Cmos Low Noise Amplifier Design For Microwave and Mmwave Applications

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol.

161, 57–85, 2018

CMOS Low Noise Amplifier Design for Microwave

and mmWave Applications

Xue Jun Li1, * and Yue Ping Zhang2

(Invited Review)

Abstract—This paper reviews recent advances in the design of low noise amplifier (LNA) in
complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology for radio transceivers at microwave
and millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies. First, the evolution of wireless communication systems
and CMOS technology are briefly revisited to highlight the requirements of an LNA design. Then,
key performance parameters and device circuit models are described. Next, we discuss typical
LNA topologies, followed by those important design techniques, algorithms and concepts developed
specifically for CMOS LNAs. Moreover, reported CMOS LNA designs are summarized, and future
design issues are identified. Finally, we conclude the paper and briefly outline our future work on
CMOS LNA designs.


With the rapid development of wireless communications, increasing number of subscribers demand
for high data rate services with multimedia applications, such as video conferencing, online gaming
and telemedography [1]. Although better paradigms of wireless networking, such as multihop cellular
networks [2] could potentially increase the frequency reuse and reduce the imminence of demanding for
more bandwidth, further development of wireless communications inevitably require more bandwidth
to support applications with even higher data rates, e.g., at about one gigabits/s (Gbps) per data
link. Fortunately, 7 GHz of contiguous microwave bandwidth has recently been opened for unlicensed
use at the extremely high frequency (EHF) band in USA (57–64 GHz) and Japan (59–66 GHz) [3].
By operating at high frequencies, 60-GHz radio allows for compact phased array antennae with beam
forming and space-time coding. These techniques are being adopted in wireless multiple-input multiple-
output (MIMO) systems, and they support Gbps applications in point-to-point links, wireless local area
networks (WLANs), wireless personal area networks (WPANs), and those wireless networks with short-
range and extraordinary capability [4]. Moreover, recent measurement results show that millimeter
wave (mmWave) frequencies are feasible for mobile communications [5].
Besides bandwidth, high data rate multimedia applications in wireless communications also require
high level of integration and complex functionalities. As such, sufficient bandwidth is only a necessary
condition to enable the continuous prosperity of wireless communications, while the most important
condition is to have low-cost, compact and low-power solutions that meet the market requirements.
In the past, monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) have adopted III-V semiconductor
technologies due to their superior performance compared to complementary metal oxide semiconductor
(CMOS). For example, III-V semiconductor technology possesses higher electron mobility, higher
Received 24 January 2018, Accepted 24 March 2018, Scheduled 5 April 2018
* Corresponding author: Xue Jun Li (
1 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland 1010, New Zealand. 2 School
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
58 Li and Zhang

breakdown voltage and the availability of high quality-of-factor (Q) passives [3]. However, continuous
scaling-down of CMOS technology enables unity-current-gain frequency (fT ) and maximum oscillation
frequency (fMAX ) to exceed 246 GHz [6] and 500 GHz [7], respectively. Furthermore, the most attractive
feature of CMOS technology is that it promises higher level of integration and thus better cost
reduction [3]. Now it is possible to integrate radio-frequency (RF), intermediate-frequency (IF) and
baseband digital signal processing (DSP) blocks on the same die to enable true system-on-chip (SOC)
at low cost for WLAN and WPAN applications operating at tens of gigahertz frequency range [8].
The difficulty of integrating various RF components in a single chip is dependent on the wireless
technology requirements. As aforementioned, 60-GHz radio is considered as the most promising wireless
technology to realize Gbps data links and thus researchers strive to design and develop CMOS circuits
for microwave and mmWave applications [9]. Most work in the literature focused on power amplifier
(PA) [10], transmit/receive switch [11] and low noise amplifier (LNA). In this paper, we focus on the
design of CMOS LNA for microwave and mmWave applications.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 revisits the fundamentals of an LNA,
including its function, performance metrics and device circuit models. Section 3 discusses the LNA
topologies and Section 4 reviews various design techniques reported for LNAs. In Section 5, we compare
different techniques and suggest recommendations on LNA design for future development of wireless
radio circuits. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper with a brief snapshot of our future work on CMOS
LNA designs.


As shown in Figure 1, a typical RF receiver will first pass the received signal from the antenna to
the bandpass filter (BPF) and then the LNA. The signal entering the LNA is usually very weak and
mixed with noise. Per Frris’ formula for noise figure (NF), the first few stages of the receiver will
dominate its overall NF. Consequently, LNA plays an important role in amplifying the received signal
while suppressing noise for the subsequent stages by a factor of the gain of the LNA. However, the noise
generated by the LNA itself is injected directly into the received signal. Hence, it is necessary for an
LNA to boost the desired signal power while adding as little noise and distortion as possible, enabling
the retrieval of information signal in subsequent stages in the receiver [12].

Antenna G
Mixer Demodulator
Signal i ng gg C gs

Oscillator S

Figure 1. Block diagram of a typical RF receiver. Figure 2. Gate noise model for MOSFETs.

2.1. Performance Metrics

Various performance metrics are considered in the design of an LNA, which usually include power gain
(G), NF, linearity, stability, impedance matching and power dissipation (Pdiss ).
Power gain is a measure of the ability of an LNA to amplify signal power, which is measured by
the ratio of output signal power to input signal power. Power gain is usually defined on a logarithmic
scale in terms of decibel (dB).
NF presents a measure of the degradation in signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) that an LNA introduces in
the RF signal chain of a receiver. Particularly, NF is noise factor in decibel, which is defined as the ratio
of the output noise power to the portion thereof attributable to thermal noise in the input termination
at standard noise temperature T0 (usually 290 K).
Linearity of an LNA refers to the capability of increasing the power level of input signals without
otherwise altering the content of the signal. The most commonly used measures of linearity are 1-dB
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 161, 2018 59

compression point (P1 dB ) and input referred third order intercept point (IIP3). P1 dB is defined as the
input power that causes a 1 dB drop in the linear gain due to device saturation. Noteworthily, IIP3
is a purely mathematical concept based on the assumption that the nonlinearity of an LNA could be
modeled using a low-order polynomial. IIP3 is defined as the input power at which the amplitude of
the third-order intermodulation (IM3) term is equal to the amplitude of the linear fundamental term.
In addition, IIP3 probably lies beyond the damage threshold of the LNA.
Unconditional stability is critical to ensure that an LNA does not oscillate at any frequency with
whatever source and load impedances. Theoretically, if both input and output impedance of an LNA
have positive real part for any condition, this LNA is unconditionally stable. In the perspective of power
flow, the reflected power is always less than the incident power, thus there is no extra power flowing
back to the source from the LNA. Importantly, S-parameter can be used to determine the stability of
an LNA. Equations (1) and (2) are widely used methods in many simulation tools to justify the stability
of an LNA design. The stability factor K alone is not sufficient for the judgment and the necessary and
sufficient conditions for the unconditional stable LNA are formed together with the auxiliary condition
of B1 .
1 − |S11 |2 − |S22 |2 + |Δ|2
K = >1 (1)
2 |S12 | |S21 |
B1 = 1 + |S11 |2 − |S22 |2 − |Δ|2 > 0 (2)
where Δ = S11 S22 + S12 S21 , based on S-parameters.
Impedance matching refers to the requirement that an LNA should present a specific amount of
impedance (e.g., 50 Ω) to the input source and the output load. In particular, if the LNA is preceded
by a passive filter, such as the BPF in Figure 1, input impedance matching at the LNA is especially
important because the transfer characteristics of many filters are rather sensitive to the quality of the
termination [13]. Input/output impedance matching is usually measured with S11 /S22 parameters by
considering an LNA as a two-port network.
Power dissipation is the amount of power drawn from the DC power supply by an LNA, and it is
usually defined in dBm.

2.2. Device Models

The crucial requirement of designing a good LNA is to ensure that it adds as little noise as possible to
the weak input signal, while providing enough gain for the components in the subsequent stages of a
receiver to recognize the desired signal. This is true because the noise added by the LNA may overwhelm
any benefits from its gain. It has to amplify a weak signal associated with random noise, which may
be captured by the antenna and/or the BPF within the bandwidth of interest. Therefore, it is worth
reviewing the major noise sources in a metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET)
before we discuss LNA design techniques.
Among those known noise sources, thermal noise is the well-studied one. For a given resistance R
over the bandwidth Δf at a temperature T , the mean-square short-circuit noise current is calculated
i2n = 4kT GΔf, where G = 1/R (3)
As MOSFETs are essentially voltage-controlled resistors, they also exhibit thermal noise.
Theoretical derivation of the drain current noise of MOSFETs can be expressed as
i2nd = 4kT γgd0 Δf (4)
where gd0 is the drain-source conductance at zero Drain-Source Voltage (VDS ). In particular, γ = 1
when VDS = 0 V. As shown in Figure 2, the gate noise current can be expressed as
i2ng = 4kT δgg Δf (5)
where gg = ω 2 Cgs2 /5g
d0 and δ is the gate noise coefficient, which has a value of 4/3 for long-channel
devices [14].
The next type of noise is flicker noise, also known as 1/f noise or pink noise. It has been observed
in all kinds of devices, and the fundamental physical mechanism behind is yet to find. Among all active
60 Li and Zhang

semiconductor devices, MOSFETs unfortunately have the highest flicker noise because of their surface
conduction mechanism.
Other noise sources include: (1) short noise, which is associated with the leakage current of the
drain-source diodes; (2) generation-recombination noise, which is caused by the statistical generation
and recombination of charge carriers; (3) burst noise, also known as popcorn noise, consists of sudden
step-like transitions between multiple discrete voltage or current levels. If it is hooked up to an audio
speaker, it sounds like popcorn popping.


For a MOSFET, detailed derivation shows that the source impedance that yields minimum NF is
inductive in character [13]. However, as aforementioned, it remains a critical task in LNA designs to
realize impedance matching at the input port by presenting a resistive impedance (e.g., 50 Ω). Although
one straightforward approach is using shunt-resistor like R1 at the input port of a common-source (CS)
LNA as shown in Figure 3, R1 unfortunately adds its own thermal noise to the signal path, while
attenuating the input signal ahead of the transistor, M . The combination of these two effects generally
produces an unacceptably high NF.

R1 R1
Zin Z in

Figure 3. CS LNA topology with shunt input Figure 4. Shunt-series CS LNA topology.

Next, one may use the shunt-series LNA topology as shown in Figure 4. It makes use of resistive
feedback in order to provide a broadband real input impedance though the resultant NF is larger than
the minimum one.

3.1. Common-Gate LNA Topology

As shown in Figure 5, another method is to use a common-gate (CG) configuration. The rationale
behind CG topology is that the input impedance is
1 1
Zin = ≈ (6)
sCgs + gm gm
where gm and Cgs are the transconductance and gate-source parasitic capacitance of transistor M ,
respectively. The resistance looking into the source terminal is resistive due to channel resistance, thus
we can achieve input impedance matching by selecting proper device size and bias current.

3.2. CS LNA Topology with Inductive Degeneration

All the preceding LNA topologies discussed above suffer NF degradation due to the presence of noise
resistances in the signal path. Interestingly, we are able to provide a resistive input impedance without
resistors by enhancing the effect that the impedance, looking into the gate of a practical MOSFET,
must possess a resistive term [13]. As such, inductive source degeneration is widely used to control over
the real part of the input impedance by varying the inductance.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 161, 2018 61

Z in
Z in

Figure 5. CG LNA topology. Figure 6. CS LNA topology with inductive


Figure 6 shows the CS topology with inductive degeneration. In particular, the inductive
degeneration due to Ls is ideally noiseless and the input signal is pre-amplified by the input matching
series resonant network. From Figure 6, it is not difficult to show that
1 gm 1
Zin = s (Lg + Ls ) + + Ls ≈ s (Lg + Ls ) + + ω T Ls (7)
sCgs Cgs sCgs
where ωT = 2πfT is the unity-current-gain angular frequency. Hence, we can choose appropriate value
of Ls and Lg to resonate with Cgs at the operating frequency f with (gm Ls /Cgs ) set to RS .

3.3. Cascode LNA Topology

CS LNA topology is popular due to its superior noise performance. However, it suffers from degraded
reverse isolation and stability due to the fact that Cgd provides a feed-forward path between input and
output. On the contrary, CG LNA topology exhibits better reverse isolation and stability, as well as to
provide a wideband input match that is not sensitive to input parasitic capacitance [15]. Nevertheless,
many LNA designs feature a cascode configuration as shown in Figure 7. This topology improves the
isolation between input and output port, thus simplifying required matching networks. Furthermore, it
also improves the gain at the expense of increased power consumption and noise. Notice that cascode
LNA topology adopts current-sharing in nature, which allows for high gain without significant increase
in power dissipation [16].
Other features of cascode LNA topology include high output impedance, and that the voltage gain
of the overall topology is the same as the gain of the CS stage.


RS Lg Lg
M1 M1
vIN Co
Z in

Figure 7. Cascode LNA topology. Figure 8. Folded cascode LNA topology [18].
62 Li and Zhang

It is worth mentioning that multicascode topology is also possible [17]. Higher order of cascode
topology will provide higher gain at the expense of more parasitic capacitances.

3.4. Folded Cascode LNA Topology

Based on the cascode LNA topology, one can extend the cutoff frequency of the CS transistor, M1 , by
folding the CG transistor, M2 . This leads to the folded cascode LNA topology as shown in Figure 8 [18].
Another advantage of the folded cascode LNA topology is that those parasitic capacitances at
the drain node of M1 can easily be eliminated by the resonance with the inductance Ld at the power
supply pin. This is very important because the elimination/reduction of those parasitic capacitances
will help to suppress the noise contribution of M2 at the output and avoid the signal loss into the silicon
substrate [19].

3.5. Differential LNA Topology

LNA designs using single-ended signaling usually result in smaller chip size than those using differential
signaling. However, single-ended signaling suffers parasitic ground inductance that will usually cause
considerable degradation in the performance of an LNA. On the contrary, differential signaling is able
to reduce the second-order distortion and reject common-mode noise. Therefore, differential LNA
topologies are nearly immune to stability problems or performance degradation caused by parasitic
feedback loops. Moreover, differential LNA output is desired when connecting with Gilbert-type mixer
There are two types of differential LNA topology — single-to-differential topology and fully
differential topology. Figure 9 illustrates a single-to-differential LNA topology designed for a digital
TV tuner.

Cd Ld Ld Cd
Ld Ld
M2 M4
Cd Cd
M2 M4
Cg Cg Lg Lg
M3 M1 M3
vIN+ vIN-
M1 Cg


Figure 9. Single-ended input to differential Figure 10. Fully-differential LNA topology [24].
output LNA topology [20].

Compared with single-to-differential LNA topology, fully differential LNA topology, shown in
Figure 10, is more widely adopted due to its better stability [21].
Note that a fully-differential LNA exhibits higher noise factor than its single-ended counterpart for
equal amount of power consumption [22]. Furthermore, it also costs twice the silicon area [23].
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 161, 2018 63


LNA designs involve the tradeoff between various performance metrics such as noise figure, gain,
linearity, power dissipation and input/output impedance matching. In general, it is desired to have
low noise figure, high gain, adequate linearity, low power dissipation and good impedance matching.
In the following, we start the discussion of LNA designs with noise matching techniques, followed by
noise reduction techniques, then impedance matching techniques, gain-enhancement techniques, power
dissipation reduction techniques and wideband design techniques. Finally, we discuss LNA design
techniques with process technologies.

4.1. Noise Matching Techniques

Noise matching focuses on how to present the necessary impedance such that minimum noise factor can
be achieved.

4.1.1. Classical Noise Matching

Classical noise matching (CNM) technique can be used to achieve a noise factor equal to Fmin of the
transistor, which is the lowest noise factor for a given technology [25]. As shown in Figure 11(a), the
key idea behind CNM is to achieve Fmin by presenting the optimum noise impedance Zopt by adding an
input matching network. Figure 11(b) shows the small signal equivalent circuit of the CS sub-stage.

Z'S Matching
Z'S Matching 2 gg vgs gm vgs 2
M2 RS ing Cgs ind
Circuit -
RS 2
v ns ZS Zin

(a) (b)

Figure 11. (a) CS LNA topology with CNM and (b) its small signal equivalent circuit.

However, a significant gain mismatch is expected in an LNA designed with CNM technique because
of the inherent mismatch between Zopt and Zin∗ , where Z ∗ is the complex conjugate of input impedance
of the LNA [18]. Consequently, CNM technique involves a performance tradeoff between the gain and
the noise factor.

4.1.2. Simultaneous Noise and Input Matching

Based on the CNM technique, one can purposely shift the optimum noise impedance Zopt to the desired
point by adopting feedback techniques. For example, series feedback with inductive source degeneration
was applied in simultaneous noise and input matching (SNIM) technique [26], as shown in Figure 12(a).
From Figure 12(b), the condition for SNIM is

Zopt = Zin (8)
Notice that minor mismatch in Zopt would considerably degrade the noise performance of LNA while
slight mismatch in Zin has a negligible effect on the gain of LNA. This relaxation on input impedance
matching has been considered in SNIM, which can be implemented by adding degeneration inductance
Ls . In principle, SNIM can be achieved at any value of ZS , especially when the design allows for larger
transistor size, high power dissipation and high operating frequency [18].
64 Li and Zhang

Z'S M2 Lg
Lg vgs gm vgs
RS 2
ing gg Cgs 2
RS -
LS 2
v ns
Matching Circuit

(a) (b)

Figure 12. (a) Cascode LNA topology with SNIM and (b) its small-signal equivalent circuit.

The continued CMOS scaling down leads to ever-reducing transistor size, which poses a challenging
problem for SNIM technique. With a small transistor, power constrained noise optimization (PCNO)
technique can be applied and it results in an achievable minimum noise factor higher than Fmin of
the CS transistor, though input impedance matching can still be satisfied by choosing an appropriate
degenerative inductance Ls [27]. PCNO technique might be considered as a compromised version of
SNIM technique.

4.1.3. Power Constrained Simultaneous Noise and Input Matching

As we know, low-power implementation is an inevitable requirement for future radio transceiver design
in spite of the fact that SNIM and PCNO techniques are not valid for low-power implementations.
However, power constrained simultaneous noise and input matching (PCSNIM) [28] can be achieved by
simply adding an capacitor, Cex , between gate and source of the CG transistor, as shown in Figure 13.

Z'S +
Z'S M2 RS Cex 2 gg Cgs vgs gm vgs 2
ing ind
Cex 2
v ns
Matching Circuit

(a) (b)

Figure 13. (a) Cascode LNA topology with PCSNIM and (b) its small-signal equivalent circuit.

Noteworthily, the addition of Cex allows for simultaneous noise and input matching at any level of
power dissipation provided that Ls is not very large. In particular, a tradeoff between the noise factor
and the gain should be considered when selecting the values of Cex and Ls . Too much Ls can lead
to increased Fmin , while excessively large Cex can result in reduced gain due to the degradation of the
effective cutoff frequency of the composite transistor formed by M2 and Cex [18]. In addition, small
transistor size and low power dissipation lead to very high noise resistance Rn that is mainly related to
the transconductance gm , leading to the major limitation of PCSNIM technique.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 161, 2018 65

4.2. Noise Reduction Techniques

Noise reduction techniques attempt to bring down the lower bound of the achievable noise factor.

4.2.1. Capacitive Cross-Coupling Technique

Zhuo et al. proposed to use capacitive cross-coupling technique to improve the noise factor of a CG
input stage of an LNA [29]. As shown in Figure 14, cross coupling causes the noise of transistor M1
and M2 to produce common-mode noise voltage at the output nodes d1 and d2 , respectively. Rigorous
small signal noise analysis shows that the noise factor is reduced to
F =1+ (9)
As we know, for a CG LNA, Fmin = (1 + γ); thus, the capacitive cross-coupling technique can
reduce the noise factor at the input stage.

d1 d2
vn12 vn22
M1 M2

S1 S2
C2 C1
vIN+ v IN-

Figure 14. Capacitive cross-coupling technique [29].

Capacitive cross-coupling technique can be used together with a fully-differential topology to reduce
noise factor [30, 31]. Fan et al. presented a similar design, in which capacitive cross-coupling was applied
together with an additional inductor to reduce noise [32].

4.2.2. Resistive Feedthrough Technique

The CS LNA topology with inductive degeneration functions well in applications at low-gigahertz range.
However, its performance degrades at higher frequencies when f becomes comparable to fT . On the
contrary, the noise and gain performance of CG LNA topology are independent of f , and this is desirable
for high-frequency LNA designs. Theoretical analysis showed that the induced gate noise is essential in
defining Fmin [27]. Most analysis assumes the infinite transistor output resistance, rds and thus the noise
factor of CG LNA has a lower bound of (1 + γ) for perfect input matching. Subsequently, it was noticed
that finite rds of the input transistor could increase input impedance and allow us to design CG LNA
with noise factor lower than the aforementioned bound [33]. Inspired by that fact, Guan and Hajimiri
proposed a resistive feedthrough technique to bring the noise factor of a CG LNA to a significantly
lower level [34]. The idea is to increase the transistor output resistance by adding an external resistor,
Rp .
Fmin of CG LNA with resistive feedthrough in Figure 15 is
γ 4δ ω 2 ω2
Fmin ≈ 1 + + (10)
1 + gmb /gm 5γ ωT 5 (1 + gmb /gm ) ωT2
At f = 24 GHz, capacitive coupling and resistive loss through substrate would have considerable
influence on the circuit performance. It was proposed to add a shunt inductor with a large bypass
capacitor to eliminate the adverse effect by resonance [34].
66 Li and Zhang


Rd Ld Cd
vOUT i n,2 R s i n,2 R p

vIN RS 2 rds RL
CP g g-1 i nd
vIN 2 i n,2 R L
i ng
(g m + g mb )vgs

(a) (b)

Figure 15. (a) CG LNA topology with resistive feedthrough and (b) its small signal equivalent
circuits [34].

4.2.3. Gm -Boosted CG LNA

The CG LNA topology realizes resistive input impedance matching as 1/gm (See Eq. (6)), and its noise
factor is limited by
FCG-LNA = 1 + (11)
αgm RS
where α and γ are empirical process-dependent and bias-dependent parameters, respectively. It is not
feasible to reduce noise factor by arbitrarily increasing gm because gm RS = 1, which is constrained by the
input impedance matching condition. However, if we can tolerate some input impedance mismatch, we
can increase gm to decrease the noise factor. For example, as shown in Figure 16, Allstot et al. proposed
to boost the effective transconductance Gm while keeping the intrinsic transconductance gm [15].
By introducing an inverting amplification between the gate and source terminal of the transistor
M , Gm is boosted from gm to (1 + A)gm , where A is the gain from source to gate. Then, the noise
factor of the LNA is
FCG-LNA,Gm -Boosted = 1 + (12)
α(1 + A)2 gm RS
As input matching requires that (1 + A)gm RS = 1, the noise factor is effectively reduced by a factor
of (1 + A). To realize the inverting gain A, one may adopt the capacitor cross-coupling technique
proposed in [29]. However, the gain A is always less than unity due to the capacitor divider between
Cgs and coupling capacitance CC . Li et al. proposed a transformer-coupling technique to realize an
greater-than-unity inverting gain A for Gm -boosted CG LNA [23].
As shown in Figure 17, a transformer T1 is used to effectively enhance the transconductance at the
source of transistor M1 . Detailed analysis on input impedance of the LNA showed that the impedance
can be viewed as a parallel-resonant
 RLC circuit, and the inverting gain √
factor is A = nk, where n is
the turns ratio, n = LS /LP and k is the coupling coefficient, k = M/ LP LS . LP and LS are the
inductance of primary inductor and secondary inductor, respectively; M is the mutual inductance. The
noise factor is essentially reduced to

F ≈ 1+  (13)
α(1 + nk)  (1+nk)gm RS =1

Assuming k = 1 (ideal coupling coefficient) and taking induced gate noise into account, one may derive
F as  
γ δα ω 2
F =1+ + (1 + n) (14)
α (1 + n) 5 ωT
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 161, 2018 67



Vdd M2

Ld Cd

v IN C1


Figure 16. Gm -boosted common-gate LNA [15]. Figure 17. Transformer-coupled Gm -boosted
CG LNA [23].

As can be seen from Eq. (14), gm boosted by transform coupling has the following effects on F : (1)
the channel noise is reduced by (1 + n); (2) the induced gate noise is increased by the same factor.
Noteworthily, practical constraints like non-idealities associated with on-chip transformer and parasitic
impedance at the gate will limit the value of A between 2 and 3 [23].

4.3. Impedance Matching Techniques

Impedance matching is required in RF circuits to provide the maximum power transfer from a source
to its load. For LNAs, impedance matching serves for two purposes, i.e., maximum power transfer
(power matching) and minimum noise factor (noise matching) [35]. As the input signal level to an LNA
is usually extremely small, any unnecessary power loss in the circuit cannot be tolerated. We have
discussed the noise matching techniques above, thus we focus on power matching in this subsection.
For impedance matching, the maximum transfer of power happens when the load impedance is
equal to the complex conjugate of the source impedance. Thus, the objective of any impedance matching
technique to ensure the load impedance to be equal or close to the complex conjugate of the source
impedance [36]. Furthermore, the perfect impedance matching happens only at one particular frequency.
At all other frequencies, the matching becomes progressively worse and eventually non-existent.
Impedance matching is required at both the input and output of an LNA. In the literature,
most papers focused on input impedance matching while leaving output impedance matching to the
subsequent component after the LNA in the receiver chain. Furthermore, each matching element will
contribute certain signal losses, directly leading to an increase in the noise figure. Thus, a simple
impedance matching network will have better noise performance than its complex counterpart, although
it is sometimes unavoidable to use multistage impedance transformers for specific purpose, such as
broadening the input signal bandwidth.
When complex impedances are present, especially with parastitics, the two fundamental techniques
in designing matching networks are absorption and resonance [36]. By absorption, element capacitors
are placed in parallel with stray capacitances and element inductors are placed in series with stray
68 Li and Zhang

inductances. Then, the stray components values are subtracted from the calculated element values.
By resonance, opposite reactance is added to resonate any stray reactance at the frequency of interest.
Then, the matching network can be designed for the remaining pure resistances.
For the implementation of impedance matching for LNAs, we usually adopt two basic approaches,
namely lumped element and transmission line. The former results in smaller dimensions and high
Q, but being more susceptible to coupling that may cause discrepancies between design and actual
performance; while the latter has mature EM environment and analytic solutions to support fast design
at the expense of chip area. Furthermore, lumped R, L and C elements can be used at frequencies up
to 60 GHz, if the condition that  < λ/10 is satisfied, where  and λ are the length of the component
and the wavelength, respectively. However, a proper design should consider the modeling of undesirable
effects such as parasitics, spurious resonances, fringing fields, loss, and perturbations caused by a ground
plane. Smaller values of R, L and C should be implemented using transmission line [35].

4.3.1. Lumped Element Approach

Impedance matching network can be done using one, two or multiple reactive lumped elements [35].
As shown in Figures 18(a) and (b), the simplest type of matching network is the L-type network,
which uses two reactive elements to match any load impedance to a given source impedance. If three
reactive elements are adopted, they can be arranged in T-type network or π-type network as shown in
Figures 18(c) and (d), respectively.

jX 1 jX 2

jX 2 jX 1

(a) (b)

jX 1 jX 3 jX 2

jX 2 jX 1 jX 3

(c) (d)

Figure 18. (a) L-type matching network A; (b) L-type matching network B; (c) T-type matching
network; (d) π-type matching network.

For example, on-chip inductors usually have low Q and undesired noise contribution to LNAs.
Gramegna et al. reported a single-stage cascode LNA design using on-chip inductors (with Q of 8–
10) and their design achieved a NF of 1.05 dB at f = 900 MHz [19]. Stubbe et al. proposed to
use external inductors with higher Q to reduce their noise contribution [26]. Furthermore, as per
absorption technique, it is convenient to use those unavoidable pad, pin and electrostatic discharge
(ESD) protection [37] diode capacitance as part of impedance matching network.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 161, 2018 69
Cd Cd Cd vOUT
Ld M3
M2 L1
Lg Rg Ls
M1 M1
vIN Rg Ls vIN

Rg Ls
k L2

Vg1 Vg2 Vg3

Figure 19. 3-stage CS LNA with input Figure 20. Transformer-based input matching
inductor [38]. LNA [48].

As shown in Figure 19, Cohen et al. proposed a CS LNA design with lumped inductors for 60-GHz
applications [38], in which series coplanar inductor matching was adopted. Kunze et al. reported a
similar LNA design for 60-GHz application with a compact size [39]. Their design adopted a three-stage
cascode topology, and one-turn spiral inductors were used as impedance matching networks together
with the parasitics of transistors.

4.3.2. Transmission Line Approach

Transmission line is usually adopted as input/output matching networks for LNA designs to achieve
a wideband, flat gain [40, 41]. Loss reduction in transmission lines contributes to the reduction of
noise factor of an LNA. Single-stub impedance matching is a popular technique, which uses a single
open-circuited or short circuited length of transmission line connected either in parallel or in series
with the transmission feed line at a certain distance from the load. This technique can be extended to
double-stub impedance matching [35]. The quarter-wave transformer can be used to match a real load
impedance to a transmission line. Single or multiple sections of quarter-wave transformer designs can
be adopted to present optimum matching characteristics over a desired frequency band. For example,
Mitomo et al. presented a three-stage cascode fully-differential LNA design for a 60-GHz receiver [42],
in which the matching networks were implemented using short stubs as inductors.
Microstrip line is the most popular type of planar transmission lines, and one can easily look up
its formulas on effective dielectric constant and characteristic impedance in the literature. In order to
reduce the circuit size, microstrip line can be folded [43] and/or organized into hair-pin structures [44].
Razavi proposed folded microstrip technique and used it in a 60-GHz cascode LNA design [43]. The
folded microstrip line was realized as a metal 8 signal line over a metal 1 ground plane with its two
ends close to each other. Similarly, Kang et al. presented a 60-GHz three-stage cascode LNA design
using hair-pin type transmission line to perform impedance matching in order to reduce chip size [44].
In addition, folded (or meandering) microstrip line technique and current-sharing technique [16] were
combined together in an LNA design in [45], which was of a four-stage topology with the first three
stages in CS configuration and the last stage in cascode configuration.
Coplanar waveguide is another popular type of transmission because of its easy fabrication process
— both the signal line and the ground are in the same plane. Kanaya et al. studied on-chip impedance
matching using CPW [46]. The CPW lines were designed using meander structures to reduce the
chip size. Furthermore, the use of vertical planar waveguide (VPW) can enable us to mitigate the
challenges such as design rule limitations regarding the minimum spacing between metals and the metal
minimum-width, which are imposed on conventional CPW or microstrip lines. Haroun et al. proposed
to use vertical planar waveguide for matching networks [47] and provided a single-stage cascode LNA
design for 60-GHz applications.
70 Li and Zhang

4.3.3. Transformer Based Impedance Matching

Conventional source inductive degeneration method forms a feedback that leads to lower dynamic range
of vgs , thus reduces the overall cascode gain. Nevertheless, a transformer can be adopted to achieve the
same input impedance matching [48]. As shown in Figure 20, the primary spiral L1 of a transformer
is connected at the input of the circuit in series with the gate of the CS transistor, and the secondary
spiral L2 inserted between source and ground. The overall gain is increased by 3 dB because of the
opposite phase created by the transformer effect between gate and source voltages.
The coupling effect of the transformer can be used to couple the RF input signal between CG devices
in cascade structures to enhance the bandwidth of a wideband mmWave LNA [49]. In addition, as shown
in Figure 21, multitap transformer can be used together with switches to design reconfigurable multimode
LNAs [50]. In addition, by choosing different combinations of switches, the effective inductance at the
input matching network can be varied, and thus the operating frequency can be changed.
Transformer can be used in feedback network to achieve wideband input matching [51]. In
addition, a transformer feedbacked capacitor neutralizer was proposed to boost the gain of an LNA [52].
Furthermore, transformers can be used as balun-based matching networks. A 60-GHz LNA design in
single-to-differential topology was proposed in [53]. As shown in Figure 22, the design consists of
two cascode stages and an output buffer. A balun-based matching network using a transformer was
inserted between stage 1 and stage 2. Another transformer, with two center-tapped turns in a stacked
configuration, was used as the matching network between stage 2 and output buffer. In their design,

Vsw1 Vsw3 RL
M4 M6
L 2a L 2b M2
ka kb

Figure 21. Transformer-based multimode LNA [50].

vOUT Vdd


Figure 22. Simplified schematics of LNA [53].

Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 161, 2018 71

the occupied chip area of spiral inductors with more than one turn were traded off for high Q and
self-resonance frequency.
Lastly, typical LNA designs consider either single-ended input or differential input, and it is not
common for an LNA design to support both single-end and differential input. Kuo et al. presented a
wideband LNA design that supports both single-ended and differential inputs [54]. In addition, their
compact-size design carried out the balun function in the single-ended operation mode, which eliminates
the use of bulky transformer. The LNA topology is similar to that in [29], expect certain portion of
bulky cross-coupling networks.

4.4. Gain Enhancement Techniques

As indicated in Frris’ formula for noise factor, the gain of an LNA plays an important role in the overall
noise performance of a receiver. The larger the gain, the less effect caused by those components followed
by the LNA. Several techniques were considered to enhance the LNA gain.

4.4.1. Cascode LNA with Middle Inductor

Performance of a cascode LNA topology can be further improved by a middle inductor, which is placed
in series between the CS and the CG transistors. The rationale behind this is to use the series inductor
to tune out the middle pole of the cascode and to compensate for its lower fT . This configuration was
mentioned in [16], and the middle inductor was used as a choke to reduce DC voltage drop. Later,
Yao et al. adopted this technique for a 60-GHz LNA design [55]. As shown in Figure 23, the series
inductor LM , forms an artificial transmission line with the gate-source and source-bulk capacitances
of transistor M2 and with the drain-bulk and gate-drain capacitance of transistor M1 . Importantly,
they gave an algorithmic design methodology for CMOS cascode LNA design based on active device
matching. With pre-calculated effective source resistance seen by the LNA across its bond pad, the
methodology works for an inductively-loaded LNA. First, it sets the bias to a current density, JOP T ,
which minimizes the transistor noise factor. Then, it chooses an optimum finger width, Wf , to maximize
fMAX and minimize the noise factor. Subsequently, the best LM is obtained by maximizing fT at the
bias current density of JOP T . After that, with all devices biased at JOP T , it scales the number of fingers,
Nf , and LM to match the real part of optimal noise impedance, Zopt , at the operating frequency. Next,
it finds LS , and adds LG to tune out the imaginary parts of input impedance Zin and optimal noise
impedance Zopt , respectively. Finally, it adds output matching network with inductive load to maximize
the gain.





vIN Lg


Figure 23. Cascode LNA with middle inductor [55].

72 Li and Zhang

Kraemer et al. presented a similar design using middle inductors together with the parasitics of
transistors as artificial transmission lines [56], where lumped elements were employed exclusively. Their
design features two-stage cascode topology and can be biased at two different supply voltages of 1.5 V
and 1 V, respectively.

4.4.2. Negative Feedback

Negative feedback can be implemented through a resistive or active feedback network with a cascode
topology to improve the LNA gain. As shown in Figure 24, active feedback provides better gain
stability and requires smaller load resistance than resistive feedback, at the expense of increased design
complexity. A single-to-differential topology with resistive feedback was proposed to increase the loop
gain by double as compared to that of the conventional single-ended resistive feedback LNA through a
source follower [57]. Their design can also reduce the NF and improve the linearity.

Vdd Vdd

Vdd RL
vOUT Vb1
M1c Vb2
Vb1 M1


(a) (b)

Figure 24. Negative feedback: (a) resistive feedback (b) active feedback [57].

4.4.3. Transformer Feedback

As shown in Figure 25, a transformer feedback gm -boosting technique was proposed in an mmWave
Cascode LNA design to increase the gain and reduce the noise [58]. Two designs were presented with
impedance matching achieved by a transformer and transmission line, respectively.

Vdd Vdd Vdd

Lg1 Lg2 Lg3

Ls1 Ls2 Ls3



Vbias1 Vbias2 Vbias3

Vdd Vdd Vdd

Figure 25. Transformer-based gm -boosting LNA [58].

Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 161, 2018 73

4.5. Power Dissipation Reduction

Power consumption is a critical issue in mobile devices as most of them are powered by batteries, or
recently developed wireless power transfer and energy harvesting techniques. Therefore, it is desired to
reduce the power consumption of a transceiver and prolong its operation time.

4.5.1. Current Reuse Technique

From Figure 6, the input can be matched to RS by using inductors Lg and Ls . Under input matching
condition, the noise factor, F , can be shown as

F ≈ 1 + 8ω 2 Cgs
RS / (3gm ) (15)
In order to reduce F , Karanicolas proposed to increase gm while keeping drain current at an
reasonable level by applying current reuse technique [59]. As shown in Figure 26, the main idea of
current reuse technique is to achieve gm and ωT of a single device with less current. With an appropriate
aspect ratio, the compound device in Figure 26(b) can have the same transconductance as the device in
Figure 26(a). Furthermore, by substituting the device M2 in Figure 26(b) with a p-channel MOSFET
(PMOS) device, we have a compound device in Figure 26(c), which has a transconductance that is
nearly equal to that of the device in Figure 26(a) [59]. Thus, we can increase gm while keeping the
drain current manageable. In addition, single-stage LNAs have higher IIP3 than multi-stage LNAs at
the expense of lower gain and worst reverse isolation [59].

ID gm (1/2)ID
(W/L) 2
(1/2)ID (1/2)ID M2
M1 M1 M2 g +g
m1 m2

W/L M1
(1/2)W/L (1/2)W/L (W/L)1

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 26. Illustration of current reuse technique [59].

Vdd Vdd
i out
vOUT Rg Lg

Cd Cd M2 M3
vIN Cd Lg1 i out1 i out2 i out3
Cp Lm Cb
Lp vin M1
Cd RB Vbias2 Vbias3 Ls

(a) (b)

Figure 27. (a) Proposed LNA architecture. (b) Proposed transconductor [60].
74 Li and Zhang

Current reuse technique can be extended beyond the configuration using two transistors. As shown
in Figure 27, Li et al. proposed a 60-GHz transconductor consisting of a CS transistor whose DC current
is shared by other two transistors [60]. The modified cascade and current reuse CS-CS structure features
both high equivalent transconductance and high output resistance at the expense of slightly deteriorated
NF. Their LNA design achieved a NF of 6.1 dB with a power dissipation of 9.6 mW under 1 V power

4.5.2. Forward Body Biasing

Forward body bias (FBB) technology can be applied to operate LNA at reduced supply voltage and
low power consumption condition while providing sufficient gain [61]. With this technique, Lin et al.
presented a three-stage CS LNA design [62], in which thin-film microstrip (TFMS) lines were used for
matching networks and interconnects.
Parvizi et al. proposed to apply FBB to mitigate output conductance degradation due to short
channel effects in ultra-low voltage (ULV)/ultra-low power (ULP) applications [63]. As shown in
Figure 28, current reuse was also applied in CG transistors with active shunt-feedback structure for
input matching. The design worked well with a low power supply of 0.5 V at 500 µA current. Even
when the power supply dropped to 0.4 V, the design maintained good performance. They also presented
another design using the same technique for applications in 0.1–2.2 GHz with a 1 V power supply [64].

Vbc Vbp Vdd
L2 L5
vIN C in M4 R sub RL vout_buf C1 vOUT
M2 L1 M2
Rsub M1
M5 vIN R2 L4
Bias Gen v OUT
R bias R1 L2
Vba Vbuf
VG1 M3 R 3 C2

Figure 28. LNA with forward body bias [63]. Figure 29. LNA with positive feedback [65].

4.5.3. Positive Feedback

As shown in Figure 29, Lai et al. proposed to apply positive feedback to enhance the gain within the
operating band [65]. In addition, low power consumption was achieved by biasing the transistors in the
moderate inversion region.

4.6. Wideband LNA Design

With the evolution of wireless standards, some radio front-ends require wideband operations, such as
ultra wideband (UWB), cognitive radio (CR) [66] and software defined radio (SDR) [67]. Consequently,
a wideband LNA is required. Different LNA topologies have been studied for wideband operations [51].
Wideband LNAs usually adopt distributed architecture and multi-stage topologies. The former results
in high power consumption and large chip size [68]; the latter has a limited bandwidth due to intrinsic
capacitances of transistors and other parasitic capacitances [69].
Distributed LNA topology [70] can achieve both broadband input matching and high gain, but
requires large chip area and high power consumption due to the use of several spiral inductors
and transmission lines. CG LNA can provide broadband input matching [71], but it requires high
power consumption. In addition, CG LNA with switchable inductor [72] or inductive peaking
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 161, 2018 75

techniques [71, 73] could fulfill the UWB operation requirement. The NF of CG LNA is usually
2.2 ∼ 3 dB [74]. Interestingly, the conventional inductive source-degeneration topology is still applicable
to marginally cover the band required [75].
For multi-stage LNAs, matching networks and inductive peaking techniques [73] are widely used
to improve their bandwidth. Wideband input matching for the CS structure [76] usually adopts two
methods: (1) resistive feedback, which requires a small chip area at the expense of extra nonlinearity;
(2) BPF input matching network, which has limited nonlinearity influence, but requires a larger chip
area. Matching networks can adopt four topologies, including L-type, π-type, T-type and combination
of various types. They provide wideband matching at the expense of additional insertion loss and chip
area. For example, Lu et al. reported a UWB LNA design using three-stage cascode topology with a CS
follower as output buffer [77]. LC peaking and pre-compensation techniques were adopted to achieve
wideband flat gain.
As shown in Figure 30, pole-converging was also proposed to be applied with negative drain-source
transformer-feedback techniques to extend the bandwidth of a three-stage cascade LNA [69].

Vdd Vdd Vdd

Ld1 vOUT
Lg Ld Lg Ld
k k k2 Ld2
M2 M4 M6
CB Ls C Ls C Ls
vIN M1 M3 M5

L1 L2 R R
vbias vbias vbias

Figure 30. LNA with pole-converging technique [69].

Vb1 Vb2 L5 Vb3

Rb M3
k L1 C2
vIN C1 M2 vOUT
M1 L2 L4 M4 M1
CB Vb4
Lp L3
Ls CB Vb4 L6 Ls Lp
kB M1 L2 L4 M4 M1 kB
C1 M2
k vOUT-
L1 C2 R
Vb1 b M3
Vb2 L5 Vb3

Figure 31. Proposed LNA with transformer feedback technique [51].

Various feedback techniques were investigated for wideband LNA designs: (1) negative feedback,
(2) active feedback [64, 78], (3) resistive feedback [79, 80] and (4) reactive feedback (with magnetic
coupling between the input MOSFET’s gate and source through transformers) [81] can also achieve
wideband operation. However, these techniques are not suitable for mmWave LNAs due to parasitics.
As shown in Figure 31, transformer feedback can be adopted to improve the performance [51, 82].
Wideband LNA designs usually suffer from low linearity in terms of IIP3 [83]. Manstretta proposed
a technique to increase the linearity by using two parallel forward paths for amplification and single-
ended to differential conversion and one feedback path for second-order distortion cancellation [84].
Their design features an active feedback path and thus results in larger power dissipation. To reduce
76 Li and Zhang

power consumption, Carrillo et al. presented a single-ended to differential LNA design by replacing
active loads and current mirrors by optimized inductors and transformers [85], using the folded cascode

4.7. Process Techniques for LNA Designs

Several process techniques were investigated to improve the design of LNA for mmWave applications.

4.7.1. Round Table Layout

A Round Table layout was proposed for a 30-GHz CMOS LNA design to minimize key losses and improve
the noise performance [8]. The layout comprises of an arrangement of unit cells. Each cell is small with
local substrate guard ring and contacts on both sides of the gate. Furthermore, the overall matrix of
unit cells links gate, drain and source terminals through multipath connections. Then, an extrapolated
fMAX of 300 GHz was achieved. As shown in Figure 32, CPW structure was used for matching networks
due to its high characteristic impedance. In addition, their design adopted a single transistor as first
stage to eliminate the noise generated by the cascode device, and used a 40 Ω stabilizing resistor between
the two stages to improve stability.



M1 M2
Vb1 Vb1 Vb1 Vb2

Vb1 Vb2

Figure 32. Cascode LNA with CPW struc- Figure 33. Schematic of a 28 nm FD-SOI CMOS
ture [8]. LNA [87].

4.7.2. Above-IC Technology

On-chip transmission lines can be realized above the passivation with a thin-film post-processed
technology, and this is believed to be a more attractive and cost-effective solution. This technology is
known as Above-IC technology, which is used for packaging and bonding pad redistribution during chip
manufacturing. Pavageau et al. presented a two-stage cascode LNA design using above-IC technology
in [86]. In particular, the input, inter-stage and output matching networks were implemented using
microstrip lines in above-IC and back-end-of-line (BEOL) technology.

4.7.3. Fully Depleted Silicon on Insulator

CMOS scaling (around 90 nm) brings up problems like slowed voltage scaling and increased leakage
currents. Minor changes were proposed in the process to lengthen the bulk lifetime, among which fully
depleted silicon on insulator (FD-SOI) is promising to scale down to 11 nm [6]. As shown in Figure 33,
a W-band LNA was designed using 28 nm FD-SOI CMOS technology, with a gain over 12 dB from 53
to 117 GHz and a NF of 6 dB from 75 to 105 GHz [87].
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 161, 2018 77

Table 1. Summary of LNA design.

P diss
f G NF P1dB IIP3 Process Die Area
Ref. (m Topology1 Techniques
(GHz) (dB) (dB) (dBm) (dBm) (nm) (µm 2)
[48] 60 12.5 7.5 - - 65 540×690 34 2-stage, cascode transformer-based
[53] 60 22.3 6.1 2.7 - 65 460×460 35 2-stage, cascode transformer-based
[105] 60 12.5 6.55 -13.3 - 90 730×900 60 2-stage, differential transformer-based
[106] 60 10 3.8 - 4 65 330×170 42 1-stage, differential transformer-based
[51] 60 16.4 6.8 3.8 - 65 270000 33.6 2-stage, differential transformer-feedback
104- - capacitively neutralized
[107] 21.7 10.4 3.2 28 260000 18 4-stage, differential
132 transformer coupling
[17] 45-65 12.7 5.7 - - 90 450×420 18 1-stage, cascode transformer feedback
[82] 60 10 3.8 - 4 65 - 35 2-stage, CS transformer feedback
transformer feedback with
[52] 60 30 4.6 -30.7 -26 65 820×600 8.9 3-stage, CS
tuning capacitor
62.9-9 - - transformer feedback with
[69] 18.5 7.9 65 240000 27 3-stage, cascode
2.5 pole converging
[38] 60 15 4.4 -18 - 90 320×440 3.9 3-stage, CS lumped element
22.4 4.5 -3.4 - 16.8
[56] 60 65 400×400 2-stage, cascode lumped element
18.7 5.2 -6.5 8.5
[88] 60 20 7 - - 90 375×400 18 2-stage, cascode lumped element
[89] 60 28 9 -26 - 65 350×550 120 3-stage, cascode lumped element
[90] 60 13 4 -27.5 - 90 - 9.6 2-stage, cascode and CS lumped element
[91] 60 8.6 5.5 -16 - 65 - 39 2-stage, differential lumped element
[39] 60 19.1 5.5 -18 - 65 240×200 25 3-stage, cascode LC-series resonate
[42] 60 13.7 7.8 - - 90 1025×1100 45 3-stage, differential transmission line
54.5-7 -
[92] 13.8 4.0 -12.5 28 380000 24 2-stage, cascode transmission line
[93] 104 16.7 7.2 - - 65 290000 48.6 5-stage, cascode transmission line
[43] 60 6.5 4.5 - - 130 400×300 4.8 1-stage, folded cascode microstrip line
microstrip line
[44] 60 23.8 6.2 1.5 - 90 590×780 36 2-stage, hybrid
hairpin matching
[94] 60 20 6.9 -23 - 130 670×570 67.2 3-stage, cascode microstrip line
[95] 60 24 7.6 - -5 65 - 30 4-stage, CS microstrip line
[96] 60 18.6 5.7 -14.8 - 90 1400×500 28.8 3-stage, CS microstrip line
[97] 60 7.2 10.0 -19 - 130 - 90 3-stage, cascode microstrip line
[98] 60 15.7 6.2 - - 90 113700 40.5 1-stage, differential microstrip line
[99] 60 19 6.0 -38.5 - 65 - - 2-stage, differential microstrip line
[100] 60 18.7 8.3 - - 90 - - 4-stage, CS microstrip line
[101] 60 15 8 - - 90 - - 3-stage, cascode microstrip line
[102] 60 12.2 6 -7.2 - 90 1270×380 - 2-stage, CS microstrip line
[103] 60 15.1 7.6 -19 -6.9 130 475000 37.2 3-stage, cascode microstrip line
[104] 64 15.5 6.5 -10.7 - 90 1300×400 42.9 2-stage, cascode microstrip line
current sharing, microstrip
[45] 60 20.3 7.6 -22.3 -11 65 849×560 37.2 3-stage, cascode
[113] 60 12.2 4.9 -15 -4.7 130 1000×1090 29.1 6-stage, cascode and CS current reuse
[116] 60 16.5 9 -20.8 -12 130 - 36.5 4-stage, cascode and CS current reuse
[114] 60 20 9 - -15 130 400×370 7.2 2-stage, differential Gm-boosted, current reuse
[115] 60 30 - -27 - 13 0 7.2 2-stage, differential Gm-boosted, current reuse
[47] 60 10 4.1 - 3 90 577×346 15.2 1-stage, CS VPW
[108] 60 10 4.1 - 3 90 200000 - 1-stage, cascode elevated-center CPW
[109] 91 32 5.3 - - 28 855×324 36 6-stage, cascode CPW
143- - FD-SOI
[110] 15.7 8.5 -3 28 340000 32 4-stage, CS
166 slow-wave CPW
[55] 60 14.6 5.5 -0.5 -6.8 90 350×400 24 2-stage, cascode middle inductor
[62] 60 12.6 6.3 -19.6 - 90 650×540 4.9 3-stage, CS forward body bias
[117] 60 23.5 6.5 -6.8 1 65 600×250 45.6 4-stage, cascode
[86] 60 13.4 6.7 - - 45 450×800 95 2-stage, cascode Above-IC and BEOL
[121] 60 12 8 -5 - 65 960×1050 36 2-stage, cascode CMOS SOI technique
[111] 60 26 6 -21 - 65 700×500 75 3-stage, cascode capacitive coupling
[112] 80 15.2 5.5 -15.5 - 28 1200×1200 47 2-stage, differential, CS capacitive cross-coupling
[118] 60 15 5.9 -15.1 - 65 1400×750 30.8 4-stage, cascode shunt peaking
[119] 60 26 6 3.5 -12 45 150×150 21 2-stage, cascode shunt peaking
[120] 60 20 7.3 - - 90 - - 3-stage, cascode shunt peaking

1 The topology is single-ended unless specified.

78 Li and Zhang


Recent advance in CMOS technology enables us to achieve fT to 246 GHz [6], and allows us to design
CMOS circuit to operate in mmWave frequencies region [3]. However, the resistive substrate of CMOS
exacerbates the effect of parasitic losses and complicates the design. The lower available gain of a
transistor at mmWave frequency region leaves a small room for modeling errors and mismatches. Quality
factors for matching elements are lower, and the proximity to the substrate increases the capacitive
coupling and lowers the self resonance frequency (SRF) of passive devices. Therefore, the design of
CMOS LNA in mmWave frequency depends on not only topologies and matching techniques, but also
the layout of the circuit and the matching components. For example, we should reduce the layout
parasitic so as to minimize the losses and improve the inherent performance of the amplifier [6].
From the discussion in Section 4, we can see that there are many approaches in designing an LNA.
One may first choose a basic topology, for example, common-source, common-gate, cascode topology
or differential topology; and then select an appropriate input/output impedance matching technique.
For instance, CNM is able to match the circuit to achieve minimum noise factor at the expense of
gain reduction due to the mismatch between the optimum impedance and the complex conjugate of
the input impedance of the amplifier. In contrast, SNIM is able to match the impedance and noise
simultaneously, but it leads to higher power dissipation. Next, the PCSNIM introduced in [18] able
to achieve simultaneous noise and input matching with low power dissipation by adding an external
capacitor, which is parallel with the gate and source terminal of the transistor. However, this technique
will degrade the fT of the transistor, reduce the overall gain, and even degrade the performance of the
LNA in mmWave frequency since the cutoff frequency of transistor is crucial at high frequencies.
Noteworthily, we propose to classify the matching techniques in three groups, namely CNM, SNIM
and indirect matching (IM), where IM is a collective name for other techniques. The rationale behind
IM is to remove the impedance constraint by splitting the interface plane into two separate ones.
Consequently, the source impedance matching can be achieved at the ZS plane, and the impedance
level at the local plane can be lowered, which gives rise to a larger gm than the SNIM technique.
Different matching components have their respective advantages. Lumped elements [88–91] occupy
less chip areas, but simulation of lumped elements needs very detailed knowledge of the substrate and the
cost is relatively higher. Next, transmission lines [92, 93] have well-defined EM simulation environment,
but they usually occupy comparatively larger chip areas. Microstrip lines are commonly used [94–
104]. Transformer-based impedance matching is also feasible [105–107]. Furthermore, CPW [108–110]
is easy to simulate and its measurement results are close to simulation results. However, CPW takes up
more chip area. On the other hand, VPW results in higher impedance at the expense of complicated
simulation and fabrication process.
To improve an existing LNA design, differential noise reduction techniques, such as capacitive
cross coupling [29, 111, 112], resistive feedthrough [34] and Gm -boosted CG topology [23] can be
applied. Furthermore, gain-enhancement techniques, such as middle inductor [55], negative feedback [20]
and transformer-feedback [58] can be adopted. Finally, to reduce the power consumption, current
reuse/sharing technique [59, 113–116], forward body biasing [63] and positive feedback [65] can be used
to reduce power dissipation.
For wideband LNAs, matching networks and inductive peaking techniques can be applied [73, 117–
120]. It was noticed that transformers are widely used for impedance matching and feedback networks in
LNA designs at higher operating frequencies. Due to the space limit, we did not cover all the techniques
on wideband LNA designs for UWB, CRs and SDRs. For example, designs of reconfigurable LNAs are
important for SDRs [50] and review of their related techniques has been left out as part of our future
work in this topic.
Finally, we may even use other process technologies to enhance the design, such as Round Table
Layout [8], above-IC technology [86] and FD-SOI [110]. For example, Siligaris et al. presented a two-
stage cascode LNA design using SOI CMOS technology [121]. In addition, nanowire transistors (NWTs)
may be adopted at 5 nm CMOS technology [122] to further increase the operating frequency of an LNA.
Table 1 summarizes performance parameters of LNA designs presented in selected references
discussed above, with a focus on those with operating frequencies at 60-GHz and above. For the
sake of readability, Table 1 is sorted by different techniques. Within each category indicated by the
related technique, the operating frequency is in the ascending order.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 161, 2018 79


This paper aims to provide a useful and timely reference for microwave and millimeter wave LNA
designer and researchers. We provided a comprehensive review starting with key performance metrics,
followed by several device circuit models. After discussing various typical LNA topologies, we conducted
a survey and comparison of recently-reported design techniques for LNA at microwave and millimeter
wave frequencies. Due to limited access to various database and lack of time, our review does not
focus on providing an exhaustive list of reported LNA design techniques. Instead, we have studied a
number of typical and influential design techniques, and then compared their respective advantages and
Through our comparison, we found that indirect matching is promising in LNA designs at higher
operating frequencies. In addition, process techniques such as fully depleted silicon on insulator is
necessary with the continued CMOS scaling down towards 5 nm. Our future work includes: (1) to
study and design reconfigurable LNAs at mmWave frequencies using indirect matching with inductors
of higher Q factors using EM simulator. (2) to perform post-layout simulation, fabricate the design and
conduct experimental measurement of our LNA design. (3) to optimize the trade-off among performance
metrics like noise factor, gain and linearity. The linearity performance can be further improved by
increasing the current drain. Nevertheless, the power consumption will be increased simultaneously.
The trade-off can be adjusted accordingly in order to cater for a specific application.


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