Lumberg Automation Connectivity Solutions Catalog
Lumberg Automation Connectivity Solutions Catalog
Lumberg Automation Connectivity Solutions Catalog
Belden Industrial Solutions Here are a few more good reasons why Belden We’ll consult with you to develop a strategy
is your best choice for industrial networking, — or we’ll develop and implement your full
For mission-critical applications, Belden is
communications and control: design — either way our staff is available to
the signal transmission partner that delivers
confidence in signal availability, integrity and • We have the expertise to integrate your
performance because only Belden can offer industrial and commercial networks. Training
solutions that satisfy any requirement. • Our products are engineered to perform in Backed by years of meeting and exceeding
A majority of system failures occur within tough and difficult environments. the needs of a broad range of end-user
the signal transmission space, and trouble- • We offer the broadest selection of products, applications, Belden is ideally suited to offer
shooting can be very difficult and time- for a complete, end-to-end Ethernet beginners and networking experts alike the
consuming. We want everyone to “Be Certain” solution. opportunity to expand their understanding of
that when choosing Belden you receive Signal • Our sales and engineering professionals can mission-critical industrial networks.
Availability — always there, Signal Integrity audit, recommend/design, configure and Belden has developed a series of training
— always trusted and secure, and Signal assemble the products and systems to your programs that are given by Belden-certified
Performance — always when and where you specific requirements. individuals — all experts in industrial
need it. networking and cabling.
• Our global manufacturing and distribution
Belden has brought together a comprehensive network make our products available to
line of industrial cabling, connectivity and you globally. Technical Support
networking devices, offering the most At Belden, our personnel are poised to assist
reliable communications solutions for your Offering Comprehensive our customers — ensuring maximum uptime
application. Whether you are networking your Service & Support
and reliability. And with offices in North
devices to the controllers, connecting the Belden recognizes that comprehensive know- America, Asia and Europe, Belden can respond
controllers to the control room, relaying data how is necessary to ensure an optimized, globally.
between the control room, the engineering homogenous solution. We also know that
department, and remote manufacturing consultation, support and training requires System Performance
sites — or all of the above — Belden has the more than just a general understanding of If Belden designs it, we guarantee
products you need to seamlessly connect your the products, technologies and market trends. performance — period. We are committed
communications. It requires a solid understanding of the to ensuring world-class signal connectivity
From the petrochemical, automotive, application and the ability to provide the type and to significantly improve your operational
pharmaceutical, power generation, pulp of support that is needed — when and where it up-time. All Belden components are
and paper, metals, food and beverage, or is needed. It requires the four key service and “designed” to deliver optimum performance:
general manufacturing plant to the corporate support areas that are critical to success: from connectors, to cable, to routers and
headquarters — and everywhere in between — switches. Based on this comprehensive product
• Network Design portfolio, we have the necessary industrial
Belden has your signal transmission solution.
Belden offers the most dependable network • Training solutions DNA to deliver reliability.
and communications system performance in • Technical Support For more information on our service and
tough and mission-critical environments. • System Performance support offering, including our warranties,
please go to the Belden web site at
Our Synergy Ensures Network Design to locate
Continuous Performance a Belden sales representative near you.
Belden eliminates your design challenges
With the Hirschmann™ and Lumberg because we understand the issues surrounding
Automation™ product line additions to the design and operation of networks in
the Belden offering, our line of Complete industrial and mission-critical environments.
Industrial Solutions is uniquely positioned to Our engineers are available to work with you
provide the best network and communications to deliver high-availability networks that
infrastructure possible. Belden products meet your enterprise-wide IT needs. Whether
and systems expertise means that you it’s designing systems for Greenfield facilities,
can maintain ongoing operations without or integrating into existing industrial IT
interruption and costly downtime — in any environments, our highly-trained staff lifts the
environment. design burden from your shoulders to ours. 1-717-217-2299 3
Belden Products Serve Many Diverse Industries
Processing Industries
Safety is critical in all processing operations.
Therefore the best defense is an effective
Belden keeps many and reliable offense — specifying signal
transmission products that have been
different and mission- engineered and manufactured specifically
for the process environment. Using Belden
critical operations up products, including Hirschmann- and Lumberg
Automation branded products, you can rely on
and running all around our products to ensure proper and consistent
system performance — even in the most
the world. demanding and hazardous applications.
Discrete Manufacturing
Uptime and dependability of operations are
hallmarks of Belden, Hirschmann and Lumberg
Automation products. These products are
designed to prevent transmission problems
in the factory network which can lead to
catastrophic failures and untold costs. With
all our products and solutions having been
designed to meet and exceed the high
demands of our discrete manufacturing
customers, comprehensive service and support
are part of the offering.
Control, centralized monitoring and network
management perform seamlessly in very
demanding applications for our most
discriminating infrastructure customers.
Whether networking a long underground rail
tunnel, a large wastewater complex, an airport
in the desert, or power generation facilities in
the arctic, Belden, Hirschmann and Lumberg
Automation products will deliver continuous
network availability and bring efficiency to
4 1-717-217-2299
• Oil, Gas and • Pulp and paper
Petrochemical Processing
Processing • Chemical
• Oil, Drilling and Processing
Exploration • Cement
• Food and and Concrete
Beverage Production
• Pharmaceutical • Coking
Processing • Mining
• Industrial • Medical Devices
Equipment and Equipment
• Machine Tools • Automotive
• Semiconductors • Consumer
• Plastics Products
• Rubber Products • Fabricated Metals
• Electronic • Construction and
Components Off-road
• Water Supply • Airports
• Waste Treatment • Bridges
and Management • Rail Yards
• Roadway and • Wind Power
Railway Tunnels
• Power Generation,
• Shipyards and Transmission and
Shipping Vessels Distribution
• Pipelines • Tranportation
• Security 1-717-217-2299 5
The Lumberg Automation™ Brand Sets the Standard for Quality, Reliability and Service.
6 1-717-217-2299
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
About Belden® Industrial Solutions....................................................................................................... 3
Industries and Applications ................................................................................................................... 4-5
About Our Solutions .............................................................................................................................. 6-7
Enclosure~less Connectivity Solutions at a Glance . .............................................................................. 8-9
AS-Interface........................................................................................................................................ 100-104
DeviceNet............................................................................................................................................ 105-118
Profibus-DP......................................................................................................................................... 119-128
CANopen............................................................................................................................................. 129-132
Interbus............................................................................................................................................... 133-135
Switches (Unmannaged).......................................................................................................................136
Panel Mount Feed-Throughs.................................................................................................................136
UTP Media Cordsets.............................................................................................................................136-141
Field Attachable Connectors..................................................................................................................142
References 143-176
Glossary of Terms.................................................................................................................................143-148
Cable Index / Connector Key/Pin Configurations....................................................................................149-157
Part Number Index................................................................................................................................158-176 1-717-217-2299 7
Enclosure~less Wiring Solution for On-Machine Applications
2. Cordsets
Single- and Double-Ended Cordsets provide connection between field devices and the
ports of a distribution box or may be used to hardwire a device to a control panel or
distribution box.
3. Receptacles
Receptacles are connectors that mount in a fixed location (sensor or panel) and mate with
a molded cable.
6. Splitters
Devices that provide the means of bringing two different sensor/actuator signals into a
single port of an ASB distribution box, thereby doubling the capacity of the box.
8 1-717-217-2299 1-717-217-2299 9
Actuator/Sensor Distribution Boxes
M8 Distribution Boxes
10 1-717-217-2299
Distribution Boxes
ASB.../LED 1-717-217-2299 11
Actuator/Sensor Distribution Boxes
M12 Distribution Boxes
12 1-717-217-2299
Distribution Boxes
ASBS.../LED 1-717-217-2299 13
Actuator/Sensor Distribution Boxes
M12 and M8 Distribution Boxes
14 1-717-217-2299
Distribution Boxes
ZLU 4-50 1-717-217-2299 15
M8-Round-Plug Connector According to IEC 61976-2-104
16 1-717-217-2299
Cordsets, Single-Ended
Cable Type: 06 = PVC, orange RKMWV/LED A 3-224/5 M
224 = PUR, halogen-free, black RKMWV/LED A 3-224/10 M
RKMW/LED 1-717-217-2299 17
M8 | M12-Round-Plug Connector According to IEC 61976-2-104 | IEC 61076-2-101
M8-Cordsets | M12-Cordsets
18 1-717-217-2299
Cordsets, Single-Ended
Cable Types: 18 AWG RST 3-632/5 M RST 4-602/5 M
731 | 637 = TPE, yellow RST 3-632/10 M RST 4-602/10 M
645 | 602 = PUR, yellow RST 3-645/2 M RST 4-679/2 M
Cable Types: 22 AWG RST 3-645/5 M RST 4-679/5 M
632 | 633 | 612 = PVC, yellow RST 3-645/10 M RST 4-679/10 M
610 | 679 | 644 = PUR, yellow RST 3-610/2 M RST 5-612/2 M
643 = TPE, yellow RST 3-610/5 M RST 5-612/5 M
RST 3-610/10 M RST 5-612/10 M
Cable Types: 24 AWG
RST 4-637/2 M RST 5-644/2 M
627 = PVC, black
RST 4-637/5 M RST 5-644/5 M
RST 4-637/10 M RST 5-644/10 M
RST 4-633/2 M RST 8-627/2 M
RST 4-633/5 M RST 8-627/5 M
RST 4-633/10 M RST 8-627/10 M
RKT 1-717-217-2299 19
M12-Round-Plug Connector According to IEC 61076-2-101
20 1-717-217-2299
Cordsets, Single-Ended
Cable Types: 18 AWG RKWT 4-3-632/5 M RKWT 4-602/5 M
731 | 637 = TPE, yellow RKWT 4-3-632/10 M RKWT 4-602/10 M
645 | 602 = PUR, yellow RKWT 4-3-645/2 M RKWT 4-679/2 M
Cable Types: 22 AWG RKWT 4-3-645/5 M RKWT 4-679/5 M
632 | 633 | 612 = PVC, yellow RKWT 4-3-645/10 M RKWT 4-679/10 M
610 | 679 | 644 = PUR, yellow RKWT 4-3-610/2 M RKWT 5-612/2 M
643 = TPE, yellow RKWT 4-3-610/5 M RKWT 5-612/5 M
RKWT 4-3-610/10 M RKWT 5-612/10 M
Cable Types: 24 AWG
RKWT 4-637/2 M RKWT 5-644/2 M
627 = PVC, black
RKWT 4-637/5 M RKWT 5-644/5 M
RKWT 4-637/10 M RKWT 5-644/10 M
RKWT 4-633/2 M RKWT 8-627/2 M
RKWT 4-633/5 M RKWT 8-627/5 M
RKWT 4-633/10 M RKWT 8-627/10 M
RKT/LED 1-717-217-2299 21
M12-Round-Plug Connector According to IEC 61076-2-101
22 1-717-217-2299
Cordsets, Single-Ended
RSTS 4-288/5 M RSTS 8-184/5 M
Cable Types: RSTS 4-288/10 M RSTS 8-184/10 M
182 | 183 | 184 = PVC, orange RSTS 5-183/2 M RSTS 8-299/2 M
288 | 298 | 299 = PUR, halogen-free, black RSTS 5-183/5 M RSTS 8-299/5 M
RSTS 5-183/10 M RSTS 8-299/10 M
RKWTH 1-717-217-2299 23
M12-Round-Plug Connector According to IEC 61076-2-101
Cable Types:
07 = PVC, orange
Cable Types:
07 | 56 = PVC, orange
Cable Types:
07 | 56 = PVC, orange
Cable Types:
07 | 56 = PVC, orange
24 1-717-217-2299
1/2”-20-Round-Plug Connector
Cordsets, Single-Ended
Cable Types:
226 = PUR, halogen-free, black
Cable Types:
226 = PUR, halogen-free, black 1-717-217-2299 25
1/2”-20-Round-Plug Connector
26 1-717-217-2299
RS 201...601A
Cordsets, Single-Ended
Color Code: U.S. RS 201-678/30 F RS 501-742/30 F
Cable Types: 16 AWG RS 301-619/6 F RS 501-755/6 F
738 | 739 | 777 = TPE, yellow RS 301-619/12 F RS 501-755/12 F
678 = PVC, yellow RS 301-619/15 F RS 501-755/15 F
Cable Types: 18 AWG RS 301-619/20 F RS 501-755/20 F
619 = CPE, yellow RS 301-619/30 F RS 501-755/30 F
697 = PVC, yellow RS 301-738/6 F RS 501-777/6 F
RS 301-738/12 F RS 501-777/12 F
Color Code: Automotive RS 301-738/15 F RS 501-777/15 F
Cable Types: 16 AWG RS 301-738/20 F RS 501-777/20 F
741 | 742 = TPE, yellow RS 301-738/30 F RS 501-777/30 F
Cable Types: 18 AWG RS 301-741/6 F RS 601A-697/6 F
755 = TPE, yellow RS 301-741/12 F RS 601A-697/12 F
RS 301-741/15 F RS 601A-697/15 F
RS 301-741/20 F RS 601A-697/20 F
RS 301-741/30 F RS 601A-697/30 F
RS 401-739/6 F
RS 401-739/12 F
RS 401-739/15 F
RS 401-739/20F
RS 401-739/30F
RK 20...60A 1-717-217-2299 27
Mini 7/8” -Round-Plug Connector
7/8”-Single-Ended Cordsets, A Body Style
RSW 201...601A
RKW 20...60A
28 1-717-217-2299
Cordsets, Single-Ended
Color Code: IEC RS 30-731/12 F RS 40-637/30F
Cable Types: 18 AWG RS 30-731/15 F RS 40-602/2 M
731 | 637 | 794 = TPE, yellow RS 30-731/20 F RS 40-602/5 M
603 = PVC, yellow RS 30-731/30 F RS 40-602/10 M
645 | 602 = PUR, yellow RS 30-645/2 M RS 50-794/6 F
RS 30-645/5 M RS 50-794/12 F
Color Code: Euro AC
RS 30-645/10 M RS 50-794/15 F
Cable Types: 18 AWG
RS 30-601/2 M RS 50-794/20 F
601 = PVC, yellow
RS 30-601/5 M RS 50-794/30 F
RS 30-601/10 M
RK 20...50
RSW 20...50 1-717-217-2299 29
Mini 1” -Round-Plug Connector
1”-Single-Ended Cordsets, B Body Style
RS 601B...801M
RK 60B...80M
30 1-717-217-2299
RS 901M...1201M
Cordsets, Single-Ended
Color Code: U.S. RS 901M-623/30 F RS 1001M-652/30 F
Cable Types: 16 AWG RS 901M-651/6 F RS 1201M-724/6 F
623 | 699 = PVC, yellow RS 901M-651/12 F RS 1201M-724/12 F
724 = TPE, yellow RS 901M-651/15 F RS 1201M-724/15 F
Cable Types: 18 AWG RS 901M-651/20 F RS 1201M-724/20 F
651 | 652 | 651 | 654 = PUR, yellow RS 901M-651/30 F RS 1201M-724/30 F
RS 1001M-699/6 F RS 1201M-654/6 F
RS 1001M-699/12 F RS 1201M-654/12 F
RS 1001M-699/15 F RS 1201M-654/15 F
RS 1001M-699/20 F RS 1201M-654/20 F
RS 1001M-699/30 F RS 1201M-654/30 F
RK 90M...190M 1-717-217-2299 31
Mini 1 1/8” -Round-Plug Connector
1 1/8”-Single-Ended Cordsets, C Body Style
RK 120
32 1-717-217-2299
Cordsets, Single-Ended
– Used to connect to pluggable actuator/sensor RKU 19-242/5 M
distribution boxes – RKU 19-242/10 M
RKU 19-242/15 M
Cable Types: RKU 19-242/20 M
242 | 256 = PUR, halogen-free, black RKUE 19-242/5 M
RKUE 19-242/10 M
RKUE 19-242/15 M
RKUE 19-242/20 M
RKWU | RKWUE 1-717-217-2299 33
M8-Double-Ended Cordsets for Actuators, Sensors and Distribution Boxes
Connector Types: M8-M8 and M8-M12
34 1-717-217-2299
Cordsets, Double-Ended
RSMV 3-RKWT/LED A 4-3-224/2 M
Cable Types:
224 = PUR, halogen-free, black
RST-RKMV/LED 1-717-217-2299 35
M8-Double-Ended Cordsets for Actuators, Sensors and Distribution Boxes
Connector Types: M12-M8 and M12-M12
36 1-717-217-2299
M12 Male Straight – M12 Female Straight Part No. Part No.
M12 Cordsets, Double Ended, Male Straight to RST 3-RKT 4-3-731/0,3 M RST 4-RKT 4-643/0,3 M
Female Straight with Threaded Connector 3-, 4- and RST 3-RKT 4-3-731/0,6 M RST 4-RKT 4-643/0,6 M
5-Poles with Molded Cable. IP 67 Rated. RST 3-RKT 4-3-731/1 M RST 4-RKT 4-643/1 M
RST 3-RKT 4-3-731/2 M RST 4-RKT 4-643/2 M
Cable Types: 18 AWG RST 3-RKT 4-3-731/5 M RST 4-RKT 4-643/3 M
731 | 637 = TPE, yellow RST 3-RKT 4-3-632/0,3 M RST 4-RKT 4-643/5 M
645 | 602 = PUR, yellow RST 3-RKT 4-3-632/0,6 M RST 4-RKT 4-602/0,3 M
Cable Types: 22 AWG RST 3-RKT 4-3-632/1 M RST 4-RKT 4-602/0,6 M
632 | 633 | 612 = PVC, yellow RST 3-RKT 4-3-632/2 M RST 4-RKT 4-602/1 M
610 | 679 | 644 = PUR, yellow RST 3-RKT 4-3-632/5 M RST 4-RKT 4-602/2 M
643 = TPE, yellow RST 3-RKT 4-3-645/0,3 M RST 4-RKT 4-602/3 M
RST 3-RKT 4-3-645/0,6 M RST 4-RKT 4-602/5 M
RST 3-RKT 4-3-645/1 M RST 4-RKT 4-679/0,3 M
Cordsets, Double-Ended
RST 3-RKT 4-3-645/2 M RST 4-RKT 4-679/0,6 M
RST 3-RKT 4-3-645/5 M RST 4-RKT 4-679/1 M
RST 3-RKT 4-3-610/0,3 M RST 4-RKT 4-679/2 M
RST 3-RKT 4-3-610/0,6 M RST 4-RKT 4-679/3 M
RST 3-RKT 4-3-610/1 M RST 4-RKT 4-679/5 M
RST 3-RKT 4-3-610/2 M RST 5-RKT 5-612/0,3 M
RST 3-RKT 4-3-610/5 M RST 5-RKT 5-612/0,6 M
RST 4-RKT 4-637/0,3 M RST 5-RKT 5-612/1 M
RST 4-RKT 4-637/0,6 M RST 5-RKT 5-612/2 M
RST 4-RKT 4-637/1 M RST 5-RKT 5-612/5 M
RST 4-RKT 4-637/2 M RST 5-RKT 5-644/0,3 M
RST 4-RKT 4-637/3 M RST 5-RKT 5-644/0,6 M
RST 4-RKT 4-637/5 M RST 5-RKT 5-644/1 M
RST 4-RKT 4-633/0,3 M RST 5-RKT 5-644/2 M
RST 4-RKT 4-633/0,6 M RST 5-RKT 5-644/5 M
RST 4-RKT 4-633/1 M
RST 4-RKT 4-633/2 M
RST 4-RKT 4-633/3 M
RST 4-RKT 4-633/5 M
RST-RKWT 1-717-217-2299 37
M12 Double-Ended Cordsets for Actuators, Sensors and Distribution Boxes
Connector Types: M12-M12
38 1-717-217-2299
M12 Male Straight – M12 Female 90˚ Part No. Part No.
M12 Cordsets, Double Ended, Male Straight to RST 3-RKWT 4-3-731/0,3 M RST 4-RKWT 4-643/0,3 M
Female 90˚ with Threaded Connector 3-, 4- and RST 3-RKWT 4-3-731/0,6 M RST 4-RKWT 4-643/0,6 M
5-Poles with Molded Cable. IP 67 Rated. RST 3-RKWT 4-3-731/1 M RST 4-RKWT 4-643/1 M
Cable Types: 18 AWG RST 3-RKWT 4-3-731/2 M RST 4-RKWT 4-643/2 M
731 | 637 = TPE, yellow RST 3-RKWT 4-3-731/5 M RST 4-RKWT 4-643/3 M
645 | 602 = PUR, yellow RST 3-RKWT 4-3-632/0,3 M RST 4-RKWT 4-643/5 M
RST 3-RKWT 4-3-632/0,6 M RST 4-RKWT 4-602/0,3 M
Cable Types: 22 AWG
RST 3-RKWT 4-3-632/1 M RST 4-RKWT 4-602/0,6 M
632 | 633 | 612 = PVC, yellow
RST 3-RKWT 4-3-632/2 M RST 4-RKWT 4-602/1 M
610 | 679 | 644 = PUR, yellow
643 = TPE, yellow RST 3-RKWT 4-3-632/5 M RST 4-RKWT 4-602/2 M
RST 3-RKWT 4-3-645/0,3 M RST 4-RKWT 4-602/3 M
RST 3-RKWT 4-3-645/0,6 M RST 4-RKWT 4-602/5 M
RST 3-RKWT 4-3-645/1 M RST 4-RKWT 4-679/0,3 M
Cordsets, Double-Ended
RST 3-RKWT 4-3-645/2 M RST 4-RKWT 4-679/0,6 M
RST 3-RKWT 4-3-645/5 M RST 4-RKWT 4-679/1 M
RST 3-RKWT 4-3-610/0,3 M RST 4-RKWT 4-679/2 M
RST 3-RKWT 4-3-610/0,6 M RST 4-RKWT 4-679/3 M
RST 3-RKWT 4-3-610/1 M RST 4-RKWT 4-679/5 M
RST 3-RKWT 4-3-610/2 M RST 5-RKWT 5-612/0,3 M
RST 3-RKWT 4-3-610/5 M RST 5-RKWT 5-612/0,6 M
RST 4-RKWT 4-637/0,3 M RST 5-RKWT 5-612/1 M
RST 4-RKWT 4-637/0,6 M RST 5-RKWT 5-612/2 M
RST 4-RKWT 4-637/1 M RST 5-RKWT 5-612/5 M
RST 4-RKWT 4-637/2 M RST 5-RKWT 5-644/0,3 M
RST 4-RKWT 4-637/3 M RST 5-RKWT 5-644/0,6 M
RST 4-RKWT 4-637/5 M RST 5-RKWT 5-644/1 M
RST 4-RKWT 4-633/0,3 M RST 5-RKWT 5-644/2 M
RST 4-RKWT 4-633/0,6 M RST 5-RKWT 5-644/5 M
RST 4-RKWT 4-633/1 M
RST 4-RKWT 4-633/2 M
RST 4-RKWT 4-633/3 M
RST 4-RKWT 4-633/5 M
PRST-PRKT 1-717-217-2299 39
M12 Double-Ended Cordsets for Actuators, Sensors and Distribution Boxes
Connector Types: M12-M12, High-Grade Stainless Steel
40 1-717-217-2299
Cordsets, Double-Ended
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-619/6 F RST 5U-RKWT 5 U-673/6F
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-619/12 F RST 5U-RKWT 5 U-673/12F
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-619/15 F RST 5U-RKWT 5 U-673/15F
RST-VAD 1A | RST-VAD 1F 1-717-217-2299 41
M12 Double-Ended Cordsets for Actuators, Sensors and Distribution Boxes
Connector Types: M12-Valve Connector
42 1-717-217-2299
Cordsets, Double-Ended
RST-VCD 1A 1-3
RST-VC 1A 1-3 1-717-217-2299 43
M12 Double-Ended Cordsets for Actuators, Sensors and Distribution Boxes
Duo-Connector Types: M12 Duo-2xM8, M12 Duo-2xM12
Cable Types:
226 = PUR, halogen-free, black
Cable Types:
224 = PUR, halogen-free, black
44 1-717-217-2299
Cable Types:
228 = PUR, halogen-free, black
Cordsets, Double-Ended
M12 Double-Ended Cordsets for Actuators, Sensors and Distribution Boxes
Duo-Connector Types: M12 Duo-2xM12, M12 Duo-2xValve Connector
Cable Types:
226 = PUR, halogen-free, black
Cable Types:
226 = PUR, halogen-free, black 1-717-217-2299 45
M12 Double-Ended Cordsets for Actuators, Sensors and Distribution Boxes
Duo-Connector Types: M12 Duo-2xM12, M12 Duo-2xValve Connector
Cable Types:
226 = PUR, halogen-free, black
Cable Types:
226 = PUR, halogen-free, black
46 1-717-217-2299
Cordsets, Double-Ended
ASB 2-RKT 4-3-645/0.6 M
ASB 2-RKT 4-3-645/1 M
ASB 2-RKT 4-3-645/1.5 M
ASB 2-RKT 4-3-645/2 M
ASB 2-RKT 4-3-645/5 M
ASB 2-RKT 4-643/0.3 M
ASB 2-RKT 4-643/0.6 M
ASB 2-RKT 4-643/1 M
ASB 2-RKT 4-643/1.5 M
ASB 2-RKT 4-643/2 M
ASB 2-RKT 4-643/5 M
ASB 2-RKWT 1-717-217-2299 47
Mini 7/8” Double-Ended Cordsets, A Body Style
RSRK 201...501
RSRKW 201...601A
48 1-717-217-2299
RSRK 20...50
7/8” A Body-Male Str (ET) to Female Str Part No. Part No.
Mini Cordsets, Single Ended, 7/8” Male Straight with RSRK 20-603/0.3 M RSRK 40-637/6 F
External Threads to Female Straight Connector, 2-, 3-, RSRK 20-603/0.6 M RSRK 40-637/12 F
4- and 5-Poles with Molded Cable. IP 67 Rated. RSRK 20-603/1 M RSRK 40-637/15 F
RSRK 20-603/2 M RSRK 40-637/20F
Color Code: IEC RSRK 20-603/5 M RSRK 40-637/30F
Cable Types: 18 AWG RSRK 30-731/6 F RSRK 40-602/0.3 M
731 | 637 | 794 = TPE, yellow RSRK 30-731/12 F RSRK 40-602/0.6 M
603 = PVC, yellow RSRK 30-731/15 F RSRK 40-602/1 M
645 | 602 = PUR, yellow RSRK 30-731/20 F RSRK 40-602/2 M
RSRK 30-731/30 F RSRK 40-602/5 M
Color Code: Euro AC
RSRK 30-645/0.3 M RSRK 40-602/10 M
Cable Types: 18 AWG
RSRK 30-645/0.6 M RSRK 50-794/6 F
601 = PVC, yellow
RSRK 30-645/1 M RSRK 50-794/12 F
Cordsets, Double-Ended
RSRK 30-645/2 M RSRK 50-794/15 F
RSRK 30-645/5 M RSRK 50-794/20 F
RSRK 30-601/0.3 M RSRK 50-794/30 F
RSRK 30-601/0.6 M
RSRK 30-601/1 M
RSRK 30-601/2 M
RSRK 30-601/5 M
RSRK 30-601/10 M
RSRKW 20...50
7/8” A Body-Male Str (ET) to Female 90˚ Part No. Part No.
Mini Cordsets, Single Ended, 7/8” Male Straight with RSRKW 20-603/0.3 M RSRKW 40-637/6 F
External Threads to Female 90˚ Connector, 2-, 3-, 4- RSRKW 20-603/0.6 M RSRKW 40-637/12 F
and 5-Poles with Molded Cable. IP 67 Rated. RSRKW 20-603/1 M RSRKW 40-637/15 F
RSRKW 20-603/2 M RSRKW 40-637/20F
Color Code: IEC RSRKW 20-603/5 M RSRKW 40-637/30F
Cable Types: 18 AWG RSRKW 20-603/10 M RSRKW 40-602/0.3 M
731 | 637 | 794 = TPE, yellow RSRKW 30-731/6 F RSRKW 40-602/0.6 M
603 = PVC, yellow RSRKW 30-731/12 F RSRKW 40-602/1 M
645 | 602 = PUR, yellow RSRKW 30-731/15 F RSRKW 40-602/2 M
RSRKW 30-731/20 F RSRKW 40-602/5 M
Color Code: Euro AC
RSRKW 30-731/30 F RSRKW 40-602/10 M
Cable Types: 18 AWG
RSRKW 30-645/0.3 M RSRKW 50-794/6 F
601 = PVC, yellow
RSRKW 30-645/0.6 M RSRKW 50-794/12 F
RSRKW 30-645/1 M RSRKW 50-794/15 F
RSRKW 30-645/2 M RSRKW 50-794/20 F
RSRKW 30-645/5 M RSRKW 50-794/30 F
RSRKW 30-601/0.3 M
RSRKW 30-601/0.6 M
RSRKW 30-601/1 M
RSRKW 30-601/2 M
RSRKW 30-601/5 M
RSRKW 30-601/10 M 1-717-217-2299 49
Mini 1” Double-Ended Cordsets, B Body Style, 16 and 18 AWG
RSRK 601B...801M
50 1-717-217-2299
RSRK 901M...1901M
Cordsets, Double-Ended
RSRK 1001M-699/20 F RSRK 1201M-676/5 M
RSRK 1001M-699/30 F RSRK 1201M-676/15 M
RSRK 1001M-652/6 F RSRK 1901M-669/2 M
RSRK 1001M-652/12 F RSRK 1901M-669/5 M
RSRK 1001M-652/15 F
RSRK 1001M-652/20 F
RSRK 1001M-652/30 F
RSWU-RKWU 1-717-217-2299 51
T-Splitters and Adapters
2-Port-Distributor, M8-T-Distributor, M12-T-Distributor
ZV 2
ASBS 2 M12-5 A B
ASBS 2 M12-S-2326
M12 A B
ASBS 2 M12-S-2325
52 1-717-217-2299
Splitters and
ASBS 2 M8-90
ASBS 2 M12...-90
ASBS 2 M12-5-90 A B
M12 A B
M12 A B
– especially suitable for DeviceNet and CANopen
modules with M12 bus connection – 1-717-217-2299 53
T-Splitters and Adapters
7/8”-T-Distributor, M23-T-Distributor
54 1-717-217-2299
Splitters and
VAD 3C-4-1-M12-5
VAD 1A...M12 1-717-217-2299 55
M12 and M8 Valve Adapters
VAD 1A...M8
VB 1A...M8
56 1-717-217-2299
RSMHL.../S 5,5
RKMHL.../S 5,5
RSMF.../0,5 M
RKMF.../0,5 M
with Short Solder Contacts, Solid Contacts on Solder RSME 3
Side, RSMEK...L: with Ventilation Hole 1.1 mm Ø.
RSEM 1-717-217-2299 57
Receptacle Connectors In Accordance With IEC 61076-2-104
RSHL.../S 5,5
58 1-717-217-2299
RKHL.../S 5,5
– especially suitable for Profibus –
FWD 1-717-217-2299 59
Receptacle Connectors In Accordance With IEC 61076-2-101
RSF 3...8/0,5 M
RSF 4...8-S3103/0,5 M
RSF 3...8-1/2-14/0,5 M
RSFM.../0,5 M
RSFM.../20/0,5 M
RSFPM.../0,5 M
60 1-717-217-2299
PRSFM.../0,5 M
RKFM.../0,5 M 1-717-217-2299 61
Receptacle Connectors In Accordance With IEC 61076-2-101
RKF 3...8/0,5 M
RKF 4...8-S3103/0,5 M
RKF 4-3...8-1/2-14/0,5 M
RKFM.../20/0,5 M
RKFPM.../0,5 M
62 1-717-217-2299
PRKFM.../0,5 M
Processing equipment –
RSEL 1-717-217-2299 63
Receptacle Connectors In Accordance With IEC 61076-2-101
RSF 3 U...5 U
RKF 3 U...5 U
RSE 3 U...5 U
64 1-717-217-2299
RSF 20...60A
RSF 20...50
EURO AC Color Code:
Stranded Wire: 601
RKF 20...50 1-717-217-2299 65
Mini Receptacle Connectors, Front-Mount
7/8”-A Body
RKF 201...601A
RSF 60B...90M
US Color Code
Stranded Wire: 696 | 622 | 698
RKF 601B...901M
US Color Code
Stranded Wire: 696 | 622 | 698
RSF 100M...120M
66 1-717-217-2299
RKF 1001M...1201M
RSF 120M...190M
RKF 1201M...1901M
Receptacles 1-717-217-2299 67
M8-Round Connectors In Accordance with IEC 61076-2-104
M8-Field Attachable Connectors
68 1-717-217-2299
Field Attachable
RSCQ 4/9
Screw Joints for Cables
Connectors 1-717-217-2299 69
M12-Round Connectors In Accordance with IEC 61076-2-101
M12-Field Attachable Connectors
70 1-717-217-2299
Field Attachable
RKCW 4 /9
Screw Joints for Cables
RKCW 5/7
3/7: Ø 3,5-6,5 mm 5/7: Ø 3,5-6,5 mm RKCW 5/9
3/9: Ø 4,0-8,0 mm 5/9: Ø 4,0-8,0 mm RKCW 8/9
4/7: Ø 3,0-6,5 mm 8/9: Ø 4,0-8,0 mm
4/9: Ø 4,0-8,0 mm 1-717-217-2299 71
M12-Round Connectors In Accordance with IEC 61076-2-101
M12-Field Attachable Connectors
72 1-717-217-2299
Field Attachable
RKCN...DUO 1-717-217-2299 73
M12-Round Connectors In Accordance with IEC 61076-2-101
M12-Field Attachable Connectors
1/2”-20-Round Connectors
1/2”-20 Field Attachable Connectors
74 1-717-217-2299
Field Attachable
1/2”-20-Round Connectors
1/2”-20 Field Attachable Connectors
7/8”-Round Connectors
Mini 7/8”-Field Attachable Connectors
RSC 30-RSC 50
RKC 30-RKC 50 1-717-217-2299 75
7/8”-Round Connectors
Mini 7/8”-Field Attachable Connectors
M23-Round Connectors
M23-Field Attachable Connectors
RSC 190/9
76 1-717-217-2299
Field Attachable
M23-Round Connectors
M23-Field Attachable Connectors 1-717-217-2299 77
M23-Round Connectors
M23-Field Attachable Connectors
78 1-717-217-2299
RSRK 40A 1-717-217-2299 79
PowerCINCH™ In-Line Trunk Reducers
4-Pole, Single Key
RSF 40D-3/4-10T
RKF 40D-3/4-10T
RSF 40A-14D
80 1-717-217-2299
RKF 40A-14D
RKV-A 1-717-217-2299 81
PowerCINCH™ Locking Ring
82 1-717-217-2299
Dust Cover M12 Part No.
Dust Cover for Unused M12 Sockets ZVK
RKV M23 1-717-217-2299 83
84 1-717-217-2299
ZBR 5/10
ZBR 8/40 1-717-217-2299 85
ZBR 9/40
AWKZ 3/4
AWKZ 12/19
86 1-717-217-2299
ZMS 19
Accessories 1-717-217-2299 87
e2c 67
Backplanes, PlugBoxes, BusHeads
0941 UNC...
0941 DNC...
0941 PNC...
88 1-717-217-2299
e2c 67
e2c 67
I/O Modules
0942 UEM 011 | 0942 UEM 101 | 0942 UEM 102 | 0942 UEM 013
e2c 67
0942 UEM 014: Group Diagnostic, Coupling from 0942 UEM 019
Actuator/Sensor Distribution Boxes via M23 Female
Connector, 12-Poles
0942 UEM 019: Group Diagnostic, Coupling from
M8 Distribution Box SBS 4/LED 3 via M12 Female
Connector, 8-Poles 1-717-217-2299 89
e2c 67
I/O Modules
0942 UEM 022 | 0942 UEM 201 | 0942 UEM 205 | 0942 UEM 027
90 1-717-217-2299
e2c 67
e2c 67
I/O Accessories
e2c 67
0943 UTL 501 1-717-217-2299 91
BusHeads, I/O Modules
0940 DSL 601 | 0940 PSL 60.. | 0940 ESL 601 | 0940 CSL 601
LioN-Link I/O Module with 8 Digital I/O Channels. 0942 UEM 650
Channels can be Used Universally as Inputs or
Outputs, M8 Sockets (8x), 3-Poles, M12 Actuator
8 IN Part No.
LioN-Link I/O Module with 8 Digital Inputs to Connect 0942 UEM 651
Standard Sensors, M8 Sockets (8x), 3-Poles
92 1-717-217-2299
I/O Modules
8 IN Part No.
0942 UEM 630 1-717-217-2299 93
I/O Modules
16 IN Part No.
LioN-Link I/O Module with 16 Digital Inputs to 0942 UEM 701
Connect Standard Sensors, M12 Sockets (8 x),
5 Poles.
94 1-717-217-2299
I/O Modules
0942 UEM 602 1-717-217-2299 95
I/O Modules, Power Supply
96 1-717-217-2299
Wiring Accessories BusHead
0940 PSL 601 0940 CSL 601 Bus Connection, 5-Poles Part No. Description
0975 254 10... Profibus signal cable, M12, B coded
0975 253 10... CAN/DeviceNet signal cable,
Thin Cable, M12
RSC(W) 5/9 Field attachable connector, M12 male or male right angle
RKC(W) 5/9 connector or M12 female or female right angle connector,
with threaded joint 1-717-217-2299 97
Wiring Accessories I/O Modules
0942 UEM 60.../63... 0942 UEM 65... LioN-Link Connection , 5-Poles Part No. Description
0935 253 10... CAN/ DeviceNet signal cable, Thin Cable, M12
98 1-717-217-2299
Wiring Accessories I/O Modules
0942 UEM 78... 0942 UEM 70... Power supply connection, 5-Poles Part No. Description
RKT 5... Actuator / sensor cordset, M12 female or female
RKWT 5... right angle connector with molded cable
LioN-Link Connection , 5-Poles Part No. Description
0935 253 10... CAN/ DeviceNet signal cable, Thin Cable, M12 1-717-217-2299 99
Modules with Flat Cable and Round Cable Connection, 4 IN | 8 IN | 4 OUT
Modules with Flat Cable and Round Cable Connection, 4 OUT | 8 OUT | 2 IN/2 OUT | 4 IN/3 OUT
AS-Interface Flat Cable Module with 8 Digital Outputs 0910 ASL 419
(0.5 A, Y Connected) to Connect Standard Actuators,
M12 Socket, Infrared Interface for the Addressing.
Interface for the Addressing.
AS-Interface Flat Cable Module with 4 Digital Inputs 0910 ASL 408
to Connect Standard Sensors and 4 Digital Outputs
to Connect Standard Actuators, M12 Socket, Infrared
Interface for the Addressing.
Passive Modules and Accessories
to IEC 60352-6. AS-Interface Connector 0911 ANC 407/5 M
0911 ANC 406 is Included with the Delivered Product. 0911 ANC 407/10 M
DeviceNet-Devices, 8 IN | 8 IN/8 OUT | 16 IN/16 OUT | 16 IN
8 IN Part No.
DeviceNet Device with 8 Digital Inputs to Connect 0930 DSL 651
Standard Sensors, M8 Socket, 3-poles, Rotary
Switches for Addressing, M12 Bus Connection.
0930 DSL 701
16 IN Part No.
DeviceNet Device with 16 Digital Inputs to Connect 0930 DSL 701
Standard Sensors, M12 Socket, Rotary Switches for
Addressing, 7/8 Bus Connection.
DeviceNet-Devices, 8 OUT | 16 OUT | 8 IN/8 OUT
Connect Standard Actuators, M12 Socket, Rotary
Switches for Addressing, M12 Bus Connection, 7/8”
Actuator Supply.
0935 253 103/...M: Double-Ended with M12 Male 0935 253 103/0,3 M
Connector and M12 Female Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 253 103/0,6 M
0935 253 103/1 M
0935 253 104/...M: Single-Ended with M12 Male 0935 253 103/2 M
Connector, 5-Poles.
0935 253 103/3 M
0935 253 105/...M: Single-Ended with M12 Female 0935 253 103/5 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 253 103/10 M
0935 253 103/15 M
0935 253 103/20 M
0935 253 103/25 M
0935 253 104/1 M
0935 253 104/3 M
0935 253 104/5 M
0935 253 104/10 M
0935 253 104/15 M
0935 253 105/1 M
0935 253 105/3 M
0935 253 105/5 M
0935 253 105/10 M
0935 253 105/15 M
Double-Ended with 7/8” Male Connector and M12 0935 253 101/1 M
Female Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 253 101/2 M
0935 253 101/3 M
0935 253 101/5 M
Double-Ended with M12 Male Connector and 7/8” 0935 253 102/1 M
Female Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 253 102/2 M
0935 253 102/3 M
0935 253 102/5 M
DeviceNet-Thin Cable
0935 253 301/...M: Double-Ended with 7/8” Male 0935 253 301/1 M
Connector and 7/8” Female Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 253 301/3 M
0935 253 301/5 M
0935 253 302/...M: Single-Ended with 7/8” Male 0935 253 302/1 M
Connector, 5-Poles.
0935 253 302/3 M
0935 253 303/...M: Single-Ended with 7/8” Female 0935 253 302/5 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 253 303/1 M
0935 253 303/3 M
0935 253 303/5 M
0935 614 301/...M: Double-Ended with 7/8” Male 0935 614 301/0.3 M 0935 614 303/ 2 M
Connector, External Threads and 7/8” Female 0935 614 301/2 M 0935 614 303/ 3 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 614 301/3 M 0935 614 303/ 4 M
0935 614 301/4 M 0935 614 303/5 M
0935 614 302/...M: Single-Ended with 7/8” Male
0935 614 301/5 M
Connector, External Threads 5-Poles.
0935 614 302/2 M
0935 614 303/...M: Single-Ended with 7/8” Female 0935 614 302/3 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 614 302/4 M
0935 614 302/5 M
0935 614 103 | 0935 614 104 | 0935 614 105
0935 614 103/...M: Double-Ended with M12 Male 0935 614 103/0.3 M 0935 614 105/2 M
Connector and M12 Female Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 614 103/1 M 0935 614 105/3 M
0935 614 103/2 M 0935 614 105/4 M
0935 614 104/...M: Single-Ended with M12 Male 0935 614 103/3 M 0935 614 105/5 M
Connector, 5-Poles.
0935 614 103/4 M
0935 614 105/...M: Single-Ended with M12 Female 0935 614 103/5 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 614 104/2 M
0935 614 104/3 M
0935 614 104/4 M
0935 614 104/5 M
0935 613 301/...M: Double-Ended with 7/8” Male 0935 613 301/2 M 0935 613 303/1 M
Connector, External Threads and 7/8” Female 0935 613 301/3 M 0935 613 303/2 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 613 301/4 M 0935 613 303/3 M
0935 613 301/5 M 0935 613 303/4 M
0935 613 302/...M: Single-Ended with 7/8” Male
0935 613 302/0.3 M 0935 613 303/5 M
Connector, External Threads, 5-Poles.
0935 613 302/1 M
0935 613 303/...M: Single-Ended with 7/8” Female 0935 613 302/2 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 613 302/3 M
0935 613 302/4 M
0935 613 302/5 M
0935 636 301/...M: Double-Ended with 7/8” Male 0935 636 301/1 M 0935 636 303/1 M
Connector, External Threads and 7/8” Female 0935 636 301/3 M 0935 636 303/3 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 636 301/5 M 0935 636 303/5 M
0935 636 301/10 M 0935 636 303/10 M
0935 636 302/...M: Single-Ended with 7/8” Male
0935 636 302/1 M
Connector, External Threads, 5-Poles.
0935 636 302/3 M
0935 636 303/...M: Single-Ended with 7/8” Female 0935 636 302/5 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 636 302/10 M
0935 710 301/...M: Double-Ended with M12 Male 0935 710 301/1 M 0935 710 303/1 M
Connector and M12 Female Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 710 301/3 M 0935 710 303/2 M
0935 710 301/5 M 0935 710 303/5 M
0935 710 302/...M: Single-Ended with M12 Male 0935 710 301/10 M 0935 710 303/10 M
Connector, 5-Poles.
0935 710 302/1 M
0935 710 303/...M: Single-Ended with M12 Female 0935 710 302/3 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 710 302/5 M
0935 710 302/10 M
DeviceNet-Thin High-Flex Cable | Mid High-Flex Cable
0935 710 103/...M: Double-Ended with M12 Male 0935 710 103/1 M 0935 710 105/1 M
Connector and M12 Female Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 710 103/3 M 0935 710 105/3 M
0935 710 103/5 M 0935 710 105/5 M
0935 710 104/...M: Single-Ended with M12 Male 0935 710 103/10 M 0935 710 105/10 M
Connector, 5-Poles.
0935 710 104/1 M
0935 710 105/...M: Single-Ended with M12 Female 0935 710 104/3 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 710 104/5 M
0935 710 104/10 M
0935 709 301/...M: Double-Ended with 7/8” Male 0935 709 301/1 M 0935 709 303/1 M
Connector, External Threads and 7/8” Female 0935 709 301/3 M 0935 709 303/3 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 709 301/5 M 0935 709 303/5 M
0935 709 301/10 M 0935 709 303/10 M
0935 709 302/...M: Single-Ended with 7/8” Male
0935 709 302/1 M
Connector, External Threads 5-Poles.
0935 709 302/3 M
0935 709 303/...M: Single-Ended with 7/8” Female 0935 709 302/5 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 709 302/10 M
0935 709 103 | 0935 709 104 | 0935 709 105
0935 709 103/...M: Double-Ended with M12 Male 0935 709 103/1 M 0935 709 105/1 M
Connector and M12 Female Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 709 103/3 M 0935 709 105/3 M
0935 709 103/5 M 0935 709 105/5 M
0935 709 104/...M: Single-Ended with M12 Male 0935 709 103/10 M 0935 709 105/10 M
Connector, 5-Poles.
0935 709 104/1 M
0935 709 105/...M: Single-Ended with M12 Female 0935 709 104/3 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 709 104/5 M
0935 709 104/10 M
M12 A B
– especially suitable for DeviceNet and CANopen
modules with M12 bus connection –
DeviceNet Taps | Terminating Resistors
0939 CTX 102
DeviceNet Field Attachable Connectors
0936 DMC 303: 12.0mm - 14.0mm
DeviceNet Receptacles
0936 DMC 355/...M
Profibus-DP-Devices, 8 IN/8 OUT | 8 IN | 16 IN/16 OUT | 16 IN
8 IN Part No.
Profibus-DP-Device with 8 Digital Inputs to Connect 0970 PSL 651
Standard Sensors, M8 Socket, 3-poles, Rotary
Switches for Addressing, M12 Bus Connection, M12
Power Supply.
16 IN Part No.
Profibus-DP-Device with 16 Digital Inputs to Connect 0970 PSL 701
Standard Sensors, M12 Socket, Rotary Address
Switches for Addressing, M12 Bus Connection, 7/8”
Power Supply.
8 IN Part No.
Profibus-DP-Device with 8 Digital Inputs to 0970 PSL 114
Connect Standard Sensors, M12 Sockets, Rotary
Switches for Addressing, M12-Bus Connection and
M23-Power Supply.
8 IN Part No.
Profibus-DP-Device with 8 Digital Inputs to 0970 PSL 213
Connect Standard Sensors, M12 Sockets, Rotary
Switches for Addressing and M23-Bus Connection.
16 IN Part No.
Profibus-DP-Device with 16 Digital Inputs to 0970 PSL 111
Connect Standard Sensors, M12 Sockets, Rotary
Switches for Addressing, M12-Bus Connection and
M23-Power Supply.
16 IN Part No.
Profibus-DP-Device with 16 Digital Inputs to Connect 0970 PSL 209
Standard Sensors, M12 Sockets, Rotary Switches for
Addressing and M23-Bus Connection.
Profibus-DP-Devices, 8 OUT | 16 OUT | 8 IN/4 OUT
Profibus-Signal Cables
RKU 5 6-203/...M
RSU 5 A 6-203/0,6 M | RKU A 6-203/...M
RSU 5 6-204/0,6 M | RKU 6-204/...M
Profibus-DP-Power Cables, Splitters, Receptacles
Profibus-DP-Field Attachable Connectors
CANopen-Devices, 8 IN/8 OUT Universal | 8 IN | 16 IN
FWD 5CSL 650
8 IN Part No.
CANopen Device with 8 Digital Inputs to Connect 0930 CSL 651
Standarad Sensors, M8-Sockets, 3-Poles, Rotary
Switches for Addressing, M12-Bus Connection.
0935 253 103/...M: Double-Ended with M12 Male 0935 253 103/0,3 M 0935 253 104/1 M
Connector and M12 Female Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 253 103/0,6 M 0935 253 104/3 M
0935 253 103/1 M 0935 253 104/5 M
0935 253 104/...M: Single-Ended with M12 Male 0935 253 103/2 M 0935 253 104/10 M
Connector, 5-Poles.
0935 253 103/3 M 0935 253 104/15 M
0935 253 105/...M: Single-Ended with M12 Female 0935 253 103/5 M 0935 253 105/1 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 253 103/10 M 0935 253 105/3 M
0935 253 103/15 M 0935 253 105/5 M
0935 253 103/20 M 0935 253 105/10 M
0935 253 103/25 M 0935 253 105/15 M
CANopen-Signal and Power Supply Cables
0935 253 101/...M
Double-Ended with 7/8” Male Connector and M12 0935 253 101/1 M
Female Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 253 101/2 M
0935 253 101/3 M
0935 253 101/5 M
Double-Ended with M12 Male Connector and 7/8” 0935 253 102/1 M
Female Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 253 102/2 M
0935 253 102/3 M
0935 253 102/5 M
0935 253 301/...M: Double-Ended with 7/8” Male 0935 253 301/1 M
Connector and 7/8” Female Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 253 301/3 M
0935 253 301/5 M
0935 253 302/...M: Single-Ended with 7/8” Male 0935 253 302/1 M
Connector, 5-Poles.
0935 253 302/3 M
0935 253 303/...M: Single-Ended with 7/8” Female 0935 253 302/5 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 253 303/1 M
0935 253 303/3 M
0935 613 301/...M: Double-Ended with 7/8” Male 0935 613 301/2 M 0935 613 303/1 M
Connector, External Threads and 7/8” Female 0935 613 301/3 M 0935 613 303/2 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 613 301/4 M 0935 613 303/3 M
0935 613 301/5 M 0935 613 303/4 M
0935 613 302/...M: Single-Ended with 7/8” Male
0935 613 302/0.3 M 0935 613 303/5 M
Connector, External Threads, 5-Poles.
0935 613 302/1 M
0935 613 303/...M: Single-Ended with 7/8” Female 0935 613 302/2 M
Connector, 5-Poles. 0935 613 302/3 M
0935 613 302/4 M
0935 613 302/5 M
Interbus-Devices, 8 IN | 16 IN | 8 OUT
8 IN Part No.
Interbus-Device: Remote Bus Terminal with Integrated 0950 ISL 205
Branch for an Installation Remote Bus and 8-Digital-
Inputs to Connect Standard Sensors, M12-Sockets
and M23-Bus Connection.
FWD 5ISL 202
8 IN Part No.
Interbus-Device: Installation Remote Bus with 0950 ISL 202
8-Digital-Inputs to Connect Standard Sensors, M12-
Sockets and M23-Bus Connection.
16 IN Part No.
Interbus-Device: Installation Remote Bus with 0950 ISL 204
16-Digital-Inputs to Connect Standard Sensors, M12-
Sockets and M23-Bus Connection.
0955 283 201/...M: Double-Ended Cordset 0955 283 201/0,3 M 0955 283 202/1 M
(assembled on both sides) with M23 Male Connector 0955 283 201/0,6 M 0955 283 202/3 M
and M23 Female Connector, 9-Poles. 0955 283 201/1 M 0955 283 202/5 M
0955 283 201/2 M 0955 283 202/10 M
0955 283 202/...M: Single Ended Cordset (assembled
0955 283 201/3 M 0955 283 202/15 M
on one side) with M23 Male Connector, 9-Poles.
0955 283 201/5 M 0955 283 203/1 M
0955 283 203/...M: Single Ended Cordset (assembled 0955 283 201/10 M 0955 283 203/3 M
on one side) with M23-Female Connector, 9-Poles. 0955 283 201/15 M 0955 283 203/5 M
0955 283 201/20 M 0955 283 203/10 M
0955 283 201/25 M 0955 283 203/15 M
0955 284 201/...M: Double-Ended Cordset 0955 284 201/0,3 M 0955 284 202/1 M
(assembled on both sides) with M23 Male Connector 0955 284 201/0,6 M 0955 284 202/3 M
and M23 Female Connector, 9-Poles. 0955 284 201/1 M 0955 284 202/5 M
0955 284 201/2 M 0955 284 202/10 M
0955 284 202/...M: Single Ended Cordset (assembled
0955 284 201/3 M 0955 284 202/15 M
on one side) with M23 Male Connector, 9-Poles.
0955 284 201/5 M 0955 284 203/1 M
0955 284 203/...M: Single Ended Cordset (assembled 0955 284 201/10 M 0955 284 203/3 M
on one side) with M23-Female Connector, 9-Poles. 0955 284 201/15 M 0955 284 203/5 M
0955 284 201/20 M 0955 284 203/10 M
0955 284 201/25 M 0955 284 203/15 M
Interbus-Bus Cables and Power Supply Cables
RSU 5 A 6-203/0,6 M | RKU A 6-203/...M
RSU 5 6-204/0,6 M | RKU 6-204/...M
Industrial Ethernet
Ethernet-Data Cables-for PROFInet Applications
Industrial Ethernet
0985 342 500/...M: 4-Pin, RJ45 to RJ45, IP 65/ 0985 342 500/2 M
IP 67 Rated. 0985 342 500/5 M
0985 342 500/10 M
– suitable for PROFInet applications –
Industrial Ethernet
Ethernet-Data Cables-Moderate Flex, 4-Twistsed Pair, 24 AWG Solid, Shielded, PVC Jacket
Industrial Ethernet
Ethernet-Data Cables-High Flex, 2-Twisted Pair, 24 AWG Stranded, Unshielded, PVC Cable
Industrial Ethernet
FWD 5706 103/...M
Industrial Ethernet
Ethernet-Data Cables-Moderate Flex, 2-Twisted Pair, 26 AWG Stranded, Shielded, PUR Halogen-Free Cable
Industrial Ethernet
FWD 5S4549 103/...M
Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Terms
Ambient Temperature interference and reinforces the cable jacket against proper position.
The temperature of a medium (gas or liquid) damage.
Control Cable
surrounding an object. Bridge Rectifier A term sometimes used to describe the cable
American Wire Gauge (AWG) An electrical device made up of four diodes, that runs between the PLC and a distribution box
The U.S. standard system to specify size of electrical performing the function of full wave rectification (Lumberg ASB or ZV product).
wiring. (converts the full AC sine wave to DC).
AMP (A) (Ampere) C A small and flexible insulated cable.
A unit of measure for electrical current.
Cable CPE (Chlorinated Polyethylene)
Ampere (A) Either a stranded conductor with or without insulation A flexible synthetic rubber material with high tear
The unit of current. One ampere is the current flowing and other coverings (single conductor cable), or strength and provides good resistance to most
through one ohm of resistance at one volt potential. a combination of conductors insulated from one inorganic chemicals. It is inherently difficult to ignite.
another (multiple conductor cable).
Amplitude Modulation (AM) CPU (Central Processing Unit)
ANSI (American National Standards Institute) An electronic device, which can be used to store Creepage
Appliance Wiring Material (AWM). UL designation an electric charge or to allow alternating current to Refers to the conduction of electricity across the
for cable intended for use in the appliance wiring flow. The ideal capacitor will not allow steady state surface of a dielectric.
industry. or DC current to flow. The capacitor is used in many Crimp Termination
applications such as transient suppression, electrical A connection, in which a metal sleeve is secured to a
Armored Cable noise filtering, timing circuits, etc.
A cable provided with a wrapping of metal providing conductor by mechanically crimping the sleeve with
for mechanical protection. CATV (Community Antenna Television) pliers, presses or automated crimping machines.
ASTM (American Society for Testing CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)
and Materials)
CEC (Canadian Electrical Code) CSA (Canadian Standards Association)
Acronym for American Society for Testing and
Canadian version of USNEC. The Canadian equivalent to the Underwriters
Materials – a standards organization, which suggests
Laboratories organization.
test methods, definitions or practices.
Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Terms
in water (30 minutes – depth of 1 meter). MF (Microfarad) provide a degree of protection against entry of water
One millionth of a farad. during occasional temporary submersion at a limited
IP68 depth. (Requirement; 6 ft. of water for 24 hours).
Protected against the effects of continuous MH (Megahertz)
immersion in water at a pressure specified by the A unit of frequency equal to one million hertz. Neoprene
manufacturer. Lumberg’s requirement is 10 Bar (143 Is a synthetic rubber with good resistance to
PSI) at 24 hours. Moisture Resistance
oil, chemical and flame. Also referred to as
The ability of a material to resist absorbing moisture
Irradiation from the air or from water when immersed.
Relating to a cable jacket where the material is Nitrile (Buna)
exposed to high-energy emissions for the purpose of Molded Plug
This is a rubber like manmade material used
cross-linking the molecular structure. A connector over molded onto either end of a cord
extensively in gasket and sealing applications.
or cable.
IRS (Ignition Radiation Suppression) Nm (Nanometer)
MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor)
One billionth (10-9) of a meter.
ISO (International Standards Organization) A solid-state device used to suppress voltage
surges/spikes. Noise
J In a cable or circuit, any extraneous electrical signal
MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration)
that tends to interfere with the signal normally
Multibox present in or passing through the system.
A rubber or plastic covering applied over the primary
insulation, braids, shields, and cable components. Sometimes referred to as Distribution or Junction Box
Normally Closed
- designed to distribute a signal to multiple locations.
The state of the output or switch is ON with no
K external influence.
mV (Millivolt)
KPSI One thousandth of a volt.
Normally Open
Tensile strength expressed in thousands of pounds The state of the output or switch is OFF with no
per square inch. mW (Millwatt)
One thousandth of a watt. external influence NPN (Sinking) Acronym used
KV (Kilovolt) to describe the polarization of a bipolar junction
The measurement of Kilovolt=1000 volts Mylar transistor (BJTs). Also associated with a sinking
The DuPont trademark for polyester film. output.
Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Terms
Temperature Rating
The maximum temperature at which a material may VDE (Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker)
Solid Conductor German approval agency equivalent to UL.
A conductor consisting of a single wire. be used in continuous operation without loss of its
basic properties. Volt (V)
Solid State The unit of measure for electrical potential.
This is a term used often to describe an electronic TFE (Tetrafluoroethylene)
device, which is made up of solid components (no A thermoplastic material with good electrical Voltage
moving parts). insulating properties and chemical and heat The term most often used in place of electromotive
resistance. force, potential difference, or voltage drop.
SOO Designates the electrical pressure existing between
A UL designation for a rubber insulated hard service Thermoplastic
A material that will soften, flow or distort appreciably two points that is capable of producing a current
cord with oil resistance primaries and jacket. Voltage when a closed circuit is connected between these
rating is 600V. when subjected to heat and pressure.
SOOW Thermoset
A material that hardens or sets when heat is applied, Voltage Rating
Same as SOO with UL rating for outdoor use. The highest voltage that may be continuously
and which, once set, cannot be softened by heating.
The application of heat is called “curing”. applied to a wire in conformance with standards or
UL rating superceded by SOOW cable.
TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association)
Voltage Spike
TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer) This is a short-term (transient) condition causing a
The term is used here to describe the way a switch is
Used as a jacket material in multiconductor cables, larger than normal amount of voltage to be applied to
connected in the circuit. If the switch completes the
TPE is a thermoplastic compound resistant to a circuit. Voltage spikes can often cause damage to
electrical circuit by connecting the load to the positive
the harmful effects of weld slag and chemicals, an electric device if it is not properly protected.
(+) it is considered to be sourcing the load.
especially oil.
SPDT (Single Pole Double Throw) - Switches
TP-PMD (Twisted Pair - Physical Medium A flammability rating established by Underwriters
SRL (Structured Return Loss) Dependent) Laboratories for wires and cables that pass a
The magnitude of internal cable reflections, specially designed vertical flame test, formerly
measured in dB”. TPU (Thermo Plastic-Poly Urethane) designated FR1.
W (Watt or Wattage)
A unit of measure for electrical power.
Watt (W)
The unit of measure for electrical power.
Capillary absorption of a liquid along the fibers of the
base material.
Withdrawal Force
The force required to separate two mated contacts or
group of contacts.
The alpha symbol for Reactance – opposition to
alternating electric current flow caused by inductance
and capacitance in a circuit.
A multi pin audio connector (typically 3 pins) used in
a microphone, line level and snake cable connections.
Cable Index and Connector Key/Pin Configurations
3 06 1 = brown 3 x 0.34mm
5 Orange .197” / Ø 5.0mm AWM 2464 AWM I/II A/B
6 4 6
224 2 = blue 7
3 x 0.34mm
PUR, Halogen-Free
Black .185” / Ø 4.7mm AWM 21198 AWM I/II A/B
357 3 = black 1 2
AWM 20233 AWM I/II A/B
8 8
4 07 1 = brown 6
4 4 x 0.25mm
PVC Orange .197” / Ø 5.0mm AWM 2464 AWM I/II A/B
225 2 = white 7 3 4 x 0.34mm7
PUR, Halogen-Free Black .181” / Ø 4.6mm AWM 21198 AWM I/II A/B
358 3 = blue 1 2 4 x 0.25mm2 PUR, Halogen-Free Grey .205” / Ø 5.2mm AWM 20233 AWM I/II A/B
4 = black 8 8
8 354 1 = white 5
8 x 0.14mm2 PUR, Halogen-Free Black .197” / Ø 5.0mm AWM 21198 AWM I/II A/B
2 = brown 7
3 = green
4 = yellow 8
5 = grey
6 = pink
7 = blue
8 = red
645 3 x 0.75mm2 PUR Yellow .220” / Ø 5.6mm AWM 20233 Class I/II, A/B
610 3 x 0.34mm2 PUR Yellow .190” / Ø 4.8mm AWM 20233 Class I/II, A/B
4 07 1 = brown 4 x 0.25mm2 PVC Orange .197” / Ø 5.0mm AWM 2464 AWM I/II A/B
182 2 = white 4 x 0.34mm2 PVC, Shielded Orange .217” / Ø 5.5mm
225 3 = blue 4 x 0.34mm2 PUR, Halogen-Free Black .185” / Ø 4.7mm AWM 21198 Class I/II, A/B
Pin Configurations
251 4 = black 4 x 0.34mm2 PUR, Halogen-Free, Orange .185” / Ø 4.7mm AWM 21198 Class I/II, A/B
Cable Index
Weld Spark Proof
265 4 x 0.34mm2 PUR, Halogen-Free Grey .185” / Ø 4.7mm
288 4 x 0.34mm2 PVC, Shielded Black .217” / Ø 5.5mm AWM 21198 Class I/II, A/B
602 4 x 0.75mm2 PUR Yellow .230” / Ø 5.8mm AWM 20233 Class I/II, A/B
637 18 AWG TPE Yellow .280” / Ø 7.1mm AWM 20327 Class I/II, A/B
643 22 AWG TPE Yellow .246” / Ø 6.2mm PLTC Class I/II, A/B
679 4 x 0.34mm2 PUR Yellow .190” / Ø 4.8mm AWM 20233 Class I/II, A/B
6 337 1 = white 6 x 0.34mm2 PUR, Halogen-Free Black .236” / Ø 6.0mm AWM 21198 Class I/II, A/B
268 2 = green 6 x 0.34mm2 PUR, Halogen-Free, Orange .236” / Ø 6.0mm AWM 21198 Class I/II, A/B
3 = yellow Weld Spark Proof
4 = grey
5 = brown
6 = n.c.
7 = blue
8 = n.c.
7 282 1 = white 7 x 0.25mm2 PUR, Halogen-Free Black .236” / Ø 6.0mm AWM 21198 AWM I/II, A/B
2 = brown
3 = green
4 = yellow
5 = grey
6 = pink
7 = blue
8 = shield
8 299 1 = white 8 x 0.25mm2 PUR, Halogen-Free Black .260” / Ø 6.6mm AWM 21198 AWM I/II, A/B
2 = brown Shielded
184 3 = green 8 x 0.25mm2 PVC, Shielded Orange .260” / Ø 6.6mm
627 4 = yellow 8 x 0.25mm2 PVC Black .232” / Ø 5.9mm AWM 2661 AWM I/II, A/B
5 = grey
6 = pink
7 = blue
8 = red
12 348 1 = brown 2 x 0.25mm2 PUR, Halogen-Free Black .236” / Ø 6.0mm
2 = blue
3 = white 10 x 0.14mm2
4 = green
5 = pink
6 = yellow
7 = black
8 = grey
9 = red
10 = violett
11 = grey/pink
12 = red/blue
3 618 1 = green 3 x 0.34mm2 PVC Yellow .180” / Ø 4.6mm AWM 2661 AWM I/II, A/B
688 2 = red/black 3 x 0.75mm2 PVC Yellow .290” / Ø 7.4mm AWM 2661 AWM I/II, A/B
664 3 = red/white 3 x 0.34mm2 PUR Yellow .190” / Ø 4.8mm AWM 20233 AWM I/II, A/B
4 674 1 = red/black 4 x 0.34mm2 PVC Yellow .190” / Ø 4.8mm AWM 2661 AWM I/II, A/B
689 2 = red/white 4 x 0.75mm2 PVC Yellow .290” / Ø 7.4mm AWM 2661 AWM I/II, A/B
3 = red
4 = green
5 673 1 = red/white tr. 5 x 0.34mm2 PVC Yellow .210” / Ø 5.3mm AWM 20233 AWM I/II, A/B
755 2 = red 5 x 0.75mm2 TPE Yellow .333” / Ø 8.5mm PLTC AWM I/II, A/B
3 = green
4 = red/yellow tr.
5 = red/black tr.
Cable Index and Connector Key/Pin Configurations
2 678 1 = black 16 PVC 600 V Yellow .375" -40°C to +105°C STOW STO
2 = white
3 738 1 = green 16 TPE 600 V Yellow .390” -50°C to +90°C SEOOW STOOW
619 2 = black 18 CPE 600 V Yellow .370” -25°C to +90°C SOOW SOW
3 = white
4 739 1 = black 16 TPE 600 V Yellow .415” -50°C to +90°C SEOOW STOOW
2 = white
3 = red
4 = green
5 777 1 = white 16 TPE 600 V Yellow .495” -50°C to +90°C SEOOW STOOW
2 = red
3 = green
4 = orange
5 = black
6 697 1 = white 18 PVC 300 V Yellow .502” -40°C to +105°C STOW STO
2 = red
3 = green
4 = orange
5 = black
6 = blue
6 696 1 = orange 16 PVC 600 V Yellow .560” -40°C to +105°C STOW STO
2 = blue
3 = black
4 = white
Pin Configurations
5 = red
Cable Index
6 = green
7 622 1 = white/black 16 PVC 600 V Yellow .560” -40°C to +105°C STOW STO
649 2 = black 18 PUR 300 V Yellow .270” -45°C to +80°C AWM 20233 AWM I/II A/B
3 = white
4 = red
5 = orange
6 = blue
7 = green
8 698 1 = orange 16 PVC 600 V Yellow .585” -40°C to +105°C STOW STO
650 2 = blue 18 PUR 300 V Yellow .292” -45°C to +80°C AWM 20233 AWM I/II A/B
3 = white/black
4 = black
5 = white
6 = red
7 = green
8 = red/black
9 623 1 = orange 16 PVC 600 V Yellow .660” -40°C to +105°C STOW STO
651 2 = blue 18 PUR 300 V Yellow .313” -45°C to +80°C AWM 20233 AWM I/II A/B
3 = red/black
4 = green/black
5 = white
6 = red
7 = green
8 = white/black
9 = black
10 699 1 = orange 16 PVC 600 V Yellow .660” -40°C to +105°C STOW STO
652 2 = blue 18 PUR 300 V Yellow .340” -45°C to +80°C AWM 20233 AWM I/II A/B
3 = white/black
4 = red/black
5 = green/black
6 = orange/black
7 = red
8 = green
9 = black
10 = white
12 724 1 = orange 16 TPE 600 V Yellow .690” -50°C to +90°C SEOOW STOW
654 2 = blue 18 PUR 300 V Yellow .354” -45°C to +80°C AWM 20233 AWM I/II A/B
3 = white/black
4 = red/black
5 = green/black
6 = orange/black
7 = blue/black
8 = black/white
9 = green
10 = red
11 = white
12 = black
3 741 1 = green 16 TPE 600 V Yellow .390” -50°C to +90°C SEOOW STOOW
688 2 = red/black tr. 18 PVC 300 V Yellow .290” -40°C to +105°C AWM 2661 AWM I/II A/B
3 = red/white tr.
5 742 1 = red/white tr. 16 TPE 600 V Yellow .495” -50°C to +90°C SEOOW STOOW
2 = red
3 = green
4 = red/orange tr.
5 = red/black tr.
755 1 = red/white 18 TPE 250 V Yellow .333” -50°C to +90°C PLTC AWM I/II A/B
2 = red
3 = green
4 = red/orange
5 = red/black
Cable Index and Connector Key/Pin Configurations
12 676 1 = black #1 18 PUR 300 V Yellow .390” -45°C to +80°C AWM 20233 AWM I/II A/B
2 = black #2
3 = black #3
4 = black #4
5 = black #5
6 = black #6
7 = black #7
8 = black #8
9 = green/yellow
10 = black #10
11 = black #11
12 = black #12
19 669 1 = black #1 18 PUR 300 V Yellow .489” -45°C to +80°C AWM 20233 AWM I/II A/B
2 = black #2
3 = black #3
4 = black #4
5 = black #5
6 = black #6
7 = black #7
8 = black #8
9 = black #9
10 = black #10
11 = black #11
12 = green/yellow
13 = black #13
14 = black #14
15 = black #15
16 = black #16
17 = black #17
18 = black #18
19 = black #19
Pin Configurations
Conductors Cable Pin/Wire Color Face View Face View Gauge Material Voltage Jacket Outside Temperature UL CSA
No. Code Male Female Rating Color Diameter Rating
Cable Index
2 603 1 = brown 18 PVC 300 V Yellow .290" -40°C to +105°C AWM 2661 AWM I/II A/B
2 = blue
3 601 1 = black 18 PVC 300 V Yellow .290” -40°C to +105°C AWM 2661 AWM I/II A/B
645 2 = brown 18 PUR 300 V Yellow .220” -45°C to +80°C AWM 20333 AWM I/II A/B
731 3 = blue 18 TPE 250 V Yellow .284” -50°C to +90°C PLTC AWM I/II A/B
4 602 1 = black 18 PUR 300 V Yellow .230” -45°C to +80°C AWM 20233 AWM I/II A/B
637 2 = blue 18 TPE 300 V Yellow .280” -25°C to +105°C PLTC AWM I/II A/B
3 = brown
4 = white
5 794 1 = black 18 TPE 300 V Yellow .327” -50°C to +90°C PLTC AWM I/II A/B
2 = blue
3 = yellow/green tr.
4 = brown
5 = white
12 728 1 = black 18 TPE 600 V Yellow .596” -50°C to +90°C SEOOW STOOW
2 = red
3 = pink
4 = grey
5 = yellow
6 = green
7 = white
8 = violet
9 = green/yellow
10 = blue
11 = n.c.
12 = brown
12 256 1 = white 8 x 0.50mm2 PUR, Halogen-Free Black .366” / Ø 9.3mm AWM 21198 AWM I/II A/B
2 = green
3 = yellow
4 = grey
5 = grey/pink
6 = red/blue
7 = white/green
8 = brown/green
9 = blue
10 = blue 3 x 1.00mm2
11 = brown
12 = green/yellow
19 242 6 = blue 3 x 1.00mm2 PUR, Halogen-Free Black .457” / Ø 11.6mm AWM 21198 AWM I/II A/B
12 = yellow/green
19 = brown
1 = violet 16 x 0.50mm2
2 = red
3 = grey
4 = red/blue
5 = green
7 = grey/pink
8 = white/green
9 = white/yellow
10 = white grey
11 = black
13 = yellow/brown
14 = brown/green
15 = white
16 = yellow
17 = pink
18 = grey/brown
Cable Index and Connector Key/Pin Configurations
Fieldbus Color-Code-AS-Interface
Cable No. Pin/Wire Color Gauge Material Jacket Color Outside
Code Diameter
Pin Configurations
Cable Index
Fieldbus Color-Code-Profibus
Cable No. Pin/Wire Color Face View Face View Gauge Material Jacket Color Outside Diameter UL CSA
Code Male Female
254 green 2 x 0.38 mm2 PUR, Halogen-Free Violet .299” / Ø 7.6 mm AWM 20549 AWM I/II A/B
Fieldbus Color-Code-DeviceNet
Cable No. Wire Color Code Gauge Material Jacket Color Outside Diameter UL CSA
253 blue/white 2 x 0.25 mm2 PUR, Halogen-Free Black .264” / Ø 6.7 mm AWM 20549 AWM I/II A/B
red/black 2 x 0.34 mm2
613 blue/white Stranded Pairs PVC - THICK Grey .430” / Ø 11.0 mm CMG/PLTC-ER CMG
red/black 1 x 2 x 18 AWG
1 X 2 x 15 AWG
614 blue/white Stranded Pairs PVC - THIN Grey .270” / Ø 6.9 mm CMG/CL2 CMG
red/black 1 x 2 x 22 AWG
1 X 2 x 24 AWG
636 blue/white Stranded Pairs PVC - Tray Grey .525” / Ø 13.3 mm TC-ER AWM I/II A/B
red/black 1 x 2 x 16 AWG
1 X 2 x 18 AWG
709 blue/white Stranded Pairs TPE - MID Black .380” / Ø 9.7 mm AWM 20626 AWM I/II A/B
red/black 1 x 2 x 16 AWG High-Flex
1 X 2 x 20 AWG
710 blue/white Stranded Pairs TPE - THIN Black .280” / Ø 7.1 mm AWM 20626 AWM I/II A/B
red/black 1 x 2 x 22 AWG High-Flex
1 X 2 x 24 AWG
Cable Index and Connector Key/Pin Configurations
342 yellow 2 22 AWG Shielded PUR, Halogen-Free Green .244” / Ø 6.2 mm -20°C to 75°C UL Style 20236
white Twisted Pair Stranded CSA Class I/II A/B
orange PROFInet Compliant Type C
656 blue/white 4 24 AWG Shielded PVC, High-Flex Teal .306” / Ø 7.77 mm -40°C to 60°C UL Type CMR
orange/white Twisted Pair Stranded -40°C to 75°C CEC C(UL) Type CMR
green/white TIA 568-B.2 CAT5E
609 blue/white 4 24 AWG Shielded PVC, Moderate-Flex Teal .286” / Ø 7.26 mm -40°C to 60°C UL Type CMR
orange/white Twisted Pair Stranded -40°C to 75°C CEC C(UL) Type CMR
green/white TIA 568-B.2 CAT5E
706 orange/white 2 24 AWG Unshielded TPE, High-Flex Teal .210” / Ø 5.33 mm -25°C to 75°C UL Type CM
Pin Configurations
orange Twisted Pair Stranded -40°C to 75°C CEC C(UL) Type CM
Cable Index
green/white TIA 568-B.2 CAT5E
S3667 white/orange 4 26 AWG Shielded PUR, Halogen-Free Blue .240” / Ø 6.1 mm -20°C to 75°C TIA 568-B.2 CAT5E
orange Twisted Pair Stranded
S4549 white/orange 2 26 AWG Shielded PUR, Halogen-Free Blue .221” / Ø 5.6 mm -40°C to 80°C TIA 568-B.2 CAT5E
white/green Twisted Pair Stranded
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
0903 UTL 101 122 0910 ASL 133 101 0930 DSL 313 106
0905 203 301/5 M 112, 131 0910 ASL 134 101 0930 DSL 314 107
0905 203 301/10 M 112, 131 0910 ASL 135 102 0930 DSL 315 107
0905 203 301/15 M 112, 131 0910 ASL 403 100 0930 DSL 650 105
0905 203 302/0,6 M 112, 131 0910 ASL 408 102 0930 DSL 651 105
0905 204 301/5 M 124 0910 ASL 409 100 0930 DSL 700 105
0905 204 301/10 M 124 0910 ASL 410 101 0930 DSL 701 105
0905 204 301/15 M 124 0910 ASL 412 100 0931 DNC 109 118
0905 204 302/0,6 M 124 0910 ASL 414 101 0931 DNC 301 108
0905 204 303/5 M 124 0910 ASL 419 101 0935 253 101/1 M 108, 131
0905 204 303/10 M 124 0910 ASL 424 102 0935 253 101/2 M 108, 131
0905 204 303/15 M 124 0910 ASL 425 102 0935 253 101/3 M 108, 131
0905 204 308/5 M 124 0910 ASL 501 100 0935 253 101/5 M 108, 131
0905 204 308/10 M 124 0911 ANC 002/5 M 102 0935 253 102/1 M 108, 131
0905 204 308/15 M 124 0911 ANC 002/10 M 102 0935 253 102/2 M 108, 131
0905 204 309/0,6 M 124 0911 ANC 101 103 0935 253 102/3 M 108, 131
0905 204 310/5 M 125 0911 ANC 401 103 0935 253 102/5 M 108, 131
0905 204 310/10 M 125 0911 ANC 403 103 0935 253 103/0,3 M 108, 130
0905 204 310/15 M 125 0911 ANC 406 103 0935 253 103/0,6 M 108, 130
0905 356 304/5 M 112 0911 ANC 407/2 M 103 0935 253 103/1 M 108, 130
0905 356 304/10 M 112 0911 ANC 407/5 M 103 0935 253 103/2 M 108, 130
0905 356 304/15 M 112 0911 ANC 407/10 M 103 0935 253 103/3 M 108, 130
0905 356 305/0,6 M 112 0911 ANC 408 103 0935 253 103/5 M 108, 130
0905 356 306/5 M 112 0911 ANC 409 104 0935 253 103/10 M 108, 130
0905 356 306/10 M 112 0911 ANC 410/0,3 M 103 0935 253 103/15 M 108, 130
0905 356 306/15 M 112 0911 ANC 410/0,6 M 103 0935 253 103/20 M 108, 130
0905 356 311/5 M 112 0911 ANC 410/1 M 103 0935 253 103/25 M 108, 130
0905 356 311/10 M 112 0911 ANC 410/2 M 103 0935 253 104/1 M 108, 130
0905 356 311/15 M 112 0911 ANC 410/5 M 103 0935 253 104/3 M 108, 130
0905 356 312/0,6 M 112 0911 ANC 410/10 M 103 0935 253 104/5 M 108, 130
0905 356 313/5 M 112 0911 ANC 410/15 M 103 0935 253 104/10 M 108, 130
0905 356 313/10 M 112 0911 ANC 413 104 0935 253 104/15 M 108, 130
0905 356 313/15 M 112 0911 ANC 415 104 0935 253 105/1 M 108, 130
0906 UAC 301 118 0913 ATL 002/0,35 M 104 0935 253 105/3 M 108, 130
0906 UAC 302 118 0913 ATL 002/0,35 M 104 0935 253 105/5 M 108, 130
0906 UAC 303 118 0913 ATL 003 104 0935 253 105/10 M 108, 130
0906 UFC 201 78, 127 0913 ATL 004/1 M 104 0935 253 105/15 M 108, 130
0906 UFC 202 78, 127 0930 CSL 107 130 0935 253 301/1 M 109, 131
0906 UMC 201 77, 127 0930 CSL 108 129 0935 253 301/3 M 109, 131
0906 UMC 202 77 0930 CSL 109 129 0935 253 301/5 M 109, 131
0906 UTP 101 53, 112 0930 CSL 113 130 0935 253 302/1 M 109, 131
0906 UTP 201 54, 125 0930 CSL 114 130 0935 253 302/3 M 109, 131
0906 UTP 202 54, 125 0930 CSL 650 129 0935 253 302/5 M 109, 131
0906 UTP 203 55 0930 CSL 651 129 0935 253 303/1 M 109, 131
0906 UTP 204 55 0930 DSL 107 106 0935 253 303/3 M 109, 131
0906 UTP 301 53, 112 0930 DSL 108 106 0935 253 303/5 M 109, 131
0906 UTP 302 54, 113 0930 DSL 109 106 0935 613 301/2 M 110, 131
0906 UTP 303 54, 113 0930 DSL 113 107 0935 613 301/3 M 110, 131
0906 UTP 312 54, 113 0930 DSL 114 107 0935 613 301/4 M 110, 131
0909 UAC 101 83 0930 DSL 311 107 0935 613 301/5 M 110, 131
0910 ASL 132 100 0930 DSL 312 106 0935 613 302/0.3 M 110, 131
Part Number Index
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
0935 613 302/1 M 110, 131 0935 636 303/5 M 110 0935 710 302/3 M 110
0935 613 302/2 M 110, 131 0935 636 303/10 M 110 0935 710 302/5 M 110
0935 613 302/3 M 110, 131 0935 709 101/2 M 111 0935 710 302/10 M 110
0935 613 302/4 M 110, 131 0935 709 101/3 M 111 0935 710 303/1 M 110
0935 613 302/5 M 110, 131 0935 709 101/4 M 111 0935 710 303/2 M 110
0935 613 303/1 M 110, 131 0935 709 101/5 M 111 0935 710 303/5 M 110
0935 613 303/2 M 110, 131 0935 709 103/1 M 111 0935 710 303/10 M 110
0935 613 303/3 M 110, 131 0935 709 103/3 M 111 0936 DFC 101 115
0935 613 303/4 M 110, 131 0935 709 103/5 M 111 0936 DFC 102 115
0935 613 303/5 M 110, 131 0935 709 103/10 M 111 0936 DFC 151/0.3 M 116
0935 614 101/2 M 109 0935 709 104/1 M 111 0936 DFC 152/2 M 116
0935 614 101/3 M 109 0935 709 104/3 M 111 0936 DFC 301 115
0935 614 101/4 M 109 0935 709 104/5 M 111 0936 DFC 303 115
0935 614 101/5 M 109 0935 709 104/10 M 111 0936 DFC 351 63
0935 614 103/0.3 M 109 0935 709 105/1 M 111 0936 DFC 352/0.3 M 117
0935 614 103/1 M 109 0935 709 105/3 M 111 0936 DFC 353/1 M 117
0935 614 103/2 M 109 0935 709 105/5 M 111 0936 DFC 353/2 M 117
0935 614 103/3 M 109 0935 709 105/10 M 111 0936 DFC 353/5 M 117
0935 614 103/4 M 109 0935 709 301/1 M 111 0936 DFC 355/1 M 117
0935 614 103/5 M 109 0935 709 301/3 M 111 0936 DFC 355/2 M 117
0935 614 104/2 M 109 0935 709 301/5 M 111 0936 DFC 355/5 M 117
0935 614 104/3 M 109 0935 709 301/10 M 111 0936 DMC 101 114
0935 614 104/4 M 109 0935 709 302/1 M 111 0936 DMC 102 115
0935 614 104/5 M 109 0935 709 302/3 M 111 0936 DMC 151/0.3 M 116
0935 614 105/2 M 109 0935 709 302/5 M 111 0936 DMC 152/2 M 116
0935 614 105/3 M 109 0935 709 302/10 M 111 0936 DMC 301 115
0935 614 105/4 M 109 0935 709 303/1 M 111 0936 DMC 302 115
0935 614 105/5 M 109 0935 709 303/3 M 111 0936 DMC 303 115
0935 614 301/0.3 M 109 0935 709 303/5 M 111 0936 DMC 351 61
0935 614 301/2 M 109 0935 709 303/10 M 111 0936 DMC 352/0.3 M 117
0935 614 301/3 M 109 0935 710 101/2 M 110 0936 DMC 353/0.5 M 117
0935 614 301/5 M 109 0935 710 101/3 M 110 0936 DMC 353/1 M 117
0935 614 301/4 M 109 0935 710 101/4 M 110 0936 DMC 353/2 M 117
0935 614 302/2 M 109 0935 710 101/5 M 110 0936 DMC 353/5 M 117
0935 614 302/3 M 109 0935 710 103/1 M 111 0936 DMC 355/1 M 117
0935 614 302/4 M 109 0935 710 103/3 M 111 0936 DMC 355/2 M 117
0935 614 302/5 M 109 0935 710 103/5 M 111 0936 DMC 355/3 M 117
0935 614 303/ 2 M 109 0935 710 103/10 M 111 0936 DMC 355/4 M 117
0935 614 303/ 3 M 109 0935 710 104/1 M 111 0936 DMC 355/5 M 117
0935 614 303/ 4 M 109 0935 710 104/3 M 111 0939 CTX 101 113, 132
0935 614 303/5 M 109 0935 710 104/5 M 111 0939 CTX 102 113, 132
0935 636 301/1 M 110 0935 710 104/10 M 111 0939 CTX 105 113, 132
Part Number Index
0935 636 301/3 M 110 0935 710 105/1 M 111 0939 CTX 106 114
0935 636 301/5 M 110 0935 710 105/3 M 111 0939 CTX 301 114, 132
0935 636 301/10 M 110 0935 710 105/5 M 111 0939 CTX 302 114, 132
0935 636 302/1 M 110 0935 710 105/10 M 111 0939 CTX 303 114
0935 636 302/3 M 110 0935 710 301/1 M 110 0939 CTX 304 114
0935 636 302/5 M 110 0935 710 301/3 M 110 0940 CSL 601 92
0935 636 302/10 M 110 0935 710 301/5 M 110 0940 DSL 001 88
0935 636 303/1 M 110 0935 710 301/10 M 110 0940 DSL 601 92
0935 636 303/3 M 110 0935 710 302/1 M 110 0940 ESL 601 92
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
0940 ISL 001 88 0950 ISL 201 133 0956 IMC 201 77
0940 PSL 001 88 0950 ISL 202 133 0970 PSL 111 120
0940 PSL 601 92 0950 ISL 203 134 0970 PSL 112 120
0940 PSL 602 92 0950 ISL 204 133 0970 PSL 113 121
0940 PSL 603 92 0950 ISL 205 133 0970 PSL 114 120
0941 DNC 101 88 0950 ISL 207 133 0970 PSL 123 122
0941 DNC 301 88 0950 ISL 209 134 0970 PSL 124 121
0941 INC 201 88 0955 283 201/0,3 M 134 0970 PSL 209 120
0941 PNC 101 88 0955 283 201/0,6 M 134 0970 PSL 210 121
0941 PNC 103 88 0955 283 201/1 M 134 0970 PSL 211 121
0941 PNC 201 88 0955 283 201/2 M 134 0970 PSL 213 120
0941 UEM 100 90 0955 283 201/3 M 134 0970 PSL 214 122
0941 UNC 010 88 0955 283 201/5 M 134 0970 PSL 215 121
0941 UNC 020 88 0955 283 201/10 M 134 0970 PSL 650 119
0941 UNC 030 88 0955 283 201/15 M 134 0970 PSL 651 119
0941 UNC 601/10 M 96 0955 283 201/20 M 134 0970 PSL 700 119
0942 UEM 011 89 0955 283 201/25 M 134 0970 PSL 701 119
0942 UEM 012 89 0955 283 202/1 M 134 0973 PTL 201 122
0942 UEM 013 89 0955 283 202/3 M 134 0973 PTL 202 122
0942 UEM 014 89 0955 283 202/5 M 134 0975 202 201/0,3 M 123
0942 UEM 019 89 0955 283 202/10 M 134 0975 202 201/0,6 M 123
0942 UEM 021 89 0955 283 202/15 M 134 0975 202 201/1 M 123
0942 UEM 022 90 0955 283 203/1 M 134 0975 202 201/2 M 123
0942 UEM 026 89 0955 283 203/3 M 134 0975 202 201/3 M 123
0942 UEM 027 90 0955 283 203/5 M 134 0975 202 201/5 M 123
0942 UEM 032 89 0955 283 203/10 M 134 0975 202 201/10 M 123
0942 UEM 034 89 0955 283 203/15 M 134 0975 202 201/15 M 123
0942 UEM 040 90 0955 284 201/0,3 M 134 0975 202 201/20 M 123
0942 UEM 041 90 0955 284 201/0,6 M 134 0975 202 201/25 M 123
0942 UEM 101 89 0955 284 201/1 M 134 0975 202 202/1 M 123
0942 UEM 102 89 0955 284 201/2 M 134 0975 202 202/3 M 123
0942 UEM 201 90 0955 284 201/3 M 134 0975 202 202/5 M 123
0942 UEM 203 90 0955 284 201/5 M 134 0975 202 202/10 M 123
0942 UEM 205 90 0955 284 201/10 M 134 0975 202 202/15 M 123
0942 UEM 600 93 0955 284 201/15 M 134 0975 254 101/0,3 M 123
0942 UEM 601 93 0955 284 201/20 M 134 0975 254 101/0,6 M 123
0942 UEM 602 95 0955 284 201/25 M 134 0975 254 101/1 M 123
0942 UEM 612 95 0955 284 202/1 M 134 0975 254 101/2 M 123
0942 UEM 620 96 0955 284 202/3 M 134 0975 254 101/3 M 123
0942 UEM 630 93 0955 284 202/5 M 134 0975 254 101/5 M 123
0942 UEM 631 93 0955 284 202/10 M 134 0975 254 101/10 M 123
0942 UEM 650 92 0955 284 202/15 M 134 0975 254 101/15 M 123
0942 UEM 651 92 0955 284 203/1 M 134 0975 254 101/20 M 123
0942 UEM 670 95 0955 284 203/3 M 134 0975 254 101/25 M 123
0942 UEM 700 94 0955 284 203/5 M 134 0975 254 102/1 M 123
0942 UEM 701 94 0955 284 203/10 M 134 0975 254 102/3 M 123
0942 UEM 780/5 M 94 0955 284 203/15 M 134 0975 254 102/5 M 123
0942 UEM 782/1 M 94 0955 284 204/1 M 135 0975 254 102/10 M 123
0942 UEM 783 95 0955 284 204/2 M 135 0975 254 102/15 M 123
0943 UTL 101 91 0955 284 204/3 M 135 0975 254 103/1 M 123
0943 UTL 501 91 0955 284 204/5 M 135 0975 254 103/3 M 123
0947 USW 100 91 0956 IFC 201 78 0975 254 103/5 M 123
Part Number Index
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
0975 254 103/10 M 123 0985 609 100/45 M 137 0985 706 100/35 M 139
0975 254 103/15 M 123 0985 609 100/50 M 137 0985 706 100/40 M 139
0975 254 104/1 M 123 0985 609 101/0.5 M 137 0985 706 100/45 M 139
0975 254 104/2 M 123 0985 609 101/1 M 137 0985 706 100/50 M 139
0975 254 104/3 M 123 0985 609 101/2 M 137 0985 706 101/0.5 M 139
0975 254 104/5 M 123 0985 609 101/5 M 137 0985 706 101/1 M 139
0975 254 105/1 M 123 0985 609 500/0.5 M 137 0985 706 101/2 M 139
0975 254 105/2 M 123 0985 609 500/1 M 137 0985 706 101/5 M 139
0975 254 105/3 M 123 0985 609 500/2 M 137 0985 706 103/0.5 M 139
0975 254 105/5 M 123 0985 609 500/5 M 137 0985 706 103/1 M 139
0976 PFC 101 73, 126 0985 609 500/10 M 137 0985 706 103/2 M 139
0976 PFC 102 74, 127 0985 656 100/0.5 M 138 0985 706 103/5 M 139
0976 PFC 151 63, 125 0985 656 100/1 M 138 0985 706 103/10 M 139
0976 PFC 152 59, 126 0985 656 100/2 M 138 0985 706 104/0.5 M 139
0976 PMC 101 71, 126 0985 656 100/5 M 138 0985 706 104/1 M 139
0976 PMC 102 71, 126 0985 656 100/10 M 138 0985 706 104/2 M 139
0976 PMC 151 61, 125 0985 656 100/15 M 138 0985 706 104/5 M 139
0976 PMC 152 58, 126 0985 656 100/20 M 138 0985 706 104/10 M 139
0976 PMC 201 77, 127 0985 656 100/25 M 138 0985 706 500/0.5 M 139
0976 PMC 202 77, 128 0985 656 100/30 M 138 0985 706 500/1 M 139
0976 PMC 501 78, 128 0985 656 100/35 M 138 0985 706 500/2 M 139
0979 PTX 101 128 0985 656 100/40 M 138 0985 706 500/5 M 139
0979 PTX 201 128 0985 656 100/45 M 138 0985 706 500/10 M 139
0981 ENC 100 136 0985 656 100/50 M 138 0985 S3667 100/0.5 M 140
0981 ENC 102 136 0985 656 101/0.5 M 138 0985 S3667 100/1 M 140
0982 EEC 100 136 0985 656 101/1 M 138 0985 S3667 100/2 M 140
0982 EEC 101 136 0985 656 101/2 M 138 0985 S3667 100/5 M 140
0985 342 100/1 M 136 0985 656 101/5 M 138 0985 S3667 100/10 M 140
0985 342 100/2 M 136 0985 656 103/0.5 M 138 0985 S3667 100/15 M 140
0985 342 100/3 M 136 0985 656 103/1 M 138 0985 S3667 100/20 M 140
0985 342 100/5 M 136 0985 656 103/2 M 138 0985 S3667 100/25 M 140
0985 342 104/0.5 M 137 0985 656 103/5 M 138 0985 S3667 100/30 M 140
0985 342 104/1 M 137 0985 656 103/10 M 138 0985 S3667 100/35 M 140
0985 342 104/2 M 137 0985 656 104/0.5 M 138 0985 S3667 100/40 M 140
0985 342 104/5 M 137 0985 656 104/1 M 138 0985 S3667 100/45 M 140
0985 342 104/10 M 137 0985 656 104/2 M 138 0985 S3667 100/50 M 140
0985 342 500/0.5 M 137 0985 656 104/5 M 138 0985 S3667 101/0.5 M 140
0985 342 500/1 M 137 0985 656 104/10 M 138 0985 S3667 101/1 M 140
0985 342 500/2 M 137 0985 656 500/0.5 M 138 0985 S3667 101/2 M 140
0985 342 500/5 M 137 0985 656 500/1 M 138 0985 S3667 101/5 M 140
0985 342 500/10 M 137 0985 656 500/2 M 138 0985 S3667 500/0.5 M 140
0985 609 100/0.5 M 137 0985 656 500/5 M 138 0985 S3667 500/1 M 140
Part Number Index
0985 609 100/1 M 137 0985 656 500/10 M 138 0985 S3667 500/2 M 140
0985 609 100/2 M 137 0985 706 100/0.5 M 139 0985 S3667 500/5 M 140
0985 609 100/5 M 137 0985 706 100/1 M 139 0985 S3667 500/10 M 140
0985 609 100/10 M 137 0985 706 100/2 M 139 0985 S4549 100/0.5 M 141
0985 609 100/15 M 137 0985 706 100/5 M 139 0985 S4549 100/1 M 141
0985 609 100/20 M 137 0985 706 100/10 M 139 0985 S4549 100/2 M 141
0985 609 100/25 M 137 0985 706 100/15 M 139 0985 S4549 100/5 M 141
0985 609 100/30 M 137 0985 706 100/20 M 139 0985 S4549 100/10 M 141
0985 609 100/35 M 137 0985 706 100/25 M 139 0985 S4549 100/15 M 141
0985 609 100/40 M 137 0985 706 100/30 M 139 0985 S4549 100/20 M 141
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
0985 S4549 100/25 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-3-632/5 M 47 ASB 2-VB 1A-1-1-226/1 M 46
0985 S4549 100/30 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-3-637/0.3 M 47 ASB 2-VB 1A-1-1-226/1,5 M 46
0985 S4549 100/35 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-3-637/0.6 M 47 ASB 2-VB 1A-1-1-226/2 M 46
0985 S4549 100/40 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-3-637/1 M 47 ASB 2-VBD 1A-1-1-226/1 M 45
0985 S4549 100/45 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-3-637/1.5 M 47 ASB 2-VBD 1A-1-1-226/1,5 M 45
0985 S4549 100/50 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-3-637/2 M 47 ASB 2-VBD 1A-1-1-226/2 M 45
0985 S4549 103/0.5 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-3-637/5 M 47 ASB 2-VC 1A-1-3-226/1 M 46
0985 S4549 103/1 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-3-645/0.3 M 47 ASB 2-VC 1A-1-3-226/1,5 M 46
0985 S4549 103/2 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-3-645/0.6 M 47 ASB 2-VC 1A-1-3-226/2 M 46
0985 S4549 103/5 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-3-645/1 M 47 ASB 4 5-4-328/5 M 11
0985 S4549 103/10 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-3-645/1.5 M 47 ASB 4 5-4-328/10 M 11
0985 S4549 104/0.5 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-3-645/2 M 47 ASB 4/LED 5-4-328/5 M 11
0985 S4549 104/1 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-3-645/5 M 47 ASB 4/LED 5-4-328/10 M 11
0985 S4549 104/2 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-643/0.3 M 47 ASB 4/LED 5-4-328/RS120M 12
0985 S4549 104/5 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-643/0.6 M 47 ASB 6 5-4-330/5 M 11
0985 S4549 104/10 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-643/1 M 47 ASB 6 5-4-330/10 M 11
0985 S4549 500/0.5 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-643/1.5 M 47 ASB 6/LED 5-4-330/5 M 11
0985 S4549 500/1 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-643/2 M 47 ASB 6/LED 5-4-330/10 M 11
0985 S4549 500/2 M 141 ASB 2-RKT 4-643/5 M 47 ASB 8 / LED 5-4/ 1,5 M 12
0985 S4549 500/5 M 141 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-224/1 M 44 ASB 8 5-4-331/5 M 11
0985 S4549 500/10 M 141 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-224/1,5 M 44 ASB 8 5-4-331/10 M 11
0986 EFC 151 A 63, 142 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-224/2 M 44 ASB 8/LED 5-4-331/5 M 11
0986 EFC 152 59, 142 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-251/1 M 44 ASB 8/LED 5-4-331/10 M 11
0986 EMC 102 71, 142 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-251/1,5 M 44 ASB 8/LED 5-4-331/RS120M 12
AKB 2-RST 3-602/0.3 M 46 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-251/2 M 44 ASBA 2-RKT 4-3-224/1 M 44
AKB 2-RST 3-602/0.6 M 46 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-632/0.3 M 47 ASBA 2-RKT 4-3-224/1,5 M 44
AKB 2-RST 3-602/1 M 46 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-632/0.6 M 47 ASBA 2-RKT 4-3-224/2 M 44
AKB 2-RST 3-602/1.5 M 46 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-632/1 M 47 ASBM 10/LED 3-346/5 M 10
AKB 2-RST 3-602/2 M 46 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-632/1.5 M 47 ASBM 10/LED 3-346/10 M 10
AKB 2-RST 3-602/3 M 46 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-632/2 M 47 ASBM 10/LED 3-346/15 M 10
AKB 2-RST 3-602/5 M 46 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-632/5 M 47 ASBM 12/LED 3-347/5 M 10
ASB 2 4-3-632/0.3 M 26 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-637/0.3 M 47 ASBM 12/LED 3-347/10 M 10
ASB 2 4-3-632/0.6 M 26 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-637/0.6 M 47 ASBM 12/LED 3-347/15 M 10
ASB 2 4-3-632/1 M 26 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-637/1 M 47 ASBM 4/LED 3-343/5 M 10
ASB 2 4-3-632/1.5 M 26 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-637/1.5 M 47 ASBM 4/LED 3-343/10 M 10
ASB 2 4-3-632/2 M 26 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-637/2 M 47 ASBM 4/LED 3-343/15 M 10
ASB 2 4-3-632/5 M 26 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-637/5 M 47 ASBM 6/LED 3-344/5 M 10
ASB 2-RKMWV/LED A 3-224/1 M 44 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-645/0.3 M 47 ASBM 6/LED 3-344/10 M 10
ASB 2-RKMWV/LED A 3-224/1,5 M 44 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-645/0.6 M 47 ASBM 6/LED 3-344/15 M 10
ASB 2-RKMWV/LED A 3-224/2 M 44 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-645/1 M 47 ASBM 8/LED 3-345/5 M 10
ASB 2-RKT 4-3-224/1 M 44 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-645/1.5 M 47 ASBM 8/LED 3-345/10 M 10
ASB 2-RKT 4-3-224/1,5 M 44 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-645/2 M 47 ASBM 8/LED 3-345/15 M 10
ASB 2-RKT 4-3-224/2 M 44 ASB 2-RKWT 4-3-645/5 M 47 ASBS 2 M12-4S-90 53
ASB 2-RKT 4-3-251/1 M 44 ASB 2-RKWT/LED A 4-3-224/1 M 44 ASBS 2 M12-5 52
ASB 2-RKT 4-3-251/1,5 M 44 ASB 2-RKWT/LED A 4-3-224/1,5 M 44 ASBS 2 M12-5-90 53
ASB 2-RKT 4-3-251/2 M 44 ASB 2-RKWT/LED A 4-3-224/2 M 44 ASBS 2 M12-5S 52
ASB 2-RKT 4-3-632/0.3 M 47 ASB 2-RST 5-228/0,2-RKT 5-228/1 M 45 ASBS 2 M12-S-2325 52
ASB 2-RKT 4-3-632/0.6 M 47 ASB 2-RST 5-228/0,2-RKT 5-228/1,5 M 45 ASBS 2 M12-S-2326 52
ASB 2-RKT 4-3-632/1 M 47 ASB 2-RST 5-228/0,2-RKT 5-228/2 M 45 ASBS 2 M8 52
ASB 2-RKT 4-3-632/1.5 M 47 ASB 2-VAD 1A-1-3-226/1 M 45 ASBS 2 M8-90 53
ASB 2-RKT 4-3-632/2 M 47 ASB 2-VAD 1A-1-3-226/1,5 M 45 ASBS 4 / LED 5-4 13
ASB 2-RKT 4-3-632/3 M 47 ASB 2-VAD 1A-1-3-226/2 M 45 ASBS 6 / LED 5-4 13
Part Number Index
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
ASBS 6 5-4 13 LC-D 82 RK 120M-654/20 F 31
ASBS 8 / LED 5-4 13 PRKFM 4/0,5 M 63 RK 120M-654/30 F 31
ASBS 8 5-4 13 PRKFM 5/0,5 M 63 RK 120M-676/2 M 31
ASBS 8/LED 5-4/4E-4A 13 PRKFM 8/0,5 M 63 RK 120M-676/5 M 31
ASBSA 2 M12-3 52 PRKT 4-07/5 M 24 RK 120M-676/10 M 31
ASBSM 4/LED 3 10 PRKT 4-07/10 M 24 RK 120M-676/15 M 31
ASBSM 6/LED 3 10 PRKT 4-07/25 M 24 RK 120M-724/6 F 31
ASBSM 8/LED 3 10 PRKT 5-56/5 M 24 RK 120M-724/12 F 31
ASBSM 10/LED 3 10 PRKT 5-56/10 M 24 RK 120M-724/15 F 31
ASBSV 4 5 14 PRKT 5-56/25 M 24 RK 120M-724/20 F 31
ASBSV 4/LED 5 14 PRKWT 4-07/5 M 24 RK 120M-724/30 F 31
ASBSV 6 5 14 PRKWT 4-07/10 M 24 RK 190M-669/2 M 31
ASBSV 6/LED 5 14 PRKWT 4-07/25 M 24 RK 190M-669/5 M 31
ASBSV 8 5 14 PRKWT 5-56/5 M 24 RK 190M-669/10 M 31
ASBSV 8/LED 5 14 PRKWT 5-56/10 M 24 RK 190M-669/15 M 31
ASBSVD 8/LED W5 14 PRKWT 5-56/25 M 24 RK 20-603/2 M 29
ASBV 4 4-3-138/RS120M 13 PRKWT/LED P 4-07/5 M 24 RK 20-603/5 M 29
ASBV 4 5-256/5 M 12 PRKWT/LED P 4-07/10 M 24 RK 20-603/10 M 29
ASBV 4 5-256/10 M 12 PRKWT/LED P 4-07/25 M 24 RK 20-678/6 F 27
ASBV 4/LED 5-242/RS190M 14 PRSFM 4 59 RK 20-678/12 F 27
ASBV 4/LED 5-256/5 M 12 PRSFM 4/0,5 M 61 RK 20-678/15 F 27
ASBV 4/LED 5-256/10 M 12 PRSFM 5 59 RK 20-678/20 F 27
ASBV 4/LED 5-256/15 M 12 PRSFM 5/0,5 M 61 RK 20-678/30 F 27
ASBV 4/LED 5-256/RS120M 14 PRSFM 8/0,5 M 61 RK 30-601/2 M 29
ASBV 6 5-332/5 M 12 PRST 4-07/5 M 24 RK 30-601/5 M 29
ASBV 6 5-332/10 M 12 PRST 4-07/10 M 24 RK 30-601/10 M 29
ASBV 6/LED 5-332/5 M 12 PRST 4-07/25 M 24 RK 30-619/6 F 27
ASBV 6/LED 5-332/10 M 12 PRST 4-PRKT 4-07/2 M 39 RK 30-619/12 F 27
ASBV 6/LED 5-332/15 M 12 PRST 4-PRKT 4-07/5 M 39 RK 30-619/15 F 27
ASBV 8/LED 5-242/5 M 12 PRST 4-PRKWT 4-07/2 M 40 RK 30-619/20 F 27
ASBV 8/LED 5-242/10 M 12 PRST 4-PRKWT 4-07/5 M 40 RK 30-619/30 F 27
ASBV 8/LED 5-242/15 M 12 PRST 4-PRKWT/LED P 4-07/2 M 40 RK 30-645/2 M 29
ASBV 8 4-3-139/RS190M 13 PRST 4-PRKWT/LED P 4-07/5 M 40 RK 30-645/5 M 29
ASBV 8 5-242/5 M 12 PZVK 83 RK 30-645/10 M 29
ASBV 8 5-242/10 M 12 RK 100M-652/6 F 31 RK 30-731/6 F 29
ASNBL 8/LED 5-4-320/5 11 RK 100M-652/12 F 31 RK 30-731/12 F 29
ASNBL 8/LED 5-4-320/10 M 11 RK 100M-652/15 F 31 RK 30-731/15 F 29
ASNBL 8/LED 5-4-320/15 M 11 RK 100M-652/20 F 31 RK 30-731/20 F 29
ASNBV 8/LED 5-278/5 M 11 RK 100M-652/30 F 31 RK 30-731/30 F 29
ASNBV 8/LED 5-278/10 M 11 RK 100M-699/6 F 31 RK 30-738/6 F 27
ASNBV 8/LED 5-278/15 M 11 RK 100M-699/12 F 31 RK 30-738/12 F 27
AWKZ 86 RK 100M-699/15 F 31 RK 30-738/15 F 27
Part Number Index
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
RK 40-637/6 F 29 RK 80M-650/15 F 30 RKCS 4/9 73
RK 40-637/12 F 29 RK 80M-650/20 F 30 RKCS 5/9 73
RK 40-637/15 F 29 RK 80M-650/30 F 30 RKCS 8/9 73
RK 40-637/20F 29 RK 80M-698/6 F 30 RKCW 120/13,5 78
RK 40-637/30F 29 RK 80M-698/12 F 30 RKCW 190/13,5 78
RK 40-739/6 F 27 RK 80M-698/15 F 30 RKCW 3U/7 75
RK 40-739/12 F 27 RK 80M-698/20 F 30 RKCW 3U/9 75
RK 40-739/15 F 27 RK 80M-698/30 F 30 RKCW 4 /7 71
RK 40-739/20 F 27 RK 90M-623/6 F 31 RKCW 4 /9 71
RK 40-739/30 F 27 RK 90M-623/12 F 31 RKCW 4/3/7 71
RK 50-742/6 F 27 RK 90M-623/15 F 31 RKCW 4/3/9 71
RK 50-742/12 F 27 RK 90M-623/20 F 31 RKCW 5/7 71
RK 50-742/15 F 27 RK 90M-623/30 F 31 RKCW 5/9 71
RK 50-742/20 F 27 RK 90M-651/6 F 31 RKCW 8/9 71
RK 50-742/30 F 27 RK 90M-651/12 F 31 RKCW/LED 4/7 72
RK 50-755/6 F 27 RK 90M-651/15 F 31 RKCW/LED 4/9 72
RK 50-755/12 F 27 RK 90M-651/20 F 31 RKCWN 4/7 73
RK 50-755/15 F 27 RK 90M-651/30 F 31 RKCWN 4/9 73
RK 50-755/20 F 27 RKC 120/13,5 78 RKCWN 5/7 73
RK 50-755/30 F 27 RKC 190/13,5 78 RKCWN 5/9 73
RK 50-777/6 F 27 RKC 30/11 75 RKCWN 8/9 73
RK 50-777/12 F 27 RKC 30/9 75 RKF 1001M-699/1 F 67
RK 50-777/15 F 27 RKC 3U/7 74 RKF 1201M-624/1 F 67
RK 50-777/20 F 27 RKC 3U/9 74 RKF 1201M-630/0.3 M 67
RK 50-777/30 F 27 RKC 4 /7 71 RKF 1201M-676/1 F 67
RK 50-794/6 F 29 RKC 4 /9 71 RKF 1901M-669/1 F 67
RK 50-794/12 F 29 RKC 4/3/7 71 RKF 20/11-03 65
RK 50-794/15 F 29 RKC 4/3/9 71 RKF 20/13,5-03 65
RK 50-794/20 F 29 RKC 4/DUO 73 RKF 201-678/1 F 66
RK 50-794/30 F 29 RKC 40/9 75 RKF 20-603/0.3 M 65
RK 601B-696/30 F 30 RKC 5/7 71 RKF 3 U/1 F 64
RK 60A-697/6 F 27 RKC 5/9 71 RKF 3/0,5 M 62
RK 60A-697/12 F 27 RKC 5/DUO 73 RKF 30/11-01 65
RK 60A-697/15 F 27 RKC 50/11 75 RKF 30/11-05 65
RK 60A-697/20 F 27 RKC 50/16 75 RKF 30/13,5-01 65
RK 60A-697/30 F 27 RKC 50/9 75 RKF 30/13,5-05 65
RK 60B-696/6 F 30 RKC 8/9 71 RKF 301-638/1 F 66
RK 60B-696/12 F 30 RKC/LED 4/7 72 RKF 301-641/1 F 66
RK 60B-696/15 F 30 RKC/LED 4/9 72 RKF 30-601/0.3 M 65
RK 60B-696/20 F 30 RKCN 4/7 72 RKF 30-695/0.3 M 65
RK 70M-622/6 F 30 RKCN 4/9 72 RKF 4 U/1 F 64
RK 70M-622/12 F 30 RKCN 4/DUO 73 RKF 4/0,5 M 62
RK 70M-622/15 F 30 RKCN 5/7 72 RKF 4-1/2-14/0,5 M 62
RK 70M-622/20 F 30 RKCN 5/9 72 RKF 40/11-02 65
RK 70M-622/30 F 30 RKCN 5/DUO 73 RKF 40/13,5-02 65
RK 70M-649/6 F 30 RKCN 8/9 72 RKF 401-639/1 F 66
RK 70M-649/12 F 30 RKCQ 4/3/7 72 RKF 40-693/0.3 M 65
RK 70M-649/15 F 30 RKCQ 4/3/9 72 RKF 40A-14D/1M 81
RK 70M-649/20 F 30 RKCQ 4/7 72 RKF 40A-14D/3M 81
RK 70M-649/30 F 30 RKCQ 4/9 72 RKF 40D-3/4-10T/1M 80
RK 80M-650/6 F 30 RKCQS 4/3/9 74 RKF 40D-3/4-10T/3M 80
RK 80M-650/12 F 30 RKCQS 4/9 74 RKF 4-S3103,5 M 62
Part Number Index
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
RKF 4-3-1/2-15/0,5 M 62 RKMV 3-06/5 M 16 RKMWVS 3-357/5 M 18
RKF 5 TB 62 RKMV 3-06/10 M 16 RKMWVS 4-358/5 M 18
RKF 5 U/1 F 64 RKMV 3-224/2 M 16 RKT 12-348/2 M 19
RKF 5/0,5 M 62 RKMV 3-224/5 M 16 RKT 12-348/5 M 19
RKF 50/11-04 65 RKMV 3-224/10 M 16 RKT 12-348/10 M 19
RKF 50/13,5-04 65 RKMV 4-07/2 M 16 RKT 3 U-618/6 F 26
RKF 501-642/1 F 66 RKMV 4-07/5 M 16 RKT 3 U-618/12 F 26
RKF 501-677/1 F 66 RKMV 4-07/10 M 16 RKT 3 U-618/15 F 26
RKF 501-690/1 F 66 RKMV 4-225/2 M 16 RKT 3 U-618/20 F 26
RKF 50-694/0.3 M 65 RKMV 4-225/5 M 16 RKT 3 U-619/6 F 26
RKF 5-S3103,5 M 62 RKMV 4-225/10 M 16 RKT 3 U-619/12 F 26
RKF 5-1/2-14/0,5 M 62 RKMV 8-354/2 M 16 RKT 3 U-619/15 F 26
RKF 601A-697/1 F 66 RKMV 8-354/5 M 16 RKT 3 U-619/20 F 26
RKF 8/0,5 M 62 RKMV 8-354/10 M 16 RKT 3 U-664/6 F 26
RKF 8-S3103,5 M 62 RKMVS 3-357/5 M 18 RKT 3 U-664/12 F 26
RKF 8-1/2-14/0,5 M 62 RKMVS 4-358/5 M 18 RKT 3 U-664/15 F 26
RKFM 4/0,5 M 61 RKMW 3-06/2 M 17 RKT 3 U-664/20 F 26
RKFM 4-3/0,5 M 61 RKMW 3-06/5 M 17 RKT 3 U-688/6 F 26
RKFM 5/0,5 M 61 RKMW 3-06/10 M 17 RKT 3 U-688/12 F 26
RKFM 5/20/0,5 M 62 RKMW 3-224/2 M 17 RKT 3 U-688/15 F 26
RKFM 8/0,5 M 61 RKMW 3-224/5 M 17 RKT 3 U-688/20 F 26
RKFPM 4/0,5 M 62 RKMW 3-224/10 M 17 RKT 3-610/2 M 20
RKFPM 4-3/0,5 M 62 RKMW 4-07/2 M 17 RKT 3-610/5 M 20
RKFPM 5/0,5 M 62 RKMW 4-07/5 M 17 RKT 3-610/10 M 20
RKFPM 8/0,5 M 62 RKMW 4-07/10 M 17 RKT 3-632/2 M 20
RKHL 4/ S 5,5 59 RKMW 4-225/2 M 17 RKT 3-632/5 M 20
RKHL 5/ S 5,5 59 RKMW 4-225/5 M 17 RKT 3-632/10 M 20
RKHL 5B/S 5,5 59 RKMW 4-225/10 M 17 RKT 3-645/2 M 20
RKHL 8/ S 5,5 59 RKMW/LED A 3-06/2 M 17 RKT 3-645/5 M 20
RKM 3-06/2 M 17 RKMW/LED A 3-06/5 M 17 RKT 3-645/10 M 20
RKM 3-06/5 M 17 RKMW/LED A 3-06/10 M 17 RKT 3-731/2 M 20
RKM 3-06/10 M 17 RKMW/LED A 3-224/2 M 17 RKT 3-731/5 M 20
RKM 3-224/2 M 17 RKMW/LED A 3-224/5 M 17 RKT 3-731/10 M 20
RKM 3-224/5 M 17 RKMW/LED A 3-224/10 M 17 RKT 3U-226/5 M 25
RKM 3-224/10 M 17 RKMWV 3-06/2 M 16 RKT 4 U-674/6 F 26
RKM 4-07/2 M 17 RKMWV 3-06/5 M 16 RKT 4 U-674/12 F 26
RKM 4-07/5 M 17 RKMWV 3-06/10 M 16 RKT 4 U-674/15 F 26
RKM 4-07/10 M 17 RKMWV 3-224/2 M 16 RKT 4 U-674/20 F 26
RKM 4-225/2 M 17 RKMWV 3-224/5 M 16 RKT 4 U-689/6 F 26
RKM 4-225/5 M 17 RKMWV 3-224/10 M 16 RKT 4 U-689/12 F 26
RKM 4-225/10 M 17 RKMWV 4-07/2 M 16 RKT 4 U-689/15 F 26
RKMC 3 68 RKMWV 4-07/5 M 16 RKT 4 U-689/20 F 26
Part Number Index
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
RKT 4-3-06/5 M 19 RKT 8-627/5 M 20 RKU A 6-203/15 M 124, 135
RKT 4-3-06/10 M 19 RKT 8-627/10 M 20 RKU E 6-203/5 M 124
RKT 4-3-224/2 M 19 RKT 8-6-337/2 M 19 RKU E 6-203/10 M 124
RKT 4-3-224/5 M 19 RKT 8-6-337/5 M 19 RKU E 6-203/15 M 124
RKT 4-3-224/10 M 19 RKT 8-6-337/10 M 19 RKUE 19-242/5 M 33
RKT 4-3-260/2 M 19 RKT/LED A 4-3-06/2 M 21 RKUE 19-242/10 M 33
RKT 4-3-260/5 M 19 RKT/LED A 4-3-06/5 M 21 RKUE 19-242/15 M 33
RKT 4-3-260/10 M 19 RKT/LED A 4-3-06/10 M 21 RKUE 19-242/20 M 33
RKT 4-602/2 M 20 RKT/LED A 4-3-224/2 M 21 RKV 83
RKT 4-602/5 M 20 RKT/LED A 4-3-224/5 M 21 RKV M23 83
RKT 4-602/10 M 20 RKT/LED A 4-3-224/10 M 21 RKV-A 81
RKT 4-633/2 M 20 RKT/LED A 4-3-260/2 M 21 RKV-D 81
RKT 4-633/5 M 20 RKT/LED A 4-3-260/5 M 21 RKW 20-678/6 F 28
RKT 4-633/10 M 20 RKT/LED A 4-3-260/10 M 21 RKW 20-678/12 F 28
RKT 4-637/2 M 20 RKT/LED A 4-3-632/1 M 22 RKW 20-678/15 F 28
RKT 4-637/5 M 20 RKT/LED A 4-3-632/2 M 22 RKW 20-678/20 F 28
RKT 4-637/10 M 20 RKT/LED A 4-3-632/5 M 22 RKW 20-678/30 F 28
RKT 4-643/2 M 20 RKT/LED A 4-3-632/10 M 22 RKW 30-619/6 F 28
RKT 4-643/5 M 20 RKT/LED F 4-225/2 M 21 RKW 30-619/12 F 28
RKT 4-643/10 M 20 RKT/LED F 4-225/5 M 21 RKW 30-619/15 F 28
RKT 4-679/2 M 20 RKT/LED F 4-225/10 M 21 RKW 30-619/20 F 28
RKT 4-679/5 M 20 RKTS 4-182/2 M 23 RKW 30-619/30 F 28
RKT 4-679/10 M 20 RKTS 4-182/5 M 23 RKW 30-738/6 F 28
RKT 5 U-673/6 F 26 RKTS 4-182/10 M 23 RKW 30-738/12 F 28
RKT 5 U-673/12 F 26 RKTS 4-288/2 M 23 RKW 30-738/15 F 28
RKT 5 U-673/15 F 26 RKTS 4-288/5 M 23 RKW 30-738/20 F 28
RKT 5 U-673/20 F 26 RKTS 4-288/10 M 23 RKW 30-738/30 F 28
RKT 5 U-755/6 F 26 RKTS 5-183/2 M 23 RKW 30-741/6 F 28
RKT 5 U-755/12 F 26 RKTS 5-183/5 M 23 RKW 30-741/12 F 28
RKT 5 U-755/15 F 26 RKTS 5-183/10 M 23 RKW 30-741/15 F 28
RKT 5 U-755/20 F 26 RKTS 5-298/2 M 23 RKW 30-741/20 F 28
RKT 5-228/2 M 19 RKTS 5-298/5 M 23 RKW 30-741/30 F 28
RKT 5-228/5 M 19 RKTS 5-298/10 M 23 RKW 40-739/6 F 28
RKT 5-228/10 M 19 RKTS 8-184/2 M 23 RKW 40-739/12 F 28
RKT 5-259/2 M 19 RKTS 8-184/5 M 23 RKW 40-739/15 F 28
RKT 5-259/5 M 19 RKTS 8-184/10 M 23 RKW 40-739/20 F 28
RKT 5-259/10 M 19 RKTS 8-299/2 M 23 RKW 40-739/30 F 28
RKT 5-56/2 M 19 RKTS 8-299/5 M 23 RKW 50-742/6 F 28
RKT 5-56/5 M 19 RKTS 8-299/10 M 23 RKW 50-742/12 F 28
RKT 5-612/2 M 20 RKU 12-256/5 M 33 RKW 50-742/15 F 28
RKT 5-612/5 M 20 RKU 12-256/10 M 33 RKW 50-742/20 F 28
RKT 5-612/10 M 20 RKU 12-256/15 M 33 RKW 50-742/30 F 28
RKT 5-644/2 M 20 RKU 12-256/20 M 33 RKW 50-755/6 F 28
RKT 5-644/5 M 20 RKU 19-242/5 M 33 RKW 50-755/12 F 28
RKT 5-644/10 M 20 RKU 19-242/10 M 33 RKW 50-755/15 F 28
RKT 8-282/2 M 19 RKU 19-242/15 M 33 RKW 50-755/20 F 28
RKT 8-282/5 M 19 RKU 19-242/20 M 33 RKW 50-755/30 F 28
RKT 8-282/10 M 19 RKU 6-204/10 M 124, 135 RKW 50-777/6 F 28
RKT 8-6-268/2 M 19 RKU 6-204/15 M 124, 135 RKW 50-777/12 F 28
RKT 8-6-268/5 M 19 RKU 6-204/5 M 124, 135 RKW 50-777/15 F 28
RKT 8-6-268/10 M 19 RKU A 6-203/5 M 124, 135 RKW 50-777/20 F 28
RKT 8-627/2 M 20 RKU A 6-203/10 M 124, 135 RKW 50-777/30 F 28
Part Number Index
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
RKW 60A-697/6 F 28 RKWT 4-251/5 M 20 RKWT 8-627/2 M 21
RKW 60A-697/12 F 28 RKWT 4-251/10 M 20 RKWT 8-627/5 M 21
RKW 60A-697/15 F 28 RKWT 4-3-06/2 M 20 RKWT 8-627/10 M 21
RKW 60A-697/20 F 28 RKWT 4-3-06/5 M 20 RKWT 8-6-337/2 M 20
RKW 60A-697/30 F 28 RKWT 4-3-06/10 M 20 RKWT 8-6-337/5 M 20
RKWF5-PCB 116 RKWT 4-3-224/2 M 20 RKWT 8-6-337/10 M 20
RKWT 12-348/2 M 20 RKWT 4-3-224/5 M 20 RKWT/LED A 4-3-06/2 M 22
RKWT 12-348/5 M 20 RKWT 4-3-224/10 M 20 RKWT/LED A 4-3-06/5 M 22
RKWT 12-348/10 M 20 RKWT 4-3-260/2 M 20 RKWT/LED A 4-3-06/10 M 22
RKWT 3 U-618/6 F 26 RKWT 4-3-260/5 M 20 RKWT/LED A 4-3-224/2 M 22
RKWT 3 U-618/12 F 26 RKWT 4-3-260/10 M 20 RKWT/LED A 4-3-224/5 M 22
RKWT 3 U-618/15 F 26 RKWT 4-602/2 M 21 RKWT/LED A 4-3-224/10 M 22
RKWT 3 U-618/20 F 26 RKWT 4-602/5 M 21 RKWT/LED A 4-3-260/2 M 22
RKWT 3 U-619/6 F 26 RKWT 4-602/10 M 21 RKWT/LED A 4-3-260/5 M 22
RKWT 3 U-619/12 F 26 RKWT 4-633/2 M 21 RKWT/LED A 4-3-260/10 M 22
RKWT 3 U-619/15 F 26 RKWT 4-633/5 M 21 RKWT/LED A 4-3-632/1 M 22
RKWT 3 U-619/20 F 26 RKWT 4-633/10 M 21 RKWT/LED A 4-3-632/2 M 22
RKWT 3 U-664/6 F 26 RKWT 4-637/2 M 21 RKWT/LED A 4-3-632/5 M 22
RKWT 3 U-664/12 F 26 RKWT 4-637/5 M 21 RKWT/LED A 4-3-632/10 M 22
RKWT 3 U-664/15 F 26 RKWT 4-637/10 M 21 RKWT/LED P 4-07/2 M 22
RKWT 3 U-664/20 F 26 RKWT 4-643/2 M 21 RKWT/LED P 4-07/5 M 22
RKWT 3 U-688/6 F 26 RKWT 4-643/5 M 21 RKWT/LED P 4-07/10 M 22
RKWT 3 U-688/12 F 26 RKWT 4-643/10 M 21 RKWT/LED P 4-225/2 M 22
RKWT 3 U-688/15 F 26 RKWT 4-679/2 M 21 RKWT/LED P 4-225/5 M 22
RKWT 3 U-688/20 F 26 RKWT 4-679/5 M 21 RKWT/LED P 4-225/10 M 22
RKWT 3-610/2 M 21 RKWT 4-679/10 M 21 RKWT/LED P 4-251/2 M 22
RKWT 3-610/5 M 21 RKWT 5 U-673/6 F 26 RKWT/LED P 4-251/5 M 22
RKWT 3-610/10 M 21 RKWT 5 U-673/12 F 26 RKWT/LED P 4-251/10 M 22
RKWT 3-632/2 M 21 RKWT 5 U-673/15 F 26 RKWT/LED P 4-3-633/1 M 22
RKWT 3-632/5 M 21 RKWT 5 U-673/20 F 26 RKWT/LED P 4-3-633/2 M 22
RKWT 3-632/10 M 21 RKWT 5 U-755/6 F 26 RKWT/LED P 4-3-633/5 M 22
RKWT 3-645/2 M 21 RKWT 5 U-755/12 F 26 RKWT/LED P 4-3-633/10 M 22
RKWT 3-645/5 M 21 RKWT 5 U-755/15 F 26 RKWT/LED W 4-265/2 M 22
RKWT 3-645/10 M 21 RKWT 5 U-755/20 F 26 RKWT/LED W 4-265/5 M 22
RKWT 3-731/2 M 21 RKWT 5-228/2 M 20 RKWT/LED W 4-265/10 M 22
RKWT 3-731/5 M 21 RKWT 5-228/5 M 20 RKWTH 4-182/2 M 23
RKWT 3-731/10 M 21 RKWT 5-228/10 M 20 RKWTH 4-182/5 M 23
RKWT 4 U-674/6 F 26 RKWT 5-56/2 M 20 RKWTH 4-182/10 M 23
RKWT 4 U-674/12 F 26 RKWT 5-56/5 M 20 RKWTH 4-288/2 M 23
RKWT 4 U-674/15 F 26 RKWT 5-56/10 M 20 RKWTH 4-288/5 M 23
RKWT 4 U-674/20 F 26 RKWT 5-612/2 M 21 RKWTH 4-288/10 M 23
RKWT 4 U-689/6 F 26 RKWT 5-612/5 M 21 RKWTH 4-635/2 M 23
Part Number Index
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
RKWU 12-256/15 M 33 RS 301-738/30 F 27 RS 601A-697/15 F 27
RKWU 12-256/20 M 33 RS 301-741/6 F 27 RS 601A-697/20 F 27
RKWU 19-242/5 M 33 RS 301-741/12 F 27 RS 601A-697/30 F 27
RKWU 19-242/10 M 33 RS 301-741/15 F 27 RS 601B-696/6 F 30
RKWU 19-242/15 M 33 RS 301-741/20 F 27 RS 601B-696/12 F 30
RKWU 19-242/20 M 33 RS 301-741/30 F 27 RS 601B-696/15 F 30
RKWUE 19-242/5 M 33 RS 30-601/2 M 29 RS 601B-696/20 F 30
RKWUE 19-242/10 M 33 RS 30-601/5 M 29 RS 601B-696/30 F 30
RKWUE 19-242/15 M 33 RS 30-601/10 M 29 RS 701M-622/6 F 30
RKWUE 19-242/20 M 33 RS 30-645/2 M 29 RS 701M-622/12 F 30
RS 1001M-652/6 F 31 RS 30-645/5 M 29 RS 701M-622/15 F 30
RS 1001M-652/12 F 31 RS 30-645/10 M 29 RS 701M-622/20 F 30
RS 1001M-652/15 F 31 RS 30-731/6 F 29 RS 701M-622/30 F 30
RS 1001M-652/20 F 31 RS 30-731/12 F 29 RS 701M-649/6 F 30
RS 1001M-652/30 F 31 RS 30-731/15 F 29 RS 701M-649/12 F 30
RS 1001M-699/6 F 31 RS 30-731/20 F 29 RS 701M-649/15 F 30
RS 1001M-699/12 F 31 RS 30-731/30 F 29 RS 701M-649/20 F 30
RS 1001M-699/15 F 31 RS 401-739/6 F 27 RS 701M-649/30 F 30
RS 1001M-699/20 F 31 RS 401-739/12 F 27 RS 801M-650/6 F 30
RS 1001M-699/30 F 31 RS 401-739/15 F 27 RS 801M-650/12 F 30
RS 1201M-654/6 F 31 RS 401-739/20F 27 RS 801M-650/15 F 30
RS 1201M-654/12 F 31 RS 401-739/30F 27 RS 801M-650/20 F 30
RS 1201M-654/15 F 31 RS 40-602/2 M 29 RS 801M-650/30 F 30
RS 1201M-654/20 F 31 RS 40-602/5 M 29 RS 801M-698/6 F 30
RS 1201M-654/30 F 31 RS 40-602/10 M 29 RS 801M-698/12 F 30
RS 1201M-724/6 F 31 RS 40-637/6 F 29 RS 801M-698/15 F 30
RS 1201M-724/12 F 31 RS 40-637/12 F 29 RS 801M-698/20 F 30
RS 1201M-724/15 F 31 RS 40-637/15 F 29 RS 801M-698/30 F 30
RS 1201M-724/20 F 31 RS 40-637/20F 29 RS 901M-623/6 F 31
RS 1201M-724/30 F 31 RS 40-637/30F 29 RS 901M-623/12 F 31
RS 120-728/6 F 31 RS 501-742/6 F 27 RS 901M-623/15 F 31
RS 120-728/12 F 31 RS 501-742/12 F 27 RS 901M-623/20 F 31
RS 120-728/15 F 31 RS 501-742/15 F 27 RS 901M-623/30 F 31
RS 120-728/20 F 31 RS 501-742/20 F 27 RS 901M-651/6 F 31
RS 120-728/30 F 31 RS 501-742/30 F 27 RS 901M-651/12 F 31
RS 201-678/6 F 27 RS 501-755/6 F 27 RS 901M-651/15 F 31
RS 201-678/12 F 27 RS 501-755/12 F 27 RS 901M-651/20 F 31
RS 201-678/15 F 27 RS 501-755/15 F 27 RS 901M-651/30 F 31
RS 201-678/20 F 27 RS 501-755/20 F 27 RS40D-RK40A 80
RS 201-678/30 F 27 RS 501-755/30 F 27 RSC 190/9 76
RS 20-603/2 M 29 RS 501-777/6 F 27 RSC 3/7 69
RS 20-603/5 M 29 RS 501-777/12 F 27 RSC 3/9 69
RS 20-603/10 M 29 RS 501-777/15 F 27 RSC 30/11 75
RS 301-619/6 F 27 RS 501-777/20 F 27 RSC 30/9 75
RS 301-619/12 F 27 RS 501-777/30 F 27 RSC 301/11 76
RS 301-619/15 F 27 RS 50-794/6 F 29 RSC 301/13.5 76
RS 301-619/20 F 27 RS 50-794/12 F 29 RSC 301/16 76
RS 301-619/30 F 27 RS 50-794/15 F 29 RSC 301/9 76
RS 301-738/6 F 27 RS 50-794/20 F 29 RSC 3U/7 74
RS 301-738/12 F 27 RS 50-794/30 F 29 RSC 3U/9 74
RS 301-738/15 F 27 RS 601A-697/6 F 27 RSC 4/7 69
RS 301-738/20 F 27 RS 601A-697/12 F 27 RSC 4/9 69
Part Number Index
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
RSC 4/DUO 70 RSE 5 63 RSF 601B-696/1 F 66
RSC 40/9 75 RSE 5 U 64 RSF 60A-697/1 F 65
RSC 401/11 76 RSEL 4 63 RSF 60B-696/1 F 66
RSC 401/13.5 76 RSEL 5 63 RSF 701M-622/1 F 66
RSC 401/16 76 RSEL 8 63 RSF 70M-622/1 F 66
RSC 401/9 76 RSEM 8 57 RSF 8/0,5 M 60
RSC 5/7 69 RSEO 5 63 RSF 801M-698/1 F 66
RSC 5/9 69 RSF 100M-699/1 F 66 RSF 80M-698/1 F 66
RSC 5/DUO 70 RSF 120M-624/1 F 66 RSF 8-1/2-14/0,5 M 60
RSC 50/11 75 RSF 120M-630/0.3 M 66 RSF 8-S3103/0.5 M 60
RSC 50/16 75 RSF 120M-676/1 F 67 RSF 901M-623/1 F 67
RSC 50/9 75 RSF 190M-669/1 F 67 RSF 90M-623/1 F 66
RSC 501/11 76 RSF 20/11-03 64 RSFM 3 59
RSC 501/13.5 76 RSF 20/13,5-03 64 RSFM 3/0,5 M 60
RSC 501/16 76 RSF 20-603/0.3 M 65 RSFM 3/20/0,5 M 60
RSC 501/9 76 RSF 20-678/1 F 65 RSFM 4 59
RSC 8/9 69 RSF 3 U/0,5 M 64 RSFM 4/0,5 M 60
RSC-F-120/13,5 76 RSF 3 U/1 F 64 RSFM 4/20/0,5 M 60
RSCN 4/7 70 RSF 3/0,5 M 60 RSFM 5 59
RSCN 4/9 70 RSF 30/11-01 64 RSFM 5/0,5 M 60
RSCN 4/DUO 70 RSF 30/11-05 64 RSFM 8/0,5 M 60
RSCN 5/7 70 RSF 30/13,5-01 64 RSFPM 3/0,5 M 60
RSCN 5/9 70 RSF 30/13,5-05 64 RSFPM 4/0,5 M 60
RSCN 5/DUO 70 RSF 30-601/0.3 M 65 RSFPM 5/0,5 M 60
RSCN 8/9 70 RSF 30-638/1 F 65 RSFPM 8/0,5 M 60
RSCQ 3/7 69 RSF 30-641/1 F 65 RSHL 4/ S 5,5 58
RSCQ 3/9 69 RSF 30-695/0.3 M 65 RSHL 5/ S 5,5 58
RSCQ 4/7 69 RSF 3-1/2-14/0,5 M 60 RSHL 5B/S 5,5 58
RSCQ 4/9 69 RSF 4 U/1 F 64 RSHL 8/ S 5,5 58
RSCQS 3/9 71 RSF 4/0,5 M 60 RSKF 11 84
RSCQS 4/9 71 RSF 40/11-02 64 RSKF 13,5 84
RSCS 4/9 71 RSF 40/13,5-02 64 RSKF 8 84
RSCS 5/9 71 RSF 40-639/1 F 65 RSKF 9 84
RSCS 8/9 71 RSF 40-693/0.3 M 65 RSKFM 16 84
RSCW 3/7 69 RSF 40A-14D/1M 80 RSKFM 20 84
RSCW 3/9 69 RSF 40A-14D/3M 80 RSMC 3 68
RSCW 3U/7 74 RSF 40D-3/4-10T/1M 80 RSMC 4 68
RSCW 3U/9 74 RSF 40D-3/4-10T/3M 80 RSMCK 3 68
RSCW 4/7 69 RSF 4-1/2-14/0,5 M 60 RSMCK 4 68
RSCW 4/9 69 RSF 4-3-1/2-14/0,5 M 62 RSMCW 3 68
RSCW 5/7 69 RSF 4-S3103/0.5 M 60 RSMCW 4 68
RSCW 5/9 69 RSF 5 TB 61 RSME 3 57
Part Number Index
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
RSMEK 4 57 RSRK 1001M-652/12 F 51 RSRK 301-741/12 F 48
RSMF 3/0,5 M 57 RSRK 1001M-652/15 F 51 RSRK 301-741/15 F 48
RSMF 4/0,5 M 57 RSRK 1001M-652/20 F 51 RSRK 301-741/20 F 48
RSMF 8/0,5 M 57 RSRK 1001M-652/30 F 51 RSRK 301-741/30 F 48
RSMHL 3/ S 5,5 57 RSRK 1001M-699/6 F 51 RSRK 30-601/0.3 M 49
RSMHL 4/S 5,5 57 RSRK 1001M-699/12 F 51 RSRK 30-601/0.6 M 49
RSMV 3-06/2 M 16 RSRK 1001M-699/15 F 51 RSRK 30-601/1 M 49
RSMV 3-06/5 M 16 RSRK 1001M-699/20 F 51 RSRK 30-601/2 M 49
RSMV 3-06/10 M 16 RSRK 1001M-699/30 F 51 RSRK 30-601/5 M 49
RSMV 3-224/2 M 16 RSRK 1201M-654/6 F 51 RSRK 30-601/10 M 49
RSMV 3-224/5 M 16 RSRK 1201M-654/12 F 51 RSRK 30-645/0.3 M 49
RSMV 3-224/10 M 16 RSRK 1201M-654/15 F 51 RSRK 30-645/0.6 M 49
RSMV 3-RKM 3-224/0,6 34 RSRK 1201M-654/20 F 51 RSRK 30-645/1 M 49
RSMV 3-RKM 3-224/1 M 34 RSRK 1201M-654/30 F 51 RSRK 30-645/2 M 49
RSMV 3-RKM 3-224/2 M 34 RSRK 1201M-676/1 M 51 RSRK 30-645/5 M 49
RSMV 3-RKMV 3-224/0,6 34 RSRK 1201M-676/2 M 51 RSRK 30-731/6 F 49
RSMV 3-RKMV 3-224/1 M 34 RSRK 1201M-676/3 M 51 RSRK 30-731/12 F 49
RSMV 3-RKMV 3-224/2 M 34 RSRK 1201M-676/5 M 51 RSRK 30-731/15 F 49
RSMV 3-RKMWV 3-224/0,6 M 34 RSRK 1201M-676/15 M 51 RSRK 30-731/20 F 49
RSMV 3-RKMWV 3-224/1 M 34 RSRK 1201M-724/6 F 51 RSRK 30-731/30 F 49
RSMV 3-RKMWV 3-224/2 M 34 RSRK 1201M-724/12 F 51 RSRK 401-739/6 F 48
RSMV 3-RKMWV/LED A 3-224/0,6 M 34 RSRK 1201M-724/15 F 51 RSRK 401-739/12 F 48
RSMV 3-RKMWV/LED A 3-224/1 M 34 RSRK 1201M-724/20 F 51 RSRK 401-739/15 F 48
RSMV 3-RKMWV/LED A 3-224/2 M 34 RSRK 1201M-724/30 F 51 RSRK 401-739/20F 48
RSMV 3-RKT 4-3-224/0,6 M 34 RSRK 1201M-728/6 F 50 RSRK 401-739/30F 48
RSMV 3-RKT 4-3-224/1 M 34 RSRK 1201M-728/12 F 50 RSRK 40-602/0.3 M 49
RSMV 3-RKT 4-3-224/2 M 34 RSRK 1201M-728/15 F 50 RSRK 40-602/0.6 M 49
RSMV 3-RKWT 4-3-224/0,6 M 35 RSRK 1201M-728/20 F 50 RSRK 40-602/1 M 49
RSMV 3-RKWT 4-3-224/1 M 35 RSRK 1201M-728/30 F 50 RSRK 40-602/2 M 49
RSMV 3-RKWT 4-3-224/2 M 35 RSRK 1901M-669/2 M 51 RSRK 40-602/5 M 49
RSMV 3-RKWT/LED A 4-3-224/0,6 M 35 RSRK 1901M-669/5 M 51 RSRK 40-602/10 M 49
RSMV 3-RKWT/LED A 4-3-224/1 M 35 RSRK 201-678/6 F 48 RSRK 40-637/6 F 49
RSMV 3-RKWT/LED A 4-3-224/2 M 35 RSRK 201-678/12 F 48 RSRK 40-637/12 F 49
RSMV 4-07/2 M 16 RSRK 201-678/15 F 48 RSRK 40-637/15 F 49
RSMV 4-07/5 M 16 RSRK 201-678/20 F 48 RSRK 40-637/20F 49
RSMV 4-07/10 M 16 RSRK 201-678/30 F 48 RSRK 40-637/30F 49
RSMV 4-225/2 M 16 RSRK 20-603/0.3 M 49 RSRK 40A-14D/1.5M 79
RSMV 4-225/5 M 16 RSRK 20-603/0.6 M 49 RSRK 40A-14D/2.5M 79
RSMV 4-225/10 M 16 RSRK 20-603/1 M 49 RSRK 40A-14D/3M 79
RSMWV 3-06/2 M 16 RSRK 20-603/2 M 49 RSRK 40A-14D/4M 79
RSMWV 3-06/5 M 16 RSRK 20-603/5 M 49 RSRK 40A-14D/5M 79
RSMWV 3-06/10 M 16 RSRK 301-619/6 F 48 RSRK 40A-14D/6M 79
RSMWV 3-224/2 M 16 RSRK 301-619/12 F 48 RSRK 40A-14D/8M 79
RSMWV 3-224/5 M 16 RSRK 301-619/15 F 48 RSRK 40A-14D/10M 79
RSMWV 3-224/10 M 16 RSRK 301-619/20 F 48 RSRK 40A-14D/12M 79
RSMWV 4-07/2 M 16 RSRK 301-619/30 F 48 RSRK 40A-14D/15M 79
RSMWV 4-07/5 M 16 RSRK 301-738/6 F 48 RSRK 40A-14D/18M 79
RSMWV 4-07/10 M 16 RSRK 301-738/12 F 48 RSRK 40A-14D/20M 79
RSMWV 4-225/2 M 16 RSRK 301-738/15 F 48 RSRK 40A-14D/25M 79
RSMWV 4-225/5 M 16 RSRK 301-738/20 F 48 RSRK 40A-14D/30M 79
RSMWV 4-225/10 M 16 RSRK 301-738/30 F 48 RSRK 40A-14D/35M 79
RSRK 1001M-652/6 F 51 RSRK 301-741/6 F 48 RSRK 40A-14D/40M 79
Part Number Index
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
RSRK 40A-14D/50M 79 RSRK 701M-649/12 F 50 RSRKW 30-601/1 M 49
RSRK 40D-10T/2M 79 RSRK 701M-649/15 F 50 RSRKW 30-601/2 M 49
RSRK 40D-10T/3M 79 RSRK 701M-649/20 F 50 RSRKW 30-601/5 M 49
RSRK 40D-10T/4M 79 RSRK 701M-649/30 F 50 RSRKW 30-601/10 M 49
RSRK 40D-10T/5M 79 RSRK 801M-650/6 F 50 RSRKW 30-645/0.3 M 49
RSRK 40D-10T/6M 79 RSRK 801M-650/12 F 50 RSRKW 30-645/0.6 M 49
RSRK 40D-10T/8M 79 RSRK 801M-650/15 F 50 RSRKW 30-645/1 M 49
RSRK 40D-10T/10M 79 RSRK 801M-650/20 F 50 RSRKW 30-645/2 M 49
RSRK 40D-10T/14M 79 RSRK 801M-650/30 F 50 RSRKW 30-645/5 M 49
RSRK 40D-10T/15M 79 RSRK 801M-698/6 F 50 RSRKW 30-731/6 F 49
RSRK 40D-10T/20M 79 RSRK 801M-698/12 F 50 RSRKW 30-731/12 F 49
RSRK 40D-10T/25M 79 RSRK 801M-698/15 F 50 RSRKW 30-731/15 F 49
RSRK 40D-10T/35M 79 RSRK 801M-698/20 F 50 RSRKW 30-731/20 F 49
RSRK 40D-10T/40M 79 RSRK 801M-698/30 F 50 RSRKW 30-731/30 F 49
RSRK 40D-10T/45M 79 RSRK 901M-623/6 F 51 RSRKW 401-739/6 F 48
RSRK 40D-10T/50M 79 RSRK 901M-623/12 F 51 RSRKW 401-739/12 F 48
RSRK 501-742/6 F 48 RSRK 901M-623/15 F 51 RSRKW 401-739/15 F 48
RSRK 501-742/12 F 48 RSRK 901M-623/20 F 51 RSRKW 401-739/20F 48
RSRK 501-742/15 F 48 RSRK 901M-623/30 F 51 RSRKW 401-739/30F 48
RSRK 501-742/20 F 48 RSRK 901M-651/6 F 51 RSRKW 40-602/0.3 M 49
RSRK 501-742/30 F 48 RSRK 901M-651/12 F 51 RSRKW 40-602/0.6 M 49
RSRK 501-755/6 F 48 RSRK 901M-651/15 F 51 RSRKW 40-602/1 M 49
RSRK 501-755/12 F 48 RSRK 901M-651/20 F 51 RSRKW 40-602/2 M 49
RSRK 501-755/15 F 48 RSRK 901M-651/30 F 51 RSRKW 40-602/5 M 49
RSRK 501-755/20 F 48 RSRKW 201-678/6 F 48 RSRKW 40-602/10 M 49
RSRK 501-755/30 F 48 RSRKW 201-678/12 F 48 RSRKW 40-637/6 F 49
RSRK 501-777/6 F 48 RSRKW 201-678/15 F 48 RSRKW 40-637/12 F 49
RSRK 501-777/12 F 48 RSRKW 201-678/20 F 48 RSRKW 40-637/15 F 49
RSRK 501-777/15 F 48 RSRKW 201-678/30 F 48 RSRKW 40-637/20F 49
RSRK 501-777/20 F 48 RSRKW 20-603/0.3 M 49 RSRKW 40-637/30F 49
RSRK 501-777/30 F 48 RSRKW 20-603/0.6 M 49 RSRKW 501-742/6 F 48
RSRK 50-794/6 F 49 RSRKW 20-603/1 M 49 RSRKW 501-742/12 F 48
RSRK 50-794/12 F 49 RSRKW 20-603/2 M 49 RSRKW 501-742/15 F 48
RSRK 50-794/15 F 49 RSRKW 20-603/5 M 49 RSRKW 501-742/20 F 48
RSRK 50-794/20 F 49 RSRKW 20-603/10 M 49 RSRKW 501-742/30 F 48
RSRK 50-794/30 F 49 RSRKW 301-619/6 F 48 RSRKW 501-755/6 F 48
RSRK 601A-697/6 F 48 RSRKW 301-619/12 F 48 RSRKW 501-755/12 F 48
RSRK 601A-697/12 F 48 RSRKW 301-619/15 F 48 RSRKW 501-755/15 F 48
RSRK 601A-697/15 F 48 RSRKW 301-619/20 F 48 RSRKW 501-755/20 F 48
RSRK 601A-697/20 F 48 RSRKW 301-619/30 F 48 RSRKW 501-755/30 F 48
RSRK 601A-697/30 F 48 RSRKW 301-738/6 F 48 RSRKW 501-777/6 F 48
RSRK 601B-696/6 F 50 RSRKW 301-738/12 F 48 RSRKW 501-777/12 F 48
Part Number Index
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
RSRKW 601A-697/15 F 48 RST 3-RKMW/LED A 3-224/0,3 M 35 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-610/1 M 39
RSRKW 601A-697/20 F 48 RST 3-RKMW/LED A 3-224/0,6 M 35 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-610/2 M 39
RSRKW 601A-697/30 F 48 RST 3-RKMW/LED A 3-224/1 M 35 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-610/5 M 39
RST 3 U-618/6 F 25 RST 3-RKMW/LED A 3-224/1,5 M 35 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-632/0,3 M 39
RST 3 U-618/12 F 25 RST 3-RKMW/LED A 3-224/2 M 35 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-632/0,6 M 39
RST 3 U-618/15 F 25 RST 3-RKMW/LED A 3-224/5 M 35 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-632/1 M 39
RST 3 U-618/20 F 25 RST 3-RKMWV/ LED A 3-224/0,3 M 36 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-632/2 M 39
RST 3 U-619/6 F 25 RST 3-RKMWV/LED A 3-224/0,6 M 36 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-632/5 M 39
RST 3 U-619/12 F 25 RST 3-RKMWV/LED A 3-224/1 M 36 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-645/0,3 M 39
RST 3 U-619/15 F 25 RST 3-RKMWV/LED A 3-224/1,5 M 36 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-645/0,6 M 39
RST 3 U-619/20 F 25 RST 3-RKMWV/LED A 3-224/2 M 36 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-645/1 M 39
RST 3 U-664/6 F 25 RST 3-RKMWV/LED A 3-224/5 M 36 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-645/2 M 39
RST 3 U-664/12 F 25 RST 3-RKT 4-3-224/0,3 M 36 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-645/5 M 39
RST 3 U-664/15 F 25 RST 3-RKT 4-3-224/0,6 M 36 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-731/0,3 M 39
RST 3 U-664/20 F 25 RST 3-RKT 4-3-224/1 M 36 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-731/0,6 M 39
RST 3 U-688/6 F 25 RST 3-RKT 4-3-224/1,5 M 36 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-731/1 M 39
RST 3 U-688/12 F 25 RST 3-RKT 4-3-224/2 M 36 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-731/2 M 39
RST 3 U-688/15 F 25 RST 3-RKT 4-3-224/5 M 36 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-731/5 M 39
RST 3 U-688/20 F 25 RST 3-RKT 4-3-610/0,3 M 37 RST 3-RKWT/LED A 4-3-224/0,3 M 38
RST 3-06/2 M 18 RST 3-RKT 4-3-610/0,6 M 37 RST 3-RKWT/LED A 4-3-224/0,6 M 38
RST 3-06/5 M 18 RST 3-RKT 4-3-610/1 M 37 RST 3-RKWT/LED A 4-3-224/1 M 38
RST 3-06/10 M 18 RST 3-RKT 4-3-610/2 M 37 RST 3-RKWT/LED A 4-3-224/1,5 M 38
RST 3-224/2 M 18 RST 3-RKT 4-3-610/5 M 37 RST 3-RKWT/LED A 4-3-224/2 M 38
RST 3-224/5 M 18 RST 3-RKT 4-3-632/0,3 M 37 RST 3-RKWT/LED A 4-3-224/5 M 38
RST 3-224/10 M 18 RST 3-RKT 4-3-632/0,6 M 37 RST 3-RKWT/LED A 4-3-260/0,3 M 38
RST 3-260/2 M 18 RST 3-RKT 4-3-632/1 M 37 RST 3-RKWT/LED A 4-3-260/0,6 M 38
RST 3-260/5 M 18 RST 3-RKT 4-3-632/2 M 37 RST 3-RKWT/LED A 4-3-260/1 M 38
RST 3-260/10 M 18 RST 3-RKT 4-3-632/5 M 37 RST 3-RKWT/LED A 4-3-260/1,5 M 38
RST 3-610/2 M 19 RST 3-RKT 4-3-645/0,3 M 37 RST 3-RKWT/LED A 4-3-260/2 M 38
RST 3-610/5 M 19 RST 3-RKT 4-3-645/0,6 M 37 RST 3-RKWT/LED A 4-3-260/5 M 38
RST 3-610/10 M 19 RST 3-RKT 4-3-645/1 M 37 RST 3U-226/5 M 25
RST 3-632/2 M 19 RST 3-RKT 4-3-645/2 M 37 RST 3 U-618/6 F 25
RST 3-632/5 M 19 RST 3-RKT 4-3-645/5 M 37 RST 3 U-618/12 F 25
RST 3-632/10 M 19 RST 3-RKT 4-3-731/0,3 M 37 RST 3 U-618/15 F 25
RST 3-645/2 M 19 RST 3-RKT 4-3-731/0,6 M 37 RST 3 U-618/20 F 25
RST 3-645/5 M 19 RST 3-RKT 4-3-731/1 M 37 RST 3 U-619/6 F 25
RST 3-645/10 M 19 RST 3-RKT 4-3-731/2 M 37 RST 3 U-619/12 F 25
RST 3-731/2 M 19 RST 3-RKT 4-3-731/5 M 37 RST 3 U-619/15 F 25
RST 3-731/5 M 19 RST 3-RKT/LED A 4-3-224/0,3 M 38 RST 3 U-619/20 F 25
RST 3-731/10 M 19 RST 3-RKT/LED A 4-3-224/0,6 M 38 RST 3 U-688/6 F 25
RST 3-RKM 3-224/0,3 M 35 RST 3-RKT/LED A 4-3-224/1 M 38 RST 3 U-688/12 F 25
RST 3-RKM 3-224/0,6 M 35 RST 3-RKT/LED A 4-3-224/1,5 M 38 RST 3 U-688/15 F 25
RST 3-RKM 3-224/1 M 35 RST 3-RKT/LED A 4-3-224/2 M 38 RST 3 U-688/20 F 25
RST 3-RKM 3-224/1,5 M 35 RST 3-RKT/LED A 4-3-224/5 M 38 RST 3 U-664/6 F 25
RST 3-RKM 3-224/2 M 35 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-224/0,3 M 37 RST 3 U-664/12 F 25
RST 3-RKM 3-224/5 M 35 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-224/0,6 M 37 RST 3 U-664/15 F 25
RST 3-RKMV 3-224/0,3 M 35 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-224/1 M 37 RST 3 U-664/20 F 25
RST 3-RKMV 3-224/0,6 M 35 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-224/1,5 M 37 RST 3U-RKT 3 U-618/3 F 40
RST 3-RKMV 3-224/1 M 35 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-224/2 M 37 RST 3U-RKT 3 U-618/6 F 40
RST 3-RKMV 3-224/1,5 M 35 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-224/5 M 37 RST 3U-RKT 3 U-618/12 F 40
RST 3-RKMV 3-224/2 M 35 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-610/0,3 M 39 RST 3U-RKT 3 U-619/3 F 40
RST 3-RKMV 3-224/5 M 35 RST 3-RKWT 4-3-610/0,6 M 39 RST 3U-RKT 3 U-619/6 F 40
Part Number Index
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
RST 3U-RKT 3 U-619/12 F 40 RST 4-679/2 M 19 RST 4-RKWT 4-602/0,6 M 39
RST 3U-RKT 3 U-664/3 F 40 RST 4-679/5 M 19 RST 4-RKWT 4-602/1 M 39
RST 3U-RKT 3 U-664/6 F 40 RST 4-679/10 M 19 RST 4-RKWT 4-602/2 M 39
RST 3U-RKT 3 U-664/12 F 40 RST 4-RKT 4-225/0,3 M 36 RST 4-RKWT 4-602/3 M 39
RST 3U-RKT 3 U-688/3 F 40 RST 4-RKT 4-225/0,6 M 36 RST 4-RKWT 4-602/5 M 39
RST 3U-RKT 3 U-688/6 F 40 RST 4-RKT 4-225/1 M 36 RST 4-RKWT 4-633/0,3 M 39
RST 3U-RKT 3 U-688/12 F 40 RST 4-RKT 4-225/1,5 M 36 RST 4-RKWT 4-633/0,6 M 39
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-618/3 F 41 RST 4-RKT 4-225/2 M 36 RST 4-RKWT 4-633/1 M 39
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-618/6 F 41 RST 4-RKT 4-225/5 M 36 RST 4-RKWT 4-633/2 M 39
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-618/12 F 41 RST 4-RKT 4-251/0,3 M 36 RST 4-RKWT 4-633/3 M 39
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-618/15 F 41 RST 4-RKT 4-251/0,6 M 36 RST 4-RKWT 4-633/5 M 39
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-619/3 F 41 RST 4-RKT 4-251/1 M 36 RST 4-RKWT 4-637/0,3 M 39
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-619/6 F 41 RST 4-RKT 4-251/1,5 M 36 RST 4-RKWT 4-637/0,6 M 39
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-619/12 F 41 RST 4-RKT 4-251/2 M 36 RST 4-RKWT 4-637/1 M 39
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-619/15 F 41 RST 4-RKT 4-251/5 M 36 RST 4-RKWT 4-637/2 M 39
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-664/3 F 41 RST 4-RKT 4-602/0,3 M 37 RST 4-RKWT 4-637/3 M 39
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-664/6 F 41 RST 4-RKT 4-602/0,6 M 37 RST 4-RKWT 4-637/5 M 39
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-664/12 F 41 RST 4-RKT 4-602/1 M 37 RST 4-RKWT 4-643/0,3 M 39
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-664/15 F 41 RST 4-RKT 4-602/2 M 37 RST 4-RKWT 4-643/0,6 M 39
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-688/3 F 41 RST 4-RKT 4-602/3 M 37 RST 4-RKWT 4-643/1 M 39
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-688/6 F 41 RST 4-RKT 4-602/5 M 37 RST 4-RKWT 4-643/2 M 39
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-688/12 F 41 RST 4-RKT 4-633/0,3 M 37 RST 4-RKWT 4-643/3 M 39
RST 3U-RKWT 3 U-688/15 F 41 RST 4-RKT 4-633/0,6 M 37 RST 4-RKWT 4-643/5 M 39
RST 4 U-674/6 F 25 RST 4-RKT 4-633/1 M 37 RST 4-RKWT 4-679/0,3 M 39
RST 4 U-674/12 F 25 RST 4-RKT 4-633/2 M 37 RST 4-RKWT 4-679/0,6 M 39
RST 4 U-674/15 F 25 RST 4-RKT 4-633/3 M 37 RST 4-RKWT 4-679/1 M 39
RST 4 U-674/20 F 25 RST 4-RKT 4-633/5 M 37 RST 4-RKWT 4-679/2 M 39
RST 4 U-689/6 F 25 RST 4-RKT 4-637/0,3 M 37 RST 4-RKWT 4-679/3 M 39
RST 4 U-689/12 F 25 RST 4-RKT 4-637/0,6 M 37 RST 4-RKWT 4-679/5 M 39
RST 4 U-689/15 F 25 RST 4-RKT 4-637/1 M 37 RST 4-RKWT/LED P 4-225/0,3 M 38
RST 4 U-689/20 F 25 RST 4-RKT 4-637/2 M 37 RST 4-RKWT/LED P 4-225/0,6 M 38
RST 4-07/2 M 18 RST 4-RKT 4-637/3 M 37 RST 4-RKWT/LED P 4-225/1 M 38
RST 4-07/5 M 18 RST 4-RKT 4-637/5 M 37 RST 4-RKWT/LED P 4-225/1,5 M 38
RST 4-07/10 M 18 RST 4-RKT 4-643/0,3 M 37 RST 4-RKWT/LED P 4-225/2 M 38
RST 4-225/2 M 18 RST 4-RKT 4-643/0,6 M 37 RST 4-RKWT/LED P 4-225/5 M 38
RST 4-225/5 M 18 RST 4-RKT 4-643/1 M 37 RST 4-RKWT/LED P 4-251/0,3 M 38
RST 4-225/10 M 18 RST 4-RKT 4-643/2 M 37 RST 4-RKWT/LED P 4-251/0,6 M 38
RST 4-251/2 M 18 RST 4-RKT 4-643/3 M 37 RST 4-RKWT/LED P 4-251/1 M 38
RST 4-251/5 M 18 RST 4-RKT 4-643/5 M 37 RST 4-RKWT/LED P 4-251/1,5 M 38
RST 4-251/10 M 18 RST 4-RKT 4-679/0,3 M 37 RST 4-RKWT/LED P 4-251/2 M 38
RST 4-602/2 M 19 RST 4-RKT 4-679/0,6 M 37 RST 4-RKWT/LED P 4-251/5 M 38
RST 4-602/5 M 19 RST 4-RKT 4-679/1 M 37 RST 4-RKWT/LED R 4-251/0,3 M 38
Part Number Index
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
RST 4U-RKT 4 U-689/6 F 40 RST 5-3-VB 1A-1-1-226/1,5 M 43 RST 5-56/5 M 18
RST 4U-RKT 4 U-689/12 F 40 RST 5-3-VB 1A-1-1-226/2 M 43 RST 5-56/10 M 18
RST 4U-RKT 4 U-689/15 F 40 RST 5-3-VB 1A-1-1-226/5 M 43 RST 5-612/2 M 19
RST 4U-RKWT 4 U-674/3 F 41 RST 5-3-VB 1A-1-2-226/0,3 M 43 RST 5-612/5 M 19
RST 4U-RKWT 4 U-674/6 F 41 RST 5-3-VB 1A-1-2-226/0,6 M 43 RST 5-612/10 M 19
RST 4U-RKWT 4 U-674/12 F 41 RST 5-3-VB 1A-1-2-226/1 M 43 RST 5-644/2 M 19
RST 4U-RKWT 4 U-674/15 F 41 RST 5-3-VB 1A-1-2-226/1,5 M 43 RST 5-644/5 M 19
RST 4U-RKWT 4 U-689/3 F 41 RST 5-3-VB 1A-1-2-226/2 M 43 RST 5-644/10 M 19
RST 4U-RKWT 4 U-689/6 F 41 RST 5-3-VB 1A-1-2-226/5 M 43 RST 5-RKT 5-228/0,3 M 36
RST 4U-RKWT 4 U-689/12 F 41 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-1-226/0,3 M 42 RST 5-RKT 5-228/0,6 M 36
RST 4U-RKWT 4 U-689/15 F 41 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-1-226/0,6 M 42 RST 5-RKT 5-228/1 M 36
RST 5 U-673/6 F 25 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-1-226/1 M 42 RST 5-RKT 5-228/1,5 M 36
RST 5 U-673/12 F 25 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-1-226/1,5 M 42 RST 5-RKT 5-228/2 M 36
RST 5 U-673/15 F 25 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-1-226/2 M 42 RST 5-RKT 5-228/5 M 36
RST 5 U-673/20 F 25 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-1-226/5 M 42 RST 5-RKT 5-259/0,3 M 36
RST 5 U-755/6 F 25 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-1-241/0,3 M 42 RST 5-RKT 5-259/0,6 M 36
RST 5 U-755/12 F 25 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-1-241/0,6 M 42 RST 5-RKT 5-259/1 M 36
RST 5 U-755/15 F 25 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-1-241/1 M 42 RST 5-RKT 5-259/1,5 M 36
RST 5 U-755/20 F 25 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-1-241/1,5 M 42 RST 5-RKT 5-259/2 M 36
RST 5-228/2 M 18 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-1-241/2 M 42 RST 5-RKT 5-259/5 M 36
RST 5-228/5 M 18 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-1-241/5 M 42 RST 5-RKT 5-612/0,3 M 37
RST 5-228/10 M 18 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-2-226/0,3 M 43 RST 5-RKT 5-612/0,6 M 37
RST 5-259/2 M 18 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-2-226/0,6 M 43 RST 5-RKT 5-612/1 M 37
RST 5-259/5 M 18 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-2-226/1 M 43 RST 5-RKT 5-612/2 M 37
RST 5-259/10 M 18 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-2-226/1,5 M 43 RST 5-RKT 5-612/5 M 37
RST 5-3-VAD 1A-1-3-226/0,3 M 41 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-2-226/2 M 43 RST 5-RKT 5-644/0,3 M 37
RST 5-3-VAD 1A-1-3-226/0,6 M 41 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-2-226/5 M 43 RST 5-RKT 5-644/0,6 M 37
RST 5-3-VAD 1A-1-3-226/1 M 41 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-2-241/0,3 M 43 RST 5-RKT 5-644/1 M 37
RST 5-3-VAD 1A-1-3-226/1,5 M 41 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-2-241/0,6 M 43 RST 5-RKT 5-644/2 M 37
RST 5-3-VAD 1A-1-3-226/2 M 41 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-2-241/1 M 43 RST 5-RKT 5-644/5 M 37
RST 5-3-VAD 1A-1-3-226/5 M 41 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-2-241/1,5 M 43 RST 5-RKWT 5-612/0,3 M 39
RST 5-3-VAD 1A-1-3-241/0,3 M 41 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-2-241/2 M 43 RST 5-RKWT 5-612/0,6 M 39
RST 5-3-VAD 1A-1-3-241/0,6 M 41 RST 5-3-VBD 1A-1-2-241/5 M 43 RST 5-RKWT 5-612/1 M 39
RST 5-3-VAD 1A-1-3-241/1 M 41 RST 5-3-VC 1A-1-3-226/0,3 M 43 RST 5-RKWT 5-612/2 M 39
RST 5-3-VAD 1A-1-3-241/1,5 M 41 RST 5-3-VC 1A-1-3-226/0,6 M 43 RST 5-RKWT 5-612/5 M 39
RST 5-3-VAD 1A-1-3-241/2 M 41 RST 5-3-VC 1A-1-3-226/1 M 43 RST 5-RKWT 5-644/0,3 M 39
RST 5-3-VAD 1A-1-3-241/5 M 41 RST 5-3-VC 1A-1-3-226/1,5 M 43 RST 5-RKWT 5-644/0,6 M 39
RST 5-3-VAD 1F-4-3-226/0,3 M 41 RST 5-3-VC 1A-1-3-226/2 M 43 RST 5-RKWT 5-644/1 M 39
RST 5-3-VAD 1F-4-3-226/0,6 M 41 RST 5-3-VC 1A-1-3-226/5 M 43 RST 5-RKWT 5-644/2 M 39
RST 5-3-VAD 1F-4-3-226/1 M 41 RST 5-3-VCD 1A-1-3-226/0,3 M 43 RST 5-RKWT 5-644/5 M 39
RST 5-3-VAD 1F-4-3-226/1,5 M 41 RST 5-3-VCD 1A-1-3-226/0,6 M 43 RST 5U-RKT 5 U-673/3F 40
RST 5-3-VAD 1F-4-3-226/2 M 41 RST 5-3-VCD 1A-1-3-226/1 M 43 RST 5U-RKT 5 U-673/6F 40
RST 5-3-VAD 1F-4-3-226/5 M 41 RST 5-3-VCD 1A-1-3-226/1,5 M 43 RST 5U-RKT 5 U-673/12F 40
RST 5-3-VAD 1F-4-3-241/0,3 M 41 RST 5-3-VCD 1A-1-3-226/2 M 43 RST 5U-RKT 5 U-673/15F 40
RST 5-3-VAD 1F-4-3-241/0,6 M 41 RST 5-3-VCD 1A-1-3-226/5 M 43 RST 5U-RKT 5 U-755/3F 40
RST 5-3-VAD 1F-4-3-241/1 M 41 RST 5-3-VCD 1A-1-3-241/0,3 M 43 RST 5U-RKT 5 U-755/6F 40
RST 5-3-VAD 1F-4-3-241/1,5 M 41 RST 5-3-VCD 1A-1-3-241/0,6 M 43 RST 5U-RKT 5 U-755/12F 40
RST 5-3-VAD 1F-4-3-241/2 M 41 RST 5-3-VCD 1A-1-3-241/1 M 43 RST 5U-RKT 5 U-755/15F 40
RST 5-3-VAD 1F-4-3-241/5 M 41 RST 5-3-VCD 1A-1-3-241/1,5 M 43 RST 5U-RKWT 5 U-673/3F 41
RST 5-3-VB 1A-1-1-226/0,3 M 43 RST 5-3-VCD 1A-1-3-241/2 M 43 RST 5U-RKWT 5 U-673/6F 41
RST 5-3-VB 1A-1-1-226/0,6 M 43 RST 5-3-VCD 1A-1-3-241/5 M 43 RST 5U-RKWT 5 U-673/12F 41
RST 5-3-VB 1A-1-1-226/1 M 43 RST 5-56/2 M 18 RST 5U-RKWT 5 U-673/15F 41
Part Number Index
Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No. Part Number Page No.
RST 5U-RKWT 5 U-755/3F 41 RST 8-RKWT 8-6-268/10 M 37 RSW 20-603/5 M 29
RST 5U-RKWT 5 U-755/6F 41 RST 8-RKWT 8-627/0.6 M 37 RSW 20-603/10 M 29
RST 5U-RKWT 5 U-755/12F 41 RST 8-RKWT 8-627/1 M 37 RSW 301-619/6 F 28
RST 5U-RKWT 5 U-755/15F 41 RST 8-RKWT 8-627/2 M 37 RSW 301-619/12 F 28
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-1-228/0,3 M 42 RST 8-RKWT 8-627/5 M 37 RSW 301-619/15 F 28
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-1-228/0,6 M 42 RST 8-RKWT 8-6-337/2 M 37 RSW 301-619/20 F 28
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-1-228/1 M 42 RST 8-RKWT 8-6-337/5 M 37 RSW 301-619/30 F 28
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-1-228/1,5 M 42 RST 8-RKWT 8-6-337/10 M 37 RSW 301-738/6 F 28
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-1-228/2 M 42 RSTS 4-182/2 M 23 RSW 301-738/12 F 28
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-1-228/5 M 42 RSTS 4-182/5 M 23 RSW 301-738/15 F 28
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-1-259/0,3 M 42 RSTS 4-182/10 M 23 RSW 301-738/20 F 28
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-1-259/0,6 M 42 RSTS 4-288/2 M 23 RSW 301-738/30 F 28
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-1-259/1 M 42 RSTS 4-288/5 M 23 RSW 301-741/6 F 28
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-1-259/1,5 M 42 RSTS 4-288/10 M 23 RSW 301-741/12 F 28
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-1-259/2 M 42 RSTS 5-183/2 M 23 RSW 301-741/15 F 28
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-1-259/5 M 42 RSTS 5-183/5 M 23 RSW 301-741/20 F 28
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-2-228/0,3 M 42 RSTS 5-183/10 M 23 RSW 301-741/30 F 28
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-2-228/0,6 M 42 RSTS 5-298/2 M 23 RSW 30-601/2 M 29
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-2-228/1 M 42 RSTS 5-298/5 M 23 RSW 30-601/5 M 29
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-2-228/1,5 M 42 RSTS 5-298/10 M 23 RSW 30-601/10 M 29
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-2-228/2 M 42 RSTS 8-184/2 M 23 RSW 30-645/2 M 29
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-2-228/5 M 42 RSTS 8-184/5 M 23 RSW 30-645/5 M 29
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-2-259/0,3 M 42 RSTS 8-184/10 M 23 RSW 30-645/10 M 29
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-2-259/0,6 M 42 RSTS 8-299/2 M 23 RSW 30-731/6 F 29
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-2-259/1 M 42 RSTS 8-299/5 M 23 RSW 30-731/12 F 29
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-2-259/1,5 M 42 RSTS 8-299/10 M 23 RSW 30-731/15 F 29
RST 5-VAD 3C-4-2-259/5 M 42 RS-TU 84 RSW 30-731/20 F 29
RST 8-282/2 M 18 RS-TU B 84 RSW 30-731/30 F 29
RST 8-282/5 M 18 RS-TU C 84 RSW 401-739/6 F 28
RST 8-282/10 M 18 RSU 6-RKU 6-204/0,6 M 124, 135 RSW 401-739/12 F 28
RST 8-627/2 M 19 RSU 6-RKU A 6-203/0,6 M 124, 135 RSW 401-739/15 F 28
RST 8-627/5 M 19 RSUF 12-256/5 M 32 RSW 401-739/20F 28
RST 8-627/10 M 19 RSUF 12-256/10 M 32 RSW 401-739/30F 28
RST 8-RKT 8-282/0,3 M 36 RSUF 12-256/15 M 32 RSW 40-602/2 M 29
RST 8-RKT 8-282/0,6 M 36 RSUF 12-256/20 M 32 RSW 40-602/5 M 29
RST 8-RKT 8-282/1 M 36 RSUF 19-242/5 M 32 RSW 40-602/10 M 29
RST 8-RKT 8-282/1,5 M 36 RSUF 19-242/10 M 32 RSW 40-637/6 F 29
RST 8-RKT 8-282/2 M 36 RSUF 19-242/15 M 32 RSW 40-637/12 F 29
RST 8-RKT 8-282/5 M 36 RSUF 19-242/20 M 32 RSW 40-637/15 F 29
RST 8-RKT 8-6-268/10 M 36 RSUF 19-RKWU 19-355/2 M 51 RSW 40-637/20F 29
RST 8-RKT 8-6-268/2 M 36 RSUF 19-RKWU 19-355/5 M 51 RSW 40-637/30F 29
RST 8-RKT 8-6-268/5 M 36 RSUF 19-RKWU 19-355/10 M 51 RSW 501-742/6 F 28
Part Number Index