Midterm 22
Midterm 22
Midterm 22
Select the best answer for the multiple choice questions. There are 100 questions and 14
pages on the examination (seven two-sided pages). Notify the instructor/proctor if your
examination does not have all 14 pages. Clearly indicate on the scan form the one best
answer to each question among the answers provided. Be sure that you have selected your
choice correctly on the scan form. Be sure that you have entered your name and
identification number on the scan form and filled out the columns for the letters of your name
and numbers of your identification number correctly (see front and back). Use a #2 pencil and
fill all circles completely.
1. The greatest number of deaths globally caused by a parasite are due to:
a. Schistosomiasis
b. Malaria
c. Filariasis
d. Ascariasis
e. Hookworm
7. Which of the following parasites can cause rectal prolapse?
a. Hookworm
b. Acaris
c. Trichuris
d. All of the above
e. a. and c. above
10. Which stage of the trematode life cycle (not Schistosomes) is usually infectious for
a. Metacercaria
b. Cercaria
c. Sporocyst
d. Miracidium
e. All of the above are infectious for humans
12. The single most important practice to reduce hospital associated infections is:
a. Hand washing
b. Isolation of infectious disease patients.
c. Reverse flow hospital rooms
d. Face masks
e. Gloves
14. The most commonly acquired hospital-associated infections are in the:
a. Urinary tract
b. Surgical site
c. Bloodstream
d. Bladder
e. Sinuses
15. Humans are the major host for viral hemorrhagic fevers:
a. True
b. False
17. Staphylococcus aureus carriers can be identified by the presence of typical symptoms
of infection:
a. True
b. False
22. The highest proportion of chronic liver disease in the United States is caused by:
a. HAV
b. HBV
c. HCV
d. Alcohol
e. Unknown agents
27. The proportion of infections with HAV associated with symptoms is highest in:
a. Children < 2 years
b. Children 2-6 years
c. Adults
28. The incidence of HAV is highest in:
a. Children <2 years
b. Children 2-18 years
c. Adults
31. The risk of chronic HBV infection increases with age:
a. True
b. False
32. A reason for the dramatic decline in the incidence of acute HCV in the United States in
the early 1990s was due to:
a. Development of an effective vaccine
b. Development of a test that could be used to screen blood for HCV
c. Development of an effective treatment regimen
d. The rapid decline in the incidence of new injection drug users
36. There are over a million species of arthropods that suck blood:
a. True
b. False
40. Man is an accidental host for:
a. SLE
b. West Nile Virus
c. Dengue virus
d. All of the above
e. a. and b. above
45. The highest proportion of deaths due to malaria occur in which of the following age
a. <5 years
b. 6-9 years
c. 9-24 years
d. 25-49 years
e. The elderly
47. Malaria patients can transmit to mosquitoes only when they are having symptoms:
a. True
b. False
48. The cycle of symptoms is shortest for which of the following subtype of malaria?
a. Falciparum
b. Vivax
c. Ovale
d. Malariae
e. Knowlesi
49. The severity of symptoms and need for treatment increases with the level of malaria
a. True
b. False
54. An antigen:
a. Always stimulates antibody production
b. Always stimulates protective antibodies
c. Is always a live substance
d. All of the above
e. b. and c. above
55. Monitoring of vaccine efficacy and safety is completed with the successful completion of
phase 3 trials:
a. True
b. False
56. Which of the following vaccine types provides the strongest immune response to protect
against an agent?
a. Killed
b. Live, attenuated
c. Toxoid
d. Anti-toxin
e. Subunit
59. The human system with the greatest diversity of bacterial species is the:
a. Gut
b. Vagina
c. Lung
d. Skin
e. Eyes
60. Within an organ system, one species of organism usually represents the largest
a. True
b. False
61. The average human stomach has less than 10 different bacterial species:
a. True
b. False
63. What song should you sing while washing your hands to assure minimum residual
a. The national anthem
b. Happy birthday
c. Brahm’s lullaby
d. Beethoven’s Ode to Joy
e. A long day’s night
64. STIs are most common in which of the following age groups in the United States?
a. <15 years
b. 16-25 years
c. 25-39 years
d. 40-49 years
e. 50+
65. Cervical cancer can be diagnosed in female patients who have never had intercourse:
a. True
b. False
66. If a person received the first dose of the HPV vaccine but did not take the second dose
after the recommended interval of 8 weeks, he or she should:
a. Repeat the first dose
b. Continue to the second dose
c. It depends on the amount of time that has passed
d. Avoid taking additional vaccine doses
e. Take an alternative form of the vaccine
67. The HPV vaccine is not recommended for women over the age of 27 by the Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) because:
a. The cervical tissue is less susceptible to infection
b. There is a high likelihood of prior infection with the vaccine subtype
c. There is no clinical trial data available to support this recommendation
d. Decreased sexual activity
e. None of the above
69. The percentage of cancer cases attributable to HPV is highest for which of the following
a. Oropharyngeal
b. Penile
c. Vaginal
d. Vulvar
e. Anal
70. Rates of cervical cancer are highest among:
a. European-Americans
b. African-Americans
c. Canadian-Americans
d. Hispanic-Americans
e. Asian-Americans
72. HPV vaccination of high-risk groups based on risk-factor analysis (for females) would be
a more effective method than current universal age-based recommendations:
a. True
b. False
75. Genital warts have almost disappeared among young, sexually active persons in
Australia because:
a. Australians are practicing safer sex
b. The HPV vaccine uptake among young Australians is very high
c. Condoms in Australia are very cheap and very effective
d. The virus causing genital warts is not present in Australia
e. b. and c. above
76. The most common reportable STD in the United States is:
a. Gonorrhea
b. HSV-2
c. Chlamydia
d. Syphilis
e. HPV-6
77. In the United States, which STI is responsible for the highest proportion of STI-related
infertility in women?
a. Syphilis
b. Chlamydia
c. Trichomonas
d. HSV
e. HPV
78. Drug resistance is a major problem for which of the following STIs?
a. Chlamydia
b. Treponema pallidum
c. N. gonorrhoeae
d. Shigella
e. Mycoplasma genitalium
79. N. gonorrhoeae is most common in which of the following ethnic groups in the U.S.?
a. European-Americans
b. Asian-Americans
c. African-Americans
d. Hispanic Americans
e. Canadian-Americans
81. A skin rash on the hands and feet is typical of which of the following STIs?
a. Chlamydia
b. Treponema pallidum
c. N. gonorrhoeae
d. Hepatitis C
e. Mycoplasma genitalium
82. Syphilis rates in the United States are highest among men:
a. True
b. False
83. An individual who has asymptomatic HSV-2 infection cannot transmit their infection to
a. True
b. False
84. The HPV strains that cause the majority of cervical cancer are:
a. 16 and 18
b. 6 and 8
c. 6 and 11
d. 11 and 18
e. 8 and 18
85. According to Tobler’s First Law of Geography:
a. Distant things are more related than near things
b. All things are related
c. Near things are more related than distant things
d. b. and c.
e. None of the above
87. Analysis of the maps of John Snow to pinpoint the Broad Street pump as the source of
the cholera outbreak utilizes which GIS feature?
a. 2x2 tables
b. Time trends
c. Density plots
d. Proximity buffers
e. Animations
88. Using GIS, it was observed that a high density of coccidiodomycosis cases in LA
County were associated with:
a. A prison
b. The desert landscape
c. Contaminated water supply
d. All of the above
e. a. and b.
89. A useful way to graphically summarize the distribution of West Nile Virus in LA County
over time is using:
a. Network analysis
b. Density plots
c. Standard deviation ellipse
d. A. and b.
e. None of the above
91. The fastest growing demographics in LA County are:
a. African-American and Latino
b. Latino and Caucasian
c. Asian and Latino
d. African-American and Asian
e. Caucasian and African-American
94. HIV-infected individuals who do not have progressive loss of CD4 cells:
a. Maintain an equilibrium between cell proliferation and viral replication
b. Are often heterozygous for the gene coding the CCR5 receptor
c. Are infected with a benign strain of HIV
d. All of the above
e. a. and b. above
95. In the Southern African modeling study to predict the number of infections among MSM
averted in the next five years, the factor that made the greatest contribution was:
a. A 50% increase in ART coverage
b. 50% acceptance of PREP by high-risk individuals
c. A 50% reduction in the number of persons practicing anal intercourse
d. A 5% increase in HIV testing
98. Which of the following drugs should be used to treat tuberculosis?
a. RIF
b. PZA
c. STP
d. ETH
e. A combination of drugs