Dzikir Pagi Dan Petang
Dzikir Pagi Dan Petang
Dzikir Pagi Dan Petang
In addition effervescent can also cover the bitter taste of medicine materials
as main ingredient which people don’t like the taste. Effervescent have unstable
humidity. Therefore, this product should be protected from high humidity by good
packaging. It's been a lot of orange flavored effervescent products, but products
with guava flavor had not found yet.
First, to make guava powder, peel the guava, then without separate the seed
from its fruit, blend the guava, after that sift the blended guava using sieve. Add
dekstrin in ratio 1:1, pour it into baking pan, put it into vacuum dryer in 65° for 6
hours, then sift it with 60 mesh sieve.
To make effervescent pill, first weighing all the materials and sift them, after
that mix the guava powder, citric acid, and some PVP in one container, sift with 20
mesh sieve and then the result of sifting is called acid component. In the other
container, mix the rest of PVP and Natrium bicarbonate, then sift with 20 mesh
sieve, then the mixture is called base component. Mix acid component and base
component, stir it to homogene. And the mixture become effervescent guava-based
granules. Bend as circle and press it in compact form. To avoid humidity absorption
from the air, put effervescent tablet in dessicator which contains silica gel (Prasetyo,
G. 2014).
Guava contains vitamin A 792 IU (79 mcg RE), vitamin B1 0.05 mg, 183.5
mg of vitamin C, vitamin E 1.12 mg, 14 mcg of folic acid, minerals such as calcium
20 mg, 25 mg phosphorus, 0.31 mg of iron, zinc 0.23 mg, 0.103 mg Cu 0.6 mg
selenium, phenolic compounds such as lycopene, zeaxantin, quercetin.
Guava has potential in the medical field as a source of antioxidants (vitamin C,
vitamin E, β-carotene, zinc and selenium) and acts as phytonutrients that are
scientifically proven through various studies. Studies on the effect of consumption
of guava to oxidant status and lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-
cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol) in healthy young men, showed consumption of
guava improve oxidant status and lipid profile (Wiralis. 2008).
Pectin fiber content in guava role in increasing faecal mass, slowing gastric
emptying time, increasing satiety after meal, lower the glucose absorption and
increases the excretion of bile acids. It is very good for people who are in the diet
because it can lose weight if consumed regularly (Wirakusuamah. 2007).
The advantage of using effervescent than usual drugs or eat fresh fruit is
effervescent increases the oral bioavailability of drug, enhanced first pass
biotransformation sustained drug delivery/ reduced frequency of dosing, reduced
fluctuations of drug concentration, improved receptor activation selectivity,
reduced counter-activity of body, extended time over critical (Effective)
concentration, minimized adverse activity at the colon, receptor activation
selectivity is improved, and site specific drug delivery (Ahmed, A. 2014).
Consuming effervescent guava on a regular basis can fulfill needs of vitamin C as
an antioxidant and vitamin E which good for skin health, maintain immunity,
prevent diarrhea, maintain the oral hygiene and health, improving digestion, lose
weight. All of these benefits gained without complicates the colon to digest fresh
fruit and simplify the liver because the E-JAMBI using natural materials, and
chemicals are used safely to the liver and digestion.
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