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Appendix K.



The teacher demonstrates a range of associated pedagogical aspects of the

indicator that sometimes align with the learners’ developmental needs.

The teacher demonstrates a range of associated pedagogical aspects of the indicator

that usually align with the learners’ developmental needs.

The teacher uses well-connected pedagogical aspects of the indicator consistently

aligned with student development that supports students to be successful learners.

The teacher uses well-connected pedagogical aspects of the indicator to create an

environment that addresses individual and group learning goals.

The teacher applies deep knowledge and understanding of the indicator discriminately
8 DISCRIMINATING to contextualize teaching and learning processes within the discipline to meet individual
and group learning goals.
INDICATOR 1 Applies knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas

4 5 6 7 8
The teacher demonstrates The teacher demonstrates The teacher demonstrates The teacher applies high-level The teacher applies high-level
accurate knowledge of key accurate and in-depth knowledge accurate, in-depth and broad knowledge of content and knowledge of content within
concepts both in the of most concepts in the knowledge of all concepts in the pedagogy that creates a and across curriculum content
presentation of the lesson and presentation of the lesson and in presentation of the lesson and conducive learning environment areas to empower learners to
in responding to learners’ responding to learners’ questions in responding to learners’ that enables an in-depth and acquire and apply successful
questions or comments. questions in a manner that is sophisticated understanding of learning strategies to assist in
in a manner that attempts to responsive to learner the teaching and learning their development as
The lesson content displays be responsive to learner developmental needs and processes to meet individual or independent learners.
coherence. developmental learning promotes learning. group learning needs within
needs. and across curriculum content
The teacher attempts to The teacher makes
make connections across The teacher makes connections areas.
meaningful connections
curriculum content areas if across curriculum content areas if across curriculum content
appropriate. appropriate. areas, if appropriate.

1. The teacher clearly 1. The teacher displays 1. The teacher displays 1. The teacher applies 1. The teacher applies extensive
explains concepts and comprehensive understanding extensive knowledge of extensive knowledge of and complex content knowledge
makes no content errors. of the concepts and structure of content. content beyond his/her to support learners in acquiring
the disciplines. area of specialization. successful learning strategies in
2. The content appears to be 2. The teacher cites intra- other areas of the learning.
accurate and its focus 2. The teacher addresses content and interdisciplinary 2. The teacher motivates
shows awareness of the accurately and makes content relationships. learners to investigate the 2. The teacher extends
ideas and structure of the connections across disciplines. content area to expand their knowledge of subject beyond
discipline. 3. The teacher addresses knowledge and satisfy their
content accurately and its content in his/her teaching
natural curiosity. specialty and stimulates
3. The teacher demonstrates focus is congruent with the
factual knowledge of subject big ideas and/or structure of learners’ curiosity beyond the
matter and attempts to connect the discipline. required course work.
content across disciplines.



central ideas of the topic or lesson content is free from errors knowledge within and across curriculum content areas


different learning/subject areas taught and learned in foundational knowledge and finer details within complex content knowledge within and across
the basic and secondary education curriculum the curriculum content area curriculum areas
Applies a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other
higher-order thinking skills

4 5 6 7 8
The teacher uses questions The teacher employs a range of The teacher challenges learners The teacher provides a broad The teacher provides, at the
and activities that mostly targeted follow-up questions and to justify their thinking and range of questions and appropriate times, a learning
require the learners to activities that encourage learners successfully engages most of activities, including those of environment for higher-order
interpret, explain, or describe to explain, demonstrate, and use them in the discussion using higher-order that challenge thinking skills that enables
ideas learned. learners to analyze their learners to evaluate their
ideas learned. well-directed questions and
activities. thinking to promote deeper thinking and to seek
understanding. constructive feedback from
peers and the teacher.

1. The teacher makes some 1. The teacher employs a range of 1. The teacher challenges 1. Learners compare and 1. Learners judge or evaluate
attempt to engage learners strategies to ensure that most learners cognitively to contrast ideas. situations, problems, or
in genuine discussion rather learners are given opportunities advance high-level thinking issues.
to give opinions to the lesson 2. Learners synthesize or
than simple, factual, or rote- and discourse.
type discussion. and to react to the opinions of summarize information within
2. Learners extend the or across disciplines. 2. Learners invite comments
2. The teacher asks, “Can you discussion by inviting from their classmates
please explain this idea?” comments from their during discussion and
2. The teacher creates a genuine classmates during the challenge one another’s
discussion among learners, discussion and challenge thinking.
providing adequate time for one another’s thinking.
them to respond; as well as to
step aside when doing so is 3. Learners, themselves,
appropriate. ensure that all voices are
heard in the discussion.


require answers that go beyond simple information. They are more abstract and require advanced cognitive processes, e.g. giving and justifying opinions.

are predictable, not challenging and require answers based on obvious facts
Manages classroom structure to engage learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful
INDICATOR 3 exploration, discovery and hands-on activities within a range of physical and learning

4 5 6 7 8
The teacher manages The teacher manages classroom The teacher manages The teacher organizes and The teacher adapts and
classroom structure and structure and engages most classroom structure and maintains classroom structure adjusts classroom structure
engages the majority of the learners in meaningful exploration, engages all learners in and engages learners, according to learners’ needs
learners in discovery and discovery and hands-on learning meaningful exploration, individually or in groups, in and encourages learners to
hands-on learning activities activities within a range of physical discovery and hands-on meaningful exploration, explore other learning
within a range of physical learning environments. learning activities within a range discovery and hands-on activities that support the
learning environments. of physical learning learning activities within a achievement of learning
environments. range of physical learning goals.

1. The classroom layout and 1. The classroom layout and 1. The teacher keeps the 1. The teacher utilizes 1. The teacher modifies
available resources are available resources are learning environment free proactive classroom classroom structure and
simple and somewhat generally suitable for different from congestion and management practices resources effectively in a
suitable for different learning facilitates activities to support flexible manner that acknowledges
learning activities.
appropriate within the movement of the the needs of learners.
2. Most learners work physical learning learners in all learning
2. Majority of the learners productively within the environment. activities. 2. The teacher facilitates
work productively within the allotted time, physical well-planned learning
allotted time and physical 2. All learners work 2. Learners are fully activities appropriate to
space and resources.
productively within the engaged in all activities individual and group needs
space, using the available
allotted time, physical by utilizing optimal within the available
resources. space and resources. space and time, physical space and
appropriate to their resources.



any area where learning takes place almost all, approaching 100% of the learners activities that require physical participation of learners
to construct, consolidate or explain concepts
the physical set-up of the learning environment which activities that learners draw on their past experiences MEANINGFUL EXPLORATION
generally includes the arrangement of chairs, tables, and existing knowledge to discover facts, relationships, activities that lead to learners’ full understanding of
and other equipment and new knowledge to be learned concepts and how they relate to other concepts
more than half of the learners
Manages learner behavior constructively by applying positive and non-violent discipline to
ensure learning-focused environments

4 5 6 7 8
The teacher occasionally The teacher frequently manages The teacher consistently The teacher constructively The teacher enables learners
manages misbehavior against misbehavior against established manages misbehavior against manages learner behavior by to take control of their own
established rules of conduct and rules of conduct and most learners established rules of conduct applying positive and non- behavior against rules of
the majority of the learners follow such rules. and all learners follow such violent discipline to ensure conduct in which learners are
follow such rules.
rules. learning-focused environment. aware of the impact of their
1. The teacher’s standards of 1. The classroom management 1. The teacher responds 1. Learners are actively 1. Standards of conduct are
conduct are inconsistently system has been appropriately to misbehavior encouraged to take clear to all learners.
enforced resulting in some implemented appropriately of learners at all times without responsibility for their Learners respectfully
interference in learning and which is responsive to any loss of instructional time. behavior. intervene with classmates
some loss of instructional classroom and individual at appropriate moments to
time. needs of learners. 2. Clear expectations for 2. Well-established ensure compliance with
learner behavior are procedures for standards of conduct.
2. Standards of conduct are 2. The teacher’s standards of evident. Standards of learners to self-
clear to some learners behavior are consistently conduct are clear to all monitor their own
and may require repeated reinforced resulting in little or no learners and with modest classroom behavior
prompting. interference with learning. They impact on learning. are evident.
3. Appropriate expectations are clear to most learners and
for behavior are require little prompting.
established, but some of
these are unclear, or do
not address the needs of
most learners.



an existing set rules of conduct imposed in the learning environment occurs irregularly in the duration of the lesson

positive and helpful responses on learners’ behavior occurs often times in the duration of the lesson

more than half of the learners occurs constantly in the duration of the lesson

almost all, approaching 100% of the learners manner in which learners act; either positive or negative
Plans, manages and implements developmentally sequenced teaching and learning processes to meet
INDICATOR 5 curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts.

4 5 6 7 8
The teacher implements the The teacher implements the The teacher manages well- The teacher manages well- The teacher reflects an
lessons but with inappropriate lessons with appropriate elements structured lessons with structured lessons with understanding of the
elements of developmentally of developmentally sequenced developmentally sequenced emphasis on explicit prerequisite relationships
sequenced teaching and teaching and learning processes. teaching and learning connections between previous among the important content,
learning processes. processes to meet curriculum concepts, as well as multiple
learning and new concepts
requirements and varied pathways for learning
and skills.
teaching contexts. depending on learners’ needs.

1. The teacher’s demonstration 1. The teacher connects 1. The sequence of activities 1. The progression from the 1. The lesson was structured to
of knowledge of pre-requisite outcomes to previous and purposefully scaffolds warm up into the main take into account or build
relationships are inaccurate future learning. Transitions learners toward achieving activity was thoughtfully prior knowledge of the topic
or incomplete and transitions between activities are smooth. the lesson’s objectives. planned to review same and was well paced with a
between activities are present basic concepts, followed by thoughtfully chosen
but may catch learners off 2. The lesson sequence 2. The sequence of learning the activities that would sequence of learning
guard or disrupt the flow of generally kept learners activities keeps learners take the application of this activities, and the teacher
the sequence. engaged and moving from one engaged in the content knowledge to the next level had anticipated the
portion to the next in a and had a clear sense of of exploration. pedagogical approaches that
would be most effective in
2. There may have been a reasonable manner. They purpose throughout the
engaging the learners
minor missed opportunity or seemed to understand the vast majority of the class
throughout the entire class
minor organizational issue purpose of the lesson and time.
present during the lesson what they were to do to
that affected learning time. accomplish the purpose.



• Lesson objectives expectations for learners at the end of the lesson
• Learner engagement strategies strategies that include activities for individual learners and/or groups
• Pacing teacher’s appropriate speed or rate in presenting the lesson
• Sequence order of presenting the lesson and classroom activities

MULTIPLE PATHWAYS FOR LEARNING different ways of presenting the lesson and activities suited to various learner needs
© Department of Education - Bureau of Human Resources and Organizational Development

The Classroom Observation Tool was developed through the Philippine National Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ)
with support from the Australian Government through the Basic Education Sector Transformation (BEST) Program

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