First Record of Spearnose Skate, Rostroraja Alba (Lacep&de1, 803) (Rajiformes: Rajidae) From Indian Waters
First Record of Spearnose Skate, Rostroraja Alba (Lacep&de1, 803) (Rajiformes: Rajidae) From Indian Waters
First Record of Spearnose Skate, Rostroraja Alba (Lacep&de1, 803) (Rajiformes: Rajidae) From Indian Waters
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Rekha J Nair
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
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Five species of skates belonging to genus Raja have from English channel, the Mediterranean and the eastern
been recorded from Indian waters by various authors Atlantic (Clark, 1926; Fowler, 1941; Tortonese, 1956),
(Day, 1889; Munro, 195 1; Misra, 1952, 1969) - Raja Namibia to Barra Falsa and West Africa to NE Madagas-
mammillidens, R. powelli, R. johannis-davisi, R. car (Hulley, 1986). R. alba is a demersal species, found
andamanica and R. reversa. Samuel (1963) recorded a in the depth range 30 - 600 m in the subtropical belt in
twin eye skate, Raia ocellifera along the Southwest coast the longitudinal range 53"N - 35"s. Females are said to
of India. R. ocellifera is now considered to be a synonym attain a maximum length of 202 cm.
of Raja miraletus (Wallace, 1967). The other rays are
Distinctive characters: Disc has an extremely undu-
now known by the valid names Fenestraja mamillidens
late margin; snout is long, sharply pointed and abruptly
(Alcock, 1889). Okamejei powelli (Alcock, 1898),
narrowed with a distinct notch. Tail is short, wide, thick,
Dipturus johannisdavisi (Alcock, 1899), Cruriraja
posteriorly tapering with a well-developed lateral series of
andamanica (Lloyd 1909) and Amblyraja reversa (Lloyd,
"bucklers" (thorns with heavy base) (Gravendeel et a/.,
1906) respectively. (Froese and Pauly, 2000).
2002). No cutaneous folds are present on the tail. A large
During a routine field collection at Cochin Fisheries number of white spots are present arranged in a regular
Harbour, Kerala, India, on 27 September 2003, a new pattern on the dorsal surface; they are seen to radiate from
skate hitherto unknown from Indian waters was noticed the spiracle towards the snout and to the extremities of the
in drift gill net catch. The skate was caught by vessels disc width.
operating at depths beyond 200 m off the Southwest coast
Rostroraja alba (Lacepkde, 1803) - Spear nose Skate
of India. The skate was later identified as Rostroraja alba
(Lacefide. 1803). This is the first record of this species Raja alba Lacepkde 1803:661, f 1; pl 20, Rouen,
from Indian waters. With the increase in the number of France
skates recorded in Indian waters, an attempt is made here Raja alba Norman 1935:40, South Atlantic
to redefine the field key for skates given by Misra (1969)
so as to include the two species R. miraletus and R. alba. Raja alba Fowler 1941: 365, Phillipine Archipelago
Raja alba van Bruggen 1965: 190 (rec)
The species R. alba differs from the other skates
available in the Indian waters in the following characters Rostroraja alba McEachran & Dunn 1998:285
- from F. mamillidens and D. johannisdavisi in having Rostroraja alba Heemstra & Heemstra 2004:81
more than 1 row of spines on tail; from A. reversa and
from C. andamanica in the absence of the prominent Material: One single female (total length 119 cm and
rostra1 spine; from 0 . powelli in having the interdorsal disc width 94.7 cm) off Southwest coast of India. The
distance lesser than the base of first dorsal and a brown specimen has been deposited at the Reference Collection
dorsal surface with white dots and from R. miraletus in Museum of CMFRI (CMFRI Reg. No. GA.
the absence of the ocellii. Description: The morphometric measurements are
Distribution: This species had earlier been reported presented in Table 1. Methods for making measurements
Table 1. Morphometric measurements of Rostroraja alba also due to Mrs. P.K Seetha, Technical Assistant, for the
(Lucepede, 1803) (as % of total length) help rendered in the collection of the specimen.
Characters India South
Present Africa Clark, Robert S. 1926. Scient. Invest. Fisllery Bd. Scotl.,
study Wallace, ( I ) : 47 - 49.
(1967) Day, F. 1889. The Fishes qf India, being a natural history
of the fishes known to inhabit tile seas and .fi-r.sI~warer.s
Total length 100 100 of India, Burnza and Ceylon. Fisher Francis and Tay-
Length of disc 56.9 53.1 lor, London.
Snout to greatest width of disc 36.0 31.8 Fowler, Henry W.1941. Bu11.100 U.S nut. Mus., 13: 332-
Snout to origin of first dorsal 84.5 82.6 Froese, R. and D. Pauly, Editors. 2000. FishBase 2000:
Snout to origin of second dorsal 91.2 90.1 344 p.
Snout to anterior end of orbit 20.0 15.7 Gravendeel Ronald, Wimvan Neer and Dick
Brinkhuizen.2002. Int. J. Osteoarchaeol., 12: 420 -
Disc width 79.5 77.7 441.
First dorsal base Hulley, P.A. 1986. Family Rajidae. pp: 115-128. In: Smith
Margaret, M and Phillip C. Heemstra (Eds.) Smith's
interspace between dorsal bases Sea Fishes. Springer -Verlag.
Second dorsal base Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae, Ed X: I -ii+ 1 - 824.
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