Apple: OS X Is Written in A Mix of Language, But A Few Important Parts Are
Apple: OS X Is Written in A Mix of Language, But A Few Important Parts Are
Apple: OS X Is Written in A Mix of Language, But A Few Important Parts Are
o AppleWorks
o the iPod user interface (uses Pixo application framework written in C++)
o "Of the thousands of Macintosh applications that have shipped I estimate
that over half were written C++".
o Frameworks: There are three major C++ application frame works
developed for Macintosh: Apple's MacApp (some MacApp
applications), Symantec's Think Class Libraries, and Metrowerks'
PowerPlant. There are also a number of smaller (in market share)
frameworks that have been developed.
o TelORB - Distributed operating system with object oriented
o distributed RAM database, The base for the TSP application
o server platform.
o GSM-TDMA-CDMA mobility gateway
o AAA server.
o OS/400.
o K42: a high performance, open source, general-purpose operating system
kernel for cache-coherent multiprocessors.
o Vtune performace analysis software
o compilers and optimizers
o lots of chip design and manufacturing software.
o Timbuktu Pro -- Remote control, file exchange, and collaborative tools
for Macintosh and Windows. Timbuktu Pro is up to about 10,000,000
installed nodes and is in 70% of Fortune 500 companies. The Mac
version has won numerous awards over the years and the Windows
version just won the 2002 World Class Award From PC World.
o netOctopus -- Network-based system management for Macintosh and
Windows. "4000 sites ... maybe 150 agents (managed systems) are
installed at each site, which would make about 600,000 systems.".
o eSite -- Web site server platform used by several Yellow Pages
companies to provide web sites to advertisers.
o eCare -- Web-based customer support. The Macintosh and Windows
clients are in C++.
o Mobile Communications radio-station/internet bridges: FlexiGGSN
(Gateway GPRS Support Node) and FlexiSGSN (Server GPRS Support
o Most of the software for the N-series (and other "smart phones").
o The HotSpot Java Virtual Machine is written in C++ (this is the leading
edge, high performance replacement for Sun's "classic JVM" which was
written in C).
o Sun's compilers have major components written in C++, in particular the
C++ front end, parts of the Fortran 95 front end, and the SPARC back
o Parts of Solaris are written in C++, though the external interface is
usually crafted to look like C, for compatibility and stability reasons.
o OpenOffice "The Open Source Office Suite": "[...] the whole technology
is based on a platform-independent approach. Less than 10% of the code
is platform dependent. This acts as an abstraction layer for the upper
software components. Because of the availability of C++-Compilers on
every major platform, C++ is used as an implementation language. This
allows to port the technology to a wide range of
different platforms." "[...] It is a complex application consisting mainly
of C++ code employing templates and exception handling and
supporting independent language binding for a distributed component
based architecture."
Warcraft III, , Starfleet Command, . EA: video game engine. Byond: a "world"
development platform.
History of C++
Machine language is low level language in which instruction are written in zeros(0) and ones(1)
which human can’t understand but computer can understand. 0000001110101
What is a C++ Compiler?
"A compiler is a language translator which converts one language to other language"
In a C language program compiler converts high level language to low level language and generates results.