Detailed Lesson Plan Science
Detailed Lesson Plan Science
Detailed Lesson Plan Science
I. Lesson Objectives
At the end of the period, the students are able to:
a. Identify the Planets in the Solar System;
b. Show care of our planet earth; and
c. Discover why planets stay in their orbits.
1. Checking of Attendance
2. Drill
3. Review
Who can recall the five layers of The five layers of atmosphere are
atmosphere? troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere,
thermosphere/ionosphere, and exosphere.
What is the difference between Mesosphere is a layer of very thin air and
mesosphere and ionosphere? very cold temperature that extends up to
300 kilometers above the stratosphere
while ionosphere is the thickest layer that
reaches a height of 400 kilometers.
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
2. Presentation
Everybody read the objectives. At the end of the period, the students are
able to:
a. Identify the Planets in the Solar
b. Show care of our planet earth; and
c. Discover why planets stay in their
3. Unlocking of Difficulties
5. Checking of Comprehension
What are the eight planets in our solar The eight planets of our solar system are
system? Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
What is the largest planet in our solar The largest planet in our solar system is
system? Jupiter.
What planet in the solar system that is The planet that is known to harbor life and
known to harbor life, and the “home” of the “home” of human being is Earth.
human beings?
6. Skill Development
Write the correct answer.
7. Generalization
1. What are the eight planets in the The eight planets are Mercury, Venus,
solar system? Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
8. Application
I am Mercury.
I’m the closest planet to the sun.
I’m a ball of iron — I have no moons.
I am Mercury.
I am Venus.
I’m the same size as the Earth
but I spin the other way and much more
I have no water — I am Venus.
I am the Earth.
The place where we all live.
There is land and lots of sea so I look blue.
I have a moon.
I am the Earth.
I am Mars.
I’m a rocky, red planet.
My mountains are the highest in our solar
I have 2 moons.
I am Mars.
I am Jupiter.
I’m a gas giant.
I’m the biggest and I spin the fastest.
I have the biggest moon.
I am Jupiter.
I am Saturn.
I’m a gas giant.
My rings are made of ice.
Titan is my biggest moon.
I am Saturn.
I am Uranus.
I’m an icy gas giant.
I’m the coldest planet in our solar system.
And I have rings made of dust.
I am Uranus.
I am Neptune.
I’m an icy gas giant.
I’m the farthest planet from the sun.
I have many storms.
I am Neptune.
We are The Solar System.
We are The Solar System.
Group 2:
Mercury, Venus and Earth
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
Uranus and Neptune
The eight planets
V. Assignment