Psychomotor Domain
Psychomotor Domain
Psychomotor Domain
NOTE: Frequently, as in the example above, you will not see the criterion or the condition specified if they are obvious.
However, sometimes adding the condition(s) and/or the criterion add much clarity to a learning objective.
Purposes of Objectives
– By knowing where you intend to go, you increase the chances of you and the learner ending up there
– Guides the teacher relative to the planning of instruction, delivery of instruction and evaluation of student achievement.
– Guides the learner; helps him/her focus and set priorities
– Allows for analysis in terms of the levels of teaching and learning
– Shows colleagues and students what we value
– Guides for the learner relative to self-assessment
– Provides a basis for analyzing the level of cognitive thinking expected from the learner
– Makes teaching more focused and organized
– Provides models so that the students can write their own objectives and thus helps develop an important life long
learning skill; “the setting of objectives”
There are really 3 domains or categories of learning objectives. In medical school the cognitive objectives are the ones
that we normally think about. Psychomotor objectives are also stated, but many times they are stated in vague terms and
they could be made much clearer if the criteria were included as part of the objectives. However, we rarely see objectives
in the affective domain. This does not mean we don’t value the affective domain. In fact some would argue that it is the
most important domain. It is just that objectives in the affective domain are a little hard to write. They are also really hard
to measure,` and usually that measurement involves a lot of subjectivity.
Levels of Objectives
Benjamin Bloom developed a taxonomy of levels in the mid to late 50’s. His taxonomies provide a nice stair-step
approach to thinking about levels of learning. Most importantly, verbs associated with these levels help; 1) find an
appropriate verb for the first step of writing an objective and 2) help us move to higher levels of more meaningful learning.
Also see: & many more by searching the web with “Bloom’s Taxonomy.”
The characteristics of effective objectives as stated above along with the verb, conditions and standard provide us with
some criteria to evaluate objectives you construct.
• The learner will be able to: describe the mechanisms of action for each of the two classes of neuromuscular blocking
agents (depolarizing agents & competitive agents)
• The learner will be able to: describe suppurative arthritis. Include the usual pathways of joint infection, most common
organisms, clinical manifestations, including lab diagnosis and the natural history.
• Given a ventriclogram and cath lab data of pressures, cardiac outputs and ejection fraction, identify the states of normal
hearts, aortic stenosis and mitral regulation.
• Given a case problem, including history, physical findings, diagnosis, and list of prescribed drugs, state the physiologic,
pathophysiologic and pharmacologic factors that could modify the drug response in that patient.
• Given the calculated results of tests compared with predicted normal values, determine the presence or absence of
abnormal pulmonary function and classify it as to type and severity.
Write and critique each other – most objectives can be improved with critical editing. Use the “Effective Learning
Objectives” above as a check along with the criteria for a verb, conditions and standards.
The End.