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Lesson Plan Science Grade 6

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Division: Division 2 Grade Grade 6


Teacher: Learning Science


Teaching Date TTh 9:00-10:30 AM Quarter: Fourth Quarter

and Time:

Content Standard: The learners describe the earth’s movement around the

Performance Standard: The learners should be able to identify and observe the
seasons of the earth.
Learning Competency: The learners should be able to demonstrate rotation and
revolution of the Earth using a globe to explain day and
night and the sequence of seasons.

I. Objectives:At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to;

II. Subject Matter

Content:Motion of the Earth
References:Science Activity Book 6, Curriculum Guide; Cyber Science 6 pp.
Materials:video presentation, smart tv, cardboards, pen, art materials
Values: Critical Thinking, Cooperation, Creativity

III. Procedure: 5E’s

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminaries Activity

1. Prayer
Please stand and let us pray.

(Pupils will stand and pray)

2. Greetings
Good Morning class!

Good Morning teacher!

Class! Kindly pick up those

pieces of paper under your table
and chair. And arrange it

You may now be seated.

Thank you teacher!

3. Checking of Attendance
Class, is there any absent for

No one teacher.

I’m happy to say that no one is

absent for today.

a. Review

Before we proceed, let us have a warm up

activity first.
Now class, our activity game is called
“Pass the cabbage”. I am holding now a
cabbage but this is only made of paper but
there is a twist in every layer of the
cabbage has questions that you will answer
later on. You all need to do is I will play a
music, you are going to pass the cabbage
to your classmates and if the music stops
the one who holds the cabbage will be the
one to an peel the layer of the cabbage,
read the question and answer it. But class,
do not throw the cabbage pass it carefully
to your classmates.

Do you understand class?

Yes teacher!

Now let’s start!

(pupils do as told)

Very good class! You really understood our

discussion last meeting. And for that matter
let’s give ourselves an “Angel Clap”

1 2 3 1 2 3 wootwoot!

B. Engagement

Class, I will group you into 3 each groups

will received a cardboard and a marker to
write the answer of the questions I will ask
to you later.
All you need to do is write FACT if the
statement is correct and BLUFF if the
statement is wrong.

Do you understand class?

Yes teacher!

But before that kindly read our rubrics for

this activity game.

Correct answers – 5pts
Silentness – 2 pts
Cooperation – 3 pts
Total of ------ 10 pts

Fact or Bluff: Write FACT if the statement is

correct and BLUFF if the statement is

1. The Earth rotates on its Axis.

2. Day & night is the effect of the
Earth’s revolution.
3. One complete rotation of Earth is 48
hours. Answer:
4. Amihan is the Filipino term of 1. Fact
Northeast monsoon. 2. Bluff
5. Habagat is the Filipino term of 3. Bluff
Sooutheast monsoon. 4. Fact
5. Fact

C. Exploration

Now class, go back to your seats now, for

we will be having a short video
presentations. I want you all to listen and

understand the videos message and take

down some important details for I will be
asking after.
Do you understand class?

Yes teacher!

(Short video presentations about the four


What have you observe in the video class?

The video shows as the four seasons.

What are these four seasons?

The four seasons namely winter, spring,

summer and autumn.

Very good!

How does thishappen?

The four seasons happen because of the tilt

of the Earth’s axis. At different times of the
year, the sun’s rays hit different parts of the
globe more directly. The angle of the Earth’s
axis tilts the Northern Hemisphere towards
the sun during the summer. Without the tilts
of the earth’s axis, we wouldn’t have


D. Explanation

Earth’s rotation and revolution result to

different amount of solar energy received
by different parts of the world. The parts of
earth facing directly the sun receive vertical
rays. The imaginary axis on which Earth
rotates is tilted at an angle 23 ½ degrees
and points to the same direction throughout
its orbit. As Earth revolves around the sun
a particular part id facing the sun. On June
21 or 22, the Northern hemisphere faces
the sun. the vertical rays strike 23 ½
Degrees N, the tropic Cancer. The places
at Northern Polar region have 24 hours of
daytime and the rest of daytime and the
rest of the other side southern hemisphere,
nights are longer. It is winter. The places
beyond 66 ½ have a 24 hour nighttime…

Do you get it class?

Yes teacher!

E. Elaboration

Now class, let us have another activity. I

will group you into 5 groups. This group
activity is all groups will receive a different
tasking, I will give you the materials you will
be needed.

Kindly read the tasks for every group to do.

Group 1 – Draw the Earth’s revolution

around the Sun
Group 2 – Arrange the picture puzzle and
label the four seasons
Group 3 - What are the four seasons? Draw
an example an name them
Group 4 – Name, write and elaborate some
possible activities for the four seasons of the
Group 5 – Show the Earth’s revolution in
real life.

Go to your respective groups now and I

will be giving you 20 minutes only to do the

(pupils do as told)

F. Evaluation
Directions: Complete the sentences by filling the blanks. Select your answer
from the box below. Answer this in a one whole sheet of paper.

Revolution rotation
23 ½ degrees slanting rays
Vertical rays Earth
Habagat Solar system

1-2 Earth’s _______(1) and _______ (2) result to different amount of solar
energy received by different parts of the world.
3-4 The parts of earth facing directly to the sun receive _______ (3) while the
parts that curve away from the sun receive _______ (4)
5 the imaginary axis on which earth rotates is tilted at an angle _______ and
points to the same direction throughout its orbit.

IV. Assignment
In a short bond paper draw and illustrate the Revolution of the earth.

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