Unit-Outline-1 Updated
Unit-Outline-1 Updated
Unit-Outline-1 Updated
Site Details:
The Australian Botanic Garden – Mount Annan
Narellan Rd, Mount Annan NSW 2567
Site Description:
Text: “D’harawal: Dreaming Stories” by Frances Bodkin.
Online Link: Different ‘Stolen Generation’ stories by various authors:
World Health Organisation Definition of Health – http://www.who.int/about/mission/en/
Natural Aboriginal Healthy Strategy Definition of Health –
“Bush food is really really good” –
Yulunga Indigenous Games Resource –
Time Allocation : 10 60-minute lessons. https://www.sportingschools.gov.au/resources-and-pd/schools/yulunga
Targeted Outcomes:
HT4-1- Describes the nature of history and archaeology and explains their contribution to an understanding of the past
- Students list a range of sources used by archaeologists and historians in historical investigations
HT4-6- uses evidence from sources to support historical narratives and explanations
- use the process of historical investigation to examine at least ONE historical controversy or mystery
HT4-8- locates, selects and organises information from sources to develop an historical inquiry
- Students investigate a variety of sources that reveal Australia's ancient past.
HT4-9 uses a range of historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of the past
- Students locate and describe a variety of sources for ancient Australia related to stories of Dreaming.
HT4-10- selects and uses appropriate oral, written, visual and digital forms to communicate about the past
- Students use a range of sources to communicate about the nature of Australia's ancient past.
EN4-3B – Uses and describes language forms, features and structures of texts appropriate to a range of purposes, audiences and contexts.
- Explore texts that include both Standard Australian English and elements of other languages, including Aboriginal English.
EN4- 5C - thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information, ideas and arguments to respond to and compose texts
4.6 – A student describes the nature of health and analyses how health issues may impact on young people.
- Learn About: The nature of health – the interaction of cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual components; differences in perceptions of health, e.g
emphasis on physical aspects.
- Learn To: Construct a personal meaning of health by exploring a range of community and accepted definitions.
- Learn To: Examine the relationship between the cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual components of health.
- Learn About: Defining health food habits; nutritional requirements; the relationship of food habits to health; cultural and social meanings of food.
- Learn To: Recognise the cultural and social influences on food choices.
4.14 – A student engages successfully in a wide range of movement situations that displays an understanding of how and why people move.
Lesson 1 English EN4-3B – Uses and Lesson Overview: Learning Maps
(Pre-Site) describes language This lesson will introduce the students to Frances Bodkin – a
forms, features and descendant of the D’harawal people and educator of
structures of texts D’harawal knowledge. Students will examine various stories
appropriate to a from Bodkin’s text “D’harawal: Dreaming Stories” regarding
range of purposes, D’harawal culture and lessons, connection to the land as
audiences and well as the concept of ‘Yandel’ora’.
contexts. Story Sharing
- Explore texts that Site Link:
include both Frances Bodkin played a key role in the development of
Standard Mount Annan Botanic Gardens. ‘Yandel’ora’ is also the name
Australian English given to Mt Annan by the D’harawal people.
and elements of
other languages, Content/Activities:
1. Acknowledgement of country. Land Links
Aboriginal English. 2. Introduction to learning map for unit and visual
EN4-8D – image for lesson one.
considers and
cultural expression Symbols, Images
in texts. and Metaphors
- Explore the
of Country and
Place, People, 3. Students will research Frances Bodkin in pairs. As a
Identity and class, create a mind map of their findings.
Culture in texts 4. Teacher to instruct students to sit in circle (moving
including those by chairs if required) to establish a ‘yarn circle’. Community Links
Aboriginal and 5. As a class, read “Law stories and their importance”
Torres Strait (pp.2-3).
Islander authors. 6. Teacher to prompt discussion about stories that
students were told whilst growing up.
7. As a class, read “Talara’tingi – How the Flannel Non Linear
Flower came to be” (pp. 27-29).
8. Students to identify literary techniques in this text to
develop a deeper understanding of the story.
9. As a class, read “Yandel’ora – The Land of Peace
between Peoples” (pp. 20-23).
10. Teacher to prompt discussion about what this story
teaches the People and what Peace between
Peoples look like.
11. Students to draw a picture/symbol of what they
perceive “Yandel’ora” to look like after reading this
story. Teacher to make link between “Yandel’ora”
and The Australian Botanic Garden – Mount Annan
whilst students are drawing picture.
Lesson 10 History/English/ HT4-6 uses Lesson Overview: Learning Maps
PDHPE evidence from In this lesson, students will have the opportunity to work on
(Post-Site) sources to support their assessment tasks that they were given prior to the at-
historical site lessons. Images from the at-site lessons will be displayed
narratives and on the board to remind them of details from the site. If
explanations. students have completed the assessment, they can engage
- Students will be in the extension activity during the lesson.
Non Linear
required to use
different source Site Link:
material and their This lesson will provide students with the opportunity to
experiences to synthesise their learning from the unit as they will complete
support historical their assessment task, which involves History, English and
narratives and PDHPE-based activities related to the site.
explanations to Non-verbal
complete their Content/Activities:
final assessment. 1. Acknowledgement of country.
HT4-9 uses a 2. Revisit the learning map for the unit and focus on
range of historical the image for lesson three.
terms and
concepts when
Story Sharing
communicating an
understanding of
the past.
- Students will be
required to utilize
terminology and Deconstruct
have a good Reconstruct
understanding of
the past.
EN4- 5C - thinks 3. History Activity: Students are to create either a
imaginatively, poster or PowerPoint presentation on the
creatively, significance of Yandel’ora for Mount Annan Botanic
interpretively and Garden and why a Stolen Generations memorial was
critically about built at the site.
information, ideas 4. English Activity: Students are to write a short
and arguments to reflection of their experience of the Stolen
respond to and Generation memorial.
compose texts *This may be difficult for students with experiences
4.6 – A student of being removed or separated from their family. We
describes the recommend that you consider this during this lesson
nature of health and approach these students with care.
and analyses how 5. PDHPE Activity: Students are to write a three-day
health issues may nutritional meal plan for a young person that
impact on young includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. They
people. must include at least one plant or bush food that can
be found at the site in each day’s plan.
6. Extension Activity: