Linear Guides PBC
Linear Guides PBC
Linear Guides PBC
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Dynamic load and static load capacity for the special case
of track-roller linear guides.................................................................................... 18
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linear-motion variations
ypical linear-motion arrangements consist of rails or shafts, carriages (also
called runner blocks, blocks, cars, or sliders), and some type of load-bearing
element. Engineers differentiate these systems by the surface interaction
(sliding or rolling) of their load-bearing zones and the type of contact points
— as well as how the design’s rolling-element recirculation works if applicable. In fact,
linear guides are more advanced than ever, with advances in materials and lubrication
(to help designs last longer in harsh applications), innovative rail geometries (to
help designs withstand more misalignment and load than ever), and modular guide
mounts (to boost load capacity and minimize deflection).
The term linear guide can refer to any one of several different component types
depending on the context. Unlike plain-bearing linear guide taxonomy (which is fairly
consistent) the terminology for ball and roller linear guides is quite varied. That said,
the term linear guide most often indicates a standalone rod-based assembly, rolling-
element slide, or other mechanism for guiding loads. In contrast, many (though
certainly not all) manufacturers use the terms linear slide (whether based on rolling
or sliding action) and linear rail to indicate linear-motion guide elements in builds
complete with some mechanical drive. The term linear stage generally implies a
design with linear-guide elements, a reinforced frame, and actuation components of
some type — with or without motor.
One classic linear guide with sliding contact is a dovetail slide, and one classic
linear guide with rolling contact is a rail-riding carriage rail with twin banks of
recirculating balls. Sliding-contact linear guides are the more straightforward linear-
motion component type. These consist of a carriage or slide (in many cases made
of anodized aluminum alloy) that rides over a surface known as a rail, way, or guide.
Sliding contact occurs when the moving part directly contacts the rail section.
3 I
Definitions and common linear-motion variations
movement, so were only suitable for basic applications. Another recirculating-element option is based on a cylindrical
However, newer versions have self-lubricating sleeves and sleeve called a ball bushing. This bushing nut is lined with
other highly engineered features to maximize positioning recirculating bearing balls … and this nut rides along a round rail
accuracy and repeatability. or shaft to allow axial movement.
In contrast, linear-motion systems with rolling elements are either History lesson: In 1946, ball bushings were introduced and
recirculating or non-recirculating … established the basic mechanism of rolling-element linear-
motion bearings. In today’s designs, the bushings may also have
• Non-recirculating types use rolling elements such as bearing
balls or rollers (usually held in a spaced array by a cage) for
Track-roller assemblies are useful in a broad range of applications …
movement. For example, crossed-roller linear guides are a
even beyond those for precision linear motion. One heavy-duty use is
non-recirculating subtype in which cylindrical roller bearing shown here — that of a power-and-free conveyor. In such systems, an
elements are oriented in a crisscross pattern. Because the upper track is powered by a chain and the lower track is unpowered.
rollers don’t recirculate, these linear guides have limited Track-roller trolleys (four of which are shown here) ride on the lower
strokes — but provide high load capacity and good stiffness track and are driven by devices on the powered track called pusher
dogs that engage with and disengage from the trolleys. These designs
… with smoother motion than many comparable options
differ from those for linear guides in several ways — two of which
based on recirculating bearing elements. being how the conveyor wheels ride on lips flanking the track-channel
opening … with that opening facing downward to accommodate the
• Profiled-rail recirculating types (sometimes called recirculating items hanging off the trolley centers. In contrast, linear-guide designs
linear guides) use some type of moving platform that houses based on these components tend to have the track channels sans lips
a bearing block. This bearing block or carriage contains small and open to one side (on a vertical axis) with the track-roller wheels
internal raceways in which rolling elements run to let the block riding on a wider interior surface of the track channel.
move along a profiled linear rail with little friction.
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4 I
Definitions and common linear-motion variations
integral flanges to support axial loads. In fact, the term profiled Track-roller linear guides are systems that pair profiled
rail (to indicate the linear-guide subtype having recirculating wheels with precisely mating tracks — usually V-shaped,
elements riding on specially shaped and engineered bar) serves
rounded, or having a C or U-channel shape — to impart
in part to differentiate this option from round-rail ball-bushing-
based options. guide and load-bearing functions to actuated linear axes.
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5 I
Ambiguous linear-guide terms clarified
o far, we’ve covered the main types of linear guides and
the standard industry terminology to describe them — and
we’ve put track-roller linear guides into context. However,
there is one last group of linear guide phrases and words
having multiple meanings. Here we differentiate several technical
definitions as they relate to track-roller linear guides and profiled-
rail linear guides.
When the ends of the build are obscured, these can visually Raceway geometry affects axis stiffness, friction,
resemble profiled-rail linear guides. Strength and straightness to and moment load capacity in both profiled rail
linear guides as well as track-roller linear guides.
±0.5. mm per 300 mm. The wheels’ Gothic arch geometry ensures In both linear guide types, Gothic arch geometry
(on the raceway for profiled rail and on the
track-roller OD for track rollers) provides four-
point contact instances between the linear guide
element and the rolling subcomponent. Gothic
arch geometry can make for load capacities that
are lower than other options, but also enables
exceptional linear accuracy.
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Ambiguous linear-guide terms clarified
the wheels securely and smoothly ride these races … and many
pre-engineered variations boost performance by integrating
three, four, or even five gothic-arch rollers that are offset and
trapped between the races of the linear track.
Profiled rail linear guide: Gothic arches in the context of PBC Linear Redi-Rail consists of aluminum rail
profiled rail linear guides are found in the geometry of the linear integrated with hardened steel races for a strong
rail raceways — not the carriage or rolling elements. In fact, yet lightweight design. Carriages are sealed against
profiled rail raceways usually have either circular arch grooves or contamination and engineered with double-row
bearing rollers that glide over particles.
Gothic arch grooves. These groove geometries (both of which
are associated with guides employing ball-bearing elements)
arose from industry innovation aimed at boosting linear-guide
load capacities. Circular arch grooves contact ball bearings at
two points. Gothic arch grooves contact the ball bearings at four
points. Though beyond the scope of this Design Guide, a third
option called an offset Gothic arch is also available.
Profiled rail linear guide: Roller bearing in the context of
Gothic arches in profiled rails offer multi-axis load bearing profiled rail refers permutations that use cylindrical or barrel-
and high moment load capacities. Their main drawback is the shaped rollers instead of spherical balls for the carriage’s load-
tendency to fall out of pure rolling with differential slip resulting bearing elements. These are particularly common in machine-
from speed-varying disparities in the elliptical contact areas tool applications … though rollers’ performance benefits are
between ball and raceway — as well as an increase in sliding worthwhile in other industries as well. Roller-based designs have
friction. More dramatic differentials between ball and arch higher load capacity, rigidity, and power density than comparable
diameters (as well as increased contact area) makes for more ball-element designs … making them excel on gantries and
differential slip. The relationship between this slip and contact other multi-axis arrangements that benefit from compact linear
area means the effect also puts a limitation on allowable preload. components. The main caveat here is that they can be costlier.
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Core design inspiration: Cam followers
he wheel designs used in track follower linear guides are Cam followers also find use in assemblies that pair them
at their core much like cam followers. Recall from basic with linear tracks and other engineered paths on customized
mechanical engineering that cam followers are power- assemblies.
transmission devices with a rotary bearing core to bear
load (both radial and axial) while serving as the interface between Cam followers assemble onto machines in one of two ways. Stud-
independently moving machine sections — maintaining a type cam followers include a partially threaded shaft fixed to the
physical separation between these sections to minimize rotational follower inner diameter (ID) for assembly onto a machine frame
friction. Applications include those on rotary indexing tables and with a nut or similar fastening device. Yoke cam-follower variations
turntable conveyors, long-stroke robot transfer units (RTUs), and (identifiable by their open ID) often mate to machine frames via
an array of highly customized machinery. press fit at a hardened inner race usually held by the follower’s
end plates. Because they’re not a cantilevered design, yoke
The outer diameter (OD) of the cam-follower bearing assembly followers exhibit minimal deflection. But stud cam followers are
is its working face — typically made of steel, nylon, urethane, indispensable in an array of applications — including those that are
polyamide, or other engineered material. This OD mates with subject to high loads.
some machine surface … traditionally this was a mechanical cam
of some type — such as the precision barrel of an indexing table. The most common cam-follower design employs thin cylindrical-
Such mechanically automated indexing tables have a motion shaped needle rollers to carry high radial loads; where
profile cut into a cam drum that engages the followers, which in applications require the axis to run at high speeds, a cage can
turn transmits the power to an output. separate the rollers. Otherwise, where loads are particularly
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Core design inspiration: Cam followers
high and the axis needs high dynamic load capacity, cam
followers often include twin rows of standard ball-bearing
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Track-roller linear guides:
ith so many linear guide choices, deciding which Speed of track-roller linear guides: Because track rollers are
technology to specify for a given application can be based on radial rather than recirculating bearing elements, they
difficult. On one hand, not every application requires can travel at higher speeds than ball or roller-based profiled-
machine tool rigidity and the ability to move a small car. On the rail guides. Track-roller linear guides can commonly reach
other hand, most applications require a guide that can withstand speeds beyond 10 m/sec. Standard acceleration limits are 50 m/
high duty cycles in an industrial environment. Among linear-guide sec2 although higher accelerations are possible by increasing
technologies that excel in more challenging motion applications the preload of the track-roller wheels to avoid slipping. For
are track-roller linear guides. Linear guides based on track rollers applications such as pick-and-place or assembly, track-roller linear
often serve in two challenging application types: guides offer the highest speeds of virtually any linear guide.
• Long-stroke linear-motion axes such as those driven by belts Weight of track-roller linear guides: Track-roller assemblies
or rack-and-pinion sets benefit from weight that’s far lower than that of other linear-
• Linear systems in harsh environments subject to hot and guide options. As mentioned, one typical track-roller linear
humid conditions, extremely cold temperatures, washdowns, guide construction consists of an aluminum rail with steel guide
abrasive materials, extreme loading, and corrosive chemicals. inserts and an aluminum carriage block with steel rollers. In
contrast, recirculating bearing carriages and rails must be made
However, other uses abound. Here we list five benefits that almost entirely of steel for higher load carrying capacities,
track-roller linear guides offer for applications ranging from light which improves rigidity … but greatly increases weight. The
industrial off-highway designs to large-scale material handling. lower weight of track-roller linear guides enables the increased
acceleration limits already discussed and is beneficial in highly
dynamic applications — especially those with multiple axes.
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Track-roller linear guides: Where they excel
magnified into significant errors
by lengthy axis stretches.
Also: While recirculating bearings live and die though proper rails are aluminum, mounting them to aluminum substructures
lubrication, the radial bearings that support track-roller linear (such as extruded profiles, requires no special preparation or
guides are oftentimes fully sealed and lubricated for life — machining for flatness or straightness. This makes track-roller
especially smaller variations. Manufacturers may recommend linear guides a good choice for self-assembled linear actuators.
a light oil or grease application between the track-roller Taking this forgiving mounting feature a step further are some
wheels and the guide rail or offer lubrication ports or wipers to track-roller linear guides in large-scale printing and slicing
extend relubrication intervals … though in almost all cases, the applications. Many of these can even accommodate imperfect
lubrication requirements are far less stringent than those for machine-frame geometry. Here, track-roller linear guide pairs with
profiled rail. That’s another benefit of having the working load- complementary geometry accommodate the changing direction
bearing elements encased within the track-roller wheels. of the force vectors resulting from machine-frame misalignments.
More specifically, such track-roller linear guide pairs might include:
Track-roller linear guide servicing: Unlike recirculating bearings
having a set preload typically determined by ball or roller • One guide with a C-shaped track having a flat raceway surface
selection, most track-roller linear guides accept preloading — to impart lateral freedom to a couple millimeters or more
adjustments by the user during installation. That means as • Another guide with a track that constrains the track-roller
application conditions fluctuate or components wear, preload can wheels on one flank while permitting slight rotation on the
be further adjusted to maintain rigidity, speed, and performance. other flank — to impart angular freedom to a couple degrees
This also simplifies replacement, because adjustable preload or more
means that bearing blocks and guide rails are interchangeable.
Together the linear guides work well even on nonmachined
Mounting track-roller linear guides: For profiled rails with out-of-parallel surfaces for linear strokes sans excessive friction.
recirculating bearing elements, error in alignment degrades In contrast, traditional linear guides in such applications register
bearing preload accuracy and induces uneven loading as well as misalignment as additional load that (due to no DOFs in the
premature wear. This is not the case for track-roller linear guides, mounting surface or linear guides) causes tensile force within
because carriage preload is adjustable — making mounting the guide assembly — even to the point of binding. That’s an
requirements for track-roller assemblies much less stringent than especially distinct possibility on very long machine axes where
those for profiled rails. In most cases, mounting a track-roller linear even small assembly errors cause rather dramatic effects over the
guides rail doesn’t require a reference edge, even when mounting course of strokes that are multiple meters long.
two guide rails in parallel. Because many track-roller linear guide
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How track-roller wheel design
rack-roller wheels can be customized to the application CAM FOLLOWERS
at hand through their internal bearing-element STANDARD STUD
arrangements; sealing; and outer tread geometry and
material makeup. As mentioned earlier in this Design
Guide, treads refer to the wheels’ thick OD working surface, just
as in automobile tires. We covered the internal features of track-
roller wheels in this Design Guide’s previous section on their
similarities with cam followers. The environment dictates which
track-roller wheel-sealing options are most suitable. CAM FOLLOWER
Wheel treads and internal subcomponents are typically WHEEL
also be necessary in or near ovens and other hot applications COMMERCIAL RAIL LINEAR GUIDE
exposing linear axes to 200° C and beyond. Machine-tool IMAGE COURTESY PBC LINEAR
applications and other designs subjecting the track-roller wheels WHEEL
may necessitate track-roller wheels with fully sealed and shielded GOTHIC-ARCH
bearings to prevent brinelling, spalling, and premature failure.
12 I
How track-roller wheel design affects linear-guide performance
Such accommodation in turn helps avoid corner loading that Chamfered track-roller wheels are wheels that often include
would otherwise occur on the sharp shoulders of flat wheel other geometries described here (such as V-shaped profiles)
profiles — and that minimizes thrust loading on the load-bearing or tapered profiles. Chamfering serves the same purpose of
elements contained inside the wheel. Crowned track-roller crowning — avoidance of corner loading — which is useful in
wheels (which are usually hardened steel) also minimize thrust heavy-duty applications such as fork trucks and other lifts.
loading during circular motion, such as that which can occur on
curved sections of specialty track-roller linear guides. Speed is V-shaped (sometimes called notched) track-roller wheels
limited to a meter per second or so. include a V-shaped radial cutout to mate with a track having a
male V-shaped protrusion. These wheels are often wide enough
Note that crowned wheels can be ganged into concentric track- to incorporate ground double-row or deep-groove angular
roller wheel pairs (to bear load) with one eccentrically mountable contact ball bearings … or (in even larger iterations) tapered
track-roller wheel to complete the carriage. The eccentrically roller-bearing elements. V-shaped track-roller wheels operate on
mountable wheels are adjustable to impart preload and hold the low to very high-accuracy axes; mounting greatly influences their
load-bearing wheels firmly against the working track — so all overall precision. Benefits of these V-shaped wheels include the
the wheels on a carriage thus outfitted will roll without skidding ability to resolve radial and thrust loads as well as the tendency to
or slipping. In fact, wheels accepting eccentric adjustment can shed debris — especially when the contaminants first land on the
also serve to compensate for wheel or track wear over time. Key sloped sides of male V-shaped track. Track-roller linear guides with
to this arrangement are the designs of fixed bushings (for the steep side angles are especially good at clearing debris.
load-bearing wheels for the radial load direction) and adjustable
bushings (for the adjustable wheel). Just like crowned track-roller wheels, V-shaped track-roller wheels
also lend themselves to mounting in sophisticated arrays on their
Crowned track-roller wheels are most common in designs with carriages … including eccentric adjustment to compensate for
modest accuracy requirements — often paired with tracks that system wear. Or some designs may include tandem linear guides
are simply welded onto the machine frame. These designs with one employing V-shaped track-roller geometry … and its
include those in certain office equipment as well as packaging parallel twin employing crowned track-roller geometry to resolve
and HVAC applications. Elsewhere (in exceptionally rugged other loads and machine-frame imperfections.
power-transmission applications) crowned wheels setup to
ride on the surfaces of structural beams. Slightly more precise
designs may pair the wheels with generic metal framing — long
sheet metal or bar sections formed into C and U-channel tracks
— such as those standardized by metal-framing supplier Unistrut
USA of Atkore International Inc.
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13 I
How track-roller wheel design affects linear-guide performance
As mentioned, V-notched track-roller wheels ride on ridged On flanged track-roller wheels, one or both axial sides have
tracks having sloped angles matching their own notch angles. a wide flare. This serves as yet another mode of centering
Tracks and wheels from different manufacturers aren’t designed (tracking) the wheels on linear raceway.
to be interchangeable.
U-groove track-roller wheels have a scooped (rounded)
Where the raceway ridge is simply machined onto an channel around their treads’ radial profile to securely ride on
extruded bar and plate, the design’s parallelism, flatness, and round-profile shaft. Most of those for motion applications are
straightness tolerances are not particularly tight … so deliver made of high-carbon chromium alloy steel that is hardened and
accuracy to about ±100 µm … though such designs do make ground — and sealed and lubricated for life. In fact, the exact
for exceptionally cost-effective solutions. Some manufacturers geometry of this U groove is highly engineered for secure and
offer V-tracks that are induction hardened and polished on the smooth traversal of the track races. Though not typically suitable
surfaces destined to serve as the working raceways, but then for heavy-duty applications, U-groove track track-roller wheels
leave the rest of the track untreated to make it easier to drill with maintain exceptionally reliable guidance on reciprocating axes as
holes for mounting. well as vertical lifts and those subject to shock loading.
At the other end of the spectrum, track-roller linear guides with As described in a previous section of this Design Guide, U-groove
V-shaped wheels on precision engineered raceways with drawn, track-roller wheels are also called Gothic rollers. They’re often
hardened, and ground steel surfaces can deliver accuracies paired with hardened and ground steel raceways having a round
to ±0.025 mm or better. Professional installation is necessary profile and securely press fit into engineered receptacles on
to maintain this and other precision values. Such tracks are aluminum-alloy extrusions. Lengths are to several meters.
offered in various grades of stainless steel to withstand harsh
environments. One final note: Beyond profile geometries, track-roller wheels
also allow customization in how they’re arranged and mounted
Note that there are other linear guides that leverage the benefits on their carriages and other movable machine sections. Above
of V-shaped geometry. Instead of V-shaped track-roller wheels, we briefly covered how gangs of wheels sometimes include a
these designs employ flat track-roller wheels mounted on track-roller wheel that serves as an eccentrically-mounted take-
V-shaped carriage to ride the two sides of a larger V-shaped track. up wheel. Elsewhere, carriages with gangs of four, five, or even
Read more about this setup in this Design Guide’s next section. more wheels per side deliver exceptional linear-guide accuracy.
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14 I
How track and carriage installation
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15 I
How track and carriage installation
affects linear-guide performance
What’s the risk of insufficient track-roller lubrication on variations 5. Wherever a design engineer anticipates that a track-roller linear
that require oil or grease? One problem that can arise it that of guide may be subject to lateral loads, its carriages and tracks
fretting corrosion on the linear track or the wheel treads. These should be located against reference surfaces. In some cases, it’s
rough and rusty-looking zones on the working surfaces of the linear recommended that gaps between the track and adjacent machine
guide can degrade operation and ultimately cause system failure. surfaces be filled with epoxy or other synthetic resin.
4. Where a track-roller linear guide may be subject to shaft Track-roller linear-guide manufacturers typically offer carriages
creep (due to high accelerations and quickly alternating loads with bogies in conjunction with curved track sections — to be
or slightly under-supported or cantilevered tracks) it’s highly used by design engineers in building circular and oval axes.
recommended that the installation include the use of endplates. Representative designs might include a steel carriage plate fitted
Some manufacturers sell linear-guide tracks with these with two swivel brackets (made of aluminum) with wheels to
endplates premounted. provide axial and radial load bearing.
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16 I
How track and carriage installation
affects linear-guide performance
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17 I
Dynamic load and static load capacity for the
oad-capacity values are absolutely central to the specification that are overly large or small; challenging environments
of linear guides. As covered on, all involving extreme temperatures, vibrations, shock loads, or
linear motion components with rolling elements (which contamination; short-stroke reciprocating motions causing false
includes many linear guides as well as ballscrews) have two brinelling; and unanticipated damage during installation and
load-capacity specifications — static load capacity and dynamic mounting. That’s why the study of previous applications similar
load capacity. These are based on different performance criteria … to the one at hand can prove useful.
and are fully independent values. Let’s explore.
Now let’s consider static load capacity C0 — the amount of
Dynamic load capacity C is based on empirical data assuming a very slow or nonmoving load a bearing can withstand before
constant-magnitude load \ normal to the load-bearing surfaces total bearing element and raceway deformation equals 0.01%
for a defined travel distance (in the case of a linear guide) of the bearing element’s diameter. Significant static loads
or number of revolutions (in the case of a ballscrew) without in real applications can arise from shock loading. That’s why
fatigue. Fatigue is reached when there’s clear surface flaking of many manufacturers recommend the specification of linear
the bearing elements or raceways. guides with a static safety factor to suit the application’s actual
operating conditions:
Dynamic load capacity defines the rated life of rolling-element C0
bearings. The latter is called L10 life for how the prevailing Static safety factor = F
standard is defined by the load and speed under which 90% of a
group of identical bearings can survive for a set travel: Where F0max = maximum combined static load applied to the
bearing. Typical safety-factor values range from two for very
Ball-element bearing life = ( C⁄ F ) 3×100,000 meters smooth-running axes (not subject to vibrations) to six for linear
axes subject to extreme shock loading.
Roller-element bearing life = ( C⁄ ) /3×100,000 meters
C C0
It’s key to understand
whether a stated load
refers to dynamic or
static loading.
C 0rax
Mz C0
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18 I
Dynamic load and static load capacity for the
special case of track-roller linear guides
Note that the thick tread of track-roller wheels undergo elastic
deformation under high radial loading. These wheels are subject
to internal loading and OD bending stress that differs from those
experienced by rotary bearings of otherwise similar construction.
That’s why the wheels are subject to permissible radial-load
limitations .. and bending stresses must never exceed the tread
material’s strength values … or else fracture may occur. What’s
more, the basic load ratings of a track-roller wheel depend on
its use on a track of specified surface finish and hardness. Use
of any other track necessitates a modification of the assembly’s The Rockwell scale hardness of the
load rating. linear guide subcomponents affects
its ratings. Adjustments are required if
Track-roller life is calculated by the equations defined in DIN ISO the design (for one reason or another)
necessitates softer raceways.
281 and then modified for loading, environmental, and safety
factors for an adjusted life rating.
20 30 40 50 60
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19 I
Five things to consider in
vertical applications
ounting orientation is one of the core considerations the process (pressing, pulling, or transporting, for example).
when sizing and selecting a linear actuator. This will affect not only the bearing life of the guides and drive
Depending on the type of linear guides used, mechanism, but also the required motor torque. In addition,
some actuators can support higher downward the force of gravity on the load when starting and stopping will
or lift-off loads than side loads or can handle pitch and yaw influence the inertia of the system, which also influences suitable
moments better than roll moments. These are all important actuator selections and proper motor sizing.
factors when evaluating an actuator for vertical duty. The type
of drive mechanism also influences an actuator’s suitability for In a vertical application, it’s generally recommended that
vertical operation. Screws (whether ballscrews or leadscrews) are engineers specify two track-roller carriage blocks on each linear-
generally preferred over belts or linear motors for carrying loads guide track. This ensures that the assembly can support the
vertically, but they do have some limitations. pitch and yaw moment loads that arise during acceleration and
The unique challenges of working against (and sometimes
with) gravity go beyond just loading. Below are five factors that Similarly, using an actuator with two linear guides in parallel will
designers and engineers should consider when choosing a linear enable the actuator to handle any roll moments that arise from a
actuator for vertical duty. load that is not even distributed, or from external forces due to
the process.
LOADING IN VERTICAL APPLICATIONS The best scenario if space allows is to choose an actuator that uses
linear-guide tracks with two track-roller carriage blocks each.
While load placement and orientation are two of the
first parameters to examine in any application, it is worth
emphasizing for actuators mounted in a vertical orientation. LUBRICATION IN VERTICAL APPLICATIONS
Because the actuator will be working against gravity during
As mentioned earlier in this Design Guide, track-roller linear
the upward stroke and will be assisted by gravity on the down
guides have only modest lubrication requirements. That
stroke, the loads in each case will be different, regardless of
makes them excel on vertical axes that can cause detrimentally
inconsistent lubrication on designs based on profiled rail, for
example. That’s because gravity can starve the highest portions
of a linear guide (as well as its actuator’s screw) of lubrication.
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Five things to consider in vertical applications
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Five things to consider in vertical applications
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Appendix: Engineering review of
here are numerous ways to classify the performance of Accuracy is most influenced by mechanical factors such as
linear-positioning devices such as ballscrews, belts, and backlash, windup (lack of torsional stiffness), and flexing of
rack and pinion systems … but the terminology can components. On the electrical side, the bandwidth of the control
be confusing. The two most common terms of accuracy and system and the resolution of the measuring system (encoder or
repeatability are often used interchangeably. So when someone resolver) can also affect the accuracy of the drive’s movement,
says that a ballscrew is very accurate, they may really mean that since these components are responsible for commanding,
it’s repeatable. In fact, accuracy and repeatability are unrelated. reading, and correcting the actual position of the system.
A system can be very accurate but not very repeatable, or vice-
versa. Here’s the difference … Repeatability is a drive mechanism’s ability to return to the same
position multiple times under identical conditions. Repeatability
The formal definition of accuracy is the degree to which a can be defined as unidirectional, in which the point is always
measurement, calculation, or specification conforms to the approached from the same direction, or bidirectional, in which
correct or known value or standard. In relation to a linear drive the point can be approached from either direction. Unlike
system, this can be taken to mean the degree to which the final accuracy, which is somewhat subjective depending on the
position matches the commanded position. So, if we command application requirements, repeatability is an absolute value.
a rack and pinion system to travel 535 mm, its accuracy is
determined by how closely it achieves 535 mm of motion. But For example, a ballscrew can be described as being repeatable
how accurate is it? That depends on the amount of error you’re to ±0 µm. Just as a system can be accurate but not repeatable,
able to accept. If the application will allow a result of 535 mm ±2 it can also be repeatable but not accurate. For example, if
mm, then as long as the ballscrew achieves a position between the specified movement is 535 mm ±2 mm, and the system
533 and 537 mm, it can be considered accurate. consistently moves to 537.5 mm over several attempts, it is
repeatable, but not accurate.
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Appendix: Engineering review of repeatability,
accuracy, and inertial values
Factors that most influence repeatability are in the measuring systems, where it refers to the variation between
mechanics of the drive system — backlash in a rack and repeated measurements of the same quantity or subject. But
pinion system or lead deviation of ballscrew threads. when used in reference to linear motion systems, precision
Repeatability can also be affected by changes in the system can reasonably be assumed to mean repeatability, although
such as expansion or contraction of components due to technically it is just a qualitative term in this context.
temperature fluctuations. While programming within the
drive amplifier and control can generally compensate for a DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INERTIA AND MOMENTUM
lack of accuracy, it generally can’t correct for a mechanical
system’s lack of repeatability. The concepts of inertia and momentum are often confused
— possibly due to the similarity of their definitions. Inertia
For an example from sports, let’s consider a basketball is generally described as an object’s resistance to motion,
player. If the player is accurate, he’ll always get the ball close with momentum being the tendency of an object to
to the hoop. If his shooting is repeatable, he’ll always shoot continue moving. Both have implications for linear motion
to the same location (hopefully, in the basket). The best applications, but while inertia is a fundamental sizing
players are both accurate (hitting the basket) and repeatable parameter, momentum isn’t directly addressed in system
(doing it every time). calculations. To distinguish between the two and find out
why that is, we’ll look at the definitions and uses of each.
One last note: The term precision is often used to describe
linear systems. However, precision is more applicable to
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Appendix: Engineering review of repeatability,
accuracy, and inertial values
Inertia is resistance to change in speed: Inertia is a body’s of a moving ball, such as the cue ball, colliding with a non-
resistance to change in speed and is related to its mass and moving ball. If the cue ball stops moving (v=0) its momentum
the distance of that mass from the axis of rotation. The classic has been completely transferred to the second ball. If the
illustration of inertia is a figure skater spinning on the ice. collision results in both balls moving, then the cue ball’s
When her arms are outstretched, a part of her mass is far from momentum is shared by the two balls.
the axis of rotation, and therefore she spins at a relatively
slow speed. But if she pulls her arms in close to her body, her The equation of momentum for a linear system is simply:
rate of spin increases, because her entire mass is now close to
P = mv
the axis of rotation I = mr2 where I = mass moment of inertia
(kg·m2 or lb·ft2); m = mass (kg or lb); and r = distance from Where P = momentum (kg·m/sec or lb·ft/sec)
axis of rotation (m or ft).
m = Mass (kg or lb)
Note that this is a general equation for the inertia of a point
mass. Specific equations are available for various shapes, v = Velocity (m/sec or ft/sec).
such as hollow cylinder, solid cylinder, disc, and so on.
This equation neatly correlates with the earlier description
Momentum is mass in motion: Momentum, on the other of momentum as mass in motion. But when the motion is
hand, is the product of an object’s mass and velocity, and is rotational, the distance of the mass from the rotational axis
sometimes referred to as mass in motion. While a change comes into play. Therefore, angular momentum is expressed
in shape — the distance of mass from the axis of rotation — as the product of rotational inertia and angular velocity:
will change a system’s inertia, the momentum of a system
cannot be changed unless an external force acts upon it. This L=Iω
principle is known as the conservation of momentum. The
Where L = angular momentum (kg·m2/sec or lb·ft2/sec)
classic example of momentum is a game of billiards. Think
P = load
= length of beam (distance to load)
E = modulus of elasticity
I = planar moment of inertia
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Appendix: Engineering review of repeatability,
accuracy, and inertial values
I = Rotational moment of inertia (kg·m2 or lb·ft2) as that of planar moment of inertia, but the distance used is
ω = Angular velocity (rad/sec) distance to an axis parallel to the area’s cross-section:
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