Enhanced Reading Program San Pedro

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
San Pedro Elementary School
Project PAPAKH
(Pag-agak ug Pagpabasa Kauban ang mga Higala)


I. Reading Program Summary Information

Program title: Project PAPAKH

Type of Reading Program: School based Reading Program
Target Clientele: All Reading Levels


“Review, Remediation, Reinforcement and Enhancement”
The said program also reinforce the salient features of the Project
PAGPABASA. It also emphasis on the following:


 Project DEAR – (Drop Everything And Read) – for all learners, teachers
and employees in schools and in the Division Office.

The San Pedro Elementary School is envision to produce value-laden and

quality education as a source of pride and innovation for the excellence of an ever-
changing world. The school is dedicated to provide our diverse student body and shine
for future endeavors.


San Pedro Elementary School is committed to provide innovative

instructions and to ensure that each student achieves intellectual and personal
excellence to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens in the future. We
aim to create holistically well-educated to succeed in a technologically advanced
world and enable students to provide standards output by their highest level of
ability and become a globally competitive.

Proponent Bionote:
1. Geraldine O. Lumanta
A graduate of Philippine Normal University Mindanao Campus,
Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur with a degree of Bachelor of Elementary Education
year 2012. She is a licensed professional teacher who passed the licensure
examination for teacher last September 2012. Pursuing her Master degree at
Bukidnon State University with the degree of Master of Arts in Education major in
Education Management. At present, she is a Teacher III at San Pedro
Elementary School.

2. Shelah Mea I. Caritativo

During her College time, she is an active member of the two clubs,
Xavier’s Eco Publication and Red Cross Youth Volunteer. She finished her
Bachelor of Elementary Education as Cum Laude at Saint Francis Xavier College
last April 2017. After graduation, she started working at the private school, the
Seventh- Day Adventist School, Buri St. Bayugan City. At the same year, she
passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers. In 2018, she was a volunteer
teacher to her Alma Matter where she completed her internship also at San
Francisco Pilot Central Elementary School. Luckily, she became a substitute
teacher and entered the Department of Education last October, 2018 where she
got her item at San Pedro Elementary School.
For her professional growth, she’s taking her master’s degree at North
Eastern Mindanao State University, Tandag Campus and at present, she is about
to take her comprehensive examination at NEMSU, Tandag City. She’s teaching
now for five years with different coordinatorships. Her dedication to work will
continuously inspired young people and believes to create a productive people in
the future.
3. Roxan D. Asis
A graduate of Saint Francis Xavier College with a degree of Bachelor of
Elementary Education year 2017. A licensed professional teacher who passed
the licensure examination for teacher in September 2017. Pursuing her master’s
degree at Northern Mindanao State University with the degree of Master of Arts
in Education major in Education Management. At present, she is a Teacher I at
San Pedro Elementary School.

II. Rationale
According to a famous English Philosopher Francis Bacon “Reading maketh a
full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man”. It only shows how
importance reading to every learner. Reading on the other hand makes a person
travel the whole world, he need not have to cross boundaries to see and travel the
seven continents of the world. When you have every detail of each on the pages of
the book. Therefore, every learner must internalize the importance of knowing every
syllable of the alphabets for him to appreciate the lessons in his classroom.

Meanwhile, teachers as the prime mover of quality education are trying their
best to bridge the gap brought by the challenges in reading. The Department of
Education, Division OF Agusan del Sur exhausted every resources that they can to
promote the importance of reading in every heart of a learner. Thus, the Project
PAGBASA (Pag-agak og Pagbasa sa mga Batang Agusanon) was realized. On the
other hand, San Pedro Elementary School with its stakeholder uphold their vision to
make every learner a reader through the project: Pag-agak ug Pagpabasa Kauban
ang mga Higala”. A reading program that promotes camaraderie among learners
through peer teaching.

It is a reading program that promotes the love of learning towards reading

books, charts, and other printed materials with the help of another learner. To
combat the challenges of becoming a frustrated reader, the teachers seriously
planned and crafted this reading program that helps every learner to catch their
interest with the used of colorful and printed materials to which children learns at its
pace with their reading buddies but still supervised and monitored by a teacher.

The goal of this reading program is to decrease the numbers of emerging and
frustration readers to becoming transition and instructional and successfully
becoming developing and independent reader. The programs started with a
thorough assessment to identify the level of readers in every classroom. Conduct an
interview with parents to know who can assist the child after school thus making
them as a reading home buddy. Next, conduct an orientation with volunteer teachers
as part of the school stakeholders. Secondly, review selected reading materials that
best suit to the level of learners, plan reinforcement to help them become a reader,
while making enhancement for instructional and independent readers. Lastly,
teachers must put a reading corner in every classroom to display different colorful
reading materials to attract learners interest. Moreover, this program is
wholeheartedly supported by the school head, teachers, parents, and pupils of San
Pedro Elementary School making it as a top priority to make every child a reader.


1. Reduce the number of struggling readers at least 2% based from the previous
2. Decrease the number of frustration readers in every grade level.
3. Increase the number of instructional and independent readers at least 2%
from the previous assessment result.
4. Plan a differentiated reading materials for every independent and instructional
5. Build a strong a rapport between parents and community stakeholders.
6. Construct reading corners in every classroom.
7. Conduct school reading-related activities .
8. Plan recognition activities for the performing reading teachers/coordinators,
parents,pupils and community volunteers.
9. Strict monitoring and evaluation on the program implementation.
10. Communicate the implementation and monitoring result through meetings
with parents and community Stakeholders.



reading program of San Pedro Elementary School, that provides a fair,
creative and fun learning opportunities and experiences to all the learners.
Aside from giving reading materials learners are properly assessed through
suggested reading assessment tool such as Phil-IRI, FLAT , MFAT and
EGRA. Activities of this reading program are properly crafted to ensure
different needs of every learner must be met. Moreover, building a strong
rapport between parents and community stakeholders as partner in
implementing the said program is very essential.

Reading corners and reproduction of different colorful and creative reading

materials must be displayed in every classroom. Meanwhile, differentiated
activities and reading materials must be used to aid reading gaps of every
leaner. In realizing this reading program, school head, teachers, parents and
community stakeholders must go hand in hand to realize every objective of
this reading program. Thus, awarding and recognition of every person behind
this program is essential to recognize their efforts for the success of this
reading program.
V. PROGRAM CONTENT: Big Six in Reading

VI- MECHANICS AND IMPLEMENTATION (Preparation, Implementation,

Assessment and Evaluation)

Pre Implementation Post Assessment Evaluation

Implementation Implementation
Orientation about  Conduct  Submit  Assessment  Evaluation
the Reading assessment assessment shall be
shall be
Program Grades 1-3 report done
Compose technical FLAT/EGRA  Disseminati through done
working group Grades 4-6 Phil-IRI on of GST,midtest quarterly.
 Make memorandu and post
reading m about the test.  Constant
action plan in reading monitoring
every grade program.  Standardize
on reading.
level  Submit d
accomplish assessment
ment tools shall
report. be used.

B. Assessing the B. Recording the Consolidated Program

Needs assessment Result school reading implementation
Assessme per grade level. inventory result. review.
nt to be
( pretest,
and post
using the
zed tools.
 Make
C. Creating C. reporting of the Submission of Giving of technical
Program assessment report report. assistance to the
partnership through classroom reading volunteers.
 Identify meetings and Gather
the GTA. suggestions and
reading observations of the
volunteers reading program.

D. Designing the
 Preparatio
n of
E. Intervention
attend trainings
about reading
Conduct SLAC.

VII-EXPECTED OUTPUT and Success Indicators

 All learners are expected to be improved in their different reading levels.
 Instructional and independent learners are expected to excel in their
present reading level.
A. General Work Plan of Activities

Major Activities Person responsible Time Frame

Orientation about the School head, teachers, December
Reading Program
Reading volunteers,
Compose technical
working group
Conduct assessment. Teachers, pupils Two weeks after the
Grades 1-3 FLAT/EGRA
opening of classes.
Grades 4-6 Phil-IRI
Make reading action plan
in every grade level. (Pre-
Record and analyze the Teachers, pupils October
assessment Result per
grade level.
Conduct Professional Teachers, reading October
development Program to
reading coordinators and
Conduct mid test Teachers, pupils October
Giving of technical November
Post test Teachers, pupils April
Awarding of the performing May
readers and teachers.

Developmental Reading ( for key stage 1)

This program is for Grades 1-3. This will provide the learners opportunities
and experiences that will develop teaching beginning reading, learning to read,
reading to learn and literary, creative and interpretative skills.
Month Activities Assessment Persons
Tool/Materials Involved
August- Pre test Activities EGRA, FLAT, Class Advisers
September MFAT
Srptember- Learning to Read: Reading and Teachers
october Intervention Activities Language
Basic in Reading: Games such as
( Letter sounds, VC, puzzle.
CVC, Dolch words, English Books
Blends, digraphs, long such as small
sounds, reading and big
phrases, sentences, books ,charts.
 Fuller Technique
 Oral Language,
 Spelling
 Vocabulary
 Fluency
 Comprehension

February Mid test FLAT Class Advisers

November Reading to Learn: Vocabulary Teachers in
 Spelling exercises and English
 Vocabulary Skills reading
 Fluency comprehension
 Comprehension exercises
Awarding of Performing
Readers, Teachers, and
April Post Test EGRA, FLAT, Class Advisers

Functional Reading

This program is for all the learners. This will give them opportunities to
enhance their study skills. Each classroom adviser will design reading activities
that focus on least mastered skills. This stage will aid learners to become
functionally literate and critical problem solvers.
Month Activities Materials Persons
September Identifying the least Least learned Teachers
learned competencies competencies
per subject
September- Emphasis on Study Subject-based Teachers
October Skills materials that
 Using the are realia to be
dictionary used in the
 Using the table of class such as
contents, index, Children
glossary Illustrated
Math and
Puzzle Books
and etc.
September -  Strategic Subject-based Teachers
October Processing materials that
(Strategic Reading are realia to be
Skills and used in the
Reflection Skills) class such as
 Activities on the encyclopedia,
use of the reading atlas, graphs,
and interpreting charts and
graphs, maps and others
charts, recipe
tickets, brochures,
pamphlets ,
catalogues and
other text-type
 Bible Verse
 Activities on
understanding the
articles in the

Culminating Activity per According to

quarter maybe done in subject area
schools such as:
 Identifying parts of
the books
 Identifying
 Quizzes
January Organizing, Teachers
summarizing and
March General Culminating
Showcase: (Science,
Math, English, MAPEH,
 Song

Recreatory Reading ( for Independent Learners)

This program is for the instructional and independent readers in all grade levels.
There will be varied literary genres to be introduced to the class per grade level per
quarter. This program will also include Peer Mentoring, which is making use of the
independent learners as reading buddies to assist the nonreaders and struggling
learners. These peer mentors will be recognized and be given awards, together with
their mentees who will do great improvement in their reading proficiencies.

Month Activities Materials Persons

August-  Identifying the  Performance Teachers and
September learners who are Task Pupils
instructional and  Organization
independent of Peer
learners Mentoring
 Identifying
independent  Indicators
learners who are on delivering
willing to be a story
reading telling
buddies/partners  Sample
 Organizing the story telling
Peer Mentoring
Group per school
September  Peer Mentoring  Indicators English
-October (Teachers will on delivering Teachers
make their own a verse choir
schedules as to  Sample
when the peer verse choir
mentoring will
 Activities for the
peer mentoring will
be detailed in the
Remediation per

January- Teachers will include in  Indicators Teachers

February their lessons the on delivering
indicators on how to a jazz chant
deliver a readers  Sample jazz
theater ,jazz chants and chant
other creative
March General Culminating All Teachers
Activity in Schools
Showcase: (Science,
 Song
 Verse choir
 Poetry

Corrective/Catch Up / Remedial Reading Program

This program is for the struggling and non-readers. An intensified

implementation of reading remediations will be given to these learners. The
activities may vary from each school and district.
Month Activities Assessment Persons
Tool Involved
August Pretest and GST For Key stage 1: All Teachers
For key stage 2-
4: Phil IRI
August- Reading Intervention Reading and English
September  Big Six in Language Teachers
Reading,Fuller Games such as
Technique, Use of snake and
Small and Big ladder, puzzle ,
Books dice and others
 Peer Mentoring
with select reading
 Partnership with
volunteers and

September -  Peer Mentoring all Games such as Teachers

October Teachers will make snake and
their own ladder, puzzle ,
schedules as to dice and others
when the peer
mentoring will
 Activities for the
peer mentoring will
be detailed in the
Remediation every
February  Peer Mentoring For Key stage 1: Teachers
 Mid test EGRA, FLAT,
For key stage 2-
4: Phil IRI
April Post Test For Key stage 1: Teachers
Reporting on the number EGRA, FLAT,
of nonreaders and MFAT
struggling readers who For key stage 2-
moved to the higher level 4: Phil IRI
and may join the general
culminating activity with
the instructional and
independent learners
June General Culminating All Teachers
Activity in Schools
 Paragraph Reading
 Spelling
 Quiz on Vocabulary

Drop Everything and Read (DEAR)

This reading program is for all the classroom advisers in the school. This reading
program is to be done every reading schedule as reflected in the class program. Every
adviser must put up a reading corner displaying the varied and colorful reading
materials. Every teacher must have displayed colorful books, magazines and big books.
Classroom teacher must make a reading logbook, reading journal for learners to write
down their newly discovered words, and reflection journal to write down their
experiences within that day. School head must ensure reading corners and materials
are visible in every classroom. This program must have a 20-minute time to drop
everything and read.


Description Budget Source of Funds

Program launching 2,500.00 MOOE
Orientation on Reading 1,500.00 MOOE
Professional Development 2,000.00 MOOE
Program/LAC Session

School Reading Festival 4,000.00 MOOE

Putting Up of a Classroom 24,000.00 MOOE
Reading Corner

Strick monitoring shall be done quarterly, using the appropriate

monitoring tool. Evaluation shall be done during the conduct of the PIR,
SMEA. All these the results of the M and E shall be reported to the School
Head. Further Observations, suggestions and Recommendation shall be the
basis for program improvement.

Prepared by:

T-III/English Reading Coordinator

T-I/MTB Coordinator


T-I/Filipino Reading Coordinator

Reviewed by:

MT-I/Reading Coordinator


Head Teacher III/School Head
“Review, Remediation, Reinforcement and Enhancement”
The said program also reinforce the salient features of the Project
PAGPABASA. It also emphasis on the following:


 Project DEAR – (Drop Everything And Read) – for all learners, teachers
and employees in schools and in the Division Office.

The San Pedro Elementary School is envision to produce value-laden and

quality education as a source of pride and innovation for the excellence of an ever-
changing world. The school is dedicated to provide our diverse student body and shine
for future endeavors.


San Pedro Elementary School is committed to provide innovative

instructions and to ensure that each student achieves intellectual and personal
excellence to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens in the future. We
aim to create holistically well-educated to succeed in a technologically advanced
world and enable students to provide standards output by their highest level of
ability and become a globally competitive individuals.

The Problem and its Setting

The San Pedro Elementary School encompasses Kinder and 6 Grades and
consist of 181 learners with its goal of delivering the basic need of the learners.
One of the programs the department has given priority is improving literacy and
numeracy skills among the learners from Kinder to Grade 6.
The National Achievement Test Results and the Reading Assessment Results in
2016 revealed the indubitable number of learners who were non-readers and frustration
level readers during Pre-Oral Reading Test.
Based on the data presented by the PHILIRI there were 28 learners who are
belong to frustration level, 7 learners were frustration readers in Grade 6, and 9 learners
were frustration readers in Grade 5 and 12 learners were frustration readers in Grade 4.
These data were indicators that something must be done.
With the earnest desire to address this issue, the school organized a team to
focus on crafting a reading program focused on answering its cause and design
strategies for immediate intervention. The program is dubbed as “PAG-AGAK UG
PAGPABASA KAUBAN ANG MGA HIGALA” a peer teaching and reading program.

Program Description


and reading program. San Pedro Elementary School’s reading program that can be
custom with the help of their peers and families that close or dear to the learners. It also
take along the primary goal of the Project PAGPABASA that endeavor is to minimize
non- readers among the Grades 3 to 7 learners and reduce frustration readers from
Grades 8 to 12. By the supervision of the teachers, this reading program includes
review, remediation, reinforcement, and enhancement activities to bridge the critical
contents and competencies of the present curriculum.
Moreover, to ensure the tracking of the learners’ reading development, “PAG-
AGAK UG PAGPABASA KAUBAN ANG MGA HIGALA” a peer teaching and reading
program highlights the spiraling sub-bases namely TEACHER - PARENT-LEARNER
Grade 4 to Grade 6, Project DEAR – (Drop Everything And Read) – for all learners,
teachers and employees in schools. Each sub-bases has its own distinct set of activities
within the grasps of the learners according to age and individual pacing and

Guiding Principles and Theories

To create a good reader, the San Pedro Elementary School anchored to the
following guidelines and theories as the “PAG-AGAK UG PAGPABASA KAUBAN
ANG MGA HIGALA” a peer teaching and reading program was also based on the
division of Agusan Del Sur program named Project PagPABASA was crafted:
1. DO 173, s. 2019. Hamon: Bawat Bata Bumabasa (3Bs Initiative);
Strengthening Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP)
2. The Schema Theory. Comprehending a text is an interactive process
between the reader’s background knowledge and the text. This involves the three levels
of comprehension, the literal level, the inferential and the critical level.
3. The Behaviorist Theory. The traditional bottom-up view
The traditional bottom-up approach to reading means a habit formation brought
about by the stimulus.). Behaviorism became the basis of the audio-lingual method,
which sought to form second language “habits” through drilling, repetition, and error
4. The Cognitive View (top-down processing) in this view, reading is not just
extracting meaning from a text but a process of connecting information in the text with
the knowledge the reader brings to the act of reading.
5. Bioecological Systems Theory- A child and youth development is
influenced by many different “contexts,” “settings,” or “ecologies” for example, family,
peers, schools, communities, and policy systems.
The framework of this program is also correlated to the Division’s Project


General Objectives
With the implementation of “PAG-AGAK UG PAGPABASA KAUBAN ANG MGA
HIGALA” a peer teaching and reading program, Reading program of San Pedro
Elementary School shall:
1. produce independent and functional readers by cultivating the habit and love for
reading among the learners, teachers, employees, and stakeholders;
2. sustain the habitual use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in schools and at
3. develop and produce contextualized worksheets, Learners Activity Sheets, reading
materials and instructional materials like radio-based instructions , television-
based instructions and the like.
4. promote a culture of reading among the employees, personnel and learners in
Brgy. San Pedro;
5. produce globally competitive and locally grounded learners;
6. sustain support from stakeholders;
7. ensure the implementation of all reading - related policies and DepEd learning
8. ensure the implementation of Whole School Approach (WSA) where reading is
integrated in all learning areas , special programs , projects and activities;
9. strengthen monitoring, evaluation and adjustment mechanism;
10. be mindful of the crucial role of parents and family members as first reading
teachers ; and
11. recognize partners and key players.

Specific Objectives per Key Stage

Key Stage 1:
To make every learner a reader in MTB-MLE, Filipino and English at his or her
own level by providing learning experiences and opportunities aligned to the 14
domains and competencies. Students should be able to demonstrate eagerness to
explore and experience oral and written texts and to communicate meanings and
feelings effectively.

Key Stage 2:
Student should be able to construct meanings and communicate them using
creative, appropriate, and grammatically correct oral and written language.
Key Stage 3:
Students should be able to interpret, evaluate and represent information within
and between learning area texts and discourses.
Key Stage 4:
Students should be able to integrate communication and language skills for
creating meaning using oral and written texts, various genres, and discursive contexts
for personal and professional purposes.
Reading Competencies

Grade 1

3rd Quarter
Recognize rhyming words in nursery rhymes, poems, songs heard.
Recognize sentences (telling and asking) and non-sentences.
Use words that are related to self, family, school, and community.
Listen to short stories/poems.
Recognize common action words in stories listened to.

4th Quarter
Recognize describing words for people, objects, things and places (color, shape, size, height, weight,
length, distance, etc.)
Sort and Classify familiar words into basic categories (colors, shapes, foods, etc)

Grade 2

1st Quarter
Read the alphabets of English and associate to phonemes.
Identify the English equivalent of words in the Mother Tongue or in Filipino.
Recognize common action words in retelling, conversation, etc.
Identify and discuss the elements of a story (theme, setting, characters, and events)

2nd Quarter
Recognize the common terms in English relating to part of book (e.g. cover, title page, etc.) book
Discuss the illustrations on the cover and predict what the story may be about.
Identify title, author and book illustrator and tell what they do.
Identify the basic sequence of events and make relevant predictions about stories.

3rd Quarter
Use clues to answer questions, clarify understanding and justify predictions before, during and after
reading (titles, pictures, etc).
Retell and/or reenact events from a story.
Talk about texts identifying major points and key themes.
Participate in choral speaking and echo reading of short poems, rhymes and stories with repeated
patterns and refrains in English.

4th Quarter
Read words with short e, a, i, o, and u sound in CVC pattern.
Read phrases, short sentences and short stories consisting of words with short e, a, i, o, and u then
answer the Who, What and Where questions about them.

Grade 3

1st Quarter
Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning of a text.
Write paragraphs showing: cause and effect, comparison and contrast and problem-solution relationships.
Write a feature article.

2nd Quarter
Read words with initial and final consonant blends.
Read familiar words and phrases in texts.
Read words, phrases, sentences and short stories consisting of words with consonant digraph ch and sh
and other words previously studied.
Spell one- to- two syllable words with initial and final consonant blends (e.g. pl, tr) and consonant
digraphs (ch and sh).
Make inferences and draw conclusions based on texts (pictures, title and content words)
Use different sources of information in reading.

3rd Quarter
Read words with long a, i, o , u sound (ending in e).
Read phrases, sentences, stories and poems consisting of long a, i, o, and u words
Ask and respond to questions about informational texts listened to (environment, health, how-to’s, etc.)
Compare and contrast information heard.
Read word with affixes.

4th Quarter
Read words containing vowel digraphs - ai, ay, ea, ee, oo, oa.
Read phrases, sentences, and stories with vowel digraphs - ai, ay, ea, ee, oo, oa.
Read words with vowel diphthongs: oy (boy), oi (boil), ou (out) ow (bow).
Read phrases, sentences and short stories consisting of vowel diphthongs: oy, oi, ou, ow.
Recognize and read some irregularly spelled words (e.g. such as enough, through, beautiful)

Grade 4

1st Quarter
Recognize the parts of a simple paragraph.
Note significant details of various text types.

2nd Quarter
Distinguish between general and specific statements.
Identify the main idea, key sentences, and supporting details from text listened to.

3rd quarter
Use appropriate graphic organizers in text read.
Infer the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose.
Analyze a story in terms of its elements.

4th Quarter
Write a short story (fiction/nonfiction) with its complete elements.
Write a reaction about the story read.
Distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative
Grade 5

1st Quarter
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words using text clues.
Summarize narrative texts based on elements
-Characters (Heroes and Villains)
-Plot (beginning, middle and ending)
Analyze a 2-stanza poem in terms of its elements (rhymes, sound devices, imagery and figurative
Analyze figures of speech (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole) in a given text

2nd Quarter
Examine images which present particular viewpoints, e.g. stereotypes (gender, age, cultural), opinions on
an issue.
Distinguish among various types of viewing materials.

3rd Quarter
Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features: classification, explanation, enumeration and
time order.
Summarize various text types based on elements.
Make a stand.
Provide evidence to support opinion/fact.

4th Quarter
Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning of a text.
Write paragraphs showing: cause and effect, comparison and contrast and problem-solution relationships.
Write a feature article.

Grade 6

1st Quarter
Identify real or make-believe, fact or non-fact images.
Interpret the meaning suggested in visual media through a focus on visual elements, for example, line,
symbols, colour, gaze, framing and social distance.
Make connections between information viewed and personal experiences.

2nd Quarter
Identify the purpose, key structural and language features of various types of informational/factual text.
Recognize evaluative word choices to detect biases and propaganda devices used by speakers.
Compare and contrast content of materials viewed to other sources of information (print, online and

3rd Quarter
Present a coherent, comprehensive report on differing viewpoints on an issue.
Evaluate narratives based on how the author developed the elements.

4th Quarter
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures (verb tenses,
conjunctions, adverbs).
Compose a persuasive essay on self-selected topic.

A. Convergence of Key Players

• Conduct meeting of core team members (online or face to face)
• Support with Memo, attendance, and minutes
• Documentation of the meeting

B. Assess the needs

• What are to be done?
• Identify the most practical solution.
• Crafting of the Action Plans by Teachers and Parents
• Define the mission.
• Set goals and objective.
• Assessment shall be done periodically as pretest, mid test and post-test using the
appropriate instruments and tools.

C. Create program partnership

 List down key players and their terms of reference
• Identify stakeholders.
• List down program partners

D. Design the Program

 Preparation of Assessment Tools
 Preparation of the Reading materials ( Each subject will have intervention materials for
reading intervention )
 Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) Toolkit and Assessment Results Associated
Teaching Activities (ARATA)
 Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI) Manual
 MFAT for Grade I


A. Conduct of Assessment
 Assessment shall be done periodically as pretest, mid test and post-test using the
appropriate instruments and tools.
• All teachers that to conduct assessment to all learners from Grade 1 to 6 using the
appropriate assessment tool per key stage.
• Submission of Consolidated Reports to the division by key stage
• Crafting of Memorandum communicating the result of the assessment in reading.
• Gathered Consolidated Reading data
• Submission of Consolidated Reading Report
• Reading Enhancement Activities
• Reading Intervention Activities
• Implementation of Strategies learned from DAP-ELLN and PRIMALS, Literacy
Access to LRMDS Reading Resources, Deped Commons, and other reading websites.
• Sustaining Project DEAR in the school

B. Intervention Stage

 Utilization of ELLN Digital Lessons and RBI canned Lessons ( to be placed in USBs
and to be distributed to the learners )
 Creating Linkage with the stakeholders and community members
 Putting up of Reading centers in the community
• Conduct of GST.
• Conduct of Remediation and Intervention Activities
• Conduct of Reading Activities as suggested by the Division Office.
• Conduct of LAC Sessions in ELLN, PRIMALS, Literacy Instruction and others
• Submission of Consolidated Reading Report
• Reading Enhancement Activities
• Reading Intervention Activities
• Implementation of Strategies learned from DAP-ELLN and PRIMALS, Literacy
• Access to LRMDS Reading Resources, Deped Commons, online sources such as
commonlit.com, addlteracy.com and other reading websites.
• Coordinating with the barangay and other officials implementing the reading program.
• Proper orientation to the Parents and Learners about the Reading program.

C. Monitoring and Evaluation and giving of TA

• Dissemination of Memorandum of the conduct of Division Monitoring

• Listing down of observations, practices, and strategies for possible inclusion in the policy


• Submission of Report
• Dissemination of Memorandum on the progress of the implementation of the program
• Conduct of Reading Assessment for Kinder to Grade 3
• Conduct of Phil-IRI (English) Post Test for Grade 4 to Grade 6
• Conduct of Phil-IRI (Filipino) Post Test for Grade 3 to Grade 6
• Collecting the Consolidated District Reading Inventory Result submitted to the Division.
• Accomplishment Reports on Reading Activities conducted.

IV. Culminating Activity/ Giving of Awards

 Search for Outstanding Reading Teacher
 Search for Outstanding Reading Program
 Search for Outstanding Stakeholder


• Next Steps for Continuous Improvement
• Identifying what went well, what are to be improved and ways forward.

VI. References

 DO 173, s. 2019, Hamon Bawat Bata Bumabasa ( 3 Bs Initiatives)

 addliteracy.com
 commonlit.com
 core.ac.uk.com
 teaching readingcomprehension.weebly.com
(Pag-agak og Pabasa sa mga Batang Agusanon
The Details of the Reading Program
Focal Persons and Their Terms of Reference

School /District A teacher who is designated to plan, craft proposals, implement,

Reading assess, and oversee the overall reading situation of the school.
Coordinator He/she will be the one to consolidate reading results and analyze
them as basis to bridge the reading gaps existing in a particular
The Secretariat They are teachers or members of the non-teaching staff who are
assigned to keep and maintain reading profile and records in
school, district and division. The records shall be in the form of soft
and hard copies.

School Head A school official who has the authority to oversee the overall reading
situation and ability of the school clienteles. He designates
somebody in his station to implement a reading program, checks the
proposal, approves its budget, and lead the implementation of the
reading program.

The official who examines budget proposal according to existing

Budget Officer
rules and regulations by affixing his signature on the proposal.
The Stakeholders This refers to the members of the family , school community, the
PTA, the Alumni, NGO, LGU and other private agencies and other
supporters of the program who may provide financial , in kind, moral
and spiritual support of the reading advocates of the Brgy. San
The Learners This refers to all the learners enrolled in the elementary and school /
community learning centers in the the Brgy. San Pedro.. They are
the recipients of the program.

Duration: The program has been started in 2016 but it has to be tailored fit to meet the needs
of the learners and teachers during the pandemic.

Management Level of the Program

This program will be under the leadership of the School Head under particularly the
Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) Chief as the focal person, together with the
education Program Supervisors in MTB-MLE , Filipino and English as reading / language
subject in-charge. Education Program Supervisors / Division Coordinators of non-language
subjects/special programs and other PPAs in the CID and SGOD shall take responsibility in
integrating reading in their respective PPAs.

1. LAC Session – schools convene at 1:00 – 5:00 every Friday, once a month
2. Training Program
3. Peer Mentoring/Coaching
4. Buddy System

1. Non-Readers/Readers under Frustration level/Readers under Instructional level/Readers
under Independent level
2. Grades 1-3
3. Grades 4-6

To be charged to School MOOE, Provincial SEF, Municipal and Barangay SEF/ PTA/ NGO

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