Understanding The Compatibility of The Energetic Binder Polynimmo With Energetic Plasticizers: Experimental and DFT Studies
Understanding The Compatibility of The Energetic Binder Polynimmo With Energetic Plasticizers: Experimental and DFT Studies
Understanding The Compatibility of The Energetic Binder Polynimmo With Energetic Plasticizers: Experimental and DFT Studies
DOI: 10.1002/prep.201600058
Abstract: The development of energetic binders with suita- NIMMO with the plasticizers. The glass transition tempera-
ble energetic plasticizers is required to enhance the me- tures of the blends were determined by low temperature
chanical properties and to reduce the glass transition tem- DSC and showed desirable lowering of glass transition tem-
perature of propellant and explosive formulations. The perature with single peak. The rheological evaluation re-
compatibility of the energetic binder poly(3-nitratomethyl- vealed that the viscosity of the binder is considerably
3-methyloxetane) (polyNIMMO) with five different energetic lowered by means of flow behavior upon addition of 20 %
plasticizers viz. bis(2,2-dinitro propyl)acetal (BDNPA), dini- (w/w) plasticizer. The addition of BuNENA and DEGDN has
tro-diaza-alkanes (DNDA-57), 1,2,4-butanetriol trinitrate maximum effect on the lowering of viscosity of polyNIM-
(BTTN), N-N-butyl-N‘(2-nitroxy-ethyl) nitramine (BuNENA) MO. The predicted relative trend of interaction energies be-
and diethyleneglycoldinitrate (DEGDN) was studied by dif- tween plasticizer and binder is well correlated with the cor-
ferential scanning calorimetry (DSC), rheology, and DFT responding trend of viscosity of binder/plasticizer blends.
methods. The results obtained for the pure binder were These experimental studies verified by theoretical methods
compared with the results obtained for the binder/plasticiz- are valuable to design practical blends of new plasticizers
er blend in regard of the decomposition temperature and and binders.
the format of the peak indicated the compatibility of poly-
Keywords: Thermochemistry · Glass transition temperature · Rheology · Plasticizing effect · Computational study
High energy materials are rarely used in their pure form; become an important polymer worth investigating [7, 8].
rather they are used in combination with the inert, as well The uncured material is a high viscosity liquid with
as other energetic materials, for civilian and military appli- a yellow, transparent color and slight odor and is also ex-
cations of explosives and propellants. Since polymeric pected to reduce propellant vulnerability against accidental
binder is one of the major ingredients of propellant and ex- but violent stimulation [9]. The energetic binder poly(3-ni-
plosive formulations, it is very important to choose suitable tratomethyl-3-methyloxetane) (1) is a versatile energetic
binder. Although the workhorse binder, hydroxyl-terminat- pre-polymer consisting of a nitrated ester group where X
ed polybutadiene (HTPB), has excellent elastomeric proper-
ties, it contains little energy and requires high solid loading
[a] S. K. Shee, P. N. Shah, J. Athar, A. Dey, R. R. Soman, A. K. Sikder,
to have a better performance [1, 2]. Energy can be added S. Pawar
to the explosive or propellant system through the use of Energetic Materials Research Division
energetic binder which enables lower solid loading with High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (Defence Research &
improved performance [3, 4]. Unsatisfactory mechanical Development Organisation
properties at low temperatures rules out the use of an en- Pune, 411 021, India
*e-mail: sujitvision2020@gmail.com
ergetic binder GAP (glycidyl azide polymer) in spite of its
high energy content [5]. The aim of insensitive and ener- [b] S. Banerjee
getic binder is to use it as an ingredient to bind with other Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (Defence Research &
Development Organisation)
explosive ingredients and to decrease the likelihood of su- Girinagar, Pune, 411 025, India
perfluous and unanticipated detonation from external stim- *e-mail: shaibal.b2001@gmail.com
uli such as shock, weapon fragments, and heat [6]. Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW
PolyNIMMO has emerged as a promising energetic under http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/prep.201600058 or from the
binder for insensitive munitions and therefore, it has author.
DOI: 10.1002/prep.201600058 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim &1&
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Full Paper S. K. Shee, P. N. Shah, J. Athar, A. Dey, R. R. Soman, A. K. Sikder, S. Pawar, S. Banerjee
and Y are either continuations of the polymeric chain or ent purposes, such as for coatings, films, milling, and
terminating groups. Several synthetic processes for poly- mixing, to obtain a desirable degree of flexibility over
NIMMO and its corresponding monomer have been report- a broad range of operational temperatures. Compatibility
ed in the literature [10, 11]. The scale-up process of poly- testing of ingredients of explosives and propellant compo-
NIMMO has been carried out successfully and the technolo- sitions is done to ensure safety during storage and reliabili-
gy has been transferred for commercial production [8, 12]. ty in services, by determining whether their properties ad-
The results reported by Waring et al. show that polyNIMMO versely are affected by any of the materials used near or in
is very stable for gamma radiation up to doses of 250 kGy contact with them [19]. Nitrate ester plasticized polyether
[13]. The approach of formulating high energy LOVA pro- (NEPE) propellants and other double-based propellants can
pellants, based on the energetic binder polyNIMMO in improve their mechanical properties at low temperature,
amalgamation with various fillers and plasticizers, has been which makes them safer to use due to the incorporation of
examined by Leach et al. by employing low response to nitrate ester plasticizer [20–23]. To understand the compati-
small scale, shaped charge attack test method. The estab- bility of polyNIMMO binder with different plasticizers
lished approach has shown that the rubbery nature of the (Scheme 1), thermal, rheological, and computational studies
polyNIMMO binder desensitizes the main energetic filler, at the molecular level may be of useful to get a better in-
HMX and the content of binder is kept to a minimum as it sight for the selection of a suitable plasticizer [24–26].
is energetic itself [14]. The compatibility of filler
(CL-20) with polyNIMMO has been examined [15]. However,
no study has been performed for the compatibility of poly-
NIMMO with plasticizers, which is crucial while processing.
The solid loading, which contributes to the rheological
properties and therefore affects the processability and me-
chanical properties of the propellants, is largely determined
by the polymeric binder used. Furthermore, the reduction
of viscosity of polyNIMMO facilitates high solid loading in
both fuel and oxidizer of the propellant. The knowledge of
the compatibility is vital for the design and preparation of
propellants and high explosives possessing desirable me-
chanical, rheological and ballistic properties suitable for
specific purposes [16]. The polymer consisting of nitrate
ester linkage ( ONO2) side chain imparts energy to the
polymer, but is also a likely source of chemical degradation
[9]. PolyNIMMO has a glass transition temperature (Tg) at
Scheme 1. Molecular structures of energetic binder polyNIMMO
approximately 33 8C. The glass transition temperature of (dimeric form) and all energetic plasticizers.
good binder must be lower than the service temperature,
(usually 40 8C to 55 8C depending on the application),
especially when the propellant is case-bonded, to avoid
failure of the motor during firing.
The energetic binder polyNIMMO was synthesized and
characterized as reported in the literature [8, 10–12]. Ener-
getic plasticizers viz. bis(2,2-dinitro propyl) acetal (BDNPA)
[27, 28], dinitro-diaza-alkanes (DNDA-57) [29], 1,2,4-butane-
triol trinitrate (BTTN) [30], N-N-butyl-N’(2-nitroxy-ethyl) nitr-
amine (BuNENA) [31] and diethylene-glycol dinitrate
(DEGDN) [30] were also synthesized and characterized in
lab by reported methods. Other chemicals and reagents
used in this study were purchased and used as such. All
To obtain a high specific impulse, it is always recom- the energetic plasticizers (20 % w/w) were hand mixed with
mended to plasticize with optimum energetic plasticizers, polyNIMMO (80 % w/w) and kept at room temperature.
which have a low glass transition temperature, low viscosi- After 24 h, these blends were observed for any phase sepa-
ty, low ability to migrate, high oxygen balance, and which ration and then used for further studies, as mentioned in
should also be thermally stable [17]. A plasticizer has usual- the Results and Discussion section. DSC samples (weights
ly changed the properties by reducing stiffness and permit- between 5 to 10 mg) were sealed in an aluminum pan.
ting easier processing of a given polymer/plasticizer system Thermal decomposition and glass transition temperatures
[18]. Plasticizer has been used in different fields for differ- of all polymer blends were determined in the temperature
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Compatibility of the Energetic Binder PolyNIMMO with Energetic Plasticizers
DOI: 10.1002/prep.201600058 www.pep.wiley-vch.de 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim &3&
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Full Paper S. K. Shee, P. N. Shah, J. Athar, A. Dey, R. R. Soman, A. K. Sikder, S. Pawar, S. Banerjee
observed in terms of Tg of polyNIMMO, which again indi- thermodynamic compatibility of energetic binder with en-
cates the compatibility of plasticizers with polyNIMMO. ergetic plasticizers [41, 49, 50].
Maximum lowering of Tg ( 52 8C) was observed in the
cases of BuNENA and DEGDN, where as BDNPA has shown
Rheological Studies
minimum lowering of Tg at 38.85 8C (Figure 2). BTTN and
DNDA-57 have shown moderate lowering of Tg at A binder/plasticizer system is said to be compatible if it
46.41 8C and 43.12 8C, respectively, All these polyNIM- forms a homogeneous mixture for a long time. The maxi-
MO/plasticizer blends give single and reduced glass transi- mum amount of a plasticizer retained by a binder system,
tion temperatures, which confirms the compatibility of pol- without oozing out during storage when amalgamated
yNIMMO binder with the plasticizers. The reduction in co- into a polymeric binder, is defined as the limit of compati-
hesive forces of attraction between polymer chains increas- bility of that plasticizer [51]. Rheological study of the com-
es chain mobility leading to lowering of Tg when plasticiz- patibility of energetic binder polyNIMMO with all the five
ers are incorporated in to the polymer. Thus, it is the plasticizers was performed using the same samples as the
plasticizer’s function to reduce the forces between the above thermal studies. A shear rate sweep from 1 to
macromolecules and thereby increase chain mobility, 100 S 1 was conducted at a constant temperature of 30 8C
reduce viscosity, which, in turn, leads to a “softening” or to study the flow behavior of polyNIMMO and polyNIMMO/
“plasticization” of the polymeric material [12, 47, 48]. The plasticizer blends (Figure 3). Newtonian behavior was ob-
single Tg value for all combinations has further confirms the served for pure polyNIMMO with a constant viscosity of
presence of a single phase homogeneous system and the 15460 cPs at 30 8C, at a varying shear rate. Such a higher
Figure 2. Low temperature DSC curves of pure polyNIMMO and polyNIMMO mixed with different plasticizers.
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Compatibility of the Energetic Binder PolyNIMMO with Energetic Plasticizers
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Full Paper S. K. Shee, P. N. Shah, J. Athar, A. Dey, R. R. Soman, A. K. Sikder, S. Pawar, S. Banerjee
Table 2. Electronic and Gibbs free energies [kJ mol 1] computed at two different levels of theories for the interaction between plasticizers
and binder (polyNIMMO-2).
SNO Plasticizer B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) M052X/6-311G(d,p)
Electronic energy Free energy Electronic energy Free energy
1 BDNPA 72.0 45.6 170.7 1.3
2 DNDA-57 89.1 28.5 133.5 3.8
3 BTTN 53.1 63.2 111.7 41.8
4 BuNENA 63.2 42.3 108.4 45.6
5 DEGDN 58.2 57.3 106.7 46.4
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&8& www.pep.wiley-vch.de 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/prep.201600058
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Compatibility of the Energetic Binder PolyNIMMO with Energetic Plasticizers
S. K. Shee,* P. N. Shah, J. Athar, A. Dey,
R. R. Soman, A. K. Sikder, S. Pawar,
S. Banerjee*
&& – &&
Understanding the Compatibility of
the Energetic Binder PolyNIMMO
with Energetic Plasticizers:
Experimental and DFT Studies
DOI: 10.1002/prep.201600058 www.pep.wiley-vch.de 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim &9&
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