Overall-Problems (Day 2)
Overall-Problems (Day 2)
Overall-Problems (Day 2)
If crushing rolls, 1m diameter are set so that the crushing surfaces are
12.5mm apart and the angle of nip is 31O, what is the maximum size of particle
which should be fed to the rolls? If the actual capacity of the machine is
12% of the theoretical, calculate the throughput in kg/s when running at 2Hz
if the working face of the rolls is 0.4m long and the bulk density of the
feed is 2500kg/m3
Ans. W= 277kJ
A boiler is fired with a coal containing 76%C and 8.1% ash, burnt under
conditions such that elimination of combustible matter from the refuse is
complete. The air enters the furnace at 90F and s 80% saturated with water
vapour at this temp. the S and N is negligible. The flue gases go to the
stack at 1atm and 640F. the ave flue gas analysis shows 12.6%CO2, 6.2% O2,
and 1%CO. Calc the ff
A pump draws a solution of specific gravity 1.84 from a storage tank through
a 3in.(75mm) schedule 40 steel pipe. The efficiency of the pump is 60%. The
velocity in the suction line is 3ft/s(0.91m/s). the pump discharges through a
2in (50mm) schedule 40 pipe to an overhead tank. The end of the discharge
pipe is 50ft (15.2m) above the level of the solution in the feed tank.
Friction losses in the entire piping system are 10ft-lbf/lbm (29.9J/kg). what
pressure must the pump develop? What is the power delivered to the fluid by
the pump?
Steam and water flow through a 75mm i.d pipe at flworates 0.05 and 1.5kg/s
respectively. If the mean temperature and pressure are 330K and 120kN/m2,
what is the pressure drop per unit length of pipe assuming adiabatic
The frictionless piston has a mass of 16kg. heat is added until the
temperature reaches 400C. if the initial quality is 20%, find a.) the initial
pressure, b.) the mass of water c.) the quality when the piston hits the
stops, d.) the final pressure, e.) the work done on the piston
Ans. a.) P=120kPa b.) 0.001373kg c.) 32% d.) 0.686MPa e.) 28.3J
A wet solid is dried from 40 to 8% moisture in 20ks. If the critical and the
equilibrium moisture contents are 15 and 4% respectively, how long will it
take to dry the solid to 5% moisture under the same conditions? All moisture
contents are on a dry basis
Ans. Water removed= 0.00708 kg/s, volume of gas= 0.591 m3/s at STP
A cyclone separator, 0.3m in diameter and 1.2m long, has a circular inlet
75mm in diameter and an outlet of the same size. If the gas enters at a
velocity of 1.5m/s, at what particle size will the theoretical cut occur?
The viscosity of air is 0.018mNs/m2, the density of air is 1.3kg/m3 and the
density of the particles is 2700kg/m3.
Ans. D= 2.17μm
Ans. 53.9kJ/kg
Steam expands isentropically through a turbine from 6MPa and 600C to 10kPa.
Calculate the power output if the mass flux is 2kg/s
Ans. w= 2774kW
Estimate the heat loss per square meter of surface through a brick wall 0.5m
thick when the inner surface is at 400K and the outside surface is at 300K.
the thermal conductivity of the brick may be taken as 0.7W/mK.
A gas analyzes 60% methane and 40% ethylene by volume. It is desired to store
12.3 kg of this gas mixture in a cylinder having a capacity of 5.14 x 10 -2 m3
at a maximum temperature of 45°C. Calculate the pressure inside the cylinder
(a) assuming that the mixture obeys the ideal gas laws;
(b) using the compressibility factor determined by the pseudo critical point
A 25mm diameter copper sphere and a 25mm copper cube are both heated in a
furnace to 650C(923K). they are then annealed in air at 95C( 368K). if the
external heat transfer coefficient h=75W/m2K in both cases, what is the
temperature of the sphere and of the cube at the end of 5mins?
Ans. T= 208 C
Ans. s= 0.0167Btu/R
A contact sulfuric acid plant produces 98.0 % sulfuric acid, by absorbing SO3
into a 97.3
% sulfuric acid solution. A gas containing 8.00 % SO3 (remainder inerts)
enters the SO3
absorption tower at the rate of 28 lb mol per hour. 98.5 % of the SO3 is
absorbed in this tower.
97.3 % sulfuric acid is introduced into the top of the tower and 95.9 %
sulfuric acid from another
part of the process is used as make - up acid. The flow sheet is given in the
figure with all of the
known data on it.
Calculate the
a. Tons/day of 95.9 % H2SO4 make-up acid solution required.
b. Tons/day of 97.3 % H2SO4 solution introduced into the top of the tower.
c. Tons/day of 98 % H2SO4 solution produced.
Ans.W= 274.2kJ
Ans. %= 86.1%
Ans. a. ya=0.6, b. xb= 0.118, c. Lb= 507kg/h, d. Va= 583 kg/h, e. N=4 stages
Ans. S= 1.851kJ/K
A power utility company desired to use the hot groundwater from a hot spring
to power a heat engine. If the groundwater is at 95C, estimate the maximum
power output if a mass flux of 0.2kg/s is possible. The atmosphere is at 20C.
Ans. W= 12.8kW
Ans. q= 615,000kJ
The vapour pressures of n-heptane and toluene at 373K are 106 and 73.7kN/m2
respectively. What are the mole fractions of n-heptane in the vapour and in
the liquid phase at 373K if the total pressure is 101.3kN/m2?
Ans. v= 36.4mm/s
Calculate the relative volatility for benzene-toluene system at 85C and 105C.
You are asked to measure the rate at which waste gases are being discharged
from a stack. The gases entering contain 2.1 % carbon dioxide. Pure carbon
dioxide is introduced into the bottom of the stack at a measured rate of 4.0
lb per minute. You measure the discharge of gases leaving the stack, and find
the concentration of carbon dioxide is 3.2 %. Calculate the rate of flow, in
lb mol/minute, of the entering waste gases.
Is to take place in a 6-liter steady state mixed flow reactor. Two feed
streams, one containing 2.8mol A/liter and the other containing 1.6mol
B/liter, are to be introduced at equal volumetric flow rates into the
reactor, and 75% conversion of limiting component is desired. What should be
the flow rate of each stream? Assume a constant density throughout
Ans. Y= 0.183kg/s
A vessel divided into two parts by a partition, contains 4mol nitrogen gas at
75C and 30bar on one side and 2.5mol of argon gas at 130C and 20bar on the
other. If the partition is removed and the gases mix adiabatically and
completely, what is the change in entropy? Assume nitrogen to be an ideal gas
with Cv= 5/2R and argon to be an ideal gas with Cv=3/2R
Ans. N2= 0.66 Hz, P=5.25kW, Re2= 950,000 if n=1, N2= 1.21 Hz, P=32.4kW, Re2=
1,740,00 if n=2/3,
In leaching operation, the rate at which solute goes into solution is given
by an equation of the form:
= 𝑘(𝑐𝑠 − 𝑐) 𝑘𝑔/𝑠
Ans. t= 297s
Ans. 27.8%
A salt solution weighing 10000kg with 30% Na2CO3 is cooled to 293K. The salt
crystallizes as the decahydrate. What will be the yield of Na2CO3-10H2O
crystals if the solubility is 21.5kg anhydrous Na2CO3/100kg H2O? Do the ff:
The air in a circular cylinder is heated until the spring is compressed 50mm.
find the work done by the air on the frictionless piston. The spring is
initially unstretched.
A mixture of ammonia and air is scrubbed in a plate column with fresh water.
If the ammonia concentration is reduced from 5% to 0.01%, and the water and
air rates are 0.65 and 0.4kg/m2s, how many theoretical plates required? The
equilibrium relationship may be written as Y=X.
Ans. 6 plates
A piston cylinder arrangement contains 2kg steam originally at 200C and 90%
quality. The volume triples while the temperature is held constant. Calculate
the heat that must be transferred and the final pressure.
Steam leaves the boiler of a single steam power cycle at 4000kPa and 600C. it
exits the turbine at 20kPa as saturated steam. It then exits the condenser as
saturated water. Determine the thermal efficiency if there is no loss in
pressure through the condenser and the boiler.
Ans. z= 0.043mm
Air at 1bar and 298.15K is compressed to 5bar and 298.15K by two different
mechanically reversible processes.
Calculate the heat and work requirements and ΔU and ΔH of the air for each
pair. The ff heat capacities for air may be assumed
Ans. a.) Q= -1983J, W= 1983J, ΔU=0, ΔH=0 b.) ΔU= ΔH =0, Q= -9915J, W= 9915J
The homogenous gas decomposition of phosphine 4PH3 (g) = P4 (g) + 6H2 proceeds at
649C with the first order rate –rPH3 = (10/hr)CPH3. What size of plug flow
reactor operating at 649C and 460kPa can produce 80% conversion of a feed
consisting of 40mol of pure phosphine per hour?
Ans. V= 148L
4 4.699 0 0
A material is crushed in a blake jaw crusher such that the average size of
particle is reduced from 50mm to 10mm, with the composition of energy of
13kW/(kg/s). What will be the consumption of energy needed to crush the same
material of average size 75mm to average size of 25mm:
Which of these results would be regarded s being more reliable and why?
Ans. G= 0.56kg/s
A gas mixture at 1atm pressure abs containing air and CO2 is contacted in a
single stage mixer continuously with pure water at 293K. the two exit gas and
liquid streams reach equilibrium. The inlet gas flow rate is 100kgmol/hr,
with a mole fraction of CO2 of ya2= 0.2. The liquid flow rate entering is
300kgmol water/hr. Calculate the amounts and composition of the two outlet
phases. Assume that water does not vaporize to the gas phase.
Ans x= 1.41x 10^-4, y= 0.2, L= 300, V=100
An acetone-air mixture containing 0.015 mol fraction of acetone has the mol
fraction reduced to 1% of this value by countercurrent absorption of water in
a packed tower. The gas flowrate is 1kg/m2s of air and the water enters at
1.6kg/m2s. For this system, Henrys law holds an y= 1.75x, where y is the mol
fraction of acetone in the vapour in equilibrium with a mol fraction x in the
liquid. How many overall transfer units are required?
Ans. 8 plates
Ans. a.) 6600kg CaSO4 b.) 4920kg H2SO4 solution c.) 2165kg CO2
Predict the Hg, HL, and Kya for absorption of NH3 from water in a dilute
solution in a packed tower with 25.4mm Raschig rings at 303K and 101.32kPa
pressure. The flow rates are Gx= 2.543 kg/m2s and Gy= 0.339 kg/m2s
Ans. H= 6.27m
Ans. A= 31.2m2
Calculate the Z and V for ethylene at 25C and 12bar by the following
Ans. a.) 1919 cm3/mol, Z= 0.929 b.) 1924, 0.932 c) 1916.5, 0.928 d.) 1918,
0.928 e.) 1900.6, 0.92
Vapour at the dew point and 101.32kPa containing a mole fraction of 0.4
benzene and 0.6 toluene and 100kgmol total is contacted with 110kgmol of a
liquid at the boiling point containing a mole fraction of 0.3 benzene and 0.7
toluene. The two streams are contacted in a single stage, and the outlet
streams leave in equilibrium with each other. Assume constant molal overflow.
Calculate the amounts and compositions of the exit streams.
A sample of the slurry had previously been tested with a leaf filter of
0.05m2 filtering surface using a vacuum giving a pressure difference of
71.3kN/m2. The volume of filtrate collected in the first 300s was 250cm3 and
after a further 300s, an additional 150cm3 was collected. It may be assumed
that the cake is incompressible and that the cloth resistance is the same in
the leaf as in the filter press.
Ans. A=218m2
Ans. 365.1 K
Oil droplets having a diameter of 20μm are to be settled from air at an air
temperature of 37.8C at 101.3kPa pressure. The density of the oil is
900kg/m3. Calculate the terminal settling velocity of the drops.
Ans 372K
The density of glass = 2500kg/m3, the density of water = 1000kg/m3, and the
viscosity of water= 1mNs/m2
Ans. e= 0.784
A slurry containing 100kg of whiting of density 3000kg/m3, per m3 water, and
is filtered in a plate and frame press, which takes 900s to dismantle, clean,
and re-assemble. If the cake is incompressible and has a voidage of 0.4, what
is the optimum thickness of cake for a filtration pressure of 1000kN/m2? The
density of the whiting is 3000kg/m3. If the cake is washed at 500kN/m2 and
the total volume of wash water employed is 25% of that of the filtrate, how
is the optimum thickness of the cake affected? The resistance of the filter
medium may be neglected and the viscosity of water is 1mNs/m2. In an
experiment, a pressure difference of 165kN/m2 produced a flow of water of
0.02cm3/s through a centimetre cube of filter cake.
Ans. N= 49Hz
Air is contained in one half of the insulated tank. The other side is
completely evacuated. The membrane is punctured and the air quickly fill the
entire volume. Calculate the specific entropy change of the isolated system.
Ans. Q= -176.7Btu
ANS. 392kPa
In a vessel at 101.3kN/m2 and 300K, the percentage relative humidity of the
water vapour in the air is 25. If the partial pressure of water vapour when
air is saturated with vapour at 300K is 3.6kN/m2, calculate:
Air containing 0.005kg water/kg dry air is heated to 325K in a dryer and
passed to the lower shelves. It leaves the shelves at 60% humidity and is
reheated to 325K and passed over another set of shelves, again leaving at 60%
humidity. This is again repeated for the third and the fourth sets of
shelves, after which the air leaves the dryer. On the assumption that the
material on each shelf has reached the wet-bulb temperature and that heat
losses from the dryer may be neglected, determine:
Air flows through the supersonic nozzle. The inlet conditions are 7kPa and
420C. the nozzle exit diameter is adjusted such that the exiting velocity is
700m/s. calculate the a.) the exit temperature b.) mass flux c.) the exit
diameter. Assume an adiabatic quasiequilibrium flow. d1= 200mm
30,000 m3 of coal gas (measured at 289K and 101.3kPa saturated with water
vapor) is compressed to 340kPa pressure, cooled to 289K and the condensed
water is drained off. Subsequently the pressure is reduced to 170kN/m2 and
the gas is distributed at this pressure and at 289K. what is the % humidity
of the gas after this treatment?
Air travels through the 4x2m test section of a wind tunnel at 20m/s. the gage
pressure in the test section is measured to be -20kPa and the temperature
20C. after the test section, a diffuser leads to a 6m diameter exit pipe.
Estimate the velocity and temperature in the exit pipe.
Ans. Mass of dry air= 6.15kg/s , Humidity outlet air= 0.0188kg/kg dry air
Glass spheres are fluidized by water at a velocity equal to one half of their
terminal falling velocities. Calculate:
A packed counter current water cooling tower using a gas flow rate of
G=1.356kg dry air/s m2 and a water flow rate of L= 1.356kg water/s m2 is to
cool the water from TL2= 43.3C to TL1= 29.4C. the entering air at 29.4C has a
wet bulb temperature of 23.9C. the mass transfer coefficient kGa is estimated
as 1.207x10^-7 kgmol/s m3 Pa and hLa/kGa MB P as 4.187x10^4 J/kgK. Calculate
the height of packed tower z. the tower operates at a pressure of 1.013x10^5
Ans. z= 6.98m
A wet solid is dried from 25 to 10% moisture under constant drying conditions
in 15ks(4.17h). if the critical and the equilibrium moisture contents are 15
and 5% respectively, how long will it take to dry the solid from 30 to 8%
moisture under the same conditions?
How will these values be affected if the air enters the dryer at 340K and
sufficient heat is supplied with the dryer so that the air leaves also 340K
and again with a relative humidity of 60%?
Ans. air flowrate= 3.76 kg/s, heat = 276kW, air flow = 0.786kg/s, heat =
Determine the maximum pressure increase across the 10hp pump. The inlet
velocity of the water is 30ft/s.
an electric motor under steady load draws 9.7A at 110V, it delivers 0.93kW of
mechanical energy. The temperature of the surroundings is 300K. what is the
total rate of entropy generation in W/K?
Consider a feed CAO= 100, CBO=200, CiO= 100 to a steady-flow reactor. The
isothermal gas-phase reaction is A+ 3B = 6R
Find the space time needed for 80% conversion of a 50% A-50% inert feed to a
plug flow reactor operating at 215C and 5atm (CAO= 0.0625mol/liter)
An open bowl, 0.3m in diameter, contains water at 350K, evaporating into the
atmosphere. If the air currents are sufficiently strong to remove the water
vapour as it is formed and if the resistance to its mass transfer is
equivalent to that of a 1mm layer for conditions of molecular diffusion, what
will be the rate of cooling due to evaporation? The water can be considered
as well mixed and the water equivalent of the system is equal to 10kg. the
diffusivity of water vapour in air may be taken as 0.2cm2/s and the kilogram
molecular volume at NTP as 22.4m3.
Ans. t= 0.043mm
Determine the molar volume of n-butane at 510K and 25bar by each of the ff
Ans. A= 67.5m2
A three blade propeller is used to mix a fluid in the laminar region. The
stirrer is 0.3m diameter and is rotated at 1.5Hz. Due to corrosion, the
propeller has to e replaced by a flat two-bladed paddle, 0.75m in diameter.
If the same motor is used, at what speed should the paddle rotate?
Ans. N= 0.403Hz
Water in a tank flows through an outlet 25m below the water level into a
0.15m diameter horizontal pipe 30m long, with a 90 O elbow at the end leading
to a vertical pipe of the same diameter 15m long. This is connected to a
second 90O elbow which leads to a horizontal pipe of the same diameter, 60m
long, containing a fully open globe valve and discharging to atmosphere 10m
below the level of the water in the tank. Taking e/d= 0.01 and the viscosity
of water as 1mNs/m2, what is the initial rate of discharge?
A hydraulic jump occurs during the flow discharging from a tank into an open
channel under a gate so that the liquid initially travelling at a velocity of
1.5m/s with a depth of 75mm. calculate the corresponding velocity and the
liquid depth after the jump.
A rotameter tube is 0.3m long with an internal diameter of 25mm at the top
and 20mm at the bottom. The diameter of the float is 20mm, its density is
4800kg/m3 and its volume is 6cm3. If the coefficient of discharge is 0.7,
what is the flowrate of water when the float is halfway up the tube?
Calculate the view factor, F21 and the net radiation transfer between two
black surfaces, a rectangle 2m by 1m (area A1) at 1500K and a disc 1m in
diameter (area A2) at 750K, if the view factor, F12= 0.25. Ans. F21= 0.637,
Q12= 135kW
An agitated tank with a standard Rushton impeller is required to disperse gas
in a solution properties similar to those of water. The tank will be 3m
diameter. (1m diameter impeller). A power level of 0.8kW/m3 is chosen.
Assuming fully turbulent conditions and that the presence of the gas does not
significantly affect the relation between the Power and Reynolds number:
The equilibrium relationship is given by: (kg acid/kg ether)= 0.3 (kg acid/kg
Ans. Y= 186kg
Ans. A= 106.6 m2
Tests are made on the extraction of acetic acid from a dilute aqueous
solution by means of a ketone in a small spray tower of diameter 46mm and
effective height of 1090mm with the aqueous phase run into the top of the
tower. The ketone enters free from acid at the rate of 0.0014m3/sm2, and
leaves with an acid concentration of 0.38kkmol/m3. The concentration in the
aqueous phase falls from 1.19 to 0.82 kmol/m3. Calculate the overall
extraction coefficient on the concentrations in the ketone phase, and the
height of the corresponding overall transfer unit. The equilibrium conditions
are expressed by: (concentration of acid in ketone phase)= 0.548
(concentration of acid in aqueous phase)
Two parallel gray planes which are very large having emissivities of e1=0.8
and e2= 0.7 and surface 1 is at 1100F and surface 2 at 600F. use English and
SI units for the following
A counter-flow double pipe heat exchanger is to heat water from 20C to 80C at
a rate of 1.2kg/s. the inner tube is thin-walled and has a diameter of 1.5cm.
if the overall heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger is 640W/m2C,
determine the length of the heat exchanger required to achieve the desired
Ans. L= 108m
Ans. N= 59.8= 60
Ans. L= 9.2m
In a paper mill two steam chests are to be operated in parallel. Each has a
volumetric capacity of 1000 cu.ft and each contains 18,000 lb of steam and
liquid water. The first chests registers a pressure of 200 psia, but owing to
an error, it is connected to the second when the pressure in the latter is 75
psia. What will be the pressure in the system after equilibrium has been
attained. It may be assumed that no heat is exchanged with the surroundings,
and no water exits to the surroundings.
Ans. P= 129psia
A furnace is fired with coal of the ff analysis: 60%C, 14%H, 16%O, 10% ash.
The proximate analysis is 40%FC, 41%VCM, 9%moisture and 10%ash. The refuse
has the ff analysis: 40% FC, 60%ash. 18200 ft3 of wet air at a total press of
750mmHg and a temp of 70F, with a partial press of water of 10mmHg, is
supplied per 100lb of coal fired. The total press of the hot wet flue gas is
750mmHg. The ratio of mol CO2/mol CO is 4:1.
%xs air
Orsat analysis
Partial press of water vapour in hot wet flue gas
The combustion gases from industrial furnace using a hydrocarbon fuel and dry
air enter the stack at normal barometric press and 375F and have the ff orsat
analysis 12.2%CO2, 3.1%O2, 1.2%CO, and 83.5% N2. Det.
The % xs air
Volume of gases entering the stack, ft3/ lb C
Dew point of stack gases
The atomic ratio of hydrogen to carbon in the fuel
The moles of stack gas per atom of carbon burnt
Ans. m= 2.14kg
An MSMPR crystallizer operates with a steady nucleation rate of n O= 10^13/m4,
a growth rate, Gd= 10^-8 m/s and a mixed-product removal rate,
based on clear liquor of 0.00017m3/s. The volume of the vessel, again based
on clear liquor, is 4m3, the crystal density is 2660kg/m3 and the volumetric
shape factor is 0.7. Det
Ans. a.) cs= 343kg/m3, b.) rate= 0.058kg/s c.) 34% d.) Qf= 0.00075m3/s
Ans. a.) C2H4 b.) 100% c.) 50kmol O2, 100kmol C2H4O, 50kmol d.) 50kmol C2H4,
75kmol O2, 50kmol C2H4O, 25kmol e.) 0.8, 0.4, 40kmol
A = 2B (desired)
A= C (undesired)
Suppose 100mol of A is fed to a batch reactor and the final product contains
10mol of A, 160mol of B and 10mol of C. calculate
a.) The fractional conversion of A
b.) The percentage yield of B
c.) The selectivity of B relative to C
d.) The extents of the first and second reactions
Ans. a.) 0.9 b.) 80% c.) 16mol B/mol C d.) 80mol, 10mol
Calculate the flux and the rate of removal of urea at steady state in g/h
from blood in a cuprophane(cellophane) membrane dialyzer at 37C. the membrane
is 0.025mm thick and has an area of 2m2. The mass- transfer coefficient on
the blood is estimated as kc1= 1.25x10^-5 m/s and that on the aqueous side is
3.33x10^-5 m/s. the permeability of the membrane is 8.73x10^-6 m/s. the
concentration of urea in the blood is 0.02g urea/100mL and that in dialyzing
fluid will be assumed as 0.
Ans. (b). Na= 7.458 x 10^-8 kmol/s m2, conc at interphase= 1.304x10^-2
Ans. C= 6536 kg
Tests on a small scale tank 0.3m diameter(Rushton impeller, diameter 0.1m)
have shown that a blending process between two miscible liquids (aqueous
solutions, properties approximately the same as water,μ= 1mNs/m2, ρ=
1000kg/m3) is satisfactorily completed after 1min. using an impeller speed of
250 rpm. It is decided to scale up the process to a tank of 2.5m diameter
using the criterion of constant tip-speed.
The temperature in the atmosphere near the surface of the earth (up to an
elevation of 10,000m) can be approximated by T(z)= 15- 0.00651z OC. determine
the pressure at an elevation of 3000m if at z=0, P= 101kPa.
Ans. V= 344.4 m3
Ans. W= 21.5 kJ
The solvent enters the tower free of H2S and leaves containing 0.013kmol of
H2S/kmol of solvent. If the flow on inert gas is 0.015kmol/m2s of tower cross
section, calculate:
Determine the heat transfer necessary to increase the pressure of 70% quality
steam from 200 to 800kPa, maintaining the volume constant at 2m3. Assume a
quasiequilibrium process.
Ans. Q= 5629 kJ
Assuming that radiation losses amount to 20kJ/kg dry air used, determine the
mass flowrate of dry air supplied to the dryer and the humidity of the exit
air. The latent heat of water vapour at 295K=2449kJ/kg, specific heat
capacity of dried material=0.88kJ/kgK, the specific heat capacity of dry
air=1kJ/kgK, and the specific heat capacity of water vapour =2.01kJ/kgK
Determine the number of theoretical plates required and the plate from which
the side stream should be withdrawn if the feed is liquor at its boiling
point and a reflux ratio of 2 is used.
Stem enters a turbine at 4000kPa and 500C and leaves at exit. For an inlet
velocity of 200m/s calculate the turbine power output. A.) neglect any heat
transfer and kinetic energy change.
Input (v1= 200m/s, P1=4000kPa, T1= 500C, d1=50mm) output( d2= 250mm, P2=
80kPa, x2=1)
Liquid sodium, flowing at 100kg/s, enters a heat exchanger at 450C and exits
at 350C. the specific heat of sodium is 1.25kJ/kgC. Water enters at 5000kPa
and 20C. determine the minimum mass flux of the water so that the water does
not completely vaporize. Neglect the pressure drop through the exchanger.
Also, calculate the rate of heat transfer.
Ans. W= -729kJ/ kg
Nitrogen at 100C and 600kPa expands in such a way that it can be approximated
by a polytropic process with n= 1.2. Calculate the work and the heat transfer
if the final pressure is 100kPa.
Ans. W= 1109 hp
Material is fed to a dryer at the rate of 0.3kg/s and the moisture removed is
35% of the wet charge. The stock enters and leaves the dryer at 324K. the air
temperature falls from 341 to 310K, its humidity rising from 0.01 to 0.02
kg/kg. calculate the heat loss to the surroundings.
A heat engine operates on a carnot cycle with an efficiency of 75%. What COP
would a refrigerator operating on the same cycle have? The low temperature is
Ans. N= 5 thickeners
Ans. W= 205kJ/kg
Ans. s= 0.639kW/K
A piston allows air to expand from 6MPa to 200kPa. The initial volume and
temperature are 500cm3 and 800C. if the temperature is held constant,
calculate the heat transfer and the entropy change.
Air expands from 200 to 1000cm3 in a cylinder while the pressure is held
constant at 600kPa. If the initial temperature is 20C, calculate the heat
transfer assuming.
Ans. Q= 1.672kJ
Ans. s= 7.603kJ/kg K
Over a 30m length of a 150mm vacuum line carrying air at 295K, the pressure
falls from 0.4kN/m2 to 0.13kN/m2. If the relative roughness e/d is 0.003 what
is the approximate flowrate?
Five ice cubes (each 1.2in3) at 0F are placed in a 16-oz glass of water at
60F. Calculate the final equilibrium temperature and the net entropy change,
assuming an insulated glass.
A steam turbine accepts 2kg/s of steam at 6MPa and 600C and exhausts
saturated steam at 20kPa while producing 2000kW of work. If the surroundings
are at 30C and the flow is steady, calculate the rate of entropy production.
Ans. s= 1.8kW/K
A rigid tank is sealed when the temperature is 0C. on a hot day the
temperature in the tank reaches 50C. if a small hole is drilled in the tank,
estimate the velocity of the escaping air.
Ans. v= 173.8m/s
Calculate the internal energy and enthalpy changes that occur when air is
changed from an initial state of 277K and 10bar, where its molar volume is
2.28m3/kmol to a final state of 333K and 1atm. Assume for air that PV/t is
constant and that Cv= 21 and Cp= 29.3 kJ/kmolK
Water at 366.65 is pumped from a storage tank at the rate of 3.15x10^-1 m3/s.
the motor for the pump supplies work at the rate of 1.5kW. the water goes
through a heat exchanger, giving up heat at the rate of 700kW, and is
delivered to a second storage tank at an elevation 15m above the first tank.
What is the temperature of the water delivered to the second tank?
Ans. T= 311.35K
Water at 301.15K flows in a straight horizontal pipe in which there is no
exchange of either heat or work with the surroundings. Its velocity is 14m/s
in a pipe with an internal diameter of 2.5cm until it flows into a section
where the pipe diameter abruptly increases. What is the temperature change of
the water if the downstream diameter is 3.8cm? if it is 7.5cm? what is
maximum temp change for an enlargement in the pipe?
Ammonia is absorbed in water from a mixture with air using a column operating
at 1bar and 295K. the resistance to transfer may be regarded as lying
entirely within the gas phase. At a point in the column, the partial pressure
of the ammonia is 7kN/m2. The back pressure at the water interface is
negligible and the resistance to transfer may be regarded as lying in a
stationary gas film 1mm thick. If the diffusivity of ammonia in air is
2.36x10^-5 m2/s, what is the transfer rate per unit area at that point in the
column? How would the rate of transfer be affected if the ammonia air mixture
were compressed to double the pressure?
Ans. Na= 6.97x10^-5 kmol/m2 s, mass transfer rate remains the same.
Fifty kmol per hour of air is compressed from P1= 1.2bar to P2= 6 bar in a
steady-flow compressor. Delivered mechanical power is 98.8kW. temperatures
and velocities are: T1=300K, v1= 10m/s, T2= 520K, v2= 3.5m/s.
Estimate the rate of heat transfer from the compressor. Assume for air that
Cp=7/2R and that enthalpy is independent of pressure..
Ans. Q= -9.904kW
A liquid containing four components A,B,C and D with 0.3 mol fraction each of
A, B and C is to be continuously fractionated to give a top product of 0.9mol
fraction A and 0.1mol fraction B. the bottoms are to contain not more than
0.5mol fraction A. Estimate the minimum reflux ratio required for the
separation, if the relative volatility of A to B is 2. Ans. 2.71
For acetone 20C and 1bar: β= 1.487x10^-3 K^-1 , k= 62x10^-6bar, V= 1.287x10^-
3 m3/kg. find
The rate of flow of water in a 150mm diameter pipe is measured with a venture
meter with a 50mm diameter throat. When the pressure drop over the converging
section is 121mm of water, the flowrate is 2.91kg/s. what is the coefficient
for the converging cone of the meter at this flowrate?
One mol of an ideal gas Cp=7/2R and Cv= 5/2R, is compressed adiabatically in
a piston cylinder device from 2bar and 25C to 7bar. The process is
irreversible and requires 35% more work than a reversible, adiabatic
compression from the same initial state to the same final pressure. What is
the entropy change of the gas?
What change in entropy when 0.7m3 of CO2 and 0.3m3 N2, each at 1bar and 25C
blend to form a gas mixture at the same conditions? Assume ideal gases
Ans P= 136.4W
What will be the corresponding size cut for a suspension of coal particles in
oil fed at the rate of 0.04m3/s? the density of coal is 1300kg/m3 and the
density of the oil is 850 kg/m3 and its viscosity is 0.01 Ns/m2.It may be
assumed that Stokes law is applicable.
Ans. a.) ΔH= 159.9ft-lbf, b.) Power= 2.33hp c.) NPSH= 23.77ft
A paddle wheel provides 200kJ of work to the air contained in a 0.2m3 rigid
volume, initially at 400kPa and 40C. determine the entropy change if the
volume is insulated.
Ans. s= 0.4428kJ/K
600 liter/s of water at 320K is pumped in a 40mm i.d pipe through a length of
150m in a horizontal direction and up through a vertical height of 10m. in
the pipe there is a control valve which may be taken as equivalent to 200
pipe diameters and other pipe fittings equivalent to 60 pipe diameters. Alson
in the line there is a heat exchanger across which there is a loss in head of
1.5m of water. If the main pipe has a roughness of 0.0002m, what power must
be delivered to the pump if the unit is 60% efficient?
Ans. 128W
A 2–shell passes and 4-tube passes heat exchanger is used to heat glycerine
from 20C to 50C by hot water, which enters the thin-walled 2-cm-diameter
tubes at 80C and leaves 40C. the total length of the tubes in the heat
exchanger is 60m. the convection heat transfer coefficient is 25W/m2C on the
glycerine(shell) side and 160W/m2C on the water (tube) side. Determine the
rate of heat transfer in the heat exchanger a.) before any fouling occurs and
b.) after fouling with a fouling factor of 0.0006m2C/W occurs on the outer
surfaces of the tubes.
A rotary dryer is fed with sand at the rate of 1kg/s. the feed is 50% wet and
the sand is discharged with 3% moisture. The air enters at 380K with an
solute humidity of 0.007kg/kg. the wet sand enters at 294K and leaves at 309K
and the air leaves at 310K. calculate the mass air passing through the dryer
and the humidity of the air leaving the dryer. Allow a radiation loss of
25kJ/kg of dry air
Ans. Mass of air = 26.5kg/s, flow of inlet air= 26.7kg/s , Humidity= 0.025
kg/kg DA
Ammonia gas is diffusing through a uniform tube 0.1m long containing N2 gas
at 1.0132x10^5 Pa press and 298K. at point 1, Pa1= 1.013x10^4 Pa and at point
2, Pa2=0.507x10^4 Pa. the diffusivity DAB= 0.23x10^-4 m2/s
What is the emissivity of a grey surface, 10m2 in area, which radiates 1000kW
at 1500K? what should be the effect of increasing the temperature to 1600K?
A piston cylinder arrangement contains 0.02m3 of air at 50C and 400kPa. Heat
is added in the amount of 50kJ and work is done by a paddle wheel until the
temperature reaches 700C. if the pressure is held constant, how much paddle
wheel work must be added to the air? Assume constant specific heats.
Ans. W= -6.095kJ
Water flows in an open channel across a weir which occupies the full width of
the channel. The length of the weir is 0.5m and the height of water over the
weir is 100mm. what is the volumetric flowrate of water?
Ans. Q= 0.03m3/s
Helium is contained in a 2m3 rigid volume at 50C and 200kPa. Calculate the
heat transfer needed to increase the pressure to 800kPa.
Ans. Q= 1800kJ
One liter per minute of liquid containing A and B(CAO= 0.1mol/L, CBO=
0.01mol/L) flow into a mixed reactor of volume V= 1 liter. The materials
react in a complex manner for which the stoichiometry in unknown. The outlet
stream from the reactor contains A, B and C. ( CAf= 0.02 mol/L, CBf=
0.03mol/L, CCf= 0.04 mol/L). find the rate of reaction of A,B and C for the
conditions within the reactor.
A liquid reactant stream (1mol/liter) passes through two mixed flow reactors
in a series. The concentration of A in the exit of the first reactor is
0.5mol/liter. Find the concentration in the exit stream of the second
reactor. The reaction is second-order with respect to A and V2/V1= 2
a.) If the cross section of the empty bed is 0.3m2 and the bed
contains 300kg of solid, calculate the minimum height of the fluidized
b.) Calculate the pressure drop at minimum fluidizing conditions
c.) Calculate the minimum velocity for fluidization
Air enters a compressor at atmospheric conditions of 20C and 80kPa and exits
at 800kPa and 200C. Calculate the rate of heat transfer if the power input is
400kW. The air exits at 20m/s through an exit diameter of 10cm.
Ans. Q= -233.4kW
In a pilot scale test using a vessel 1m3 in volume, a solute was leached from
an inert solid and the water was 75% saturated in 100s. if, in a full-scale
unit, 500kg of the inert solid containing, as before, 28% by mass of the
water soluble component, is agitated with 100m2 of water, how long will it
take for all solute to dissolve, assuming conditions are equivalent to those
in the pilot scale vessel? Water is saturated with the solute at a
concentration of 2.5kg/m3?
t= 5906s (98mins)
Ans. r2=13.75mm
Ans. N= 4 stages
Ans. 42.1hp
Ans. forward feed, Economy= 2, Aave= 89m2, T1=369, T2=354, T3=325, Heat load
in condenser= 31.8kW
Backward feed, Economy= 2.3, Aave= 81m2, T1= 369.5K, T2= 349K, T3=