Name: - Reagan Holmes - Date: - 10/22/18 - School: - Waltham HS - Grade: - 10 - Starting and Ending Time: - 8:30 - To - 9:30

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Name: __Reagan Holmes________________ Date: ___10/22/18_________

School: _____Waltham HS_________________ Grade: _____10______

Starting and Ending Time: _8:30___ to _9:30___


MA Curriculum Frameworks incorporating the Common Core State Standards:

With regard to how this lesson fits into the “big picture” of the students’ long-term
learning, which MA framework does the lesson most clearly address?

CCSS Math Standard 9-12.7.G.5

Use facts about supplementary, complementary, vertical, and adjacent angles in a

multi-step problem to write and solve simple equations for an unknown angle in a figure.

Instructional Objective: ​By the end of the lesson, (1) ​what​ concept, information, skill, or
strategy will the student(s) learn and (2) ​how​ will they demonstrate that knowledge?

Students will be able to identify pairs of supplementary, complementary, and vertical

angles as well as to solve algebraic expressions for their angle measure.

Assessment:​​ What specific, tangible evidence will show that each student has met this

Students will participate in a matching activity, but will be required to record their own
answers on an answer sheet where they will have to show their work.
Academic Language Objective: ​By the end of the lesson, (1) ​what​ ​language​​, relating to
the lesson and lesson content, will the student(s) know or learn, and (2) ​how​ will they
demonstrate that knowledge? Refer to ​WIDA​ and ​Three Tiers of Vocabulary​ Beck,
Kucan, and McKeown (2002) as cited by Thaashida L. Hutton in ​Three Tiers of
Vocabulary and Education​.

​Students will be able to appropriately use and interpret the terms supplementary,
complementary, and vertical angles.

Students will be able to practice using these terms through dialogic reasoning and
discussion during the activity and will be able to negotiate meaning of these three terms.

Assessment:​​ What specific, tangible evidence will show that each student has met this

Students will demonstrate their explicit knowledge of these terms through the warm-up
and their applied knowledge through the matching activity.

Content: ​What are the specific details of the lesson’s content knowledge?

​Given different angle measures written as algebraic expressions, students will combine
their algebraic knowledge and their new knowledge of complementary, supplementary,
and vertical angles in order to find the exact measurement of each angle. Students will be
able to scaffold upon their previous algebraic skills in order to determine the correct angle


In this section, provide specific directions, explanations, rationales, questions, potential
vignettes/scenarios, strategies/methods, as well as step-by-step details that could allow
someone else to effectively teach the lesson and meet the lesson objectives.
Opening ​(_15_ minutes​)​:​​ How will you introduce the instructional objective to the
students, “activate” learners, pre-teach/ preview vocabulary, and prepare them to engage
with the lesson content?

● Students will begin class with a 5 minute warm up on the board for them to
review the vocabulary terms they learned the day before.
○ Students will be asked to say which set of angles are complementary,
supplementary, and vertical

● During this time, I will walk around the classroom to make sure students are on
task and have written the answers in a satisfactory way. This means prompting
students to say that ​∠AOD and ∠DOB are supplementary. This will allow
students the opportunity to practice labelling angles.
● After the five minutes has passed, I will go to the board and ask students to walk
me through the answer to this problem.
○ I will do this instead of students because many students will have been
absent the day before because of a field trip, so I will quickly review the
vocabulary and provide additional examples if necessary
● Afterwards, I will provide time to ask questions and to make sure students
understand these vocabulary
○ If confusion, share my trick:
■ C comes before S so Complementary 90 degrees and
Supplementary 180 degrees because 90 comes before 180
● Students will then be given a half sheet of paper with a few angles and their
measurements and will be asked to find the missing angle.
● This is designed to make sure students understand how to find missing angle
measures before I introduce algebra
● Quickly review the answers by asking students to come to the board and write
down their answers
○ Make sure we are all in agreement and all understand
○ Ask for questions
○ Explain that we are now moving into an activity which will do the same
thing but with algebra
During​​ ​Lesson ​(_40_ minutes)​:​ How will you direct, guide, and/or facilitate the learning
process to support the students in working toward meeting the instructional objectives?

● After the small initiator activity, I will make sure students are ready for the next
activity and are sitting with people who will not be as distracting.
● At this point, I do a quick example at the board so that students know my
expectations for this activity. I will draw either a supplementary, complementary,
or vertical angle (depending on which they seemed to have the most trouble with
in the warm up) and I will then illustrate how to solve for the angles measures if
they are in algebraic notation.
○ Ex. (6x+4) + (3x+5) = 90 → 9x+9=90 → x=9 then each angle measure is
6(9)+4=58, 3(9)+5=32 and notice that 58+32=90 (check method)
● Ask and Answer any questions
● Then go ahead and distribute the cards and answer sheets while explaining the
○ Tell students they will work together to match the various angles to their
algebraic expressions to their angle measures
○ There will be 4 sets of cards with varying difficulty to allow students to try
some easier and more difficult examples
● While students are matching
○ I will walk around the classroom to monitor progress, answer questions,
check in with students, and make sure they remain on task
○ I will review answers in small groups and if there is a problem that keeps
occuring, I will review as a whole class

Please see this link for activity:

Closing ​(_5_ minutes)​: ​How will you bring closure to the lesson and, by doing so, review
and determine what students have learned?
● At the end of class, I will ask students if they have any questions
● I will initiate a discussion based on the process of sorting different angles and
their measures in this matching game.
○ Ask students what techniques they used to reason through their matching
● If there is time, perhaps introduce the idea of a transversal which students will be
learning the next class. Not in so many words, but remind students about a
parallelogram and that opposite angles are equal so that means adjacent angles
must be supplementary
○ Just ask if they have any observations with respect to angle measurements
in a parallelogram, see what students come up with, to get their gears
turning for their next class


As you think about supporting all learners, think about the Principles of Universal
Design for Learning (UDL), and utilize resources at the following links:

UDL​​ at a glance: ​​​udl​​#video0

Lesson Plan examples​​ ​

Learner Factors: ​What will you do to ensure success from all students? Specifically
students on individual education plans, English language learners (at a variety of
English language levels), and students who may need an extended challenge. Highlight
all that apply.

Grouping Content Materials Student

Factors Response

Adjust grouping Give additional Write homework Alternate

format examples list response format
Seat students (verbal/written)
strategically near Provide alternate Graphic organizers
one another reading Give daily progress
Pair students Use Braille or report
Provide on-level large print
reading Extend time
manipulatives Use assistive

Give verbal Technology Use interpreter

cues to
emphasize main Give students copy Give more breaks
ideas of directions
Allow use of
Increase computer
number of
review activities

Hand out copies of

Re-read directions

Use page markers

Specific Examples​​: Choose 3 examples of support from the list above and explain
in detail the differentiation.

Support #1:​​ (Adjust Grouping Format) I will monitor how students are interacting
with one another during the opening activities. If certain groups of students are more
disruptive than others, I will move the groups around so that students will best be
able to learn and to discuss answers with each other since this will be a group

Support #2: ​(Give Additional Examples) To review the warm up I will be at the
board and if students do not understand the different terms I will give a few more
examples for them to practice on. Furthermore, if students are having difficult
incorporating algebra into their understanding of the terms supplementary,
complementary, and vertical angles, I will provide further examples on the board or
in their individual group. These examples will be similar to the problems they are

Support #3: ​(Alternate Response Format) Allow students the opportunity to write
down their answers as well as negotiate the various answers with their peers. And
then write down their findings.


Classroom Management:​​ If teaching a small group or whole class, how will you use
classroom routines, reinforce appropriate behavior, and/or handle behavioral issues? Give one

Since students will be working in groups, they have a greater chance of getting off topic and
talking with their peers. I will be walking around the classroom monitoring their progress and
making sure students remain on task by verbally reminding them to stay on task as well as
pointing to their various sheets. I will also walk around with a marker to correct students work
and to reinforce positive behavior.

Materials: ​What are the materials that you will need to organize, prepare, and/or try-out
before teaching the lesson?

● Overhead projector to project warm up onto the board

● Whiteboard with markers
● Matching squares
○ Matching answer sheet

Follow-up:​​ How will you and/or your Supervising Practitioner reinforce the learning at a later
time so that the students continue to work toward the lesson’s overarching​ ​goal (i.e., the MA
Curriculum Framework incorporating the Common Core State Standards)?

My S.P. will continue to reinforce this lesson the following lesson which teaches students
about transversals, and to learn transversals students must know what vertical, supplementary,
and complementary angles are so they will continue to practice and build upon these terms.

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