Dzikir Pagi Dan Petang

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Lakhaula Sahrotul Aulia


Guava fruit is a fruit which widely spread in Indonesia. Based on research

and experience, guava has benefits for health care, especially in prevention of
various diseases. However Processing guava is very slightly so we need a new
breakthrough in the processing of guava, so that increased its consumption by the
Now the consumption of multivitamins more popular than the consumption
of fresh fruit because it does not require a lot of time, durable, and more practical
to carry anywhere. One form of multivitamin is effervescent. Many effervescent
products have been widely produced, but effervescent with flavors and properties
of guava fruit has not found yet. The advantages of effervescent than ordinary form
of the drug is to provide a refreshing flavor when drunk.
This paper used a combination of guava and effervescent with the aim to
amusing products multivitamin plus "E-JAMBI" which hoped to be popular with
the public so increased consumption of guava. Based on studies and research on
guava and effervescent products, E-JAMBI has many benefits, that is gives a sense
of refreshing when drunk, practical, prevent diarrhea, maintain healthy eyes, skin,
and immune system, protecting the body from free radicals, treat malaria, facilitate
digestion and weight loss.


Nowadays people prefer instant product and consequently need to develop

products that allow consumers to use it easily. One kind of instant products which
much favored by the people is effervescent as a brand on the market, for example
Redoxon, CDR, etc.

According to the US FDA "effervescent tablet is a tablet intended to be

dissolved or dispersed in water before administration". It generally contains in
addition to active ingredients, mixture of acids/acid salts and carbonate and
hydrogen carbonates which release carbon dioxide when mixed with water
(Palanisamy, P. 2011). Effervescent tablet now become one of the many products
made, from drugs, beverages, natural dyes, even to the plant fertilizer. This product
is popular because it is interesting to see the bubbles when the tablet is put into
water, and the tablet is totally dissolve a few moments later. In a sense, this product
also enjoyable for everyone because it gives a refreshing sensation (Nariswara, Y.

In addition effervescent can also cover the bitter taste of medicine materials
as main ingredient which people don’t like the taste. Effervescent have unstable
humidity. Therefore, this product should be protected from high humidity by good
packaging. It's been a lot of orange flavored effervescent products, but products
with guava flavor had not found yet.

In effervescent products there are aspartame functioning as a sweetener that

can be perfectly digested by digestive enzymes. In the natural food there are 3
components such as aspartame, phenylalanine, and methanol components which
found in large quantities in fruits and vegetables. Sugar aspartame have 160-200
times the sweetness of sucrose (sugar, no bitter taste or after-taste that is often found
in artificial sweeteners).

Guava (Psidium guajava L.) also known as Psidium aromaticum Blanco.

This plant is came from the American tropics between Mexico to Peru, spread to
Asia by Spanish and Portuguese traders (Verheij and Coronel, 1999). Guava is
chosen because guava contain phytonutreints as antioxidants and anti-
inflammatory, guava is easy to find, and well known by public (Wiralis, 2008).

In Indonesia, Guava fruit is widely used to increase platelets for patients

with dengue fever. Consuming guava regularly as a preventative measure causing
other effects that is satiety for longer, smoother digestion and weight loss (Astawan,
I. 2013). Guava is seasonal fruit. But now guava can be harvested every day or not
only when in season. When summer arrives, guava is very easy to get and the cost
is very cheap. Besides its low cost, guava had a distinctive aroma, tastes good, sweet
and there is little sense of sour. Guava also has enough nutrition for health. It also
contains a lot of natural sugar. Nutritional content in guava fruit good for human
health, as well as useful for treating several disease. There are so many benefits of
guava fruit for health, as an anti-diarrhea, colds, cancer sores, and dengue fever,


Materials and Tools

Materials needed are pink guava (Psidium guajava) puree from local farm.
The main criteria of selection were that the fruits are available throughout the year,
non-seasonal, consumable by all population, and expected to have high
antioxidative properties (Ayub, M. 2010). Citric acid, natrium bicarbonate was
gifted by (Thomas baker, Mumbai), Polyvinylpyrrolidone was gifted by (Nan hangs, low calories sugar.
Tools that used for making effervescent is knife, vacuum dryer, pair of
scales, beaker glass, blender, filter fabric, measuring glass, sieve (20 and 60 mesh),
mortar, stove, pan, plastic container (Prasetyo, G. 2015).

First, to make guava powder, peel the guava, then without separate the seed
from its fruit, blend the guava, after that sift the blended guava using sieve. Add
dekstrin in ratio 1:1, pour it into baking pan, put it into vacuum dryer in 65° for 6
hours, then sift it with 60 mesh sieve.
To make effervescent pill, first weighing all the materials and sift them, after
that mix the guava powder, citric acid, and some PVP in one container, sift with 20
mesh sieve and then the result of sifting is called acid component. In the other
container, mix the rest of PVP and Natrium bicarbonate, then sift with 20 mesh
sieve, then the mixture is called base component. Mix acid component and base
component, stir it to homogene. And the mixture become effervescent guava-based
granules. Bend as circle and press it in compact form. To avoid humidity absorption
from the air, put effervescent tablet in dessicator which contains silica gel (Prasetyo,
G. 2014).


In this paper, we used some chemical materials to support making

effervescent. Citric acid contains water when reacted with sodium bicarbonate that
containing carbon dioxide gas will produce sodium citrate, water and carbon
dioxide will formed three times faster that can help solubility (Rizal, D. 2014).
Citric acid also affects the acidity and tablets humidity, the more citric acid is added,
then it will be more acidic and more humid (Lestari, B. 2007).

When the tablet comes in the contact of water, it produces effervescence by

releasing CO2 gas. When the fluid penetrates into the tablet, tablet starts floating.
Various types of polymer of different grade provide low density system so give
better efficiency in gastric fluid. The system is design to float and shows sustain
release for better patient compliance and reduce dose frequency and adverse effect
drug (Ahmed, A. 2014).

Desiccator function as a regulator of temperature and humidity before the

effervescent tablets packed. Temperature and humidity (RH) significantly affect the
time of soluble changes during storage. At high storage temperatures, sodium
bicarbonate as the destroyer was in an unstable condition. The amount of the
molecule is also getting reduced because some had completely reacted with citric
acid. So that when we want to use it, the dissolved reaction between sodium
bicarbonate with citric acid is slow. The best storage conditions are at a temperature
of 20 degrees Celsius with RH 43.2% (Ansar. 2014).


Guava contains vitamin A 792 IU (79 mcg RE), vitamin B1 0.05 mg, 183.5
mg of vitamin C, vitamin E 1.12 mg, 14 mcg of folic acid, minerals such as calcium
20 mg, 25 mg phosphorus, 0.31 mg of iron, zinc 0.23 mg, 0.103 mg Cu 0.6 mg
selenium, phenolic compounds such as lycopene, zeaxantin, quercetin.
Guava has potential in the medical field as a source of antioxidants (vitamin C,
vitamin E, β-carotene, zinc and selenium) and acts as phytonutrients that are
scientifically proven through various studies. Studies on the effect of consumption
of guava to oxidant status and lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-
cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol) in healthy young men, showed consumption of
guava improve oxidant status and lipid profile (Wiralis. 2008).

Pectin fiber content in guava role in increasing faecal mass, slowing gastric
emptying time, increasing satiety after meal, lower the glucose absorption and
increases the excretion of bile acids. It is very good for people who are in the diet
because it can lose weight if consumed regularly (Wirakusuamah. 2007).

Psidium guajava stem-bark extract contained anthraquinones, flavonoids,

seccoirridoids and terpenoids and was found to be effective for the treatment and
prophylaxis of malaria. Just like leaves of guava, guava fruit also contains tannins,
though in a less degree. If the leaves are used to treat diarrhea guava, guava fruit is
used for the prevention of diarrhea (Burkill.1997)

The advantage of using effervescent than usual drugs or eat fresh fruit is
effervescent increases the oral bioavailability of drug, enhanced first pass
biotransformation sustained drug delivery/ reduced frequency of dosing, reduced
fluctuations of drug concentration, improved receptor activation selectivity,
reduced counter-activity of body, extended time over critical (Effective)
concentration, minimized adverse activity at the colon, receptor activation
selectivity is improved, and site specific drug delivery (Ahmed, A. 2014).

Consuming effervescent guava on a regular basis can fulfill needs of vitamin C as
an antioxidant and vitamin E which good for skin health, maintain immunity,
prevent diarrhea, maintain the oral hygiene and health, improving digestion, lose
weight. All of these benefits gained without complicates the colon to digest fresh
fruit and simplify the liver because the E-JAMBI using natural materials, and
chemicals are used safely to the liver and digestion.


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