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AMX NX 3200.QuickStartGuide

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Quick Start Guide

NX-3200 NetLinx Integrated Controller

Overview 1. Using category cable, connect the LAN port on the rear panel of the
This guide pertains to the NX-3200 NetLinx Integrated Controller controller to your external network.
(FG2106-03). The purpose of this document is to illustrate how to set up FIG. 1 displays the location of the LAN port on the rear panel.

the device in its simplest configuration. Additional documentation for this

device is available at www.amx.com:
• Refer to the NX-x200 Series Hardware Reference Guide for additional
details on installing, upgrading, and wiring the NX-3200.
• Refer to the NX Series NetLinx Integrated Controllers WebConsole &
Programming Guide for detailed configuration instructions.
Connect category cable
What’s in the Box?
to the LAN port
The following items are included with the NX-3200:
FIG. 1 NX-3200 rear panel
• 1 2-pin 3.5 mm mini-Phoenix (female) PWR connector
2. In NetLinx Studio, select Settings > Workspace Communications
• 1 4-pin 3.5 mm mini-Phoenix (female) AxLink connector
Settings to open the Workspace Communication Settings dialog.
• 2 6-pin 3.5 mm mini-Phoenix (female) I/O connectors
3. Click System Settings to open the Communication Settings dialog,
• 2 8-pin 3.5 mm mini-Phoenix (female) Relay connectors
and select the Network tab.
• 2 10-pin 3.5mm mini-Phoenix (female) RS232/422/485 connectors
4. Click Listen for Masters to open the Listen For Masters dialog, and
• 6 5-pin 3.5mm mini-Phoenix (female) RS232 connectors click Start Listening to begin listening for “blink” (UDP) messages
• 2 CC-NIRC, IR Emitters (FG10-000-11) from NetLinx Masters on the same subnet. As Masters are
• 2 removable rack ears discovered, they are added to the List of Active NetLinx Master
Power Supply Controllers.
The suggested power supply for the NX-3200 is a 13.5 VDC 6.6 A output, 5. When you see the IP Address for the target Master in the List of Active
suitable for 50° C. NetLinx Master Controllers, click Stop Listening.
6. Select the IP Address of the target Master and click Select to Add.
Environmental Requirements
The New TCP/IP Setting dialog appears, indicating the selected IP
The environmental requirements for the NX-3200 are as follows: address. Fill in the available fields as necessary. Click OK to save
• Operating Temperature: 32° F (0° C) to 104° F (40° C) changes and return to the Communication Settings dialog. The new
• Storage Temperature: 4° F (-15° C) to 140° F (60° C) Master’s IP address now appears in the List of Addresses.
• Operating Humidity: 5% to 85% RH 7. With the newly added Master selected, click Select. The window
Modes and Front Panel LED Blink Patterns updates to indicate that the newly added and selected Master is now
The following table lists the modes and blink patterns for the front panel the current communication configuration.
LEDs associated with each mode. These patterns are not evident until after 8. Click OK on each open dialog to exit and return to the workspace.
the unit is powered. 9. Refresh the Online Tree (select Refresh System Online Tree from
Modes and LED Blink Patterns the Online Tree context menu) to connect to the Master.
Connected to the NX-3200 via USB
LEDs and Blink Patterns
If you do not have a DHCP server or if the controller has an unknown static
STATUS OUTPUT INPUT IP address, you obtain the IP address of the controller via USB.
Mode (green) (red) (yellow) 1. Using a standard Type-B to Type-A USB cable, connect the Program
Boot ON OFF ON Port on the front panel of the controller to your PC.
FIG. 2 displays the location of the Program Port.
Contacting DHCP ON OFF Fast Blink
Using link-local Slow Blink OFF OFF
Program running Slow Blink ON when ON when
transmitting data receiving data
No program ON ON when ON when Connect Type-B USB cable
to the Program Port
running transmitting data receiving data
FIG. 2 NX-3200 front panel
Getting Connected 2. Select Settings > Workspace Communications Settings to open
Note: Ensure the PC you are using to connect to the controller has the the Workspace Communication Settings dialog.
latest version of NetLinx Studio 4.0 installed on it. 3. Click System Settings to open the Communication Settings dialog.
Once the controller is powered on, you can connect to it through its IP 4. Select the USB tab. The USB tab features a list of Masters connected
address. to your PC via USB. The IP address of the Master appears in the IPv4
Address column.
Note: NX-Series controllers fully support IPv6 network addressing. If the
LAN port is connected to an IPv6 capable network it will self select an 5. Highlight your Master and click Select to connect to it.
appropriate IPv6 address based on the discovered address parameters of Switching the IP Address from a Dynamic to Static
the network to which it’s attached. To toggle between static and dynamic IP addresses, hold the ID
Connecting to the NX-3200 over Ethernet pushbutton on the front panel of the NX-3200 for 10 seconds. When
complete, the controller automatically reboots itself. After the controller is
The NX-3200 is configured for DHCP addressing by default. The controller
fully booted, use the Workspace Communications Settings dialog in
uses link local addressing as a backup in case the DHCP server is
NetLinx Studio to create a new connection to the controller. See the Default
inaccessible. See the Changing the IP Address section for information on
IP Addresses section for the list of default IP addresses.
setting a static IP address. Verify there is an active LAN connection on the
controller’s LAN port before beginning this procedure.
Note: Ensure the controller is fully booted when you press and hold the ID Configuration
pushbutton. Pressing and holding the ID pushbutton while the controller is All items in this section require accessing the WebConsole.
booting resets the unit to its factory defaults.
Enabling Security
Changing the IP Address Once You Are Connected
To enable security:
Perform these steps to change the IP address once you are connected to
1. Select the Security tab on the WebConsole. The System Security
the controller:
Details appear.
1. Set the IP address on your PC to the same network the controller is
2. Click the Enabled check box to enable security and activate the
currently on.
Access options.
2. In NetLinx Studio, select Diagnostics > Network Addresses from
3. Select the Access options which you want to require a login and
the menu bar to open the Network Addresses dialog.
3. Click Get IP Information to enable the fields for editing.
4. Configure users and groups as necessary.
4. Enter the System, Device (0 for NetLinx Masters), and Host Name
802.1x Security
The X-Series controllers support 802.1X, an IEEE Standard for Port-based
5. To specify a network IP address, select Specify IP Address.
Network Access Control. To enable 802.1X, you must load an 802.1X
6. Enter the IP parameters into the available fields. certificate file to your controller using NetLinx Studio. Once you add the
7. Click Set IP Information to retain the pre-reserved IP Address to the certificate file to your workspace, NetLinx Studio transfers the file to the
Master. appropriate directory on the controller.
8. Click Reboot Device to finish assigning the IP address to the Master,
1. Click to select (highlight) a System (in the Workspace tab of the
and click OK to close the dialog.
Workspace Bar).
Accessing the WebConsole
NetLinx Masters have a built-in WebConsole that allows you to make 2. Right-click on the Other folder to access the Other File Folder context
menu, and select Add Existing Other File.
various configuration settings via a web browser on any PC with access to
the Master. 3. In the Add Existing Other File dialog, locate and select the certificate
file (.crt) that you want to add to the selected System. Change the
The WebConsole consists of a series of web pages that are collectively
Files of Type option to All Files (*.*) to look for other file types, if
called the “Master Configuration Manager”. Refer to the NX Series NetLinx
Integrated Controllers WebConsole & Programming Guide for details on
4. Click Open to access the File Properties dialog, where you can view/
the WebConsole.
edit general file information for the selected file.
From any PC with access to the LAN that the target Master resides on:
5. Click OK to add the file to the selected System. The file should now
1. Open a web browser and type the IP Address of the target Master in appear in the Other folder under the selected System.
the Address Bar.
Setting the Clock Manager Mode
2. Press Enter to access WebConsole for the Master. The initial view is To set the clock manager mode:
the WebControl page.
1. On the Manage System tab, select a Time Sync option.

Network Time: When this option is selected, the Master will connect to
the default NIST Server to get date and time information. You can
select a different NIST Server (or specify the IP Address of a known
NIST Server) on the NIST Servers tab.
• Stand Alone: This option lets the Master use its own internal clock.
When this option is selected, the Date and Time fields are available on
this tab.
2. Click Accept to save these settings to the Master.
Hardware Information
FIG. 3 WebConsole (main page) This section lists important hardware information for the NX-3200.
Default Settings Port Numbers
The following sections list the default settings for the controller.
NX-3200 Port Numbers
Default User Names and Passwords
RS-232 RS-422/485 IR/Serial I/O Relay
The following table lists the default user names and passwords for
accessing the NX-3200 through NetLinx Studio or the WebConsole. 2-4, 6-8 1, 5 11-18 22 21
Default User Names and Passwords
Mounting the NX-3200
User Name Password The NX-3200 ships with removable rack ears for installation into an
equipment rack. Use the supplied #8-32 screws to secure the rack ears to
NetLinx Studio netlinx password
the sides of the controller. You can attach the rack ears toward the front or
WebConsole administrator password rear panel for either a front-facing or rear-facing installation.
Default IP Addresses Use the four #10-32 screws supplied in the mounting kit to secure the
controller to the rack.
The following table lists the default IP addresses for the NX-3200.
Default IP Addresses
IP Address Subnet
Static IP
Link-local 169.254.x.y, where x and y are the least significant two
octets of the MAC address.

For full warranty information, refer to the AMX Instruction Manual(s) associated with your Product(s). 93-2106-03 REV: A
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AMX reserves the right to alter specifications without notice at any time.
3000 RESEARCH DRIVE, RICHARDSON, TX 75082 • 800.222.0193 • fax 469.624.7153 • technical support 800.932.6993 •

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