generate an Implementation and
Migration Plan which will include all the enhancement projects, project increments, and
dependencies. You will also define the Transition Architecture along with the business values.
Next, you will capture all the external dependencies and the availability of resources. Finally,
you will establish the Enterprise Architecture State Evolution Table to show the proposed state
of the architectures at various levels.
At first, you will estimate the business value for each identified project using the Business
Value Assessment Technique. You will then draw a matrix with two dimensions, value index
dimension and risk index dimension. In the value index dimension, you will include criteria such
as financial cost, compliance to objectives, ease of implementation, competitive advantage, and
perceived value to end users. In the risk index dimension, you will include complexity of
implementation, likelihood of schedule slippage and cost overruns, impact of failure, and
technical bottlenecks. Next, you will assign an individual weight to each criterion. Based on the
final weighted average, you will chart a map showing projects that are likely to be completed in
accordance with the desired business value, projects that are likely to be at risk, and projects that
could run into trouble. Finally, you will establish the decision-making criteria, and present them
to the CEO and his team for approval.

Correct Option:B


Option B is the right answer. It highlights the correct approach recommended by the TOGAF
Standard for prioritizing the Migration Projects through a Cost/Benefit Assessment and Risk
Validation. Option D is the second best answer. While the Business Value Assessment Technique is
a good technique to assess the value of individual projects, it does not address the requirement of
prioritizing the projects. Options A and C are wrong and do not address the issue.

National e-Governance Authority (NeGA) is an e-governance planning office formulated by

the Department of Electronics and Information Technology under the Ministry of Information
Technology (MIT). NeGA is given the authority to improve delivery of government services to
citizens, businesses, government and different states through electronic channels. NeGA is
headed by an Officer from MIT.The Officer realises that delivery of e-services is a complex
process. It needs a unified whole-of-government approach with an integrated service delivery
mechanism. The e-service processes, IT infrastructure (hardware, software, information and
systems), network infrastructure, delivery channels and change management have to be
integrated to ensure efficiency, scalability, reliability and transparency of services. This has to
be delivered using the principle of Boundaryless Information Flow - delivering the right e-
services at the right time, right place, and to the right person at an affordable cost.The Officer
has initiated e-governance projects which are to be implemented simultaneously. However, his
major concern is that the implementation projects should not lose focus of the business
outcomes and should ensure that the national e-governance vision is achieved at all times.Your
firm has been selected to set up a governance mechanism to ensure that the projects are
governed properly and aligned to the expected outcomes. For this purpose, an Architecture
Board has been set up. The board has recommended the use of Enterprise Architecture
discipline TOGAF 9 framework. You are the Lead Enterprise Architect heading the
Architecture Board. You have proposed the idea of using Capability-based planning techniques
to address the concerns of the Officer and his team . You have been able to convince them that
this technique has been successfully used by governments in the UK, Australia, Canada, and
Singapore. The Officer has given you the approval to use Capability-based planning in the e-
governance programs.You need to guide and train your team on how to integrate Capability-
based planning with the TOGAF Standard ADM phases, and apply it to the projects. Which of
the following is the right approach to intergrate Capability-based planning with the TOGAF
Standard ADM phases?

At first, you will create the Transition Architectures to ensure that they have a clear set of
outcomes and a specification of which delivery vehicle (portfolios/projects) will deliver them.
You will then express each Transition Architecture at a similar level of detail in the Architecture
Definition Document developed in Phases B, C, and D. You will finally update the Architecture
Vision, Architecture Definition Document, and Architecture Requirements Specification.
At first, you will consolidate and integrate the gap analysis results from ADM Phases B to D
and assess their implications with respect to potential solutions and inter-dependencies. You will
then create the Consolidated Gaps, Solutions, and Dependencies matrix. You will use this to
identify Architecture Building Blocks and Solution Building Blocks. Finally, you will
consolidate the gaps that will become the basis for the work packages.
At first, you will use the technique of creating a Consolidated Gaps, Solutions, and
Dependencies matrix. This will allow grouping the gaps identified in ADM Phases B to D. You
will then assess potential solutions and dependencies to one or more gaps. The identified
dependencies will be used in Phases E and F to create projects and migration planning. Next, you
will review the IT requirements from a functional perspective. Finally, you will identify and
group major work packages. This will be used to identify transition architectures.
At first, you will show the TOGAF specified relationship between capability-based planning,
enterprise architecture, and portfolio/project management. You will then tell the team that at
each step of the evolution of e-governance plan, capability-based planning drives ADM phases
and the project portfolio. At the highest level, the corporate business transformation goals and
objectives will provide inputs to the Architecture Vision phase. This provides the basis for
corporate project portfolios. Next, you will translate the corporate business transformation goals
and objectives into outcome-oriented business and IT capabilities, and capture them in the
Architecture Definition Document prepared in Phases B, C and D. Then, you will use the
Architecture Definition Document to create work packages that constitute corporate projects.
The capabilities are broken down further into Capability Increments which are later translated
into Transition Architectures in Phases E and F. The Transition Architectures provide the basis
for detailed work packages which finally result in corporate project increments. You will also
use the capability increments to identify architecture and solution building blocks that get
translated into capability increment solutions.

Correct Option:D


Option D is the right option and shows the right approach for applying the capability-based planning
technique. This is extensively used in Phase E: Opportunities & Solutions. The other options are
wrong. They have a peripheral interface with capability-based planning technique, but do not exactly
show how to apply the technique.

Companies A and B recently merged to form a new entity, Company C. Company C adopted
the Operating Model Framework from the book 'Enterprise Architecture as Strategy' by Jeanne
Ross, Peter Weill and David Robertson. It chose the Unification operating model, which
provides high Business Process Integration and Standardisation.Company C also decided to
continue with the TOGAF Standard based Enterprise Architecture program already in
existence in Company A. For a successful merger, the Executive team approved the
implementation of key projects (subject to clearance from the governance council) and
migration of key systems to the new organisation. An Architecture Board has been formed to
govern the implementation and migration projects.Being the Lead Architect who heads the
Architecture Board, you have been asked to create an outline of the Implementation and
Migration Plan and present for management approval. Which of the following is the right
approach to create an Implementation and Migration Plan?

You will perform the following steps to create an Implementation and Migration Plan: At
first, you will confirm management framework interactions for the Implementation and
Migration Plan, and assign a business value for each project. You will plan the resource
requirements and project timings and prioritise the migration projects through the conduct of a
cost/benefit assessment and risk validation. Then you will confirm Transition Architecture
increments/phases and update the Architecture Definition Document. Finally, you will generate
the Implementation and Migration Plan, and submit it for management's approval.
Based on the findings of the gap analysis between Baseline and Target Architectures defined
in Phases B to D, you will define the high-level Implementation and Migration Strategy. You
will then identify and group major work packages, define Transition Architectures, and create a
project portfolio. Finally, you will update the architecture, and define the Implementation and
Migration Plan.
Before defining the Implementation and Migration Plan, you will ensure that the Target
Business, Data, Application, and Technology Architectures are fit-for-purpose. Next, you will
establish an architecture change management process to implement the Target Architecture. You
will then establish an Architecture Board to operate Architecture Governance during the
execution of the Implementation and Migration Plan.
In Phase E, you will translate the capability increments into Transition Architectures. Next,
you will identify project increments and then coordinate the projects' delivery through an
Implementation and Migration Plan.

Correct Option:A


Option A is the right answer. It correctly identifies the steps in Phase F (Migration Planning) to create
an Implementation and Migration Plan. All the other options are wrong as they do not describe how
to create an Implementation and Migration Plan. Option B shows the steps in the Opportunities &
Solutions phase. Options C and D are just distractions and do not address the issue in the question.

Alpha Air, a new airline company, has announced its launch. It is a privately owned company
which is expected to be operational in 2017. In the next three years, Alpha Air wants to focus
on the groundwork for the launch. It needs to get the approval to operate commercial flights
from the Federal Aviation Administration. Additionally it needs to set up its business
operations, identify profitable routes to fly, hire the right team, conduct a pricing analysis to
understand a flyer's willingness to fly in Alpha Air, and find the preferred price range. Alpha
Air has solicited invitations from various consulting firms to advise it on how to enter the
market and operate its business. The management of Alpha Air is intrigued by the concept of
Enterprise Architecture and wants to know how it can provide the right foundational blueprint
for the organisation. Alpha Air has asked the consulting firm that proposed Enterprise
Architecture, to advise them on how to start the program. It has given the ownership of the EA
program to the firm.In their next meeting with the management of Alpha Air, the consulting
firm is expected to give a presentation on the overview of EA and the steps to initiate the EA
program. Internally they have decided that TOGAF 9 would be the right EA
framework.Assume that you are the Chief Enterprise Architect leading the team. Which of the
following options best describes the TOGAF Standard approach for initiating the Enterprise
Architecture program?

At first, you will use the Business Modelling techniques to map the architecture from high-
level business requirements to more detailed ones. Then, you will define the Activity Models,
Use-Case Models, and Class Models. These outputs will form the baseline Business
At first, you will scope the enterprise organizations that are impacted. You will then identify
the governance and support frameworks. Next, you will define and establish the Alpha Air
enterprise architecture team. After this, you will define a set of architecture principles that will
guide Alpha Air in this journey. Finally, you will tailor an Architecture Framework, and
implement the right Enterprise Architecture tool.
At first, you will establish the architecture project. Next, you will map stakeholders and their
concerns using the Stakeholder Map technique. You will then document the business goals and
drivers, map the business capabilities, and define the scope. Afterwards, you will confirm the
business and architecture principles and develop the Architecture Vision. Finally, you will
develop the enterprise architecture plans, prepare the Statement of Architecture Work, and secure
an approval from Alpha Air.
At first, you will kickoff the Enterprise Architecture project. Then to get a better
understanding of the requirements, you will conduct interviews with stakeholders using the
business scenario technique. Next, you will use the Gap Analysis technique to identify the gaps
between Baseline and Target Architecture. Finally, you will document these findings and
consider them as inputs to Enterprise Architecture project initiation.

Correct Option:B


Option B is the right answer as it shows the right steps of the Preliminary Phase. An Enterprise
Architecture initiation starts with the Preliminary Phase. Options A and D are wrong. Defining
business models and using business scenario techniques are not done in the early stages of an
Enterprise Architecture project. Option C is wrong. This approach relates to the Architecture Vision
Phase, which comes after the Preliminary Phase.

XYZ Technologies is one of the top ten IT service providers in India. It has been in existence
since 1980. Although its initial growth was slow and drove mainly on mainframe work, XYZ
Technologies catapulted into the top IT vendors in India in the 2000s. That phase of the
industry saw organisations across the world outsource the Y2K mitigation work to IT
companies in India. In the next phase of the industry evolution, XYZ Technologies grew by
pioneering a Global Delivery Center (GDC) model. The model works on the premise that the
team can be based in different time zones and locations to execute backend and low value
work. The GDC model resulted in a faster time-to-market, lower cost, better access to skilled
resources and a higher operating margin. Companies were able to pass on the benefits to their
clients at a lower cost and deliver higher quality work.XYZ Technologies is today a USD 10
billion organisation, with a workforce size of 100,000, and operations in 40 countries.Since
mid 2000s, the global IT industry has seen slower growth due to the 2007-08 financial crisis in
the US, more commoditisation of IT services, and lack of innovation in IT companies. XYZ
Technologies, too, has felt the impact and a change in leadership has been enforced by the
Board of Directors. A new CEO has been hired to steer the organisation to a new direction and
growth path.The new CEO is a renowned visionary in the industry. In the first 100 days of his
tenure, he conducted a due-diligence exercise to identify improvement opportunities. He is of
the opinion that XYZ Technologies needs to undergo major transformation to correct the
operation, go-to-market strategy, project delivery, and cost optimisation. He realises that the
company has turned lethargic and lost its innovative spirit. Therefore a major change
transformation is needed to change the culture of the organisation.The CEO, however, realises
that the organisation may not be ready to accept a major transformation program due to its
complex organisation structure, large workforce, global operations and people's resistance to
change. Moreover change should not impact the current business operations. Any drop in
revenue will send the wrong signals to the market and investors. The CEO, therefore, wants to
assess the organisation's readiness to undergo change. Which of the following is the right
technique and approach to make this assessment?

XYZ Technologies should initiate a new architecture cycle. It should start with the
Preliminary Phase and continue through all the ADM phases till Phase H: Architecture Change
Management is reached. This is where the actual change impacts will be assessed and risk
mitigation steps identified.
XYZ Technologies should map the capability to ADM phases A,B,C and D. Based on the
capability mapping, transition architecture in Phase E has to be planned. Transition Architectures
will form project increments. The actual delivery of projects will be done through
Implementation and Migration Plans (Phase F).
XYZ Technologies should undergo a Business Transformation Readiness Assessment to
evaluate and quantify its readiness to undergo a change. The assessment is based on the
following approach: identifying a series of readiness factors, assessing risk for each readiness
factor, and assigning a mitigation strategy for each risk. The findings should be documented into
Capability Assessment, and incorporated into the Implementation and Migration Plan.
XYZ Technologies should interview the stakeholders and employees and document all
business and technical requirements. The technique should capture the problems that exist in the
organization. It should identify the business and technical environments, desired objectives,
human and computer actors, document roles & responsibilities, and check for fitness-for-purpose
for the transformation areas.

Correct Option:C


Option C is the right answer. A Business Transformation Readiness Assessment is the right
technique to evaluate an organization's readiness to undergo change. Option A is wrong. Initiating a
new architecture cycle is not mandated here. Option B is wrong. The technique referred to here is
Capability-Based Planning. Option D is wrong as it relates to the Business Scenario technique. This
is not the requirement here.
Postal Inc. is a 20-year old technology solutions company providing packaging,
documentation, mailing and shipping solutions to small, medium and large companies. It has
an annual turnover of $5 billion, and over 10,000 employees worldwide. The company has an
ongoing Enterprise Architecture program operated by the Architecture Review Board. It is
headed by a Chief Architect who reports to the CIO. The Chief Architect is a new hire who
replaced the former Chief Architect who moved to head the Postal Inc. Innovation Centre. The
Enterprise Architecture is based on the TOGAF 9 framework.The new Chief Architect has
decided to update the Enterprise Architecture artefacts after consulting with all key
stakeholders. He believes that the artefacts should reflect the changes in business realities and
hence keeping them updated would increase their relevance and usability. During the
discussion with the stakeholders, the following issues are raised.1. Postal Inc. has partnered
with various external vendors and suppliers to make its products accessible to a larger market.
This is a recent phenomenon. However, when the original Enterprise Architecture artefacts
were created, the focus was on the internal interface and the external interface was not
considered. Now, the EA artefacts no longer represent the actual ground realities.2. Postal Inc.
has come up with new business services especially in the area of RFID-based geo-location
services. This needs to be reflected in EA as well. 3. Partnership with third-party vendors also
calls for a listing of service contracts and the associated SLAs. Current EA artefacts do not
reflect this.4. There is also a need to track the manufacturing process from manufacture to
disposal. This is driven by legislation and regulation changes.5. There needs to be a
mechanism to identify the impacts of the changes in the manufacturing process. Which of the
following set of the TOGAF Standard viewpoints are most appropriate to capture the above
concerns of the stakeholders?

Stakeholder Map Matrix, Solution Concept Diagram, Driver/Goal/Objective Catalogue,

Business Service/Function Catalogue and Location Catalogue.
Interface Catalogue, Application/Function Matrix, Enterprise Manageability Diagram,
Process/Application Realisation Diagram and Environments and Locations Diagram.
Data Lifecycle Diagram, Conceptual Data Diagram, Organisation Decomposition Diagram,
Business Service/Information Diagram and Business Service/Function Catalogue.
Value Chain Diagram, Business Service/Function Catalogue, Contract/Measure catalogue,
Product Lifecycle Diagram and Process/Event/Control/Product Catalogue.

Correct Option:D


D is the right answer as it provides all the right viewpoints. A value chain diagram shows how an
enterprise interacts with the outside world. The addition of new business services and their
relationship with the business functions is best captured through the Business Service/Function
Catalog. A Contract/Measure catalog highlights the service contracts and associated SLAs. A
Product Lifecycle diagram can be used to track the manufacturing process from manufacture to
disposal. The Process/Event/Control/Product catalog can be used to identify the full chain of impacts
resulting from changing a high-level process. Options A, B, and C are wrong as they do not address
all the concerns of the stakeholders. ,,,B. Interface Catalog

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